path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/XML/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/XML/')
1 files changed, 583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/XML/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/XML/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..0f57a578397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/XML/
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# XML::NamespaceSupport - a simple generic namespace processor
+# Robin Berjon <>
+package XML::NamespaceSupport;
+use strict;
+use constant FATALS => 0; # root object
+use constant NSMAP => 1;
+use constant UNKNOWN_PREF => 2;
+use constant AUTO_PREFIX => 3;
+use constant XMLNS_11 => 4;
+use constant DEFAULT => 0; # maps
+use constant PREFIX_MAP => 1;
+use constant DECLARATIONS => 2;
+use vars qw($VERSION $NS_XMLNS $NS_XML);
+$VERSION = '1.10';
+$NS_XMLNS = '';
+$NS_XML = '';
+# add the ns stuff that baud wants based on Java's xml-writer
+# constructor
+sub new {
+ my $class = ref($_[0]) ? ref(shift) : shift;
+ my $options = shift;
+ my $self = [
+ 1, # FATALS
+ [[ # NSMAP
+ undef, # DEFAULT
+ { xml => $NS_XML }, # PREFIX_MAP
+ ]],
+ 'aaa', # UNKNOWN_PREF
+ 1, # XML_11
+ ];
+ $self->[NSMAP]->[0]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{xmlns} = $NS_XMLNS if $options->{xmlns};
+ $self->[FATALS] = $options->{fatal_errors} if defined $options->{fatal_errors};
+ $self->[AUTO_PREFIX] = $options->{auto_prefix} if defined $options->{auto_prefix};
+ $self->[XMLNS_11] = $options->{xmlns_11} if defined $options->{xmlns_11};
+ return bless $self, $class;
+# reset() - return to the original state (for reuse)
+sub reset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $#{$self->[NSMAP]} = 0;
+# push_context() - add a new empty context to the stack
+sub push_context {
+ my $self = shift;
+ push @{$self->[NSMAP]}, [
+ $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DEFAULT],
+ { %{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]} },
+ [],
+ ];
+# pop_context() - remove the topmost context fromt the stack
+sub pop_context {
+ my $self = shift;
+ die 'Trying to pop context without push context' unless @{$self->[NSMAP]} > 1;
+ pop @{$self->[NSMAP]};
+# declare_prefix() - declare a prefix in the current scope
+sub declare_prefix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ my $value = shift;
+ warn <<' EOWARN' unless defined $prefix or $self->[AUTO_PREFIX];
+ Prefix was undefined.
+ If you wish to set the default namespace, use the empty string ''.
+ If you wish to autogenerate prefixes, set the auto_prefix option
+ to a true value.
+ no warnings 'uninitialized';
+ if ($prefix eq 'xml' and $value ne $NS_XML) {
+ die "The xml prefix can only be bound to the $NS_XML namespace."
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq $NS_XML and $prefix ne 'xml') {
+ die "the $NS_XML namespace can only be bound to the xml prefix.";
+ }
+ elsif ($value eq $NS_XML and $prefix eq 'xml') {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0 if index(lc($prefix), 'xml') == 0;
+ use warnings 'uninitialized';
+ if (defined $prefix and $prefix eq '') {
+ $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DEFAULT] = $value;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Cannot undeclare prefix $prefix" if $value eq '' and not $self->[XMLNS_11];
+ if (not defined $prefix and $self->[AUTO_PREFIX]) {
+ while (1) {
+ $prefix = $self->[UNKNOWN_PREF]++;
+ last if not exists $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix};
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (not defined $prefix and not $self->[AUTO_PREFIX]) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix} = $value;
+ }
+ push @{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DECLARATIONS]}, $prefix;
+ return 1;
+# declare_prefixes() - declare several prefixes in the current scope
+sub declare_prefixes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %prefixes = @_;
+ while (my ($k,$v) = each %prefixes) {
+ $self->declare_prefix($k,$v);
+ }
+# undeclare_prefix
+sub undeclare_prefix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ return unless not defined $prefix or $prefix eq '';
+ return unless exists $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix};
+ my ( $tfix ) = grep { $_ eq $prefix } @{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DECLARATIONS]};
+ if ( not defined $tfix ) {
+ die "prefix $prefix not declared in this context\n";
