path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2014-06-23 23:29:19 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2014-06-23 23:29:19 +0000
commit40dbbf066a238c434a19aa846a2c0beb4a16cbda (patch)
treed3be6d84bd43e9d845d63095e982280eebd3355d /Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls
parentc2256e173cd40281dedfc4f0c8a857b838e07a0a (diff)
udesoftec (23jun14)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls')
1 files changed, 510 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls
index 92b79b27274..f887d20c281 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/udesoftec/udesoftec.cls
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
%% udesoftec.cls
-%% Copyright 2014 J. Peter M. Schuler
-%% 2014/05/13 v1.3.8 udesoftec
+%% Copyright 2013-2014 J. Peter M. Schuler
+%% 2014/06/22 v1.4.2 udesoftec
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
@@ -32,15 +32,23 @@
% and
-\ProvidesClass{udesoftec}[2014/05/13 v1.3.8 Thesis class and bibstyle for UDE SOFTEC]%
- twoside=true,
- headings=openright, % same as documentclassoption openany/openright
- numbers=noenddot, % section numbering without dot
- bibliography=totoc,index=totoc,listof=totoc, % put everything relevant in toc
- ]{scrbook}
+\ProvidesClass{udesoftec}[2014/06/22 v1.4.2 udesoftec.cls Thesis class and bibstyle for UDE SOFTEC]%
+% class is based on KOMA-script
+ twoside=true,
+ headings=openright, % same as documentclassoption openany/openright
+ numbers=noenddot, % section numbering without dot
+ bibliography=totoc,
+ index=totoc,
+ listof=totoc,
+ headlines=1.5 % the size of the header in lines (1.5 because of pagemark and sepline); 1.25 is default; 1 would be appropriate if only text and no sepline)
%%%% nag %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% purpose: identifies deprecated code and suggests better pckgs
% source:
@@ -54,17 +62,20 @@
- headlines=1.5 % the size of the header in lines (1.5 because of pagemark and sepline); 1.25 is default; 1 would be appropriate if only text and no sepline)
-%%% all template conditions %%%%%%
+%%% all template conditions
@@ -81,6 +92,7 @@
@@ -90,16 +102,18 @@
-%%% all default values and the options %%%%%
+%%% all default values and the options
@@ -116,23 +130,14 @@
+% Document options
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@@ -155,6 +160,19 @@
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@@ -175,24 +193,23 @@
\DeclareOption*{\ClassWarning{udesoftec}{Unknown option \CurrentOption}}
+%Process all document options
+ \def\udesoftec@documentLanguage{english,ngerman} % all used languages, primary LAST
+ \def\udesoftec@documentLanguage{ngerman,english}
-\def \udesoftec@templatePageMarkPrefix {} % might be something like "S. "
+% document title page and configuration commands
@@ -206,8 +223,13 @@
+\def \udesoftec@templatePageMarkPrefix {} % might be something like "S. "
-%%%% labels %%%%
+% default configuration for title page and configuration
\title{Komplexer Titel einer Abschlussarbeit f\"ur ein Dokument}
\author{Max Mustermann}
@@ -235,154 +257,148 @@
-\abstract{Jede wissenschaftliche Arbeit sollte eine Kurzfassung am Anfang aufweisen. Diese Kurzfassung sollte etwa eine halbe Seite lang sein.}
-\abstractEn{As all theses have an English title, there should be an English abstract as well.
-Folglich sollten auch deutsche Arbeiten einen englischen Abstract haben. Falls die Abstracts zu lang werden, gibt es im Handbuch eine Hilfestellung.}
- Die vorliegende \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~enth\"alt vertrauliche Informationen der \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}, die der Geheimhaltung unterliegen. Ver\"offentlichungen oder Vervielf\"altigungen der \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~-- auch nur auszugsweise -- sind ohne ausdr\"uckliche Genehmigung der \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource} nicht gestattet. Die \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~ist nur den Mitarbeitern des betreuenden Lehrstuhls sowie den Mitgliedern des Pr\"ufungsausschusses zug\"anglich zu machen.
- Dieser Sperrvermerk gilt f\"ur die n\"achsten 2 Jahre. Die sich aus diesem Sperrvermerk ergebenden Einschr\"ankungen entfallen nach Ablauf dieses Zeitraums.
