path: root/Master/texmf-doc/doc/english/FAQ-en/html/FAQ-conditional.html
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-<title>UK TeX FAQ -- question label conditional</title>
-<h3>Conditional compilation and &ldquo;comments&rdquo;</h3>
-<p/>While LaTeX (or any other TeX-derived package) isn&rsquo;t really like a
-compiler, people regularly want to do compiler-like things using it.
-Common requirements are conditional &lsquo;compilation&rsquo; and &lsquo;block
-comments&rsquo;, and several LaTeX-specific means to this end are available.
-<p/>The simple <code>\</code><code>newcommand{<code>\</code><code>gobble</code>}[1]</code><code>{</code><code>}</code>
-and <code>\</code><code>iffalse</code><code> ... </code><code>\</code><code>fi</code> aren&rsquo;t really satisfactory (as
-a general solution) for comments, since the matter being skipped is
-nevertheless scanned by TeX, not always as you would expect. The
-scanning imposes restrictions on what you&rsquo;re allowed to skip; this may
-not be a problem in <em>today&rsquo;s</em> job, but could return to bite you
-tomorrow. For an example of surprises that may come to bite you,
-consider the following example (derived from real user experience):
-\iffalse % ignoring this bit
-consider what happens if we
-use \verb+\iftrue+ -- a surprise
-The <code>\</code><code>iftrue</code> is spotted by TeX as it scans, ignoring the
-<code>\</code><code>verb</code> command; so the <code>\</code><code>iffalse</code> isn&rsquo;t terminated by the
-following <code>\</code><code>fi</code>. Also, <code>\</code><code>gobble</code> is pretty inefficient at
-consuming anything non-trivial, since all the matter to be skipped is
-copied to the argument stack before being ignored.
-<p/>If your requirement is for a document from which whole chapters (or
-the like) are missing, consider the LaTeX
-<code>\</code><code>include</code>/<code>\</code><code>includeonly</code> system. If you &lsquo;<code>\</code><code>include</code>&rsquo; your
-files (rather than <code>\</code><code>input</code> them &mdash; see
-<a href="FAQ-include.html">What&rsquo;s going on in my <code>\</code><code>include</code> commands?</a>),
-LaTeX writes macro traces of what&rsquo;s going on at the end of each
-chapter to the <code>.aux</code> file; by using <code>\</code><code>includeonly</code>, you can give
-LaTeX an exhaustive list of the files that are needed. Files that
-don&rsquo;t get <code>\</code><code>include</code>d are skipped entirely, but the document
-processing continues as if they <em>were</em> there, and page, footnote,
-and other numbers are not disturbed. Note that you can choose which
-sections you want included interactively, using the
-<i>askinclude</i> package.
-<p/>The inverse can be done using the <i>excludeonly</i> package: this
-allows you to exclude a (list of) <code>\</code><code>include</code>d files from your
-document, by means of an <code>\</code><code>excludeonly</code> command.
-<p/>If you want to select particular pages of your document, use Heiko
-Oberdiek&rsquo;s <i>pagesel</i> or the <i>selectp</i> packages. You
-can do something similar with an existing PDF document (which
-you may have compiled using <i>pdflatex</i> in the first place),
-using the <i>pdfpages</i> package. The job is then done with a
-document looking like:
-(To include all of the document, you write
-omitting the start and end pages in the optional argument.)
-<p/>If you want flexible facilities for including or excluding small
-portions of a file, consider the <i>comment</i>, <i>version</i> or
-<i>optional</i> packages.
-<p/>The <i>comment</i> package allows you to declare areas of a document to be
-included or excluded; you make these declarations in the preamble of
-your file. The command <code>\</code><code>includecomment{</code><em>version-name</em><code>}</code>
-declares an environment <code>version-name</code> whose content will
-be included in your document, while
-<code>\</code><code>excludecomment{</code><em>version-name</em><code>}</code> defines an environment whose
-content will be excluded from the document. The package uses a method
-for exclusion that is pretty robust, and can cope with ill-formed
-bunches of text (e.g., with unbalanced braces or <code>\</code><code>if</code> commands).
