path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
1 files changed, 559 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gridpapers/gridpapers.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gridpapers/gridpapers.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a4a75f77ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/gridpapers/gridpapers.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+%% This is file `gridpapers.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% gridpapers.dtx (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2021 by Robert McNees <>, Leo C. Stein <>
+%% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ [2021/03/14 v1.0.0 Graph paper backgrounds]
+%% everypage has been superseded -- try to use the new builtin
+%% approach, but fall back to everypage-1x if needed
+%% This code is roughly taken from the new everypage code
+ \RequirePackage{everypage-1x}
+ \newcommand*{\AddEverypageHook}[1]{%
+ \AddToHook{shipout/background}{\put(1in,-1in){#1}}}
+%% Option parsing
+%% Declare switches for processing the options.
+ family=GP,%
+ prefix=GPOpt@%
+%% Can only have one of fullpage or textarea
+ \ifGP@textarea
+ \PackageError{gridpapers}{%
+ Can not specify both fullpage and textarea, please remove one option}{}
+ \fi
+ \GP@fullnesssettrue
+ \GP@fullnesssettrue
+%% We keep track of this to know whether or not we would be overriding
+%% a previously-set page geometry
+ {\GP@geometrypreviouslyloadedtrue}
+ {\GP@geometrypreviouslyloadedfalse%
+ \PassOptionsToPackage{\GPOpt@geometry}{geometry}%
+ \RequirePackage{geometry}%
+ }
+%% Actual package code
+%% Some nice colors.
+\definecolor{plum}{rgb}{0.36078, 0.20784, 0.4}
+\definecolor{chameleon}{rgb}{0.30588, 0.60392, 0.023529}
+\definecolor{cornflower}{rgb}{0.12549, 0.29020, 0.52941}
+\definecolor{scarlet}{rgb}{0.8, 0, 0}
+\definecolor{brick}{rgb}{0.64314, 0, 0}
+\definecolor{sunrise}{rgb}{0.80784, 0.36078, 0}
+%% The color to use for the null directions when drawing lightcones.
+%% Pre-defined Color schemes
+%% Here are some pre-defined color schemes for the paper background
+%% and the major and minor grid lines. These are switched by using
+%% the option colorset=<name>. The allowed values for colorset are in
+%% the list below.
+ %% Allowed values for colorset:
+ {std,precocious,brickred,engineer,plumpad}[std]{%
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ %% std
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{cornflower!30}
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{cornflower!50}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{white}
+ \or
+ %% precocious
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{rosiegrid!50}
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{rosiegrid}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{rosiebg}
+ \or
+ %% brickred
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{brick!35}
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{brick!60}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{scarlet!8}
+ \or
+ %% engineer
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{chameleon!50}
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{chameleon!80}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{chameleon!10}
+ \or
+ %% plumpad
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{cornflower!40}
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{cornflower!70}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{plum!10}
+ \fi
+%% Get the specified color set from the options
+ \setkeys{GP}{#2=#1}
+%% If the user further specified majorcolor, minorcolor, and/or
+%% bgcolor, we now override the selected colorset
+ \colorlet{majorcolor}{\GPOpt@majorcolor}
+ \colorlet{minorcolor}{\GPOpt@minorcolor}
+ \colorlet{bgcolor}{\GPOpt@bgcolor}
+%% The size parameter -- different meanings for different patterns
+%% Will be reset by pattern code
+%% This section sets up a routine for filling a shape with
+%% hexagons. Uses code from:
+%% We have to delay this definition until after \GP@patternsize is
+%% redefined (by the pattern selection and/or user override)
+ {hexagons}%% name
+ {\pgfpointorigin}%% lower left
+ {\pgfpoint{3*\GP@patternsize}{0.866025*2*\GP@patternsize}}
+ {\pgfpoint{3*\GP@patternsize}{0.866025*2*\GP@patternsize}}
+ {
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{0.6pt}
+ \pgftransformshift{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0.866025*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0.5*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{-0.866025*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2*\GP@patternsize}{-0.866025*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2.5*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{3*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0.5*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{0.866025*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2*\GP@patternsize}{0.866025*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2.5*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ }
+%% This section sets up a routine for filling a shape with
+%% triangles.
