path: root/macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/example/papers/sources_pdftex/p_005
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+% File: dafx_06.sty (LaTeX Document style option "dafx_06")
+% Usage: \documentclass{article}
+% \usepackage{dafx_06}
+% Or for LaTeX 2.09:
+% Usage: \documentstyle[...,dafx_06,...]{article}
+% Purpose:
+% Style file for Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-06).
+% Modified from waspaa99.sty
+% Features:
+% - correct page size (175mm x 226mm)
+% - use times-roman font as default font(roman font) in order to achieve
+% best quality on paper and screen
+% - twocolumn format
+% - boldfaced, numbered, and centered section headings
+% - correct subsection and subsubsection headings
+% - use \title{xx} for title, will automattically be typeset uppercase (not need for the user to do so)
+% - use \affiliation{author1, author2, ... and authorN}{address} for author(s) <typeset in italics>
+% with a single affiliation (address)
+% - use \affiliationS{author}{address1}{address2} for author(s) <typeset in italics>
+% with double affiliation (address)
+% - use \twoaffiliations{author1}{address1}{author2}{address2}
+% for two (or more) authors with two separate addresses
+% - use \threeaffiliations{author1}{address1}{author2}{address2}{author3}{address3}
+% for three (or more) authors with three separate addresses
+% - use \fouraffiliations{author1}{address1}{author2}{address2}{author3}{address3}{author4}{address4}
+% for four (or more) authors with four separate addresses
+% - note: no need for \name \address \author nor \date
+% - optional: can use \thanks{xx} within \affiliation, \affiliations, etc.
+% asterisk is not printed after name nor in footnote
+% - optional: can use \sthanks{xx} after each name within \name or
+% \twoauthors if different thanks for each author,
+% footnote symbol will appear for each name and footnote
+% - optional: use \ninept to typeset text in 9 pt; default is 10pt.
+% Example of use for one or more authors at a common address and
+% common support. For distinct support acknowledgments,
+% use \sthanks{xx} after each name.
+% \documentstyle[dafx_06]{article}
+% \title{Title of the paper}
+% \affiliation{George P. Burdell and John Q. Professor
+% \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
+% {Common address, department \\
+% City, etc \\
+% optional e-mail address}
+% \begin{document}
+% OPTIONAL --> \ninept <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% This is the abstract for my paper.
+% \end{abstract}
+% .
+% Insert text of paper
+% .
+% \end{document}
+% Example of use for authors at two distinct addresses with only
+% one support acknowledgment. For distinct support acknowledgments,
+% use \sthanks{xx} after each name.
+% \documentstyle[dafx_06]{article}
+% \title{Title of the paper}
+% \twoaffiliations{John Doe
+% \thanks{This work was supported by...}}
+% {Doe's address, department \\
+% City, etc \\
+% optional e-mail address}
+% {Judy Smith}
+% {Smith's address, department \\
+% City, etc \\
+% optional e-mail address}
+% \begin{document}
+% OPTIONAL --> \ninept <-- OPTIONAL, for nine pt only
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% This is the abstract for my paper.
+% \end{abstract}
+% .
+% Insert text of paper
+% .
+% \end{document}
+% Author: Stephen Martucci --
+% Modifications: Jyri Huopaniemi --
+% the Dafx crew --
+% The DAFx04 crew --
+% The DAFx06 crew --
+%change default font to times-roman
+%\oddsidemargin 0pt % FINAL?
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+ \par
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+ Address - Line 3}
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+% right text, fillers at left and right and a rule.
+% The \lap commands put the text into an hbox of zero size,
+% so overlapping text does not generate an errormessage.
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+\lhead{\em \small Proc.~of the \nth{9} Int.~Conference on Digital Audio
+Effects (DAFx-06), Montreal, Canada, September 18-20, 2006}
+\cfoot{{\vskip 11mm}{\small DAFX-\thepage}}{}
+%\cfoot{{\vskip 11mm}{\small DAFx-06 -- \thepage}}{}
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+ Author = {X. Serra},
+ Chapter = {Musical Sound Modeling with Sinusoids plus Noise},
+ Publisher = {G. D. Poli, A. Picialli, S. T. Pope and C. Roads, Eds.~Swets~\&~Zeitlinger},
+ Title = {Musical Signal Processing},
+ Pages = {91--122},
+ Year = {1996}}
+ Author = {James A. Moorer},
+ Title = {Audio in the New Millennium},
+ Journal = {Journal of the {AES}},
+ Volume = 48,
+ Number = 5,
+ Year = 2000,
+ Month = may,
+ Pages = {490--498}}
+ Author = {D. Arfib},
+ Booktitle = {Proc. of the COST-G6 Workshop on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-98)},
+ Title = {Different Ways to Write Digital Audio Effects Programs},
+ Address = {Barcelona, Spain},
+ Pages = {188--91},
+ Year = {1998}}
+ Author = {A. Askenfelt},
+ Title = {Automatic notation of played music (status report)},
+ Institution = {{STL-QPSR, Vol. 1, pp. 1--11}},
+ Year = {1976}}
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+% Template LaTeX file for DAFx-06 papers
+% To generate the correct references using BibTeX, run
+% latex, bibtex, latex, latex
+% modified from DAFx-00 version by Florian Keiler, 2002-07-08
+% from DAFx-02 to DAFx-03 by Gianpaolo Evangelista
+% from DAFx-05 to DAFx-06 by Vincent Verfaille, 2006-02-05
+% Template with hyper-references (links) active after conversion to pdf
+% (with the distiller) or if compiled with pdflatex.
