path: root/language/tibetan/original
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /language/tibetan/original
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'language/tibetan/original')
-rw-r--r--language/tibetan/original/300dpi/tib.pkbin0 -> 16016 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/tibetan/original/300dpi/tibsp.pkbin0 -> 3116 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/tibetan/original/tfm/tib.tfmbin0 -> 860 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/tibetan/original/tfm/tibsp.tfmbin0 -> 840 bytes
26 files changed, 4758 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/ b/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe17501bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/ b/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96c515ab29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/300dpi/
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/copying b/language/tibetan/original/copying
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9285110205
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/copying
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/doc/ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2801f7fcbb
--- /dev/null
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+(etan)g(mo)q(de)e(only)m(.)22 b(The)16 b(t)o(w)o(o)f(c)o(har-)262
+448 y(acters)k(\045\045)e(m)o(ust)p 473 455 90 2 v 16 w(precede)j(text)f
+(arser.)262 498 y(They)c(e\013ect)h(a)f(fon)o(t)f(c)o(hange)h(in)o(to)f(Tib)q
+548 y(ing)e(to)h(Tib)q(etan)g(rules,)h(and)f(allo)o(w)e(con)o(trol)i(o)o(v)o
+598 y(describ)q(ed)j(here.)23 b(A)o(t)16 b(the)f(end)h(of)f(Tib)q(etan)g
+(text,)h(these)h(t)o(w)o(o)e(c)o(haracters)i(m)o(ust)p 1466
+605 V 14 w(app)q(ear)262 648 y(again.)f(L)399 643 y Ff(a)418
+648 y Fg(T)441 660 y(E)464 648 y(X)e(exp)q(ects)h(white)e(space)h(to)f
+697 y(acters.)262 772 y(The)g(follo)o(wing)c(c)o(haracters)15
+(P)o(arser)262 822 y(and)h(fon)o(t:)262 913 y Fe(/)35 b Fg({)14
+b(the)h(Tib)q(etan)f Fd(shad)p Fg(:)20 b Fc(s)f Fg(As)c(man)o(y)e(of)h(these)
+i(ma)o(y)c(b)q(e)j(used)h(as)e(desired.)21 b(The)365 993 y(last)14
+(space.)262 1086 y Fe(!)34 b Fg({)13 b(the)i(Tib)q(etan)f Fd(tshe)n(g)g(shad)
+p Fg(:)19 b Fc(y)-136 b Fg(Only)13 b(one)h(of)g(these)h(ma)o(y)d(b)q(e)i
+(used)h(at)f(the)g(end)365 1166 y(of)g(a)f(clause.)19 b(It)14
+b(e\013ects)i(the)e(same)f(long)g(space)i(as)f(the)g Fd(shad)p
+Fg(.)262 1259 y Fe(,)34 b Fg({)14 b(inserts)h(a)f Fd(tshe)n(g)g
+Fb(h)g Fc(r)-78 b Fb(i)14 b Fg(in)o(to)f(the)h(text.)19 b(The)14
+b Fb(h)g Fc(r)-78 b Fb(i)15 b Fg(is)e(automatically)e(inserted)k(at)f(the)365
+1358 y(end)f(of)e(w)o(ords)g(of)h(Tib)q(etan)f(text.)18 b(The)12
+b(`,')f(is)h(useful)f(for)h(inserting)f(a)h Fb(h)g Fc(r)-81
+b Fb(i)12 b Fg(follo)o(wing)365 1456 y Fa(\003)-288 b Fg(at)13
+b(the)i(end)f(of)g(a)f(clause:)33 b Fa(\012)-354 b(\003)-302
+b Fc(r)-92 b(s)262 1588 y Fe(#)34 b Fg({)13 b(defeats)h(the)h(automatic)c(w)o
+(ord)j(mark)o(er)e Fb(h)i Fc(r)-78 b Fb(i)14 b Fg(at)f(the)h(end)g(of)f(a)h
+(w)o(ord.)j(It)d(is)f(useful)365 1687 y(for)f(Tib)q(etan)h(n)o(um)o(b)q(ers)f
+(in)g(text)i Fb(h)e Fc(\001)-197 b(\002)-210 b(\003)-232 b(\004)-444
+b Fb(i)12 b Fg(and)h(pro)q(ducing)f(isolated)g(c)o(haracters.)262
+1819 y Fb(j)32 b Fg({)11 b(pro)q(duces)j(a)d(long)g(space)i(without)f(the)g
+Fd(shad)p Fg(.)18 b(It)12 b(is)g(useful)g(where)h Fa(\002)-410
+b Fg(ends)13 b(a)e(clause:)365 1917 y Fa(\026)-415 b(\012)415
+1944 y Fc({)453 1917 y Fa(\002)-266 b Fd(Shad)17 b Fg(c)o(haracters)g(ma)o(y)
+2020 y(next)g(w)o(ord)e(using)h(`/':)31 b Fc(s)-106 b Fa(l)-389
+b(\031)-394 b Fc(r)872 1993 y(})881 2020 y Fa(\014)-375 b Fc(r)262
+2152 y Fb(n)15 b Fe(sw)o(asti)20 b Fg({)13 b(pro)q(duces)j
+Fc(t)262 2273 y Fg(The)d(normal)e(w)o(a)o(y)i(of)g(marking)e(paragraphs)i(in)
+g(L)1052 2268 y Ff(a)1071 2273 y Fg(T)1094 2286 y(E)1117 2273
+y(X)h(is)f(to)g(double)g(space.)19 b(The)14 b(e\013ect)262
+2323 y(of)h(this)g(in)g(the)i(Tib)q(etan)e(mo)q(de)g(is)g(to)h(terminate)f(a)
+g(line)g(and)h(b)q(egin)f(a)h(new)g(line.)23 b(This)262 2373
+y(pro)q(duces)15 b(a)f(ragged)f(righ)o(t)h(and)g(is)f(useful)h(for)g(making)d
+(lists)j(in)g(Tib)q(etan.)967 2574 y(1)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/doc/instruct.tex b/language/tibetan/original/doc/instruct.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e7fdf25b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/instruct.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+\font\tibetan=tib\font\tibsp=tibsp \documentstyle{article}
+{\large\bf Using the Tibetan Font with \LaTeX}
+\LaTeX \ commands are available outside the Tibetan mode only.
+The two characters \%\%\ \underline{must} precede
+text that is to be processed by the Tibetan Parser. They effect a font
+change into Tibetan, begin spacing and punctuation according to Tibetan
+rules, and allow control over output using the special characters
+described here. At the end of Tibetan text, these two characters
+\underline{must} appear again. \LaTeX \ expects white space to
+precede and follow these font change characters.
+The following characters are embedded in the text to access
+the Tibetan Parser and font:
+\item[/] \hspace{\parindent} -- the Tibetan {\em shad}: \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\egroup As
+many of these may be used as desired. The last one followed by white
+space produces a long space.
+\item[!] \hspace{\parindent} -- the Tibetan {\em tsheg shad}: \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\filler\tibsp\char121\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+Only one of these may be used at the end of a clause. It effects the
+same long space as the {\em shad}.
+\item[,] \hspace{\parindent} -- inserts a {\em tsheg} $\langle$ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char114\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+$\rangle$ into the text. The $\langle$ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char114\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup $\rangle$ is
+automatically inserted at the end of words of Tibetan text. The `,' is
+useful for inserting a $\langle$ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char114\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup $\rangle$ following \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char3\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+at the end of a clause: \ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char10\char3\tibsp\char114\tibetan%
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\item[\#] \hspace{\parindent} -- defeats the automatic word marker
+$\langle$ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char114\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup $\rangle$ at the end of a word. It is useful for
+Tibetan numbers in text $\langle$ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char1\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup $\rangle$ and producing
+isolated characters.
