path: root/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-09-20 03:02:23 +0000
commitc9fcf97bc045a9d020980c33b6c7c1ee5aedef99 (patch)
treebf74a43623e081cad4b72a752730aeff86b7c5cf /macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua
parent996c9b239bde82dc3ef3e5b69cd525e87fdb61a8 (diff)
CTAN sync 202109200302
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d1f2aa0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/penlight/pl/sip.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+--- Simple Input Patterns (SIP).
+-- SIP patterns start with '$', then a
+-- one-letter type, and then an optional variable in curly braces.
+-- sip.match('$v=$q','name="dolly"',res)
+-- ==> res=={'name','dolly'}
+-- sip.match('($q{first},$q{second})','("john","smith")',res)
+-- ==> res=={second='smith',first='john'}
+-- Type names:
+-- v identifier
+-- i integer
+-- f floating-point
+-- q quoted string
+-- ([{< match up to closing bracket
+-- See @{|the Guide}
+-- @module pl.sip
+local loadstring = rawget(_G,'loadstring') or load
+local unpack = rawget(_G,'unpack') or rawget(table,'unpack')
+local append,concat = table.insert,table.concat
+local ipairs,type = ipairs,type
+local io,_G = io,_G
+local print,rawget = print,rawget
+local patterns = {
+ FLOAT = '[%+%-%d]%d*%.?%d*[eE]?[%+%-]?%d*',
+ INTEGER = '[+%-%d]%d*',
+ IDEN = '[%a_][%w_]*',
+ OPTION = '[%a_][%w_%-]*',
+local function assert_arg(idx,val,tp)
+ if type(val) ~= tp then
+ error("argument "..idx.." must be ", 2)
+ end
+local sip = {}
+local brackets = {['<'] = '>', ['('] = ')', ['{'] = '}', ['['] = ']' }
+local stdclasses = {a=1,c=0,d=1,l=1,p=0,u=1,w=1,x=1,s=0}
+local function group(s)
+ return '('..s..')'
+-- escape all magic characters except $, which has special meaning
+-- Also, un-escape any characters after $, so $( and $[ passes through as is.
+local function escape (spec)
+ return (spec:gsub('[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%^%%%?%*]','%%%0'):gsub('%$%%(%S)','$%1'))
+-- Most spaces within patterns can match zero or more spaces.
+-- Spaces between alphanumeric characters or underscores or between
+-- patterns that can match these characters, however, must match at least
+-- one space. Otherwise '$v $v' would match 'abcd' as {'abc', 'd'}.
+-- This function replaces continuous spaces within a pattern with either
+-- '%s*' or '%s+' according to this rule. The pattern has already
+-- been stripped of pattern names by now.
+local function compress_spaces(patt)
+ return (patt:gsub("()%s+()", function(i1, i2)
+ local before = patt:sub(i1 - 2, i1 - 1)
+ if before:match('%$[vifadxlu]') or before:match('^[^%$]?[%w_]$') then
+ local after = patt:sub(i2, i2 + 1)
+ if after:match('%$[vifadxlu]') or after:match('^[%w_]') then
+ return '%s+'
+ end
+ end
+ return '%s*'
+ end))
+local pattern_map = {
+ v = group(patterns.IDEN),
+ i = group(patterns.INTEGER),
+ f = group(patterns.FLOAT),
+ o = group(patterns.OPTION),
+ r = '(%S.*)',
+ p = '([%a]?[:]?[\\/%.%w_]+)'
+function sip.custom_pattern(flag,patt)
+ pattern_map[flag] = patt
+--- convert a SIP pattern into the equivalent Lua string pattern.
+-- @param spec a SIP pattern
+-- @param options a table; only the <code>at_start</code> field is
+-- currently meaningful and ensures that the pattern is anchored
+-- at the start of the string.
+-- @return a Lua string pattern.
+function sip.create_pattern (spec,options)
+ assert_arg(1,spec,'string')
+ local fieldnames,fieldtypes = {},{}
+ if type(spec) == 'string' then
+ spec = escape(spec)
+ else
+ local res = {}
+ for i,s in ipairs(spec) do
+ res[i] = escape(s)
+ end
+ spec = concat(res,'.-')
+ end
+ local kount = 1
+ local function addfield (name,type)
+ name = name or kount
+ append(fieldnames,name)
+ fieldtypes[name] = type
+ kount = kount + 1
+ end
+ local named_vars = spec:find('{%a+}')
+ if options and options.at_start then
+ spec = '^'..spec
+ end
+ if spec:sub(-1,-1) == '$' then
+ spec = spec:sub(1,-2)..'$r'
+ if named_vars then spec = spec..'{rest}' end
+ end
+ local names
+ if named_vars then
+ names = {}
+ spec = spec:gsub('{(%a+)}',function(name)
+ append(names,name)
+ return ''
+ end)
+ end
+ spec = compress_spaces(spec)
+ local k = 1
+ local err
+ local r = (spec:gsub('%$%S',function(s)
+ local type,name
+ type = s:sub(2,2)
+ if names then name = names[k]; k=k+1 end
+ -- this kludge is necessary because %q generates two matches, and
+ -- we want to ignore the first. Not a problem for named captures.