-<p/>These FAQs employ the <i>comment</i> package to alter layout
-between the printed (two-column) version and the PDF version
-for browsing; there are <code>narrowversion</code> and
-<code>wideversion</code> for the two versions of the file.
-<p/><i>version</i> offers similar facilities to <i>comment.sty</i>
-(i.e., <code>\</code><code>includeversion</code> and <code>\</code><code>excludeversion</code> commands);
-it&rsquo;s far &ldquo;lighter weight&rdquo;, but is less robust (and in particular,
-cannot deal with very large areas of text being included/excluded).
-<p/>A significant development of <i>version</i>, confusingly called
-<i>versions</i> (i.e., merely a plural of the old package name).
-<i>Versions</i> adds a command
-<code>\</code><code>markversion{</code><em>version-name</em><code>}</code> which defines an environment
-that prints the included text, with a clear printed mark around it.
-<p/><i>optional</i> defines a command <code>\</code><code>opt</code>; its first argument is
-an &lsquo;inclusion flag&rsquo;, and its second is text to be included or
-excluded. Text to be included or excluded must be well-formed
-(nothing mismatched), and should not be too big &mdash; if a large body of
-text is needed, <code>\</code><code>input</code> should be used in the argument.
-The documentation (in the package file itself) tells you
-how to declare which sections are to be included: this can be done in
-the document preamble, but the documentation also suggests ways in
-which it can be done on the command line that invokes LaTeX, or
-<p/>And, not least of this style of conditional compilation,
-<i>verbatim</i> (which should be available in any distribution)
-defines a <code>comment</code> environment, which enables the
-dedicated user of the source text editor to suppress bits of a
-LaTeX source file. The <i>memoir</i> class offers the same
-<p/>An interesting variation is the <i>xcomment</i> package. This
-defines an environment whose body is all excluded, apart from
-environments named in its argument. So, for example:
- This text is not included
- \begin{figure}
- This figure is included
- \end{figure}
- This is not included, either
- \begin{table}
- This table also included
- \end{table}
- ...
-<p/>A further valuable twist is offered by the <i>extract</i> package.
-This allows you to produce a &ldquo;partial copy&rdquo; of an existing document:
-the package was developed to permit production of a &ldquo;book of
-examples&rdquo; from a set of lecture notes. The package documentation
-shows the following usage:
- active,
- generate=foobar,
- extract-env={figure,table},
- extract-cmd={chapter,section}
-which will cause the package to produce a file <i>foobar.tex</i>
-containing all the <code>figure</code> and <code>table</code>
-environments, and the <code>\</code><code>chapter</code> and <code>\</code><code>section</code> commands, from
-the document being processed. The new file <i>foobar.tex</i> is
-generated in the course of an otherwise ordinary run on the &lsquo;master&rsquo;
-document. The package provides a good number of other facilities,
-including (numeric or labelled) ranges of environments to extract, and
-an <code>extract</code> environment which you can use to create complete
-ready-to-run LaTeX documents with stuff you&rsquo;ve extracted.
-<dt><tt><i>askinclude.sty</i></tt><dd>Distributed with Heiko Oberdiek&rsquo;s packages &mdash;
- <a href="">macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>comment.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/comment</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>excludeonly.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/misc/excludeonly.sty</a>
-<dt><tt><i>extract.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/extract</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>memoir.cls</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/memoir</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>optional.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/misc/optional.sty</a>
-<dt><tt><i>pagesel.sty</i></tt><dd>Distributed with Heiko Oberdiek&rsquo;s packages &mdash;
- <a href="">macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>pdfpages.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>selectp.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/misc/selectp.sty</a>
-<dt><tt><i>verbatim.sty</i></tt><dd>Distributed as part of <a href="">macros/latex/required/tools</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<dt><tt><i>version.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/misc/version.sty</a>
-<dt><tt><i>versions.sty</i></tt><dd><a href="">macros/latex/contrib/versions/versions.sty</a>
-<dt><tt><i>xcomment.sty</i></tt><dd>Distributed as part of <a href="">macros/latex/contrib/seminar</a> (<a href="">gzipped tar</a>, <a href="">browse</a>)
-<p/><p>This question on the Web: <a href=""></a>