+\item[$\mid$] \hspace{\parindent} -- produces a long space without the
+{\em shad}. It is useful where \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char2\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup ends a clause: \ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char22\u{\char10}\char2\filler\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+{\em Shad} characters may be inserted at the beginning of
+the next word using `/': \ \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char115\tibetan\char108\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\item[$\backslash$ swasti] -- produces \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char116\tibetan%
+\filler\tenrm\ \tibetan
+The normal way of marking paragraphs in \LaTeX \ is to double space. The
+effect of this in the Tibetan mode is to terminate a line and begin a
+new line. This produces a ragged right and is useful for making lists
+in Tibetan. \end{document}
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/doc/sample.tex b/language/tibetan/original/doc/sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1231e97da6
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+++ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+\font\tibetan=tib\font\tibsp=tibsp \documentstyle{article}
+{\large The Story of {\it Yug-pa-\`{c}an} the Brahman}
+\bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\char116\tibetan%
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\u{\char23}\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char96\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char21\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char85\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\u{\char10}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char56\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char24\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\u{\char14}\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char13\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char21\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char14\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char15\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char10\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char25\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char34\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char8\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char7\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char113\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char88\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char10\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char27\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char10\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char21\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char21\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char56\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char82\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char82\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char8\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char53\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\char20\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char27\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char56\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char24\tibsp\char115\tibetan\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char10\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char21\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char21\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char25\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char9\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char85\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char61\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char81\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char8\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char3\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char102\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char14\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char82\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char106\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char85\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char4\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char14\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char24\tibsp\char115\tibetan\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char7\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char89\char2\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char8\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char108\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char12\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char9\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\u{\char22}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char14}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char24\char2\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char24\char2\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char35\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\u{\char82}\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char7\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\char20\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char35\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char31\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char96\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char31\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char8\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char36\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char103\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char8\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\char13\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char35\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char30\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char13\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char30\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char4\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char2\filler\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char3\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char35\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char27\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char3\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char35\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char85\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\char2\filler\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char84\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char35\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char115\char11\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char17}\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char26\char2\filler\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\char108\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char12\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char92}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\u{\char22}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char14}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char20\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char5\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char4\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char22\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char27\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\char96\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char40\char15\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char8\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char40\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char56\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char5\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char92}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char9\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char9\char2\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\char9\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\u{\char10}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char56\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char51}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char9\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char13\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char9\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char5}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char15\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char10\u{\char85}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char4\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\u{\char21}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char3\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char14\char27\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char3\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char85\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char20\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char4\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\char3\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char80\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char81\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char4\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char47\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char115\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char20\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char119\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char11\char27\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\u{\char17}\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char26\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char108\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char12\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char92}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char10}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\char22\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char10\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\tibsp\char115\tibetan\filler\tibsp\char115\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
+\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char10\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char22}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\u{\char14}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
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+\ldots continued \ldots
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/sample.tib
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+{\large The Story of {\it Yug-pa-\`{c}an} the Brahman}
+%% \swasti/ /yul zhig na bram ze dbyug pa can zhes bya zhig
+'dug ste/ rab du dbul 'phongs pa bza' ba dang,/ bgo med pa
+zhig go/ des khyim bdag cig las ba glang zhig brnyes te/ nyin
+par spyad nas ba glang de khrid de khyim bdag de'i khyim du
+song ba dang,/ de na khyim bdag ni zan za ste/ dbyug pa can
+gyis ba glang de khyim gyi nang du btang ba dang,/ ba glang
+sgo gzhan du song nas stor ro// khyim bdag de zan de zos
+nas langs pa dang,/ de na ba glang ma mthong nas des dbyug
+pa can la glang ga re zhes byas pa dang,/ des smas pa/ khyod
+kyi khyim du btang ngo,/ /khyod kyis nga'i glang bor gyis
+slar byin cig ces smras pa dang,/ des smras pa/ ngas ma
+bor ro// de nas de gnyis 'grogs te/ rgyal po'i thad du
+'dong ba dang,/ 'u bu cag gi rigs pa dang mi rigs pa rtog
+par 'gyur ro zhes smras nas de gnyis dong ba dang,/ mi gzhan
+zhig gi rta rgod ma zhig bros nas/ des dbyug pa can la smras
+pa/ rgod ma ma btang zhes smras pa dang,/ des rdo zhig blangs
+te 'phangs pa dang rta'i rkang pa la phog nas rkang pa bcag
+go| /des smras pa/ khyod kyis nga'i rta bsad kyis nga'i rta
+byin cig| /ci'i phyir rta sbyin/ des smras pa tshur shog|
+/rgyal po'i drung du 'dong dang,/ 'u bu cag gi zhal che gcod
+du 'ong ngo zhes smras nas/ de dag der song ba dang,/ dbyug
+pa can des 'bras par brtsams te/ des rtsig pa zhig gi steng
+nas mchongs pa dang,/ de'i drung na tha ga pa zhig thags
+'thag cing 'dug pa de'i steng du lhung nas tha ga pa de tshe
+'phos pa dang,/ tha ga pa'i chung mas dbyug pa can de bzung
+nas/ khyod kyis nga'i khyo bsad kyis nga'i khyo byin zhig
+ces smras pa dang,/ ngas khyod kyi khyo ci ltar sbyin zhes
+smras nas/ tshur shog rgyal po'i drung du 'dong ngo,// des
+'u bu cag gi zhal ce gcad do zhes dong ba las/ lam gyi bar
+na chu bo gting zab po zhig yod de/ chu de'i nang nas tshur
+shing mkhan zhig te'u kha na 'khyer te 'ong ngo,/ de la dbyug
+pa can gyis chu'i gting ci tsam zhes dris pa dang,/ chu'i
+gting zab bo zhes smras pas ste'u chur lhung ste/ ste'u ma
+rnyer pa dang,/ des dbyug pa can bzung nas/ khyod kyis nga'i
+ste'u chur bskyur ro// des smras pa ngas ma bskyer ro/
+/tshur shog rgyal po'i drung du 'dong dang,/ des 'u bu cag
+gi zhal che gcad do zhes smras nas dong ngo,/ %%
+\ldots continued \ldots
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index 0000000000..fae5155964
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+b Fb(\033)-354 b(r)967 2574 y Fc(1)p eop
+%%Page: 2 2
+bop 262 313 a Fc(028.)357 b(034.)g(nxa)329 b Fb(\034)-294 b(r)262
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+Fb(r)262 1193 y Fc(119.)357 b(167.)g(...)1509 1166 y Fb(w)1521
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+1759 y Fc(121.)357 b(171.)g(tshegshad)218 b Fb(y)262 1854 y
+Fc(123.)357 b(173.)g(u)372 b Fa(\035)1521 1863 y Fb({)1582
