path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/PAR/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/PAR/')
1 files changed, 1425 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/PAR/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/PAR/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..2c39a54804a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/PAR/
@@ -0,0 +1,1425 @@
+package PAR::Dist;
+use 5.006;
+use strict;
+require Exporter;
+$VERSION = '0.47'; # Change version in POD, too!
+@ISA = 'Exporter';
+@EXPORT = qw/
+ blib_to_par
+ install_par
+ uninstall_par
+ sign_par
+ verify_par
+ merge_par
+ remove_man
+ get_meta
+ generate_blib_stub
+@EXPORT_OK = qw/
+ parse_dist_name
+ contains_binaries
+$DEBUG = 0;
+use Carp qw/carp croak/;
+use File::Spec;
+=head1 NAME
+PAR::Dist - Create and manipulate PAR distributions
+=head1 VERSION
+This document describes version 0.47 of PAR::Dist, released November 29, 2009.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+As a shell command:
+ % perl -MPAR::Dist -eblib_to_par
+In programs:
+ use PAR::Dist;
+ my $dist = blib_to_par(); # make a PAR file using ./blib/
+ install_par($dist); # install it into the system
+ uninstall_par($dist); # uninstall it from the system
+ sign_par($dist); # sign it using Module::Signature
+ verify_par($dist); # verify it using Module::Signature
+ install_par(""); # works too
+ install_par(""); # auto-appends archname + perlver
+ install_par("cpan://SMUELLER/PAR-Packer-0.975"); # uses CPAN author directory
+This module creates and manipulates I<PAR distributions>. They are
+architecture-specific B<PAR> files, containing everything under F<blib/>
+of CPAN distributions after their C<make> or C<Build> stage, a
+F<META.yml> describing metadata of the original CPAN distribution,
+and a F<MANIFEST> detailing all files within it. Digitally signed PAR
+distributions will also contain a F<SIGNATURE> file.
+The naming convention for such distributions is:
+For example, C<PAR-Dist-0.01-i386-freebsd-5.8.0.par> corresponds to the
+0.01 release of C<PAR-Dist> on CPAN, built for perl 5.8.0 running on
+Several functions are exported by default. Unless otherwise noted,
+they can take either a hash of
+named arguments, a single argument (taken as C<$path> by C<blib_to_par>
+and C<$dist> by other functions), or no arguments (in which case
+the first PAR file in the current directory is used).
+Therefore, under a directory containing only a single F<test.par>, all
+invocations below are equivalent:
+ % perl -MPAR::Dist -e"install_par( dist => 'test.par' )"
+ % perl -MPAR::Dist -e"install_par( 'test.par' )"
+ % perl -MPAR::Dist -einstall_par;
+If C<$dist> resembles a URL, C<LWP::Simple::mirror> is called to mirror it
+locally under C<$ENV{PAR_TEMP}> (or C<$TEMP/par/> if unspecified), and the
+function will act on the fetched local file instead. If the URL begins
+with C<cpan://AUTHOR/>, it will be expanded automatically to the author's CPAN
+directory (e.g. C<>).
+If C<$dist> does not have a file extension beginning with a letter or
+underscore, a dash and C<$suffix> ($ARCH-$PERL_VERSION.par by default)
+will be appended to it.
+=head2 blib_to_par
+Takes key/value pairs as parameters or a single parameter indicating the
+path that contains the F<blib/> subdirectory.
+Builds a PAR distribution from the F<blib/> subdirectory under C<path>, or
+under the current directory if unspecified. If F<blib/> does not exist,
+it automatically runs F<Build>, F<make>, F<Build.PL> or F<Makefile.PL> to
+create it.
+Returns the filename of the generated PAR distribution.
+Valid parameters are:
+=over 2
+=item path
+Sets the path which contains the F<blib/> subdirectory from which the PAR
+distribution will be generated.
+=item name, version, suffix
+These attributes set the name, version and platform specific suffix
+of the distribution. Name and version can be automatically
+determined from the distributions F<META.yml> or F<Makefile.PL> files.
+The suffix is generated from your architecture name and your version of
+perl by default.
+=item dist
+The output filename for the PAR distribution.
+=item quiet
+Set to true to suppress as much output as possible.
+sub blib_to_par {
+ @_ = (path => @_) if @_ == 1;
+ my %args = @_;
+ require Config;
+ # don't use 'my $foo ... if ...' it creates a static variable!
