path: root/macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2020-05-30 03:01:22 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-05-30 03:01:22 +0000
commit58ef6a84ad11cea92cd3d886b5a95810cc4ea88c (patch)
tree606b30db39361c43d7ace5d1145e52d737f8e034 /macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua
parent66c6ec32c62e3eee6a1d7008fa1381238a47bb7e (diff)
CTAN sync 202005300301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua')
1 files changed, 1547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua b/macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..666413578d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/luatex/generic/nodetree/nodetree.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1547 @@
+--- The nodetree package.
+-- Nodetree uses [LDoc]( for the
+-- source code documentation. The supported tags are described on in
+-- the [wiki](
+-- Nodes in LuaTeX are connected. The nodetree view distinguishs
+-- between the `list` and `field` connections.
+-- * `list`: Nodes, which are double connected by `next` and
+-- `previous` fields.
+-- * `field`: Connections to nodes by other fields than `next` and
+-- `previous` fields, e. g. `head`, `pre`.
+-- @module nodetree
+-- luacheck: globals node tex luatexbase lfs callback os unicode status modules
+if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['nodetree'] = {
+ version = '2.0',
+ comment = 'nodetree',
+ author = 'Josef Friedrich',
+ copyright = 'Josef Friedrich',
+ license = 'The LaTeX Project Public License Version 1.3c 2008-05-04'
+--- A counter for the compiled TeX examples. Some TeX code snippets
+-- a written into file, wrapped with some TeX boilerplate code.
+-- This written files are compiled.
+local example_counter = 0
+--- The default options
+local default_options = {
+ callback = 'post_linebreak_filter',
+ channel = 'term',
+ color = 'colored',
+ decimalplaces = 2,
+ engine = 'luatex', -- Required for the callback registration
+ unit = 'pt',
+ verbosity = 1,
+--- The current options
+-- They are changed very often.
+local options = {}
+for key, value in pairs(default_options) do
+ options[key] = value
+if arg[0] == 'lualatex' then
+ options.engine = 'lualatex'
+--- File descriptor
+local output_file
+--- The lua table named `tree_state` holds state values of the current
+-- tree item.
+-- `tree_state`:
+-- * `1` (level):
+-- * `list`: `continue`
+-- * `field`: `stop`
+-- * `2`:
+-- * `list`: `continue`
+-- * `field`: `stop`
+-- @table
+local tree_state = {}
+--- Format functions.
+-- Low level template functions.
+-- @section format
+local format = {
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ underscore = function(string)
+ if == 'tex' then
+ return string.gsub(string, '_', '\\_')
+ else
+ return string
+ end
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ escape = function(string)
+ if == 'tex' then
+ return string.gsub(string, [[\]], [[\string\]])
+ else
+ return string
+ end
+ end,
+ -- @treturn number
+ number = function(number)
+ local mult = 10^(options.decimalplaces or 0)
+ return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ whitespace = function(count)
+ local whitespace
+ local output = ''
+ if == 'tex' then
+ whitespace = '\\hspace{0.5em}'
+ else
+ whitespace = ' '
+ end
+ if not count then
+ count = 1
+ end
+ for _ = 1, count do
+ output = output .. whitespace
+ end
+ return output
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ color_code = function(code)
+ return string.char(27) .. '[' .. tostring(code) .. 'm'
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ color_tex = function(color, mode)
+ if not mode then mode = '' end
+ return 'NTE' .. color .. mode
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ node_begin = function()
+ if == 'tex' then
+ return '\\mbox{'
+ else
+ return ''
+ end
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ node_end = function()
+ if == 'tex' then
+ return '}'
+ else
+ return ''
+ end
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ new_line = function(count)
+ local output = ''
+ if not count then
+ count = 1
+ end
+ local new_line
+ if == 'tex' then
+ new_line = '\\par{}'
+ else
+ new_line = '\n'
+ end
+ for _ = 1, count do
+ output = output .. new_line
+ end
+ return output
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ type_id = function(id)
+ return '[' .. tostring(id) .. ']'
+ end
+--- Print the output to stdout or write it into a file (`output_file`).
+-- New text is appended.
+-- @tparam string text A text string.
+local function nodetree_print(text)
+ if == 'log' or == 'tex' then
+ output_file:write(text)
+ else
+ io.write(text)
+ end
+--- Template functions.