+1854 y(r)262 1952 y Fc(125.)357 b(175.)g(o)1518 1925 y Fb(})1521
+1952 y Fa(\035)-548 b Fb(r)262 2047 y Fc(126.)357 b(176.)g(i)1531
+2020 y Fb(~)1521 2047 y Fa(\035)-548 b Fb(r)262 2141 y Fc(127.)357
+b(177.)g(e)1534 2114 y Fb(\177)1521 2141 y Fa(\035)-548 b Fb(r)967
+2574 y Fc(2)p eop
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+120. \> 170. \> ... \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\accent120\tibetan\char5%
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+\egroup \\
+120. \> 170. \> edz \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\accent120\tibetan\char4%
+\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+121. \> 171. \> tshegshad\> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\filler\tibsp\char121\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\tibetan
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+123. \> 173. \> u \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\u{\char29}\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+125. \> 175. \> o \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\accent125\tibetan\char29\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+126. \> 176. \> i \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\accent126\tibetan\char29\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+127. \> 177. \> e \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\tibsp\accent127\tibetan\char29\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/doc/ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+b Fa(r)262 1541 y Fc(078.)357 b(116.)g(ph)o(yw)o(a)278 b Fb(N)-402
+b Fa(r)262 1636 y Fc(079.)357 b(117.)g(cw)o(a)327 b Fb(O)-327
+b Fa(r)262 1730 y Fc(080.)357 b(120.)g(ky)o(a)331 b Fb(P)-386
+b Fa(r)262 1825 y Fc(081.)357 b(121.)g(kh)o(y)o(a)309 b Fb(Q)-392
+b Fa(r)262 1919 y Fc(082.)357 b(122.)g(gy)o(a)332 b Fb(R)-408
+b Fa(r)262 2014 y Fc(083.)357 b(123.)g(p)o(y)o(a)331 b Fb(S)-360
+b Fa(r)262 2108 y Fc(084.)357 b(124.)g(ph)o(y)o(a)308 b Fb(T)-402
+b Fa(r)262 2203 y Fc(085.)357 b(125.)g(b)o(y)o(a)331 b Fb(U)-365
+b Fa(r)262 2297 y Fc(086.)357 b(126.)g(m)o(y)o(a)318 b Fb(V)-386
+b Fa(r)262 2392 y Fc(087.)357 b(127.)g(kra)336 b Fb(W)-338
+b Fa(r)967 2574 y Fc(4)p eop
+%%Page: 5 5
+bop 262 411 a Fc(088.)357 b(130.)g(khra)313 b Fb(X)-381 b Fa(r)262
+505 y Fc(089.)357 b(131.)g(gra)337 b Fb(Y)-413 b Fa(r)262 600
+y Fc(090.)357 b(132.)g(tra)342 b Fb(Z)-300 b Fa(r)262 694 y
+Fc(091.)357 b(133.)g(thra)319 b Fb([)-306 b Fa(r)262 789 y
+Fc(092.)357 b(134.)g(dra)335 b Fb(\\)-359 b Fa(r)262 883 y
+Fc(093.)357 b(135.)g(nra)335 b Fb(])-305 b Fa(r)262 978 y Fc(094.)357
+b(136.)g(pra)335 b Fb(^)-348 b Fa(r)262 1072 y Fc(095.)357
+b(137.)g(phra)312 b Fb(_)-370 b Fa(r)262 1167 y Fc(096.)357
+b(140.)g(bra)335 b Fb(`)-354 b Fa(r)262 1261 y Fc(097.)357
+b(141.)g(mra)322 b Fb(a)-392 b Fa(r)262 1356 y Fc(098.)357
+b(142.)g(shra)319 b Fb(b)-451 b Fa(r)262 1450 y Fc(099.)357
+b(143.)g(sra)342 b Fb(c)-397 b Fa(r)262 1545 y Fc(100.)357
+b(144.)g(hra)335 b Fb(d)-338 b Fa(r)262 1639 y Fc(101.)357
+b(145.)g(kla)340 b Fb(e)-386 b Fa(r)262 1734 y Fc(102.)357
+b(146.)g(gla)341 b Fb(f)-408 b Fa(r)262 1828 y Fc(103.)357
+b(147.)g(bla)339 b Fb(g)-370 b Fa(r)262 1923 y Fc(104.)357
+b(150.)g(zla)344 b Fb(h)-370 b Fa(r)262 2017 y Fc(105.)357
+b(151.)g(rla)346 b Fb(i)-403 b Fa(r)262 2112 y Fc(106.)357
+b(152.)g(sla)346 b Fb(j)-414 b Fa(r)262 2206 y Fc(107.)357
+b(153.)g(rky)o(a)315 b Fb(k)-397 b Fa(r)262 2301 y Fc(108.)357
+b(154.)g(rgy)o(a)316 b Fb(l)-386 b Fa(r)262 2395 y Fc(109.)357
+b(155.)g(sky)o(a)315 b Fb(m)-365 b Fa(r)967 2574 y Fc(5)p eop
+%%Page: 6 6
+bop 262 313 a Fc(110.)357 b(156.)g(skra)320 b Fb(n)-392 b Fa(r)262
+407 y Fc(111.)357 b(157.)g(sgy)o(a)316 b Fb(o)-397 b Fa(r)262
+502 y Fc(112.)357 b(160.)g(sgra)321 b Fb(p)-381 b Fa(r)262
+596 y Fc(113.)357 b(161.)g(sp)o(y)o(a)315 b Fb(q)-402 b Fa(r)262
+691 y Fc(114.)357 b(162.)g(spra)319 b Fb(r)-386 b Fa(r)262
+785 y Fc(115.)357 b(163.)g(sb)o(y)o(a)315 b Fb(s)-392 b Fa(r)262
+880 y Fc(116.)357 b(164.)g(sbra)319 b Fb(t)-386 b Fa(r)262
+974 y Fc(117.)357 b(165.)g(rm)o(y)o(a)302 b Fb(u)-397 b Fa(r)262
+1069 y Fc(118.)357 b(166.)g(sm)o(y)o(a)302 b Fb(v)-408 b Fa(r)262
+1163 y Fc(119.)357 b(167.)g(smra)306 b Fb(w)-424 b Fa(r)262
+1258 y Fc(120.)357 b(170.)g(t)o(w)o(a)330 b Fb(x)-251 b Fa(r)262
+1352 y Fc(121.)357 b(171.)g(tsw)o(a)313 b Fb(y)-375 b Fa(r)262
+1447 y Fc(122.)357 b(172.)g(sw)o(a)329 b Fb(z)-419 b Fa(r)967
+2574 y Fc(6)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/doc/tiblist.tex b/language/tibetan/original/doc/tiblist.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a742a6712
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/tiblist.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+{\large\bf FONT: TIBETAN}
+{\it (All Standard Consonants)}
+\underline{decimal}\> \underline{octal}\> \underline{roman}\> \underline{tibetan} \\
+000. \>0. \> ka \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char0\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+001. \>1. \> kha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char1\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+002. \>2. \> ga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char2\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+003. \>3. \> nga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char3\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+004. \>4. \> ca \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char4\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+005. \>5. \> cha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char5\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+006. \>6. \> ja \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char6\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+007. \>7. \> nya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char7\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+008. \>10. \> ta \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char8\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+009. \>11. \> tha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char9\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+010. \>12. \> da \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char10\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+011. \>13. \> na \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char11\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+012. \>14. \> pa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char12\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+013. \>15. \> pha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char13\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+014. \>16. \> ba \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char14\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+015. \>17. \> ma \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char15\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+016. \>20. \> tsa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char16\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+017. \>21. \> tsha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char17\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+018. \>22. \> dza \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char18\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+019. \>23. \> wa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char19\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+020. \>24. \> zha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char20\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+021. \>25. \> za \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char21\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+022. \>26. \> achung \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char22\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+023. \>27. \> ya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char23\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+024. \>30. \> ra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char24\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+025. \>31. \> la \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char25\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+026. \>32. \> sha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char26\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+027. \>33. \> sa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char27\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+028. \>34. \> ha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char28\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+029. \>35. \> a \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char29\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+030. \>36. \> rka \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char30\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+031. \>37. \> rga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char31\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+032. \>40. \> rnga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char32\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+033. \>41. \> rja \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char33\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+034. \>42. \> rnya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char34\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+035. \>43. \> rta \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char35\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+036. \>44. \> rda \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char36\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+037. \>45. \> rna \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char37\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+038. \>46. \> rba \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char38\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+039. \>47. \> rma \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char39\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+040. \>50. \> rtsa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char40\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+041. \>51. \> rdza \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char41\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+042. \>52. \> lka \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char42\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+043. \>53. \> lga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char43\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+044. \>54. \> lnga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char44\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+045. \>55. \> lca \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char45\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+046. \>56. \> lja \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char46\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+047. \>57. \> lta \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char47\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+048. \>60. \> lda \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char48\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+049. \>61. \> lpa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char49\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+050. \>62. \> lba \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char50\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+051. \>63. \> lha \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char51\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+052. \>64. \> ska \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char52\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+053. \>65. \> sga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char53\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+054. \>66. \> snga \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char54\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+055. \>67. \> snya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char55\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+056. \>70. \> sta \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char56\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+057. \>71. \> sda \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char57\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+058. \>72. \> sna \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char58\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+059. \>73. \> spa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char59\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+060. \>74. \> sba \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char60\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+061. \>75. \> sma \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char61\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+062. \>76. \> stsa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char62\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+063. \>77. \> kwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char63 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+064. \>100. \> khwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char64 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+065. \>101. \> gwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char65 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+066. \>102. \> grwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char66 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+067. \>103. \> rgwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char67 