path: root/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h')
1 files changed, 163 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h
index 3174a06e596..a3126b780e9 100644
--- a/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h
+++ b/Build/source/texk/lcdf-typetools/lcdf-typetools-src/include/lcdf/clp.h
@@ -8,18 +8,25 @@ extern "C" {
/* clp.h - Public interface to CLP.
* This file is part of CLP, the command line parser package.
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2019 Eddie Kohler,
+ * Copyright (c) 1997-2021 Eddie Kohler,
+ *
+ * CLP is free software. It is distributed under the GNU General Public
+ * License, Version 2, or, alternatively and at your discretion, under the
+ * more permissive (BSD-like) Click LICENSE file as described below.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
- * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
- * to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
- * listed in the Click LICENSE file, which is available in full at
- * The conditions include: you
- * must preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
- * holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
- * The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
- * notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the license in that file is
- * legally binding. */
+ * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+ * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the
+ * conditions listed in the Click LICENSE file, which is available in full at
+ * The conditions
+ * include: you must preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention
+ * the copyright holders in advertising related to the Software without
+ * their permission. The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS
+ * OR IMPLIED. This notice is a summary of the Click LICENSE file; the
+ * license in that file is binding. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
typedef struct Clp_Option Clp_Option;
typedef struct Clp_Parser Clp_Parser;
@@ -32,15 +39,15 @@ typedef struct Clp_ParserState Clp_ParserState;
* should be parsed.
* @sa Clp_NewParser, Clp_SetOptions */
struct Clp_Option {
- const char *long_name; /**< Name of long option, or NULL if the option
- has no long name. */
- int short_name; /**< Character defining short option, or 0 if
- the option has no short name. */
- int option_id; /**< User-specified ID defining option,
- returned by Clp_Next. */
- int val_type; /**< ID of option's value type, or 0 if option
- takes no value. */
- int flags; /**< Option parsing flags. */
+ const char *long_name; /**< Name of long option, or NULL if the option
+ has no long name. */
+ int short_name; /**< Character defining short option, or 0 if
+ the option has no short name. */
+ int option_id; /**< User-specified ID defining option,
+ returned by Clp_Next. */
+ int val_type; /**< ID of option's value type, or 0 if option
+ takes no value. */
+ int flags; /**< Option parsing flags. */
/** @name Value types
@@ -48,98 +55,102 @@ struct Clp_Option {
* the Clp_Option val_type field. For example, if an option took integers, its
* Clp_Option structure would have val_type set to Clp_ValInt. */
-#define Clp_NoVal 0 /**< @brief Option takes no value. */
-#define Clp_ValString 1 /**< @brief Option value is an
- arbitrary string. */
-#define Clp_ValStringNotOption 2 /**< @brief Option value is a
- non-option string.
- See Clp_DisallowOptions. */
-#define Clp_ValBool 3 /**< @brief Option value is a
- boolean.
- Accepts "true", "false", "yes", "no", "1", and "0", or any
- prefixes thereof. The match is case-insensitive. */
-#define Clp_ValInt 4 /**< @brief Option value is a
- signed int.
- Accepts an optional "+" or "-" sign, followed by one or more
- digits. The digits may be include a "0x" or "0X" prefix, for
- a hexidecimal number, or a "0" prefix, for an octal number;
- otherwise it is decimal. */
-#define Clp_ValUnsigned 5 /**< @brief Option value is an
- unsigned int.
- Accepts an optional "+" sign, followed by one or more
- digits. The digits may be include a "0x" or "0X" prefix, for
- a hexidecimal number, or a "0" prefix, for an octal number;
- otherwise it is decimal. */
-#define Clp_ValDouble 6 /**< @brief Option value is a
- double.
- Accepts a real number as defined by strtod(). */
-#define Clp_ValFirstUser 10 /**< @brief Value types >=
- Clp_ValFirstUser are available
- for user types. */
+#define Clp_NoVal 0 /**< @brief Option takes no value. */
+#define Clp_ValString 1 /**< @brief Option value is an
+ arbitrary string. */
+#define Clp_ValStringNotOption 2 /**< @brief Option value is a
+ non-option string.
+ See Clp_DisallowOptions. */
+#define Clp_ValBool 3 /**< @brief Option value is a
+ boolean.
+ Accepts "true", "false", "yes", "no", "1", and "0", or any
+ prefixes thereof. The match is case-insensitive. */
+#define Clp_ValInt 4 /**< @brief Option value is a
+ signed int.
+ Accepts an optional "+" or "-" sign, followed by one or more
+ digits. The digits may be include a "0x" or "0X" prefix, for
+ a hexadecimal number, or a "0" prefix, for an octal number;
+ otherwise it is decimal. */
+#define Clp_ValUnsigned 5 /**< @brief Option value is an
+ unsigned int.