+-- @section template
+local template = {
+ node_colors = {
+ hlist = {'red', 'bright'},
+ vlist = {'green', 'bright'},
+ rule = {'blue', 'bright'},
+ ins = {'blue'},
+ mark = {'magenta'},
+ adjust = {'cyan'},
+ boundary = {'red', 'bright'},
+ disc = {'green', 'bright'},
+ whatsit = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+ local_par = {'blue', 'bright'},
+ dir = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+ math = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+ glue = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+ kern = {'green', 'bright'},
+ penalty = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+ unset = {'blue'},
+ style = {'magenta'},
+ choice = {'cyan'},
+ noad = {'red'},
+ radical = {'green'},
+ fraction = {'yellow'},
+ accent = {'blue'},
+ fence = {'magenta'},
+ math_char = {'cyan'},
+ sub_box = {'red', 'bright'},
+ sub_mlist = {'green', 'bright'},
+ math_text_char = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+ delim = {'blue', 'bright'},
+ margin_kern = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+ glyph = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+ align_record = {'red'},
+ pseudo_file = {'green'},
+ pseudo_line = {'yellow'},
+ page_insert = {'blue'},
+ split_insert = {'magenta'},
+ expr_stack = {'cyan'},
+ nested_list = {'red'},
+ span = {'green'},
+ attribute = {'yellow'},
+ glue_spec = {'magenta'},
+ attribute_list = {'cyan'},
+ temp = {'magenta'},
+ align_stack = {'red', 'bright'},
+ movement_stack = {'green', 'bright'},
+ if_stack = {'yellow', 'bright'},
+ unhyphenated = {'magenta', 'bright'},
+ hyphenated = {'cyan', 'bright'},
+ delta = {'red'},
+ passive = {'green'},
+ shape = {'yellow'},
+ },
+ ---
+ -- [SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) Parameters](
+ --
+ -- __attributes__
+ --
+ -- | color |code|
+ -- |------------|----|
+ -- | reset | 0 |
+ -- | clear | 0 |
+ -- | bright | 1 |
+ -- | dim | 2 |
+ -- | underscore | 4 |
+ -- | blink | 5 |
+ -- | reverse | 7 |
+ -- | hidden | 8 |
+ --
+ -- __foreground__
+ --
+ -- | color |code|
+ -- |------------|----|
+ -- | black | 30 |
+ -- | red | 31 |
+ -- | green | 32 |
+ -- | yellow | 33 |
+ -- | blue | 34 |
+ -- | magenta | 35 |
+ -- | cyan | 36 |
+ -- | white | 37 |
+ --
+ -- __background__
+ --
+ -- | color |code|
+ -- |------------|----|
+ -- | onblack | 40 |
+ -- | onred | 41 |
+ -- | ongreen | 42 |
+ -- | onyellow | 43 |
+ -- | onblue | 44 |
+ -- | onmagenta | 45 |
+ -- | oncyan | 46 |
+ -- | onwhite | 47 |
+ --
+ -- @tparam string color A color name (`black`, `red`, `green`,
+ -- `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`).
+ -- @tparam string mode `bright` or `dim`.
+ -- @tparam boolean background Colorize the background not the text.
+ --
+ -- @treturn string
+ color = function(color, mode, background)
+ if options.color ~= 'colored' then
+ return ''
+ end
+ local output = ''
+ local code
+ if mode == 'bright' then
+ output = format.color_code(1)
+ elseif mode == 'dim' then
+ output = format.color_code(2)
+ end
+ if not background then
+ if color == 'reset' then code = 0
+ elseif color == 'red' then code = 31
+ elseif color == 'green' then code = 32
+ elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 33
+ elseif color == 'blue' then code = 34
+ elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 35
+ elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 36
+ else code = 37 end
+ else
+ if color == 'black' then code = 40
+ elseif color == 'red' then code = 41
+ elseif color == 'green' then code = 42
+ elseif color == 'yellow' then code = 43
+ elseif color == 'blue' then code = 44
+ elseif color == 'magenta' then code = 45
+ elseif color == 'cyan' then code = 46
+ elseif color == 'white' then code = 47
+ else code = 40 end
+ end
+ return output .. format.color_code(code)
+ end,
+ --- Format a single unicode character.
+ --
+ -- @tparam string char A single input character.
+ --
+ -- @treturn string
+ char = function(char)
+ char = string.format('%s', unicode.utf8.char(char))
+ char = '\'' .. char .. '\''
+ if == 'tex' then
+ char = format.escape(char)
+ end
+ return char
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ line = function(length)
+ local output
+ if length == 'long' then
+ output = '------------------------------------------'
+ else
+ output = '-----------------------'
+ end
+ return output .. format.new_line()
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @treturn string
+ branch = function(connection_type, connection_state, last)
+ local c = connection_type
+ local s = connection_state
+ local l = last
+ if c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
+ return format.whitespace(2)
+ elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == false then
+ return format.whitespace(2)
+ elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
+ return '│' .. format.whitespace()
+ elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == false then
+ return '║' .. format.whitespace()
+ elseif c == 'list' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
+ return '├─'
+ elseif c == 'field' and s == 'continue' and l == true then
+ return '╠═'
+ elseif c == 'list' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
+ return '└─'
+ elseif c == 'field' and s == 'stop' and l == true then
+ return '╚═'
+ end
+ return ''
+ end,
+-- @treturn string
+function template.fill(number, order, field)
+ local output
+ if order ~= nil and order ~= 0 then
+ if field == 'stretch' then
+ output = '+'
+ else
+ output = '-'
+ end
+ return output .. string.format(
+ '%g%s', number / 2^16,
+ template.colored_string(
+ 'fi' .. string.rep('l', order - 1),
+ 'white',
+ 'dim'
+ )
+ )
+ else
+ return template.length(number)
+ end
+--- Colorize a text string.