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+068. \>104. \> nywa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char68 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+069. \>105. \> dwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char69 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+070. \>106. \> tshwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char70 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+071. \>107. \> rtswa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char71 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+072. \>110. \> zhwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char72 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+073. \>111. \> zwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char73 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+074. \>112. \> rwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char74 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+075. \>113. \> lwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char75 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+076. \>114. \> shwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char76 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+077. \>115. \> hwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char77 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+078. \>116. \> phywa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char78 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+079. \>117. \> cwa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char79 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+080. \>120. \> kya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char80\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+081. \>121. \> khya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char81\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+082. \>122. \> gya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char82\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+083. \>123. \> pya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char83\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+084. \>124. \> phya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char84\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+085. \>125. \> bya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char85\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+086. \>126. \> mya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char86\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+087. \>127. \> kra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char87\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+088. \>130. \> khra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char88\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+089. \>131. \> gra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char89\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+090. \>132. \> tra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char90\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+091. \>133. \> thra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char91\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+092. \>134. \> dra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char92\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+093. \>135. \> nra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char93\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+094. \>136. \> pra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char94\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+095. \>137. \> phra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char95\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+096. \>140. \> bra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char96\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+097. \>141. \> mra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char97\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+098. \>142. \> shra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char98\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+099. \>143. \> sra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char99\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+100. \>144. \> hra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char100\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+101. \>145. \> kla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char101\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+102. \>146. \> gla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char102\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+103. \>147. \> bla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char103\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+104. \>150. \> zla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char104\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+105. \>151. \> rla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char105\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+106. \>152. \> sla \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char106\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+107. \>153. \> rkya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char107\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+108. \>154. \> rgya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char108\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+109. \>155. \> skya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char109\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+110. \>156. \> skra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char110\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+111. \>157. \> sgya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char111\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+112. \>160. \> sgra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char112\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+113. \>161. \> spya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char113\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+114. \>162. \> spra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char114\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+115. \>163. \> sbya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char115\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+116. \>164. \> sbra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char116\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+117. \>165. \> rmya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char117\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+118. \>166. \> smya \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char118\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+119. \>167. \> smra \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char119\filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+120. \>170. \> twa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char120 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+121. \>171. \> tswa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char121 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
+122. \>172. \> swa \> \bgroup\tibetan \def\u#1{\vtop{\baselineskip0pt\hbox{#1}\hbox{\tibsp\char123}}}\hyphenpenalty=10000\parindent=0pt \newbox\fillerbox\setbox\fillerbox\hbox{\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\def\filler{\copy\fillerbox}\char122 \filler\tibsp\char114\tenrm\ \tibetan
+\egroup \\
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+bop 262 307 a Fb(\\documentstyle{)o(artic)o(le})262 357 y(\\begin{document)o
+(})262 407 y(\\begin{center})262 457 y({\\large)20 b(The)h(Story)g(of)g
+({\\it)g(Yug-pa-\\`{c}an})e(the)i(Brahman})262 506 y(\\end{center})262
+556 y(\045\045)g(\\swasti/)f(/yul)h(zhig)g(na)g(bram)g(ze)h(dbyug)e(pa)i(can)
+f(zhes)g(bya)g(zhig)262 606 y('dug)f(ste/)43 b(rab)21 b(du)h(dbul)f('phongs)f
+(pa)h(bza')g(ba)h(dang,/)e(bgo)i(med)f(pa)262 656 y(zhig)f(go/)43
+b(des)22 b(khyim)e(bdag)h(cig)h(las)f(ba)g(glang)g(zhig)g(brnyes)f(te/)i
+(nyin)262 706 y(par)f(spyad)f(nas)i(ba)f(glang)g(de)g(khrid)g(de)g(khyim)g
+(bdag)g(de'i)g(khyim)g(du)262 756 y(song)f(ba)i(dang,/)e(de)i(na)f(khyim)g
+(bdag)g(ni)g(zan)g(za)h(ste/)f(dbyug)g(pa)g(can)262 805 y(gyis)f(ba)i(glang)f
+855 y(sgo)g(gzhan)f(du)i(song)f(nas)g(stor)g(ro//)43 b(khyim)20
+b(bdag)h(de)h(zan)f(de)g(zos)262 905 y(nas)g(langs)f(pa)i(dang,/)e(de)i(na)f
+(ba)h(glang)e(ma)i(mthong)e(nas)h(des)h(dbyug)262 955 y(pa)f(can)g(la)g
+1005 y(kyi)g(khyim)f(du)i(btang)f(ngo,/)f(/khyod)h(kyis)g(nga'i)g(glang)f
+(bor)i(gyis)262 1054 y(slar)e(byin)h(cig)h(ces)f(smras)g(pa)g(dang,/)f(des)i
+(smras)e(pa/)i(ngas)f(ma)262 1104 y(bor)g(ro//)42 b(de)22 b(nas)f(de)g(gnyis)
+g('grogs)g(te/)g(rgyal)g(po'i)g(thad)g(du)262 1154 y('dong)f(ba)i(dang,/)e
+1204 y(par)f('gyur)f(ro)i(zhes)f(smras)g(nas)g(de)g(gnyis)g(dong)g(ba)g
+(dang,/)g(mi)g(gzhan)262 1254 y(zhig)f(gi)i(rta)f(rgod)g(ma)g(zhig)g(bros)g
+(nas/)g(des)g(dbyug)g(pa)h(can)f(la)g(smras)262 1303 y(pa/)g(rgod)g(ma)g(ma)g
+1353 y(te)g('phangs)f(pa)i(dang)f(rta'i)f(rkang)h(pa)g(la)h(phog)f(nas)g
+(rkang)g(pa)g(bcag)262 1403 y(go|)g(/des)g(smras)f(pa/)i(khyod)e(kyis)h
+(nga'i)g(rta)g(bsad)g(kyis)g(nga'i)g(rta)262 1453 y(byin)f(cig|)h(/ci'i)g
+1503 y(/rgyal)f(po'i)h(drung)g(du)g('dong)g(dang,/)f('u)i(bu)f(cag)g(gi)h
+(zhal)f(che)g(gcod)262 1553 y(du)g('ong)g(ngo)g(zhes)g(smras)g(nas/)g(de)g
+(dag)g(der)g(song)g(ba)h(dang,/)e(dbyug)262 1602 y(pa)h(can)g(des)g('bras)g
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+(zhig)g(thags)262 1702 y('thag)f(cing)h('dug)g(pa)h(de'i)f(steng)f(du)i
+(lhung)e(nas)i(tha)f(ga)g(pa)h(de)f(tshe)262 1752 y('phos)f(pa)i(dang,/)e
+1802 y(nas/)f(khyod)h(kyis)g(nga'i)g(khyo)g(bsad)g(kyis)g(nga'i)g(khyo)g
+(byin)g(zhig)262 1851 y(ces)g(smras)f(pa)i(dang,/)e(ngas)h(khyod)g(kyi)g
+(khyo)g(ci)h(ltar)f(sbyin)f(zhes)262 1901 y(smras)g(nas/)h(tshur)g(shog)g
+(rgyal)g(po'i)g(drung)f(du)i('dong)f(ngo,//)f(des)262 1951
+b(lam)21 b(gyi)g(bar)262 2001 y(na)g(chu)g(bo)g(gting)g(zab)g(po)h(zhig)f
+(yod)g(de/)g(chu)g(de'i)g(nang)g(nas)g(tshur)262 2051 y(shing)f(mkhan)h(zhig)
+2100 y(pa)g(can)g(gyis)g(chu'i)g(gting)g(ci)g(tsam)g(zhes)g(dris)g(pa)g
+(dang,/)g(chu'i)262 2150 y(gting)f(zab)h(bo)h(zhes)f(smras)g(pas)g(ste'u)f
+(chur)h(lhung)g(ste/)g(ste'u)g(ma)262 2200 y(rnyer)f(pa)i(dang,/)e(des)h
+2250 y(ste'u)f(chur)h(bskyur)g(ro//)g(des)g(smras)g(pa)g(ngas)g(ma)g(bskyer)g
+(ro/)262 2300 y(/tshur)f(shog)h(rgyal)g(po'i)g(drung)g(du)g('dong)g(dang,/)f
+(des)h('u)h(bu)f(cag)262 2350 y(gi)g(zhal)g(che)g(gcad)g(do)g(zhes)g(smras)g
+(nas)g(dong)g(ngo,/)g(\045\045)262 2399 y(\\ldots)f(continued)g(\\ldots)262
+2449 y(\\end{document})967 2574 y Fa(1)p eop
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24b7f93ce7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/doc/vrbtmsam.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+{\large The Story of {\it Yug-pa-\`{c}an} the Brahman}
+%% \swasti/ /yul zhig na bram ze dbyug pa can zhes bya zhig
+'dug ste/ rab du dbul 'phongs pa bza' ba dang,/ bgo med pa
+zhig go/ des khyim bdag cig las ba glang zhig brnyes te/ nyin
+par spyad nas ba glang de khrid de khyim bdag de'i khyim du
+song ba dang,/ de na khyim bdag ni zan za ste/ dbyug pa can
+gyis ba glang de khyim gyi nang du btang ba dang,/ ba glang
+sgo gzhan du song nas stor ro// khyim bdag de zan de zos
+nas langs pa dang,/ de na ba glang ma mthong nas des dbyug
+pa can la glang ga re zhes byas pa dang,/ des smas pa/ khyod
+kyi khyim du btang ngo,/ /khyod kyis nga'i glang bor gyis
+slar byin cig ces smras pa dang,/ des smras pa/ ngas ma
+bor ro// de nas de gnyis 'grogs te/ rgyal po'i thad du
+'dong ba dang,/ 'u bu cag gi rigs pa dang mi rigs pa rtog
+par 'gyur ro zhes smras nas de gnyis dong ba dang,/ mi gzhan
+zhig gi rta rgod ma zhig bros nas/ des dbyug pa can la smras
+pa/ rgod ma ma btang zhes smras pa dang,/ des rdo zhig blangs
+te 'phangs pa dang rta'i rkang pa la phog nas rkang pa bcag
+go| /des smras pa/ khyod kyis nga'i rta bsad kyis nga'i rta
+byin cig| /ci'i phyir rta sbyin/ des smras pa tshur shog|
+/rgyal po'i drung du 'dong dang,/ 'u bu cag gi zhal che gcod
+du 'ong ngo zhes smras nas/ de dag der song ba dang,/ dbyug
+pa can des 'bras par brtsams te/ des rtsig pa zhig gi steng
+nas mchongs pa dang,/ de'i drung na tha ga pa zhig thags
+'thag cing 'dug pa de'i steng du lhung nas tha ga pa de tshe
+'phos pa dang,/ tha ga pa'i chung mas dbyug pa can de bzung
+nas/ khyod kyis nga'i khyo bsad kyis nga'i khyo byin zhig
+ces smras pa dang,/ ngas khyod kyi khyo ci ltar sbyin zhes
+smras nas/ tshur shog rgyal po'i drung du 'dong ngo,// des
+'u bu cag gi zhal ce gcad do zhes dong ba las/ lam gyi bar
+na chu bo gting zab po zhig yod de/ chu de'i nang nas tshur
+shing mkhan zhig te'u kha na 'khyer te 'ong ngo,/ de la dbyug
+pa can gyis chu'i gting ci tsam zhes dris pa dang,/ chu'i
+gting zab bo zhes smras pas ste'u chur lhung ste/ ste'u ma
+rnyer pa dang,/ des dbyug pa can bzung nas/ khyod kyis nga'i
+ste'u chur bskyur ro// des smras pa ngas ma bskyer ro/
+/tshur shog rgyal po'i drung du 'dong dang,/ des 'u bu cag
+gi zhal che gcad do zhes smras nas dong ngo,/ %%
+\ldots continued \ldots
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/make/readme b/language/tibetan/original/make/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38d2982498
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/make/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= README Release 1 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
+This distribution contains release 2 of a copy of the 3.62 test release of
+GNU Make which has been modified to run under the emx 32-bit environment under
+MS-DOS or OS/2 2.0. (See the README.GNU file in either of the zoo files for
+more information about GNU Make.)
