path: root/macros/latex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-05-29 03:00:41 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-05-29 03:00:41 +0000
commitc00656779e19523d32d1d563e37f48709e487ce3 (patch)
tree034e8df24d02e8ff4d8ad7169f6ec68c8b1c0599 /macros/latex
parent98bbe9f6255283aebab5ce6151393e1ff9014577 (diff)
CTAN sync 202205290300
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.pdfbin0 -> 324073 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes-code.pdfbin808643 -> 809579 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.pdfbin177239 -> 177238 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.pdfbin0 -> 335928 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.pdfbin184654 -> 163412 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever-code.pdfbin1255628 -> 1258005 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.pdfbin311667 -> 316250 bytes
24 files changed, 2068 insertions, 225 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/ b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce9fba1dca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# The `fixdif` Package
+The `fixdif` package provides an interface for defining the style of differential operators.
+The basic commands are:
+- `\d`: for differential operator "d" in math mode and under-dot accent in text;
+- `\partial`: a "fixed" partial differential operator command;
+- `\letdif`: an interface for defining new commands for differential operators.
+See `fixdif.pdf` for more. Happy TeXing!
+## License
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License](, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95099c0b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Zhang Tingxuan.
+% This work consists of the files fixdif.dtx,
+% and the derived files fixdif.ins,
+% fixdif.sty,
+% fixdef.pdf,
+% and
+# The `fixdif` Package
+The `fixdif` package provides an interface for defining the style of differential operators.
+The basic commands are:
+- `\d`: for differential operator "d" in math mode and under-dot accent in text;
+- `\partial`: a "fixed" partial differential operator command;
+- `\letdif`: an interface for defining new commands for differential operators.
+See `fixdif.pdf` for more. Happy TeXing!
+## License
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License](, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>.
+ \def\NameOfLaTeXe{LaTeX2e}
+\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+ Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+ version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+ version. The latest version of this license is in:
+ and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+ LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ The Current Maintainer of this work is Zhang Tingxuan.
+ This work consists of the files fixdif.dtx,
+ and the derived files fixdif.ins,
+ fixdif.sty,
+ fixdef.pdf,
+ and
+ \usedir{tex/latex/fixdif}
+ \file{\jobname.sty} {\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}}
+ \usedir{source/latex/fixdif}
+ \file{\jobname.ins} {\from{\jobname.dtx}{install}}
+ \usedir{doc/latex/fixdif}
+ \nopreamble\nopostamble
+ \file{} {\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *}
+\Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* fixdif.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* The recommended directory is *}
+\Msg{* TDS:tex/latex/fixdif *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file *}
+\Msg{* fixdif.dtx through pdfLaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing! *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\ProvidesFile{fixdif.dtx}[2022/05/27 (c) Copyright 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan]
+\title{The \pkg{fixdif} Package}
+\author{Zhang Tingxuan}
+\date{2022/05/27\quad Version 1.0\thanks{\url{}}}
+ pdftitle = {The fixdif Package},
+ pdfauthor = {Zhang Tingxuan},
+ pdfcreator = {pdfLaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX},
+ hidelinks,
+ {-2.5ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {1ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\Large\bfseries\color{titlecolor}}}
+ {-2ex plus -1ex minus -.2ex}%
+ {.5ex plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\color{titlecolor}}}
+ {.8ex plus .4ex minus .2ex}%
+ {-1em}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries\color{titlecolor}}}
+ \do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f\do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j%
+ \do\k\do\l\do\m\do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r\do\s\do\t%
+ \do\u\do\v\do\w\do\x\do\y\do\z\do\A\do\B\do\C\do\D%
+ \do\E\do\F\do\G\do\H\do\I\do\J\do\K\do\L\do\M\do\N%
+ \do\O\do\P\do\Q\do\R\do\S\do\T\do\U\do\V\do\W\do\X%
+ \do\Y\do\Z}
+ \usepackage{unicode-math}
+ \setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
+\parskip5pt plus 2pt minus 1pt
+ \DocInput{\jobname.dtx}
+% \fi
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% The \pkg{fixdif} package redefines the \cs{d} command in \LaTeX{}
+% and provides an interface to define commands for differential operators.
+% The package is compatible with pdf\TeX, \XeTeX{} and \LuaTeX.
+% Furthermore, the package is compatible with \pkg{unicode-math} package
+% in \XeTeX{} and \LuaTeX.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \section{The background}
+% It's usually recommended that one should reserve a small skip between
+% the differential operator and the expression before it\footnote{See
+% \url{}.}.
+% Take the following cases as an example:
+% \[f(x)\mathrm{d}x\qquad\mbox{and}\qquad f(x)\d x.\]
+% We usually consider that the example on the right side is better than the
+% one on the left side. The little skip between $f(x)$ and $\d x$ can be
+% regarded as a symbol of the product of $f(x)$ and $\d x$.
+% So some users prefer to define a macro like this:
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \renewcommand\d{\mathop{\mathrm{d}}\!}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% This macro works well in ``display math'' and ``text math'', but we still
+% face three problems:
+% \begin{enumerate}
+% \item The skip before ``d'' would still be reserved in ``text fraction'',
+% which is regarded bad. For example, |$\d y/\d x$| produces
+% $\mathrm{d}y/\,\mathrm{d}x$;
+% \item This |\d| command cannot be used out of math mode. In another word,
+% |\d{o}| would not produce ``\d{o}'' in text;
+% \item The skip between ``d'' and the expression before it can be regarded
+% as a product operator. A product operator is definitely a binary operator.
+% Take |\cdot| ($\cdot$) as an example.
+% A binary operator reserves small skips before and after itself when in
+% ``display math'' or ``text math'' such as $x\cdot y$, but the skips will
+% disappear in ``script math'' or ``script script math'' such as $a^{x\cdot y}$.
+% Thus the small skip should also disappear in script, but |$a^{f(x)\d x}$|
+% still produces $a^{f(x)\,\mathrm{d}x}$ but not $a^{f(x)\d x}$.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% To solve these problems, you can try this package.
+% \section{Introduction}
+% To load this package, write
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \usepackage{fixdif}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% in the preamble. In your document,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \[ f(x)\d x,\quad\frac{\d y}{\d x},\quad\d y/\d x,\quad a^{y\d x}. \]
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% will produce
+% \[f(x)\d x,\quad \frac{\d y}{\d x},\quad \d y/\d x,\quad a^{y\d x}.\]
+% \subsection{When using \pkg{unicode-math}}
+% If you are using \pkg{unicode-math} package with \XeTeX/\LuaTeX{}
+% in your document, you must pay attention to the following items:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item If you want to \pkg{amsmath} package, make sure that the
+% \pkg{unicode-math} package is loaded \emph{after} \pkg{amsmath}.
+% \item You had better specify the math font through the \cs{setmathfont}
+% provided by \pkg{unicode-math} in order to avoid bad skip in text fraction
+% like $\d y/\d x$.
+% \item Load the \pkg{fixdif} package \emph{after} \pkg{unicode-math}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% Therefore the correct order is
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \usepackage{amsmath}
+% \usepackage{unicode-math}
+% \setmathfont{...}[...]
+% \usepackage{fixdif}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% \subsection{When using \pkg{hyperref}}
+% If you want to use the \pkg{hyperref} package simultaneously,
+% remember to load \pkg{hyperref} \emph{before} the \pkg{fixdif} package,
+% otherwise the \pkg{hyperref} package will cause conflicts.
+% \subsection{Basic commands and package options}
+% \DescribeMacro{\d}
+% The \pkg{fixdif} package provides a \cs{d} command for the differential
+% operator ``d'' in math mode. When in the text, \cs{d} behaves
+% just like the old \cs{d} command in \LaTeX{} or plain \TeX{} as an
+% accent command. For example,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% $\d x$ and \d x
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% will produce ``$\d x$ and \d x''.
+% \paragraph{Set the font of \cs{d}}
+% There are two basic package options to control the \cs{d}'s style in math
+% mode~--- \opt{rm} and \opt{normal}. The default option is \opt{rm}, in whose
+% case |$f(x)\d x$| produces $f(x)\d x$. If you chose the \opt{normal} option,
+% for example
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \usepackage[normal]{fixdif}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% |$f(x)\d x$| would produces $f(x)\,dx$.
+% \DescribeMacro{\resetdfont}
+% Besides the previous two optional fonts, you can reset the font of
+% differential operator ``d'' through \cs{resetdfont} command:
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \resetdfont{\mathsf}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% then |\d x| will produce $\mathsf{d}x$.
+% \paragraph{Control the behavior of \cs{partial}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\partial}
+% In default, \cs{partial} will also be regarded as a differential operator
+% in this package. If you don't like this default setting, you can use the
+% \opt{nopartial} option:
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \usepackage[nopartial]{fixdif}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% \section{Define commands for differential operators}
+% \noindent\emph{Attention! The commands in this section
+% can be used in preamble only!}
+% \subsection{Define commands with a single command name}
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{letdif}\marg{cmd}\marg{csname}}\DescribeMacro{\letdif}
+% \hfill(preamble only)
+% The \cs{letdif} command has two arguments~--- the first is the newly-defined
+% command and the second is the \emph{name} of a \emph{single} character
+% command (without the backslash on the front). For example,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \letdif{\vr}{delta}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% then the |\vr| will produce a $\delta$ (|\delta|) with automatic skip
+% before it.
+% Through the \cs{letdif} command, we can redefine a math character command
+% by its name. For example,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \letdif{\delta}{delta}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% then |\delta| itself will be a differential operator.
+% The second argument \meta{csname} of \cs{letdif} command can be used
+% repeatedly.
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{letdif*}\marg{cmd}\marg{csname}}\DescribeMacro{\letdif*}
+% \hfill(preamble only)
+% This command is basically the same as \cs{letdif}, but this command will
+% patch a correction after the differential operator. This is very useful
+% when a math font is setted through \pkg{unicode-math} package. For example,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \usepackage{unicode-math}
+% \setmathfont{TeX Gyre Termes Math}
+% \usepackage{fixdif}
+% \letdif{\vr}{updelta}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% this will cause bad negative skip after |\vr|, but if you change the last
+% line into
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \letdif*{\vr}{updelta}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% you will get the result correct.
+% \subsection{Define commands with multi commands or a string}
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{newdif}\marg{cmd}\marg{multi-cmd}}\DescribeMacro{\newdif}
+% \hfill(without correction, preamble only)\\
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{newdif*}\marg{cmd}\marg{multi-cmd}}\DescribeMacro{\newdif*}
+% \hfill(with correction, preamble only)
+% The first argument of these commands is the newly-defined command; and the
+% second argument should contain \emph{more than one commands} or
+% \emph{a string}. For example, if you have loaded the \pkg{xcolor} package,
+% you can use the following line:
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \newdif{\redsfd}{\textsf{\color{red}d}}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% Then you get the |\redsfd| as a differential operator. Take another example,
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% \newdif{\D}{\mathrm{D}}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% Then you get |\D| for an uppercase upright ``D'' as a differential operator.
+% If your second argument contains only one command like |\Delta|,
+% you should use \cs{letdif} or \cs{letdif*} instead.
+% These two commands will check whether \meta{cmd} has been defined already.
+% If so, an error message will be given.
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{renewdif}\marg{cmd}\marg{multi-cmd}}\DescribeMacro{\newdif}
+% \hfill(without correction, preamble only)\\
+% \noindent\textbf{\cs{renewdif*}\marg{cmd}\marg{multi-cmd}}\DescribeMacro{\newdif*}
+% \hfill(with correction, preamble only)
+% These two commands are basically the same as \cs{newdif} and \cs{newdif*}.