+-- @tparam string text A text string.
+-- @tparam string color A color name (`black`, `red`, `green`,
+-- `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`).
+-- @tparam string mode `bright` or `dim`.
+-- @tparam boolean background Colorize the background not the text.
+-- @treturn string
+function template.colored_string(text, color, mode, background)
+ if == 'tex' then
+ if mode == 'dim' then
+ mode = ''
+ end
+ return '\\textcolor{' ..
+ format.color_tex(color, mode) ..
+ '}{' ..
+ text ..
+ '}'
+ else
+ return template.color(color, mode, background) .. text .. template.color('reset')
+ end
+--- Format a scaled point input value into dimension string (`12pt`,
+-- `1cm`)
+-- @tparam number input
+-- @treturn string
+function template.length (input)
+ input = tonumber(input)
+ input = input / tex.sp('1' .. options.unit)
+ return string.format(
+ '%g%s',
+ format.number(input),
+ template.colored_string(options.unit, 'white', 'dim')
+ )
+--- Convert a Lua table into a format string.
+-- @tparam table table A table to generate a inline view of.
+-- @treturn string
+function template.table_inline(table)
+ local tex_escape = ''
+ if == 'tex' then
+ tex_escape = '\\'
+ end
+ if type(table) == 'table' then
+ local output = tex_escape .. '{'
+ local kv_list = ''
+ for key, value in pairs(table) do
+ if type(key) ~= 'numbers' then
+ key = '\'' ..
+ template.colored_string(key, 'cyan', 'dim') .. '\''
+ end
+ kv_list = kv_list .. '[' .. key .. '] = ' ..
+ template.table_inline(value) .. ', '
+ end
+ output = output .. kv_list:gsub(', $', '')
+ return output .. tex_escape .. '}'
+ else
+ return tostring(table)
+ end
+--- Format a key value pair (`key: value, `).
+-- @tparam string key A key
+-- @tparam string|number value A value
+-- @tparam string color A color name (`black`, `red`, `green`,
+-- `yellow`, `blue`, `magenta`, `cyan`, `white`).
+-- @treturn string
+function template.key_value(key, value, color)
+ if type(color) ~= 'string' then
+ color = 'yellow'
+ end
+ if == 'tex' then
+ key = format.underscore(key)
+ end
+ local output = template.colored_string(key .. ':', color)
+ if value then
+ output = output .. ' ' .. value .. ', '
+ end
+ return output
+-- @treturn string
+function template.type(type, id)
+ local output
+ if == 'tex' then
+ output = format.underscore(type)
+ else
+ output = type
+ end
+ output = string.upper(output)
+ if options.verbosity > 1 then
+ output = output .. format.type_id(id)
+ end
+ return template.colored_string(
+ output .. format.whitespace(),
+ template.node_colors[type][1],
+ template.node_colors[type][2]
+ )
+-- @treturn string
+function template.callback(callback_name, variables)
+ nodetree_print(
+ format.new_line(2) ..
+ 'Callback: ' ..
+ template.colored_string(format.underscore(callback_name), 'red', '', true) ..
+ format.new_line()
+ )
+ if variables then
+ for name, value in pairs(variables) do
+ if value ~= nil and value ~= '' then
+ nodetree_print(
+ '- ' ..
+ format.underscore(name) ..
+ ': ' ..
+ tostring(value) ..
+ format.new_line()
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ nodetree_print(template.line('long'))
+-- @treturn string
+function template.branches(level, connection_type)
+ local output = ''
+ for i = 1, level - 1 do
+ output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[i]['list'], false)
+ output = output .. template.branch('field', tree_state[i]['field'], false)
+ end
+-- Format the last branches
+ if connection_type == 'list' then
+ output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[level]['list'], true)
+ else
+ output = output .. template.branch('list', tree_state[level]['list'], false)
+ output = output .. template.branch('field', tree_state[level]['field'], true)
+ end
+ return output
+--- Extend the node library
+-- @section node_extended
+local node_extended = {}
+--- Get the ID of a node.
+-- We have to convert the node into a string and than have to extract
+-- the ID from this string using a regular expression. If you convert a
+-- node into a string it looks like: `<node nil < 172 > nil :
+-- hlist 2>`.
+-- @tparam node n A node.
+-- @treturn string
+function node_extended.node_id(n)
+ return string.gsub(tostring(n), '^<node%s+%S+%s+<%s+(%d+).*', '%1')
+--- A table of all node subtype names.