+% 20060205: added package 'hypcap' to correct hyperlinks to figures and tables
+% use of \papertitle and \paperauthorA, etc for same title in PDF and Metadata
+% 1) Please compile using latex or pdflatex.
+% 2) If using pdflatex, you need your figures in a file format other than eps! e.g. png or jpg is working
+% 3) Please use "paperftitle" and "pdfauthor" definitions below
+% ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! user defined variables ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
+% Please use these commands to define title and author of the paper:
+\def\papertitle{Templates for Two Authors}
+\def\paperauthorA{Alfred Alabama}
+\def\paperauthorB{Chris Christmas}
+ % Saves a lot of ouptut space in PDF... after conversion with the distiller
+ % Delete if you cannot get PS fonts working on your system.
+% pdf-tex settings: detect automatically if run by latex or pdflatex
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput
+ \pdffalse
+ \else
+ \pdftrue
+\ifpdf % compiling with pdflatex
+ \usepackage[pdftex,
+ pdftitle={\papertitle},
+ pdfauthor={\paperauthorA, \paperauthorB},
+ colorlinks=false, % links are activated as colror boxes instead of color text
+ bookmarksnumbered, %use section numbers with bookmarks
+ pdfstartview= XYZ % starts with zoom=100% instead of full screen; especially useful if working with a big screen :-)
+ ]{hyperref}
+ \pdfcompresslevel=9
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[figure,table]{hypcap}
+\else % compiling with latex
+ \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[dvips,
+ colorlinks=false, % no color links
+ bookmarksnumbered, %use section numbers with bookmarks
+ pdfstartview= XYZ % starts with zoom=100% instead of full screen
+ ]{hyperref}
+ % hyperrefs are active in the pdf file after conversion
+ \usepackage[figure,table]{hypcap}
+{\href{}{SPCL, Music Technology Area}\\ Schulich School of Music\\ McGill University, Montreal, Canada \\ {\tt \href{}{}}
+{\href{}{Signal Processing Applications Group} \\ Dept.~SSR, ETSI Telecomunicacion\\ UPM, Madrid, Spain \\
+ {\tt \href{}{}}
+% more pdf-tex settings:
+\ifpdf % used graphic file format for pdflatex
+ \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.png,.jpg,.pdf}
+\else % used graphic file format for latex
+ \DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.eps}
+This is the template file for the proceedings of the \nth{9} International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06).
+This template has been generated from WASPAA'99 templates and aims at producing conference proceedings in electronic form.
+The format is essentially the one used for ICASSP conferences.
+Please use either this \LaTeX{} or the accompanying Word formats when preparing your submission.
+The templates are available in electronic form at the website:
+\\ \href{}{}. Thanks!
+This template can be found on the conference website.
+All figures should be centered on the column (or page, if the figure spans both columns).
+Figure captions (in italic) should follow each figure and have the format given in Figure \ref{fft_plot}.
+\caption{{\it Sinusoid in time and frequency domain.}}
+Figures must be vectorial (no screen copy, no bitmap, etc). For example when using \texttt{Matlab}, export using either Postscript or PDF format. Also, in order to provide a better readibility, figure text font size should be at list identical to footnote font size. To do so using \texttt{Matlab}, use the \texttt{subplot} command before plotting.
+As for figures, all tables should be centered on the column (or page, if the table spans both columns).
+Table captions should be in italic, follow each table and have the format given in Table \ref{tab:example}.
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline
+ angle ($\theta$, rad) & $\sin \theta$ \\\hline
+ $\frac{\pi}{2}$ & 1 \\
+ $\pi$ & 0 \\
+ $\frac{3\pi}{2}$ & -1 \\
+ $2\pi$ & 0 \\\hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \label{tab:example}
+ \caption{{\it Basic trigonometric values.}}
+Equations should be placed on separate lines and numbered:
+X(e^{j\Omega})=\sum_{n=0}^{N-1}x(n)e^{-j\Omega n}
+where the sequence $x(n)$ in equation (\ref{eq1}) is a windowed frame:
+x(n)=s(n)\cdot w(n)
+with a window function $w(n)$.
+\subsection{Page Numbers}
+Page numbers will be added to the document electronically, so {\em please leave the numbering as is},
+that is, the first page will start at page DAFX-1 and the last page, at most, will have to be DAFX-6
+for the submission of papers for an oral presentation or DAFX-4 in the case of a poster presentation.
+The references will be numbered in order of appearance \cite{Serra:1996:sms,Moorer:2000:AES:audio:millenium,Arfib:1998:DAFx,Askenfelt:1976:automatic:transcription}. Please avoid listing references that do not appear in the text.
+\subsubsection{Reference Format}
+The reference format is the standard IEEE one. We recommend to use BibTeX to create the reference list.
+This template can be found on the conference website.
+If you wish to include a single authors' affiliation please use the companion LaTeX template tmpl\_la\_href.
+Please, submit full-length papers (max.~6 pages for oral presentation and max.~4 pages for posters).
+Submission is fully electronic and automated through the Conference Web Submission System.
+DO NOT send us papers directly by e-mail.
+Many thanks to the great number of anonymous reviewers!
+\section{Margin Check}
+This section shows the column margins for pages other than the first one. \bigskip\newline
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+\section{Margin Check}
+This section shows the column margins for pages other than the first one. \bigskip\newline
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+\section{Margin Check}
+This section shows the column margins for pages other than the first one. \bigskip\newline
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.
+DAFx-06 welcomes you to Montreal. Montreal welcomes Digital Audio Effects, we simply love them.