+ }
+ @{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DECLARATIONS]} = grep { $_ ne $prefix } @{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DECLARATIONS]};
+ delete $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix};
+# get_prefix() - get a (random) prefix for a given URI
+sub get_prefix {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uri = shift;
+ # we have to iterate over the whole hash here because if we don't
+ # the iterator isn't reset and the next pass will fail
+ my $pref;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]}) {
+ $pref = $k if $v eq $uri;
+ }
+ return $pref;
+# get_prefixes() - get all the prefixes for a given URI
+sub get_prefixes {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uri = shift;
+ return keys %{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]} unless defined $uri;
+ return grep { $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$_} eq $uri } keys %{$self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]};
+# get_declared_prefixes() - get all prefixes declared in the last context
+sub get_declared_prefixes {
+ return @{$_[0]->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DECLARATIONS]};
+# get_uri() - get an URI given a prefix
+sub get_uri {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $prefix = shift;
+ warn "Prefix must not be undef in get_uri(). The emtpy prefix must be ''" unless defined $prefix;
+ return $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[DEFAULT] if $prefix eq '';
+ return $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix} if exists $self->[NSMAP]->[-1]->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix};
+ return undef;
+# process_name() - provide details on a name
+sub process_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $qname = shift;
+ my $aflag = shift;
+ if ($self->[FATALS]) {
+ return( ($self->_get_ns_details($qname, $aflag))[0,2], $qname );
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { return( ($self->_get_ns_details($qname, $aflag))[0,2], $qname ); }
+ }
+# process_element_name() - provide details on a element's name
+sub process_element_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $qname = shift;
+ if ($self->[FATALS]) {
+ return $self->_get_ns_details($qname, 0);
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { return $self->_get_ns_details($qname, 0); }
+ }
+# process_attribute_name() - provide details on a attribute's name
+sub process_attribute_name {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $qname = shift;
+ if ($self->[FATALS]) {
+ return $self->_get_ns_details($qname, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ eval { return $self->_get_ns_details($qname, 1); }
+ }
+# ($ns, $prefix, $lname) = $self->_get_ns_details($qname, $f_attr)
+# returns ns, prefix, and lname for a given attribute name
+# >> the $f_attr flag, if set to one, will work for an attribute
+sub _get_ns_details {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $qname = shift;
+ my $aflag = shift;
+ my ($ns, $prefix, $lname);
+ (my ($tmp_prefix, $tmp_lname) = split /:/, $qname, 3)
+ < 3 or die "Invalid QName: $qname";
+ # no prefix
+ my $cur_map = $self->[NSMAP]->[-1];
+ if (not defined($tmp_lname)) {
+ $prefix = undef;
+ $lname = $qname;
+ # attr don't have a default namespace
+ $ns = ($aflag) ? undef : $cur_map->[DEFAULT];
+ }
+ # prefix
+ else {
+ if (exists $cur_map->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$tmp_prefix}) {
+ $prefix = $tmp_prefix;
+ $lname = $tmp_lname;
+ $ns = $cur_map->[PREFIX_MAP]->{$prefix}
+ }
+ else { # no ns -> lname == name, all rest undef
+ die "Undeclared prefix: $tmp_prefix";
+ }
+ }
+ return ($ns, $prefix, $lname);
+# parse_jclark_notation() - parse the Clarkian notation
+sub parse_jclark_notation {
+ shift;
+ my $jc = shift;
+ $jc =~ m/^\{(.*)\}([^}]+)$/;
+ return $1, $2;
+# Java names mapping
