path: root/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/source/latex')
3 files changed, 753 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.drv b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.drv
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f5f2092e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.drv
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+%% This is file `emarks.drv',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% emarks.dtx (with options: `driver')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file emarks.dtx
+%% and the derived files:
+%% emarks.sty, emarks.ins, emarks.drv,
+%% and: emarks.pdf
+%% emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 by FC <florent.chervet @t>
+\def\thisinfo {e-TeX named marks registers (FC)}
+\def\thisversion {1.0}
+\PassOptionsToPackage {full}{tabu}
+\RequirePackage [\detokenize{§§},hyperlistings]{fcltxdoc}
+\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,american,latin1,T1]{ltxdoc} \usetikz{full}
+\usepackage [latin1]{inputenc}
+\usepackage [T1]{fontenc}
+\usepackage {numprint}
+\usepackage {pdfcomment}
+\usepackage {ragged2e} % general tools
+\usepackage {arial,bbding,relsize,moresize,manfnt,pifont,upgreek} % fonts
+\csname endofdump\endcsname
+\usepackage {emarks}
+\RequirePackage [full]{tabu}
+\usepackage {geometry}
+\AtBeginDocument {\let\setkeys \kvsetkeys }
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+ \usepackage[expansion=all,stretch=20,shrink=60]{microtype}\fi % font (microtype)
+ lstdefinestyle,
+ lstinputlisting,lstset,tikzlabel,tikzrefXY,
+ color,
+ geometry,lasthline,firsthline,
+ cmidrule,toprule,bottomrule,tabusetup*,tabusetup,
+ everyrow,tabulinestyle,tabureset,savetabu,usetabu,preamble,
+ taburulecolor,taburowcolors},
+\hypersetup {%
+ pdfauthor=Florent CHERVET,
+ pdfkeywords={TeX, LaTeX, e-TeX, marks, firstmarks, botmarks, topmarks, package },
+\geometry {top=0mm,headheight=8mm,includehead,reversemarginpar,asymmetric,headsep=3mm,bottom=14mm,footskip=5mm,inner=35mm,outer=20mm }
+ \DocInput{\jobname.dtx}
+%% End of file `emarks.drv'.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.dtx b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..278a0daf044
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in
+% This work consists of the main source file emarks.dtx
+% and the derived files:
+% emarks.sty, emarks.ins, emarks.drv
+% end emarks.pdf
+% Unpacking:
+% (a) Without emarks.ins: etex emarks.dtx
+% (b) If emarks.ins is present: etex emarks.ins
+% (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+% latex \let\install=y\input{emarks.dtx}
+% (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation: pdflatex emarks.dtx
+% Copyright (C) 2011 by FC <florent.chervet @t>
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation *}
+\Msg{* Package emarks: 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC) *}
+This is a generated file.
+emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file emarks.dtx
+and the derived files:
+ emarks.sty, emarks.ins, emarks.drv,
+ and: emarks.pdf
+emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+Copyright (C) 2011 by FC <florent.chervet @t>
+ \file{emarks.ins}{\from{emarks.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{emarks.sty}{\from{emarks.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{emarks.drv}{\from{emarks.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following *}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* emarks.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `emarks.dtx' *}
+\Msg{* through pdfLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\def\thisinfo {e-TeX named marks registers (FC)}
+\def\thisversion {1.0}
+\PassOptionsToPackage {full}{tabu}
+\RequirePackage [\detokenize{§§},hyperlistings]{fcltxdoc}
+\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,twoside,american,latin1,T1]{ltxdoc} \usetikz{full}
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+\usepackage [T1]{fontenc}
+\usepackage {numprint}
+\usepackage {pdfcomment}
+\usepackage {ragged2e} % general tools
+\usepackage {arial,bbding,relsize,moresize,manfnt,pifont,upgreek} % fonts
+\csname endofdump\endcsname
+\usepackage {emarks}
+\RequirePackage [full]{tabu}
+\usepackage {geometry}
+\AtBeginDocument {\let\setkeys \kvsetkeys }
+\ifx y\microtypeYN %
+ \usepackage[expansion=all,stretch=20,shrink=60]{microtype}\fi % font (microtype)
+ lstdefinestyle,
+ lstinputlisting,lstset,tikzlabel,tikzrefXY,
+ color,
+ geometry,lasthline,firsthline,
+ cmidrule,toprule,bottomrule,tabusetup*,tabusetup,
+ everyrow,tabulinestyle,tabureset,savetabu,usetabu,preamble,
+ taburulecolor,taburowcolors},
+\hypersetup {%
+ pdfauthor=Florent CHERVET,