- \chapter*{Sperrvermerk}
- \confidentialityclausegerman}
-\chapter*{Eidesstattliche Versicherung}
-Ich versichere an Eides statt durch meine Unterschrift, dass ich die vorstehende Arbeit
-selbst\"andig und ohne fremde Hilfe angefertigt und alle Stellen, die ich w\"ortlich oder
-ann\"ahrend w\"ortlich aus Ver\"offentlichungen entnommen habe, als solche kenntlich gemacht
-habe, mich auch keiner anderen als der angegebenen Literatur oder sonstiger Hilfsmittel
-bedient habe. Die Arbeit hat in dieser oder \"ahnlicher Form noch keiner anderen
-Pr\"ufungsbeh\"orde vorgelegen.
-\parbox{4cm}{\udesoftec@city, \today\hrule\strut \footnotesize Ort, Datum} \hfill
-\parbox{7cm}{\textcolor{white}{Hier wurde im Original unterschrieben}\hrule\strut \footnotesize Unterschrift} \hfill
- \let\oldcleardoublepage\cleardoublepage
- \let\oldclearpage\clearpage
- \let\clearpage\relax
- \let\cleardoublepage\relax
- \let\backupskip\chapterheadstartvskip
- \renewcommand*\chapterheadstartvskip{\vspace*{-\topskip}\vspace*{10pt}}
- \chapter*{#1}
- \let\cleardoublepage\oldcleardoublepage
- \let\clearpage\oldclearpage
- \let\chapterheadstartvskip\backupskip
+% Abstract
+\def\udesoftec@defaultabstractde{Jede wissenschaftliche Arbeit sollte eine Kurzfassung am Anfang aufweisen. Diese Kurzfassung sollte etwa eine halbe Seite lang sein.}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultabstractdeen{As all theses have an English title, there should be an English abstract as well.\par Folglich sollten auch deutsche Arbeiten einen englischen Abstract haben. Falls die Abstracts zu lang werden, gibt es im Handbuch eine Hilfestellung.}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultabstracten{Every thesis should have an abstract at the beginning. This abstract should be about have an page long. Of course an English thesis doesn't need an German abstract, as it doesn't even have a German title.}
+ \chapter*{\labelabstracttitle}%
+ \label{sec:abstract}
+ \pdfbookmark[0]{\labelabstracttitle}{sec:abstract}%
+ \udesoftec@abstract
+ \iflanguage{ngerman}{%
+ % German theses should have German and English abstract
+ \ifdocumentOmitAen
+ % no second abstract here
+ \else
+ \selectlanguage{english}
+ \ifdocumentHasShortA%
+ \chapterWithoutPageBreak{\labelabstracttitle}
+ \label{sec:abstracten}
+ \else
+ \chapter*{\labelabstracttitle}
+ \label{sec:abstracten}
+ \fi
+ \udesoftec@abstracten
+ \selectlanguage{ngerman}
+ \fi
+ }{}
-\abstract{Every thesis should have an abstract at the beginning. This abstract should be about have an page long. Of course an English thesis doesn't need an German abstract, as it doesn't even have a German title.}
- \chapter*{Confidentially Clause}
- This \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~contains confidential data of \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}. Any publication or duplication of this \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~-- even in part -- is prohibited, excluding cases with explicit permission by \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}. The \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~is to be made accessible only to the staff of the research group supervising it and the board of examiners.
- This confidentially clause is valid for the next 2 years. Any limitations resulting from this confidentially clause do not apply after this period.