+%% We have to delay this definition until after \GP@patternsize is
+%% redefined (by the pattern selection and/or user override)
+ %% Name of the pattern
+ {triangles}
+ %% Set the lower left corner of the pattern
+ {\pgfpointorigin}
+ %% Set the upper right corner of the pattern
+ {\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ %% Declare the size of the pattern blocks
+ {\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ %% Draw the pattern
+ {
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{0.6pt}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ }
+ %% Name of the pattern
+ {isometric}
+ %% Set the lower left corner of the pattern
+ {\pgfpointorigin}
+ %% Set the upper right corner of the pattern
+ {\pgfpoint{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}
+ %% Declare the size of the pattern blocks
+ {\pgfpoint{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}
+ %% Draw the pattern
+ {
+ \pgfsetlinewidth{0.6pt}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{2*0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0mm}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{0mm}}
+ \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{0.8660254*\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}
+ \pgfusepath{stroke}
+ }
+%% This section sets up a routine for filling the squares in a
+%% grid with null lines.
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% TODO Still can't figure out the correct pattern shift!!
+ /pgf/pattern keys/myshift/.store in=\myshift,
+ /pgf/pattern keys/myshift/.initial={(0,0)},
+ name=lightcones,
+ type=uncolored,
+ parameters={\myshift},
+ bounding box={(0,0) and (\GP@patternsize,\GP@patternsize)},
+ tile size={(\GP@patternsize, \GP@patternsize)},
+ tile transformation={
+ shift=\myshift,
+ },
+ defaults={
+ myshift/.store in=\myshift,myshift={(0,0)},
+ },
+ code={
+ %% TODO Make the dashing an option
+ \tikzset{lightlines/.style={line width=0.4pt,dash=on 0.05cm off 0.05cm phase 0.025cm}}
+ \draw [lightlines] (0,0) -- (\GP@patternsize,\GP@patternsize);
+ \draw [lightlines] (0,\GP@patternsize) -- (\GP@patternsize,0);
+ },
+%% \pgfdeclarepatternformonly
+%% {lightcones}% name
+%% {\pgfpointorigin}% lower left
+%% {\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}% upper right
+%% {\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}% tile size
+%% {% shape description
+%% \pgfsetlinewidth{0.4pt}
+%% %% TODO Make an option
+%% %Comment out this line for solid lines on light cones, instead of dashes.
+%% \pgfsetdash{{0.05cm}{0.05cm}}{0.025cm}
+%% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0in}{0in}}
+%% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}
+%% \pgfpathmoveto{\pgfpoint{0in}{\GP@patternsize}}
+%% \pgfpathlineto{\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{0in}}
+%% \pgfusepath{stroke}
+%% }
+%% This section sets up a routine for filling a region with dots
+%% Slightly modified version of code added by Leo
+%% Stein (@duetosymmetry on Twitter).
+%% We have to delay this definition until after \GP@patternsize is
+%% redefined (by the pattern selection and/or user override)
+ {dotgrid}%% name
+ {\pgfpoint{-0.5*\GP@patternsize}{-0.5*\GP@patternsize}}%% lower left
+ {\pgfpoint{0.5*\GP@patternsize}{0.5*\GP@patternsize}}%% upper right
+ {\pgfpoint{\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patternsize}}%% tile size
+ {%% shape description
+ \pgfpathcircle{\pgfqpoint{0pt}{0pt}}{\GPOpt@dotsize}
+ \pgfusepath{fill}
+ }
+%% Begin pattern execution infrastructure
+%% This inner code will be set by the choicekey pattern=...
+%% This is the "outer" code to hook into every page
+\newcommand{\GP@patterncode}{% No blank lines in this code!
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+%% Change "thin" to "very thin" if the lines are too thick.
+ minorgrid/.style={minorcolor, thin},
+ majorgrid/.style={majorcolor, thin},
+\coordinate (a) at (current page.south west);
+\coordinate (b) at (current page.north east);
+\coordinate (a) at (current page text area.south west);
+\coordinate (b) at (current page text area.north east);
+%% Begin pattern definition code
+%% Pattern-definer-helper
+%% The interface is:
+%% \GP@setpattern
+%% {<true for default fullpage, false for default textarea>}
+%% {<default geometry config>}
+%% {<default pattern size>} %% NOTE, not tile length
+%% {<contents of inner pattern code>}
+ %% Allowed values for pattern:
+ {std,stdeight,majmin,dot,hex,tri,iso,lightcone,ruled,doubleruled}{%
+ \ifcase\nr\relax
+ %% std
+%% Quadrille, ten squares per inch.