+ pdfkeywords={TeX, LaTeX, e-TeX, marks, firstmarks, botmarks, topmarks, package },
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+ \DocInput{\jobname.dtx}
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+% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
+% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
+% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
+% \DoNotIndex{\globcount,\globdimen,\if,\fi,\else,\def,\the,\gdef,\global,\relax}
+% \makeatletter
+% \def\ThisInfo {\ifdefvoid\lsstyle {\scalebox{1.35}[1]{\eTeX}\stretchwith\,{\ named\ marks\ registers}}
+% {\lsstyle \eTeX{} named marks registers }}
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+% \parindent\z@\parskip.4\baselineskip\topsep\parskip\partopsep\z@
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+% \AtBeginEnvironment {declcs}{\tabusetup* {font=\bfseries,everyrow=\rowbackground{fill=Snow!220,cell fading=-+{70}{0}{30}},line style=\heavyrulewidth,linesep=1mm}}
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+% \tikzAtEveryShipout {\ifnum \value{page}>\@ne \fill [fill=Lime,very nearly transparent] (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth,-\headheight);\fi }
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+% bookmark={color=MidnightBlue},
+% }
+% \pagesetup [corpus]{norule,
+% font=\footnotesize,
+% head/left=\noindent\raise1.5mm\hbox{\thispackage},
+% head/font+=\mdseries\sffamily,
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+% foot/left/font=\scriptsize\color{gray!80},
+% foot/left=\vbox to\baselineskip{\vss{{\rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{\thispackage\,[rev.\thisversion]\,\CopyRight2011\,\lower.4ex\hbox{\pkgcolor\NibRight}\,\FC}}}},
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+% foot/right=\oldstylenums{\arabic{page}}/\oldstylenums{\pageref{LastPage}},
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+% foot/left=\vbox to\baselineskip{\vss{{\rotatebox[origin=l]{90}{\thispackage\,[rev.\thisversion]\,\CopyRight2011\,\lower.4ex\hbox{\pkgcolor\NibRight}\,\FC\quad \xemail{florent.chervet at}}}}},
+% }
+% \bookmarksetup{openlevel=3}
+% \newrobustcmd\IMPLEMENTATION{\bigskip
+% \par \tabubox { X[c] }{ \background {cell fading=fuzzy ring 15 percent,fill=Silver,semitransparent}
+% \tabubox { *2X[c] } {\includegraphics [width=20mm,keepaspectratio]{emarks-fingerprint.png}
+% & \indent\tikz{\fill [decorate,decoration={footprints,foot of=felis silvestris}] (\paperwidth-25mm,-32mm) circle (+8mm);}
+% \\[^2mm _8mm]}
+% \\ \LARGE\thispackage }
+% \clearpage
+% \bookmarksetup {bold*,openlevel=1}
+% \sectionformat \section{bookmark={color=black}} \sectionformat \subsection{bookmark={color=gray}}
+% \section(Implementation)[\lsstyle\textsc{\bfseries Implementation}]{\larger\lsstyle\textsc{\bfseries Implementation}}\label{sec:implementation}\parindent1em
+% }
+% \tikzAtFirstShipout{\fill [decorate,decoration={footprints,foot of=felis silvestris}] (\paperwidth-25mm,-32mm) circle (+5mm);
+% \node[anchor=south] at (+41mm,-40mm) {\includegraphics [width=15mm,keepaspectratio] {emarks-fingerprint.png}};}
+% \title {\vspace*{-28pt}\Huge\bfseries \CTANhref[emarks]{\pkgcolor emarks}\Footnotemark{*}
+% \tabusetup* {linesep=3mm ,font=\large\changefont{fam=txr}}
+% \tabubox { X[c] }{ \ThisInfo \\
+% \small\FC \\
+% \small\mdseries\thisdate~--~\hyperref[\thisversion]{version \thisversion }
+% }\vspace*{-12pt}}
+% \author {}
+% \date {}
+% \makeatother
+% \maketitle
+% \pdftikzcomment [author=interfaces-pdfcomment] {TikZ decorations.footprint library}
+% [semithick,color=pkgcolor,->>] ($(current page.north east)-(7mm,7mm)$) -- ++ (-1.5,-1.5);
+% \bookmark[bold,view=FitH 0,named=FirstPage,color=pkgcolor]{emarks}
+% \Footnotetext{\rlap{*}\kern2em}{\parindent0pt\noindent
+% This documentation is produced with the \textt{DocStrip} utility.\par
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-3]X[-1] >\ttfamily X}
+% \smex To get the package, &run: & etex \thisfile.dtx \\
+% \smex To get the documentation &run (thrice): & pdflatex \thisfile.dtx \\
+% \leavevmode\hphantom\smex To get the index, &run: & makeindex -s \thisfile.idx
+% \end{tabu}\par
+% The \xext{dtx}* is embedded into this \xext{pdf}* thank to \Xpackage{embedfile} by H. Oberdiek.}
+% \vspace*{-16mm}
+% \begin{Abstract}[\leftmargin=6mm\parindent0pt\listparindent0pt\parskip\smallskipamount\parsep\smallskipamount]
+% \shorttabubox { X }{\eTeX{} defines \numprint {32768} marks registers while \TeX{} provided only one \emph!\\ \cbackground {fill=pkgcolor,cell fading=*,nearly transparent}-}
+% So small, this package provides commands to access \eTeX{} marks registers by their name rather than by their number.