+% The only difference is that \cs{renewdif} and \cs{renewdif*} will check
+% whether \meta{cmd} has \emph{not} been defined yet. If so, an error message
+% will be given.
+% \section{The source code}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Check the \TeX{} format and provides the package name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesPackage{fixdif}[2022/05/26 Interface for defining the differential operator.]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Control the skip between slash and differential operator}
+% Change the math code of slash ($/$) and backslash ($\backslash$) so that the skip
+% between slashes and differential operators can be ignored.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the \pkg{unicode-math} package has been loaded, use the \XeTeX/\LuaTeX{} primitive
+% \cs{Umathcode} to change the type of slashes. The numeral ``4'' stands for ``open''.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \Umathcode`\/="4 "0 "002F
+ \Umathcode"2044="4 "0 "2044
+ \Umathcode"2215="4 "0 "2215
+ \Umathcode"2F98="4 "0 "2F98
+ \Umathcode`\\="4 "0 "005C
+ \Umathcode"2216="4 "0 "2216
+ \Umathcode"29F5="4 "0 "29F5
+ \Umathcode"29F9="4 "0 "29F9
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If the \pkg{unicode-math} package has not been loaded, use the \TeX{} primitive
+% \cs{mathcode} to change the type of slashes. The \cs{backslash} needs to be redefined
+% through \cs{delimiter} primitive too.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathcode`\/="413D
+ \mathcode`\\="426E % \backslash
+ \def\backslash{\delimiter"426E30F\relax}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Patch the skips around the differential operator}
+% \DescribeMacro{\mup@tch}
+% The following \cs{mup@tch} patches the skip after the differential operator.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \cs{s@beforep@tch} patches the commands with star (\cs{letdif*}, etc).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Declare the package options}
+% Declare the options of the package and execute them.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\def\@@dif{\symrm{d}}}{\def\@@dif{\mathrm{d}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Control the behavior of \cs{partial}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\letdif{\partial}{partial}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DescribeMacro{\resetdfont}
+% Define the \cs{resetdfont} command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@@dif{#1{d}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Deal with the \cs{d} command}
+% \DescribeMacro{\@dif}
+% \cs{@dif} is the differential operator produced by \cs{d} in math mode.
+% Here we prefer \cs{mathinner} to |\mathbin| to make the skip.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \mathinner{\@@dif}\mup@tch%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DescribeMacro{\d@accent}
+% Restore the \cs{d} command in text by \cs{d@accent} with the \cs{let}
+% primitive.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DescribeMacro{\d}
+% Redefine the \cs{d} command. In text, we need to expand the stuffs after \cs{d}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{User's interface for defining new differential operators}
+% \DescribeMacro{\letdif}\DescribeMacro{\letdif*}
+% Define the \cs{letdif} and \cs{letdif*} command. The internal version of \cs{letdif}
+% is \cs{@letdif}, of \cs{letdif*} is \cs{s@letdif}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% |#1| is the final command; |#2| is the ``control sequence name'' of |#1|'s initial definition.
+% Here we create a command (\cs{csname}|#2@old|\cs{endcsname}) to restore |#2|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcsname #2@old\endcsname\else
+ \expandafter\let\csname #2@old\expandafter\endcsname%
+ \csname #2\endcsname
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Finally let |#1| be the new command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \gdef#1{\mathinner{\csname #2@old\endcsname}\mup@tch}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition of \cs{s@letdif} is similar, but with the patch for negative skips.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcsname #2@old\endcsname\else
+ \expandafter\let\csname #2@old\expandafter\endcsname%
+ \csname #2\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \gdef#1{\mathinner{\s@beforep@tch\csname #2@old\endcsname\mbox{}}\mup@tch}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DescribeMacro{\newdif}\DescribeMacro{\newdif*}
+% Define the \cs{newdif} and \cs{newdif*} commands. |#1| is the final command; |#2| is the ``long'' argument.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdefined#1
+ \PackageError{fixdif}{\string#1 is already defined.}
+ {Try another command instead of \string#1.}
+ \else
+ \long\gdef#1{\mathinner{#2}\mup@tch}
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined#1
+ \PackageError{fixdif}{\string#1 is already defined.}
+ {Try another command instead of \string#1.}
+ \else
+ \long\gdef#1{\s@beforep@tch\mathinner{#2\mbox{}}\mup@tch}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \DescribeMacro{\renewdif}\DescribeMacro{\renewdif*}
+% Define the \cs{renewdif} and \cs{renewdif*} commands.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdefined#1
+ \long\gdef#1{\mathinner{#2}\mup@tch}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{fixdif}{\string#1 has not been defined yet.}
+ {You should use \string\newdif instead of \string\renewdif.}
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined#1
+ \long\gdef#1{\s@beforep@tch\mathinner{#2\mbox{}}\mup@tch}
+ \else
+ \PackageError{fixdif}{\string#1 has not been defined yet.}
+ {You should use \string\newdif instead of \string\renewdif.}
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.ins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb8171c866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+%% This is file `fixdif.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% fixdif.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in:
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Zhang Tingxuan.
+%% This work consists of the files fixdif.dtx,
+%% and the derived files fixdif.ins,
+%% fixdif.sty,
+%% fixdef.pdf,
+%% and
+\input docstrip.tex
+ Copyright (C) 2022 by Zhang Tingxuan <>
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+ version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+ version. The latest version of this license is in:
+ and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+ LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ The Current Maintainer of this work is Zhang Tingxuan.
+ This work consists of the files fixdif.dtx,
+ and the derived files fixdif.ins,
+ fixdif.sty,
+ fixdef.pdf,
+ and
+ \usedir{tex/latex/fixdif}
+ \file{\jobname.sty} {\from{\jobname.dtx}{package}}
+ \usedir{doc/latex/fixdif}
+ \nopreamble\nopostamble
+ \file{} {\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the *}
+\Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX: *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* fixdif.sty *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* The recommended directory is *}
+\Msg{* TDS:tex/latex/fixdif *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file *}
+\Msg{* fixdif.dtx through pdfLaTeX/XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX. *}
+\Msg{* *}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing! *}
+\Msg{* *}
+%% End of file `fixdif.ins'.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd3208d669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fixdif/fixdif.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/ b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/
index 27ebf1ab31..384af1bb2e 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
-## [Unreleased](
+## [Unreleased](
+## [v0.1.3]( (2022-05-28)
+### Fixed
+- Prevent spurious space after `\post@note` in `.aux` file.
## [v0.1.2]( (2022-04-27)
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes-code.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes-code.pdf
index 8271b11509..b1af0cc1e0 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes-code.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes-code.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.dtx
index 703466554b..7124ed7d70 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.dtx
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesExplPackage {postnotes} {2022-04-27} {0.1.2}
+\ProvidesExplPackage {postnotes} {2022-05-28} {0.1.3}
{Endnotes for LaTeX}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -300,19 +300,19 @@
\cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_set_mark_page_label:n #1
\iow_shipout_x:Nn \@auxout
- { \post@note { mark@ #1 } { \thepage } }
+ { \token_to_str:N \post@note { mark@ #1 } { \thepage } }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_set_mark_page_label:n { x }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_set_text_page_label:n #1
\iow_shipout_x:Nn \@auxout
- { \post@note { text@ #1 } { \int_use:N \c@page } }
+ { \token_to_str:N \post@note { text@ #1 } { \int_use:N \c@page } }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_set_text_page_label:n { x }
\cs_new_protected:Npn \@@_set_print_page_label:n #1
\iow_shipout_x:Nn \@auxout
- { \post@note { print@ #1 } { \int_use:N \c@page } }
+ { \token_to_str:N \post@note { print@ #1 } { \int_use:N \c@page } }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \@@_set_print_page_label:n { x }
% \end{macrocode}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.pdf
index 69960a6f33..af17232cc1 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/postnotes/postnotes.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/DEPENDS.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/DEPENDS.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e0ae3b076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/DEPENDS.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/README b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cefd81b493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/README
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+prettytok -- Pretty-print token list
+Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+Report bugs at
+Copyright 2022 user202729
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or
+(at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+the file:
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is user202729.
+This work consists of the files prettytok.sty.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76ca759f67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e17eb204c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+% File: prettytok.sty
+% Copyright 2022 user202729
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or
+% (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+% the file:
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is user202729.
+\ProvidesExplPackage{prettytok}{2022/05/28}{0.0.0}{Pretty-print token list}
+\@ifpackagelater{expl3}{2022/04/10} %
+ {
+ }
+ {
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \tl_analysis_map_inline:Nn #1
+ { \exp_args:No \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn #1 }
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn #1
+ {
+ \__tl_analysis:n {#1}
+ \int_gincr:N \g__kernel_prg_map_int
+ \exp_args:Nc \__tl_analysis_map:Nn
+ { _tl_analysis_map_inline_ \int_use:N \g__kernel_prg_map_int :wNw }
+ }
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \__tl_analysis_map:Nn #1#2
+ {
+ \cs_gset_protected:Npn #1 ##1##2##3 {#2}
+ \exp_after:wN \__tl_analysis_map:NwNw \exp_after:wN #1
+ \g__tl_analysis_result_tl
+ \s__tl { ? \tl_map_break: } \s__tl
+ \prg_break_point:Nn \tl_map_break:
+ { \int_gdecr:N \g__kernel_prg_map_int }
+ }
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \__tl_analysis_map:NwNw #1 #2 \s__tl #3 #4 \s__tl
+ {
+ \use_none:n #3
+ #1 {#2} {#4} {#3}
+ \__tl_analysis_map:NwNw #1
+ }
+ }
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \EI_append:n {x}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_compare:nNnTF {VNnTF}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_set:Nn {Nx}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_compare:nNnT {VNnT}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \cs_if_exist_use:NT {cT}
+% ======== define handler functions.
+% a few things it can do:
+% • \tl_build_gput_right:Nn to \_EIresult (content being put there must be wrapped in \unexpanded i.e. x-expand to the desired result
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \EI_append_raw:n #1 {
+ \tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_EIresult {#1}
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \EI_append:n #1 {
+ \EI_append_raw:n {\exp_not:n {#1}}
+% handler can call this to collect following tokens in the input stream as argument.
+% #1: the function to pass argument in. (arguments are passed as brace-hack-included)
+% #2: number of arguments
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \EI_collect_arg:Nn #1 #2 {
+ \def \_EIcollecting_balanced {#2}
+ \def \_EIbalance_level {0}
+ \tl_build_gbegin:N \_EIbalanced_content
+ \tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_EIbalanced_content {\noexpand #1}
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \EIhandler_EIexpand {
+ \EI_collect_arg:Nn \EI_append:x {1}
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \EIhandler_EIexecute {
+ \EI_collect_arg:Nn \use:n {1}
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \execinsideprepare:n #1 {
+ \tl_build_gbegin:N \_EIresult
+ \def \_EIcollecting_balanced {0}
+ \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn {#1} {
+ % reminder: ##1: token, ##2: char code (int), ##3: cat code (hex digit)
+ \int_compare:VNnTF \_EIcollecting_balanced > 0 {
+ % collecting content.
+ \tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_EIbalanced_content {##1}
+ \str_case:nn {##3} {
+ {1} { \tl_set:Nx \_EIbalance_level {\_EIbalance_level+1} }
+ {2} { \tl_set:Nx \_EIbalance_level {\_EIbalance_level-1} }
+ }
+ % we check this every time instead of only after egroup tokens...
+ % so that if there's exactly one token to be collected it's still correctly passed through
+ \int_compare:nNnT {\_EIbalance_level} = {0} {
+ % done, call handler function and revert to normal mode.