+% confidentiality clause
+\newcaptionname{english}{\labelconfidentialityclausetitle}{Confidentially Clause}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultconfidentialityclause{Die vorliegende \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~enth\"alt vertrauliche Informationen der \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}, die der Geheimhaltung unterliegen. Ver\"offentlichungen oder Vervielf\"altigungen der \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~-- auch nur auszugsweise -- sind ohne ausdr\"uckliche Genehmigung der \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource} nicht gestattet. Die \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~ist nur den Mitarbeitern des betreuenden Lehrstuhls sowie den Mitgliedern des Pr\"ufungsausschusses zug\"anglich zu machen.\par{} Dieser Sperrvermerk gilt f\"ur die n\"achsten 2 Jahre. Die sich aus diesem Sperrvermerk ergebenden Einschr\"ankungen entfallen nach Ablauf dieses Zeitraums.\par{}}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultconfidentialityclauseen{This \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~contains confidential data of \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}. Any publication or duplication of this \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~-- even in part -- is prohibited, excluding cases with explicit permission by \emph{\udesoftec@confidentialitySource}. The \udesoftec@typeofdoc ~is to be made accessible only to the staff of the research group supervising it and the board of examiners.\par{} This confidentially clause is valid for the next 2 years. Any limitations resulting from this confidentially clause do not apply after this period.\par{}}
- \chapterHeading{Sperrvermerk}
- \confidentialityclausegerman
+% there should always be an additional German cc in English theses
+ \iflanguage{english}{%
+ \chapter*{\labelconfidentialityclausetitle} % English heading
+ \udesoftec@defaultconfidentialityclauseen % English text
+ \selectlanguage{ngerman} % prepare German
+ \chapterWithoutPageBreak{\labelconfidentialityclausetitle} % German heading
+ \udesoftec@defaultconfidentialityclause % German text
+ \selectlanguage{english} % switching back to English
+ }{
+ \chapter*{\labelconfidentialityclausetitle}
+ \udesoftec@defaultconfidentialityclause
+ }
-\chapter*{Statutory Declaration}
-The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in german:
+% Statutory declaration
+\newcaptionname{ngerman}{\labelstatutorydeclarationheading}{Eidesstattliche Versicherung}
+\newcaptionname{english}{\labelstatutorydeclarationheading}{Statutory Declaration}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultstatutorydeclaration{Ich versichere an Eides statt durch meine Unterschrift, dass ich die vorstehende Arbeit selbst\"andig und ohne fremde Hilfe angefertigt und alle Stellen, die ich w\"ortlich oder ann\"ahrend w\"ortlich aus Ver\"offentlichungen entnommen habe, als solche kenntlich gemacht habe, mich auch keiner anderen als der angegebenen Literatur oder sonstiger Hilfsmittel bedient habe. Die Arbeit hat in dieser oder \"ahnlicher Form noch keiner anderen Pr\"ufungsbeh\"orde vorgelegen.\par{} \vspace*{40pt}\parbox{4cm}{\udesoftec@city, \today\hrule\strut \footnotesize Ort, Datum} \hfill\parbox{7cm}{\textcolor{white}{Hier wurde im Original unterschrieben}\hrule\strut \footnotesize Unterschrift} \hfill}
+\def\udesoftec@defaultstatutorydeclarationenprefix{The statutory declaration needs to be in German, so the following excerpt is in German:}
-\section*{Eidesstattliche Versicherung}
-\typeofdoc{Master Thesis}
-\labelPreTopic{about the topic}
-\labelRespectConfidentiality{(Adhere confidentially clause --- Sperrvermerk beachten)}
-\academicfield{Business Information Systems}
-\institution{Presented to the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration\par of University of Duisburg-Essen}
-\semester{Winter semester 2011/2012, 8th Semester in \academicfield}
-\confidentialitySource{Name der Firma, die auf die Vertraulichkeitserkl\"arung besteht}
-\date{Version: \today}
- Author:&Max Mustermann\\
- &Musterstrasse 123\\
- &12345 Musterstadt\\
- \\
- Examiner:&Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker\\
- &Prof. Dr. John Doe\\
- \\
- Supervisor:&Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf Some Body\\
- \\
+ \iflanguage{english}{
+ \chapter*{\labelstatutorydeclarationheading}
+ \udesoftec@defaultstatutorydeclarationenprefix
+ \selectlanguage{ngerman}
+ \chapterWithoutPageBreak{\labelstatutorydeclarationheading}
+ \udesoftec@defaultstatutorydeclaration
+ \selectlanguage{english}
+ }{
+ \chapter*{\labelstatutorydeclarationheading}
+ \udesoftec@defaultstatutorydeclaration
+ }
- \def\@documentLanguage{english,ngerman} % all used languages, primary LAST
- \def\@documentLanguage{ngerman,english}
+ \abstract{\udesoftec@defaultabstracten}
+ \entitle{}
+ \abstractEn{}
+ \typeofdoc{Master Thesis}
+ \labelPreTopic{about the topic}
+ \labelRespectConfidentiality{(Adhere confidentially clause --- Sperrvermerk beachten)}
+ \academicfield{Business Information Systems}
+ \institution{Presented to the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration\par of University of Duisburg-Essen}
+ \semester{Winter semester 2011/2012, 8th Semester in \academicfield}
+ \confidentialitySource{Name of Company which wants the statutory declaration}
+ \date{Version: \today}
+ \authorbox{
+ \begin{tabularx}{.7\linewidth}{ll}
+ Author:&Max Mustermann\\
+ &Musterstrasse 123\\
+ &12345 Musterstadt\\
+ \\
+ Examiner:&Prof. Dr. Stefan Eicker\\
+ &Prof. Dr. John Doe\\
+ \\
+ Supervisor:&Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf Some Body\\
+ \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ }
+% title page background
+% default
+ \def\udesoftec@templateTitlePageBackground{udesoftec-cover-ude-de}
- \def\udesoftec@templateTitlePageBackground{udesoftec-cover-ude-en}
+ \def\udesoftec@templateTitlePageBackground{udesoftec-cover-ude-en}
+% VAWi-Bamberg special (no matter what language)
+% VAWi special
\institution{Im Virtuellen Weiterbildungsstudiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik\par der Universit\"at Duisburg-Essen}
@@ -392,11 +408,6 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
- \KOMAoptions{twoside=true}
- \KOMAoptions{twoside=false}
%%%% xcolor %%%%%%%%%%
% purpose: define some color names
@@ -412,9 +423,11 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
@@ -426,9 +439,11 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
@@ -443,9 +458,11 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
@@ -491,7 +508,7 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
% change counters for figures, footnotes, etc
@@ -500,9 +517,8 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
%%%% l18n %%%%%%%%%%%%%
% purpose: localization and utf-8 config
% babel has primary language last
\usepackage{hyphenat} % helps with \nohyphens command, which allows to remove hypens from quotes.