+ if not names and type == 'q' then
+ addfield(nil,'Q')
+ else
+ addfield(name,type)
+ end
+ local res
+ if pattern_map[type] then
+ res = pattern_map[type]
+ elseif type == 'q' then
+ -- some Lua pattern matching voodoo; we want to match '...' as
+ -- well as "...", and can use the fact that %n will match a
+ -- previous capture. Adding the extra field above comes from needing
+ -- to accommodate the extra spurious match (which is either ' or ")
+ addfield(name,type)
+ res = '(["\'])(.-)%'..(kount-2)
+ else
+ local endbracket = brackets[type]
+ if endbracket then
+ res = '(%b'..type..endbracket..')'
+ elseif stdclasses[type] or stdclasses[type:lower()] then
+ res = '(%'..type..'+)'
+ else
+ err = "unknown format type or character class"
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+ end))
+ if err then
+ return nil,err
+ else
+ return r,fieldnames,fieldtypes
+ end
+local function tnumber (s)
+ return s == 'd' or s == 'i' or s == 'f'
+function sip.create_spec_fun(spec,options)
+ local fieldtypes,fieldnames
+ local ls = {}
+ spec,fieldnames,fieldtypes = sip.create_pattern(spec,options)
+ if not spec then return spec,fieldnames end
+ local named_vars = type(fieldnames[1]) == 'string'
+ for i = 1,#fieldnames do
+ append(ls,'mm'..i)
+ end
+ ls[1] = ls[1] or "mm1" -- behave correctly if there are no patterns
+ local fun = ('return (function(s,res)\n\tlocal %s = s:match(%q)\n'):format(concat(ls,','),spec)
+ fun = fun..'\tif not mm1 then return false end\n'
+ local k=1
+ for i,f in ipairs(fieldnames) do
+ if f ~= '_' then
+ local var = 'mm'..i
+ if tnumber(fieldtypes[f]) then
+ var = 'tonumber('..var..')'
+ elseif brackets[fieldtypes[f]] then
+ var = var..':sub(2,-2)'
+ end
+ if named_vars then
+ fun = ('%s\tres.%s = %s\n'):format(fun,f,var)
+ else
+ if fieldtypes[f] ~= 'Q' then -- we skip the string-delim capture
+ fun = ('%s\tres[%d] = %s\n'):format(fun,k,var)
+ k = k + 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return fun..'\treturn true\nend)\n', named_vars
+--- convert a SIP pattern into a matching function.
+-- The returned function takes two arguments, the line and an empty table.
+-- If the line matched the pattern, then this function returns true
+-- and the table is filled with field-value pairs.
+-- @param spec a SIP pattern
+-- @param options optional table; {at_start=true} ensures that the pattern
+-- is anchored at the start of the string.
+-- @return a function if successful, or nil,error
+function sip.compile(spec,options)
+ assert_arg(1,spec,'string')
+ local fun,names = sip.create_spec_fun(spec,options)
+ if not fun then return nil,names end
+ if rawget(_G,'_DEBUG') then print(fun) end
+ local chunk,err = loadstring(fun,'tmp')
+ if err then return nil,err end
+ return chunk(),names
+local cache = {}
+--- match a SIP pattern against a string.
+-- @param spec a SIP pattern
+-- @param line a string
+-- @param res a table to receive values
+-- @param options (optional) option table
+-- @return true or false
+function sip.match (spec,line,res,options)
+ assert_arg(1,spec,'string')
+ assert_arg(2,line,'string')
+ assert_arg(3,res,'table')
+ if not cache[spec] then
+ cache[spec] = sip.compile(spec,options)
+ end
+ return cache[spec](line,res)
+--- match a SIP pattern against the start of a string.
+-- @param spec a SIP pattern
+-- @param line a string
+-- @param res a table to receive values
+-- @return true or false
+function sip.match_at_start (spec,line,res)
+ return sip.match(spec,line,res,{at_start=true})
+--- given a pattern and a file object, return an iterator over the results
+-- @param spec a SIP pattern
+-- @param f a file-like object.
+function sip.fields (spec,f)
+ assert_arg(1,spec,'string')
+ if not f then return nil,"no file object" end
+ local fun,err = sip.compile(spec)
+ if not fun then return nil,err end
+ local res = {}
+ return function()
+ while true do
+ local line = f:read()
+ if not line then return end
+ if fun(line,res) then
+ local values = res
+ res = {}
+ return unpack(values)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local read_patterns = {}
+--- register a match which will be used in the read function.
+-- @string spec a SIP pattern
+-- @func fun a function to be called with the results of the match
+-- @see read
+function sip.pattern (spec,fun)
+ assert_arg(1,spec,'string')
+ local pat,named = sip.compile(spec)
+ append(read_patterns,{pat=pat,named=named,callback=fun})
+--- enter a loop which applies all registered matches to the input file.
+-- @param f a file-like object
+-- @array matches optional list of `{spec,fun}` pairs, as for `pattern` above.
+function (f,matches)
+ local owned,err
+ if not f then return nil,"no file object" end
+ if type(f) == 'string' then
+ f,err =
+ if not f then return nil,err end
+ owned = true
+ end
+ if matches then
+ for _,p in ipairs(matches) do
+ sip.pattern(p[1],p[2])
+ end
+ end
+ local res = {}
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ for _,item in ipairs(read_patterns) do
+ if item.pat(line,res) then
+ if item.callback then
+ if item.named then
+ item.callback(res)
+ else
+ item.callback(unpack(res))
+ end
+ end
+ res = {}
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if owned then f:close() end
+return sip