+ \tl_set:Nx \_EIcollecting_balanced {\int_eval:n{\_EIcollecting_balanced-1}}
+ \int_compare:VNnT \_EIcollecting_balanced = 0 {
+ \tl_build_gend:N \_EIbalanced_content
+ \tl_set:Nx \_EIbalanced_content {\_EIbalanced_content}
+ %\pretty:V \_EIbalanced_content
+ \_EIbalanced_content % ← the handler function is embedded in here
+ %\pretty:n {done}
+ }
+ }
+ } {
+ \let \_EIprocessed \c_false_bool
+ % check for \EIexecute etc. and handle accordingly.
+ \int_compare:nNnT {##2} = {-1} {
+ \cs_if_exist_use:cT {
+ EIhandler_ \expandafter \cs_to_str:N ##1
+ } {
+ \let \_EIprocessed \c_true_bool
+ }
+ }
+ % if not, just append to result.
+ \bool_if:NF \_EIprocessed {
+ \tl_build_gput_right:Nn \_EIresult {##1}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ \tl_build_gend:N \_EIresult
+ \tl_set:Nx \_EIresult {\_EIresult}
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \execinside:n #1 {
+ \execinsideprepare:n {#1}
+ \_EIresult
+\let\execinside\execinside:n % normal-catcode alias
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \execinside_set:Nn #1 #2 {
+ \execinsideprepare:n {#2}
+ \let #1 \_EIresult
+\cs_set_protected:Npn \execinside_gset:Nn #1 #2 {
+ \execinsideprepare:n {#2}
+ \global \let #1 \_EIresult
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \exp_args:NN {Nc}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \EI_append:n {x}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \exp_args:Nn {No}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \EI_append:n {o}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_put_right:Nn {Nx}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \use:nn {nV}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \execinside_set:Nn {NV}
+\def \_precattlappend_space #1 {
+ \begingroup
+ \lccode `\ =#1
+ \lowercase{
+ \def\_precattltmp{\endgroup \EI_append:n {~}}
+ }
+ \_precattltmp
+\global\def \_precattlappend_begin #1 {
+ \begingroup
+ \lccode `\{=#1
+ \lowercase{\endgroup \EI_append_raw:n { \iftrue { \else } \fi }}
+\global\def \_precattlappend_end #1 {
+ \begingroup
+ \lccode `\}=#1
+ \lowercase{\endgroup \EI_append_raw:n { \iffalse { \else } \fi }}
+\def \_precattldo_special_cC #1 { \exp_args:Nc \EI_append:n {#1} }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cB #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \_precattlappend_begin {`##1} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cE #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \_precattlappend_end {`##1} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cM #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {3}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cT #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {4}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cP #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \exp_args:No \EI_append:o {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {6}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cU #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {7}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cD #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {8}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cS #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \_precattlappend_space {`##1} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cL #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {11}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cO #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} { \EI_append:x {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {12}} } }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cA #1 { \str_map_inline:nn {#1} {
+ \exp_args:No \EI_append:o {\char_generate:nn {`##1} {13}}
+} }
+\def \_precattldo_special #1 #2 {
+ % given #1 e.g. \cO, #2 e.g. {abc}, append <abc> in OTHER catcode to EI.
+ {
+ \escapechar=-1
+ % let \_precattltmp be the concatenation of \string of all tokens within #2.
+ \def \_precattltmp {}
+ \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn {#2} {
+ \tl_put_right:Nx \_precattltmp {\exp_after:wN \string ##1}
+ }
+ % then pass it to the specific handler.
+ \exp_args:Nc \exp_args:NV {_precattldo_special_\string #1} \_precattltmp
+ }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cC_outer { \_precattldo_special\cC }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cB_outer { \_precattldo_special\cB }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cE_outer { \_precattldo_special\cE }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cM_outer { \_precattldo_special\cM }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cT_outer { \_precattldo_special\cT }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cP_outer { \_precattldo_special\cP }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cU_outer { \_precattldo_special\cU }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cD_outer { \_precattldo_special\cD }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cS_outer { \_precattldo_special\cS }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cL_outer { \_precattldo_special\cL }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cO_outer { \_precattldo_special\cO }
+\def \_precattldo_special_cA_outer { \_precattldo_special\cA }
+\def \_precattl_tmp_help #1 {
+ \def \_precattl_do_frozen_relax { \EI_append:n {#1} }
+ % #1 here will be substituted by the frozen relax
+\expandafter \_precattl_tmp_help \ifnum0=0\fi
+\let \_precattl_tmp_help \undefined
+\def \precattl_prepare:n #1 {
+ \begingroup
+ \let \EIhandler_EIexpand \undefined
+ \let \EIhandler_EIexecute \undefined
+ \def \EIhandler_cC { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cC_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cB { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cB_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cE { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cE_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cM { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cM_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cT { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cT_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cP { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cP_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cU { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cU_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cD { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cD_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cS { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cS_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cL { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cL_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cO { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cO_outer 1 }
+ \def \EIhandler_cA { \EI_collect_arg:Nn \_precattldo_special_cA_outer 1 }
+ \let \EIhandler_cFrozenRelax \_precattl_do_frozen_relax
+ \execinside_gset:Nn \_precattlvalueg {#1}
+ \endgroup
+ \let \_precattlvalue \_precattlvalueg
+\def \precattl_set:Nn #1 #2 {
+ \precattl_prepare:n {#2}
+ \tl_set_eq:NN #1 \_precattlvalue
+\def \precattl_exec:n #1 {
+ \precattl_prepare:n {#1}
+ \_precattlvalue
+% usage: \pretty:n, etc.
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \exp_args:NNn {NNx}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \iow_open:Nn {NV}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \exp_args:NNn {NNV}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \iow_now:Nn {Nx}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_if_eq:nnF {xoF}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \use:N {c}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \str_map_inline:nn {xn}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \tl_build_put_right:Nn {Nx}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \iow_now:Nn {NV}
+\iow_new:N \__prettyh_file
+\exp_args:NNx \providecommand \prettyfilename {pretty-\jobname.html}
+\providecommand \prettyrefreshstrategy {4}
+\providecommand \prettyrefreshduration {1000}
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pretty:n #1 {
+ % ======== first write out the preamble if it isn't written. Only do once. Delete the preamble macro if it's already written.
+ \cs_if_exist:NT \prettypreamble {
+ \iow_open:NV \__prettyh_file \prettyfilename
+ {
+ \str_set:NV \prettypreamble \prettypreamble
+ \precattl_exec:n {
+ \str_replace_all:Nnn \prettypreamble {\cO\^^M} {\cO\^^J}
+ }
+ \iow_now:NV \__prettyh_file \prettypreamble
+ \iow_now:Nx \__prettyh_file {set_refresh_strategy(\prettyrefreshstrategy,\prettyrefreshduration)}
+ }
+ \cs_undefine:N \prettypreamble
+ }
+ % ======== the actual content. Collect to one \write to put them on the same line (also maybe for efficiency???)
+ \tl_build_begin:N \__prettyh_content
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nn \__prettyh_content {print_tl(}
+ \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn {#1} {
+ % by documentation of \tl_analysis_map_inline:nn: #1=token, #2=char code, #3=catcode
+ \int_compare:nNnTF {##2} = {-1} {
+ % token is control sequence
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nn \__prettyh_content {cs(}
+ \tl_if_eq:xoF {\use:c {}} {##1} {
+ \str_map_inline:xn {\exp_after:wN \cs_to_str:N ##1} { % side note, must use str here to preserve spaces
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nx \__prettyh_content {\int_eval:n {`####1},}
+ }
+ }
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nn \__prettyh_content {),}
+ }
+ {
+ % token is not control sequence
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nn \__prettyh_content {token(##2, "##3"),}
+ }
+ }
+ \tl_build_put_right:Nn \__prettyh_content {)//</script><script>}
+ \tl_build_end:N \__prettyh_content
+ \iow_now:NV \__prettyh_file \__prettyh_content
+\cs_new_protected:Npn \pretty:w #1 \prettystop {
+ \pretty:n {#1}
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pretty:n {x, o, V}
+\let \pretty:N \pretty:n
+% normal-catcode alias
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \pretty:N {c}
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \pretty:nn {
+ \pretty:n {#1}
+ \pretty:n {#2}
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \pretty:nnn {
+ \pretty:n {#1}
+ \pretty:n {#2}
+ \pretty:n {#3}
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \pretty:nnnn {
+ \pretty:n {#1}
+ \pretty:n {#2}
+ \pretty:n {#3}
+ \pretty:n {#4}
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \prettyshow:N {
+ \exp_args:No \pretty:n {\meaning #1}
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+<meta charset="utf-8">
+<link rel="icon" href="data:,">
+ background-color: black;
+ color: white;
+/* */
+#wrap_all { display: none; position:fixed; width:100%; height:100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; }
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ display: none;
+ flex: 0 0 1.3em;
+ flex: 1 0 auto;
+ flex: 0 0 50px;
+.tokenlist, .fileline{
+ border: 1px solid gray;
+ height: 2em;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+.tokenlist::-webkit-scrollbar, .fileline::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 0 !important }
+ background-color: #404040;
+ background-color: #FF8080;
+ background-color: #606060;
+.cs, .active_char{
+ color: #FFFF00;
+ content: "\\";
+ content: " ";
+ display: none;
+ position: absolute;
+ border: 1px solid gray;
+ background-color: #000080ff;
+.cmd__left_brace_cmd, .cmd__right_brace_cmd, .cmd__mac_param_cmd{
+ color: #FFAAAA;
+ border: 1px solid #FFAAAA;
+ border: 1px solid #FFAAAA;
+ background-color: #000080;
+ content: "#";
+ color: #AAFFAA;
+ color: #808080;
+ color: white;
+ background-color: #0000ff;
+ border: 0;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column-reverse;
+ flex: 0 0 30%;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ <div id=output></div>
+ <div id=wrap_all>
+ <iframe id=iframe src="about:blank" frameborder=0></iframe>
+ <iframe id=iframe2 src="about:blank" frameborder=0></iframe>
+ </div>
+ <script>
+"use strict"
+function show_html(s){
+ return s.replace(/ /g, "␣")
+ .replace(/\r|\n/g, "↵")
+ .replace(/\t/g, "⇥")
+function print_tl(...tokens){
+ const tl_div=document.createElement("div")
+ tl_div.className="tokenlist"
+ for(let token of tokens){
+ tl_div.appendChild(token)
+ }
+ output.appendChild(tl_div)
+function token(charcode /* single character string in hex */, catcode /* integer */){
+ const token_span=document.createElement("span")
+ const ch=String.fromCodePoint(charcode)
+ token_span.innerText=show_html(ch)
+ if(catcode==='D'){
+ token_span.className="active_char"
+ token_span.title=`active ${ch} # ${charcode}`
+ }else{
+ const cls={
+ 1: 'cmd__left_brace_cmd',
+ 2: 'cmd__right_brace_cmd',
+ 3: 'cmd__math_shift_cmd',
+ 4: 'cmd__tab_mark_cmd',
+ 6: 'cmd__mac_param_cmd',
+ 7: 'cmd__sup_mark_cmd',
+ 8: 'cmd__sub_mark_cmd',
+ A: 'cmd__spacer_cmd',
+ B: 'cmd__letter_cmd',
+ C: 'cmd__other_char_cmd',
+ }[catcode]
+ token_span.className="token "+cls
+ token_span.title=`${cls} ${ch} # ${charcode}`
+ }
+ return token_span
+function cs(...codepoints){
+ const token_span=document.createElement("span")
+ const control_sequence_name=String.fromCodePoint(...codepoints)
+ //const meaning_str=readstr()
+ token_span.innerText=show_html(control_sequence_name)
+ //token_span.title=`cs '${control_sequence_name}' → ${meaning_str}`
+ token_span.className="cs"
+ return token_span
+var refresh_strategy_already_set=false
+function set_refresh_strategy(strategy, duration){
+ if(refresh_strategy_already_set) return
+ refresh_strategy_already_set=true
+ switch(strategy){
+ case 0: // do nothing
+ return
+ case 1: // refresh the sub-iframe
+ if(window.parent===window){
+ print_tl=function(...x) {}
+ //"none"
+ iframe.src=location.href
+ setInterval(function(){
+ iframe.src=iframe.src
+ }, duration)
+ }
+ return
+ case 2: // refresh two sub-iframes
+ if(window.parent===window){
+ print_tl=function(...x) {}
+ //"none"
+ iframe.src=iframe2.src=location.href
+ async function sleep(ms){
+ await new Promise(resolve=>setTimeout(resolve, ms))
+ }
+ (async function(){
+ while(true){
+ await sleep(duration/2)
+ iframe.src=iframe.src
+ await sleep(duration/2)
+ await sleep(duration/2)
+ iframe2.src=iframe2.src
+ await sleep(duration/2)
+ }
+ })()
+ }
+ return
+ case 3: // refresh whole page
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ location.reload()
+ }, duration)
+ return
+ case 4: // request own file
+ window.addEventListener("load", async function(){
+ async function get_code(){
+ //let text=await (await fetch(location.href)).text()
+ let text=await new Promise(function(resolve){
+ let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ request.responseType = "text"
+ request.onload = function() {
+ resolve(request.responseText)
+ }
+ request.onerror = function() {
+ console.log("Error happened. Read documentation for more details.")