@@ -510,35 +526,22 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
%%%% helvet %%%%%%%%%%
% purpose: use helvetica
-% special load font before fontenc!
+%% special set font before fontenc!
- \usepackage[scaled]{helvet}
- \renewcommand*\familydefault{\sfdefault}
+ \renewcommand*{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
- \usepackage{lmodern}
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-%%%% setspacing %%%%%%
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-% \onehalfspacing
-%%%% setspacing %%%%%%
- %special: novbox in order for tabularx to get correct width
%%%% microtype %%%%%%
% purpose: character protrusion (also known as margin kerning) and font expansion
@@ -584,172 +587,14 @@ The statutory declaration needs to be in german, so the following excerpt is in
%\def \breaklabel{\ClassWarning{udesoftec}{\\breaklabel deprecated use "style=newline"}}
-%%% natbib %%%%%%%%%%
-% purpose: real cite options (in parentheses, out of parentheses, suppressing author etc)
-%%% bibstyleconf %%%%
-% based on: natbib plainnat
-% purpose: plainnat-peet changes natbib plainnat for using \bbland with cite instead of
-% fixed string and changes authors in bibliography to "ll, f; ll, f; ll, f"'
-\newcommand*{\doi}[1]{\href{}{\color{LinkDoi}doi:\detokenize{#1}}} %use real doi links with doi:<num> as label
-\newcommand{\bbland}{\& }
-\newcommand{\bblAuthorYearSep}{ } % possible to add \newline
-\newcommand{\bblAuthorTitleSep}{: } % possible to add \newline
-\newcommand{\bblAuthorTitleSepInEd}{: }
-\providecaptionname{ngerman}{\bblin}{In: }%
-\providecaptionname{english}{\bblin}{In: }%
-\providecaptionname{ngerman}{\bblnoyearlong}{ohne Jahresangabe}%
-\providecaptionname{english}{\bblnoyearlong}{no date}%
-\providecaptionname{ngerman}{\bbllastaccesswas}{Zuletzt geprüft: }%
-\providecaptionname{english}{\bbllastaccesswas}{Last checked: }%
-\newcommand{\bblurldate}[1]{ (\bbllastaccesswas #1)}
-\newcommand{\bblVolumeOfSeries}[2]{ (#2~#1)}
-\newcommand{\bblSeries}[1]{ (#1)}
- \message{LaTeX Warning: Error with citation of #2 -- #1 }%
- \textbf{\emph{\color{red}{BibError: #2 -- #1}}}%
-%\renewcommand{\bblWarning}[1]{} %for production
-\newcommand*{\englishordinal}[1]{\ifcase #1\or 1\textsuperscript{st}\or 2\textsuperscript{nd}\or 3\textsuperscript{rd}\else #1\textsuperscript{th}\fi}
- \newcommand*{\bbledOrdinal}[1]{\germanordinal{#1}}
- \newcommand*{\bbledOrdinal}[1]{\englishordinal{#1}}
-%evtl mit \addto\extrasngerman{%
- %\def\subsectionautorefname{Unterkapitel}%
-\setlength{\bibhang} {2em} %hanging indentation for list of references
-\setlength{\bibsep} {.5em} %vertical sep between bibitems in list of references
- \leftskip=0ptplus1fil\rightskip=-\leftskip\parfillskip=\leftskip%
- \hfill \phantom{ } \mbox{#1}\par}}
-\message{LaTeX Warning: \noexpand\blockquote is deprecated, use \noexpand\citequotepar on input line \the\inputlineno }
-\message{LaTeX Warning: \noexpand\intextquote is deprecated, use \noexpand\citequote on input line \the\inputlineno }
-\message{LaTeX Warning: \noexpand\intextquote is deprecated, use \noexpand\citequote on input line \the\inputlineno }
-\newcommand{\citequote}[3][]{\glqq#3\grqq \ \cite[#1]{#2}}
-% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
-%%%% todonotes %%%%%%%
-% purpose: get (orange) todo comments in text or in margin
-% use option "disable" to disable the complete packages (leaving all commands intact, just removing output)
-%% alternative for deactivation:
- \renewcommand{\listoftodos}{}
- \renewcommand{\todo}[2][]{}
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- \newcommand*{\todoText}[1]{}
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- \defaultListoftodos
- \hbadness \originalHbadness
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-% !Mode:: "TeX:UTF-8"
%%%% chapterdesign %%%
%have a section level which doesn't use numbers never and will work no matter how deep secnum is.