+% This makes the use of them far more comfortable than ``old \LaTeX{}'' tricks with \cs\markright, \cs\markboth \etc.
+% \thispackage requires \eTeX{} and the generic package \CTANhref[etex-pkg]{\xfile{etex.sty}} for allocation.
+% Presently designed to be loaded by \textt\LaTeX{}, a \textt{plain \TeX} version might be provided later...
+% \end{Abstract}
+% \tocsetup{
+% before+=\hypersetup {linkcolor=black},
+% section/skip=4pt plus2pt minus2pt,
+% subsection/skip=0pt plus2pt minus2pt,
+% section/dotsep=,
+% subsection/dotsep=,
+% subsection/pagenumbers=off,
+% dotsep=1.5mu,
+% title/top = 12pt,
+% dot=\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\cdotp$},
+% title={\pkgcolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null}\quad Contents of \textsfbf{\pkgcolor emarks}\quad{\pkgcolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null},
+% title/bottom=4pt,
+% multicols/beforeend=\aftergroup\tocrule,
+% columns=2,columns/rule color=pkgcolor,no columns rule,
+% }
+% \def\tocrule{\leavevmode{\pkgcolor\hrule}}
+% \tableofcontents \pagestyle{corpus}
+% \listofsetup {lol}{pagestyle=,
+% title/font=\large\bfseries,
+% title={\pkgcolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null}\quad List of the listings / examples\quad{\pkgcolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null},
+% after=\tocrule,
+% twocolumns=false,
+% label=lol,bookmark={text=Listings},
+% lstlisting/dotsep=,
+% lstlisting/pagenumbers=off,
+% lstlisting/leaders=,
+% lstlisting/font=\hfil,
+% lstlisting/number/width=0pt,
+% }
+% \addcontentsline{lol}{lstlisting}{To be done !}
+% \listoflstlisting
+% \bookmarksetup{bold*}
+% \section{The \hologo{eTeX} marks registers}
+% \label{userinterface}
+% \begin{declcs}[{ | *2X[-1] | }] \marksthe\M{named-mark}\M{content} & \csanchor\marksthecs\M{named-mark}\M{cs-name} \\
+% \cs\marksthe*\M{named-mark}\M{content} & \cs\marksthecs*\M{named-mark}\M{cs-name}
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\marksthe\declcsbookmark\marksthecs
+% \tabusetup* { extra sep = .5\parskip }
+% \declmargin\begin{tabu*}to\dimexpr\linewidth-\declmarginwidth {X[-1]X @{} }
+% \cs\marksthe\M*{section}\M{content} & Marks the \meta{content} into the named mark register \meta{section} in the same way as the \eTeX{} primitive \cs\marks:
+% in particular the \meta{content} is immediately expanded. \par
+% If the mark register does not exist, it is created (or allocated) with \cs\newmarks (in \xfile{etex.sty}).
