path: root/usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/pstrix4.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/pstrix4.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'usergrps/uktug/baskervi/6_4/pstrix4.tex')
1 files changed, 491 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\author[Sebastian Rahtz]{Sebastian Rahtz\\
+Elsevier Science Ltd\\The Boulevard, Langford
+Oxford, UK\\\texttt{}}\title{An introduction to PSTricks, part 4}
+This article concludes my look at \PST{}. I hope you have
+enjoyed the show! The material has been drawn from a forthcoming book,
+entitled \emph{The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion}, by Michel Goossens,
+Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach, to be published by Addison
+Wesley in 1997. If you have enjoyed \BV{} articles in the last
+couple of years on Seminar, colour in \LaTeX, and \PST, you may find
+the book of interest.
+In this final part, we look briefly at data plotting, and then
+conclude with some finished examples of \PST, which are designed
+to show the power of the macros in unusual ways.
+\section{Data plotting}
+\PST\ has a set of high-level tools for common data-plotting
+functions; these can read data from external files, in a variety of
+formats. We will not tabulate the extra commands or graphical parameters
+this time, as they can be easily found in the \PST{} documentation.
+The simplest form of data is a set of comma or white-space delimited
+numbers, but values can also be enclosed in braces (\verb|{}|) or
+round brackets (\verb|()|). If the data is enclosed in a single
+set of \emph{square} brackets (\verb|[]|), and the opening \verb=[= is at the
+start of a line, it will be read much faster; however, it will run
+\TeX\ out of memory sooner. Data can also be read once, and then
+re-used, with the \Lcs{readdata} and \Lcs{savedata} commands. There is
+an important distinction between \Lcs{fileplot} or \Lcs{dataplot}
+which parse and validate the data in \TeX, and \Lcs{listplot}, which
+simply passes the data on to \PS; the latter approach means that there
+is no check on \PS\ memory requirements, but has the advantage that
+raw \PS\ can be provided to generate or manipulate the data.
+Just to complicate matters, use of the \Lcs{PSTtoEPS} command with the
+plotting commands can allow for even bigger datasets. An example of
+this is given below, in section~\ref{PSTprog}.
+It is important to realize that it is up to the user to check the
+data extents and scaling; \PST\ does not make the data fit a
+predefined plot area, unlike many other packages. Normally, judicious
+setting of \PKey{xunit} and \PKey{yunit} will quickly produce nice
+results. Axes are generated separately, and there is no provision for
+supplying specific labels for axis tick points. It is, on the other
+hand, easy to superimpose multiple plots, and use the \PS\ language to
+calculate functions, as the following example shows, overlaying
+$\sin(x)$, $\sin(x)\cos(x)$ and $\cos(x)$.
+ {0}{360}{x sin}
+ {0}{360}{x cos}
+ {x dup sin exch cos mul}
+The next example shows how the \Lcs{psaxes} command can
+be used to create graph frames; in this mode, it obeys the graphical
+fill and colour parameters. This picture (showing
+word length ($x$ axis) against occurrences ($y$ axis) in a passage of
+Dickens) also shows how the axis labels can be manipulated.
+ Dy=50,tickstyle=bottom,
+ fillcolor=gray,fillstyle=solid](1,1)(18,229)
+\PST\ is not designed to be a fully-fledged business graphics package;
+its plotting functions are really for simple scientific plots
+only. However, it should be clear that the lower-level \PST\ macros,
+and \TeX's programmability, make it a good basis for whatever
+graphing is needed.
+We conclude this section with a crude pie chart, with the macros and
+some of the data used to create it; note that only
+segments above a certain size are labelled --- providing a sensible
+label for all elements would involve considerably more care.
+\mbox{Denis} \mbox{Girou} has written a generalised pie-chart and bar
+chart creation package for \PST\ (under
+revision at the time of writing), which can produce very professional
+\newcommand\lang[4]{% name, value, percentage, color
+ \setcounter{thisval}{\value{lastval}}
+ \addtocounter{thisval}{#3}
+ \pswedge[fillcolor=#4]{1}{\thelastval}{\thethisval}%
+ \setcounter{thishalf}{((\value{thisval}-\value{lastval})/2)+\value{lastval}}
+ \ifnum#3>200\rput(1.3;\thethishalf){#1}\fi
+ \setcounter{lastval}{\value{thisval}}
+\newcommand{\lang}[4]{% name, value, proportion of
+ % 10000, colour
+ \setcounter{thisval}{\value{lastval}}
+ \addtocounter{thisval}{#3}
+ \pswedge[fillcolor=#4]{1}{\thelastval}{\thethisval}%
+ \setcounter{thishalf}{((\value{thisval}-
+ \value{lastval})/2)+
+ \value{lastval}}
+ \ifnum#3>200\rput(1.3;\thethishalf){#1}\fi
+ \setcounter{lastval}{\value{thisval}}
+\section{\protect\PST\ programming examples}\label{PSTprog}
+In the following pictures, we attempt to show some of the range of
+\PST\ possibilities, demonstrate the advantages of using a programming
+language for drawing pictures, and explore the various tools for
+simplifying and modularizing the code to make it more readable. We
+are especially glad to acknowledge Denis Girou for his input to this
+section, both in personal exchanges and in published examples.