+-- __Nodes without subtypes:__
+-- * `ins` (3)
+-- * `mark` (4)
+-- * `whatsit` (8)
+-- * `local_par` (9)
+-- * `dir` (10)
+-- * `penalty` (14)
+-- * `unset` (15)
+-- * `style` (16)
+-- * `choice` (17)
+-- * `fraction` (20)
+-- * `math_char` (23)
+-- * `sub_box` (24)
+-- * `sub_mlist` (25)
+-- * `math_text_char` (26)
+-- * `delim` (27)
+-- * `margin_kern` (28)
+-- * `align_record` (30)
+-- * `pseudo_file` (31)
+-- * `pseudo_line` (32)
+-- * `page_insert` (33)
+-- * `split_insert` (34)
+-- * `expr_stack` (35)
+-- * `nested_list` (36)
+-- * `span` (37)
+-- * `attribute` (38)
+-- * `glue_spec` (39)
+-- * `attribute_list` (40)
+-- * `temp` (41)
+-- * `align_stack` (42)
+-- * `movement_stack` (43)
+-- * `if_stack` (44)
+-- * `unhyphenated` (45)
+-- * `hyphenated` (46)
+-- * `delta` (47)
+-- * `passive` (48)
+-- * `shape` (49)
+-- @treturn table
+local function get_node_subtypes ()
+ local subtypes = {
+ -- hlist (0)
+ hlist = {
+ [0] = 'unknown',
+ [1] = 'line',
+ [2] = 'box',
+ [3] = 'indent',
+ [4] = 'alignment',
+ [5] = 'cell',
+ [6] = 'equation',
+ [7] = 'equationnumber',
+ [8] = 'math',
+ [9] = 'mathchar',
+ [10] = 'hextensible',
+ [11] = 'vextensible',
+ [12] = 'hdelimiter',
+ [13] = 'vdelimiter',
+ [14] = 'overdelimiter',
+ [15] = 'underdelimiter',
+ [16] = 'numerator',
+ [17] = 'denominator',
+ [18] = 'limits',
+ [19] = 'fraction',
+ [20] = 'nucleus',
+ [21] = 'sup',
+ [22] = 'sub',
+ [23] = 'degree',
+ [24] = 'scripts',
+ [25] = 'over',
+ [26] = 'under',
+ [27] = 'accent',
+ [28] = 'radical',
+ },
+ -- vlist (1)
+ vlist = {
+ [0] = 'unknown',
+ [4] = 'alignment',
+ [5] = 'cell',
+ },
+ -- rule (2)
+ rule = {
+ [0] = 'normal',
+ [1] = 'box',
+ [2] = 'image',
+ [3] = 'empty',
+ [4] = 'user',
+ [5] = 'over',
+ [6] = 'under',
+ [7] = 'fraction',
+ [8] = 'radical',
+ [9] = 'outline',
+ },
+ -- adjust (5)
+ adjust = {
+ [0] = 'normal',
+ [1] = 'pre',
+ },
+ -- boundary (6)
+ boundary = {
+ [0] = 'cancel',
+ [1] = 'user',
+ [2] = 'protrusion',
+ [3] = 'word',
+ },
+ -- disc (7)
+ disc = {
+ [0] = 'discretionary',
+ [1] = 'explicit',
+ [2] = 'automatic',
+ [3] = 'regular',
+ [4] = 'first',
+ [5] = 'second',
+ },
+ -- math (11)
+ math = {
+ [0] = 'beginmath',
+ [1] = 'endmath',
+ },
+ -- glue (12)
+ glue = {
+ [0] = 'userskip',
+ [1] = 'lineskip',
+ [2] = 'baselineskip',
+ [3] = 'parskip',
+ [4] = 'abovedisplayskip',
+ [5] = 'belowdisplayskip',
+ [6] = 'abovedisplayshortskip',
+ [7] = 'belowdisplayshortskip',
+ [8] = 'leftskip',
+ [9] = 'rightskip',
+ [10] = 'topskip',
+ [11] = 'splittopskip',
+ [12] = 'tabskip',
+ [13] = 'spaceskip',
+ [14] = 'xspaceskip',
+ [15] = 'parfillskip',
+ [16] = 'mathskip',
+ [17] = 'thinmuskip',
+ [18] = 'medmuskip',
+ [19] = 'thickmuskip',
+ [98] = 'conditionalmathskip',
+ [99] = 'muglue',
+ [100] = 'leaders',
+ [101] = 'cleaders',
+ [102] = 'xleaders',
+ [103] = 'gleaders',
+ },
+ -- kern (13)
+ kern = {
+ [0] = 'fontkern',
+ [1] = 'userkern',
+ [2] = 'accentkern',
+ [3] = 'italiccorrection',
+ },
+ -- penalty (14)
+ penalty = {
+ [0] = 'userpenalty',
+ [1] = 'linebreakpenalty',
+ [2] = 'linepenalty',
+ [3] = 'wordpenalty',
+ [4] = 'finalpenalty',
+ [5] = 'noadpenalty',
+ [6] = 'beforedisplaypenalty',
+ [7] = 'afterdisplaypenalty',
+ [8] = 'equationnumberpenalty',
+ },
+ noad = {
+ [0] = 'ord',
+ [1] = 'opdisplaylimits',
+ [2] = 'oplimits',
+ [3] = 'opnolimits',
+ [4] = 'bin',
+ [5] = 'rel',
+ [6] = 'open',
+ [7] = 'close',
+ [8] = 'punct',
+ [9] = 'inner',
+ [10] = 'under',
+ [11] = 'over',
+ [12] = 'vcenter',
+ },
+ -- radical (19)
+ radical = {
+ [0] = 'radical',
+ [1] = 'uradical',
+ [2] = 'uroot',
+ [3] = 'uunderdelimiter',
+ [4] = 'uoverdelimiter',
+ [5] = 'udelimiterunder',
+ [6] = 'udelimiterover',
+ },
+ -- accent (21)
+ accent = {
+ [0] = 'bothflexible',
+ [1] = 'fixedtop',