+ Accepts an optional "+" sign, followed by one or more
+ digits. The digits may be include a "0x" or "0X" prefix, for
+ a hexadecimal number, or a "0" prefix, for an octal number;
+ otherwise it is decimal. */
+#define Clp_ValLong 6 /**< @brief Option value is a
+ signed long. */
+#define Clp_ValUnsignedLong 7 /**< @brief Option value is an
+ unsigned long. */
+#define Clp_ValDouble 8 /**< @brief Option value is a
+ double.
+ Accepts a real number as defined by strtod(). */
+#define Clp_ValFirstUser 10 /**< @brief Value types >=
+ Clp_ValFirstUser are available
+ for user types. */
/** @name Option flags
* These flags are used in the Clp_Option flags field. */
-#define Clp_Mandatory (1<<0) /**< @brief Option flag: value
- is mandatory.
- It is an error if the option has no value. This is the
- default if an option has arg_type != 0 and the Clp_Optional
- flag is not provided. */
-#define Clp_Optional (1<<1) /**< @brief Option flag: value
- is optional. */
-#define Clp_Negate (1<<2) /**< @brief Option flag: option
- may be negated.
- --no-[long_name] will be accepted in argument lists. */
-#define Clp_OnlyNegated (1<<3) /**< @brief Option flag: option
- <em>must</em> be negated.
- --no-[long_name] will be accepted in argument lists, but
- --[long_name] will not. This is the default if long_name
- begins with "no-". */
-#define Clp_PreferredMatch (1<<4) /**< @brief Option flag: prefer this
- option when matching.
- Prefixes of --[long_name] should map to this option, even if
- other options begin with --[long_name]. */
+#define Clp_Mandatory (1<<0) /**< @brief Option flag: value
+ is mandatory.
+ It is an error if the option has no value. This is the
+ default if an option has arg_type != 0 and the Clp_Optional
+ flag is not provided. */
+#define Clp_Optional (1<<1) /**< @brief Option flag: value
+ is optional. */
+#define Clp_Negate (1<<2) /**< @brief Option flag: option
+ may be negated.
+ --no-[long_name] will be accepted in argument lists. */
+#define Clp_OnlyNegated (1<<3) /**< @brief Option flag: option
+ <em>must</em> be negated.
+ --no-[long_name] will be accepted in argument lists, but
+ --[long_name] will not. This is the default if long_name
+ begins with "no-". */
+#define Clp_PreferredMatch (1<<4) /**< @brief Option flag: prefer this
+ option when matching.
+ Prefixes of --[long_name] should map to this option, even if
+ other options begin with --[long_name]. */
/** @name Option character types
* These flags are used in to define character types in Clp_SetOptionChar(). */
-/* Clp_NotOption 0 */
-#define Clp_Short (1<<0) /**< @brief Option character begins
- a set of short options. */
-#define Clp_Long (1<<1) /**< @brief Option character begins
- a long option. */
-#define Clp_ShortNegated (1<<2) /**< @brief Option character begins
- a set of negated short options. */
-#define Clp_LongNegated (1<<3) /**< @brief Option character begins
- a negated long option. */
-#define Clp_LongImplicit (1<<4) /**< @brief Option character can begin
- a long option, and is part of that
- long option. */
+/* Clp_NotOption 0 */
+#define Clp_Short (1<<0) /**< @brief Option character begins
+ a set of short options. */
+#define Clp_Long (1<<1) /**< @brief Option character begins
+ a long option. */
+#define Clp_ShortNegated (1<<2) /**< @brief Option character begins
+ a set of negated short options. */
+#define Clp_LongNegated (1<<3) /**< @brief Option character begins
+ a negated long option. */
+#define Clp_LongImplicit (1<<4) /**< @brief Option character can begin
+ a long option, and is part of that
+ long option. */
-#define Clp_NotOption 0 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: argument
- was not an option. */
-#define Clp_Done -1 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: there are
- no more arguments. */
-#define Clp_BadOption -2 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: argument
- was an erroneous option. */
-#define Clp_Error -3 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: internal
- CLP error. */
+#define Clp_NotOption 0 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: argument
+ was not an option. */
+#define Clp_Done -1 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: there are
+ no more arguments. */
+#define Clp_BadOption -2 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: argument
+ was an erroneous option. */
+#define Clp_Error -3 /**< @brief Clp_Next value: internal
+ CLP error. */
-#define Clp_ValSize 40 /**< @brief Minimum size of the
- Clp_Parser val.cs field. */
-#define Clp_ValIntSize 10 /**< @brief Minimum size of the
- Clp_Parser field. */
+#define Clp_ValSize 40 /**< @brief Minimum size of the
+ Clp_Parser val.cs field. */
+#define Clp_ValIntSize 10 /**< @brief Minimum size of the
+ Clp_Parser field. */
/** @brief A value parsing function.
@@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ struct Clp_Option {
* @return 1 if parsing succeeded, 0 otherwise
typedef int (*Clp_ValParseFunc)(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *vstr,
- int complain, void *user_data);
+ int complain, void *user_data);
/** @brief A function for reporting option errors.
