path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/File/Spec/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 521 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/File/Spec/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/File/Spec/
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index f8923f25fb2..00000000000
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/File/Spec/
+++ /dev/null
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-package File::Spec::VMS;
-use strict;
-use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
-require File::Spec::Unix;
-$VERSION = '1.4';
-@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
-use File::Basename;
-use VMS::Filespec;
-=head1 NAME
-File::Spec::VMS - methods for VMS file specs
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- require File::Spec::VMS; # Done internally by File::Spec if needed
-See File::Spec::Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
-there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
-the semantics.
-=over 4
-=item canonpath (override)
-Removes redundant portions of file specifications according to VMS syntax.
-sub canonpath {
- my($self,$path) = @_;
- if ($path =~ m|/|) { # Fake Unix
- my $pathify = $path =~ m|/\Z(?!\n)|;
- $path = $self->SUPER::canonpath($path);
- if ($pathify) { return vmspath($path); }
- else { return vmsify($path); }
- }
- else {
- $path =~ tr/<>/[]/; # < and > ==> [ and ]
- $path =~ s/\]\[\./\.\]\[/g; # ][. ==> .][
- $path =~ s/\[000000\.\]\[/\[/g; # [000000.][ ==> [
- $path =~ s/\[000000\./\[/g; # [000000. ==> [
- $path =~ s/\.\]\[000000\]/\]/g; # .][000000] ==> ]
- $path =~ s/\.\]\[/\./g; # foo.][bar ==>
- 1 while ($path =~ s/([\[\.])(-+)\.(-+)([\.\]])/$1$2$3$4/);
- # That loop does the following
- # with any amount of dashes:
- # .-.-. ==> .--.
- # [-.-. ==> [--.
- # .-.-] ==> .--]
- # [-.-] ==> [--]
- 1 while ($path =~ s/([\[\.])[^\]\.]+\.-(-+)([\]\.])/$1$2$3/);
- # That loop does the following
- # with any amount (minimum 2)
- # of dashes:
- # .foo.--. ==> .-.
- # .foo.--] ==> .-]
- # [foo.--. ==> [-.
- # [foo.--] ==> [-]
- #
- # And then, the remaining cases
- $path =~ s/\[\.-/[-/; # [.- ==> [-
- $path =~ s/\.[^\]\.]+\.-\./\./g; # .foo.-. ==> .
- $path =~ s/\[[^\]\.]+\.-\./\[/g; # [foo.-. ==> [
- $path =~ s/\.[^\]\.]+\.-\]/\]/g; # .foo.-] ==> ]
- $path =~ s/\[[^\]\.]+\.-\]/\[000000\]/g;# [foo.-] ==> [000000]
- $path =~ s/\[\]//; # [] ==>
- return $path;
- }
-=item catdir (override)
-Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
-VMS-syntax directory specification. No check is made for "impossible"
-cases (e.g. elements other than the first being absolute filespecs).
-sub catdir {
- my ($self,@dirs) = @_;
- my $dir = pop @dirs;
- @dirs = grep($_,@dirs);
- my $rslt;
- if (@dirs) {
- my $path = (@dirs == 1 ? $dirs[0] : $self->catdir(@dirs));
- my ($spath,$sdir) = ($path,$dir);
- $spath =~ s/\.dir\Z(?!\n)//; $sdir =~ s/\.dir\Z(?!\n)//;
- $sdir = $self->eliminate_macros($sdir) unless $sdir =~ /^[\w\-]+\Z(?!\n)/s;
- $rslt = $self->fixpath($self->eliminate_macros($spath)."/$sdir",1);
- # Special case for VMS absolute directory specs: these will have had device
- # prepended during trip through Unix syntax in eliminate_macros(), since
- # Unix syntax has no way to express "absolute from the top of this device's
- # directory tree".
- if ($spath =~ /^[\[<][^.\-]/s) { $rslt =~ s/^[^\[<]+//s; }
- }
- else {
- if (not defined $dir or not length $dir) { $rslt = ''; }
- elsif ($dir =~ /^\$\([^\)]+\)\Z(?!\n)/s) { $rslt = $dir; }
- else { $rslt = vmspath($dir); }
- }
- return $self->canonpath($rslt);
-=item catfile (override)
-Concatenates a list of file specifications, and returns the result as a
-VMS-syntax file specification.