+ my $quiet = $args{quiet} || 0;
+ my $dist;
+ my $path = $args{path};
+ $dist = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{dist}) if $args{dist};
+ my $name = $args{name};
+ my $version = $args{version};
+ my $suffix = $args{suffix} || "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}.par";
+ my $cwd;
+ if (defined $path) {
+ require Cwd;
+ $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ chdir $path;
+ }
+ _build_blib() unless -d "blib";
+ my @files;
+ open MANIFEST, ">", File::Spec->catfile("blib", "MANIFEST") or die $!;
+ open META, ">", File::Spec->catfile("blib", "META.yml") or die $!;
+ require File::Find;
+ File::Find::find( sub {
+ next unless $File::Find::name;
+ (-r && !-d) and push ( @files, substr($File::Find::name, 5) );
+ } , 'blib' );
+ print MANIFEST join(
+ "\n",
+ ' <!-- accessible as jar:file:///NAME.par!/MANIFEST in compliant browsers -->',
+ (sort @files),
+ q( # <html><body onload="var X=document.body.innerHTML.split(/\n/);var Y='<iframe src=&quot;META.yml&quot; style=&quot;float:right;height:40%;width:40%&quot;></iframe><ul>';for(var x in X){if(!X[x].match(/^\s*#/)&&X[x].length)Y+='<li><a href=&quot;'+X[x]+'&quot;>'+X[x]+'</a>'}document.body.innerHTML=Y">)
+ );
+ close MANIFEST;
+ if (open(OLD_META, "META.yml")) {
+ while (<OLD_META>) {
+ if (/^distribution_type:/) {
+ print META "distribution_type: par\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ print META $_;
+ }
+ if (/^name:\s+(.*)/) {
+ $name ||= $1;
+ $name =~ s/::/-/g;
+ }
+ elsif (/^version:\s+.*Module::Build::Version/) {
+ while (<OLD_META>) {
+ /^\s+original:\s+(.*)/ or next;
+ $version ||= $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^version:\s+(.*)/) {
+ $version ||= $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close OLD_META;
+ close META;
+ }
+ if ((!$name or !$version) and open(MAKEFILE, "Makefile")) {
+ while (<MAKEFILE>) {
+ if (/^DISTNAME\s+=\s+(.*)$/) {
+ $name ||= $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^VERSION\s+=\s+(.*)$/) {
+ $version ||= $1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (not defined($name) or not defined($version)) {
+ # could not determine name or version. Error.
+ my $what;
+ if (not defined $name) {
+ $what = 'name';
+ $what .= ' and version' if not defined $version;
+ }
+ elsif (not defined $version) {
+ $what = 'version';
+ }
+ carp("I was unable to determine the $what of the PAR distribution. Please create a Makefile or META.yml file from which we can infer the information or just specify the missing information as an option to blib_to_par.");
+ return();
+ }
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ $version =~ s/\s+$//;
+ my $file = "$name-$version-$suffix";
+ unlink $file if -f $file;
+ print META << "YAML" if fileno(META);
+name: $name
+version: $version
+build_requires: {}
+conflicts: {}
+dist_name: $file
+distribution_type: par
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'PAR::Dist version $PAR::Dist::VERSION'
+license: unknown
+ close META;
+ mkdir('blib', 0777);
+ chdir('blib');
+ require Cwd;
+ my $zipoutfile = File::Spec->catfile(File::Spec->updir, $file);
+ _zip(dist => $zipoutfile);
+ chdir(File::Spec->updir);
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile("blib", "MANIFEST");
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile("blib", "META.yml");
+ $dist ||= File::Spec->catfile($cwd, $file) if $cwd;
+ if ($dist and $file ne $dist) {
+ if ( File::Copy::copy($file, $dist) ) {
+ unlink $file;
+ } else {
+ die "Cannot copy $file: $!";
+ }
+ $file = $dist;
+ }
+ my $pathname = File::Spec->rel2abs($file);
+ if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+ $pathname =~ s!\\!/!g;
+ $pathname =~ s!:!|!g;
+ };
+ print << "." if !$quiet;
+Successfully created binary distribution '$file'.
+Its contents are accessible in compliant browsers as:
+ jar:file://$pathname!/MANIFEST
+ chdir $cwd if $cwd;
+ return $file;
+sub _build_blib {
+ if (-e 'Build') {
+ _system_wrapper($^X, "Build");
+ }
+ elsif (-e 'Makefile') {
+ _system_wrapper($Config::Config{make});
+ }
+ elsif (-e 'Build.PL') {
+ _system_wrapper($^X, "Build.PL");
+ _system_wrapper($^X, "Build");
+ }
+ elsif (-e 'Makefile.PL') {
+ _system_wrapper($^X, "Makefile.PL");
+ _system_wrapper($Config::Config{make});
+ }
+=head2 install_par
+Installs a PAR distribution into the system, using
+If only a single parameter is given, it is treated as the value for the
+C<dist> parameter.
+Valid named parameters are:
+=over 2
+=item dist
+The .par file to install. The heuristics outlined in the B<FUNCTIONS>
+section above apply.
+=item prefix
+This string will be prepended to all installation paths.
+If it isn't specified, the environment variable
+C<PERL_INSTALL_ROOT> is used as a prefix.
+=item uninstall_shadows
+This corresponds to the C<uninstall_shadows> option of L<ExtUtils::Install>. Quoting its manual:
+If C<uninstall_shadows> is set to true, any differing versions throughout C<@INC>
+will be uninstalled. This is C<make install UNINST=1>.
+=item verbose
+This corresponds to the C<verbose> option of L<ExtUtils::Install>. According to its manual:
+If C<verbose> is true, will print out each file removed. This is C<make install VERBINST=1>.
+C<verbose> values going up to 5 show increasingly more diagnostics output.
+Default verbosity for PAR::Dist is 1.
+If you're just going to install into the running perl like everything else,
+you can stop reading the rest of this section now.
+Additionally, you can use several parameters to change the default
+installation destinations. You don't usually have to worry about this
+unless you are installing into a user-local directory.