+ [2] = 'fixedbottom',
+ [3] = 'fixedboth',
+ },
+ -- fence (22)
+ fence = {
+ [0] = 'unset',
+ [1] = 'left',
+ [2] = 'middle',
+ [3] = 'right',
+ [4] = 'no',
+ },
+ -- margin_kern (28)
+ margin_kern = {
+ [0] = 'left',
+ [1] = 'right',
+ },
+ -- glyph (29)
+ glyph = {
+ [0] = 'character',
+ [1] = 'ligature',
+ [2] = 'ghost',
+ [3] = 'left',
+ [4] = 'right',
+ },
+ }
+ subtypes.whatsit = node.whatsits()
+ return subtypes
+-- @treturn string
+function node_extended.subtype(n)
+ local typ = node.type(
+ local subtypes = get_node_subtypes()
+ local output
+ if subtypes[typ] and subtypes[typ][n.subtype] then
+ output = subtypes[typ][n.subtype]
+ if options.verbosity > 1 then
+ output = output .. format.type_id(n.subtype)
+ end
+ return output
+ else
+ return tostring(n.subtype)
+ end
+--- Build the node tree.
+-- @section tree
+local tree = {}
+-- @tparam node head
+-- @tparam string field
+-- @treturn string
+function tree.format_field(head, field)
+ local output
+-- Character "0" should be printed in a tree, because in TeX fonts the
+-- 0 slot usually has a symbol.
+ if not head[field] or (head[field] == 0 and field ~= "char") then
+ return ''
+ end
+ if options.verbosity < 2 and
+ -- glyph
+ field == 'font' or
+ field == 'left' or
+ field == 'right' or
+ field == 'uchyph' or
+ -- hlist
+ field == 'dir' or
+ field == 'glue_order' or
+ field == 'glue_sign' or
+ field == 'glue_set' or
+ -- glue
+ field == 'stretch_order' then
+ return ''
+ elseif options.verbosity < 3 and
+ field == 'prev' or
+ field == 'next' or
+ field == 'id'
+ then
+ return ''
+ end
+ if field == 'prev' or field == 'next' then
+ output = node_extended.node_id(head[field])
+ elseif field == 'subtype' then
+ output = format.underscore(node_extended.subtype(head))
+ elseif
+ field == 'width' or
+ field == 'height' or
+ field == 'depth' or
+ field == 'kern' or
+ field == 'shift' then
+ output = template.length(head[field])
+ elseif field == 'char' then
+ output = template.char(head[field])
+ elseif field == 'glue_set' then
+ output = format.number(head[field])
+ elseif field == 'stretch' or field == 'shrink' then
+ output = template.fill(head[field], head[field .. '_order'], field)
+ else
+ output = tostring(head[field])
+ end
+ return template.key_value(field, output)
+-- Attributes are key/value number pairs. They are printed as an inline
+-- list. The attribute `0` with the value `0` is skipped because this
+-- attribute is in every node by default.
+-- @tparam node head
+-- @treturn string
+function tree.format_attributes(head)
+ if not head then
+ return ''
+ end
+ local output = ''
+ local attr =
+ while attr do
+ if attr.number ~= 0 or (attr.number == 0 and attr.value ~= 0) then
+ output = output .. tostring(attr.number) .. '=' .. tostring(attr.value) .. ' '
+ end
+ attr =
+ end
+ return output
+-- @tparam number level `level` is a integer beginning with 1.
+-- @tparam number connection_type The variable `connection_type`
+-- is a string, which can be either `list` or `field`.
+-- @tparam connection_state `connection_state` is a string, which can
+-- be either `continue` or `stop`.
+function tree.set_state(level, connection_type, connection_state)
+ if not tree_state[level] then
+ tree_state[level] = {}
+ end
+ tree_state[level][connection_type] = connection_state
+-- @tparam table fields
+-- @tparam number level
+function tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
+ local max = 0
+ local connection_state
+ for _ in pairs(fields) do
+ max = max + 1
+ end
+ local count = 0
+ for field_name, recursion_node in pairs(fields) do
+ count = count + 1
+ if count == max then
+ connection_state = 'stop'
+ else
+ connection_state = 'continue'
+ end
+ tree.set_state(level, 'field', connection_state)
+ nodetree_print(
+ format.node_begin() ..
