path: root/obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/seminar/README
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-06-26 03:00:56 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-06-26 03:00:56 +0000
commit3d1055e1e00548f29b9d4ba0a79c717b9b6b2ae3 (patch)
tree81d89c6859163c396aa9344ddb05c271e9ab760c /obsolete/macros/latex/contrib/seminar/README
parent644c44d0c55a2960e53623b0c19448c1b8015d1e (diff)
CTAN sync 202106260300
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+This version of seminar doesn't work the current LaTeX,
+the reason why it is moved to the obsolete directory as
+unmaintained. If someone want to make it run again, feel
+free to contact me ...
+With the agreement of Timothy Van Zandt (now,
+the distributions conditions on seminar are now relaxed to:
+%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
+%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+%% license is in:
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 1999/12/01 or later.
+June 3rd 1999 (last updated September 2005)
+Sebastian Rahtz <>
+Denis Girou <>
+Herbert Voß <>
+(Tim's helpers on earth)
+**** "readme" file for seminar.cls package, v1.0, 93/04/01 ****
+COPYRIGHT 1993, by Timothy Van Zandt
+ seminar.sty is a LaTeX document style for typesetting slides or
+ transparencies, and accompanying notes. It has many advantages over
+ SliTeX. Here are some of the style's special features:
+ * It is a LaTeX style, rather than another format.
+ * It is compatible with AmS-LaTeX.
+ * You can use any fonts that work with LaTeX, including PostScript
+ fonts and AmSFonts.
+ * Slides can be landscape and portrait within the same file.
+ * Color is supported through PostScript.
+ * The slides can have a frame and a colored background.
+ * The magnification can be changed with a single command.
+ * Overlays can be produced from a single slide environment.
+ * Accompanying notes, such as the text of a presentation, can be put
+ outside the slide environments. The slides, notes or both together
+ can then be typeset in a variety of formats.
+ Some of these features require a PostScript output device.
+ LaTeX:
+ seminar.cls : The main class file.
+ seminar.sty : The main style file.
+ seminar.con : The main config file.
+ sem-page.sty : Page parameters.
+ semlayer.sty : The semlayer style option (overlays and color layers).
+ semhelv.sty : The semhelv style option .
+ semlcmss.sty : The semlcmss style option.
+ semcolor.sty : The semcolor style option.
+ semrot.sty : THe semrot style option.
+ slidesec.sty : The slidesec style option.
+ sem-a4.sty : The sem-a4 style option.
+ xcomment.sty : The macros for omitting notes.
+ 2up.tex : Macros for printing documents two-up.
+ 2up.sty : The same as 2up.tex, but with .sty extension.
+ npsfont.sty : Macros for defining new PostScript fonts with the NFSS.
+ fancybox.sty : Box tips and tricks for LaTeX.
+ Documentation:
+ sem-user.tex : User's guide for seminar.sty.
+ sem-user.ind : Index for sem-user.tex.
+ semsamp1.tex : A sample document for seminar.sty.
+ semsamp2.tex : Another sample document for seminar.sty.
+ 2up.doc : Documentation for 2up.tex.
+ fancybox.doc : Documentation for fancybox.sty.
+ tvz-hax.sty : For typesetting sem-user.tex and sem-code.tex.
+ tvz-code.sty : For typesetting sem-code.tex.
+ tvz-user.sty : For typesetting sem-user.tex.
+ : This file.
+ read-me.pst : The read-me file for the PSTricks package.
+ Sources:
+ seminar.doc : Documented code for seminar.sty.
+ semlayer.doc : Documented code for semlayer.sty.
+ xcomment.doc : Documented code for xcomment.sty.
+ sem-make.tex : For extracting code from seminar.doc and semlayer.doc.
+ sem-code.tex : For typesetting seminar.doc and semlayer.doc.
+ xc-make.tex : For extracting code from xcomment.doc.
+ xcomment.tex : For typesetting xcomment.doc.
+ 1. Put the input files in a directory where your TeX looks for inputs.
+ 2. Typeset and print sem-user.tex.
+ 3. Read the preface "Getting Started", and then the appendices.