* @param clp the parser
@@ -165,49 +176,51 @@ typedef void (*Clp_ErrorHandler)(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *message);
* value types, and current arguments.
* @sa Clp_NewParser, Clp_SetOptions, Clp_SetArguments */
struct Clp_Parser {
- const Clp_Option *option; /**< The last option. */
+ const Clp_Option *option; /**< The last option. */
- int negated; /**< Whether the last option was negated. */
+ int negated; /**< Whether the last option was negated. */
- int have_val; /**< Whether the last option had a value. */
- const char *vstr; /**< The string value provided with the last
- option. */
+ int have_val; /**< Whether the last option had a value. */
+ const char *vstr; /**< The string value provided with the last
+ option. */
union {
- int i;
- unsigned u;
- double d;
- const char *s;
- void *pv;
+ int i;
+ unsigned u;
+ long l;
+ unsigned long ul;
+ double d;
+ const char *s;
+ void *pv;
- int64_t i64;
- uint64_t u64;
+ int64_t i64;
+ uint64_t u64;
- char cs[Clp_ValSize];
- unsigned char ucs[Clp_ValSize];
- int is[Clp_ValIntSize];
- unsigned us[Clp_ValIntSize];
- } val; /**< The parsed value provided with the last
- option. */
+ char cs[Clp_ValSize];
+ unsigned char ucs[Clp_ValSize];
+ int is[Clp_ValIntSize];
+ unsigned us[Clp_ValIntSize];
+ } val; /**< The parsed value provided with the last
+ option. */
- void *user_data; /**< Uninterpreted by CLP; users can set
- arbitrarily. */
+ void *user_data; /**< Uninterpreted by CLP; users can set
+ arbitrarily. */
struct Clp_Internal *internal;
/** @cond never */
#if __GNUC__ >= 4
-# define CLP_SENTINEL __attribute__((sentinel))
+# define CLP_SENTINEL __attribute__((sentinel))
-# define CLP_SENTINEL /* nothing */
+# define CLP_SENTINEL /* nothing */
/** @endcond never */
/** @brief Create a new Clp_Parser. */
Clp_Parser *Clp_NewParser(int argc, const char * const *argv,
- int nopt, const Clp_Option *opt);
+ int nopt, const Clp_Option *opt);
/** @brief Destroy a Clp_Parser object. */
void Clp_DeleteParser(Clp_Parser *clp);
@@ -242,29 +255,31 @@ void Clp_SetArguments(Clp_Parser *clp, int argc, const char * const *argv);
int Clp_SetOptionProcessing(Clp_Parser *clp, int on);
-#define Clp_DisallowOptions (1<<0) /**< @brief Value type flag: value
- can't be an option string.
+#define Clp_DisallowOptions (1<<0) /**< @brief Value type flag: value
+ can't be an option string.
- See Clp_AddType(). */
+ See Clp_AddType(). */
/** @brief Define a new value type for @a clp. */
int Clp_AddType(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags,
- Clp_ValParseFunc parser, void *user_data);
+ Clp_ValParseFunc parser, void *user_data);
-#define Clp_AllowNumbers (1<<0) /**< @brief String list flag: allow
- explicit numbers.
+#define Clp_AllowNumbers (1<<0) /**< @brief String list flag: allow
+ explicit numbers.
- See Clp_AddStringListType() and Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(). */
+ See Clp_AddStringListType() and Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(). */
+#define Clp_StringListLong (1<<1) /**< @brief String list flag: values
+ have long type. */
/** @brief Define a new string list value type for @a clp. */
int Clp_AddStringListTypeVec(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags,
- int nstrs, const char * const *strs,
- const int *vals);
+ int nstrs, const char * const *strs,
+ const int *vals);
/** @brief Define a new string list value type for @a clp. */
int Clp_AddStringListType(Clp_Parser *clp, int val_type, int flags, ...)
/** @brief Parse and return the next argument from @a clp. */
@@ -290,12 +305,28 @@ void Clp_RestoreParser(Clp_Parser *clp, const Clp_ParserState *state);
/** @brief Report a parser error. */
int Clp_OptionError(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *format, ...);
+/** @brief Format a message. */
+int Clp_vsnprintf(Clp_Parser* clp, char* str, size_t size,
+ const char* format, va_list val);
+/** @brief Print a message. */
+int Clp_fprintf(Clp_Parser* clp, FILE* f, const char* format, ...);
+/** @brief Print a message. */
+int Clp_vfprintf(Clp_Parser* clp, FILE* f, const char* format, va_list val);
/** @brief Extract the current option as a string. */
int Clp_CurOptionNameBuf(Clp_Parser *clp, char *buf, int len);
/** @brief Extract the current option as a string. */
const char *Clp_CurOptionName(Clp_Parser *clp);
+/** @brief Test if the current option had long name @a name. */
+int Clp_IsLong(Clp_Parser *clp, const char *long_name);
+/** @brief Test if the current option had short name @a name. */
+int Clp_IsShort(Clp_Parser *clp, int short_name);
#ifdef __cplusplus