path: root/macros/luatex/optex/doc/optex-userdoc.tex
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diff --git a/macros/luatex/optex/doc/optex-userdoc.tex b/macros/luatex/optex/doc/optex-userdoc.tex
index d9c537559f..15a33ee632 100644
--- a/macros/luatex/optex/doc/optex-userdoc.tex
+++ b/macros/luatex/optex/doc/optex-userdoc.tex
@@ -407,6 +407,8 @@ scriptscript). Moreover, there is the macro \^`\mathstyles{<math list>}` which d
the current math style. It is documented at the end of the
+The \^`\eqalign` macro is more flexible in \OpTeX/, see technical documentation about it.
\sec Typical elements of document
@@ -762,19 +764,28 @@ These letters can be combined by the `|` character (vertical line). Example
generates the following result:
\noindent\hfil\table{||lc|r||}{ \crl
Month & commodity & price \crli \tskip2pt
January & notebook & \$ 700 \cr
February & skateboard & \$ 100 \cr
July & yacht & k\$ 170 \crl}
Apart from `l`, `r`, `c` declarators, you can use the `p{<size>}` declarator
-which declares the column of given width. More precisely, a long text in
-the table cell is printed as an paragraph with given width.
-To avoid problems with narrow left-right aligned paragraphs you can write
-`p{<size>`\^`\raggedright}`, then the paragraph will be only left aligned.
+which declares the column with paragraphs of given width. More precisely,
+a long text in the table cell is printed as an paragraph with given width.
+By default, the paragraph is left-right justified. But there are
+* `p{<size>`\^`\fL}` fit left, i.e.\ left justified, ragged right,
+* `p{<size>`\^`\fR}` fit right, i.e.\ right justified, ragged left,
+* `p{<size>`\^`\fC}` fit center, i.e.\ ragged left plus right,
+* `p{<size>`\^`\fS}` fit special, short one-line pararaph centered,
+ long paragraph normal,
+* `p{<size>`\^`\fX}` fit extra, left-right justified but last line centered.
You can use `(<text>)` in the <declaration>. Then this text is applied in
each line of the table. For example `r(\kern10pt)l` adds more 10\,pt space
@@ -786,7 +797,7 @@ prefixed. For example `3c` means `ccc` or `c 3{|c}` means
can use them in order to more legibility.
The command `\cr` used in the <data> part of the table
-is generally known. It marks end row of the table.
+is generally known. It marks the end of each row in the table.
Moreover \OpTeX/ defines following similar commands:
@@ -801,7 +812,7 @@ Moreover \OpTeX/ defines following similar commands:
The \^`\tskip<dimen>` command works like the `\noalign{\vskip<dimen>}`
-after `\cr*` commands but it doesn't interrupt the vertical lines.
+immediately after `\cr*` commands but it doesn't interrupt the vertical lines.
You can use following parameters for the \^`\table` macro. Default values are listed
@@ -816,6 +827,8 @@ too.
\tablinespace=2pt % additional vert. space before/after horizontal lines
\vvkern=1pt % space between lines in double vertical line
\hhkern=1pt % space between lines in double horizontal line
+\tabskip=0pt % space between columns
+\tabskipl=0pt \tabskipr=0pt % space before first and after last column
Example: if you do \^`\tabiteml={$\enspace}`\^`\tabitemr={\enspace$}` then
@@ -830,7 +843,7 @@ which spans <number> columns and formats the <text> by the
with the same syntax as common \^`\table` <declaration>.
If your table includes vertical rules and you want to
create continuous vertical rules by \^`\mspan`, then use rule declarators `|`
-only after `c`, `l` or `r` letter in \^`\mspan` <declaration>. The
+after `c`, `l` or `r` letter in \^`\mspan` <declaration>. The
exception is only in the case when \^`\mspan` includes first
column and the table have rules on the left side. The example of \^`\mspan`
usage is below.
@@ -853,17 +866,63 @@ creates the following result:
seven & eight & nine \crli}}
-The `c`, `l`, `r` and `p` are default \"declaration letters" but you can define
-more such letters by `\def\_tabdeclare<letter>{<left>##<right>}`. More about
-it is in technical documentation in the section~\ref[table].
+The \^`\vspan``<number>{<text>}` shifts the <text> down in order it looks
+like to be in the center of the <number> lines (current line is first).