-sub catfile {
- my ($self,@files) = @_;
- my $file = $self->canonpath(pop @files);
- @files = grep($_,@files);
- my $rslt;
- if (@files) {
- my $path = (@files == 1 ? $files[0] : $self->catdir(@files));
- my $spath = $path;
- $spath =~ s/\.dir\Z(?!\n)//;
- if ($spath =~ /^[^\)\]\/:>]+\)\Z(?!\n)/s && basename($file) eq $file) {
- $rslt = "$spath$file";
- }
- else {
- $rslt = $self->eliminate_macros($spath);
- $rslt = vmsify($rslt.($rslt ? '/' : '').unixify($file));
- }
- }
- else { $rslt = (defined($file) && length($file)) ? vmsify($file) : ''; }
- return $self->canonpath($rslt);
-=item curdir (override)
-Returns a string representation of the current directory: '[]'
-sub curdir {
- return '[]';
-=item devnull (override)
-Returns a string representation of the null device: '_NLA0:'
-sub devnull {
- return "_NLA0:";
-=item rootdir (override)
-Returns a string representation of the root directory: 'SYS$DISK:[000000]'
-sub rootdir {
- return 'SYS$DISK:[000000]';
-=item tmpdir (override)
-Returns a string representation of the first writable directory
-from the following list or '' if none are writable:
- sys$scratch:
-Since perl 5.8.0, if running under taint mode, and if $ENV{TMPDIR}
-is tainted, it is not used.
-my $tmpdir;
-sub tmpdir {
- return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
- $tmpdir = $_[0]->_tmpdir( 'sys$scratch:', $ENV{TMPDIR} );
-=item updir (override)
-Returns a string representation of the parent directory: '[-]'
-sub updir {
- return '[-]';
-=item case_tolerant (override)
-VMS file specification syntax is case-tolerant.
-sub case_tolerant {
- return 1;
-=item path (override)
-Translate logical name DCL$PATH as a searchlist, rather than trying
-to C<split> string value of C<$ENV{'PATH'}>.
-sub path {
- my (@dirs,$dir,$i);
- while ($dir = $ENV{'DCL$PATH;' . $i++}) { push(@dirs,$dir); }
- return @dirs;
-=item file_name_is_absolute (override)
-Checks for VMS directory spec as well as Unix separators.
-sub file_name_is_absolute {
- my ($self,$file) = @_;
- # If it's a logical name, expand it.
- $file = $ENV{$file} while $file =~ /^[\w\$\-]+\Z(?!\n)/s && $ENV{$file};
- return scalar($file =~ m!^/!s ||
- $file =~ m![<\[][^.\-\]>]! ||
- $file =~ /:[^<\[]/);
-=item splitpath (override)
-Splits using VMS syntax.
-sub splitpath {
- my($self,$path) = @_;
- my($dev,$dir,$file) = ('','','');
- vmsify($path) =~ /(.+:)?([\[<].*[\]>])?(.*)/s;
- return ($1 || '',$2 || '',$3);
-=item splitdir (override)
-Split dirspec using VMS syntax.
-sub splitdir {
- my($self,$dirspec) = @_;
- $dirspec =~ tr/<>/[]/; # < and > ==> [ and ]
- $dirspec =~ s/\]\[\./\.\]\[/g; # ][. ==> .][
- $dirspec =~ s/\[000000\.\]\[/\[/g; # [000000.][ ==> [
- $dirspec =~ s/\[000000\./\[/g; # [000000. ==> [
- $dirspec =~ s/\.\]\[000000\]/\]/g; # .][000000] ==> ]
- $dirspec =~ s/\.\]\[/\./g; # foo.][bar ==>
- while ($dirspec =~ s/(^|[\[\<\.])\-(\-+)($|[\]\>\.])/$1-.$2$3/g) {}
- # That loop does the following
- # with any amount of dashes:
- # .--. ==> .-.-.
- # [--. ==> [-.-.
