path: root/Master/xemtex/perl/site/lib/Tk/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/xemtex/perl/site/lib/Tk/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1298 deletions
diff --git a/Master/xemtex/perl/site/lib/Tk/ b/Master/xemtex/perl/site/lib/Tk/
deleted file mode 100644
index 811d9e5e28b..00000000000
--- a/Master/xemtex/perl/site/lib/Tk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1298 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-package Tk::Widget;
-use vars qw($VERSION @DefaultMenuLabels);
-$VERSION = '3.080'; # $Id: //depot/Tk8/Tk/ $
-require Tk;
-use AutoLoader;
-use strict;
-use Carp;
-use base qw(DynaLoader Tk);
-# stubs for 'autoloaded' widget classes
-sub Button;
-sub Canvas;
-sub Checkbutton;
-sub Entry;
-sub Frame;
-sub Label;
-sub Listbox;
-sub Menu;
-sub Menubutton;
-sub Message;
-sub Scale;
-sub Scrollbar;
-sub Radiobutton;
-sub Text;
-sub Toplevel;
-sub Pixmap;
-sub Bitmap;
-sub Photo;
-sub ScrlListbox;
-sub Optionmenu;
-sub import
- my $package = shift;
- carp 'use Tk::Widget () to pre-load widgets is deprecated' if (@_);
- my $need;
- foreach $need (@_)
- {
- unless (defined &{$need})
- {
- require "Tk/${need}.pm";
- }
- croak "Cannot locate $need" unless (defined &{$need});
- }
-@DefaultMenuLabels = qw[~File ~Help];
-# Some tidy-ness functions for winfo stuff
-sub True { 1 }
-sub False { 0 }
-use Tk::Submethods( 'grab' => [qw(current status release -global)],
- 'focus' => [qw(-force -lastfor)],
- 'pack' => [qw(configure forget info propagate slaves)],
- 'grid' => [qw(bbox columnconfigure configure forget info location propagate rowconfigure size slaves)],
- 'form' => [qw(check configure forget grid info slaves)],
- 'event' => [qw(add delete generate info)],
- 'place' => [qw(configure forget info slaves)],
- 'wm' => [qw(capture release)],
- 'font' => [qw(actual configure create delete families measure metrics names)]
- );
- # FIXME - these don't work in the compiler
- *IsMenu = \&False;
- *IsMenubutton = \&False;
- *configure_self = \&Tk::configure;
- *cget_self = \&Tk::cget;
-Direct Tk::Submethods (
- 'winfo' => [qw(cells class colormapfull depth exists
- geometry height id ismapped manager name parent reqheight
- reqwidth rootx rooty screen screencells screendepth screenheight
- screenmmheight screenmmwidth screenvisual screenwidth visual
- visualsavailable vrootheight viewable vrootwidth vrootx vrooty
- width x y toplevel children pixels pointerx pointery pointerxy
- server fpixels rgb )],
- 'tk' => [qw(appname scaling)]);
- my $w = shift;
- $w->destroy if ($w->IsWidget);
-sub Install
- # Dynamically loaded widgets add their core commands
- # to the Tk base class here
- my ($package,$mw) = @_;
-sub ClassInit
- # Carry out class bindings (or whatever)
- my ($package,$mw) = @_;
- return $package;
-sub CreateOptions
- return ();
-sub CreateArgs
- my ($package,$parent,$args) = @_;
- # Remove from hash %$args any configure-like
- # options which only apply at create time (e.g. -colormap for Frame),
- # or which may as well be applied right away
- # return these as a list of -key => value pairs
- # Augment same hash with default values for missing mandatory options,
- # allthough this can be done later in InitObject.
- # Honour -class => if present, we have hacked Tk_ConfigureWidget to
- # allow -class to be passed to any widget.
- my @result = ();
- my $class = delete $args->{'-class'};
- ($class) = $package =~ /([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)$/i unless (defined $class);
- push(@result, '-class' => "\u$class") if (defined $class);
- foreach my $opt ($package->CreateOptions)
- {
- push(@result, $opt => delete $args->{$opt}) if exists $args->{$opt};
- }
- return @result;
-sub InitObject
- my ($obj,$args) = @_;
- # per object initialization, for example populating
- # with sub-widgets, adding a few object bindings to augment
- # inherited class bindings, changing binding tags.
- # Also another chance to mess with %$args before configure...
