path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Parse/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Parse/')
1 files changed, 960 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Parse/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Parse/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..3c1c675915f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl.straw/lib/Parse/
@@ -0,0 +1,960 @@
+package Parse::Binary;
+$Parse::Binary::VERSION = '0.11';
+use 5.005;
+use bytes;
+use strict;
+use integer;
+use Parse::Binary::FixedFormat;
+=head1 NAME
+Parse::Binary - Unpack binary data structures into object hierarchies
+=head1 VERSION
+This document describes version 0.11 of Parse::Binary, released
+January 25, 2009.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+# This class represents a Win32 F<.ico> file:
+ package IconFile;
+ use base 'Parse::Binary';
+ use constant FORMAT => (
+ Magic => 'a2',
+ Type => 'v',
+ Count => 'v',
+ 'Icon' => [ 'a16', '{$Count}', 1 ],
+ Data => 'a*',
+ );
+# An individual icon resource:
+ package Icon;
+ use base 'Parse::Binary';
+ use constant FORMAT => (
+ Width => 'C',
+ Height => 'C',
+ ColorCount => 'C',
+ Reserved => 'C',
+ Planes => 'v',
+ BitCount => 'v',
+ ImageSize => 'V',
+ ImageOffset => 'v',
+ );
+ sub Data {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->parent->substr($self->ImageOffset, $self->ImageSize);
+ }
+# Simple F<.ico> file dumper that uses them:
+ use IconFile;
+ my $icon_file = IconFile->new('input.ico');
+ foreach my $icon ($icon_file->members) {
+ print "Dimension: ", $icon->Width, "x", $icon->Height, $/;
+ print "Colors: ", 2 ** $icon->BitCount, $/;
+ print "Image Size: ", $icon->ImageSize, " bytes", $/;
+ print "Actual Size: ", length($icon->Data), " bytes", $/, $/;
+ }
+ $icon_file->write('output.ico'); # save as another .ico file
+This module makes parsing binary data structures much easier, by serving
+as a base class for classes that represents the binary data, which may
+contain objects of other classes to represent parts of itself.
+Documentation is unfortunately a bit lacking at this moment. Please read
+the tests and source code of L<Parse::AFP> and L<Win32::Exe> for examples
+of using this module.
+use constant PROPERTIES => qw(
+ %struct $filename $size $parent @siblings %children
+ $output $lazy $iterator $iterated
+use constant ENCODED_FIELDS => ( 'Data' );
+use constant FORMAT => ( Data => 'a*' );
+use constant SUBFORMAT => ();
+use constant DEFAULT_ARGS => ();
+use constant DELEGATE_SUBS => ();
+use constant DISPATCH_TABLE => ();
+use constant DISPATCH_FIELD => undef;
+use constant BASE_CLASS => undef;
+use constant ENCODING => undef;
+use constant PADDING => undef;
+unless (eval { require Scalar::Util; 1 }) {
+ *Scalar::Util::weaken = sub { 1 };
+ *Scalar::Util::blessed = sub { UNIVERSAL::can($_[0], 'can') };
+### Constructors ###
+sub new {
+ my ($self, $input, $attr) = @_;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $class = $self->class;
+ $class->init unless ${"$class\::init_done"};
+ $attr ||= {};
+ $attr->{filename} ||= $input unless ref $input;
+ my $obj = $class->spawn;
+ %$obj = (%$obj, %$attr);
+ my $data = $obj->read_data($input);
+ $obj->load($data, $attr);
+ if ($obj->{lazy}) {
+ $obj->{lazy} = $obj;
+ }
+ elsif (!$obj->{iterator}) {
+ $obj->make_members;
+ }
+ return $obj;
+sub dispatch_field {
+ return undef;
+use vars qw(%HasMembers %DefaultArgs);
+use vars qw(%Fields %MemberFields %MemberClass %Packer %Parser %FieldPackFormat);
+use vars qw(%DispatchField %DispatchTable);
+sub init {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return if ${"$_[0]\::init_done"};
+ my $class = shift;
+ *{"$class\::class"} = sub { ref($_[0]) || $_[0] };
+ *{"$class\::is_type"} = \&is_type;
+ foreach my $item ($class->PROPERTIES) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my ($sigil, $name) = split(//, $item, 2);
+ *{"$class\::$name"} =