+ \subparagraph{#1}\hspace{0cm}\\%
% Chapter-Numbering for 4 levels, i.e. PART B Chapter; in order to have unnumbered headings use \paragraph{}
@@ -759,30 +604,29 @@ colorinlistoftodos
% we need type1cm and cm-super for the bigger fonts - else there would be warnings
% source:!msg/de.comp.text.tex/rVcjvNQI6IA/N-NsfyQzXRwJ
\makeatletter% siehe De-TeX-FAQ
-\begingroup% damit \unitlength-Aenderung lokal bleibt
-%\kern-.04em% Ziffer in der Zeichenzelle nach rechts schieben
-\ \normalsize\color{ChapterHeadingSmallChapterNumer}\chapterAuthor\autodot
-%\ \normalsize\color{ChapterHeadingSmallChapterNumer}\chapapp~\thechapter\autodot
-\ \normalsize\color{ChapterHeadingSmallChapterNumer}\chapapp~\autodot
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+ \begingroup%
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+ \fontsize{19\unitlength}{23\unitlength}\selectfont\color{ChapterHeadingBigChapterNumber}\thechapter
+ }%
+ }%
+ \put(20,15){%
+ \makebox(\dimexpr\textwidth-20\unitlength\relax\@gobble,\ht\strutbox\@gobble)[l]{%
+ \ifdefined\chapterAuthor%
+ \normalsize\color{ChapterHeadingSmallChapterNumer}\chapterAuthor%
+ \else
+ \normalsize\color{ChapterHeadingSmallChapterNumer}\chapapp%
+ \fi%
+ }
+ }%
+ \end{picture} % <-- Leerzeichen ist hier beabsichtigt!
+ \endgroup
@@ -800,10 +644,7 @@ colorinlistoftodos
% change color of headsepline
% create headermarks so the chapter is shown on left page and section on right
% new pagestyle "chapter": pagenumber top outer, no line no headmark
@@ -870,8 +711,10 @@ colorinlistoftodos
% to adjust for regular printing (e.g. use in a folder), see below "geometry"
- \KOMAoptions{BCOR=12mm,DIV=calc} % for helvetica
+ \KOMAoptions{twoside=true}
+ \KOMAoptions{BCOR=12mm,DIV=calc} % for helvetica
+ \KOMAoptions{twoside=false}
\KOMAoptions{BCOR=0mm,DIV=calc} % for helvetica
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- {\color{documentTitle}\Huge\singlespacing\textbf{\@title}\par}
- {\color{documentTitle}\huge\singlespacing\textbf{\@subtitle}\par}
- \vspace*{20pt}
- {\color{documentTitle}\large\singlespacing\textbf{\udesoftec@entitle}\par}
- \vspace*{50pt}
- \large\udesoftec@institution
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- \end{minipage}
- \vfill
- \begin{minipage}{.7\linewidth}
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- \ifdocumentOmitCC
- \else
- \udesoftec@labelRespectConfidentiality
- \fi
- \vspace*{20pt}\Large\@date
- \end{center}
- \vspace*{30pt}
- \end{minipage}
- \udesoftec@authorbox
- \begin{minipage}{.7\linewidth}
- \begin{center}
- \vspace*{40pt}
- \large\udesoftec@semester
- \end{center}
- \end{minipage}%
- \end{center}%
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