+GNU Make is free software. See the file COPYING for copying conditions. This
+program is provided with absolutely NO WARRANTY of any kind.
+The documentation for GNU make is provided in the from of .info files which
+have been created from the .texinfo files supplied in the original GNU
+release. To browse these files you will need a copy of GNU info which is
+probably available from the same source where you obtained this file.
+The documentation is compressed in the info.zoo file.
+The source code for this port of GNU make is also included in the source.zoo
+In porting GNU make I have taken a mostly slash and burn approach. GNU Make
+relies very heavily on the un*x fork function which is resource intensive.
+I have made massive changes in the job.c file so that this release does not
+use the fork function. This makes for a smaller executable and hopefully a
+program which is a little more robust in the emx environment.
+I have also changed the handling of commands within make. To illustrate the
+changes, imaging that make wants to issue a command:
+ gcc -c test.c
+First, it examines the command name (in this case "gcc"). If the name ends
+with a .bat, .cmd, or .com extension, make uses the emx system() function to
+ask either or cmd.exe to execute the command. If the name does
+not end with a .bat, .cmd, or .com extension, make adds a ".exe" extension
+and looks for the command using the PATH environment variable. If it finds
+the command, it executes it directly via a spawnve() function call without
+loading or cmd.exe. If the command contains any pipes (|) or
+output or input re-routing (<, >>, >) the system() function will be used to
+make sure that the operating system is allowed to handle these functions.
+This is done mostly to circumvent weaknesses in the emx environment under
+MS-DOS. Notably, when forced to use the system() function to under MS-DOS,
+make is unable to obtain the return code from the command and instead must
+assume that the command was completed successfully.
+Also, If a command line is more than ~100 characters long, this port of make
+will create a temporary response file and call the command with the response
+file, thus, creating a shorter command line. This could cause trouble if
+you try to call a program which does not understand how to handle response
+files with a large command line.
+I will gladly accept any question, comments, or insults for poor porting.
+Send email to:
+Or, to the emx-list mailing list:
+To subscribe to the emx-list mailing list, send email to:
+galen c. hunt
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/make/readme.gnu b/language/tibetan/original/make/readme.gnu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bca74fa103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/make/readme.gnu
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This directory contains the test release of LaTeX Tibetan.
+Some bugs probably remain.
+LaTeX Tibetan is free software. See the file COPYING for copying conditions.
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/readme b/language/tibetan/original/readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1fde59391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/readme
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+This archive contains a test release of LaTeX Tibetan. It is free
+software. Some bugs probably remain. LaTeX Tibetan is free software.
+See the file COPYING for copying conditions.
+This package was obtained from Ronald Schwartz at the Memorial University of
+Newfoundland. It provides a LaTeX front-end for writing modern Tibetan.
+Directions are in the file called instruct (in the doc/ file).
+Notes added in June 1994 by Dominik Wujastyk (
+Development of this package seems to have halted, at least for the
+present. For information about the package, the contact person is
+Robert Knight <KNIGHT@PUCC.EARN>. Neither Robert nor I can any longer
+contact Ron Schwartz or Jeff Sparkes.
+Robert noted recently that:
+ I believe that Ron's intention was that anyone who wanted it could
+ have it with the proviso that they not try to make money from his
+ work. He had the help of a programmer who was not compensated. The
+ GNU font utilites could probably be applied to the font and a decent
+ METAFONT made from it. If the package is put out, that might happen
+ faster than it is with me.
+ Please put some sort of disclaimer that will protect Jeff Sparkes'
+ (the programmer's) investment in time.
+I (Dominik) have added a Makefile modified to work with Mattes's emx/gcc
+sytem under OS/2, and I have added a file bin/tfilt.exe which an
+executable for OS/2 or DOS. It is bound with emx.exe, and under DOS it
+requires an 80386 processor or better and DOS version 3.0 or higher. I
+have also added the GNU public license to protect the rights of future
+users of this package and any derivatives.
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile b/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bc3e9f27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+OBJECTS = tfilt.o tparse.o util.o table.o
+all: tfilt
+tfilt: $(OBJECTS)
+ cc -o tfilt $(OBJECTS)
+tfilt.o: tfilt.c table.h token.h
+tparse.o: tparse.c table.h token.h
+util.o: util.c table.h token.h
+table.o: table.c table.h
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS) core tfilt
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile.emx b/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile.emx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..15a48b1340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/makefile.emx
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+OBJECTS = tfilt.o tparse.o util.o table.o
+all: tfilt.exe
+tfilt.exe: $(OBJECTS)
+ gcc -o tfilt.exe $(OBJECTS)
+tfilt.o: tfilt.c table.h token.h
+tparse.o: tparse.c table.h token.h
+util.o: util.c table.h token.h
+table.o: table.c table.h
+ rm -f $(OBJECTS) core tfilt
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/table.c b/language/tibetan/original/src/table.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59cd6d2049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/table.c
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+#include "table.h"
+ * This table is used to convert ascii representations of
+ * Tibetan words into the TeX font change commands to get the
+ * proper glyphs.
+ */
+ * The base characters are found in the first 32 positions.
+ * The plus indicates a vowel. The second column is the name of the
+ * character.
+ * Note: this table has been rearranged
+ * so that shorter strings are found first. The second field is
+ * for alphabetical order.
+ */
+struct tab base_table[] = {
+ { "k+", "ka", 0 },
+ { "kh+", "kha", 1 },
+ { "g+", "ga", 2 },
+ { "n+", "na", 11 },
+ { "ng+", "nga", 3 },
+ { "c+", "ca", 4 },
+ { "ch+", "cha", 5 },
+ { "j+", "ja", 6 },
+ { "ny+", "nya", 7 },
+ { "t+", "ta", 8 },
+ { "th+", "tha", 9 },
+ { "d+", "da", 10 },
+ { "p+", "pa", 12 },
+ { "ph+", "pha", 13 },
+ { "b+", "ba", 14 },
+ { "m+", "ma", 15 },
+ { "ts+", "tsa", 16 },
+ { "tsh+", "tsha", 17 },
+ { "dz+", "dza", 18 },
+ { "w+", "wa", 19 },
+ { "z+", "za", 21 },
+ { "zh+", "zha", 20 },
+ { "'+", "achung", 22 },
+ { "y+", "ya", 23 },
+ { "r+", "ra", 24 },
+ { "l+", "la", 25 },
+ { "s+", "sa", 27 },
+ { "sh+", "sha", 26 },
+ { "h+", "ha", 28 },
+ { "+", "a", 29 },
+ { "", "", -1 },
+ * A fix table contains the fix char, the base character that it modifies
+ * and the character number of the actual glyph in the font. There are
+ * different tables for super and sub fixes. The only difference in
+ * the way that they are treated is where the fix char is looked for.