+ ($sigil eq '$') ? sub { $_[0]{$name} } :
+ ($sigil eq '@') ? sub { wantarray ? @{$_[0]{$name}||=[]} : ($_[0]{$name}||=[]) } :
+ ($sigil eq '%') ? sub { $_[0]{$name}||={} } :
+ die "Unknown sigil: $sigil";
+ *{"$class\::set_$name"} =
+ ($sigil eq '$') ? sub { $_[0]->{$name} = $_[1] } :
+ ($sigil eq '@') ? sub { @{$_[0]->{$name}||=$_[1]||[]} = @{$_[1]||[]} } :
+ ($sigil eq '%') ? sub { %{$_[0]->{$name}||=$_[1]||{}} = %{$_[1]||{}} } :
+ die "Unknown sigil: $sigil";
+ }
+ my @args = $class->default_args;
+ *{"$class\::default_args"} = \@args;
+ *{"$class\::default_args"} = sub { @args };
+ my $delegate_subs = $class->delegate_subs;
+ if (defined(&{"$class\::DELEGATE_SUBS"})) {
+ $delegate_subs = { $class->DELEGATE_SUBS };
+ }
+ *{"$class\::delegate_subs"} = sub { $delegate_subs };
+ while (my ($subclass, $methods) = each %$delegate_subs) {
+ $methods = [ $methods ] unless ref $methods;
+ foreach my $method (grep length, @$methods) {
+ *{"$class\::$method"} = sub {
+ goto &{$_[0]->require_class($subclass)->can($method)};
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ my $dispatch_table = $class->dispatch_table;
+ if (defined(&{"$class\::DISPATCH_TABLE"})) {
+ $dispatch_table = { $class->DISPATCH_TABLE };
+ }
+ $DispatchTable{$class} = $dispatch_table;
+ *{"$class\::dispatch_table"} = sub { $dispatch_table };
+ my $dispatch_field = undef;
+ if (defined(&{"$class\::DISPATCH_FIELD"})) {
+ $dispatch_field = $class->DISPATCH_FIELD;
+ }
+ $DispatchField{$class} = $dispatch_field;
+ *{"$class\::dispatch_field"} = sub { $dispatch_field };
+ my @format = $class->format_list;
+ if (my @subformat = $class->subformat_list) {
+ my @new_format;
+ while (my ($field, $format) = splice(@format, 0, 2)) {
+ if ($field eq 'Data') {
+ push @new_format, @subformat;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @new_format, ($field => $format);
+ }
+ }
+ @format = @new_format;
+ }
+ my @format_list = @format;
+ *{"$class\::format_list"} = sub { @format_list };
+ my (@fields, @formats, @pack_formats, $underscore_count);
+ my (%field_format, %field_pack_format);
+ my (%field_parser, %field_packer, %field_length);
+ my (@member_fields, %member_class);
+ while (my ($field, $format) = splice(@format, 0, 2)) {
+ if ($field eq '_') {
+ # "we don't care" fields
+ $underscore_count++;
+ $field = "_${underscore_count}_$class";
+ $field =~ s/:/_/g;
+ }
+ if (ref $format) {
+ $member_class{$field} = $class->classname($field);
+ $field =~ s/:/_/g;
+ $member_class{$field} = $class->classname($field);
+ $class->require($member_class{$field});
+ push @member_fields, $field;
+ }
+ else {
+ $format = [ $format ];
+ }
+ push @fields, $field;
+ my $string = join(':', $field, @$format);
+ $field_format{$field} = [ @$format ];
+ if (!grep /\{/, @$format) {
+ $field_length{$field} = length(pack($format->[0], 0));
+ $field_parser{$field} = Parse::Binary::FixedFormat->new( [ $string ] );
+ }
+ push @formats, $string;
+ s/\s*X\s*//g for @$format;
+ my $pack_string = join(':', $field, @$format);
+ $field_pack_format{$field} = [ @$format ];
+ $field_packer{$field} = Parse::Binary::FixedFormat->new( [ $pack_string ] );
+ push @pack_formats, $pack_string;
+ }
+ my $parser = $class->make_formatter(@formats);
+ my $packer = $class->make_formatter(@pack_formats);
+ $Packer{$class} = $packer;
+ $Parser{$class} = $parser;
+ $Fields{$class} = \@fields;
+ $HasMembers{$class} = @member_fields ? 1 : 0;
+ $DefaultArgs{$class} = \@args;
+ $MemberClass{$class} = \%member_class;
+ $MemberFields{$class} = \@member_fields;
+ $FieldPackFormat{$class} = { map { ref($_) ? $_->[0] : $_ } %field_pack_format };
+ *{"$class\::fields"} = \@fields;
+ *{"$class\::member_fields"} = \@member_fields;
+ *{"$class\::has_members"} = @member_fields ? sub { 1 } : sub { 0 };
+ *{"$class\::fields"} = sub { @fields };
+ *{"$class\::formats"} = sub { @formats };
+ *{"$class\::member_fields"} = sub { @member_fields };
+ *{"$class\::member_class"} = sub { $member_class{$_[1]} };