- # .--] ==> .-.-]
- # [--] ==> [-.-]
- $dirspec = "[$dirspec]" unless $dirspec =~ /[\[<]/; # make legal
- my(@dirs) = split('\.', vmspath($dirspec));
- $dirs[0] =~ s/^[\[<]//s; $dirs[-1] =~ s/[\]>]\Z(?!\n)//s;
- @dirs;
-=item catpath (override)
-Construct a complete filespec using VMS syntax
-sub catpath {
- my($self,$dev,$dir,$file) = @_;
- # We look for a volume in $dev, then in $dir, but not both
- my ($dir_volume, $dir_dir, $dir_file) = $self->splitpath($dir);
- $dev = $dir_volume unless length $dev;
- $dir = length $dir_file ? $self->catfile($dir_dir, $dir_file) : $dir_dir;
- if ($dev =~ m|^/+([^/]+)|) { $dev = "$1:"; }
- else { $dev .= ':' unless $dev eq '' or $dev =~ /:\Z(?!\n)/; }
- if (length($dev) or length($dir)) {
- $dir = "[$dir]" unless $dir =~ /[\[<\/]/;
- $dir = vmspath($dir);
- }
- "$dev$dir$file";
-=item abs2rel (override)
-Use VMS syntax when converting filespecs.
-sub abs2rel {
- my $self = shift;
- return vmspath(File::Spec::Unix::abs2rel( $self, @_ ))
- if grep m{/}, @_;
- my($path,$base) = @_;
- $base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base and length $base;
- for ($path, $base) { $_ = $self->canonpath($_) }
- # Are we even starting $path on the same (node::)device as $base? Note that
- # logical paths or nodename differences may be on the "same device"
- # but the comparison that ignores device differences so as to concatenate
- # [---] up directory specs is not even a good idea in cases where there is
- # a logical path difference between $path and $base nodename and/or device.
- # Hence we fall back to returning the absolute $path spec
- # if there is a case blind device (or node) difference of any sort
- # and we do not even try to call $parse() or consult %ENV for $trnlnm()
- # (this module needs to run on non VMS platforms after all).
- my ($path_volume, $path_directories, $path_file) = $self->splitpath($path);
- my ($base_volume, $base_directories, $base_file) = $self->splitpath($base);
- return $path unless lc($path_volume) eq lc($base_volume);
- for ($path, $base) { $_ = $self->rel2abs($_) }
- # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
- my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_directories );
- unshift(@pathchunks,'000000') unless $pathchunks[0] eq '000000';
- my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base_directories );
- unshift(@basechunks,'000000') unless $basechunks[0] eq '000000';
- while ( @pathchunks &&
- @basechunks &&
- lc( $pathchunks[0] ) eq lc( $basechunks[0] )
- ) {
- shift @pathchunks ;
- shift @basechunks ;
- }
- # @basechunks now contains the directories to climb out of,
- # @pathchunks now has the directories to descend in to.
- $path_directories = join '.', ('-' x @basechunks, @pathchunks) ;
- return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath( '', $path_directories, $path_file ) ) ;
-=item rel2abs (override)
-Use VMS syntax when converting filespecs.
-sub rel2abs {
- my $self = shift ;
- my ($path,$base ) = @_;
- return undef unless defined $path;
- if ($path =~ m/\//) {
- $path = ( -d $path || $path =~ m/\/\z/ # educated guessing about
- ? vmspath($path) # whether it's a directory
- : vmsify($path) );
- }
- $base = vmspath($base) if defined $base && $base =~ m/\//;
- # Clean up and split up $path
- if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
- # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
- if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
- $base = $self->_cwd;
- }
- elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
- $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
- }
- else {
- $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;
- }
- # Split up paths
- my ( $path_directories, $path_file ) =
- ($self->splitpath( $path ))[1,2] ;
- my ( $base_volume, $base_directories ) =
- $self->splitpath( $base ) ;
- $path_directories = '' if $path_directories eq '[]' ||
- $path_directories eq '<>';
- my $sep = '' ;
- $sep = '.'