+% \\
+% \cs\marksthe*\M*{section}\M{content} & does the same but the \meta{content} is not expanded. The current values of counters, \cs\thesection \etc. will be wrong:
+% they will expand to the value they have at the time the mark register is read, not at the time of \cs\marksthe*.\par
+% Yet \cs\marksthe* is useful to mark a title only like in§
+% \shorttabubox* {X}{ \cs\def\cs\sectionmark \#1\M*{\cs\marksthe*\M*{section}\M{\#1}}}§
+% or to control the expansion (the \meta{content} can be expanded before marking in a way and with the protections desired by the user).
+% \end{tabu*}
+% Similarly \cs\marksthecs\M{subsubsection}\M{cs-name} marks the content of \cs{cs-name} by the mean of the named mark
+% register \meta{subsubsection}. \meta{cs-name} is really the \emph{name of the control sequence} and not the control sequence itself:
+% it does not start with \textttbf{\csname @backslashchar\endcsname}.§
+% If \cs{cs-name} is empty the mark is empty, but if it is undefined or \cs\relax: nothing is marked: at reading time, the mark register never expands
+% to \cs\undefined nor to \cs\relax.
+% The syntax follows \eTeX{} \cs\marks primitive (a token-like syntax): braces are mandatory around the \M{content} to be marked, even if it is made of one single token.
+% \begin{declcs}[{ | *2X[-1] |}]\thefirstmarks&\M{named-mark}\textsuperscript{\textsc{expandable}} \\
+% \csanchor\thebotmarks &\M{named-mark}\textsuperscript{\textsc{expandable}} \\
+% \csanchor\thetopmarks &\M{named-mark}\textsuperscript{\textsc{expandable}}
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\thefirstmarks\declcsbookmark\thebotmarks\declcsbookmark\thetopmarks
+% Those commands are expandable in exactly one step of expansion. If the \meta{named-mark} mark register does not exists,
+% the expansion is null (\ie nothing is done nor printed).
+% \tabusetup* {colsep=3pt}
+% \begin{tabu*}{ @{} X[-1] X @{} }
+% \cs\thefirstmarks\M{chapter} &expands to the content of the first invocation of \cs\marksthe\M{chapter}
+% on the current page if \cs\marksthe\M*{chapter} was used on the current page,
+% or the last invocation of \cs\marksthe\M*{chapter} if no marks occured on the current page.
+% \\
+% \hfill\small \TeX nically this is &\cs\firstmarks \cs\marks@chapter
+% \\[1mm]
+% \cs\thebotmarks\M{chapter} &expands to the content of the last invocation of \cs\marksthe\M{chapter} (the most recent \cs\marks). \\
+% \hfill\small \TeX nically this is &\cs\botmarks \cs\marks@chapter
+% \\[1mm]
+% \cs\thetopmarks\M{chapter} &expands to the content of \cs\botmarks at the time \TeX{} shipped out the last page. \\
+% \hfill\small \TeX nically this is &\cs\topmarks\cs\marks@chapter
+% \end{tabu*}
+% \def\OR{\stform|}
+% \begin{declcs}[{ | X | }]\getthemarks \cs\firstmarks \OR \cs\botmarks \OR \cs\topmarks \M{named-mark} \M*{\cs{control-sequence}} \\
+% \csanchor\getthefirstmarks \M{named-mark} \M*{\cs{control-sequence}} \\
+% \csanchor\getthebotmarks \M{named-mark} \M*{\cs{control-sequence}} \\
+% \csanchor\getthetopmarks \M{named-mark} \M*{\cs{control-sequence}}
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\getthemarks\declcsbookmark[rellevel=2]\getthefirstmarks\declcsbookmark[rellevel=2]\getthebotmarks\declcsbookmark[rellevel=2]\getthetopmarks
+% \cs\thefirstmarks, \cs\thebotmarks and \cs\thetopmarks expand the content of the mark. To get it in a macro
+% \cs\getthemarks can be used: \cs{control-sequence} is defined as a parameterless macro whose replacement text is
+% the content of the given mark register.
+% If the \meta{named-mark} mark register does not exist, the meaning of\, \cs{control-sequence}\, is
+% \textt{undefined}.