+ *{"$class\::pack_formats"} = sub { @pack_formats };
+ *{"$class\::field_format"} = sub { $field_format{$_[1]}[0] };
+ *{"$class\::field_pack_format"} = sub { $field_pack_format{$_[1]}[0] };
+ *{"$class\::field_length"} = sub { $field_length{$_[1]} };
+ *{"$class\::parser"} = sub { $parser };
+ *{"$class\::packer"} = sub { $packer };
+ *{"$class\::field_parser"} = sub {
+ my ($self, $field) = @_;
+ $field_parser{$field} || do {
+ Parse::Binary::FixedFormat->new( [
+ $self->eval_format(
+ $self->{struct},
+ join(':', $field, @{$field_format{$field}}),
+ ),
+ ] );
+ };
+ };
+ *{"$class\::field_packer"} = sub { $field_packer{$_[1]} };
+ *{"$class\::has_field"} = sub { $field_packer{$_[1]} };
+ my %enc_fields = map { ($_ => 1) } $class->ENCODED_FIELDS;
+ foreach my $field (@fields) {
+ next if defined &{"$class\::$field"};
+ if ($enc_fields{$field} and my $encoding = $class->ENCODING) {
+ require Encode;
+ *{"$class\::$field"} = sub {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return Encode::decode($encoding => $self->{struct}{$field});
+ };
+ *{"$class\::Set$field"} = sub {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ $self->{struct}{$field} = Encode::encode($encoding => $data);
+ };
+ next;
+ }
+ *{"$class\::$field"} = sub { $_[0]->{struct}{$field} };
+ *{"$class\::Set$field"} = sub { $_[0]->{struct}{$field} = $_[1] };
+ }
+ ${"$class\::init_done"} = 1;
+sub initialize {
+ return 1;
+### Miscellanous ###
+sub field {
+ my ($self, $field) = @_;
+ return $self->{struct}{$field};
+sub set_field {
+ my ($self, $field, $data) = @_;
+ $self->{struct}{$field} = $data;
+sub classname {
+ my ($self, $class) = @_;
+ return undef unless $class;
+ $class =~ s/__/::/g;
+ my $base_class = $self->BASE_CLASS or return $class;
+ return $base_class if $class eq '::BASE::';
+ return "$base_class\::$class";
+sub member_fields {
+ return ();
+sub dispatch_class {
+ my ($self, $field) = @_;
+ my $table = $DispatchTable{ref $self};
+ my $class = exists($table->{$field}) ? $table->{$field} : $table->{'*'};
+ $class = &$class($self, $field) if UNIVERSAL::isa($class, 'CODE');
+ defined $class or return;
+ if (my $members = $self->{parent}{callback_members}) {
+ return unless $members->{$class};
+ }
+ my $subclass = $self->classname($class) or return;
+ return if $subclass eq $class;
+ return $subclass;
+sub require {
+ my ($class, $module) = @_;
+ return unless defined $module;
+ my $file = "$";
+ $file =~ s{::}{/}g;
+ return $module if (eval { require $file; 1 });
+ die $@ unless $@ =~ /^Can't locate /;
+ return;
+sub require_class {
+ my ($class, $subclass) = @_;
+ return $class->require($class->classname($subclass));
+sub format_list {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->FORMAT;
+sub subformat_list {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->SUBFORMAT ? $self->SUBFORMAT : ();
+sub default_args {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->DEFAULT_ARGS ? $self->DEFAULT_ARGS : ();
+sub dispatch_table {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->DISPATCH_TABLE ? { $self->DISPATCH_TABLE } : {};
+sub delegate_subs {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $self->DELEGATE_SUBS ? { $self->DELEGATE_SUBS } : {};
+sub class {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return(ref($self) || $self);
+sub make_formatter {
+ my ($self, @formats) = @_;
+ return Parse::Binary::FixedFormat->new( $self->make_format(@formats) );
+sub make_format {
+ my ($self, @formats) = @_;
+ return \@formats unless grep /\{/, @formats;
+ my @prefix;
+ foreach my $format (@formats) {
+ last if $format =~ /\{/;
+ push @prefix, $format;
+ }
+ return {
+ Chooser => sub { $self->chooser(@_) },
+ Formats => [ \@prefix, \@formats ],
+ };
+sub chooser {
+ my ($self, $rec, $obj, $mode) = @_;
+ my $idx = @{$obj->{Layouts}};
+ my @format = $self->eval_format($rec, @{$obj->{Formats}[1]});
+ $obj->{Layouts}[$idx] = $self->make_formatter(@format);
+ return $idx;