+The following section outlines the parameter names and default settings:
+ Parameter From To
+ inst_lib blib/lib $Config{installsitelib} (*)
+ inst_archlib blib/arch $Config{installsitearch}
+ inst_script blib/script $Config{installscript}
+ inst_bin blib/bin $Config{installbin}
+ inst_man1dir blib/man1 $Config{installman1dir}
+ inst_man3dir blib/man3 $Config{installman3dir}
+ packlist_read $Config{sitearchexp}/auto/$name/.packlist
+ packlist_write $Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist
+The C<packlist_write> parameter is used to control where the F<.packlist>
+file is written to. (Necessary for uninstallation.)
+The C<packlist_read> parameter specifies a .packlist file to merge in if
+it exists. By setting any of the above installation targets to C<undef>,
+you can remove that target altogether. For example, passing
+C<< inst_man1dir => undef, inst_man3dir => undef >> means that the contained
+manual pages won't be installed. This is not available for the packlists.
+Again, the defaults will be the normal I<site> paths from C<%Config>.
+(*) If the C<.par>'s I<inst_archlib> section (normally C<blib/arch>)
+isn't empty, the code in I<inst_lib> (normally C<blib/lib>) is also installed
+into the I<inst_archlib> path. This makes sense for XS modules.
+If, however, you override C<inst_lib>, this automatic conversion is
+also overridden! You can use the named parameter
+C<auto_inst_lib_conversion =E<gt> 1> to re-enable the conversion
+for custom I<inst_lib>'s.
+Finally, you may specify a C<custom_targets> parameter. Its value should be
+a reference to a hash of custom installation targets such as
+ custom_targets => { 'blib/my_data' => '/some/path/my_data' }
+You can use this to install the F<.par> archives contents to arbitrary
+sub install_par {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ _install_or_uninstall(%args, action => 'install');
+=head2 uninstall_par
+Uninstalls all previously installed contents of a PAR distribution,
+using C<ExtUtils::Install::uninstall>.
+Takes almost the same parameters as C<install_par>, but naturally,
+the installation target parameters do not apply. The only exception
+to this is the C<packlist_read> parameter which specifies the
+F<.packlist> file to read the list of installed files from.
+It defaults to C<$Config::Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist>.
+Additionally, the C<uninstall_shadows> parameter of C<install_par>
+isn't available.
+sub uninstall_par {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ _install_or_uninstall(%args, action => 'uninstall');
+sub _install_or_uninstall {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $name = $args{name};
+ my $action = $args{action};
+ my %ENV_copy = %ENV;
+ $ENV{PERL_INSTALL_ROOT} = $args{prefix} if defined $args{prefix};
+ require Cwd;
+ my $old_dir = Cwd::cwd();
+ my ($dist, $tmpdir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir( dist => $args{dist}, subdir => 'blib' );
+ if ( open (META, File::Spec->catfile('blib', 'META.yml')) ) {
+ while (<META>) {
+ next unless /^name:\s+(.*)/;
+ $name = $1;
+ $name =~ s/\s+$//;
+ last;
+ }
+ close META;
+ }
+ return if not defined $name or $name eq '';
+ if (-d 'script') {
+ require ExtUtils::MY;
+ foreach my $file (glob("script/*")) {
+ next unless -T $file;
+ ExtUtils::MY->fixin($file);
+ chmod(0555, $file);
+ }
+ }
+ $name =~ s{::|-}{/}g;
+ require ExtUtils::Install;
+ if ($action eq 'install') {
+ my $target = _installation_target( File::Spec->curdir, $name, \%args );
+ my $custom_targets = $args{custom_targets} || {};
+ $target->{$_} = $custom_targets->{$_} foreach keys %{$custom_targets};
+ my $uninstall_shadows = $args{uninstall_shadows};
+ my $verbose = $args{verbose};
+ ExtUtils::Install::install($target, $verbose, 0, $uninstall_shadows);
+ }
+ elsif ($action eq 'uninstall') {
+ require Config;
+ my $verbose = $args{verbose};
+ ExtUtils::Install::uninstall(
+ $args{packlist_read}||"$Config::Config{installsitearch}/auto/$name/.packlist",
+ $verbose
+ );
+ }
+ %ENV = %ENV_copy;
+ chdir($old_dir);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$tmpdir]);
+ return 1;
+# Returns the default installation target as used by
+# ExtUtils::Install::install(). First parameter should be the base
+# directory containing the blib/ we're installing from.
+# Second parameter should be the name of the distribution for the packlist
+# paths. Third parameter may be a hash reference with user defined keys for
+# the target hash. In fact, any contents that do not start with 'inst_' are
+# skipped.