+ template.branches(level, 'field') ..
+ template.key_value(field_name) ..
+ format.node_end() ..
+ format.new_line()
+ )
+ tree.analyze_list(recursion_node, level + 1)
+ end
+-- @tparam node head
+-- @tparam number level
+function tree.analyze_node(head, level)
+ local connection_state
+ local output
+ if then
+ connection_state = 'continue'
+ else
+ connection_state = 'stop'
+ end
+ tree.set_state(level, 'list', connection_state)
+ output = template.branches(level, 'list')
+ .. template.type(node.type(,
+ if options.verbosity > 1 then
+ output = output .. template.key_value('no', node_extended.node_id(head))
+ end
+ -- We store the attributes output to append it to the field list.
+ local attributes
+ -- We store fields which are nodes for later treatment.
+ local fields = {}
+ -- Inline fields, for example: char: 'm', width: 25pt, height: 13.33pt,
+ local output_fields = ''
+ for _, field_name in pairs(node.fields(, head.subtype)) do
+ if field_name == 'attr' then
+ attributes = tree.format_attributes(head.attr)
+ elseif field_name ~= 'next' and field_name ~= 'prev' and
+ node.is_node(head[field_name]) then
+ fields[field_name] = head[field_name]
+ else
+ output_fields = output_fields .. tree.format_field(head, field_name)
+ end
+ end
+ if output_fields ~= '' then
+ output = output .. output_fields
+ end
+ -- Append the attributes output if available
+ if attributes ~= '' then
+ output = output .. template.key_value('attr', attributes, 'blue')
+ end
+ output = output:gsub(', $', '')
+ nodetree_print(
+ format.node_begin() ..
+ output ..
+ format.node_end() ..
+ format.new_line()
+ )
+ local property = node.getproperty(head)
+ if property then
+ nodetree_print(
+ format.node_begin() ..
+ template.branches(level, 'field') ..
+ ' ' ..
+ template.colored_string('properties:', 'blue') .. ' ' ..
+ template.table_inline(property) ..
+ format.node_end() ..
+ format.new_line()
+ )
+ end
+ tree.analyze_fields(fields, level)
+-- @tparam node head
+-- @tparam number level
+function tree.analyze_list(head, level)
+ while head do
+ tree.analyze_node(head, level)
+ head =
+ end
+-- @tparam node head
+function tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
+ nodetree_print(template.line('short') .. format.new_line())
+--- Callback wrapper.
+-- @section callbacks
+local callbacks = {
+ ---
+ -- @tparam string extrainfo
+ contribute_filter = function(extrainfo)
+ template.callback('contribute_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam string extrainfo
+ buildpage_filter = function(extrainfo)
+ template.callback('buildpage_filter', {extrainfo = extrainfo})
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam string n
+ -- @tparam string i
+ build_page_insert = function(n, i)
+ print('lol')
+ template.callback('build_page_insert', {n = n, i = i})
+ return 0
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string groupcode
+ pre_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode)
+ template.callback('pre_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam boolean is_display
+ linebreak_filter = function(head, is_display)
+ template.callback('linebreak_filter', {is_display = is_display})
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node box
+ -- @tparam string locationcode
+ -- @tparam number prevdepth
+ -- @tparam boolean mirrored
+ append_to_vlist_filter = function(box, locationcode, prevdepth, mirrored)
+ local variables = {
+ locationcode = locationcode,
+ prevdepth = prevdepth,
+ mirrored = mirrored,
+ }
+ template.callback('append_to_vlist_filter', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(box)
+ return box
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string groupcode
+ post_linebreak_filter = function(head, groupcode)
+ template.callback('post_linebreak_filter', {groupcode = groupcode})
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string groupcode
+ -- @tparam number size
+ -- @tparam string packtype
+ -- @tparam string direction
+ -- @tparam node attributelist
+ hpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction, attributelist)
+ local variables = {
+ groupcode = groupcode,
+ size = size,
+ packtype = packtype,
+ direction = direction,
+ attributelist = attributelist,
+ }
+ template.callback('hpack_filter', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string groupcode
+ -- @tparam number size
+ -- @tparam string packtype
+ -- @tparam number maxdepth
+ -- @tparam string direction
+ -- @tparam node attributelist
+ vpack_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction, attributelist)
+ local variables = {
+ groupcode = groupcode,
+ size = size,
+ packtype = packtype,
+ maxdepth = template.length(maxdepth),
+ direction = direction,
+ attributelist = attributelist,
+ }
+ template.callback('vpack_filter', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam string incident
+ -- @tparam number detail
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam number first
+ -- @tparam number last
+ hpack_quality = function(incident, detail, head, first, last)
+ local variables = {
+ incident = incident,
+ detail = detail,
+ first = first,
+ last = last,
+ }
+ template.callback('hpack_quality', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam string incident
+ -- @tparam number detail
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam number first
+ -- @tparam number last
+ vpack_quality = function(incident, detail, head, first, last)
+ local variables = {
+ incident = incident,
+ detail = detail,
+ first = first,
+ last = last,
+ }
+ template.callback('vpack_quality', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam number width
+ -- @tparam number height