+sub eval_format {
+ my ($self, $rec, @format) = @_;
+ foreach my $key (sort keys %$rec) {
+ s/\$$key\b/$rec->{$key}/ for @format;
+ }
+ !/\$/ and s/\{(.*?)\}/$1/eeg for @format;
+ die $@ if $@;
+ return @format;
+sub padding {
+ return '';
+sub load_struct {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ $self->{struct} = $Parser{ref $self}->unformat($$data . $self->padding, $self->{lazy}, $self);
+sub load_size {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ $self->{size} = length($$data);
+ return 1;
+sub lazy_load {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ ref(my $sub = $self->{lazy}) or return;
+ $self->{lazy} = 1;
+ $self->make_members unless $self->{iterator};
+my %DispatchClass;
+sub load {
+ my ($self, $data, $attr) = @_;
+ return $self unless defined $data;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ $class->init unless ${"$class\::init_done"};
+ $self->load_struct($data);
+ $self->load_size($data);
+ if (my $field = $DispatchField{$class}) {
+ if (
+ my $subclass = $DispatchClass{$class}{ $self->{struct}{$field} }
+ ||= $self->dispatch_class( $self->{struct}{$field})
+ ) {
+ $self->require($subclass);
+ bless($self, $subclass);
+ $self->load($data, $attr);
+ }
+ }
+ return $self;
+my (%classname, %fill_cache);
+sub spawn {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if (my $subclass = delete($args{Class})) {
+ $class = $classname{$subclass} ||= do {
+ my $name = $self->classname($subclass);
+ $self->require($name);
+ $name->init;
+ $name;
+ };
+ }
+ bless({
+ struct => {
+ %args,
+ @{ $DefaultArgs{$class} },
+ %{ $fill_cache{$class} ||= $class->fill_in },
+ },
+ }, $class);
+sub fill_in {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $entries = {};
+ foreach my $super_class ($class->superclasses) {
+ my $field = $DispatchField{$super_class} or next;
+ my $table = $DispatchTable{$super_class} or next;
+ foreach my $code (reverse sort keys %$table) {
+ $class->is_type($table->{$code}) or next;
+ $entries->{$field} = $code;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ return $entries;
+sub spawn_sibling {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $parent = $self->{parent} or die "$self has no parent";
+ my $obj = $self->spawn(%args);
+ @{$obj}{qw( lazy parent output siblings )} =
+ @{$self}{qw( lazy parent output siblings )};
+ $obj->{size} = length($obj->dump);
+ $obj->refresh_parent;
+ $obj->initialize;
+ return $obj;
+sub sibling_index {
+ my ($self, $obj) = @_;
+ $obj ||= $self;
+ my @siblings = @{$self->{siblings}};
+ foreach my $index (($obj->{index}||0) .. $#siblings) {
+ return $index if $obj == $siblings[$index];
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub gone {
+ my ($self, $obj) = @_;
+ $self->{parent}{struct}{Data} .= ($obj || $self)->dump;
+sub prepend_obj {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ if ($self->{lazy}) {
+ my $obj = $self->spawn(%args);
+ $self->gone($obj);
+ return;
+ }
+ my $obj = $self->spawn_sibling(%args);
+ my $siblings = $self->{siblings};
+ my $index = $self->{index} ? $self->{index}++ : $self->sibling_index;
+ $obj->{index} = $index;
+ splice(@$siblings, $index, 0, $obj);
+ return $obj;
+sub append_obj {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $obj = $self->spawn_sibling(%args);
+ @{$self->{siblings}} = (
+ map { $_, (($_ == $self) ? $obj : ()) } @{$self->{siblings}}
+ );
+ return $obj;
+sub remove {
+ my ($self, %args) = @_;
+ my $siblings = $self->{siblings};
+ splice(@$siblings, $self->sibling_index, 1, undef);
+ Scalar::Util::weaken($self->{parent});
+ Scalar::Util::weaken($self);
+sub read_data {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ return undef unless defined $data;
+ return \($data->dump) if UNIVERSAL::can($data, 'dump');
+ return $data if UNIVERSAL::isa($data, 'SCALAR');
+ return \($self->read_file($data));
+sub read_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ local *FH; local $/;