+sub _installation_target {
+ require Config;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my $name = shift;
+ my $user = shift || {};
+ # accepted sources (and user overrides)
+ my %sources = (
+ inst_lib => File::Spec->catdir($dir,"blib","lib"),
+ inst_archlib => File::Spec->catdir($dir,"blib","arch"),
+ inst_bin => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','bin'),
+ inst_script => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','script'),
+ inst_man1dir => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','man1'),
+ inst_man3dir => File::Spec->catdir($dir,'blib','man3'),
+ packlist_read => 'read',
+ packlist_write => 'write',
+ );
+ my $par_has_archlib = _directory_not_empty( $sources{inst_archlib} );
+ # default targets
+ my $target = {
+ read => $Config::Config{sitearchexp}."/auto/$name/.packlist",
+ write => $Config::Config{installsitearch}."/auto/$name/.packlist",
+ $sources{inst_lib} =>
+ ($par_has_archlib
+ ? $Config::Config{installsitearch}
+ : $Config::Config{installsitelib}),
+ $sources{inst_archlib} => $Config::Config{installsitearch},
+ $sources{inst_bin} => $Config::Config{installbin} ,
+ $sources{inst_script} => $Config::Config{installscript},
+ $sources{inst_man1dir} => $Config::Config{installman1dir},
+ $sources{inst_man3dir} => $Config::Config{installman3dir},
+ };
+ # Included for future support for ${flavour}perl external lib installation
+# if ($Config::Config{flavour_perl}) {
+# my $ext = File::Spec->catdir($dir, 'blib', 'ext');
+# # from => to
+# $sources{inst_external_lib} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'lib');
+# $sources{inst_external_bin} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'bin');
+# $sources{inst_external_include} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'include');
+# $sources{inst_external_src} = File::Spec->catdir($ext, 'src');
+# $target->{ $sources{inst_external_lib} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_lib};
+# $target->{ $sources{inst_external_bin} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_bin};
+# $target->{ $sources{inst_external_include} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_include};
+# $target->{ $sources{inst_external_src} } = $Config::Config{flavour_install_src};
+# }
+ # insert user overrides
+ foreach my $key (keys %$user) {
+ my $value = $user->{$key};
+ if (not defined $value and $key ne 'packlist_read' and $key ne 'packlist_write') {
+ # undef means "remove"
+ delete $target->{ $sources{$key} };
+ }
+ elsif (exists $sources{$key}) {
+ # overwrite stuff, don't let the user create new entries
+ $target->{ $sources{$key} } = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ # apply the automatic inst_lib => inst_archlib conversion again
+ # if the user asks for it and there is an archlib in the .par
+ if ($user->{auto_inst_lib_conversion} and $par_has_archlib) {
+ $target->{inst_lib} = $target->{inst_archlib};
+ }
+ return $target;
+sub _directory_not_empty {
+ require File::Find;
+ my($dir) = @_;
+ my $files = 0;
+ File::Find::find(sub {
+ return if $_ eq ".exists";
+ if (-f) {
+ $File::Find::prune++;
+ $files = 1;
+ }
+ }, $dir);
+ return $files;
+=head2 sign_par
+Digitally sign a PAR distribution using C<gpg> or B<Crypt::OpenPGP>,
+via B<Module::Signature>.
+sub sign_par {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ _verify_or_sign(%args, action => 'sign');
+=head2 verify_par
+Verify the digital signature of a PAR distribution using C<gpg> or
+B<Crypt::OpenPGP>, via B<Module::Signature>.
+Returns a boolean value indicating whether verification passed; C<$!>
+is set to the return code of C<Module::Signature::verify>.
+sub verify_par {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ $! = _verify_or_sign(%args, action => 'verify');
+ return ( $! == Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_OK() );
+=head2 merge_par
+I<Note:> Since version 0.32 of PAR::Dist, this function requires a YAML
+reader. The order of precedence is:
+Merges two or more PAR distributions into one. First argument must
+be the name of the distribution you want to merge all others into.
+Any following arguments will be interpreted as the file names of
+further PAR distributions to merge into the first one.
+ merge_par('foo.par', 'bar.par', 'baz.par')
+This will merge the distributions C<foo.par>, C<bar.par> and C<baz.par>
+into the distribution C<foo.par>. C<foo.par> will be overwritten!
+The original META.yml of C<foo.par> is retained, but augmented with any
+C<provides>, C<requires>, C<recommends>, C<build_requires>, and
+C<configure_requires> sections from the other C<.par> files.
+sub merge_par {
+ my $base_par = shift;
+ my @additional_pars = @_;
+ require Cwd;
+ require File::Copy;
+ require File::Path;
+ require File::Find;
+ # parameter checking
+ if (not defined $base_par) {
+ croak "First argument to merge_par() must be the .par archive to modify.";
+ }
+ if (not -f $base_par or not -r _ or not -w _) {
+ croak "'$base_par' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read and modify it.";
+ }
+ foreach (@additional_pars) {
+ if (not -f $_ or not -r _) {
+ croak "'$_' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read it.";
+ }
+ }
+ # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir.
+ my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir.
+ (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir(
+ dist => $base_par, subdir => 'blib'
+ );
+ my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib');
+ # move the META.yml to the (main) temp. dir.
+ my $main_meta_file = File::Spec->catfile($base_dir, 'META.yml');
+ File::Copy::move(
+ File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'),
+ $main_meta_file
+ );
+ # delete (incorrect) MANIFEST
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST');
+ # extract additional pars and merge
+ foreach my $par (@additional_pars) {
+ # restore original directory because the par path
+ # might have been relative!
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ (undef, my $add_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir(
+ dist => $par
+ );
+ # merge the meta (at least the provides info) into the main meta.yml
+ my $meta_file = File::Spec->catfile($add_dir, 'META.yml');
+ if (-f $meta_file) {
+ _merge_meta($main_meta_file, $meta_file);
+ }
+ my @files;
+ my @dirs;
+ # I hate File::Find
+ # And I hate writing portable code, too.