+ */
+struct fix superfixes[] = {
+ { 'r', "rka", 0, 30 },
+ { 'r', "rga", 2, 31 },
+ { 'r', "rnga", 3, 32 },
+ { 'r', "rja", 6, 33 },
+ { 'r', "rnya", 7, 34 },
+ { 'r', "rta", 8, 35 },
+ { 'r', "rda", 10, 36 },
+ { 'r', "rna", 11, 37 },
+ { 'r', "rba", 14, 38 },
+ { 'r', "rma", 15, 39 },
+ { 'r', "rtsa", 16, 40 },
+ { 'r', "rdza", 18, 41 },
+ { 'l', "lka", 0, 42 },
+ { 'l', "lga", 2, 43 },
+ { 'l', "lnga", 3, 44 },
+ { 'l', "lca", 4, 45 },
+ { 'l', "lja", 6, 46 },
+ { 'l', "lta", 8, 47 },
+ { 'l', "lda", 10, 48 },
+ { 'l', "lpa", 12, 49 },
+ { 'l', "lba", 14, 50 },
+ { 'l', "lha", 28, 51 },
+ { 's', "ska", 0, 52 },
+ { 's', "sga", 2, 53 },
+ { 's', "snga", 3, 54 },
+ { 's', "snya", 7, 55 },
+ { 's', "sta", 8, 56 },
+ { 's', "sda", 10, 57 },
+ { 's', "sna", 11, 58 },
+ { 's', "spa", 12, 59 },
+ { 's', "sba", 14, 60 },
+ { 's', "sma", 15, 61 },
+ { 's', "stsa", 16, 62 },
+ { 'r', "rkya", 80, 107},
+ { 'r', "rgya", 82, 108},
+ { 's', "skya", 80, 109},
+ { 's', "skra", 87, 110},
+ { 's', "sgya", 82, 111},
+ { 's', "sgra", 89, 112},
+ { 's', "spya", 83, 113},
+ { 's', "spra", 94, 114},
+ { 's', "sbya", 85, 115},
+ { 's', "sbra", 96, 116},
+ { 'r', "rmya", 86, 117},
+ { 's', "smya", 86, 118},
+ { 's', "smra", 97, 119},
+ { 0, "", -1, -1 },
+struct fix subfixes[] = {
+ { 'y', "kya", 0, 80 },
+ { 'y', "khya", 1, 81 },
+ { 'y', "gya", 2, 82 },
+ { 'y', "pya", 12, 83 },
+ { 'y', "phya", 13, 84 },
+ { 'y', "bya", 14, 85 },
+ { 'y', "mya", 15, 86 },
+ { 'r', "kra", 0, 87 },
+ { 'r', "khra", 1, 88 },
+ { 'r', "gra", 2, 89 },
+ { 'r', "tra", 8, 90 },
+ { 'r', "thra", 9, 91 },
+ { 'r', "dra", 10, 92 },
+ { 'r', "nra", 11, 93 },
+ { 'r', "pra", 12, 94 },
+ { 'r', "phra", 13, 95 },
+ { 'r', "bra", 14, 96 },
+ { 'r', "mra", 15, 97 },
+ { 'r', "shra", 26, 98 },
+ { 'r', "sra", 27, 99 },
+ { 'r', "hra", 28, 100 },
+ { 'l', "kla", 0, 101 },
+ { 'l', "gla", 2, 102 },
+ { 'l', "bla", 14, 103 },
+ { 'l', "zla", 21, 104 },
+ { 'l', "rla", 24, 105 },
+ { 'l', "sla", 27, 106 },
+ { 0, "", -1, -1 },
+ * The following are a table of special characters.
+ * The second argument is a TeX command. Remember that the default font
+ * is \tibetan, and you must switch back after if you`ve switched over to
+ * the special font (\tibsp).
+ */
+struct special special[] = {
+ * the first part of this table is to produce all the wazur combinations;
+ * the wazur characters are stored in the main font (\tibetan) and not in
+ * the special font (\tibsp).
+ */
+ { "kwa", "\\char63", 63 },
+ { "khwa", "\\char64", 64 },
+ { "gwa", "\\char65", 65 },
+ { "grwa", "\\char66", 66 },
+ { "rgwa", "\\char67", 67 },
+ { "nywa", "\\char68", 68 },
+ { "dwa", "\\char69", 69 },
+ { "tshwa", "\\char70", 70 },
+ { "rtswa", "\\char71", 71 },
+ { "zhwa", "\\char72", 72 },
+ { "zwa", "\\char73", 73 },
+ { "rwa", "\\char74", 74 },
+ { "lwa", "\\char75", 75 },
+ { "shwa", "\\char76", 76 },
+ { "hwa", "\\char77", 77 },
+ { "phywa", "\\char78", 78 },
+ { "cwa", "\\char79", 79 },
+ { "twa", "\\char120", 120 },
+ { "tswa", "\\char121", 121 },
+ { "swa", "\\char122", 122 },
+ * next come the five aspirates with the "ha" subjoined.
+ * "lha" is processed separately above, since it is really
+ * a "ha" with a "la" superfix.
+ *
+ * the retroflex "dxha" uses an "x" following the "d" to
+ *indicate that it is reversed.
+ */
+ { "dha", "\\tibsp\\char20\\tibetan", 148 },
+ { "gha", "\\tibsp\\char21\\tibetan", 149 },
+ { "dxha", "\\tibsp\\char22\\tibetan", 150 },
+ { "bha", "\\tibsp\\char23\\tibetan", 151 },
+ { "dzha", "\\tibsp\\char24\\tibetan", 152 },
+ * next comes the six retroflex consonants. they are indicated
+ * by using an "x" following the consonant modified to show that
+ * they are reversed.
+ */
+ { "thxa", "\\tibsp\\char25\\tibetan", 153 },
+ { "txa", "\\tibsp\\char26\\tibetan", 154 },
+ { "dxa", "\\tibsp\\char27\\tibetan", 155 },
+ { "nxa", "\\tibsp\\char28\\tibetan", 156 },
+ { "kshxa", "\\tibsp\\char29\\tibetan", 157 },
+ { "shxa", "\\tibsp\\char30\\tibetan", 158 },
+ * next come the numbers.
+ *
+ */
+ { "0", "\\tibsp\\char0\\tibetan", 128 },
+ { "1", "\\tibsp\\char1\\tibetan", 129 },
+ { "2", "\\tibsp\\char2\\tibetan", 130 },
+ { "3", "\\tibsp\\char3\\tibetan", 131 },
+ { "4", "\\tibsp\\char4\\tibetan", 132 },
+ { "5", "\\tibsp\\char5\\tibetan", 133 },
+ { "6", "\\tibsp\\char6\\tibetan", 134 },
+ { "7", "\\tibsp\\char7\\tibetan", 135 },
+ { "8", "\\tibsp\\char8\\tibetan", 136 },
+ { "9", "\\tibsp\\char9\\tibetan", 137 },
+ * here are a couple of odd characters with the "u" vowel
+ *
+ */
+ { "tsu", "\\tibsp\\char14\\tibetan", 16 },
+ { "cu", "\\tibsp\\char13\\tibetan", 4 },
+ * here are the "tsa," "tsha," and "dza" characters
+ * generated by using the modified vowels with the stroke
+ * above the references included
+ */
+ { "tse", "\\tibsp\\accent120\\tibetan\\char4", 16 },
+ { "tsi", "\\tibsp\\accent119\\tibetan\\char4", 16 },
+ { "tso", "\\tibsp\\accent118\\tibetan\\char4", 16 },
+ { "tshe", "\\tibsp\\accent120\\tibetan\\char5", 17 },
+ { "tshi", "\\tibsp\\accent119\\tibetan\\char5", 17 },
+ { "tsho", "\\tibsp\\accent118\\tibetan\\char5", 17 },
+ { "dze", "\\tibsp\\accent120\\tibetan\\char6", 18 },
+ { "dzi", "\\tibsp\\accent119\\tibetan\\char6", 18 },
+ { "dzo", "\\tibsp\\accent118\\tibetan\\char6", 18 },
+ * here are some punctuation characters. the "tsheg" and the
+ * "shad" are automatically generated as word and sentence
+ * boundaries. they may also be acessed as special characters.
+ * The "tsheg" may be got at with a
+ * "," character in the text. The "swasti" is the word with the
+ * TeX escape, but should be finished with a "/".