+ 4. Typeset semsamp1.tex and semsamp2.tex.
+ 5 If upgrading from v0.92, see the changes listed at the end of this
+ file. If upgrading from v0.91 or earlier, good luck.
+ The files seminar.doc, semlayer.doc and xcomment.doc contain the
+ documented code, using Frank Mittelbach's doc system.
+ See sem-code.tex and xcomment.tex for instructions on typesetting
+ these files.
+ See sem-make.tex and xc-make.tex for instruction on extracting
+ stripped input (.sty) files from these .doc files.
+ The following styles and macros are not specifically for use
+ with seminar.sty, and hence are not described in detail in
+ the seminar.sty User's Guide. You do not need to read the
+ documentation of these files in order to use seminar.sty.
+ If you have versions on your system that are older than the
+ ones distributed with seminar.sty, be sure to replace these.
+ fancybox.sty is a LaTeX style option with tips and tricks for LR-box
+ commands. The documentation, fancybox.doc, is extensive.
+ 2UP.TEX:
+ 2up.tex/2up.sty contains macros for typesetting documents in a
+ two-up format. seminar.sty's \twoup command provides an interface.
+ 2up.doc is the documentation for 2up.tex.
+ npsfont.sty contains macros for defining new PostScript fonts
+ with the New Font Selection Scheme. The documentation is in
+ npsfont.sty itself.
+ xcomment.sty, a LaTeX style option, permits one to typeset only
+ selected environments, omitting input outside these environments.
+ See xcomment.tex if you want to typeset the documentation.
+ slidesec.sty is an experimental file contains sectioning commands
+ for slide type documents. The documentation is in slidesec.sty
+ itself.
+ pstricks.tex is a collection of PostScript macros that is compatible
+ with most TeX macro packages, including Plain TeX and LaTeX. Included are
+ macros for color, graphics, rotation, overlays, nodes and much more.
+ seminar.sty, combined with the semcolor option, the PSTricks package,
+ and your favorite macros for including EPS files, make a complete
+ TeX presentation software package.
+ You can probably obtain the PSTricks package from wherever you got
+ the Seminar package, or try
+ Princeton.EDU:/pub or Princeton.EDU:/pub/tvz
+ You must install the PSTricks package before using the semcolor option.
+ seminar.sty will work with pstricks.tex v0.92, and maybe later
+ versions.
+ The author is thankful to Frank Mittelbach for his documentation system.
+ Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz for bits of advice, and many users for
+ comments and bug reports.
+ Too many to list, and who knows what they are anyway. These files are all
+ preliminary and unstable. Not responsible for neck injuries.
+ Thanks.
+ v1.0: Included sem-a4.sty file, as a way to let the default papersize
+ be A4 (The a4 option still works). Added \epsfslidesize to make
+ it easier to set the slide of eps files with epsf.sty. Fixed bug
+ which caused the width of second pages of a multi-page slide to
+ end up too small if the page only contained a quote or similar
+ environment with reduced margins.
+ v0.93a: Fixed bugs so that slides would come out properly with the
+ 2-up,article and portrait options (together), and so that
+ slides would be positioned correctly with the portrait style
+ option.
+ v0.93:
+ ! Use the a4 option instead of sem-a4. There is not longer a
+ separate file for a4.
+ ! No more \fewnotes, \nonotes. Use \slideplacement instead.
+ ! No more \layerstyle, \overlaystyle.
+ ! Slide styles are now "left" and "bottom".
+ ! No more \ifslides. Use \ifarticle\else.
+ ! You must now use the semlayer option to use overlays (in addition
+ to the semcolor option).
+ ! No "down" slide rotation (only "none", "left" and "right".
+ ! portrait option is no longer a separate file.
+ ! \paperwidth and \paperheight are now ordinary commands, to be set
+ with \renewcommand.
+ ! \slidefonts is now always invoked in slide environments, and never in
+ the preamble. (But semhelv.sty and semlcmss.sty have changed to
+ reflect this.)
+ ! Method for customizing the slide frames has changed.
+ \slideframecolor, \slideframearc, \slidefillcolor and
+ \slideshadowcolor are obsolete.