+ }
+"GET", location.href, true)
+ request.send()
+ })
+ return text.replace(/.*?-end-template()-/s, "")
+ }
+ let text=await get_code()
+ output.innerHTML=""
+ try{ eval(text) }catch(e) {}
+ setInterval(async function(){
+ let text2=await get_code()
+ if(text2!==text){
+ output.innerHTML=""
+ try{ eval(text2) }catch(e) {}
+ text=text2
+ }
+ }, duration)
+ })
+ return
+ }
+ </script>
+// -end-template-
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d21af2d0fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/prettytok/prettytok.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+%! TEX program = lualatex
+\ProvidesFile{prettytok.tex} [2022/05/28 v0.0.0 Pretty-print token lists]
+% yes, this is not dtx
+\title{\textsf{prettytok} --- Pretty-print token lists\thanks{This file
+ describes version \fileversion, last revised \filedate.}
+%\thanks{E-mail: (not set)}
+\date{Released \filedate}
+\changes{v0.0.0}{2022/05/18}{First public release}
+ Pretty-print token lists.
+\subsection{Main function}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{pretty:n} \Arg{token list} \\
+ \end{syntax}
+ Print the content of \meta{token list}.
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{pretty:N} \meta{token} \\
+ \cs{pretty:c} \Arg{control sequence name} \\
+ \end{syntax}
+ Print \meta{token}. \\
+ This function is not very useful. Usually it's preferable to use |\pretty:V| to print a token list variable's value,
+ or |\prettyshow:N| to print a control sequence's meaning.
+\subsection{View result}
+The result is printed to a HTML file named |pretty-|\meta{jobname}|.html| by default.
+Open the file in any browser to view the result.
+Note that the HTML file will not be touched if nothing is printed, as such it's encouraged to add a line such as |\pretty:n {start}| right after loading the file.
+Why HTML file?
+ \item Because if the TeX program stops with error / has some error that corrupts the PDF output, the output will even with corrupted more by the debug print.
+ \item Printing to the console is extremely limited (difficult syntax highlighting/scrolling/line wrapping), and most likely cluttered with the traceback/other TeX default output.
+ \item Output to another \TeX\ file to be compiled is a bit absurd, and compiling \TeX\ file takes longer than loading a HTML file.
+By default, the output refreshes whenever the TeX file is recompiled. The behavior
+can be customized with \cs{prettyrefreshstrategy} and \cs{prettyrefreshduration}.
+\subsection{\LaTeX2 interface}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{prettyN} \Arg{token list} \\
+ \end{syntax}
+ Alias of the correspondingly-named commands.
+\subsection{Additional functions}
+There are also these functions, for convenience.
+\begin{function}{\pretty:nn, \pretty:nnn}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{pretty:nn} \Arg{token list} \Arg{token list}
+ \cs{pretty:nnn} \Arg{token list} \Arg{token list} \Arg{token list}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Print multiple token lists.
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{pretty:w} \meta{token list} \cs{prettystop}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Print the content of \meta{token list}. For now, it must be brace-balanced.
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{prettyshow:N} \meta{token}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Show the meaning of a |N|-type argument.
+These variables can be redefined before the
+first call to |\pretty:n| to customize the behavior.
+ The output file name. Defaults to |pretty-|\meta{jobname}|.html|, as mentioned above.
+ The auto-refresh strategy. Allowed values are 0-4. 0 is no refresh. \\
+ Which value works best depends on the particular browser. \\
+ On Google Chrome, passing |--allow-file-access-from-files| may be useful.
+ The duration between two consecutive refresh check, in milliseconds. Defaults to 1000.
+ The HTML source code preamble. This can be redefined to change styles, but the
+ behavior is not guaranteed.
+Unfortunately, the implementation is not typesetted in \TeX. Read the |.sty| file.
+ \PrintChanges
+ \PrintIndex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/LICENSE b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/LICENSE
index fbe40a0146..71f0e1f5a2 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/LICENSE
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/LICENSE
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
The MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2018 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
+Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
index c9e3530afe..accb5faf0d 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ pxcjkcat パッケージ ー 本体
+ * Version 1.2 〈2022/05/25〉
+ - 最新の upTeX に対応させる。
+ - `nomode` オプションを追加。
+ - `ccv+` オプションの別名 `real` を追加。
* Version 1.1 〈2018/04/01〉
- upTeX 1.23 版以降に対応する CCV 3(`ccv3` オプション)を追加した。
- `ccv+` オプションを追加。
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
index fcf31a0b7a..719a3e3396 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ document must in encoded in UTF-8.
Revision History
+ * Version 1.2 〈2022/05/25〉
* Version 1.1 〈2018/04/01〉
* Version 1.0 〈2012/09/22〉
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.pdf
index 07ad5c54fa..58eae044f8 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.sty
index b6e57056c5..ae11b02fde 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.sty
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.sty
@@ -1,134 +1,219 @@
-% pxcjkcat.sty
-%%%% package declaration
+%% This is file 'pxcjkcat.sty'.
+%% Copyright (c) 2010-2022 Takayuki YATO (aka. "ZR")
+%% GitHub:
+%% Twitter: @zr_tex8r
+%% This package is distributed under the MIT License.
+%% package declaration
-\ProvidesPackage{pxcjkcat}[2018/04/01 v1.1 PX cjk-category mode]
+\ProvidesPackage{pxcjkcat}[2022/05/25 v1.2 PX cjk-category mode]
+%--------------------------------------- general
-%%%% error messages
+%% error messages
- {Invalid name (#1) for cjk-category}%
- {It was replaced by 18(cjk).}}
- {Invalid name (#1) for Unicode block}\@eha}
- {Invalid name (#1) for cjk-category mode}\@eha}
+ \PackageError\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Invalid name (#1) for cjk-category}%
+ {It was replaced by 18(cjk).\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc}}
+ \PackageError\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Invalid name (#1) for Unicode block}%
+ {\@eha}}
+ \PackageError\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Invalid name (#1) for cjk-category mode}%
+ {\@eha}}
{Defunct Unicode block '#1' is\MessageBreak
+%% \pxkc@debug{<message>}
\def\pxkc@debug#1{\typeout{**[\pxkc@pkgname] #1}}
-%%%% environment check
-\ifx\ucs\@undefined\else \ifnum\ucs"3000="3000
- \@tempswatrue
- \pxkc@error{Native upTeX is required.}%
- {Package loading is aborted.}
-%--------------------------------------- general
+%% unique tokens
%% variables
\newif\ifpxkc@warn@defunct \pxkc@warn@defuncttrue
%% \pxkc@letcs\CSa{<csname-b>}
%% \pxkc@expanded{<text>}
- \edef\pxkc@nxt{#1}\pxkc@nxt}
+ \edef\pxkc@next{#1}\pxkc@next}
+%--------------------------------------- package options
-%%%% option handler
+%% mode CCV options
\DeclareOption{ccv1}{\chardef\pxkc@mccv=1 }
\DeclareOption{ccv2}{\chardef\pxkc@mccv=2 }
\DeclareOption{ccv3}{\chardef\pxkc@mccv=3 }
\DeclareOption{ccv+}{\chardef\pxkc@mccv=0 }
+\DeclareOption{real}{\chardef\pxkc@mccv=0 }
+%% mode options
+% NB. \[pxkc@M@@...] is later redefined.
+\def\pxkc@M@@forcecjk {1}
+\def\pxkc@M@@prefercjk {1}
+\def\pxkc@M@@prefercjkvar {1}
+\def\pxkc@M@@japanese {3}
+\def\pxkc@M@@japanesevar {3}
+\def\pxkc@M@@prefernoncjk {1}
+\def\pxkc@M@@default {1}
+\def\pxkc@M@@nomode {0}% special
+ \@ifundefined{pxkc@M@@\CurrentOption}{\@unknownoptionerror}{%
+ \chardef\pxkc@good@mccv=\@nameuse{pxkc@M@@\CurrentOption}\relax
+ \edef\pxkc@ccmode@opt{\CurrentOption}}}
+%% dispatch
+%% clear up
+ \let\pxkc@ccmode@opt\relax
+%% set default mode CCV (ccv1)
+ \chardef\pxkc@mccv=1
+ \chardef\pxkc@good@mccv=0 % disable check
+%--------------------------------------- environment check
+%% check engine
+\def\pxkc@tmpa{Native upTeX is required}
+\ifx\ucs\@undefined\else \ifnum\ucs"3000="3000
+ \ifx\forcecjktoken\@undefined
+ \def\pxkc@tmpa{This upTeX is too old}
+ \else \let\pxkc@tmpa\relax
+ \fi
+ \PackageError\pxkc@pkgname
+ {\pxkc@tmpa}%
+ {Package loading is aborted.\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc}
%%-------- classification version check
-%% \pxkc@issameblock
- \pxkc@okfalse{\kcatcode#1=16\kcatcode#2=17\relax
- \ifnum\kcatcode#1=17 \aftergroup\pxkc@oktrue\fi}}
+%% \pxkc@is@same@block
+ \pxkc@okfalse
+ \begingroup
+ \kcatcode#1=16\kcatcode#2=17\relax
+ \ifnum\kcatcode#1=17 \aftergroup\pxkc@oktrue\fi
+ \endgroup}
+%% \pxkc@ccv : real CCV
\chardef\pxkc@ccv=1 % v0.11+
- \pxkc@issameblock{"A0}{"C0}\ifpxkc@ok
+ \pxkc@is@same@block{"A0}{"C0}\ifpxkc@ok
\chardef\pxkc@ccv=2 % v0.29+
\chardef\pxkc@ccv=3 % v1.23+
+\ifx\bxDebugCcv\@undefined\else % override
-\ifnum\pxkc@mccv=\z@ \let\pxkc@mccv\pxkc@ccv \fi
\pxkc@debug{CJK category version \number\pxkc@ccv}
- \pxkc@error{Invalid mode-CCV option (ccv\number\pxkc@mccv)}%
- {The mode-CCV value given (\number\pxkc@mccv) is
- larger than the real CCV (\number\pxkc@ccv).\MessageBreak
- I assume the mode-CCV equals the real CCV.}
+%% Here show warning for mode CCV recommendation.