+You can use this for creating tables like in the following example:
+\begtt \typosize[8.7/11]
+\thistable{\tabstrut={\vrule height 20pt depth10pt width0pt}
+ \baselineskip=20pt \tablinespace=0pt \rulewidth=.8pt}
+ \mspan2[c|]{} & \mspan3[c|]{Singular} & \mspan3[c|]{Plural} \crlp{3-8}
+ \mspan2[c|]{} & Neuter & Masculine & Feminine & Masculine & Feminine & Neuter \crl
+ \vspan2{I} & Inclusive & \mspan3[c|]{\vspan2{O}} & \mspan3[c|]{X} \crlp{2,6-8}
+ & Exclusive & \mspan3[c|]{} & \mspan3[c|]{X} \crl
+ \vspan2{II} & Informal & \mspan3[c|]{X} & \mspan3[c|]{X} \crlp{2-8}
+ & Formal & \mspan6[c|]{X} \crl
+ \vspan2{III} & Informal & \vspan2{O} & X & X & \mspan2[c|]{X} &\vspan2{O} \crlp{2,4-7}
+ & Formal & & \mspan4[c|]{X} & \crl
+\puttext 8.9cm -4cm {\pdfsave\pdfscale{.5}{.5}\rlap{%
+\thistable{\tabstrut={\vrule height 20pt depth10pt width0pt}
+ \baselineskip=20pt \tablinespace=0pt \rulewidth=.8pt}
+ \mspan2[c|]{} &\mspan3[c|]{Singular} &\mspan3[c|]{Plural} \crlp{3-8}
+ \mspan2[c|]{} & Neuter & Masculine & Feminine & Masculine & Feminine & Neuter \crl
+ \vspan2{I} & Inclusive & \mspan3[c|]{\vspan2{O}} &\mspan3[c|] X \crlp{2,6-8}
+ & Exclusive & \mspan3[c|]{} &\mspan3[c|] X \crl
+ \vspan2{II} & Informal & \mspan3[c|] X &\mspan3[c|] X \crlp{2-8}
+ & Formal & \mspan6[c|] X \crl
+ \vspan2{III} & Informal & \vspan2 O & X & X &\mspan2[c|] X & \vspan2 O \crlp{2,4-7}
+ & Formal & &\mspan4[c|] X & \crl
+\hangindent=-7.5cm \hangafter=0
+The <number> parameter of \^`\vspan` must be one-digit number.
+If you want to set more digits then use braces.
+You can use non-integer values too if you feel that the
+result is better, for example \^`\vspan{2.1}{text}`.
+\hangindent=-7.5cm \hangafter=0
The rule width of tables and implicit width of all `\vrule`s and `\hrule`s
can be set by the command \^`\rulewidth=<dimen>`. The default value given
by \TeX/ is 0.4\,pt.
+The `c`, `l`, `r` and `p` are default \"declaration letters" but you can define
+more such letters by `\def\_tabdeclare<letter>{<left>##<right>}`.
+More about it is in technical documentation in section~\ref[table.impl].
+See the definition of the \^`\tabdeclarec` macro, for example.
+The `:` columns boundary declarator is described in section~\ref[table.bound].
+The tables with given width can be declared by `to<size>` or `xto<size>`.
+More about it is in section~\ref[table.w]
Many tips about tables can be seen on the site
\label[verbatim]\secc Verbatim
@@ -1570,8 +1629,9 @@ document. The macro `\author <authors><end-line>` can be used when
\^`\report` is declared. It prints `<authors>` in italics at center of the
line. You can separate authors by `\nl` to more lines.
-The \^`\letter` declaration is intended to create letters. See an example in
-the file `op-letter.tex`. The \^`\letter` style sets default
+The \^`\letter` declaration is intended to create letters.
+See the files `op-letter-*.tex` for examples.
+The \^`\letter` style sets default
font size to 11\,pt and `\parindent` to 0\,pt. It sets half-line space
between paragraphs. The page numbers are not printed. The \^`\subject` macro
can be used, it prints the word \"Subject:" or \"Věc" (or something else
@@ -1579,7 +1639,7 @@ depending on current language) in bold. Moreover, the \^`\address` macro
can be used when \^`\letter` is declared. The usage of the \^`\address` macro
looks like:
+\begtt \catcode`\<=13
<first line of address>
<second line of address>
@@ -1727,7 +1787,7 @@ put it as the first command in your document:
\thefontsize [size] \thefontscale [factor] % current font size
\inspic file.ext % insert a picture, extensions: jpg, png, pdf
-\table {rule}{data} % simple macro for the tables like in LaTeX
+\table {rule}{data} % macro for the tables like in LaTeX
\fnote {text} % footnote (local numbering on each page)
\mnote {text} % note in the margin (left or right by page number)