+ File::Find::find(
+ {wanted =>sub {
+ my $file = $File::Find::name;
+ push @files, $file if -f $file;
+ push @dirs, $file if -d _;
+ }},
+ $add_dir
+ );
+ my ($vol, $subdir, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $add_dir, 1);
+ my @dir = File::Spec->splitdir( $subdir );
+ # merge directory structure
+ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ my ($v, $d, undef) = File::Spec->splitpath( $dir, 1 );
+ my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d );
+ shift @d foreach @dir; # remove tmp dir from path
+ my $target = File::Spec->catdir( $blibdir, @d );
+ mkdir($target);
+ }
+ # merge files
+ foreach my $file (@files) {
+ my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file );
+ my @d = File::Spec->splitdir( $d );
+ shift @d foreach @dir; # remove tmp dir from path
+ my $target = File::Spec->catfile(
+ File::Spec->catdir( $blibdir, @d ),
+ $f
+ );
+ File::Copy::copy($file, $target)
+ or die "Could not copy '$file' to '$target': $!";
+ }
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$add_dir]);
+ }
+ # delete (copied) MANIFEST and META.yml
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST');
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml');
+ chdir($base_dir);
+ my $resulting_par_file = Cwd::abs_path(blib_to_par(quiet => 1));
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ File::Copy::move($resulting_par_file, $base_par);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]);
+sub _merge_meta {
+ my $meta_orig_file = shift;
+ my $meta_extra_file = shift;
+ return() if not defined $meta_orig_file or not -f $meta_orig_file;
+ return 1 if not defined $meta_extra_file or not -f $meta_extra_file;
+ my $yaml_functions = _get_yaml_functions();
+ die "Cannot merge META.yml files without a YAML reader/writer"
+ if !exists $yaml_functions->{LoadFile}
+ or !exists $yaml_functions->{DumpFile};
+ my $orig_meta = $yaml_functions->{LoadFile}->($meta_orig_file);
+ my $extra_meta = $yaml_functions->{LoadFile}->($meta_extra_file);
+ # I seem to remember there was this incompatibility between the different
+ # YAML implementations with regards to "document" handling:
+ my $orig_tree = (ref($orig_meta) eq 'ARRAY' ? $orig_meta->[0] : $orig_meta);
+ my $extra_tree = (ref($extra_meta) eq 'ARRAY' ? $extra_meta->[0] : $extra_meta);
+ _merge_provides($orig_tree, $extra_tree);
+ _merge_requires($orig_tree, $extra_tree);
+ $yaml_functions->{DumpFile}->($meta_orig_file, $orig_meta);
+ return 1;
+# merge the two-level provides sections of META.yml
+sub _merge_provides {
+ my $orig_hash = shift;
+ my $extra_hash = shift;
+ return() if not exists $extra_hash->{provides};
+ $orig_hash->{provides} ||= {};
+ my $orig_provides = $orig_hash->{provides};
+ my $extra_provides = $extra_hash->{provides};
+ # two level clone is enough wrt META spec 1.4
+ # overwrite the original provides since we're also overwriting the files.
+ foreach my $module (keys %$extra_provides) {
+ my $extra_mod_hash = $extra_provides->{$module};
+ my %mod_hash;
+ $mod_hash{$_} = $extra_mod_hash->{$_} for keys %$extra_mod_hash;
+ $orig_provides->{$module} = \%mod_hash;
+ }
+# merge the single-level requires-like sections of META.yml
+sub _merge_requires {
+ my $orig_hash = shift;
+ my $extra_hash = shift;
+ foreach my $type (qw(requires build_requires configure_requires recommends)) {
+ next if not exists $extra_hash->{$type};
+ $orig_hash->{$type} ||= {};
+ # one level clone is enough wrt META spec 1.4
+ foreach my $module (keys %{ $extra_hash->{$type} }) {
+ # FIXME there should be a version comparison here, BUT how are we going to do that without a guaranteed
+ $orig_hash->{$type}{$module} = $extra_hash->{$type}{$module}; # assign version and module name
+ }
+ }
+=head2 remove_man
+Remove the man pages from a PAR distribution. Takes one named
+parameter: I<dist> which should be the name (and path) of the
+PAR distribution file. The calling conventions outlined in
+the C<FUNCTIONS> section above apply.
+The PAR archive will be
+extracted, stripped of all C<man\d?> and C<html> subdirectories
+and then repackaged into the original file.
+sub remove_man {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $par = $args{dist};
+ require Cwd;
+ require File::Copy;
+ require File::Path;
+ require File::Find;
+ # parameter checking
+ if (not defined $par) {
+ croak "First argument to remove_man() must be the .par archive to modify.";
+ }
+ if (not -f $par or not -r _ or not -w _) {
+ croak "'$par' is not a file or you do not have enough permissions to read and modify it.";
+ }
+ # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir.
+ my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir.
+ (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir(
+ dist => $par, subdir => 'blib'
+ );
+ my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib');
+ # move the META.yml to the (main) temp. dir.
+ File::Copy::move(
+ File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml'),
+ File::Spec->catfile($base_dir, 'META.yml')
+ );
+ # delete (incorrect) MANIFEST
+ unlink File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'MANIFEST');
+ opendir DIRECTORY, 'blib' or die $!;
+ my @dirs = grep { /^blib\/(?:man\d*|html)$/ }
+ grep { -d $_ }
+ map { File::Spec->catfile('blib', $_) }
+ readdir DIRECTORY;
+ close DIRECTORY;
+ File::Path::rmtree(\@dirs);
+ chdir($base_dir);
+ my $resulting_par_file = Cwd::abs_path(blib_to_par());
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ File::Copy::move($resulting_par_file, $par);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]);
+=head2 get_meta
+Opens a PAR archive and extracts the contained META.yml file.