+%% (No warning if the good mode CCV is unavailable.)
+\ifnum\pxkc@good@mccv>\pxkc@mccv \ifnum\pxkc@good@mccv>\pxkc@ccv\else
+ \PackageWarningNoLine\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Mode CCV \number\pxkc@good@mccv\space
+ (option 'ccv\number\pxkc@good@mccv') is recommended\MessageBreak
+ for the use of category mode '\pxkc@ccmode@opt'!\MessageBreak
+ Or you can simply suppress this warning by giving\MessageBreak
+ option 'ccv\number\pxkc@mccv' explicitly}
+%% set mode CCV if 'ccv+' is given
-%%------ \setcjkcategory, etc.
+%% mode CCV cannot be newer than real CCV
+ \PackageError\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Bad mode-CCV option (ccv\number\pxkc@mccv) is given!\MessageBreak
+ The mode-CCV (\number\pxkc@mccv) is newer than
+ the real CCV (\number\pxkc@ccv)}
+ {I assume the mode-CCV equals the real CCV.\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc}
+ \let\pxkc@mccv\pxkc@ccv
%% \pxkc@kcatcode
- \chardef\pxkc@xa=#1\chardef\pxkc@xb=#2\relax
- \expandafter\pxkc@kcatcode@a\meaning\pxkc@xa\@nil}
- \pxkc@debug{\string\kcatcode"#2 set to \number\pxkc@xb}}
+ \kcatcode#1=#2\relax
+ \chardef\pxkc@tmpa=#1\relax
+ \expandafter\pxkc@kcatcode@a\meaning\pxkc@tmpa\pxkc@end}
+ \pxkc@debug{\string\kcatcode"#2 set to \number\kcatcode\pxkc@tmpa}}
%--------------------------------------- data tables
-%%%% table
+%% variables
+%\[pxkc@B@@<block>] : start codepoint of the block
+%\[pxkc@G@@<block>] : members of the group block
+%\[pxkc@C@@<category>] : kcatcode value of the category
+%% \pxkc@bslst
+%% \pxkc@bval{<min_ccv>}{<block>}{<ucs>}{<full_name>}
\def\pxkc@bval#1#2#3#4{% #4 is unused for now
\ifnum#1<\tw@ \pxkc@okfalse
- \@tempcnta=#3\relax \@tempcntb\@tempcnta \advance\@tempcntb\m@ne
- \pxkc@issameblock\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
+ \@tempcnta=#3\relax
+ \@tempcntb\@tempcnta \advance\@tempcntb\m@ne
+ \pxkc@is@same@block\@tempcnta\@tempcntb
\ifpxkc@ok \pxkc@debug{defunct: #2}%
- \@namedef{pxkc@B@@#2}{-1}% invalid
+ \@namedef{pxkc@B@@#2}{-1}% defunct
- \edef\pxkc@bslst{\pxkc@bslst\pxkc@sep#2}\def\pxkc@sep{,}%
+ \edef\pxkc@bslst{\pxkc@bslst,#2}%
+%% \pxkc@gval{<gblock>}{<block>,...}{<full_name>}
+%% \pxkc@cval{<category>}{<value>}
@@ -136,9 +221,8 @@
-%--------------------------------------- block tables
+%% Basic blocks
\pxkc@bval{1}{latn}{"0} {Basic Latin}
\pxkc@bval{1}{latn1}{"80} {Latin-1 Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{1}{latnA}{"100} {Latin Extended-A}
@@ -202,6 +286,7 @@
\pxkc@bval{2}{lepc}{"1C00} {Lepcha}
\pxkc@bval{2}{olck}{"1C50} {Ol Chiki}
\pxkc@bval{2}{cyrlC}{"1C80} {Cyrillic Extended-C}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{geor2}{"1C90} {Georgian Extended}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sund1}{"1CC0} {Sundanese Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym38}{"1CD0} {Vedic Extensions}
\pxkc@bval{1}{latn4}{"1D00} {Phonetic Extensions}
@@ -341,7 +426,13 @@
\pxkc@bval{2}{phlp}{"10B80} {Psalter Pahlavi}
\pxkc@bval{2}{orkh}{"10C00} {Old Turkic}
\pxkc@bval{2}{hung}{"10C80} {Old Hungarian}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{rohg}{"10D00} {Hanifi Rohingya}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym42}{"10E60} {Rumi Numeral Symbols}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{yezi}{"10E80} {Yezidi}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sogo}{"10F00} {Old Sogdian}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sogd}{"10F30} {Sogdian}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{chrs}{"10FB0} {Chorasmian}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{elym}{"10FE0} {Elymaic}
\pxkc@bval{2}{brah}{"11000} {Brahmi}
\pxkc@bval{2}{kthi}{"11080} {Kaithi}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sora}{"110D0} {Sora Sompeng}
@@ -360,41 +451,58 @@
\pxkc@bval{2}{mong1}{"11660} {Mongolian Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{2}{takr}{"11680} {Takri}
\pxkc@bval{2}{ahom}{"11700} {Ahom}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{dogr}{"11800} {Dogra}
\pxkc@bval{2}{wara}{"118A0} {Warang Citi}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{diak}{"11900} {Dives Akuru}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{nand}{"119A0} {Nandinagari}
\pxkc@bval{3}{zanb}{"11A00} {Zanabazar Square}
\pxkc@bval{3}{soyo}{"11A50} {Soyombo}
\pxkc@bval{2}{pauc}{"11AC0} {Pau Cin Hau}
\pxkc@bval{2}{bhks}{"11C00} {Bhaiksuki}
\pxkc@bval{2}{marc}{"11C70} {Marchen}
\pxkc@bval{3}{gonm}{"11D00} {Masaram Gondi}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{gong}{"11D60} {Gunjala Gondi}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{maka}{"11EE0} {Makasar}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{lisu1}{"11FB0} {Lisu Supplement}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{taml1}{"11FC0} {Tamil Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{1}{xsux}{"12000} {Cuneiform}
\pxkc@bval{1}{xsux1}{"12400} {Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation}
\pxkc@bval{2}{xsux2}{"12480} {Early Dynastic Cuneiform}
\pxkc@bval{2}{egyp}{"13000} {Egyptian Hieroglyphs}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{egyp1}{"13430} {Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls}
\pxkc@bval{2}{hluw}{"14400} {Anatolian Hieroglyphs}
\pxkc@bval{2}{bamu1}{"16800} {Bamum Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{2}{mroo}{"16A40} {Mro}
\pxkc@bval{2}{bass}{"16AD0} {Bassa Vah}
\pxkc@bval{2}{hmng}{"16B00} {Pahawh Hmong}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{medf}{"16E40} {Medefaidrin}
\pxkc@bval{2}{plrd}{"16F00} {Miao}
\pxkc@bval{2}{cjk14}{"16FE0} {Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation}
\pxkc@bval{2}{tang}{"17000} {Tangut}
\pxkc@bval{2}{tang1}{"18800} {Tangut Components}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{kits}{"18B00} {Khitan Small Script}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{tang2}{"18D00} {Tangut Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{2}{kana2}{"1B000} {Kana Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{3}{kanaA}{"1B100} {Kana Extended-A}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{kana3}{"1B130} {Small Kana Extension}
\pxkc@bval{3}{nshu}{"1B170} {Nushu}
\pxkc@bval{2}{dupl}{"1BC00} {Duployan}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym53}{"1BCA0} {Shorthand Format Controls}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym32}{"1D000} {Byzantine Musical Symbols}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym33}{"1D100} {Musical Symbols}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym34}{"1D200} {Ancient Greek Musical Notation}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym58}{"1D2E0} {Mayan Numerals}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym35}{"1D300} {Tai Xuan Jing Symbols}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym36}{"1D360} {Counting Rod Numerals}
\pxkc@bval{1}{sym37}{"1D400} {Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sgnw}{"1D800} {Sutton SignWriting}
\pxkc@bval{2}{glag1}{"1E000} {Glagolitic Supplement}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{hmnp}{"1E100} {Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{wcho}{"1E2C0} {Wancho}
\pxkc@bval{2}{mend}{"1E800} {Mende Kikakui}
\pxkc@bval{2}{adlm}{"1E900} {Adlam}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym59}{"1EC70} {Indic Siyaq Numbers}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym61}{"1ED00} {Ottoman Siyaq Numbers}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym51}{"1EE00} {Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym43}{"1F000} {Mahjong Tiles}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym44}{"1F030} {Domino Tiles}
@@ -409,17 +517,22 @@
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym55}{"1F780} {Geometric Shapes Extended}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym56}{"1F800} {Supplemental Arrows-C}
\pxkc@bval{2}{sym57}{"1F900} {Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym60}{"1FA00} {Chess Symbols}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym62}{"1FA70} {Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{sym63}{"1FB00} {Symbols for Legacy Computing}
\pxkc@bval{1}{haniB}{"20000} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B}
\pxkc@bval{2}{haniC}{"2A700} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C}
\pxkc@bval{2}{haniD}{"2B740} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D}
\pxkc@bval{2}{haniE}{"2B820} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E}
\pxkc@bval{3}{haniF}{"2CEB0} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F}
\pxkc@bval{1}{hani2}{"2F800} {CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement}
+\pxkc@bval{3}{haniG}{"30000} {CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G}
\pxkc@bval{1}{spc07}{"E0000} {Tags}
\pxkc@bval{1}{spc08}{"E0100} {Variation Selectors Supplement}
\pxkc@bval{1}{spc09}{"F0000} {Supplementary Private Use Area-A}
\pxkc@bval{1}{spc10}{"100000} {Supplementary Private Use Area-B}
+%% Block subdivisions
\ifnum\pxkc@ccv<2 \else
\pxkc@gval{cjk12}{cjk1a,cjk1b,cjk1c}{Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms}
\pxkc@bval{0}{cjk1a}{"FF01}{Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms/Other}
@@ -431,9 +544,16 @@
\pxkc@bval{0}{latnx}{"00A0}{Latin-1 Supplement/Other}
\pxkc@bval{0}{latny}{"00C0}{Latin-1 Supplement/Latin}
- %
+%% \pxkc@foreach@blocks
+ \noexpand\@for\noexpand\pxkc@blk:={\pxkc@bslst}}
+%% clean up
%--------------------------------------- public interfaces
@@ -442,75 +562,86 @@
% Here <block> is given as a block name or a single character in the
% block to be specified; <category> is given as a category name or
% a number ranged in 15--19.