+ open FH, "< $file" or die "Cannot open $file for reading: $!";
+ binmode(FH);
+ return scalar <FH>;
+sub make_members {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ $HasMembers{ref $self} or return;
+ %{$self->{children}} = ();
+ foreach my $field (@{$MemberFields{ref $self}}) {
+ my ($format) = $self->eval_format(
+ $self->{struct},
+ $FieldPackFormat{ref $self}{$field},
+ );
+ my $members = [ map {
+ $self->new_member( $field, \pack($format, @$_) )
+ } $self->validate_memberdata($field) ];
+ $self->set_field_children( $field, $members );
+ }
+sub set_members {
+ my ($self, $field, $members) = @_;
+ $field =~ s/:/_/g;
+ $self->set_field_children(
+ $field,
+ [ map { $self->new_member( $field, $_ ) } @$members ],
+ );
+sub set_field_children {
+ my ($self, $field, $data) = @_;
+ my $children = $self->field_children($field);
+ @$children = @$data;
+ return $children;
+sub field_children {
+ my ($self, $field) = @_;
+ my $children = ($self->{children}{$field} ||= []);
+ # $_->lazy_load for @$children;
+ return(wantarray ? @$children : $children);
+sub validate_memberdata {
+ my ($self, $field) = @_;
+ return @{$self->{struct}{$field}||[]};
+sub first_member {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ $self->lazy_load;
+ return undef unless $HasMembers{ref $self};
+ no strict 'refs';
+ foreach my $field (@{$MemberFields{ref $self}}) {
+ foreach my $member ($self->field_children($field)) {
+ return $member if $member->is_type($type);
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub next_member {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ return undef unless $HasMembers{ref $self};
+ if ($self->{lazy} and !$self->{iterated}) {
+ if (ref($self->{lazy})) {
+ %{$self->{children}} = ();
+ $self->{iterator} = $self->make_next_member;
+ $self->lazy_load;
+ }
+ while (my $member = &{$self->{iterator}}) {
+ return $member if $member->is_type($type);
+ }
+ $self->{iterated} = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{_next_member}{$type} ||= $self->members($type);
+ shift(@{$self->{_next_member}{$type}})
+ || undef($self->{_next_member}{$type});
+sub make_next_member {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $class = ref($self);
+ my ($field_idx, $item_idx, $format) = (0, 0, undef);
+ my @fields = @{$MemberFields{$class}};
+ my $struct = $self->{struct};
+ my $formats = $FieldPackFormat{$class};
+ sub { LOOP: {
+ my $field = $fields[$field_idx] or return;
+ my $items = $struct->{$field};
+ if ($item_idx > $#$items) {
+ $field_idx++;
+ $item_idx = 0;
+ undef $format;
+ redo;
+ }
+ $format ||= ($self->eval_format( $struct, $formats->{$field} ))[0];
+ my $item = $items->[$item_idx++];
+ $item = $item->($self, $items) if UNIVERSAL::isa($item, 'CODE');
+ $self->valid_memberdata($item) or redo;
+ my $member = $self->new_member( $field, \pack($format, @$item) );
+ $member->{index} = (push @{$self->{children}{$field}}, $member) - 1;
+ return $member;
+ } };
+sub members {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ $self->lazy_load;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my @members = map {
+ grep { $type ? $_->is_type($type) : 1 } $self->field_children($_)
+ } @{$MemberFields{ref $self}};
+ wantarray ? @members : \@members;
+sub members_recursive {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ my @members = (
+ ( $self->is_type($type) ? $self : () ),
+ map { $_->members_recursive($type) } $self->members
+ );
+ wantarray ? @members : \@members;
+sub new_member {
+ my ($self, $field, $data) = @_;
+ my $obj = $MemberClass{ref $self}{$field}->new(
+ $data, { lazy => $self->{lazy}, parent => $self }
+ );
+ $obj->{output} = $self->{output};
+ $obj->{siblings} = $self->{children}{$field}||=[];
+ $obj->initialize;
+ return $obj;
+sub valid_memberdata {
+ length($_[-1][0])
+sub dump_members {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $Packer{ref $self}->format($self->{struct});