+Returns the META.yml file as a string.
+Takes one named parameter: I<dist>. If only one parameter is
+passed, it is treated as the I<dist> parameter. (Have a look
+at the description in the C<FUNCTIONS> section above.)
+Returns undef if no PAR archive or no META.yml within the
+archive were found.
+sub get_meta {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $dist = $args{dist};
+ return undef if not defined $dist or not -r $dist;
+ require Cwd;
+ require File::Path;
+ # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir.
+ my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir.
+ (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir(
+ dist => $dist, subdir => 'blib'
+ );
+ my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib');
+ my $meta = File::Spec->catfile($blibdir, 'META.yml');
+ if (not -r $meta) {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ open FH, '<', $meta
+ or die "Could not open file '$meta' for reading: $!";
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $meta_text = <FH>;
+ close FH;
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]);
+ return $meta_text;
+sub _unzip {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $dist = $args{dist};
+ my $path = $args{path} || File::Spec->curdir;
+ return unless -f $dist;
+ # Try fast unzipping first
+ if (eval { require Archive::Unzip::Burst; 1 }) {
+ my $return = !Archive::Unzip::Burst::unzip($dist, $path);
+ return if $return; # true return value == error (a la system call)
+ }
+ # Then slow unzipping
+ if (eval { require Archive::Zip; 1 }) {
+ my $zip = Archive::Zip->new;
+ local %SIG;
+ $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { print STDERR $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /\bstat\b/ };
+ return unless $zip->read($dist) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK()
+ and $zip->extractTree('', "$path/") == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK();
+ }
+ # Then fall back to the system
+ else {
+ undef $!;
+ if (_system_wrapper(unzip => $dist, '-d', $path)) {
+ die "Failed to unzip '$dist' to path '$path': Could neither load "
+ . "Archive::Zip nor (successfully) run the system 'unzip' (unzip said: $!)";
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub _zip {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $dist = $args{dist};
+ if (eval { require Archive::Zip; 1 }) {
+ my $zip = Archive::Zip->new;
+ $zip->addTree( File::Spec->curdir, '' );
+ $zip->writeToFileNamed( $dist ) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK() or die $!;
+ }
+ else {
+ undef $!;
+ if (_system_wrapper(qw(zip -r), $dist, File::Spec->curdir)) {
+ die "Failed to zip '" .File::Spec->curdir(). "' to '$dist': Could neither load "
+ . "Archive::Zip nor (successfully) run the system 'zip' (zip said: $!)";
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# This sub munges the arguments to most of the PAR::Dist functions
+# into a hash. On the way, it downloads PAR archives as necessary, etc.
+sub _args {
+ # default to the first .par in the CWD
+ if (not @_) {
+ @_ = (glob('*.par'))[0];
+ }
+ # single argument => it's a distribution file name or URL
+ @_ = (dist => @_) if @_ == 1;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $args{name} ||= $args{dist};
+ # If we are installing from an URL, we want to munge the
+ # distribution name so that it is in form "Module-Name"
+ if (defined $args{name}) {
+ $args{name} =~ s/^\w+:\/\///;
+ my @elems = parse_dist_name($args{name});
+ # @elems is name, version, arch, perlversion
+ if (defined $elems[0]) {
+ $args{name} = $elems[0];
+ }
+ else {
+ $args{name} =~ s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
+ $args{name} =~ s/^([0-9A-Za-z_-]+)-\d+\..+$/$1/;
+ }
+ }
+ # append suffix if there is none
+ if ($args{dist} and not $args{dist} =~ /\.[a-zA-Z_][^.]*$/) {
+ require Config;
+ my $suffix = $args{suffix};
+ $suffix ||= "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}.par";
+ $args{dist} .= "-$suffix";
+ }
+ # download if it's an URL
+ if ($args{dist} and $args{dist} =~ m!^\w+://!) {
+ $args{dist} = _fetch(dist => $args{dist})
+ }
+ return %args;
+# Download PAR archive, but only if necessary (mirror!)