- \bgroup\forcecjktoken\pxkc@cjkcategory@oa}
- \gdef\pxkc@nxt{\pxkc@cjkcategory@ob{#1}}%
- \egroup\pxkc@nxt}
- \ifnum2<1#2 \edef\pxkc@arg{#2}%
- \else\@ifundefined{pxkc@C@@#2}%
- {\pxkc@err@ivcsy{#2}\def\pxkc@arg{18}}%
- {\edef\pxkc@arg{\@nameuse{pxkc@C@@#2}}}\fi
+ \begingroup
+ \forcecjktoken
+ \expandafter\endgroup\pxkc@cjkcategory@}% read args
+ \ifnum2<1#2 % <category> is a number
+ \edef\pxkc@arg{#2}%
+ \else
+ \@ifundefined{pxkc@C@@#2}{%
+ \pxkc@err@ivcsy{#2}\def\pxkc@arg{18}%
+ }{%else
+ \edef\pxkc@arg{\@nameuse{pxkc@C@@#2}}%
+ }%
+ \fi
- \@for\pxkc@x:={#1}\do{%
- \expandafter\pxkc@cjkcategory@b\expandafter{\pxkc@x}}}
+ \@for\pxkc@blk:={#1}\do{%
+ \expandafter\pxkc@cjkcategory@b\expandafter{\pxkc@blk}}}
- \pxkc@chkchr{#1}\ifnum\pxkc@cc>\pxkc@la
- \pxkc@kcatcode{\pxkc@cc}{\pxkc@arg}%
+ \pxkc@get@cp{#1}\ifnum\pxkc@cp>"7F
+ \pxkc@kcatcode{\pxkc@cp}{\pxkc@arg}% FIXME: consider group
- \pxkc@cjkcategory@c{#1}%
+ \edef\pxkc@blk{#1}%
+ \pxkc@set@cjkcategory
- \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@grp{pxkc@G@@#1}%
- \ifx\pxkc@grp\relax
- \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@blk{pxkc@B@@#1}%
- \ifx\pxkc@blk\relax
- \pxkc@err@ivbsy{#1}%
- \else\ifnum\pxkc@blk<\z@
- \ifpxkc@warn@defunct \pxkc@warn@dfblk{#1}\fi
+%% \pxkc@set@cjkcategory
+% Sees \pxkc@blk and \pxkc@arg.
+ \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@tmpa{pxkc@G@@\pxkc@blk}%
+ \ifx\pxkc@tmpa\relax
+ \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@cp{pxkc@B@@\pxkc@blk}%
+ \ifx\pxkc@cp\relax
+ \pxkc@err@ivbsy{\pxkc@blk}%
+ \else\ifnum\pxkc@cp<\z@ % defunct
+ \ifpxkc@warn@defunct \pxkc@warn@dfblk{\pxkc@blk}\fi
- \pxkc@kcatcode{\pxkc@blk}{\pxkc@arg}%
+ \pxkc@kcatcode{\pxkc@cp}{\pxkc@arg}%
- \pxkc@expanded{\noexpand\pxkc@cjkcategory@a{\pxkc@grp}}%
+ \pxkc@expanded{\noexpand\pxkc@cjkcategory@a{\pxkc@tmpa}}%
%%<*> \pxkc@cjkcategory{<block>}{<kcatcode>}
-%%<*> \pxkc@cjkcategory@mccv{<mccv>}{<block>}{<kcatcode>}
-% Another entry point for internal use.
+%%<*> \pxkc@cjkcategory@mccv{<minmccv>}{<maxmccv>}{<block>}{<kcatcode>}
+% Other entry points for internal use.
- \edef\pxkc@arg{#2}%
- \pxkc@cjkcategory@c{#1}}
+ \def\pxkc@blk{#1}\edef\pxkc@arg{#2}%
+ \pxkc@set@cjkcategory}
\ifnum#1>\pxkc@mccv\else \ifnum#2<\pxkc@mccv\else
-%% \pxkc@chkchr{<arg>}
- \afterassignment\pxkc@chkchr@a\chardef\pxkc@cc=`#1?\relax}
+%% \pxkc@get@cp{<arg>}
+ \afterassignment\pxkc@get@cp@a\chardef\pxkc@cp=`#1?\pxkc@mk}
%%<*> \cjkcategorymode{<mode>}
% Invokes the cjk-category mode <mode>.
- \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@nxt{pxkc@M@@#1}%
- \ifx\pxkc@nxt\relax
- \pxkc@err@ivmsy
+ \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@next{pxkc@M@@#1}%
+ \ifx\pxkc@next\relax
+ \pxkc@err@ivmsy{#1}%
- \pxkc@nxt
+ \pxkc@next
%--------------------------------------- CJK category modes
-%% Invariant blocks
+%% variables
+%% \[pxkc@K@@<block>] : Invariant blocks
\def\do#1#2{\expandafter\chardef\csname pxkc@K@@#1\endcsname=#2 }
\do{latn} {15} % Basic Latin
\do{hang1} {19} % Hangul Jamo
\do{sym15} {18} % Enclosed Alphanumerics
@@ -546,8 +677,11 @@
\do{cjk14} {18} % Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation
\do{tang} {18} % Tangut
\do{tang1} {18} % Tangut Components
+\do{kits} {18} % Khitan Small Script
+\do{tang2} {18} % Tangut Supplement
\do{kana2} {17} % Kana Supplement
\do{kanaA} {17} % Kana Extended-A
+\do{kana3} {17} % Small Kana Extension
\do{nshu} {18} % Nushu
\do{sym45} {18} % Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement
\do{cjk13} {18} % Enclosed Ideographic Supplement
@@ -557,23 +691,24 @@
\do{haniE} {16} % CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E
\do{haniF} {16} % CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F
\do{hani2} {16} % CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
+\do{haniG} {16} % CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G
-%%%% cjkcategory modes
+%% \pxkc@reset@all{<kcatcode>}
- \pxkc@foreachblk\do{%
- \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@cat{pxkc@K@@\x}%
+ \pxkc@foreach@blocks\do{%
+ \pxkc@letcs\pxkc@cat{pxkc@K@@\pxkc@blk}%
\ifx\pxkc@cat\relax \let\pxkc@cat\pxkc@base@cat \fi
- \pxkc@kcatcode{\@nameuse{pxkc@B@@\x}}{\pxkc@cat}}%
+ \pxkc@kcatcode{\@nameuse{pxkc@B@@\pxkc@blk}}{\pxkc@cat}}%
%% 'forcecjk'
- \pxkc@resetcjkcat{18}%
+ \pxkc@reset@all{18}%
%% 'prefercjk'
@@ -627,7 +762,7 @@
%% 'prefernoncjk'
- \pxkc@resetcjkcat{15}%
+ \pxkc@reset@all{15}%
%% 'default'
@@ -637,64 +772,110 @@
-%%%% \showcjkcategory
- \pxkc@foreachblk\do{%
- \expandafter\ifx\csname pxkc@G@@\x\endcsname\relax
- \typeout{\x\space= \the\kcatcode\@nameuse{pxkc@B@@\x}}%
- \fi}}
+%--------------------------------------- miscellaneous accessories
-%%-------- \withcjktokendisabled, etc.
+%%<*> \showcjkcategory
+ \pxkc@foreach@blocks\do{%
+ \@ifundefined{pxkc@B@@\pxkc@blk}{}{%else
+ \typeout{\pxkc@blk\space= \the\kcatcode\@nameuse{pxkc@B@@\pxkc@blk}}%
+ }}}
-%% \pxkc@genprobe
+%--------------------------------------- get current cjktoken state
+%% variables
+\ifx\currentcjktoken\@undefined %<*!e-pTeX>
+%% \pxkc@make@probe
pxkc@@\string ^^e3\string ^^81\string ^^82%
\string ^^e3\string ^^82\string ^^a2\endcsname}}
-\bgroup \kcatcode"3040=15\kcatcode"30A0=18
- \disablecjktoken\pxkc@genprobe \global\let\pxkc@prb@d\pxkc@tmpa
- \enablecjktoken\pxkc@genprobe \global\let\pxkc@prb@e\pxkc@tmpa
- \forcecjktoken\pxkc@genprobe \global\let\pxkc@prb@f\pxkc@tmpa
-%% \pxkc@getcjktokmod\CS
- \bgroup \kcatcode"3040=15\kcatcode"30A0=18\pxkc@genprobe
+\begingroup \kcatcode"3040=15 \kcatcode"30A0=18
+ \disablecjktoken\pxkc@make@probe \global\let\pxkc@prb@d\pxkc@tmpa
+ \enablecjktoken\pxkc@make@probe \global\let\pxkc@prb@e\pxkc@tmpa
+ \forcecjktoken\pxkc@make@probe \global\let\pxkc@prb@f\pxkc@tmpa
+%% \pxkc@get@cjktoken@mode\CS
+ \begingroup
+ \kcatcode"3040=15 \kcatcode"30A0=18 \pxkc@make@probe
\ifx\pxkc@tmpa\pxkc@prb@d \global\chardef\pxkc@gtmpa\z@
\else\ifx\pxkc@tmpa\pxkc@prb@e \global\chardef\pxkc@gtmpa\@ne
\else\ifx\pxkc@tmpa\pxkc@prb@f \global\chardef\pxkc@gtmpa\tw@
- \else \global\let\pxkc@gtmpa\m@ne \fi\fi\fi
- \egroup \let#1\pxkc@gtmpa}
+ \else \global\chardef\pxkc@gtmpa\@cclv
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \endgroup
+ \let#1\pxkc@gtmpa}
+% The method does not work on new upTeX, but running LaTeX
+% on new upTeX without e-TeX is highly improbable....
+ \def\pxkc@get@cjktoken@mode#1{%
+ \chardef#1\@cclv} % always fail
+\else %<*e-pTeX>
+ \chardef#1\ifcase\currentcjktoken
+ \@ne \or \z@ \or \tw@ \or \@cclv
+ \fi}
+\fi %</e-pTeX>
-%%<+> \getcjktokenmode
+%%<*> \getcjktokenmode
% Returns the value showing current mode to \thecjktokenmode
% 0: \disablecjktoken
% 1: \enablecjktoken
% 2: \forcecjktoken
-%%<*> \setcjktokenmode{<val>}
- \ifcase#1\disablecjktoken\or\enablecjktoken\or\forcecjktoken\fi}
+% 255: failure
+ \pxkc@get@cjktoken@mode\thecjktokenmode}
+%%<*> \setcjktokenmode{<value>}
+ \ifcase#1\disablecjktoken
+ \or \enablecjktoken
+ \or \forcecjktoken
+ \fi}
%%<*> \withcjktokendisabled, etc.