+ process_rule = function(head, width, height)
+ local variables = {
+ width = width,
+ height = height,
+ }
+ template.callback('process_rule', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string groupcode
+ -- @tparam number size
+ -- @tparam string packtype
+ -- @tparam number maxdepth
+ -- @tparam string direction
+ pre_output_filter = function(head, groupcode, size, packtype, maxdepth, direction)
+ local variables = {
+ groupcode = groupcode,
+ size = size,
+ packtype = packtype,
+ maxdepth = maxdepth,
+ direction = direction,
+ }
+ template.callback('pre_output_filter', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam node tail
+ hyphenate = function(head, tail)
+ template.callback('hyphenate')
+ nodetree_print('head:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ nodetree_print('tail:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam node tail
+ ligaturing = function(head, tail)
+ template.callback('ligaturing')
+ nodetree_print('head:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ nodetree_print('tail:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam node tail
+ kerning = function(head, tail)
+ template.callback('kerning')
+ nodetree_print('head:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ nodetree_print('tail:')
+ tree.analyze_callback(tail)
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node local_par
+ -- @tparam string location
+ insert_local_par = function(local_par, location)
+ template.callback('insert_local_par', {location = location})
+ tree.analyze_callback(local_par)
+ return true
+ end,
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head
+ -- @tparam string display_type
+ -- @tparam boolean need_penalties
+ mlist_to_hlist = function(head, display_type, need_penalties)
+ local variables = {
+ display_type = display_type,
+ need_penalties = need_penalties,
+ }
+ template.callback('mlist_to_hlist', variables)
+ tree.analyze_callback(head)
+ return node.mlist_to_hlist(head, display_type, need_penalties)
+ end,
+--- Set a single option key value pair.
+-- @tparam string key The key of the option pair.
+-- @tparam number|string value The value of the option pair.
+local function set_option(key, value)
+ if not options then
+ options = {}
+ end
+ if key == 'verbosity' or key == 'decimalplaces' then
+ options[key] = tonumber(value)
+ else
+ options[key] = value
+ end
+--- Set multiple key value pairs using a table.
+-- @tparam table opts Options
+local function set_options(opts)
+ if not options then
+ options = {}
+ end
+ for key, value in pairs(opts) do
+ set_option(key, value)
+ end
+--- Check if the given callback name exists.
+-- Throw an error if it doen’t.
+-- @tparam string callback_name The name of a callback to check.
+-- @treturn string The unchanged input of the function.
+local function check_callback_name(callback_name)
+ local info = callback.list()
+ if info[callback_name] == nil then
+ tex.error(
+ 'Package "nodetree": Unkown callback name or callback alias: "' ..
+ callback_name ..
+ '"'
+ )
+ end
+ return callback_name
+--- Get the real callback name from an alias string.
+-- @tparam string alias The alias of a callback name or the callback
+-- name itself.
+-- @treturn string The real callback name.
+local function get_callback_name(alias)
+ local callback_name
+ -- Listed as in the LuaTeX reference manual.
+ if alias == 'contribute' or alias == 'contributefilter' then
+ callback_name = 'contribute_filter'
+ -- Formerly called buildpage, now there is a build_page_insert.
+ elseif alias == 'buildfilter' or alias == 'buildpagefilter' then
+ callback_name = 'buildpage_filter'
+ -- Untested: I don’t know how to invoke this filter.
+ elseif alias == 'buildinsert' or alias == 'buildpageinsert' then
+ callback_name = 'build_page_insert'
+ elseif alias == 'preline' or alias == 'prelinebreakfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'pre_linebreak_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'line' or alias == 'linebreakfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'linebreak_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'append' or alias == 'appendtovlistfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'append_to_vlist_filter'
+ -- postlinebreak is not documented.
+ elseif alias == 'postline' or alias == 'postlinebreak' or alias == 'postlinebreakfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'post_linebreak_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'hpack' or alias == 'hpackfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'hpack_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'vpack' or alias == 'vpackfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'vpack_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'hpackq' or alias == 'hpackquality' then
+ callback_name = 'hpack_quality'
+ elseif alias == 'vpackq' or alias == 'vpackquality' then
+ callback_name = 'vpack_quality'
+ elseif alias == 'process' or alias == 'processrule' then
+ callback_name = 'process_rule'
+ elseif alias == 'preout' or alias == 'preoutputfilter' then
+ callback_name = 'pre_output_filter'
+ elseif alias == 'hyph' or alias == 'hyphenate' then
+ callback_name = 'hyphenate'
+ elseif alias == 'liga' or alias == 'ligaturing' then
+ callback_name = 'ligaturing'
+ elseif alias == 'kern' or alias == 'kerning' then
+ callback_name = 'kerning'
+ elseif alias == 'insert' or alias == 'insertlocalpar' then
+ callback_name = 'insert_local_par'
+ elseif alias == 'mhlist' or alias == 'mlisttohlist' then
+ callback_name = 'mlist_to_hlist'
+ else
+ callback_name = alias
+ end
+ return check_callback_name(callback_name)
+--- Register a callback.