+my %escapes;
+sub _fetch {
+ my %args = @_;
+ if ($args{dist} =~ s/^file:\/\///) {
+ return $args{dist} if -e $args{dist};
+ return;
+ }
+ require LWP::Simple;
+ $ENV{PAR_TEMP} ||= File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, 'par');
+ mkdir $ENV{PAR_TEMP}, 0777;
+ %escapes = map { chr($_) => sprintf("%%%02X", $_) } 0..255 unless %escapes;
+ $args{dist} =~ s{^cpan://((([a-zA-Z])[a-zA-Z])[-_a-zA-Z]+)/}
+ {\U$3/$2/$1\E/};
+ my $file = $args{dist};
+ $file =~ s/([^\w\.])/$escapes{$1}/g;
+ $file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{PAR_TEMP}, $file);
+ my $rc = LWP::Simple::mirror( $args{dist}, $file );
+ if (!LWP::Simple::is_success($rc) and $rc != 304) {
+ die "Error $rc: ", LWP::Simple::status_message($rc), " ($args{dist})\n";
+ }
+ return $file if -e $file;
+ return;
+sub _verify_or_sign {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ require File::Path;
+ require Module::Signature;
+ die "Module::Signature version 0.25 required"
+ unless Module::Signature->VERSION >= 0.25;
+ require Cwd;
+ my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ my $action = $args{action};
+ my ($dist, $tmpdir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir($args{dist});
+ $action ||= (-e 'SIGNATURE' ? 'verify' : 'sign');
+ if ($action eq 'sign') {
+ open FH, '>SIGNATURE' unless -e 'SIGNATURE';
+ open FH, 'MANIFEST' or die $!;
+ local $/;
+ my $out = <FH>;
+ if ($out !~ /^SIGNATURE(?:\s|$)/m) {
+ $out =~ s/^(?!\s)/SIGNATURE\n/m;
+ open FH, '>MANIFEST' or die $!;
+ print FH $out;
+ }
+ close FH;
+ $args{overwrite} = 1 unless exists $args{overwrite};
+ $args{skip} = 0 unless exists $args{skip};
+ }
+ my $rv = Module::Signature->can($action)->(%args);
+ _zip(dist => $dist) if $action eq 'sign';
+ File::Path::rmtree([$tmpdir]);
+ chdir($cwd);
+ return $rv;
+sub _unzip_to_tmpdir {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ require File::Temp;
+ my $dist = File::Spec->rel2abs($args{dist});
+ my $tmpdirname = File::Spec->catdir(File::Spec->tmpdir, "parXXXXX");
+ my $tmpdir = File::Temp::mkdtemp($tmpdirname)
+ or die "Could not create temporary directory from template '$tmpdirname': $!";
+ my $path = $tmpdir;
+ $path = File::Spec->catdir($tmpdir, $args{subdir}) if defined $args{subdir};
+ _unzip(dist => $dist, path => $path);
+ chdir $tmpdir;
+ return ($dist, $tmpdir);
+=head2 parse_dist_name
+First argument must be a distribution file name. The file name
+is parsed into I<distribution name>, I<distribution version>,
+I<architecture name>, and I<perl version>.
+Returns the results as a list in the above order.
+If any or all of the above cannot be determined, returns undef instead
+of the undetermined elements.
+Supported formats are:
+The ".tar.gz" or ".par" extensions as well as any
+preceding paths are stripped before parsing. Starting with C<PAR::Dist>
+0.22, versions containing a preceding C<v> are parsed correctly.
+This function is not exported by default.
+sub parse_dist_name {
+ my $file = shift;
+ return(undef, undef, undef, undef) if not defined $file;
+ (undef, undef, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath($file);
+ my $version = qr/v?(?:\d+(?:_\d+)?|\d*(?:\.\d+(?:_\d+)?)+)/;
+ $file =~ s/\.(?:par|tar\.gz|tar)$//i;
+ my @elem = split /-/, $file;
+ my (@dn, $dv, @arch, $pv);
+ while (@elem) {
+ my $e = shift @elem;
+ if (
+ $e =~ /^$version$/o
+ and not(# if not next token also a version
+ # (assumes an arch string doesnt start with a version...)
+ @elem and $elem[0] =~ /^$version$/o
+ )
+ ) {
+ $dv = $e;
+ last;
+ }
+ push @dn, $e;
+ }
+ my $dn;
+ $dn = join('-', @dn) if @dn;
+ if (not @elem) {
+ return( $dn, $dv, undef, undef);
+ }
+ while (@elem) {
+ my $e = shift @elem;
+ if ($e =~ /^$version|any_version$/) {
+ $pv = $e;
+ last;
+ }
+ push @arch, $e;
+ }
+ my $arch;
+ $arch = join('-', @arch) if @arch;
+ return($dn, $dv, $arch, $pv);
+=head2 generate_blib_stub
+Creates a F<blib/lib> subdirectory in the current directory
+and prepares a F<META.yml> with meta information for a
+new PAR distribution. First argument should be the name of the
+PAR distribution in a format understood by C<parse_dist_name()>.
+Alternatively, named arguments resembling those of
+C<blib_to_par> are accepted.
+After running C<generate_blib_stub> and injecting files into
+the F<blib> directory, you can create a PAR distribution
+using C<blib_to_par>.
+This function is useful for creating custom PAR distributions
+from scratch. (I.e. not from an unpacked CPAN distribution)
+ use PAR::Dist;
+ use File::Copy 'copy';
+ generate_blib_stub(
+ name => 'MyApp', version => '1.00'
+ );
+ copy('', 'blib/lib/');
+ blib_to_par(); # generates the .par file!
+C<generate_blib_stub> will not overwrite existing files.
+sub generate_blib_stub {
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $dist = $args{dist};
+ require Config;
+ my $name = $args{name};
+ my $version = $args{version};
+ my $suffix = $args{suffix};
+ my ($parse_name, $parse_version, $archname, $perlversion)
+ = parse_dist_name($dist);
+ $name ||= $parse_name;
+ $version ||= $parse_version;
+ $suffix = "$archname-$perlversion"
+ if (not defined $suffix or $suffix eq '')
+ and $archname and $perlversion;
+ $suffix ||= "$Config::Config{archname}-$Config::Config{version}";
+ if ( grep { not defined $_ } ($name, $version, $suffix) ) {
+ warn "Could not determine distribution meta information from distribution name '$dist'";
+ return();
+ }
+ $suffix =~ s/\.par$//;
+ if (not -f 'META.yml') {
+ open META, '>', 'META.yml'
+ or die "Could not open META.yml file for writing: $!";
+ print META << "YAML" if fileno(META);
+name: $name
+version: $version
+build_requires: {}
+conflicts: {}
+dist_name: $name-$version-$suffix.par
+distribution_type: par
+dynamic_config: 0
+generated_by: 'PAR::Dist version $PAR::Dist::VERSION'
+license: unknown
+ close META;
+ }
+ mkdir('blib');
+ mkdir(File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'lib'));
+ mkdir(File::Spec->catdir('blib', 'script'));
+ return 1;
+=head2 contains_binaries
+This function is not exported by default.