- if ( $base_directories =~ m{[^.\]>]\Z(?!\n)} &&
- $path_directories =~ m{^[^.\[<]}s
- ) ;
- $base_directories = "$base_directories$sep$path_directories";
- $base_directories =~ s{\.?[\]>][\[<]\.?}{.};
- $path = $self->catpath( $base_volume, $base_directories, $path_file );
- }
- return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
-# eliminate_macros() and fixpath() are MakeMaker-specific methods
-# which are used inside catfile() and catdir(). MakeMaker has its own
-# copies as of 6.06_03 which are the canonical ones. We leave these
-# here, in peace, so that File::Spec continues to work with MakeMakers
-# prior to 6.06_03.
-# Please consider these two methods deprecated. Do not patch them,
-# patch the ones in ExtUtils::MM_VMS instead.
-sub eliminate_macros {
- my($self,$path) = @_;
- return '' unless $path;
- $self = {} unless ref $self;
- if ($path =~ /\s/) {
- return join ' ', map { $self->eliminate_macros($_) } split /\s+/, $path;
- }
- my($npath) = unixify($path);
- my($complex) = 0;
- my($head,$macro,$tail);
- # perform m##g in scalar context so it acts as an iterator
- while ($npath =~ m#(.*?)\$\((\S+?)\)(.*)#gs) {
- if ($self->{$2}) {
- ($head,$macro,$tail) = ($1,$2,$3);
- if (ref $self->{$macro}) {
- if (ref $self->{$macro} eq 'ARRAY') {
- $macro = join ' ', @{$self->{$macro}};
- }
- else {
- print "Note: can't expand macro \$($macro) containing ",ref($self->{$macro}),
- "\n\t(using MMK-specific deferred substitutuon; MMS will break)\n";
- $macro = "\cB$macro\cB";
- $complex = 1;
- }
- }
- else { ($macro = unixify($self->{$macro})) =~ s#/\Z(?!\n)##; }
- $npath = "$head$macro$tail";
- }
- }
- if ($complex) { $npath =~ s#\cB(.*?)\cB#\${$1}#gs; }
- $npath;
-# Deprecated. See the note above for eliminate_macros().
-sub fixpath {
- my($self,$path,$force_path) = @_;
- return '' unless $path;
- $self = bless {} unless ref $self;
- my($fixedpath,$prefix,$name);
- if ($path =~ /\s/) {
- return join ' ',
- map { $self->fixpath($_,$force_path) }
- split /\s+/, $path;
- }
- if ($path =~ m#^\$\([^\)]+\)\Z(?!\n)#s || $path =~ m#[/:>\]]#) {
- if ($force_path or $path =~ /(?:DIR\)|\])\Z(?!\n)/) {
- $fixedpath = vmspath($self->eliminate_macros($path));
- }
- else {
- $fixedpath = vmsify($self->eliminate_macros($path));
- }
- }
- elsif ((($prefix,$name) = ($path =~ m#^\$\(([^\)]+)\)(.+)#s)) && $self->{$prefix}) {
- my($vmspre) = $self->eliminate_macros("\$($prefix)");
- # is it a dir or just a name?
- $vmspre = ($vmspre =~ m|/| or $prefix =~ /DIR\Z(?!\n)/) ? vmspath($vmspre) : '';
- $fixedpath = ($vmspre ? $vmspre : $self->{$prefix}) . $name;
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
- }
- else {
- $fixedpath = $path;
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if $force_path;
- }
- # No hints, so we try to guess
- if (!defined($force_path) and $fixedpath !~ /[:>(.\]]/) {
- $fixedpath = vmspath($fixedpath) if -d $fixedpath;
- }
- # Trim off root dirname if it's had other dirs inserted in front of it.
- $fixedpath =~ s/\.000000([\]>])/$1/;
- # Special case for VMS absolute directory specs: these will have had device
- # prepended during trip through Unix syntax in eliminate_macros(), since
- # Unix syntax has no way to express "absolute from the top of this device's
- # directory tree".
- if ($path =~ /^[\[>][^.\-]/) { $fixedpath =~ s/^[^\[<]+//; }
- $fixedpath;
-Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
-This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-See L<File::Spec> and L<File::Spec::Unix>. This package overrides the
-implementation of these methods, not the semantics.
-An explanation of VMS file specs can be found at