+-- @tparam string cb The name of a callback.
+local function register_callback(cb)
+ if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
+ luatexbase.add_to_callback(cb, callbacks[cb], 'nodetree')
+ else
+ callback.register(cb, callbacks[cb])
+ end
+--- Unregister a callback.
+-- @tparam string cb The name of a callback.
+local function unregister_callback(cb)
+ if options.engine == 'lualatex' then
+ luatexbase.remove_from_callback(cb, 'nodetree')
+ else
+ register_callback(cb, nil)
+ end
+--- Exported functions.
+-- @section export
+local export = {
+ set_option = set_option,
+ set_options = set_options,
+ ---
+ register_callbacks = function()
+ if == 'log' or == 'tex' then
+ -- nt = nodetree
+ -- jobname.nttex
+ -- jobname.ntlog
+ local file_name = tex.jobname .. '.nt' ..
+, 'w'):close() -- Clear former content
+ output_file =, 'a')
+ end
+ for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
+ register_callback(get_callback_name(alias))
+ end
+ end,
+ ---
+ unregister_callbacks = function()
+ for alias in string.gmatch(options.callback, '([^,]+)') do
+ unregister_callback(get_callback_name(alias))
+ end
+ end,
+ --- Compile a TeX snippet.
+ --
+ -- Write some TeX snippets into a temporary LaTeX file, compile this
+ -- file using `latexmk` and read the generated `*.nttex` file and
+ -- return its content.
+ --
+ -- @tparam string tex_markup
+ --
+ -- @treturn string
+ compile_include = function(tex_markup)
+ -- Generate a subfolder for all tempory files: _nodetree-jobname.
+ local parent_path = lfs.currentdir() .. '/' .. '_nodetree-' .. tex.jobname
+ lfs.mkdir(parent_path)
+ -- Generate the temporary LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX file.
+ example_counter = example_counter + 1
+ local filename_tex = example_counter .. '.tex'
+ local absolute_path_tex = parent_path .. '/' .. filename_tex
+ output_file =, 'w')
+ local format_option = function (key, value)
+ return '\\NodetreeSetOption[' .. key .. ']{' .. value .. '}' .. '\n'
+ end
+ -- Process the options
+ local options =
+ format_option('channel', 'tex') ..
+ format_option('verbosity', options.verbosity) ..
+ format_option('unit', options.unit) ..
+ format_option('decimalplaces', options.decimalplaces) ..
+ '\\NodetreeUnregisterCallback{post_linebreak_filter}' .. '\n' ..
+ '\\NodetreeRegisterCallback{' .. options.callback .. '}'
+ local prefix = '%!TEX program = lualatex\n' ..
+ '\\documentclass{article}\n' ..
+ '\\usepackage{nodetree}\n' ..
+ options .. '\n' ..
+ '\\begin{document}\n'
+ local suffix = '\n\\end{document}'
+ output_file:write(prefix .. tex_markup .. suffix)
+ output_file:close()
+ -- Compile the temporary LuaTeX or LuaLaTeX file.
+ os.spawn({ 'latexmk', '-cd', '-pdflua', absolute_path_tex })
+ local include_file = assert( .. '/' .. example_counter .. '.nttex', 'rb'))
+ local include_content = include_file:read("*all")
+ include_file:close()
+ include_content = include_content:gsub('[\r\n]', '')
+ tex.print(include_content)
+ end,
+ --- Check for `--shell-escape`
+ --
+ check_shell_escape = function()
+ local info = status.list()
+ if info.shell_escape == 0 then
+ tex.error('Package "nodetree-embed": You have to use the --shell-escape option')
+ end
+ end,
+ --- Print a node tree.
+ ---
+ -- @tparam node head The head node of a node list.
+ -- @tparam table opts Options as a table.
+ print = function(head, opts)
+ if opts and type(opts) == 'table' then
+ set_options(opts)
+ end
+ nodetree_print(format.new_line())
+ tree.analyze_list(head, 1)
+ end,
+ --- Format a scaled point value into a formated string.
+ --
+ -- @tparam number sp A scaled point value
+ --
+ -- @treturn string
+ format_dim = function(sp)
+ return template.length(sp)
+ end,
+ --- Get a default option that is not changed.
+ -- @tparam string key The key of the option.
+ --
+ -- @treturn string|number|boolean
+ get_default_option = function(key)
+ return default_options[key]
+ end
+--- Use export.print
+-- @tparam node head
+export.analyze = export.print
+return export