+%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, margin=0.2in}{0.1in}{%
+%% Draw a grid with 10 squares per inch.
+\draw[style=minorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [step=\GP@patternsize] (b);
+%% Draw a frame around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% stdeight
+%% Quadrille, eight squares per inch.
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, margin=0.1875in}{0.125in}{%
+%% Draw a grid with 10 squares per inch.
+\draw[style=minorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [step=\GP@patternsize] (b);
+%% Draw a frame around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% majmin
+%% Graph paper, eight squares per inch with a major grid
+%% every half-inch.
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, margin=0.25in}{0.125in}{%
+%% Draw a grid with 10 squares per inch.
+\draw[style=minorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [step=\GP@patternsize] (b);
+\draw[style=majorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [step=4*\GP@patternsize] (b);
+%% Draw a frame around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% dot
+%% Dot grid
+%% Slightly modified version of code added by Leo
+%% Stein (@duetosymmetry).
+ \GP@setpattern{true}{}{0.1in}{%
+ \fill [pattern=dotgrid,pattern color=minorcolor] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% hex
+%% Hex grid
+ \GP@setpattern{true}{}{0.1666in}{%
+ \fill [pattern=hexagons,pattern color=minorcolor] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% tri
+%% Triangle grid, adjust triangle size in the preamble
+ \GP@setpattern{true}{}{0.25in}{%
+ \fill [pattern=triangles,pattern color=minorcolor] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% iso
+%% Isometric grid
+ \GP@setpattern{true}{}{0.25in}{%
+ \fill [pattern=isometric, pattern color=minorcolor] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% lightcone
+%% A grid with light cones.
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, margin=.125in}{0.25in}{%
+%% Draw a grid with 4 squares per inch.
+\draw[style=minorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) coordinate grid [step=\GP@patternsize] (b);
+%% Draw a border around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid, pattern={lightcones[myshift={(a)}]}, pattern color=lightlines] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% ruled
+%% Ruled page with bold lines every 0.2in or 0.25in
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, body={8in,10.8in}}{0.2in}{%
+%% Draw a ruled page with lines every 0.2in
+\draw[style=majorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [ystep=\GP@patternsize, xstep=\paperwidth] (b);
+%% Draw a frame around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \or
+ %% doubleruled
+%% Ruled page with bold lines every 0.25in and light lines
+%% every 0.125 in.
+ \GP@setpattern{false}{letterpaper, margin=.25in}{0.125in}{%
+%% Draw a ruled pattern with thin lines every 0.125 in and bold lines every 0.25 in.
+\draw[style=minorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [ystep=\GP@patternsize, xstep=\paperwidth] (b);
+\draw[style=majorgrid, shift={(a)}] (0,0) grid [ystep=2*\GP@patternsize, xstep=\paperwidth] (b);
+%% Draw a frame around the grid.
+\draw[style=majorgrid] (a) rectangle (b);
+ }
+ \fi
+%% Use the passed package option to set the above key
+%% Determine whether or not to (re)set fullpage vs textarea
+%% Respect their choice
+ %% Reset the value of \GP@fullpage based on the pattern's default
+ %% There's probably a more idiomatic way to do this but I can't
+ %% figure it out
+ \ifKV@GP@patterndefaultfullness
+ \GP@fullpagetrue
+ \else
+ \GP@fullpagefalse
+ \fi
+%% Determine whether or not to fiddle with the page geometry
+%% Respect their previous choice
+\PackageWarning{gridpapers}{'geometry' package was previously loaded, will not use pattern defaults.}
+ %% Use the pattern's defaults,
+ \expandafter\geometry\expandafter{\GP@patterndefaultgeometry}
+ %% And then override with any more specific settings passed by the user
+ \expandafter\geometry\expandafter{\GPOpt@geometry}
+%% Determine the correct pattern length
+ % Use the pattern's preferred length
+ \renewcommand{\GP@patternsize}{\GP@patterndefaultsize}
+ % Override with the user's choice
+ \renewcommand{\GP@patternsize}{\GPOpt@patternsize}
+%% Now that everything has been set up, we can finally define the
+%% patterns with the correct lengths.
+%% Set the background color.
+%% Actually hook it in!
+%% End of file `gridpapers.sty'.