+In the first picture, a kite drawing from a child's book of colours and
+shapes, notice how the tail is drawn as a curved node connection
+between two points, and the bunting is added as labels on that
+connection. Use of the node feature means that the calculation of the
+line and positions along it are left entirely to
+\PST. It is also worth recalling the basic \PS\ premise that objects
+are opaque unless otherwise stated; this means that we can draw a blue
+background to the whole picture, and then overlay solid blocks of
+colour for the shapes. Some parts of the picture have a regular,
+repeating, feature, and we take advantage of this to
+draw the rays of sun using the \Lcs{multido} macro; note that we use a
+\TeX\ group to localize the effect of the \Lcs{psset} which changes colour
+and style.
+ \input kite.tex
+In the next child's picture, we again take advantage of the strikeout
+nature of \PS\ blocks of solid colour to draw the cat head as a whole
+circle, and superimpose the wall (and on top of that the bricks) so
+that we do not worry about creating a precise wedge of just
+over a semicircle. \Lcs{rput} is used extensively to place objects at an
+angle. The writing on the bricks demonstrates the importance of
+understanding the reference point of objects that are placed. Since
+the bricks and their legends are drawn \emph{after} the graffito, they
+partly obscure it. We group objects of similar characteristics
+together, and use \TeX's standard grouping to set \PST\ values for the
+items in that group. We also break the picture into different
+elements, describe each in a separate macro, and group them into
+high-level objects. This technique allows us to built up a library of
+objects, and serves to make the final picture description considerably
+more readable. The cat sitting on its portion of wall sets its size
+according to a parameter, allowing us to reproduce it several times at
+different sizes; note how the \Lcs{rput} command resets the coordinate
+system, so that the cat is drawn relative to the position of the \Lcs{rput}.
+ \input cat.tex
+The third complete picture is more complex, a
+circuit diagram. We have
+chosen to make this by programming a small language
+for circuit diagrams, which implements the actions
+\Lcs{Resistor}, \Lcs{Switch} and
+\Lcs{Inductor}, with the movement commands
+\Lcs{Left}, and
+\Lcs{Right} in the spirit of \textsf{pic}.
+Thus the final part of the input is quite simple,
+apart from the node connection and label commands which are used
+in their normal way (some care is needed to consider the angles
+at which connection lines leave and join each node).
+\newdimen\CurY \newdimen\Cir@temp
+\newcount\Cir@direction % 0 right, 1 left, 2 up, 3 down
+ \ifcase\Cir@direction right\or left\or up\or down\fi,
+ now at (\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY)}%
+\def\Down#1{\advance\CurY by -#1\p@\Cir@direction3\ShowDirection}
+\def\Up#1{\advance\CurY by #1\p@\Cir@direction2\ShowDirection}
+\def\Left#1{\advance\CurX by -#1\p@\Cir@direction1\ShowDirection}
+\def\Right#1{\advance\CurX by #1\p@\Cir@direction0\ShowDirection}
+\def\MyBox#1#2{% width,height
+ \pssetlength{\Cir@temp}{#1}%
+ \rule{\Cir@temp}{\z@}%
+ \pssetlength{\Cir@temp}{#2}%
+ \rule{\z@}{\Cir@temp}%
+\message{[Switch] #1}\ShowXY
+\ifcase\Cir@direction % right
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode[b]{#1}{%
+ \psline(.5,.4)%
+ \psarc{<-}{.4}{-10}{70}%
+ \MyBox{.5}{.4}%
+ }}%
+ \advance\CurX by .5\p@
+\or % left
+ \advance\CurX by -.5\p@
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode[b]{#1}{%
+ \psline(0,0)(.5,.4)%
+ \psarc{<-}{.4}{-10}{70}%
+ \MyBox{.5}{.4}%
+ }}%
+\message{[Battery] #1}\ShowXY
+\ifcase\Cir@direction % right
+ \rput[r](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \psline(0,-.4)(0,.4)%
+ \psline(.2,-.2)(.2,.2)%
+ \MyBox{.2}{.8}%
+ }}%
+ \advance\CurX by .2\p@
+\or % left
+ \advance\CurX by -.2\p@
+ \rput[r](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \psline(0,-.4)(0,.4)%
+ \psline(.2,-.2)(.2,.2)%
+ \MyBox{.2}{.8}%
+ }}%
+\or % up
+ \advance\CurY by .2\p@
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \psline(.1,.2)(.9,.2)%
+ \psline(0.3,0)(0.7,0)%
+ \MyBox{1}{.2}%
+ }}%
+\or % down
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \psline(-.4,0)(.4,0)%
+ \psline(-.2,-.2)(.2,-.2)%
+ \MyBox{1}{.2}%
+ }}%
+ \advance\CurY by -.2\p@