+ * Thus: "\swasti/"
+ */
+ { ",", "\\tibsp\\char114\\tibetan", 114 },
+ { "\\swasti", "\\tibsp\\char116\\tibetan", 116 },
+ { 0, "" },
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/table.h b/language/tibetan/original/src/table.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca48761777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/table.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+struct fix {
+ char fix_char;
+ char *doc;
+ short base_char;
+ short char_num;
+struct tab {
+ char *glyph;
+ char *doc;
+ short char_num;
+struct special {
+ char *word;
+ char *cmd;
+ short char_num;
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/tfilt.c b/language/tibetan/original/src/tfilt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58cc447229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/tfilt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "table.h"
+#include "token.h"
+main(argc, argv)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ char c;
+ if (argc != 2) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s input_file\n", argv[0]);
+ exit(11);
+ }
+ if ((input = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {
+ perror(argv[1]);
+ exit(12);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now the hard part begins.
+ */
+ printf("\\font\\tibetan=tib\\font\\tibsp=tibsp ");
+ while ((c = getc(input)) != EOF) {
+ if (c == '%') {
+ if ((c = getc(input)) == '%')
+ tparse();
+ else if (c == EOF)
+ exit(0);
+ else
+ putchar('%');
+ } else
+ putchar(c);
+ }
+ exit(0);
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/token.h b/language/tibetan/original/src/token.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c9d9e7d5a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/token.h
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+ * Input file. I didn't know where else to put it.
+ */
+FILE *input;
+ * A token returned by the parser.
+ */
+struct token {
+ char str[1024];
+ char vowel;
+ char special;
+ int char_num;
+ * Vowel flags
+ */
+#define V_NONE 000
+#define V_A 001
+#define V_E 002
+#define V_I 004
+#define V_O 010
+#define V_U 020
+#define SPECIAL 127
+ * Flags to match different tables.
+ */
+#define BASE 0
+#define SUPER 1
+#define SUB 2
+#define ERROR -1
+int tword();
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/tparse.c b/language/tibetan/original/src/tparse.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2cac5c912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/tparse.c
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "token.h"
+#include "table.h"
+#define SENTENCE 12
+#define WORD 13
+#define PARAGRAPH 14
+#define SENTENCE2 15
+#define SENTENCE3 16
+#define Getc(x) x = nextchar(); if (x == 0) return WORD; else if (x == -1) goto top;
+#define Ungetc(c) current_char--
+static int current_char, current;
+static char current_word[100];
+static int blank_flag = 0, blank_next = 0;
+static int slashes, slashes_next;
+char word_out, nextchar(), pending_punct;
+int word_count, pos = 0;
+struct token token[10];
+extern struct tab base_table[];
+extern struct fix superfixes[], subfixes[];
+extern struct special special[];
+ char c;
+ int tok, i, j;
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
+ token[i].str[j] = 0;
+ token[i].char_num = 0;
+ token[i].vowel = V_NONE;
+ token[i].special = 0;
+ }
+ printf("\\bgroup\\tibetan ");
+ printf("\\def\\u#1{\\vtop{\\baselineskip0pt\\hbox{#1}\\hbox{\\tibsp\\char123}}}");
+ printf("\\hyphenpenalty=10000\\parindent=0pt ");
+ printf("\\newbox\\fillerbox\\setbox\\fillerbox\\hbox{\\vrule height0.4cm depth0.4cm width0pt}\\def\\filler{\\copy\\fillerbox}");
+ while (1) {
+ /*
+ * If we get a %, check for another immediately following.
+ * This is the end of tibetan mode. Otherwise, it is just a
+ * comment, but I figure it should be left in, just in case
+ * some one needs to look at the filter output.
+ */
+ for (i=0; i<100; i++)
+ current_word[i] = 0;
+ c = getc(input);
+ while (isspace(c)) {
+ char c1;
+ if (c == '\n') {
+ c1 = getc(input);
+ if (c1 == '\n') {
+ output_special(PARAGRAPH);
+ break;
+ } else
+ ungetc(c1, input);
+ } c = getc(input);
+ }
+ while (isspace(c) || c == '#') {
+ if (c == '#')
+ blank_next = 1;
+ c = getc(input);
+ }
+ ungetc(c, input);
+ if (fscanf(input, "%s", current_word) == EOF) {
+ printf("Missing %%%%\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ current_char = 0;
+ if (current_word[0] == '%') {
+ if (current_word[1] == '%') {
+ output_pending_punct();
+ printf("\\egroup ");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ printf("%% %s", current_word + 1);
+ while ((c = getc(input)) != '\n')
+ putchar(c);
+ putchar('\n');
+ }
+ } current = -1;
+ tok = 0;
+ tok = tword();
+ output(current);
+ if (tok != 0)
+ output_special(tok);
+ }
+ * Parse the word, as designated by white space. The tokens are put into an
+ * array so that some tokens can affect previous ones. The argument is the
+ * number of the current token in array.
+ */
+ char c, c1, s[10];
+ int ind = 0;
+ int i, mtch;
+ ind = 0;
+ c = Getc(c);
+ while (1) {
+ /*
+ * Check for end of word delimiters. If it's also end of
+ * sentence, then do the appropriate thing.
+ */
+ switch (c) {
+ case '#':
+ /* don't output the word separator */
+ blank_next = 1;
+ return(WORD);
+ case '/':
+ slashes_next = 0;
+ c1 = nextchar();
+ while (c1 == '/') {
+ slashes_next++;
+ c1 = nextchar();
+ }
+ /*
+ * If the slashes are at the end of a word,
+ * keep the count in slashes_next, and
+ * return an end of sentence.
+ */
+ if (isspace(c1) || c1 == 0 || c1 == -1) {
+ return (SENTENCE);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Otherwise, the slashes are at the beginning
+ * so output them now.
+ */
+ output_pending_punct();
+ for (i=0; i<=slashes_next; i++)
+ printf("\\tibsp\\char115\\tibetan");
+ c = c1;
+ slashes_next = 0;
+ continue;
+ case '!':
+ output(current);
+ return (SENTENCE2);
+ case '|':
+ output(current);
+ return (SENTENCE3);
+ case '%':
+ Ungetc(c);
+ return (0);
+ case '\n':
+ return (WORD);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isspace(c)) {
+ return (WORD);
+ } current++;
+ /*
+ * If we've found a superfix, parse the next token. If it is
+ * a token that the superfix can modify, then use the
+ * modified char_num, otherwise the superfix is merely a
+ * vowel-less base character
+ */
+ if (super(c)) {
+ int cur;
+ if ((c1 = current_word[current_char++]) == 0) {
+ Ungetc(c1);
+ goto not_super;
+ }
+ if (sub(c1) || (c == 's' && c1 == 'h') ||
+ (vowel(c1) != V_NONE)) {
+ Ungetc(c1);
+ goto not_super;
+ }
+ if (!isalpha(c1)) {
+ Ungetc(c1);
+ goto not_super;
+ }
+ Ungetc(c1);
+ sprintf(s, "%c", c);
+ cur = current;
+ /* fix so that next_char doesn't overwrite with special */
+ token[current].char_num = 0;
+ tword();
+ /*
+ * For some reason, // at the end get bypassed
+ */
+ while(!isalpha(current_word[current_char]))
+ current_char--;
+ current_char++;
+ if ((token[cur].char_num =
+ match(SUPER, s, token[cur+1].char_num))
+ != -1) {
+ int j;
+ sprintf(token[cur].str, "%c%s", c, token[cur + 1].str);
+ token[cur+1].str[0] = 0;
+ token[cur].vowel = token[cur+1].vowel;
+ token[cur+1].char_num = -1;
+ token[cur+1].special = 0;
+ token[cur+1].vowel = V_NONE;
+ return (tword());
+ } else {
+ token[cur].char_num = match(BASE, s, -1);
+ strcat(token[cur].str, s);
+ token[cur].vowel = V_NONE;
+ return (tword());
+ }
+ }
+ mtch = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ /*
+ * Match the g.y case.
+ */
+ if (c == '.') {
+ token[current].str[ind] = 0;
+ token[current].vowel = V_A;
+ return (tword());
+ }
+ /*
+ * Check for a subfix..
+ */
+ if (sub(c)) {
+ int t, t1;
+ sprintf(s, "%c", c);
+ t = match(SUB, s, token[current].char_num);
+ if (t != ERROR) {
+ c1 = Getc(c1);
+ if ((t1 = vowel(c1)) == V_NONE) {
+ Ungetc(c1);
+ Ungetc(c);
+ token[current].vowel = V_NONE;
+ return(tword());
+ } else {
+ token[current].vowel = t1;
+ token[current].char_num = t;
+ strcat(token[current].str, s);
+ return (tword());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ token[current].vowel = vowel(c);
+ /*
+ * We've matched the a+ glyph.