+ ! \landscape command replaced by \printlandscape to avoid conflict with
+ other style files. (E.g., \def\printlandscape{\special{landscape}}).
+ + A slide environment can have multiple `pages'. \extraslideheight{len}
+ controls page cutting. See user's guide for details.
+ + \centerslidestrue (default) causes the contents of partially full
+ slides to be vertically centered in the slide. \centerslidesfalse
+ causes it to be flush top.
+ + New \raggedslides[len] command, for setting
+ whether right margin in slides is ragged or justified. Default is
+ \raggedslides. \raggedslides[0pt] gives justified slides.
+ + \slideplacement
+ + \onlynotestoo
+ + \slideskip and \slideshrink for added control over interline space.
+ + New: \slideleftmargini, \slideleftmarginii, \slideleftmarginiii,
+ \slidelabelsep, \slideitemsep, \slidepartopsep,
+ \slideparskip, \slideparindent, \slidefootins, \slidefootnotesep,
+ \slidedisplayskips, \theslidefootnote
+ + \input and \endinput now supported for the slidesonly selection.
+ + New conditional: \ifportrait
+ + \newslideframe
+ + \leftsliderotation, \rightsliderotation.
+ + New \slidetopmargin, \slidebottommargin, \slideleftmargin,
+ \sliderightmargin.
+ + New notesonly* selection.
+ + New \slidesclearpagetrue
+ + New \semcm and \semin.
+ + New note environment and \noxcomment command, as an alternative
+ to treating everything outside slide environments as notes.
+ * \maketitle now uses LaTeX's default from article.sty in notes.
+ * Bug in article option with the \twoup command fixed.
+ * \topmargin in sem-a4 changed from -.75in to 1in.
+ * \slidefontsizes is obsolete (but still works). Use \ptsize instead.
+ * Page parameters are now in a separate file sem-page.sty. sem-a4.sty
+ has been changed to reflect this.
+ v0.92:
+ Mostly bug fixes, plus some extra options. The PSTricks package
+ is no longer distributed with seminar.sty.
+ Pre v0.91:
+ Entirely rewritten. Too many changes to list. Note especially
+ that system of formats and selections has changed.
+%% END
+**** "readme" file for the Seminar package, v1.0e, 94/09/12 ****
+COPYRIGHT 1993, 1994 by Timothy Van Zandt,
+%% These files may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2 of this license
+%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
+%% license is in:
+%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 1999/12/01 or later.
+BUGS: If you have problems using this seminar package with LaTeX2e,
+ report them to The problem probably lies
+ with seminar.cls. You can probably continue to use the seminar
+ package with LaTeX2e in compatibility mode, while waiting for a bug
+ fix, by renaming seminar.cls to something else.
+ABOUT V1.0e:
+ The V1.0e distribution is identical to v1.0 of 93/04/01,
+ except for a few changes so that Seminar can work with
+ NFSS2 and LaTeX2e:
+ - semhelv.sty and semlcmss.sty have been modified to work
+ with NFSS2 and LaTeX2e (but they still work with NFSS).
+ - seminar.cls has been added. This is a LaTeX2e document class,
+ derived from seminar.sty v1.0 by Sebastian Rahtz.
+ If you already have have seminar.sty v1.0e, then all you need
+ are this read-me file plus these files from the inputs
+ directory:
+ seminar.cls semhelv.sty semlcmss.sty
+ You can either use seminar.sty in compatibility mode:
+ \documentstyle{seminar}
+ Or use the seminar.cls document class:
+ \documentclass{seminar}
+ Unless you are using other macros that only work in
+ compatibility mode, you might as well use the document class.
+ You can use the following options with \documentclass{seminar}:
+ article slidesonly notes notesonly notesonly*
+ noxcomment portrait a4 (or a4paper) semhelv semlcmss
+ semlayer semrot semcolor slidesec
+ plus appropriate options for the article document class
+ (e.g., 11pt)
+ NOTE: Use `a4' or `a4paper', not `sem-a4'.
+ `seminar.cls' is a minimal modification of seminar.sty. The
+ next release will take advantage of more of LaTeX2e's special
+ capabilities.
+Tim Van Zandt
+August 24, 1994