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@ResInd}{\@ResInd[1]{pszigzag}}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@ResInd}{\@ResInd[1]{pscoil}}}
+ \ifcase\Cir@direction % right
+ \rput[l](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#3}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](0,.15)(#1,.15)%
+ \MyBox{#1}{.3}%
+ }}%
+ \advance\CurX by #1\p@
+ \or % left
+ \advance\CurX by -#1\p@
+ \rput[l](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#3}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](0,.15)(#1,.15)%
+ \MyBox{#1}{.3}%
+ }}%
+ \or % up
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#3}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](.15,0)(.15,#1)%
+ \MyBox{.3}{#1}%
+ }}%
+ \advance\CurY by #1\p@
+ \or % down
+ \advance\CurY by -#1\p@
+ \rput[b](\strip@pt\CurX,\strip@pt\CurY){\rnode{#3}{%
+ \csname #2\endcsname[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](.15,0)(.15,#1)%
+ \MyBox{.3}{#1}%
+ }}%
+ \fi
+The new commands are implemented in terms of a current $x$ and $y$
+coordinate, which is changed by the movement commands. Thus \Lcs{Down} is
+defined (simplified) in the following code:
+ \setcounter{CurY}}{-#1}%
+ \def{Cirdirection}{3}%
+ }
+\caption{Autocad picture converted to \protect\PST\ macros}
+After each movement the current direction of movement is recorded,
+since this affects how we draw the new objects. These have a switch
+(which we have simplified in the following code example\footnote{since
+we possibly want sizes to be real numbers, \Lcs{CurX} and \Lcs{CurY}
+are in fact \TeX\ dimensions, which we convert back to numbers before
+use.}) to check direction. The plain \TeX{} \Lcs{ifcase} command is
+used to perform a 4-way switch between directions. The definition of
+the resistor is:
+ \ifcase\Cirdirection % right
+ \rput[l](\CurX,\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \pszigzag[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](0,.15)(1,.15)%
+ \MyBox{1}{.3}}}%
+ \addtocounter{CurX}{1}%
+ \or % left
+ \addtocounter{CurX}{-1}%
+ \rput[l](\CurX,\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \pszigzag[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](0,.15)(1,.15)%
+ \MyBox{1}{.3}}}%
+ \or % up
+ \rput[b](\CurX,\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \pszigzag[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](.15,0)(.15,1)%
+ \MyBox{.3}{1}}}%
+ \addtocounter{CurY}{1}%
+ \or % down
+ \addtocounter{CurY}{-1}%
+ \rput[b](\CurX,\CurY){\rnode{#1}{%
+ \pszigzag[coilarm=.01,coilwidth=.3](.15,0)(.15,1)%
+ \MyBox{.3}{1}}}%
+ \fi
+The macro \Lcs{MyBox} is very important; since by itself \Lcs{pszigzag} takes
+no space, it will create a node with no width or height, and
+connectors will go right to the middle. Therefore we put in some
+\LaTeX\ struts with the \Lcs{rule} command, to create an invisible box
+around the zigzag. The \PST\ units are converted to normal \TeX\
+lengths using \Lcs{pssetlength}.
+\newcommand{\MyBox}[2]{% width,height
+ \pssetlength{\Cirtemp}{#1}%
+ \rule{\Cirtemp}{0pt}%
+ \pssetlength{\Cirtemp}{#2}%
+ \rule{0pt}{\Cirtemp}%
+Our final example takes \PST\ into another subject area, that of
+cartography. The map in Figure~\ref{PSTacad} is created from
+an Autocad DXF file; this time the 36
+polygons, comprising 9619 separate line segments, were converted
+(using a simple \emph{ad hoc} conversion program) to a separate
+coordinate data file for each polygon. The overall map description
+consists simply of 36 lines of the form:
+Since the number of coordinates is so large, many of the \PST\ tools
+which can read the files (like \Lcs{fileplot}) run out of \TeX\ memory;
+however, for purely graphical objects like polygons, we have the
+more efficient and less memory-intensive option of writing
+Encapsulated \PS\ files on the fly, so we instantiate the
+\Lcs{ProcessVector} lines with the definition:
+ \PSTtoEPS{#1.eps}{\fileplot{#1.dat}}
+ \rput(0,0){\includegraphics{#1.eps}}%
+The command \Lcs{PSTtoEPS} takes two arguments, a filename, and any
+pure \PST\ commands (\ie not text). Instead of embedding the necessary
+\PS\ as \Lcs{special}s in the \TeX\ output, a \PS\ file is written
+Using the very simple top level \Lcs{ProcessVector} command means that the
+master file is easily hand-edited; since the Autocad file identifies
+the polygons by their `layer' (the map is a set of contour lines), we
+are able to set the fill colour separately for each layer, and so
+produce the more traditional map.