path: root/support/findfont/scripts/findfont.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'support/findfont/scripts/findfont.lua')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/findfont/scripts/findfont.lua b/support/findfont/scripts/findfont.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..976e3405dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/support/findfont/scripts/findfont.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env texlua
+-- FILE: findfont.lua
+-- DESCRIPTION: search for fonts in the database
+-- REQUIREMENTS: luatex v.0.80 or later; packages lualibs, xindex-lapp
+-- AUTHOR: Herbert Voß (C) 2021-11-24
+ findfont = findfont or { }
+ local version = 0.02
+findfont.version = version
+Search the font database for fontnames. The database is used
+by Lua(La)TeX and created by default with the first run of
+Lua(La)TeX. If there is no such data file then "findfont"
+will execute the command to create it.
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+Report bugs to
+local f = kpse.find_file("lualibs.lua")
+require("lualibs") -- all part of LuaTeX
+local args = require ('xindex-lapp') [[
+ parameter handling
+ -q,--quiet
+ -h,--help
+ -o,--otfinfo (default 0)
+ -i,--info (default 0)
+ -v... Verbosity level; can be -v, -vv, -vvv
+ -m,--max_string (default 90)
+ <font> (string)
+ No -v flag, v is just { false }. not args.v[1] is true, so vlevel becomes 0.
+ One -v flags, v is { true }
+ Two -v flags, v is { true, true }
+ Three -v flags, v is { true, true, true }
+local vlevel = not args.v[1] and 0 or #args.v
+local not_quiet = not args["quiet"]
+local otfinfo = args["otfinfo"]
+local info = args["info"]
+local maxStrLength = args["max_string"]
+local luaVersion = _VERSION
+print("We are using "..luaVersion)
+if args.h then
+Syntax: fintFont [options] <font>
+By default the Lua program "findfont" creates a list of the
+fonts which have in its names the given string.)
+local font_str = args.font
+if vlevel > 0 then print('Looking for font \"'..font_str..'\"') end
+function getFileLocation()
+ local cachepaths = kpse.expand_var('$TEXMFCACHE') or ""
+ if cachepaths == "" or cachepaths == "$TEXMFCACHE" then
+ cachepaths = kpse.expand_var('$TEXMFVAR') or ""
+ end
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("cachepaths: ",cachepaths) end
+ if cachepaths == "" then
+ print("umghhh ....")
+ print("No cache path found ... ")
+ return ""
+ end
+ if os.type == "windows" then
+ paths = string.split(cachepaths,";")
+ else
+ paths = string.split(cachepaths,":")
+ end
+ if vlevel > 0 then print ("Pathes: ", paths[1], paths[2]) end
+ local file = paths[1].."/luatex-cache/generic/names"
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("try: ",file) end
+ local f,err = (file.."/test.tmp", "w")
+ if not f and #paths > 1 then
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("first path has no file, I'll try the second one ...") end
+ file = paths[2].."/luatex-cache/generic/names"
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("try: ",file) end
+ f,err = (file.."/test.tmp", "w")
+ if not f then
+ print("Error getting file location: \n",err)
+ return ""
+ else
+ f:close()
+ end
+ else
+ f:close()
+ end
+-- print("File: "..fontListFile)
+ return file
+function readCompiledOrZippedFile(file)
+ print("Check for file "..file)
+ local f,err = (file..".luc", "rb")
+ if not f then
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("There is no binary data file ... ") end
+ f,err = (file..".lua.gz", "r")
+ if not f then
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("There is no gzipped data file ... ") end
+ f,err = (file..".lua", "r")
+ if not f then
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("There is no data file ... ") end
+ print("Error reading file: ",err)
+ return nil
+ else
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("Found a normal data file ... ") end
+ local str = dofile(f)
+ f:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("Found a gzipped data file ... ") end
+ local str = f:read("*all")
+ local str2 = loadstring(gzip.decompress(str))
+ str = str2()
+ f:close()
+ return str
+ end
+ else
+ if vlevel > 0 then print("Found a binary data file ... ") end
+ local chunk = f:read"*all"
+ f:close()
+ local func = load (chunk, "b")
+ str = func()
+ return str
+ end
+function compareEntries(f1, f2)
+ if (f1["basename"] == f2["basename"]) and
+ (f1["familyname"] == f2["familyname"]) and
+ (f1["fullpath"] == f2["fullpath"]) then
+ return true
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+local fontData = {}
+local fontListFile = getFileLocation()
+if fontListFile == "" then
+ print("There is no cached font file list!")