-sub SetBindtags
- my ($obj) = @_;
- $obj->bindtags([ref($obj),$obj,$obj->toplevel,'all']);
-sub new
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
- my $package = shift;
- my $parent = shift;
- $package->InitClass($parent);
- $parent->BackTrace("Odd number of args to $package->new(...)") unless ((@_ % 2) == 0);
- my %args = @_;
- my @args = $package->CreateArgs($parent,\%args);
- my $cmd = $package->Tk_cmd;
- my $pname = $parent->PathName;
- $pname = '' if ($pname eq '.');
- my $leaf = delete $args{'Name'};
- if (defined $leaf)
- {
- $leaf =~ s/[^a-z0-9_]+/_/ig;
- $leaf = lcfirst($leaf);
- }
- else
- {
- ($leaf) = "\L$package" =~ /([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)$/;
- }
- my $lname = $pname . '.' . $leaf;
- # create a hash indexed by leaf name to speed up
- # creation of a lot of sub-widgets of the same type
- # e.g. entries in Table
- my $nhash = $parent->TkHash('_names_');
- $nhash->{$leaf} = 0 unless (exists $nhash->{$leaf});
- while (defined ($parent->Widget($lname)))
- {
- $lname = $pname . '.' . $leaf . ++$nhash->{$leaf};
- }
- my $obj = eval { &$cmd($parent, $lname, @args) };
- confess $@ if $@;
- bless $obj,$package;
- $obj->SetBindtags;
- my $notice = $parent->can('NoticeChild');
- $parent->$notice($obj,\%args) if $notice;
- $obj->InitObject(\%args);
-# ASkludge(\%args,1);
- $obj->configure(%args) if (%args);
-# ASkludge(\%args,0);
- return $obj;
-sub DelegateFor
- my ($w,$method) = @_;
- while(exists $w->{'Delegates'})
- {
- my $delegate = $w->{'Delegates'};
- my $widget = $delegate->{$method};
- $widget = $delegate->{DEFAULT} unless (defined $widget);
- $widget = $w->Subwidget($widget) if (defined $widget && !ref $widget);
- last unless (defined $widget);
- last if $widget == $w;
- $w = $widget;
- }
- return $w;
-sub Delegates
- my $cw = shift;
- my $specs = $cw->TkHash('Delegates');
- while (@_)
- {
- my $key = shift;
- my $val = shift;
- $specs->{$key} = $val;
- }
- return $specs;
-sub Construct
- my ($base,$name) = @_;
- my $class = (caller(0))[0];
- no strict 'refs';
- # Hack for broken ->isa in perl5.6.0
- delete ${"$class\::"}{'::ISA::CACHE::'} if $] == 5.006;
- # Pre ->isa scheme
- *{$base.'::Is'.$name} = \&False;
- *{$class.'::Is'.$name} = \&True;
- # DelegateFor trickyness is to allow Frames and other derived things
- # to force creation in a delegate e.g. a ScrlText with embeded windows
- # need those windows to be children of the Text to get clipping right
- # and not of the Frame which contains the Text and the scrollbars.
- *{$base.'::'."$name"} = sub { $class->new(shift->DelegateFor('Construct'),@_) };
-sub IS
- return (defined $_[1]) && $_[0] == $_[1];
-sub _AutoloadTkWidget
- my ($self,$method) = @_;
- my $what = "Tk::Widget::$method";
- unless (defined &$what)
- {
- require "Tk/$";
- }
- return $what;
-require UNIVERSAL;
- # Take a copy into a 'my' variable so we can recurse
- my $what = $Tk::Widget::AUTOLOAD;
- my $save = $@;
- my $name;
- # warn "AUTOLOAD $what ".(ref($_[0]) || $_[0])."\n";
- # Braces used to preserve $1 et al.
- {
- my ($pkg,$func) = $what =~ /(.*)::([^:]+)$/;
- confess("Attempt to load '$what'") unless defined($pkg) && $func =~ /^[\w:]+$/;
- $pkg =~ s#::#/#g;
- if (defined($name=$INC{"$"}))
- {
- $name =~ s#^(.*)$pkg\.pm$#$1auto/$pkg/$;
- }
- else
- {
- $name = "auto/$";
- $name =~ s#::#/#g;
- }
- }
- # This may fail, catch error and prevent user's __DIE__ handler
- # from triggering as well...
- eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; require $name};
- if ($@)
- {
- croak $@ unless ($@ =~ /Can't locate\s+(?:file\s+)?'?\Q$name\E'?/);
- my($package,$method) = ($what =~ /^(.*)::([^:]*)$/);
- if (ref $_[0] && !$_[0]->can($method)
- && $_[0]->can('Delegate')
- && $method !~ /^(ConfigSpecs|Delegates)/ )
- {
- my $delegate = $_[0]->Delegates;
- if (%$delegate || tied %$delegate)
- {
- my $widget = $delegate->{$method};
- $widget = $delegate->{DEFAULT} unless (defined $widget);
- if (defined $widget)
- {
- my $subwidget = (ref $widget) ? $widget : $_[0]->Subwidget($widget);
- if (defined $subwidget)
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- # print "AUTOLOAD: $what\n";
- *{$what} = sub { shift->Delegate($method,@_) };
- }
- else
- {
- croak "No delegate subwidget '$widget' for $what";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!defined(&$what) && $method =~ /^[A-Z]\w+$/)
- {
- # Use ->can as ->isa is broken in perl5.6.0
- my $sub = UNIVERSAL::can($_[0],'_AutoloadTkWidget');
- if ($sub)
- {
- carp "Assuming 'require Tk::$method;'" unless $_[0]->can($method);
- $what = $_[0]->$sub($method)
- }
- }
- }
- $@ = $save;
- $DB::sub = $what; # Tell debugger what is going on...
- unless (defined &$what)
- {
- no strict 'refs';
- *{$what} = sub { croak("Failed to AUTOLOAD '$what'") };
- }
- goto &$what;
-sub _Destroyed
- my $w = shift;
- my $a = delete $w->{'_Destroy_'};
- if (ref($a))
- {
- while (@$a)
- {
- my $ent = pop(@$a);
- if (ref $ent)
- {
- eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $ent->Call };
- }
- else
- {
- delete $w->{$ent};
- }
- }
- }
-sub _OnDestroy
- my $w = shift;
- $w->{'_Destroy_'} = [] unless (exists $w->{'_Destroy_'});
- push(@{$w->{'_Destroy_'}},@_);
-sub OnDestroy
- my $w = shift;
- $w->_OnDestroy(Tk::Callback->new(@_));
-sub TkHash
- my ($w,$key) = @_;
- return $w->{$key} if exists $w->{$key};
- my $hash = $w->{$key} = {};
- $w->_OnDestroy($key);
- return $hash;
-sub privateData
- my $w = shift;
- my $p = shift || caller;
- $w->{$p} ||= {};
-my @image_types;
-my %image_method;
-sub ImageMethod
- shift if (@_ & 1);
- while (@_)
- {
- my ($name,$method) = splice(@_,0,2);
- push(@image_types,$name);
- $image_method{$name} = $method;
- }
-sub Getimage
- my ($w, $name) = @_;
- my $mw = $w->MainWindow;
- croak "Usage \$widget->Getimage('name')" unless defined($name);
- my $images = ($mw->{'__Images__'} ||= {});
- return $images->{$name} if $images->{$name};
- ImageMethod(xpm => 'Pixmap',
- gif => 'Photo',
- ppm => 'Photo',
- xbm => 'Bitmap' ) unless @image_types;
- foreach my $type (@image_types)
- {
- my $method = $image_method{$type};
- my $file = Tk->findINC( "$name.$type" );
- next unless( $file && $method );
- my $sub = $w->can($method);
- unless (defined &$sub)
- {
- require Tk::widgets;
- Tk::widgets->import($method);
- }
- $images->{$name} = $w->$method( -file => $file );
- return $images->{$name};
- }
- # Try built-in bitmaps
- $images->{$name} = $w->Pixmap( -id => $name );
- return $images->{$name};
-sub SaveGrabInfo
- my $w = shift;
- $Tk::oldGrab = $w->grabCurrent;
- if (defined $Tk::oldGrab)
- {
- $Tk::grabStatus = $Tk::oldGrab->grabStatus;
- }
-sub grabSave
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $grab = $w->grabCurrent;
- return sub {} if (!defined $grab);
- my $method = ($grab->grabStatus eq 'global') ? 'grabGlobal' : 'grab';
- return sub { eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $grab->$method() } };
-sub focusCurrent
- my ($w) = @_;
- $w->Tk::focus('-displayof');
-sub focusSave
- my ($w) = @_;
- my $focus = $w->focusCurrent;
- return sub {} if (!defined $focus);
- return sub { eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $focus->focus } };
-# This is supposed to replicate Tk::after behaviour,
-# but does auto-cancel when widget is deleted.