+Opens a PAR archive tries to determine whether that archive
+contains platform-specific binary code.
+Takes one named parameter: I<dist>. If only one parameter is
+passed, it is treated as the I<dist> parameter. (Have a look
+at the description in the C<FUNCTIONS> section above.)
+Throws a fatal error if the PAR archive could not be found.
+Returns one if the PAR was found to contain binary code
+and zero otherwise.
+sub contains_binaries {
+ require File::Find;
+ my %args = &_args;
+ my $dist = $args{dist};
+ return undef if not defined $dist or not -r $dist;
+ require Cwd;
+ require File::Path;
+ # The unzipping will change directories. Remember old dir.
+ my $old_cwd = Cwd::cwd();
+ # Unzip the base par to a temp. dir.
+ (undef, my $base_dir) = _unzip_to_tmpdir(
+ dist => $dist, subdir => 'blib'
+ );
+ my $blibdir = File::Spec->catdir($base_dir, 'blib');
+ my $archdir = File::Spec->catdir($blibdir, 'arch');
+ my $found = 0;
+ File::Find::find(
+ sub {
+ $found++ if -f $_ and not /^\.exists$/;
+ },
+ $archdir
+ );
+ chdir($old_cwd);
+ File::Path::rmtree([$base_dir]);
+ return $found ? 1 : 0;
+sub _system_wrapper {
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ Carp::cluck("Running system call '@_' from:");
+ }
+ return system(@_);
+# stolen from Module::Install::Can
+# very much internal and subject to change or removal
+sub _MI_can_run {
+ require ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+ my ($cmd) = @_;
+ my $_cmd = $cmd;
+ return $_cmd if (-x $_cmd or $_cmd = MM->maybe_command($_cmd));
+ for my $dir ((split /$Config::Config{path_sep}/, $ENV{PATH}), '.') {
+ my $abs = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $cmd);
+ return $abs if (-x $abs or $abs = MM->maybe_command($abs));
+ }
+ return;
+# Tries to load any YAML reader writer I know of
+# returns nothing on failure or hash reference containing
+# a subset of Load, Dump, LoadFile, DumpFile
+# entries with sub references on success.
+sub _get_yaml_functions {
+ # reasoning for the ranking here:
+ # - syck is fast and reasonably complete
+ # - is slow and aging
+ # - Tiny is only a very small subset
+ # - XS is very new and I'm not sure it's ready for prime-time yet
+ # - Parse... is only a reader and only deals with the same subset as ::Tiny
+ my @modules = qw(YAML::Syck YAML YAML::Tiny YAML::XS Parse::CPAN::Meta);
+ my %yaml_functions;
+ foreach my $module (@modules) {
+ eval "require $module;";
+ if (!$@) {
+ warn "PAR::Dist testers/debug info: Using '$module' as YAML implementation" if $DEBUG;
+ foreach my $sub (qw(Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile)) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $subref = *{"${module}::$sub"}{CODE};
+ if (defined $subref and ref($subref) eq 'CODE') {
+ $yaml_functions{$sub} = $subref;
+ }
+ }
+ $yaml_functions{yaml_provider} = $module;
+ last;
+ }
+ } # end foreach module candidates
+ if (not keys %yaml_functions) {
+ warn "Cannot find a working YAML reader/writer implementation. Tried to load all of '@modules'";
+ }
+ return(\%yaml_functions);
+sub _check_tools {
+ my $tools = _get_yaml_functions();
+ if ($DEBUG) {
+ foreach (qw/Load Dump LoadFile DumpFile/) {
+ warn "No YAML support for $_ found.\n" if not defined $tools->{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ $tools->{zip} = undef;
+ # A::Zip 1.28 was a broken release...
+ if (eval {require Archive::Zip; 1;} and $Archive::Zip::VERSION ne '1.28') {
+ warn "Using Archive::Zip as ZIP tool.\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $tools->{zip} = 'Archive::Zip';
+ }
+ elsif (_MI_can_run("zip") and _MI_can_run("unzip")) {
+ warn "Using zip/unzip as ZIP tool.\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $tools->{zip} = 'zip';
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Found neither Archive::Zip (version != 1.28) nor ZIP/UNZIP as valid ZIP tools.\n" if $DEBUG;
+ $tools->{zip} = undef;
+ }
+ return $tools;
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<PAR>, L<ExtUtils::Install>, L<Module::Signature>, L<LWP::Simple>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt> 2003-2007
+Steffen Mueller E<lt>smueller@cpan.orgE<gt> 2005-2009
+PAR has a mailing list, E<lt>par@perl.orgE<gt>, that you can write to;
+send an empty mail to E<lt>par-subscribe@perl.orgE<gt> to join the list
+and participate in the discussion.
+Please send bug reports to E<lt>bug-par@rt.cpan.orgE<gt>.
+Copyright 2003-2009 by Audrey Tang E<lt>autrijus@autrijus.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<>