- \pxkc@getcjktokmod\pxkc@tokmod #1\pxkc@withcjktokmod@a}
- #1{#2}\pxkc@setcjktokmod\pxkc@tokmod}
-%%------ initial setup
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\disablecjktoken\@iden}
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\enablecjktoken\@iden}
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\forcecjktoken\@iden}
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\disablecjktoken}
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\enablecjktoken}
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode\forcecjktoken}
+ \pxkc@get@cjktoken@mode\pxkc@ctmode
+ \ifnum\pxkc@ctmode=\@cclv \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode@b \fi
+ #1%
+ \pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode@a}
+ #1{#2}%
+ \setcjktokenmode\pxkc@ctmode}
+ \global\let\pxkc@with@cjktoken@mode@b\relax
+ \PackageWarning\pxkc@pkgname
+ {Failed in getting current cjktoken mode,\MessageBreak
+ reported}}
+%--------------------------------------- initial setup
+ \cjkcategorymode{\pxkc@ccmode@opt}
-%%------ all done
+%--------------------------------------- all done
%% EOF
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.tex
index cb63c6ff79..4173f25a44 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/pxcjkcat/pxcjkcat.tex
@@ -1,20 +1,26 @@
% upLaTeX 文書; 文字コードは UTF-8
+ pdftitle={pxcjkcatパッケージ},
+ pdfauthor={八登崇之}}
\newcommand{\Note}{\par\noindent ※}
@@ -22,10 +28,6 @@
\title{\Pkg{pxcjkcat} パッケージ}
@@ -52,19 +54,30 @@
-\item |ccv1|\Means
- 「モードCCV」を1({\upTeX} v0.11~0.28と互換)とする。
-\item |ccv2|\Means
- 「モードCCV」を2({\upTeX} v0.29~1.22と互換)とする。
-\item |ccv3|\Means
- 「モードCCV」を3({\upTeX} v1.23以降と互換)とする。
-\item |ccv+|\Means
- 「モードCCV」をエンジンの実のCCVと一致させる。
- \Note 「モードCCV」については\ref{sec:CCV}節を参照。
-\item |\cjkcategorymode| \strong{命令で有効なモード値}\Means
+\item \strong{モードCCV指定}\Means
+ \<「モードCCV」の値を指定するオプション。
+ \Note モードCCVについては\ref{sec:CCV}節を参照。
+ \Note モードCCVの既定値は1であり、
+ これは極めて古い版と互換にすることを意味する。
+ モード設定(|prefernoncjk|等)を利用する場合には、
+ 適切なモードCCVのオプションを指定するのが望ましい。
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |ccv1|\Means
+ モードCCVを1({\upTeX} v0.11~0.28と互換)とする。
+ \strong{既定値。}
+ \item |ccv2|\Means
+ モードCCVを2({\upTeX} v0.29~1.22と互換)とする。
+ \item |ccv3|\Means
+ モードCCVを3({\upTeX} v1.23以降と互換)とする。
+ \item |real|または|ccv+|\Means
+ モードCCVをエンジンの実のCCVと一致させる。
+ \end{itemize}
+\item |\cjkcategorymode|\strong{命令で有効なモード値}\Means
\Note モード値オプションが非指定の場合は、パッケージ読込時に
+\item |nomode|\Means
+ モード値オプションの効果を打ち消す。
@@ -82,6 +95,8 @@
%\item ブロック名
\item 非ASCII文字1つ\Means
+ \Note 文字による指定は「{\upTeX}の版によるブロック分割の差異」に
+ 影響されることに注意。
%\item 整数値\Means
% その符号位置の属するブロックを指す。
@@ -98,6 +113,7 @@
+ \Note モードCCVの指定は|\cjkcategory|の動作には影響を与えない。
\item |\cjkcategorymode{|\Meta{モード}|}|\Means
@@ -108,15 +124,17 @@
\item |forcecjk|\Means
- (|noncjk| 以外)とする。
+ (|noncjk|以外)とする。
\item |default|\Means
- \Note モードCCVが2以下の場合は |forcecjk| と同一の設定になる。
- \Note モードCCVがエンジンの実のCCVと一致する場合
- (|ccv+| オプション指定の場合を含む)は、
- エンジンの既定の設定と一致する。
+ \Note モードCCVが2以下の場合は|forcecjk|と同一の設定になる。
+ %\Note モードCCVがエンジンの実のCCVと一致する場合は、
+ % エンジンの既定の設定と一致する。
+ \Note モードCCVが3の場合の\strong{仕様は未確定}である。
+ 現状の動作は「v1.23の既定設定と一致させる」となっているが、
+ この動作は\strong{将来変更される可能性がある}。
\item |prefercjk|\Means
@@ -124,7 +142,7 @@
\item |prefercjkvar|\Means
- |prefercjk| において、ギリシャ・キリル文字の
+ |prefercjk|において、ギリシャ・キリル文字の
\item |japanese|\Means
@@ -132,7 +150,7 @@
\item |japanesevar|\Means
- |japanese| において、ギリシャ・キリル文字の
+ |japanese|において、ギリシャ・キリル文字の
\item |prefernoncjk|\Means
@@ -141,13 +159,13 @@
- \item 漢字・部首・注音字母\Means |kanji| に設定。
- \item ひらがな・カタカナ\Means |kana| に設定。
+ \item 漢字・部首・注音字母\Means |kanji|に設定。
+ \item ひらがな・カタカナ\Means |kana|に設定。
\item CJK記号の一部・全角半角互換形・彝文字
- ・西夏文字・女書文字\Means |cjk| に設定
- \footnote{モードCCVが2の場合、|cjk12| の再分割の
- 中の |cjk1b|、|cjk1c| は |kana| に変更される。}。
- \item ハングル完成形・ハングル字母\Means |hangul| に設定。
+ ・西夏文字・女書文字・契丹文字\Means |cjk|に設定。
+ \Note モードCCVが2以上の場合、|cjk12|の再分割の|cjk1b|、
+ |cjk1c|は|kana|に設定される。
+ \item ハングル完成形・ハングル字母\Means |hangul|に設定。
\Note 各モードでの具体的な設定値については\ref{sec:Values}節を参照。
@@ -157,6 +175,14 @@
+\noindent \strong{注意}\Means
@@ -236,18 +262,19 @@
-この表の「ブロックID」の欄が、|\cjkcategory| 命令で指定する
- 先述の通り、エンジンの改版でブロックが(分割変更でなく)
- 新規追加された場合には以前のCCVの値を引き継ぐ。
- このため、サポート範囲が「2」のブロックは、
- モードCCVが2であっても“実際には使えない”可能性がある。
- (モードCCVが3以上なら必ず使えて、1なら必ず使えない。)
- “実際には使えない”ブロックに設定を試みた場合は、
- 警告が出て設定が無視される。}
+% 先述の通り、エンジンの改版でブロックが(分割変更でなく)
+% 新規追加された場合には以前のCCVの値を引き継ぐ。
+% このため、サポート範囲が「2」のブロックは、
+% モードCCVが2であっても“実際には使えない”可能性がある。
+% (モードCCVが3以上なら必ず使えて、1なら必ず使えない。)
+% “実際には使えない”ブロックに設定を試みた場合は、
+% 警告が出て設定が無視される。}
@@ -258,9 +285,8 @@
-\xI{latn} \xV{1} \xR {0000} {007F} \xN{Basic Latin}\par
\xI{latn} \xV{1} \xR {0000} {007F} \xN{Basic Latin}\par
\xI{latn1} \xV{1} \xR {0080} {00FF} \xN{Latin-1 Supplement}\par
@@ -325,6 +351,7 @@
\xI{lepc} \xV{2} \xR {1C00} {1C4F} \xN{Lepcha}\par
\xI{olck} \xV{2} \xR {1C50} {1C7F} \xN{Ol Chiki}\par
\xI{cyrlC} \xV{2} \xR {1C80} {1C8F} \xN{Cyrillic Extended-C}\par
+\xI{geor2} \xV{3} \xR {1C90} {1CBF} \xN{Georgian Extended}\par
\xI{sund1} \xV{2} \xR {1CC0} {1CCF} \xN{Sundanese Supplement}\par
\xI{sym38} \xV{2} \xR {1CD0} {1CFF} \xN{Vedic Extensions}\par
\xI{latn4} \xV{1} \xR {1D00} {1D7F} \xN{Phonetic Extensions}\par
@@ -464,7 +491,13 @@
\xI{phlp} \xV{2} \xR {10B80} {10BAF} \xN{Psalter Pahlavi}\par
\xI{orkh} \xV{2} \xR {10C00} {10C4F} \xN{Old Turkic}\par
\xI{hung} \xV{2} \xR {10C80} {10CFF} \xN{Old Hungarian}\par
+\xI{rohg} \xV{3} \xR {10D00} {10D3F} \xN{Hanifi Rohingya}\par
\xI{sym42} \xV{2} \xR {10E60} {10E7F} \xN{Rumi Numeral Symbols}\par
+\xI{yezi} \xV{3} \xR {10E80} {10EBF} \xN{Yezidi}\par
+\xI{sogo} \xV{3} \xR {10F00} {10F2F} \xN{Old Sogdian}\par
+\xI{sogd} \xV{3} \xR {10F30} {10F6F} \xN{Sogdian}\par
+\xI{chrs} \xV{3} \xR {10FB0} {10FDF} \xN{Chorasmian}\par
+\xI{elym} \xV{3} \xR {10FE0} {10FFF} \xN{Elymaic}\par
\xI{brah} \xV{2} \xR {11000} {1107F} \xN{Brahmi}\par
\xI{kthi} \xV{2} \xR {11080} {110CF} \xN{Kaithi}\par
\xI{sora} \xV{2} \xR {110D0} {110FF} \xN{Sora Sompeng}\par
@@ -482,42 +515,59 @@
\xI{modi} \xV{2} \xR {11600} {1165F} \xN{Modi}\par
\xI{mong1} \xV{2} \xR {11660} {1167F} \xN{Mongolian Supplement}\par
\xI{takr} \xV{2} \xR {11680} {116CF} \xN{Takri}\par
-\xI{ahom} \xV{2} \xR {11700} {1173F} \xN{Ahom}\par
+\xI{ahom} \xV{2} \xR {11700} {1174F} \xN{Ahom}\par
+\xI{dogr} \xV{3} \xR {11800} {1184F} \xN{Dogra}\par
\xI{wara} \xV{2} \xR {118A0} {118FF} \xN{Warang Citi}\par
+\xI{diak} \xV{3} \xR {11900} {1195F} \xN{Dives Akuru}\par
+\xI{nand} \xV{3} \xR {119A0} {119FF} \xN{Nandinagari}\par
\xI{zanb} \xV{3} \xR {11A00} {11A4F} \xN{Zanabazar Square}\par
\xI{soyo} \xV{3} \xR {11A50} {11AAF} \xN{Soyombo}\par
\xI{pauc} \xV{2} \xR {11AC0} {11AFF} \xN{Pau Cin Hau}\par
\xI{bhks} \xV{2} \xR {11C00} {11C6F} \xN{Bhaiksuki}\par
\xI{marc} \xV{2} \xR {11C70} {11CBF} \xN{Marchen}\par
\xI{gonm} \xV{3} \xR {11D00} {11D5F} \xN{Masaram Gondi}\par
+\xI{gong} \xV{3} \xR {11D60} {11DAF} \xN{Gunjala Gondi}\par
+\xI{maka} \xV{3} \xR {11EE0} {11EFF} \xN{Makasar}\par
+\xI{lisu1} \xV{3} \xR {11FB0} {11FBF} \xN{Lisu Supplement}\par
+\xI{taml1} \xV{3} \xR {11FC0} {11FFF} \xN{Tamil Supplement}\par
\xI{xsux} \xV{1} \xR {12000} {123FF} \xN{Cuneiform}\par
\xI{xsux1} \xV{1} \xR {12400} {1247F} \xN{Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation}\par
\xI{xsux2} \xV{2} \xR {12480} {1254F} \xN{Early Dynastic Cuneiform}\par
\xI{egyp} \xV{2} \xR {13000} {1342F} \xN{Egyptian Hieroglyphs}\par
+\xI{egyp1} \xV{3} \xR {13430} {1343F} \xN{Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls}\par
\xI{hluw} \xV{2} \xR {14400} {1467F} \xN{Anatolian Hieroglyphs}\par
\xI{bamu1} \xV{2} \xR {16800} {16A3F} \xN{Bamum Supplement}\par
\xI{mroo} \xV{2} \xR {16A40} {16A6F} \xN{Mro}\par
\xI{bass} \xV{2} \xR {16AD0} {16AFF} \xN{Bassa Vah}\par
\xI{hmng} \xV{2} \xR {16B00} {16B8F} \xN{Pahawh Hmong}\par
+\xI{medf} \xV{3} \xR {16E40} {16E9F} \xN{Medefaidrin}\par
\xI{plrd} \xV{2} \xR {16F00} {16F9F} \xN{Miao}\par
\xI{cjk14} \xV{2} \xR {16FE0} {16FFF} \xN{Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation}\par
\xI{tang} \xV{2} \xR {17000} {187FF} \xN{Tangut}\par
\xI{tang1} \xV{2} \xR {18800} {18AFF} \xN{Tangut Components}\par
+\xI{kits} \xV{3} \xR {18B00} {18CFF} \xN{Khitan Small Script}\par
+\xI{tang2} \xV{3} \xR {18D00} {18D7F} \xN{Tangut Supplement}\par
\xI{kana2} \xV{2} \xR {1B000} {1B0FF} \xN{Kana Supplement}\par
\xI{kanaA} \xV{3} \xR {1B100} {1B12F} \xN{Kana Extended-A}\par
+\xI{kana3} \xV{3} \xR {1B130} {1B16F} \xN{Small Kana Extension}\par
\xI{nshu} \xV{3} \xR {1B170} {1B2FF} \xN{Nushu}\par
\xI{dupl} \xV{2} \xR {1BC00} {1BC9F} \xN{Duployan}\par
\xI{sym53} \xV{2} \xR {1BCA0} {1BCAF} \xN{Shorthand Format Controls}\par
\xI{sym32} \xV{1} \xR {1D000} {1D0FF} \xN{Byzantine Musical Symbols}\par
\xI{sym33} \xV{1} \xR {1D100} {1D1FF} \xN{Musical Symbols}\par
\xI{sym34} \xV{1} \xR {1D200} {1D24F} \xN{Ancient Greek Musical Notation}\par
+\xI{sym58} \xV{3} \xR {1D2E0} {1D2FF} \xN{Mayan Numerals}\par
\xI{sym35} \xV{1} \xR {1D300} {1D35F} \xN{Tai Xuan Jing Symbols}\par
\xI{sym36} \xV{1} \xR {1D360} {1D37F} \xN{Counting Rod Numerals}\par
\xI{sym37} \xV{1} \xR {1D400} {1D7FF} \xN{Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols}\par
\xI{sgnw} \xV{2} \xR {1D800} {1DAAF} \xN{Sutton SignWriting}\par
\xI{glag1} \xV{2} \xR {1E000} {1E02F} \xN{Glagolitic Supplement}\par
+\xI{hmnp} \xV{3} \xR {1E100} {1E14F} \xN{Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong}\par
+\xI{wcho} \xV{3} \xR {1E2C0} {1E2FF} \xN{Wancho}\par