-require Tk::After;
-sub afterIdle
- my $w = shift;
- return Tk::After->new($w,'idle','once',@_);
-sub afterCancel
- my ($w,$what) = @_;
- if (defined $what)
- {
- return $what->cancel if ref($what);
- carp "dubious cancel of $what" if 0 && $^W;
- $w->Tk::after('cancel' => $what);
- }
-sub after
- my $w = shift;
- my $t = shift;
- if (@_)
- {
- if ($t ne 'cancel')
- {
- require Tk::After;
- return Tk::After->new($w,$t,'once',@_)
- }
- while (@_)
- {
- my $what = shift;
- $w->afterCancel($what);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $w->Tk::after($t);
- }
-sub repeat
- require Tk::After;
- my $w = shift;
- my $t = shift;
- return Tk::After->new($w,$t,'repeat',@_);
-sub FindMenu
- # default FindMenu is that there is no menu.
- return undef;
-sub XEvent { shift->{'_XEvent_'} }
-sub propertyRoot
- my $w = shift;
- return $w->property(@_,'root');
-# atom, atomname, containing, interps, pathname
-# don't work this way - there is no window arg
-# So we pretend there was an call the C versions from Tk.xs
-sub atom { shift->InternAtom(@_) }
-sub atomname { shift->GetAtomName(@_) }
-sub containing { shift->Containing(@_) }
-# interps not done yet
-# pathname not done yet
-# walk and descendants adapted from Stephen's composite
-# versions as they only use core features they can go here.
-# hierachy is reversed in that descendants calls walk rather
-# than vice versa as this avoids building a list.
-# Walk should possibly be enhanced so allow early termination
-# like '-prune' of find.
-sub Walk
- # Traverse a widget hierarchy while executing a subroutine.
- my($cw, $proc, @args) = @_;
- my $subwidget;
- foreach $subwidget ($cw->children)
- {
- $subwidget->Walk($proc,@args);
- &$proc($subwidget, @args);
- }
-} # end walk
-sub Descendants
- # Return a list of widgets derived from a parent widget and all its
- # descendants of a particular class.
- # If class is not passed returns the entire widget hierarchy.
- my($widget, $class) = @_;
- my(@widget_tree) = ();
- $widget->Walk(
- sub { my ($widget,$list,$class) = @_;
- push(@$list, $widget) if (!defined($class) or $class eq $widget->class);
- },
- \@widget_tree, $class
- );
- return @widget_tree;
-sub Palette
- my $w = shift->MainWindow;
- unless (exists $w->{_Palette_})
- {
- my %Palette = ();
- my $c = $w->Checkbutton();
- my $e = $w->Entry();
- my $s = $w->Scrollbar();
- $Palette{'activeBackground'} = ($c->configure('-activebackground'))[3] ;
- $Palette{'activeForeground'} = ($c->configure('-activeforeground'))[3];
- $Palette{'background'} = ($c->configure('-background'))[3];
- $Palette{'disabledForeground'} = ($c->configure('-disabledforeground'))[3];
- $Palette{'foreground'} = ($c->configure('-foreground'))[3];
- $Palette{'highlightBackground'} = ($c->configure('-highlightbackground'))[3];
- $Palette{'highlightColor'} = ($c->configure('-highlightcolor'))[3];
- $Palette{'insertBackground'} = ($e->configure('-insertbackground'))[3];
- $Palette{'selectColor'} = ($c->configure('-selectcolor'))[3];
- $Palette{'selectBackground'} = ($e->configure('-selectbackground'))[3];
- $Palette{'selectForeground'} = ($e->configure('-selectforeground'))[3];
- $Palette{'troughColor'} = ($s->configure('-troughcolor'))[3];
- $c->destroy;
- $e->destroy;
- $s->destroy;
- $w->{_Palette_} = \%Palette;
- }
- return $w->{_Palette_};
-# tk_setPalette --
-# Changes the default color scheme for a Tk application by setting
-# default colors in the option database and by modifying all of the
-# color options for existing widgets that have the default value.
-# Arguments:
-# The arguments consist of either a single color name, which
-# will be used as the new background color (all other colors will
-# be computed from this) or an even number of values consisting of
-# option names and values. The name for an option is the one used
-# for the option database, such as activeForeground, not -activeforeground.
