Age | Commit message (Expand) | Author |
2010-12-18 | rm tree-dvips, noinfo license, latex 2.09, c.1994 | Karl Berry |
2010-12-18 | rm tracking, probably-nonfree license, c.1996 | Karl Berry |
2010-12-18 | rm sprite, noinfo license, c.1994 | Karl Berry |
2010-12-18 | rm shadbox, nonfree license, c.1996 | Karl Berry |
2010-12-18 | new font comfortaa 1.0 (18dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-17 | rm mxd, no info on license, old mongolian package | Karl Berry |
2010-12-16 | beamerthemenirma 0.1 (16dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-14 | mathmode 2.47 (14dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-14 | rm apalike, merged into apalike | Karl Berry |
2010-12-14 | bibtex 8-Dec-10, clarify license | Karl Berry |
2010-12-14 | new latex package msuthesis 1.5 (13dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-10 | rm logic, noinfo license, c.1991 | Karl Berry |
2010-12-10 | rm fullpict, no license info, pretty old | Karl Berry |
2010-12-08 | new latex package enumitem-zref (8dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-08 | new latex package tucv 1.0 (7dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-08 | piff pd (8dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-08 | new mp package threeddice (8dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-05 | textmerg doc/license update | Karl Berry |
2010-12-03 | eqname license statement (2dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-03 | eqnarray is back, thanks roland (2dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-02 | new generic package fntproof 1.0 (1dec10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-02 | consistence | Karl Berry |
2010-12-01 | new old doc simplified-latex (30nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-12-01 | | Karl Berry |
2010-11-30 | rm vrb, noinfo license, apparent author does not recall writing it | Karl Berry |
2010-11-29 | rm autotab, noinfo license, latex 2.09 | Karl Berry |
2010-11-29 | rm apl, old, license noinfo | Karl Berry |
2010-11-29 | rm adrlist, license noinfo | Karl Berry |
2010-11-28 | rm fribrief, nonfree license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-28 | new latex package fileinfo (28nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-28 | rm ulsy, nonfree license, old, probably unused since no one asked for the type1 | Karl Berry |
2010-11-27 | chess update from 1992, to get copyright file, etc. | Karl Berry |
2010-11-25 | trailing / | Karl Berry |
2010-11-25 | rm typedref, nonfree license (comes from saferef) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-25 | rm vita, nonfree license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-25 | rm ssqquote, nonfree license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-24 | consistency | Karl Berry |
2010-11-24 | tugboat 2010/11/15 (24nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-23 | ascii-chart renamed from tasciichart (22nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-22 | rm armenian, nonfree (nomodify) license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-22 | rm acromake, nonfree (nomodify) license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-22 | rm siggraph, nonfree license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-22 | rm mhs, nonfree (nomodify) license | Karl Berry |
2010-11-21 | new type1 fonts bbold-type1 (21nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-21 | new latex package dirtytalk 1.0 (22nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-21 | epigram pd, own package, 20nov10 | Karl Berry |
2010-11-21 | cmtiup 1.3a (21nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-21 | drv 0.96 (20nov10) | Karl Berry |
2010-11-20 | rm uhrzeit, noinfo license, c.2001, small | Karl Berry |
2010-11-20 | rm maple, no license info, for c.1994 Maple newsletter | Karl Berry |