path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/cover.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/cover.tex')
1 files changed, 51 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/cover.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/thuthesis/example/data/cover.tex
index 35898c73672..ef28499f251 100644
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-\secretlevel{绝密} \secretyear{2100}
+\secretlevel{缁濆瘑} \secretyear{2100}
-\ctitle{清华大学学位论文~\LaTeX\ 模板使用示例文档}
-% 根据自己的情况选,不用这样复杂
+\ctitle{娓呭崕澶у瀛︿綅璁烘枃 \LaTeX\ 妯℃澘\\浣跨敤绀轰緥鏂囨。}
+% 鏍规嵁鑷繁鐨勬儏鍐甸夛紝涓嶇敤杩欐牱澶嶆潅
- \cdegree{工学博士}
+ \cdegree{宸ュ鍗氬+}
- \cdegree{工学硕士}
+ \cdegree{宸ュ纭曞+}
-% 如果没有副指导老师或者联合指导老师,把下面两行相应的删除即可。
-% 日期自动生成,如果你要自己写就改这个cdate
+% 濡傛灉娌℃湁鍓寚瀵艰佸笀鎴栬呰仈鍚堟寚瀵艰佸笀锛屾妸涓嬮潰涓よ鐩稿簲鐨勫垹闄ゅ嵆鍙
+% 鏃ユ湡鑷姩鐢熸垚锛屽鏋滀綘瑕佽嚜宸卞啓灏辨敼杩欎釜cdate
\etitle{An Introduction to \LaTeX{} Thesis Template of Tsinghua University}
% \edegree{Doctor of Science}
@@ -37,35 +37,54 @@
\eauthor{Xue Ruini}
\esupervisor{Professor Zheng Weimin}
\eassosupervisor{Chen Wenguang}
-% 这个日期也会自动生成,你要改么?
+% 杩欎釜鏃ユ湡涔熶細鑷姩鐢熸垚锛屼綘瑕佹敼涔堬紵
% \edate{December, 2005}
-% 定义中英文摘要和关键字
+% 瀹氫箟涓嫳鏂囨憳瑕佸拰鍏抽敭瀛
- 本文介绍清华大学论文模板~\thuthesis{} 的使用方法。本模板基本符合学校的本科、硕
- 士、博士论文格式要求。
+ 璁烘枃鐨勬憳瑕佹槸瀵硅鏂囩爺绌跺唴瀹瑰拰鎴愭灉鐨勯珮搴︽鎷傛憳瑕佸簲瀵硅鏂囨墍鐮旂┒鐨勯棶棰樺強鍏剁爺绌剁洰
+ 鐨勮繘琛屾弿杩帮紝瀵圭爺绌舵柟娉曞拰杩囩▼杩涜绠鍗曚粙缁嶏紝瀵圭爺绌舵垚鏋滃拰鎵寰楃粨璁鸿繘琛屾鎷傛憳瑕佸簲
+ 鍏锋湁鐙珛鎬у拰鑷槑鎬э紝鍏跺唴瀹瑰簲鍖呭惈涓庤鏂囧叏鏂囧悓绛夐噺鐨勪富瑕佷俊鎭備娇璇昏呭嵆浣夸笉闃呰鍏
+ 鏂囷紝閫氳繃鎽樿灏辫兘浜嗚В璁烘枃鐨勬讳綋鍐呭鍜屼富瑕佹垚鏋溿
- 本文的创新点主要有:
+ 璁烘枃鎽樿鐨勪功鍐欏簲鍔涙眰绮剧‘銆佺畝鏄庛傚垏蹇屽啓鎴愬璁烘枃涔﹀啓鍐呭杩涜鎻愯鐨勫舰寮忥紝灏ゅ叾瑕侀伩
+ 鍏嶁滅 1 绔犫︹︼紱绗 2 绔犫︹︼紱鈥︹︹濊繖绉嶆垨绫讳技鐨勯檲杩版柟寮忋
+ 鏈枃浠嬬粛娓呭崕澶у璁烘枃妯℃澘 \thuthesis{} 鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曘傛湰妯℃澘绗﹀悎瀛︽牎鐨勬湰绉戙佺澹
+ 鍗氬+璁烘枃鏍煎紡瑕佹眰銆
+ 鏈枃鐨勫垱鏂扮偣涓昏鏈夛細
- \item 用例子来解释模板的使用方法;
- \item 用废话来填充无关紧要的部分;
- \item 一边学习摸索一边编写新代码。
+ \item 鐢ㄤ緥瀛愭潵瑙i噴妯℃澘鐨勪娇鐢ㄦ柟娉曪紱
+ \item 鐢ㄥ簾璇濇潵濉厖鏃犲叧绱ц鐨勯儴鍒嗭紱
+ \item 涓杈瑰涔犳懜绱竴杈圭紪鍐欐柊浠g爜銆
+ 鍏抽敭璇嶆槸涓轰簡鏂囩尞鏍囧紩宸ヤ綔銆佺敤浠ヨ〃绀哄叏鏂囦富瑕佸唴瀹逛俊鎭殑鍗曡瘝鎴栨湳璇傚叧閿瘝涓嶈秴杩 5
+ 涓紝姣忎釜鍏抽敭璇嶄腑闂寸敤鍒嗗彿鍒嗛殧銆傦紙妯℃澘浣滆呮敞锛氬叧閿瘝鍒嗛殧绗︿笉鐢ㄨ冭檻锛屾ā鏉夸細鑷姩澶
+ 鐞嗐傝嫳鏂囧叧閿瘝鍚岀悊銆傦級
-\ckeywords{\TeX, \LaTeX, CJK, 模板, 排版, 论文}
+\ckeywords{\TeX, \LaTeX, CJK, 妯℃澘, 璁烘枃}
- This article presents \thuthesis, the thesis template for Tsinghua University,
- and briefly introduces the usage.
+ An abstract of a dissertation is a summary and extraction of research work
+ and contributions. Included in an abstract should be description of research
+ topic and research objective, brief introduction to methodology and research
+ process, and summarization of conclusion and contributions of the
+ research. An abstract should be characterized by independence and clarity and
+ carry identical information with the dissertation. It should be such that the
+ general idea and major contributions of the dissertation are conveyed without
+ reading the dissertation.
- The template has been verified by the academic administration of Tsinghua
- University. It fulfils the corresponding format requirements, and can generate
- either bachelor, master or doctor thesis easily. You can simply insert your
- information and main text into the right places in this example.
+ An abstract should be concise and to the point. It is a misunderstanding to
+ make an abstract an outline of the dissertation and words ``the first
+ chapter'', ``the second chapter'' and the like should be avoided in the
+ abstract.
- Generally, the abstract and the key words should be consistent with the
- Chinese version.
+ Key words are terms used in a dissertation for indexing, reflecting core
+ information of the dissertation. An abstract may contain a maximum of 5 key
+ words, with semi-colons used in between to separate one another.
-\ekeywords{\TeX, \LaTeX, CJK, template, typesetting, thesis}
+\ekeywords{\TeX, \LaTeX, CJK, template, thesis}