+sub dump {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ return $self->dump_members if $HasMembers{ref $self};
+ return $Packer{ref $self}->format($self->{struct});
+sub write {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ if (ref($file)) {
+ $$file = $self->dump;
+ }
+ elsif (!defined($file) and my $fh = $self->{output}) {
+ print $fh $self->dump;
+ }
+ else {
+ $file = $self->{filename} unless defined $file;
+ $self->write_file($file, $self->dump) if defined $file;
+ }
+sub write_file {
+ my ($self, $file, $data) = @_;
+ local *FH;
+ open FH, "> $file" or die "Cannot open $file for writing: $!";
+ binmode(FH);
+ print FH $data;
+sub superclasses {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $class = $self->class;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return @{"$class\::ISA"};
+my %type_cache;
+sub is_type {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ return 1 unless defined $type;
+ my $class = ref($self) || $self;
+ if (exists $type_cache{$class}{$type}) {
+ return $type_cache{$class}{$type};
+ }
+ $type_cache{$class}{$type} = 1;
+ $type =~ s/__/::/g;
+ $type =~ s/[^\w:]//g;
+ return 1 if ($class =~ /::$type$/);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ foreach my $super_class ($class->superclasses) {
+ return 1 if $super_class->is_type($type);
+ };
+ $type_cache{$class}{$type} = 0;
+sub refresh {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ foreach my $field (@{$MemberFields{ref $self}}) {
+ my $parser = $self->field_parser($field);
+ my $padding = $self->padding;
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ @{$self->{struct}{$field}} = map {
+ $parser->unformat( $_->dump . $padding, 0, $self)->{$field}[0]
+ } grep defined, @{$self->{children}{$field}||[]};
+ $self->validate_memberdata;
+ }
+ $self->refresh_parent;
+sub refresh_parent {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $parent = $self->{parent} or return;
+ $parent->refresh unless !Scalar::Util::blessed($parent) or $parent->{lazy};
+sub first_parent {
+ my ($self, $type) = @_;
+ return $self if $self->is_type($type);
+ my $parent = $self->{parent} or return;
+ return $parent->first_parent($type);
+sub substr {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $data = $self->Data;
+ my $offset = shift(@_) - ($self->{size} - length($data));
+ my $length = @_ ? shift(@_) : (length($data) - $offset);
+ my $replace = shift;
+ # XXX - Check for "substr outside string"
+ return if $offset > length($data);
+ # Fetch a range
+ return substr($data, $offset, $length) if !defined $replace;
+ # Substitute a range
+ substr($data, $offset, $length, $replace);
+ $self->{struct}{Data} = $data;
+sub set_output_file {
+ my ($self, $file) = @_;
+ open my $fh, '>', $file or die $!;
+ binmode($fh);
+ $self->{output} = $fh;
+my %callback_map;
+sub callback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift || caller;
+ my $types = shift or return;
+ my $map = $callback_map{"@$types"} ||= $self->callback_map($pkg, $types);
+ my $sub = $map->{ref $self} || $map->{'*'} or return;
+ unshift @_, $self;
+ goto &$sub;
+sub callback_map {
+ my ($self, $pkg, $types) = @_;
+ my %map;
+ my $base = $self->BASE_CLASS;
+ foreach my $type (map "$_", @$types) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $method = $type;
+ $method =~ s/::/_/g;
+ $method =~ s/\*/__/g;
+ defined &{"$pkg\::$method"} or next;
+ $type = "$base\::$type" unless $type eq '*';
+ $map{$type} = \&{"$pkg\::$method"};
+ }
+ return \%map;
+sub callback_members {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{callback_members} = { map { ($_ => 1) } @{$_[0]} };
+ while (my $member = $self->next_member) {
+ $member->callback(scalar caller, @_);
+ }
+sub done {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $self->{lazy};
+ $self->write;
+ $self->remove;
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>
+Copyright 2004-2009 by Audrey Tang E<lt>cpan@audreyt.orgE<gt>.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See L<>