path: root/graphics/asymptote/build-scripts/build-asymptote.ps1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'graphics/asymptote/build-scripts/build-asymptote.ps1')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/graphics/asymptote/build-scripts/build-asymptote.ps1 b/graphics/asymptote/build-scripts/build-asymptote.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97a47f3693
--- /dev/null
+++ b/graphics/asymptote/build-scripts/build-asymptote.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+ Script to build asymptote
+ Builds asymptote installer file.
+ This script uses asymptote source directory. If building fails, try removing cmake-build-msvc/release directory
+ Specifies Asymptote version to build. If not given, will automatically determine version from
+ [AllowEmptyString()]
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$Version
+$usageString="Usage: $PSCommandPath -Version <version>"
+$asymptoteRoot="$(Split-Path -Parent $PSCommandPath)/.."
+if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType container $asymptoteRoot))
+ Write-Error "No asymptote root found. Exiting."
+ Break
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# checking documentation files
+ $extfilesRoot="$env:ASYMPTOTE_BUILD_SHARED_DIRECTORY/asydoc"
+ $extfilesRoot = "asydoc"
+ "asymptote.sty"
+ "asymptote.pdf"
+ "asy-latex.pdf"
+ "CAD.pdf"
+ "TeXShopAndAsymptote.pdf"
+ "asyRefCard.pdf"
+foreach ($requiredDocFile in $requiredDocumentationFiles) {
+ if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType leaf "$extfilesRoot/$requiredDocFile")) {
+ $hasDocFiles=$false
+ Write-Error "$requiredDocFile not found.
+Please ensure $requiredDocFile is available in $extfilesRoot directory"
+ }
+if (-Not $hasDocFiles) {
+ Write-Error "Documentation file(s) are not present in $extFilesRoot directory. Will not build asymptote."
+ Break
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# tools cache
+New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $toolscacheRoot -Force
+# tools cache variables
+# vcpkg
+if (-Not $env:VCPKG_ROOT)
+ $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc = "$toolscacheRoot/vcpkg"
+ Write-Host "VCPKG_ROOT Not found, checking for $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc"
+ if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType Container $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc))
+ {
+ git clone "$vcpkgToolsCacheLoc"
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-Host "vcpkg directory found"
+ }
+ git -C $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc fetch
+ git -C $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc reset --hard $vcpkgSha256
+ if (-Not (Test-Path $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc/vcpkg.exe))
+ {
+ Push-Location $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc
+ & ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
+ Pop-Location
+ }
+ $useToolsCacheVcpkg=true
+ Write-Host "Using VCPKG_ROOT at $($env:VCPKG_ROOT)"
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# checking for NSIS
+# checking for downloaded nsis
+if ($null -eq $makeNsisLoc)
+ $nsisToolsCacheRoot="$toolscacheRoot/nsis"
+ $downloadedNsis = "$nsisToolsCacheRoot/makensis.exe"
+ if (Test-Path -PathType leaf $downloadedNsis)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Found downloaded NSIS at $downloadedNsis"
+ $makeNsisLoc=$downloadedNsis
+ }
+# checking registry & install location
+if ($null -eq $makeNsisLoc)
+ $nsisInstallEntry = Get-ItemProperty `
+ -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\NSIS `
+ -Name InstallLocation `
+ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ if ($null -ne $nsisInstallEntry)
+ {
+ # entry found for registry
+ $nsisTestPath = "$( $nsisInstallEntry.InstallLocation )/makensis.exe"
+ if (Test-Path -PathType leaf $nsisTestPath)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Found installed NSIS. Using NSIS at $nsisTestPath"
+ $makeNsisLoc = $nsisTestPath
+ }
+ }
+# check in tools-cache/nsis
+if ($null -Eq $makeNsisLoc)
+ $nsisPathExec = Get-Command makensis -ErrorAction ignore
+ if ($null -Ne $nsisPathExec)
+ {
+ Write-Host "Found NSIS in PATH at $($makeNsisLoc.Path)".
+ $makeNsisLoc=$nsisPathExec.Path
+ }
+# nsis not found
+if ($null -eq $makeNsisLoc)
+ Write-Error "Cannot find NSIS. Please either
+(1, Recommended) Install NSIS from
+(2) Download NSIS ZIP and extract the files to $toolscacheRoot so that $nsisToolsCacheRoot/makensis.exe
+ is available
+ Break
+# ------------------------------------------------
+# python
+if (-Not (Test-Path -PathType leaf $pyXasyActivateScript))
+ python -m virtualenv $pyVenvLocation
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# cloning asymptote
+if (Test-Path asymptote)
+ Remove-Item -Force -Recurse asymptote
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# determine version, if not given in arguments
+if (0 -eq $Version.Length) {
+ Write-Host "Version not given; will try to determine version"
+ Push-Location $asymptoteRoot
+ $Version=python --version-for-release
+ if (0 -ne $LASTEXITCODE) {
+ Write-Error $usageString
+ Write-Error "Cannot automatically determine release asymptote version. Please specify the version manually"
+ Pop-Location
+ Break
+ }
+ Pop-Location
+ Write-Host "Asymptote version is $Version"
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+# build GUI
+& $pyXasyActivateScript
+Push-Location $asymptoteRoot/GUI
+& python -m pip install -r requirements.txt -r
+& python build --version-override=$Version
+# ----------------------------------------------------
+function buildAsy($preset, $cfgDir) {
+ # build C++ side
+ Import-VisualStudioVars -Architecture x64
+ Push-EnvironmentBlock
+ $env:ASY_VERSION_OVERRIDE = $Version
+ if ($useToolsCacheVcpkg)
+ {
+ $env:VCPKG_ROOT = $vcpkgToolsCacheLoc
+ }
+ Push-Location $asymptoteRoot
+ cmake --preset $preset
+ Pop-Location
+ cmake --build $asymptoteRoot/$cfgDir --target asy-pre-nsis-targets -j
+ Pop-EnvironmentBlock # Visual studio vars
+ # install to pre-installation root
+buildAsy msvc/release-with-external-doc-files cmake-build-msvc/release
+cmake --install $asymptoteRoot/cmake-build-msvc/release --component asy-pre-nsis
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# Generate NSIS installer file
+& $asymptoteRoot/cmake-install-w32-nsis-release/build-asy-installer.ps1 "$makeNsisLoc"
+if (Test-Path -PathType leaf "asymptote-$Version-setup.exe")
+ Write-Host "Found old setup file. Will delete the file."
+ Remove-Item -Force "asymptote-$Version-setup.exe"
+if (Test-Path -PathType leaf $asySetupFile)
+ Move-Item $asySetupFile . -Force
+ Write-Error "Asymptote setup file not built."
+ Break
+# ------------------------------------------------------
+# building for CTAN
+buildAsy msvc/release-with-external-doc-file-ctan cmake-build-msvc/release
+ Write-Output "Using shared build directory at $ASYMPTOTE_BUILD_SHARED_DIRECTORY for CTAN output"
+ Write-Output "No shared directory specified. Using CTAN directory at top-level"
+ $ctanOutputDir = "CTAN"
+New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ctanOutputDir" -Force
+New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$ctanOutputDir/dll" -Force
+Get-ChildItem "$asymptoteRoot/cmake-install-w32-nsis-release/build-$Version/" `
+ -Filter "*.dll" | Copy-Item -Destination "$ctanOutputDir/dll"
+Copy-Item $asymptoteRoot/cmake-build-msvc/release/asy.exe -Destination "$ctanOutputDir/asy.exe"
+Pop-Location # asymptote