\xI{mend} \xV{2} \xR {1E800} {1E8DF} \xN{Mende Kikakui}\par
\xI{adlm} \xV{2} \xR {1E900} {1E95F} \xN{Adlam}\par
+\xI{sym59} \xV{3} \xR {1EC70} {1ECBF} \xN{Indic Siyaq Numbers}\par
+\xI{sym61} \xV{3} \xR {1ED00} {1ED4F} \xN{Ottoman Siyaq Numbers}\par
\xI{sym51} \xV{2} \xR {1EE00} {1EEFF} \xN{Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols}\par
\xI{sym43} \xV{2} \xR {1F000} {1F02F} \xN{Mahjong Tiles}\par
\xI{sym44} \xV{2} \xR {1F030} {1F09F} \xN{Domino Tiles}\par
@@ -532,12 +582,16 @@
\xI{sym55} \xV{2} \xR {1F780} {1F7FF} \xN{Geometric Shapes Extended}\par
\xI{sym56} \xV{2} \xR {1F800} {1F8FF} \xN{Supplemental Arrows-C}\par
\xI{sym57} \xV{2} \xR {1F900} {1F9FF} \xN{Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs}\par
+\xI{sym60} \xV{3} \xR {1FA00} {1FA6F} \xN{Chess Symbols}\par
+\xI{sym62} \xV{3} \xR {1FA70} {1FAFF} \xN{Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A}\par
+\xI{sym63} \xV{3} \xR {1FB00} {1FBFF} \xN{Symbols for Legacy Computing}\par
\xI{haniB} \xV{1} \xR {20000} {2A6DF} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B}\par
\xI{haniC} \xV{2} \xR {2A700} {2B73F} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C}\par
\xI{haniD} \xV{2} \xR {2B740} {2B81F} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D}\par
\xI{haniE} \xV{2} \xR {2B820} {2CEAF} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E}\par
\xI{haniF} \xV{3} \xR {2CEB0} {2EBEF} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F}\par
\xI{hani2} \xV{1} \xR {2F800} {2FA1F} \xN{CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement}\par
+\xI{haniG} \xV{3} \xR {30000} {3134F} \xN{CJK Unified Ideographs Extension G}\par
\xI{spc07} \xV{1} \xR {E0000} {E007F} \xN{Tags}\par
\xI{spc08} \xV{1} \xR {E0100} {E01EF} \xN{Variation Selectors Supplement}\par
\xI{spc09} \xV{1} \xR {F0000} {FFFFF} \xN{Supplementary Private Use Area-A}\par
@@ -575,7 +629,7 @@ CCV~1ではUnicodeブロックの再分割が存在しないので、
-\item 前掲の通常ブロックの表で「CCV」欄が「1」の
+\item 前掲の通常ブロックの表で「CCV」欄が1の
@@ -633,7 +687,7 @@ CCV~3では |latn1|“Latin-1 Supplement”のブロックが
-\item 前掲の通常ブロックの表で「CCV」欄が2以下のブロック全て。
+\item 前掲の通常ブロックの表にあるブロック全て。
\Note |cjk12|、|latn1| のブロックも使用可能。
\item |cjk12| の下位ブロック\Means
|cjk1a|、|cjk1b|、|cjk1c| の3つ。
@@ -645,7 +699,7 @@ CCV~3では |latn1|“Latin-1 Supplement”のブロックが
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/
index 2a3f9bdbc4..ae677ca311 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# Changelog
-## [Unreleased](
+## [Unreleased](
+## [v0.3.1]( (2022-05-28)
+### Added
+- "`zref-clever` for the impatient" section to User manual.
## [v0.3.0]( (2022-04-22)
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever-code.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever-code.pdf
index de4ac178cf..ae52fa41e2 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever-code.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever-code.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.dtx
index 79eb3dd285..e0d04a1264 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.dtx
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.dtx
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
% Identify the package.
% \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesExplPackage {zref-clever} {2022-04-22} {0.3.0}
+\ProvidesExplPackage {zref-clever} {2022-05-28} {0.3.1}
{Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref}
% \end{macrocode}
@@ -7979,8 +7979,10 @@
% actually responsible for setting the labels inside \pkg{amsmath}'s math
% environments. And, after that, redefine it to be \cs{@@_ltxlabel:n}
% instead. We must handle \pkg{hyperref} here, which comes very late in the
-% preamble, and which loads \pkg{nameref} at \texttt{begindocument}, which in
-% turn, lets \cs{ltx@label} be \cs{label}. This has to come after
+% preamble, and which loads \pkg{nameref} at \texttt{begindocument} (though
+% this has changed recently 2022-05-16, see
+% \url{}),
+% which in turn, lets \cs{ltx@label} be \cs{label}. This has to come after
% \pkg{nameref}. Other classes packages also redefine \cs{ltx@label}, which
% may cause some trouble. A \texttt{grep} on \texttt{texmf-dist} returns hits
% for: \file{thm-restate.sty}, \file{smartref.sty}, \file{jmlrbook.cls},
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.pdf
index 213e51bf6b..5a6aadba29 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.pdf
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.tex
index ee00821c16..2ebf1b6739 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/zref-clever/zref-clever.tex
@@ -300,6 +300,74 @@ priority over backward compatibility. So, if you choose to use this package,
you should be ready to accommodate to eventual upstream changes.
+\section{\pkg{zref-clever} for the impatient}
+\pkg{zref-clever} is based on \pkg{zref}'s referencing system which, though
+independent of the standard one, is very similar to it in its user interface.
+Indeed, to use \pkg{zref}, instead of setting a \cs{label} and making a
+\cs{ref}, one would set a \cs{zlabel} and make \cs{zref}s to it, in pretty
+much the same way as for the standard system. \pkg{zref-clever} introduces
+the more featureful \cs{zcref} for making references, but relies on
+\pkg{zref}'s \cs{zlabel} for label setting.
+A basic document using \pkg{zref-clever} is shown in \zcref{how:basic} which,
+despite the small necessary adjustments, should feel very familiar to any
+\LaTeX{} user acquainted with the standard referencing system:
+\begin{zchowto}[caption={Basic usage},label={how:basic}]
+\section{Section 1}
+ A figure.
+ \caption{Figure 1}
+ \zlabel{fig:figure-1}
+A reference to \zcref{sec:section-1}. \zcref[S]{fig:figure-1} shows some
+interesting information.
+A page reference can be done with either \zcpageref{sec:section-1} or with
+A reference can also be made to multiple labels, as in \zcref{sec:section-1,
+ fig:figure-1}.
+The references in the document of \zcref{how:basic} illustrate one of the main
+features of \pkg{zref-clever}, which is to include an appropriate ``type
+name'' of the reference, alongside of the reference itself. The document
+renders its references as:
+ A reference to section 1. Figure 1 shows some interesting information. A
+ page reference can be done with either page 1 or with page 1. A reference
+ can also be made to multiple labels, as in section 1 and figure 1.
+\zcref[S]{how:basic} also illustrates the use the optional argument of
+\cs{zcref} to modulate the behavior of the reference. In particular, the
+\opt{S} option is one you should get acquainted with from the start, as it
+ensures that the type name of a reference is properly capitalized and not
+abbreviated, and it is meant to be used in references made at the beginning of
+a sentence.
+But \pkg{zref-clever} is highly customizable, and several other options exist,
+and multiple places where you can set them:
+\item The optional argument of \cs{zcref}: for individual references.
+\item \cs{zcsetup}: for settings meant to affect all references.
+\item \cs{zcRefTypeSetup}: to customize the behavior of each reference type.
+\item \cs{zcLanguageSetup}: for language-specific settings.
+For the list of available options, and for these different scopes in which
+they can be used, see \zcref{sec:user-interface, sec:options,
+ sec:reference-format, sec:internationalization}. Other usage examples are
+available at \zcref{sec:how-tos}.
\section{Loading the package}
@@ -1520,6 +1588,7 @@ it's up to you.
This section gathers some usage examples, or ``how-tos'', of cases which may
require some \pkg{zref-clever} setup, or usage adjustments, and each item is
@@ -2185,16 +2254,17 @@ use of \pkg{zref}'s \cs{zlabel} and thus of \pkg{zref-clever} may occasionally
require some adjustments, since it does not enjoy the universal support the
standard referencing system does. The compatibility modules presented in
\zcref{sec:comp-modules} go a long way in ensuring the user has to worry very
-little about it, but they cannot hopefully go all the way. Not only because
-this kind of support will never be exhaustive, but also since, sometimes,
-given the way certain features are implemented by packages or document
-classes, there may not be a reasonable way to provide this support, from our
-side. But, still, most of the time, it is still ``viable'' to get there, if
-one really wishes to do so. So, this section keeps track of some known
-recipes, which I don't think belong in \pkg{zref-clever} itself, but which you
-may choose to use. Note that this list is intended to spare users from having
-to reinvent the wheel every time someone needs something of the sort, but from
-\pkg{zref-clever}'s perspective, their status is ``not supported''.
+little about it, but they cannot be expected to go all the way. Not only
+because this kind of support will never be exhaustive, but also since,
+sometimes, given the way certain features are implemented by packages or
+document classes, there may not be a reasonable way to provide this support,
+from our side. But, still, most of the time, it is still ``viable'' to get
+there, if one really wishes to do so. So, this section keeps track of some
+known recipes, which I don't think belong in \pkg{zref-clever} itself, but
+which you may choose to use. Note that this list is intended to spare users
+from having to reinvent the wheel every time someone needs something of the
+sort, but from \pkg{zref-clever}'s perspective, their status is ``not