+ */
+ if (mtch == 0 && token[current].vowel != V_NONE) {
+ if (ind == 0) {
+ /*
+ * We've matched a single vowel
+ * glyph.
+ */
+ return (tword());
+ }
+ token[current].str[ind++] = c;
+ token[current].str[ind] = 0;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * We've hit a vowel, which is the end of the
+ * glyph.
+ */
+ } else if (token[current].vowel != V_NONE) {
+ token[current].str[ind] = 0;
+ return (tword());
+ /*
+ * Check to see if what we have so far + the
+ * next is a glyph. If not, then this
+ * character is the beginning of the next
+ * one.
+ */
+ } else {
+ int n;
+ token[current].str[ind++] = c;
+ token[current].str[ind] = 0;
+ if ((n = match(BASE, token[current].str, -1)) != ERROR) {
+ token[current].char_num = n;
+ mtch++;
+ } else if (mtch != 0) {
+ token[current].str[--ind] = 0;
+ Ungetc(c);
+ return (tword());
+ } else {
+ bad_word();
+ return (0);
+ }
+ }
+ c = Getc(c);
+ }
+ }
+ int count;
+ int i, shift, cn, ch;
+ char fs[20];
+ /*
+ * Indicate that output has occurred.
+ */
+ output_pending_punct();
+ blank_flag = blank_next;
+ blank_next = 0;
+ slashes = slashes_next;
+ slashes_next = 0;
+ word_out = 1;
+ for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
+ /*
+ * Check for a single vowel glyph. The output is different
+ * for a single vowel since it has nothing to modify.
+ */
+ shift = 0;
+ if (token[i].special == SPECIAL) {
+ printf("%s%%\n", token[i].str);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (token[i].char_num > 127) {
+ cn = token[i].char_num - 128;
+ strcpy(fs, "\\tibsp");
+ } else {
+ cn = token[i].char_num;
+ strcpy(fs, "\\tibetan");
+ }
+ if (token[i].str[0] == 0)
+ if (token[i].vowel != V_NONE)
+ shift = 1;
+ else
+ continue;
+ /* save the character so that we can find the last one */
+ ch = token[i].char_num;
+ switch (token[i].vowel) {
+ case V_A:
+ case V_NONE:
+ if (shift)
+ printf("\\char29");
+ else
+ printf("\\char%d", cn);
+ break;
+ case V_E:
+ if (shift)
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent127\\tibetan\\char29");
+ else
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent127%s\\char%d", fs, cn);
+ break;
+ case V_I:
+ if (shift)
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent126\\tibetan\\char29");
+ else
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent126%s\\char%d", fs, cn);
+ break;
+ case V_O:
+ if (shift)
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent125\\tibetan\\char29");
+ else
+ printf("\\tibsp\\accent125%s\\char%d", fs, cn);
+ break;
+ case V_U:
+ if (shift)
+ printf("\\u{\\char29}");
+ else
+ printf("\\u{\\char%d}", cn);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
+ token[i].str[j] = 0;
+ token[i].char_num = -1;
+ token[i].vowel = V_NONE;
+ token[i].special = 0;
+ }
+ char c;
+ /*
+ * Don't output any special markers unless output has done something
+ * since the last time we've been called.
+ */
+ if (word_out) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case SENTENCE:
+ if (pending_punct == 0 || pending_punct == WORD)
+ pending_punct = SENTENCE;
+ break;
+ case SENTENCE2:
+ if (pending_punct == 0 || pending_punct == WORD)
+ pending_punct = SENTENCE2;
+ break;
+ case SENTENCE3:
+ if (pending_punct == 0 || pending_punct == WORD)
+ pending_punct = SENTENCE3;
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ if (pending_punct == 0)
+ pending_punct = WORD;
+ break;
+ output_pending_punct();
+ printf("\n\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ int i;
+ switch (pending_punct) {
+ /* this controls the amount of space at the end of sentences */
+ case SENTENCE:
+ for (i=0; i<slashes; i++)
+ printf("\\tibsp\\char115\\tibetan");
+ printf("\\filler\\tibsp\\char115\\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\\tibetan\n");
+ break;
+ case SENTENCE2:
+ printf("\\filler\\tibsp\\char121\\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\\tibetan\n");
+ break;
+ case SENTENCE3:
+ printf("\\filler\\hskip1cm plus1cm minus.5cm\\tibetan\n");
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ if (blank_flag) {
+ printf("\\filler\\tenrm\\ \\tibetan\n");
+ blank_flag = 0;
+ } else
+ printf("\\filler\\tibsp\\char114\\tenrm\\ \\tibetan\n");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ pending_punct = 0;
+ int i;
+ i = 0;
+ while (special[i].word != NULL) {
+ if (strncmp(special[i].word, current_word + current_char, strlen(special[i].word)) == 0) {
+ current_char += strlen(special[i].word);
+ if (current == -1) {
+ current = 0;
+ token[current].char_num = special[i].char_num;
+ token[current].special = SPECIAL;
+ strcpy(token[current].str, special[i].cmd);
+ token[current].vowel = vowel(special[i].word[
+ strlen(special[i].word)+1]);
+ current++;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ if (token[current].char_num == -1) {
+ token[current].char_num = special[i].char_num;
+ token[current].special = SPECIAL;
+ strcpy(token[current].str, special[i].cmd);
+ token[current].vowel = vowel(special[i].word[
+ strlen(special[i].word+1)]);
+ current++;
+ return (-1);
+ } else {
+ current++;
+ token[current].char_num = special[i].char_num;
+ token[current].special = SPECIAL;
+ strcpy(token[current].str, special[i].cmd);
+ token[current].vowel = vowel(special[i].word[
+ strlen(special[i].word+1)]);
+ current++;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return (current_word[current_char++]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "bad character in word <%s>\n", current_word);
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/src/util.c b/language/tibetan/original/src/util.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f5984f8746
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/src/util.c
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ * Copyright 1987 Jeff Sparkes
+ * Department of Computer Science
+ * Memorial University of Newfoundland
+ * St. John's, Nfld.
+ * garfield!jeff1, jeff1@garfield.mun.cdn
+ *
+ * Permission is granted to distribute and/or modify this code, provided
+ * this copyright notice remains intact.
+ * If you use it, let me know. If change it let me know. If you
+ * make money from it, send me a share.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "token.h"
+#include "table.h"
+extern struct tab base_table[];
+extern struct fix superfixes[], subfixes[];
+ * Look up m_str in the table. If m_char isn't -1, see if the m_str can
+ * modify m_char.
+ */
+match(table, m_str, m_char)
+ int table;
+ char *m_str;
+ int m_char;
+ struct tab *base = base_table;
+ struct fix *super = superfixes, *sub = subfixes;
+ int i = 0, miss;
+ int len, j;
+ switch (table) {
+ case BASE:
+ while (base[i].char_num != -1) {
+ miss = 0;
+ len = strlen(m_str);
+ for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+ if (base[i].glyph[j] != '+') {
+ if (m_str[j] != base[i].glyph[j]) {
+ miss = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (vowel(m_str[j]) == V_NONE) {
+ miss = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!miss)
+ return (base[i].char_num);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return (ERROR);
+ break;
+ case SUPER:
+ while (super[i].char_num != -1) {
+ if (super[i].fix_char == m_str[0])
+ if (super[i].base_char == m_char)
+ return (super[i].char_num);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return (ERROR);
+ case SUB:
+ while (sub[i].char_num != -1) {
+ if (sub[i].fix_char == m_str[0])
+ if (sub[i].base_char == m_char)
+ return (sub[i].char_num);
+ i++;
+ }
+ return (ERROR);
+ }
+ char c;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'r':
+ case 'l':
+ case 's':
+ return (1);
+ default:
+ return (0);
+ }
+ char c;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'w':
+ case 'y':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'l':
+ return (1);
+ default:
+ return (0);
+ }
+ char c;
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'a':
+ return (V_A);
+ case 'e':
+ return (V_E);
+ case 'i':
+ return (V_I);
+ case 'o':
+ return (V_O);
+ case 'u':
+ return (V_U);
+ default:
+ return (V_NONE);
+ }
+error(s, pos)
+ char *s;
+ int pos;
+ printf("%s at %d\n", s, pos);
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tib.tfm b/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tib.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad0b4563ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tib.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tibsp.tfm b/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tibsp.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..023455f2f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/tibetan/original/tfm/tibsp.tfm
Binary files differ