-sub setPalette
- my $w = shift->MainWindow;
- my %new = (@_ == 1) ? (background => $_[0]) : @_;
- my $priority = delete($new{'priority'}) || 'widgetDefault';
- # Create an array that has the complete new palette. If some colors
- # aren't specified, compute them from other colors that are specified.
- die 'must specify a background color' if (!exists $new{background});
- $new{'foreground'} = 'black' unless (exists $new{foreground});
- my @bg = $w->rgb($new{'background'});
- my @fg = $w->rgb($new{'foreground'});
- my $darkerBg = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',9*$bg[0]/2560,9*$bg[1]/2560,9*$bg[2]/2560);
- foreach my $i ('activeForeground','insertBackground','selectForeground','highlightColor')
- {
- $new{$i} = $new{'foreground'} unless (exists $new{$i});
- }
- unless (exists $new{'disabledForeground'})
- {
- $new{'disabledForeground'} = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',(3*$bg[0]+$fg[0])/1024,(3*$bg[1]+$fg[1])/1024,(3*$bg[2]+$fg[2])/1024);
- }
- $new{'highlightBackground'} = $new{'background'} unless (exists $new{'highlightBackground'});
- unless (exists $new{'activeBackground'})
- {
- my @light;
- # Pick a default active background that is lighter than the
- # normal background. To do this, round each color component
- # up by 15% or 1/3 of the way to full white, whichever is
- # greater.
- foreach my $i (0, 1, 2)
- {
- $light[$i] = $bg[$i]/256;
- my $inc1 = $light[$i]*15/100;
- my $inc2 = (255-$light[$i])/3;
- if ($inc1 > $inc2)
- {
- $light[$i] += $inc1
- }
- else
- {
- $light[$i] += $inc2
- }
- $light[$i] = 255 if ($light[$i] > 255);
- }
- $new{'activeBackground'} = sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',@light);
- }
- $new{'selectBackground'} = $darkerBg unless (exists $new{'selectBackground'});
- $new{'troughColor'} = $darkerBg unless (exists $new{'troughColor'});
- $new{'selectColor'} = '#b03060' unless (exists $new{'selectColor'});
- # Before doing this, make sure that the Tk::Palette variable holds
- # the default values of all options, so that tkRecolorTree can
- # be sure to only change options that have their default values.
- # If the variable exists, then it is already correct (it was created
- # the last time this procedure was invoked). If the variable
- # doesn't exist, fill it in using the defaults from a few widgets.
- my $Palette = $w->Palette;
- # Walk the widget hierarchy, recoloring all existing windows.
- $w->RecolorTree(\%new);
- # Change the option database so that future windows will get the
- # same colors.
- foreach my $option (keys %new)
- {
- $w->option('add',"*$option",$new{$option},$priority);
- # Save the options in the global variable Tk::Palette, for use the
- # next time we change the options.
- $Palette->{$option} = $new{$option};
- }
-# tkRecolorTree --
-# This procedure changes the colors in a window and all of its
-# descendants, according to information provided by the colors
-# argument. It only modifies colors that have their default values
-# as specified by the Tk::Palette variable.
-# Arguments:
-# w - The name of a window. This window and all its
-# descendants are recolored.
-# colors - The name of an array variable in the caller,
-# which contains color information. Each element
-# is named after a widget configuration option, and
-# each value is the value for that option.
-sub RecolorTree
- my ($w,$colors) = @_;
- local ($@);
- my $Palette = $w->Palette;
- foreach my $dbOption (keys %$colors)
- {
- my $option = "-\L$dbOption";
- my $value;
- eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $value = $w->cget($option) };
- if (defined $value)
- {
- if ($value eq $Palette->{$dbOption})
- {
- $w->configure($option,$colors->{$dbOption});
- }
- }
- }
- foreach my $child ($w->children)
- {
- $child->RecolorTree($colors);
- }
-# tkDarken --
-# Given a color name, computes a new color value that darkens (or
-# brightens) the given color by a given percent.
-# Arguments:
-# color - Name of starting color.
-# perecent - Integer telling how much to brighten or darken as a
-# percent: 50 means darken by 50%, 110 means brighten
-# by 10%.
-sub Darken
- my ($w,$color,$percent) = @_;
- my @l = $w->rgb($color);
- my $red = $l[0]/256;
- my $green = $l[1]/256;
- my $blue = $l[2]/256;
- $red = int($red*$percent/100);
- $red = 255 if ($red > 255);
- $green = int($green*$percent/100);
- $green = 255 if ($green > 255);
- $blue = int($blue*$percent/100);
- $blue = 255 if ($blue > 255);
- sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x',$red,$green,$blue)
-# tk_bisque --
-# Reset the Tk color palette to the old "bisque" colors.