+ print('Will run at first "luaotfload-tool --update --force" ... Wait a minute, please ...')
+ local exrun = io.popen('luaotfload-tool --update --force', 'r')
+ local output = exrun:read('*all')
+ print(output)
+ exrun:close()
+ fontListFile = getFileLocation()
+fontListFile = fontListFile.."/luaotfload-names"
+fontData = readCompiledOrZippedFile(fontListFile)
+if not fontData then
+ print("umghhh ....")
+ print("It does not work! I'll give it up ... :-(")
+ os.exit()
+--print(require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(fontData)) --["families"]["system"]["otf"]))
+fontDataMap = fontData["mappings"]
+fontFilesTable = fontData["files"]["full"]
+--print(require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(fontFilesTable)) --["families"]["system"]["otf"]))
+--print(require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(fontFilesTable["bare"]["system"]["otf"])) --["families"]["system"]["otf"]))
+print("Dateiliste für System->OTF")
+for i, v in ipairs(fontFilesTable) do
+ print(i,v)
+ function(a,b)
+ if not a["basename"] or not b["basename"] then
+ return false
+ else
+ return string.lower(a["basename"]) < string.lower(b["basename"])
+ end end)
+-- strip duplicates
+local newFontDataMap = {}
+if #fontDataMap > 0 then
+ newFontDataMap[1] = fontDataMap[1]
+for i = 2,#fontDataMap do
+ if not compareEntries(fontDataMap[i],newFontDataMap[#newFontDataMap]) then
+ newFontDataMap[#newFontDataMap+1] = fontDataMap[i]
+ end
+fontDataMap = newFontDataMap
+--for i, v in ipairs(fontDataMap) do
+-- print(i, v["basename"],v["familyname"], v["fullpath"])
+-- end
+local j = 1
+local fontList = {}
+local l_max = {1, 1, 1}
+for i, v in ipairs(fontDataMap) do
+ if v["familyname"] then
+ if string.find (v["familyname"], font_str, 1, true) then
+-- print(string.format("%2d. %30s %20s %50s",j,v["basename"],v["familyname"],v["fullpath"]))
+ fontList[#fontList+1] = v
+ if string.len(v["basename"]) > l_max[1] then l_max[1] = string.len(v["basename"]) end
+ if string.len(v["familyname"]) > l_max[2] then l_max[2] = string.len(v["familyname"]) end
+ if string.len(v["fullpath"]) > l_max[3] then l_max[3] = string.len(v["fullpath"]) end
+ j = j + 1
+ end
+ end
+-- print(l_max[1],l_max[2],l_max[3])
+if l_max[3] > maxStrLength then l_max[3] = maxStrLength end
+local minChars = 26
+for i, v in ipairs(fontList) do
+ local path = v["fullpath"]
+ if string.len(path) > l_max[3] then
+ path = string.sub (path, 1, minChars).."..."..string.sub (path, string.len(path)-maxStrLength+minChars+4)
+ end
+ print(string.format("%2d. %"..l_max[1].."s %"..l_max[2].."s %"..l_max[3].."s",i,v["basename"],v["familyname"],path))
+if otfinfo > 0 then
+ print()
+ print("Run otfinfo:"..otfinfo)
+ local font = fontList[otfinfo]["fullpath"]
+ local exrun = io.popen("otfinfo -i \""..font.."\"", 'r') -- ".." font may have spaces
+ local output = exrun:read('*all')
+ print(output)
+ exrun:close()
+if info > 0 then
+ font = fontList[info]["familyname"]
+ print("\nFont: "..font)
+ local font_dir = {"local","system","texmf"}
+ local font_ext = {"ttf","otf","ttc"}
+ for j = 1,#font_dir do
+ for i = 1,#font_ext do
+ local fonttype = ""
+ local ext = font_ext[i]
+ local dir = font_dir[j]
+ if fontData["families"][dir][ext] then -- font extension exists?