+% \begin{declcs}\ifmarksvoid \M*{\cs\firstmarks}\M*{named-mark}\M{true}\M{false} \\
+% \cs\ifmarksvoid \M*{\cs\botmarks}\M*{named-mark}\M{true}\M{false} \\
+% \cs\ifmarksvoid \M*{\cs\topmarks}\M*{named-mark}\M{true}\M{false} \\
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\ifmaksvoid
+% \cs\ifmarksvoid expands the \M{true} part if either: ^^A\loggingall
+% \begin{itemize}^^A[topsep=0pt,itemsep=0pt]
+% \item The requested mark register is empty,
+% \item The requested mark register is \cs\undefined,
+% \item The requested mark register is \cs\relax,
+% \item The \meta{named-mark} mark register does not exist.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{declcs}\ifmarksequal\M*{\cs\firstmarks}\M*{\cs\topmarks}\M*{named-mark}\M{true}\M{false} \\
+% \cs\ifmarksequal\M*{\cs\firstmarks}\M*{\cs\botmarks}\M*{named-mark}\M{true}\M{false}
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\ifmarksequal
+% Pretty often we want to compare the botmarks against the firstmarks or the topmarks, to adapt the header and/or footer
+% in case those marks are equal or different, \ie in case the page contains a new section title or not:
+% \cs\ifmarksequal expands the code in the \M{true} or the \M{false} part if the extraction of the marks are equal
+% (in the sense of \cs\ifx) or different.
+% If any of the marks register\, \cs{marks@\meta{named-mark}}\, does not exist the \M{false} part is expanded.
+% If marks are used both at \cs\sectionmark \textbf{and at} \cs\sectionbreak then the following assertions are true:§
+% \begin{shorttabu}{ !\textbullet l @{\,=\,} l !{$\Leftrightarrow$} l }
+% \cs\firstmarks &\cs\botmarks &there is at most one section title on the current page; \\
+% \cs\topmarks &\cs\botmarks &there is no section title on the current page; \\
+% \cs\firstmarks &\cs\topmarks &the last section title continues on the current page.
+% \end{shorttabu}
+% \begin{declcs}\showthemarks \M{named-mark}
+% \end{declcs}\declcsbookmark\showthemarks
+% \cs\showthemarks is for debugging purpose: it prints a message in the \xext{log}* and the ``standard error'' with
+% the contents of the marks \cs\firstmarks, \cs\botmarks and \cs\topmarks for the \meta{named-mark} register given.
+% Then it executes \cs\show on the extracted content of \cs\firstmarks in order to stop compilation at that point:
+% the console displays the contents of \cs\firstmarks, \cs\botmarks and \cs\topmarks.
+% ^^A\loggingall
+% ^^A\showthemarks{section}
+% \StopEventually{ }
+% \subsection*{Identification} \makeatletter
+% The package namespace is \cs\em@rks
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ [2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)]
+\RequirePackage {etex}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\emarks@newmarks}
+% allocates a new marks register if it does not exists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\emarks@newmarks #1{\PackageInfo {emarks}{New marks register `#1'}%
+ \newmarks #1% \newmarks is global !!
+}% \emarks@newmarks
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\marksthe}
+% \begin{macro}{\marksthecs}
+% \noindent\shorttabubox* { X } { \lstinline! \marksthe { named-mark }{ general text } ! \\
+% \lstinline! \marksthe* { named-mark }{ general text } ! \\
+% \lstinline! \marksthe { named-mark }{ named control sequence } ! \\
+% \lstinline! \marksthecs*{ named-mark }{ named control sequence } ! \\
+% }
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\marksthe {\emarks@setmarks {}}
+\protected\def\marksthecs {\emarks@setmarks {\toks@\expandafter{\csname\the\toks@\endcsname}}}
+\def\emarks@setmarks #1{\begingroup \@ifstar {\emarks@ {#1}\def }
+ {\emarks@ {#1}\edef }%
+}% \emarks@setmarks
+\def\emarks@ #1#2#3{\def\@tempa
+ {#1#2\@tempa {\the\toks@ }\expandafter\emarks@marks \csname marks@#3\endcsname }%
+ \afterassignment \@tempa \toks@ =
+}% \emarks@
+\def\emarks@marks #1{\ifx \relax#1\emarks@newmarks #1\fi \marks #1{\@tempa }\endgroup }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\thefirstmarks}
+% \begin{macro}{\thebotmarks}
+% \begin{macro}{\thetopmarks}
+% \cs\thefirstmarks extract the \cs\firstmarks from a named mark register.