-# Arguments:
-# None.
-sub bisque
- shift->setPalette('activeBackground' => '#e6ceb1',
- 'activeForeground' => 'black',
- 'background' => '#ffe4c4',
- 'disabledForeground' => '#b0b0b0',
- 'foreground' => 'black',
- 'highlightBackground' => '#ffe4c4',
- 'highlightColor' => 'black',
- 'insertBackground' => 'black',
- 'selectColor' => '#b03060',
- 'selectBackground' => '#e6ceb1',
- 'selectForeground' => 'black',
- 'troughColor' => '#cdb79e'
- );
-sub PrintConfig
- require Tk::Pretty;
- my ($w) = (@_);
- my $c;
- foreach $c ($w->configure)
- {
- print Tk::Pretty::Pretty(@$c),"\n";
- }
-sub BusyRecurse
- my ($restore,$w,$cursor,$recurse,$top) = @_;
- my $c = $w->cget('-cursor');
- my @tags = $w->bindtags;
- if ($top || defined($c))
- {
- push(@$restore, sub { return unless Tk::Exists($w); $w->configure(-cursor => $c); $w->bindtags(\@tags) });
- $w->configure(-cursor => $cursor);
- }
- else
- {
- push(@$restore, sub { return unless Tk::Exists($w); $w->bindtags(\@tags) });
- }
- $w->bindtags(['Busy',@tags]);
- if ($recurse)
- {
- foreach my $child ($w->children)
- {
- BusyRecurse($restore,$child,$cursor,1,0);
- }
- }
- return $restore;
-sub Busy
- my ($w,%args) = @_;
- return unless $w->viewable;
- my $cursor = delete $args{'-cursor'};
- my $recurse = delete $args{'-recurse'};
- $cursor = 'watch' unless defined $cursor;
- unless (exists $w->{'Busy'})
- {
- my @old = ($w->grabSave);
- my $key;
- my @config;
- foreach $key (keys %args)
- {
- push(@config,$key => $w->Tk::cget($key));
- }
- if (@config)
- {
- push(@old, sub { $w->Tk::configure(@config) });
- $w->Tk::configure(%args);
- }
- unless ($w->Tk::bind('Busy'))
- {
- $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-KeyPress>',[_busy => 1]);
- $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-KeyRelease>',[_busy => 0]);
- $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-ButtonPress>',[_busy => 1]);
- $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-ButtonRelease>',[_busy => 0]);
- $w->Tk::bind('Busy','<Any-Motion>',[_busy => 0]);
- }
- $w->{'Busy'} = BusyRecurse(\@old,$w,$cursor,$recurse,1);
- }
- my $g = $w->grabCurrent;
- if (defined $g)
- {
- # warn "$g has the grab";
- $g->grabRelease;
- }
- $w->update;
- eval {local $SIG{'__DIE__'}; $w->grab };
- $w->update;
-sub _busy
- my ($w,$f) = @_;
- $w->bell if $f;
- $w->break;
-sub Unbusy
- my ($w) = @_;
- $w->update;
- $w->grabRelease;
- my $old = delete $w->{'Busy'};
- if (defined $old)
- {
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'};
- eval { &{pop(@$old)} } while (@$old);
- }
- $w->update;
-sub waitVisibility
- my ($w) = shift;
- $w->tkwait('visibility',$w);
-sub waitVariable
- my ($w) = shift;
- $w->tkwait('variable',@_);
-sub waitWindow
- my ($w) = shift;
- $w->tkwait('window',$w);
-sub EventWidget
- my ($w) = @_;
- return $w->{'_EventWidget_'};
-sub Popwidget
- my ($ew,$method,$w,@args) = @_;
- $w->{'_EventWidget_'} = $ew;
- $w->$method(@args);
-sub ColorOptions
- my ($w,$args) = @_;
- my $opt;
- $args = {} unless (defined $args);
- foreach $opt (qw(-foreground -background -disabledforeground
- -activebackground -activeforeground
- ))
- {
- $args->{$opt} = $w->cget($opt) unless (exists $args->{$opt})
- }
- return (wantarray) ? %$args : $args;
-sub XscrollBind
- my ($mw,$class) = @_;
- $mw->bind($class,'<Left>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'units']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Left>', ['xview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Prior>',['xview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Right>', ['xview','scroll',1,'units']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Right>',['xview','scroll',1,'pages']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Control-Next>', ['xview','scroll',1,'pages']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Home>', ['xview','moveto',0]);
- $mw->bind($class,'<End>', ['xview','moveto',1]);
-sub PriorNextBind
- my ($mw,$class) = @_;
- $mw->bind($class,'<Next>', ['yview','scroll',1,'pages']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Prior>', ['yview','scroll',-1,'pages']);
-sub YscrollBind
- my ($mw,$class) = @_;
- $mw->PriorNextBind($class);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Up>', ['yview','scroll',-1,'units']);