+ local entry = fontData["families"][dir][ext][font]
+ if entry then
+ if entry["r"] then fonttype = fonttype.."Regular " end
+ if entry["b"] then fonttype = fonttype.."| Bold " end
+ if entry["i"] then fonttype = fonttype.."| Italic " end
+ if entry["bi"] then fonttype = fonttype.."| BoldItalic" end
+ io.write("Fonttype "..ext.."("..dir..") --> ")
+ if #fonttype > 0 then
+ print("| "..fonttype.." |")
+ else
+ print(" undefined ") --- no regular definiert
+ end
+ else
+ print()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+--print(require 'xindex-pretty'.dump(fontData["families"]["system"]["otf"])) --["families"]["system"]["otf"]))
+ ["families"]={
+ ["local"]={},
+ ["system"]={
+ ["otf"]={
+ ["adobecaslonpro"]={
+ ["b"]={
+ ["default"]=3143,
+ },
+ ["bi"]={
+ ["default"]=3146,
+ },
+ ["i"]={
+ ["default"]=3145,
+ },
+ ["r"]={
+ ["default"]=3147,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+This is a sketch of the luaotfload db:
+ type dbobj = {
+ families : familytable;
+ fontnames : fontnametable;
+ files : filemap;
+ status : filestatus;
+ mappings : fontentry list;
+ meta : metadata;
+ }
+ and familytable = {
+ local : (format, familyentry) hash; // specified with include dir
+ texmf : (format, familyentry) hash;
+ system : (format, familyentry) hash;
+ }
+ and familyentry = {
+ r : sizes; // regular
+ i : sizes; // italic
+ b : sizes; // bold
+ bi : sizes; // bold italic
+ }
+ and sizes = {
+ default : int; // points into mappings or names
+ optical : (int, int) list; // design size -> index entry
+ }
+ and fontnametable = {
+ local : (format, index) hash;
+ texmf : (format, index) hash;
+ system : (format, index) hash;
+ }
+ and metadata = {
+ created : string // creation time
+ formats : string list; // { "otf", "ttf", "ttc" }
+ local : bool; (* set if local fonts were added to the db *)
+ modified : string // modification time
+ statistics : TODO; // created when built with "--stats"
+ version : float; // index version
+ }
+ and filemap = { // created by generate_filedata()
+ base : {
+ local : (string, int) hash; // basename -> idx
+ system : (string, int) hash;
+ texmf : (string, int) hash;
+ };
+ bare : {
+ local : (string, (string, int) hash) hash; // location -> (barename -> idx)
+ system : (string, (string, int) hash) hash;
+ texmf : (string, (string, int) hash) hash;
+ };
+ full : (int, string) hash; // idx -> full path
+ }
+ and fontentry = { // finalized by collect_families()
+ basename : string; // file name without path "foo.otf"
+ conflicts : { barename : int; basename : int }; // filename conflict with font at index; happens with subfonts
+ familyname : string; // sanitized name of the font family the font belongs to, usually from the names table
+ fontname : string; // sanitized name of the font
+ format : string; // "otf" | "ttf" | "afm" (* | "pfb" *)
+ fullname : string; // sanitized full name of the font including style modifiers
+ fullpath : string; // path to font in filesystem
+ index : int; // index in the mappings table
+ italicangle : float; // italic angle; non-zero with oblique faces
+ location : string; // "texmf" | "system" | "local"
+ plainname : string; // unsanitized font name
+ typographicsubfamily : string; // sanitized preferred subfamily (names table 14)
+ psname : string; // PostScript name
+ size : (false | float * float * float); // if available, size info from the size table converted from decipoints
+ subfamily : string; // sanitized subfamily (names table 2)
+ subfont : (int | bool); // integer if font is part of a TrueType collection ("ttc")
+ version : string; // font version string
+ weight : int; // usWeightClass
+ }
+ and filestatus = (string, // fullname
+ { index : int list; // pointer into mappings
+ timestamp : int; }) dict