+% The macros are purely expandable in exactly one step of expansion.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\thefirstmarks {\romannumeral \emarks@themarks \firstmarks }
+\newcommand*\thebotmarks {\romannumeral \emarks@themarks \botmarks }
+\newcommand*\thetopmarks {\romannumeral \emarks@themarks \topmarks }
+\def\emarks@themarks #1#2{\expandafter \ifx
+ \csname\ifcsname marks@#2\endcsname marks@#2\else relax\fi\endcsname\relax
+ \expandafter \z@
+ \else \expandafter \z@ #1\csname marks@#2\expandafter \endcsname \fi
+}% \emarks@themarks
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\getthemarks}
+% \begin{macro}{\getthefirstmarks}
+% \begin{macro}{\getthebotmarks}
+% \begin{macro}{\getthetopmarks}
+% Extract the marks and store in a parameterless macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\getthemarks #1#2#3{\ifcsname marks@#2\endcsname
+ \expandafter \def \expandafter #3\expandafter {#1\csname marks@#2\endcsname}%
+ \else \let #3=\@undefined \fi
+}% \getthemarks
+\protected\def\getthefirstmarks {\getthemarks \firstmarks }
+\protected\def\getthebotmarks {\getthemarks \botmarks }
+\protected\def\getthetopmarks {\getthemarks \topmarks }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifmarksvoid}
+% Test if a marks is defined, not empty and not \cs\relax.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\ifmarksvoid #1#2{\begingroup \getthemarks {#1}{#2}\x
+ \ifodd \ifdefined\x \ifx \x\relax 0 \fi \ifx \x\@empty 0 \fi \else 0 \fi
+ 1 \endgroup\expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \else \endgroup\expandafter\@firstoftwo \fi
+}% \ifmarksvoid
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifmarksequal}
+% Test with \cs\ifx if two marks are equal:§
+% \shorttabubox* {X} { \lstinline ! \ifmarksequal \firstmarks \botmarks { named-mark } ! }
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\ifmarksequal #1#2#3{\begingroup \getthemarks{#1}{#3}\x \getthemarks{#2}{#3}\y
+ \expandafter \endgroup \ifodd \ifdefined\x \ifdefined\y \ifx \x\y 0 \fi\fi\fi
+ 1 \expandafter\@secondoftwo
+ \else \expandafter\@firstoftwo \fi
+}% \ifmarksequal
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\showthemarks}
+% Shows the contents of the marks registers
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\showthemarks #1{\begingroup \emarks@showthemarks 0{#1}\firstmarks
+ \emarks@showthemarks 2{#1}\botmarks
+ \emarks@showthemarks 4{#1}\topmarks
+ \message{firstmarks "#1": \the\toks0^^J%
+ botmarks "#1": \the\toks2^^J%
+ topmarks "#1": \the\toks4^^J}\show\@tempa
+ \endgroup
+}% \showthemarks
+\def\emarks@showthemarks #1#2#3{\getthemarks #3{#2}\@tempa \toks #1 = \ifdefined\@tempa
+ \expandafter\ifx \noexpand\@tempa\@tempa {}\else \expandafter {\@tempa }\fi
+ \else {}\fi
+}% \emarks@showthemarks
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{History}
+% \sectionformat\subsection{font=\normalsize\pkgcolor,bottom=0pt,top=\smallskipamount }\makeatletter
+% \begin{Version}{2011/03/26}{1.0}
+% \item First version. \\
+% \end{Version}
+% \end{History}
+% \begin{thebibliography}{9}
+% \bibitem{etex} The \xpackage{etex} package by Peter Breitenlohner \\
+% \getpackageinfo{etex} \\
+% \CTANhref[etex-pkg]{\nolinkurl{CTAN:help/Catalogue/entries/etex-pkg.html}}
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% \clearpage
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.ins b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.ins
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6e93b219bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/emarks/emarks.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%% This is file `emarks.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% emarks.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file emarks.dtx
+%% and the derived files:
+%% emarks.sty, emarks.ins, emarks.drv,
+%% and: emarks.pdf
+%% emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 by FC <florent.chervet @t>
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation *}
+\Msg{* Package emarks: 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC) *}
+This is a generated file.
+emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file emarks.dtx
+and the derived files:
+ emarks.sty, emarks.ins, emarks.drv,
+ and: emarks.pdf
+emarks : 2011/03/26 v1.0 - e-TeX named marks registers (FC)
+Copyright (C) 2011 by FC <florent.chervet @t>
+ \file{emarks.ins}{\from{emarks.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{emarks.sty}{\from{emarks.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{emarks.drv}{\from{emarks.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following *}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* emarks.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `emarks.dtx' *}
+\Msg{* through pdfLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+%% End of file `emarks.ins'.