- $mw->bind($class,'<Down>', ['yview','scroll',1,'units']);
-sub XYscrollBind
- my ($mw,$class) = @_;
- $mw->YscrollBind($class);
- $mw->XscrollBind($class);
-sub ScrlListbox
- my $parent = shift;
- return $parent->Scrolled('Listbox',-scrollbars => 'w', @_);
-sub AddBindTag
- my ($w,$tag) = @_;
- my $t;
- my @tags = $w->bindtags;
- foreach $t (@tags)
- {
- return if $t eq $tag;
- }
- $w->bindtags([@tags,$tag]);
-sub Callback
- my $w = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- my $cb = $w->cget($name);
- if (defined $cb)
- {
- return $cb->Call(@_) if (ref $cb);
- return $w->$cb(@_);
- }
- return (wantarray) ? () : undef;
-sub packAdjust
-# print 'packAdjust(',join(',',@_),")\n";
- require Tk::Adjuster;
- my ($w,%args) = @_;
- my $delay = delete($args{'-delay'});
- $delay = 1 unless (defined $delay);
- $w->pack(%args);
- %args = $w->packInfo;
- my $adj = Tk::Adjuster->new($args{'-in'},
- -widget => $w, -delay => $delay, -side => $args{'-side'});
- $adj->packed($w,%args);
- return $w;
-sub gridAdjust
- require Tk::Adjuster;
- my ($w,%args) = @_;
- my $delay = delete($args{'-delay'});
- $delay = 1 unless (defined $delay);
- $w->grid(%args);
- %args = $w->gridInfo;
- my $adj = Tk::Adjuster->new($args{'-in'},-widget => $w, -delay => $delay);
- $adj->gridded($w,%args);
- return $w;
-sub place
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
- my $w = shift;
- if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|forget|info|slaves)$/x)
- {
- $w->Tk::place(@_);
- }
- else
- {
- # Two things going on here:
- # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
- $w->Tk::place('configure',@_);
- # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
- return $w;
- }
-sub pack
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
- my $w = shift;
- if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|forget|info|propagate|slaves)$/x)
- {
- # maybe array/scalar context issue with slaves
- $w->Tk::pack(@_);
- }
- else
- {
- # Two things going on here:
- # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
- $w->Tk::pack('configure',@_);
- # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
- return $w;
- }
-sub grid
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
- my $w = shift;
- if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:bbox|columnconfigure|configure|forget|info|location|propagate|rowconfigure|size|slaves)$/x)
- {
- my $opt = shift;
- Tk::grid($opt,$w,@_);
- }
- else
- {
- # Two things going on here:
- # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
- Tk::grid('configure',$w,@_);
- # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
- return $w;
- }
-sub form
- local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = \&Carp::croak;
- my $w = shift;
- if (@_ && $_[0] =~ /^(?:configure|check|forget|grid|info|slaves)$/x)
- {
- $w->Tk::form(@_);
- }
- else
- {
- # Two things going on here:
- # 1. Add configure on the front so that we can drop leading '-'
- $w->Tk::form('configure',@_);
- # 2. Return the widget rather than nothing
- return $w;
- }
-sub Scrolled
- my ($parent,$kind,%args) = @_;
- # Find args that are Frame create time args
- my @args = Tk::Frame->CreateArgs($parent,\%args);
- my $name = delete $args{'Name'};
- push(@args,'Name' => $name) if (defined $name);
- my $cw = $parent->Frame(@args);
- @args = ();
- # Now remove any args that Frame can handle
- foreach my $k ('-scrollbars',map($_->[0],$cw->configure))
- {
- push(@args,$k,delete($args{$k})) if (exists $args{$k})
- }
- # Anything else must be for target widget - pass at widget create time
- my $w = $cw->$kind(%args);
- # Now re-set %args to be ones Frame can handle
- %args = @args;
- $cw->ConfigSpecs('-scrollbars' => ['METHOD','scrollbars','Scrollbars','se'],
- '-background' => [$w,'background','Background'],
- '-foreground' => [$w,'foreground','Foreground'],
- );
- $cw->AddScrollbars($w);
- $cw->Default("\L$kind" => $w);
- $cw->Delegates('bind' => $w, 'bindtags' => $w, 'menu' => $w);
- $cw->ConfigDefault(\%args);
- $cw->configure(%args);
- return $cw;
-sub Populate
- my ($cw,$args) = @_;
-sub ForwardEvent
- my $self = shift;
- my $to = shift;
- $to->PassEvent($self->XEvent);
-# Save / Return abstract event type as in Tix.
