path: root/support/splint/scripts/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/splint/scripts/')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/splint/scripts/ b/support/splint/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ace62429ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/splint/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+open FILE, "$ARGV[0]" or die "Cannot open input file $ARGV[0]\n";
+open FILE_OUT, ">$ARGV[1]" or die "Cannot open input file $ARGV[1]\n";
+sub lex_order (\@\@) { # lexicographic ordering
+ my (@string1) = @{shift @_};
+ my (@string2) = @{shift @_};
+ my ($i);
+ $i = 0;
+ while ( $string1[$i] == $string2[$i] && $i <= $#string1 && $i <= $#string2 ) { $i++ }
+ if ( $i > $#string1 || $i > $#string2 ) {
+ return $#string1 <=> $#string2;
+ }
+ return ( $string1[$i] <=> $string2[$i] );
+sub numerically { $b <=> $a; }
+sub alphabetically { # lexicographic ordering based on the ASCII order defined in @main_order
+ my (@chars1) = map { $main_order{$_} } split //, $a;
+ my (@chars2) = map { $main_order{$_} } split //, $b;
+ return lex_order @chars1, @chars2;
+sub lexicographically { # lexicographic ordering for numeric sequences separated by spaces
+ my (@chars1) = split / /, $a;
+ my (@chars2) = split / /, $b;
+ return lex_order @chars1, @chars2;
+$alphabet = "\#\$\%^&*<>[]{}()+-=_|\\,:;~`.?!\'\"\@0123456789AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz";
+@main_set = split //, $alphabet;
+map { $main_order{$_} = index $alphabet, $_ } @main_set; # inefficient ...
+$ldelim[1] = "\\["; $rdelim[1] = "]";
+$ldelim[0] = "\\("; $rdelim[0] = ")";
+$ldelim[5] = "\\e"; $rdelim[5] = "e";
+$ldelim[4] = "\\f"; $rdelim[4] = "f";
+$ldelim[3] = "\\g"; $rdelim[3] = "g";
+while (<FILE>) {
+ $input = $_;
+ if ( $input =~ /\\(.)TI\s*([0-9]+)\s*\{(\\[a-z]+)\s*\{(.+)\}\}\{(.+)\}\{(.+)\}\{(.+)\}\n/ ) {
+ ($domain, $rank, $type, $key, $nspace, $pageno, $ref) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7);
+ $key =~ s/\{([0-9]+)\}/pack "c1", $1/eg;
+ push @{$index{$domain}{$key}{refs}}, "$ref $rank";
+ $index{$domain}{$key}{nspace} = $nspace;
+ $index{$domain}{$key}{type} = $type;
+ }
+$i = 0;
+foreach $domain (sort keys %index ) {
+ if ( $i > 0) {
+ print FILE_OUT "\\indexseparator{$domain}{$i}\n";
+ }
+ $i++;
+ foreach $key ( sort alphabetically keys %{$index{$domain}} ) {
+ %ref_list = ();
+ map { exists $ref_list{$_} ? ($ref_list{$_}++) : ($ref_list{$_} = 0) } @{$index{$domain}{$key}{refs}};
+ @ref_list = sort lexicographically keys %ref_list;
+ @ref_list = map { @r = split / /, $_; "$ldelim[$r[1]]$r[0]$rdelim[$r[1]]" } @ref_list;
+ $ukey = $key;
+ $ukey =~ s/(.)/"\{".(unpack "c1", $1)."\}"/eg;
+ print FILE_OUT "\\GI{$index{$domain}{$key}{nspace}}{$index{$domain}{$key}{type}}{$ukey}, ",
+ (join ', ', @ref_list), ". \% $key, sec nos. ", (join ', ', @ref_list ), "\n";
+ }