-sub EventType
- my $w = shift;
- $w->{'_EventType_'} = $_[0] if @_;
- return $w->{'_EventType_'};
-sub PostPopupMenu
- my ($w, $X, $Y) = @_;
- if (@_ < 3)
- {
- my $e = $w->XEvent;
- $X = $e->X;
- $Y = $e->Y;
- }
- my $menu = $w->menu;
- $menu->Post($X,$Y) if defined $menu;
-sub FillMenu
- my ($w,$menu,@labels) = @_;
- foreach my $lab (@labels)
- {
- my $method = $lab.'MenuItems';
- $method =~ s/~//g;
- $method =~ s/[\s-]+/_/g;
- if ($w->can($method))
- {
- $menu->Menubutton(-label => $lab, -tearoff => 0, -menuitems => $w->$method());
- }
- }
- return $menu;
-sub menu
- my ($w,$menu) = @_;
- if (@_ > 1)
- {
- $w->_OnDestroy('_MENU_') unless exists $w->{'_MENU_'};
- $w->{'_MENU_'} = $menu;
- }
- return unless defined wantarray;
- unless (exists $w->{'_MENU_'})
- {
- $w->_OnDestroy('_MENU_');
- $w->{'_MENU_'} = $menu = $w->Menu(-tearoff => 0);
- $w->FillMenu($menu,$w->MenuLabels);
- }
- return $w->{'_MENU_'};
-sub MenuLabels
- return @DefaultMenuLabels;
-sub FileMenuItems
- my ($w) = @_;
- return [ ["command"=>'E~xit', -command => [ $w, 'WmDeleteWindow']]];
-sub WmDeleteWindow
- shift->toplevel->WmDeleteWindow
-sub BalloonInfo
- my ($widget,$balloon,$X,$Y,@opt) = @_;
- foreach my $opt (@opt)
- {
- my $info = $balloon->GetOption($opt,$widget);
- return $info if defined $info;
- }
-sub ASkludge
- my ($hash,$sense) = @_;
- foreach my $key (%$hash)
- {
- if ($key =~ /-.*variable/ && ref($hash->{$key}) eq 'SCALAR')
- {
- if ($sense)
- {
- my $val = ${$hash->{$key}};
- require Tie::Scalar;
- tie ${$hash->{$key}},'Tie::StdScalar';
- ${$hash->{$key}} = $val;
- }
- else
- {
- untie ${$hash->{$key}};
- }
- }
- }
-# clipboardKeysyms --
-# This procedure is invoked to identify the keys that correspond to
-# the "copy", "cut", and "paste" functions for the clipboard.
-# Arguments:
-# copy - Name of the key (keysym name plus modifiers, if any,
-# such as "Meta-y") used for the copy operation.
-# cut - Name of the key used for the cut operation.
-# paste - Name of the key used for the paste operation.
-# This method is obsolete use clipboardOperations and abstract
-# event types instead. See and
-sub clipboardKeysyms
- my @class = ();
- my $mw = shift;
- if (ref $mw)
- {
- $mw = $mw->DelegateFor('bind');
- }
- else
- {
- push(@class,$mw);
- $mw = shift;
- }
- if (@_)
- {
- my $copy = shift;
- $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$copy>",'clipboardCopy') if (defined $copy);
- }
- if (@_)
- {
- my $cut = shift;
- $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$cut>",'clipboardCut') if (defined $cut);
- }
- if (@_)
- {
- my $paste = shift;
- $mw->Tk::bind(@class,"<$paste>",'clipboardPaste') if (defined $paste);
- }
-sub pathname
- my ($w,$id) = @_;
- my $x = $w->winfo('pathname',-displayof => oct($id));
- return $x->PathName;