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::pushContext = \&push_context;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::popContext = \&pop_context;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::declarePrefix = \&declare_prefix;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::declarePrefixes = \&declare_prefixes;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::getPrefix = \&get_prefix;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::getPrefixes = \&get_prefixes;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::getDeclaredPrefixes = \&get_declared_prefixes;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::getURI = \&get_uri;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::processName = \&process_name;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::processElementName = \&process_element_name;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::processAttributeName = \&process_attribute_name;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::parseJClarkNotation = \&parse_jclark_notation;
+*XML::NamespaceSupport::undeclarePrefix = \&undeclare_prefix;
+#`,`, Documentation `,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,`,#
+=head1 NAME
+XML::NamespaceSupport - a simple generic namespace support class
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use XML::NamespaceSupport;
+ my $nsup = XML::NamespaceSupport->new;
+ # add a new empty context
+ $nsup->push_context;
+ # declare a few prefixes
+ $nsup->declare_prefix($prefix1, $uri1);
+ $nsup->declare_prefix($prefix2, $uri2);
+ # the same shorter
+ $nsup->declare_prefixes($prefix1 => $uri1, $prefix2 => $uri2);
+ # get a single prefix for a URI (randomly)
+ $prefix = $nsup->get_prefix($uri);
+ # get all prefixes for a URI (probably better)
+ @prefixes = $nsup->get_prefixes($uri);
+ # get all prefixes in scope
+ @prefixes = $nsup->get_prefixes();
+ # get all prefixes that were declared for the current scope
+ @prefixes = $nsup->get_declared_prefixes;
+ # get a URI for a given prefix
+ $uri = $nsup->get_uri($prefix);
+ # get info on a qname (java-ish way, it's a bit weird)
+ ($ns_uri, $local_name, $qname) = $nsup->process_name($qname, $is_attr);
+ # the same, more perlish
+ ($ns_uri, $prefix, $local_name) = $nsup->process_element_name($qname);
+ ($ns_uri, $prefix, $local_name) = $nsup->process_attribute_name($qname);
+ # remove the current context
+ $nsup->pop_context;
+ # reset the object for reuse in another document
+ $nsup->reset;
+ # a simple helper to process Clarkian Notation
+ my ($ns, $lname) = $nsup->parse_jclark_notation('{http://foo}bar');
+ # or (given that it doesn't care about the object
+ my ($ns, $lname) = XML::NamespaceSupport->parse_jclark_notation('{http://foo}bar');
+This module offers a simple to process namespaced XML names (unames)
+from within any application that may need them. It also helps maintain
+a prefix to namespace URI map, and provides a number of basic checks.
+The model for this module is SAX2's NamespaceSupport class, readable at
+It adds a few perlisations where we thought it appropriate.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item * XML::NamespaceSupport->new(\%options)
+A simple constructor.
+The options are C<xmlns>, C<fatal_errors>, and C<auto_prefix>
+If C<xmlns> is turned on (it is off by default) the mapping from the
+xmlns prefix to the URI defined for it in DOM level 2 is added to the
+list of predefined mappings (which normally only contains the xml
+prefix mapping).
+If C<fatal_errors> is turned off (it is on by default) a number of
+validity errors will simply be flagged as failures, instead of
+If C<auto_prefix> is turned on (it is off by default) when one
+provides a prefix of C<undef> to C<declare_prefix> it will generate a
+random prefix mapped to that namespace. Otherwise an undef prefix will
+trigger a warning (you should probably know what you're doing if you
+turn this option on).
+If C<xmlns_11> us turned off, it becomes illegal to undeclare namespace
+prefixes. It is on by default. This behaviour is compliant with Namespaces
+in XML 1.1, turning it off reverts you to version 1.0.
+=item * $nsup->push_context
+Adds a new empty context to the stack. You can then populate it with
+new prefixes defined at this level.
+=item * $nsup->pop_context
+Removes the topmost context in the stack and reverts to the previous
+one. It will die() if you try to pop more than you have pushed.
+=item * $nsup->declare_prefix($prefix, $uri)
+Declares a mapping of $prefix to $uri, at the current level.
+Note that with C<auto_prefix> turned on, if you declare a prefix
+mapping in which $prefix is undef(), you will get an automatic prefix
+selected for you. If it is off you will get a warning.
+This is useful when you deal with code that hasn't kept prefixes around
+and need to reserialize the nodes. It also means that if you want to
+set the default namespace (ie with an empty prefix) you must use the
+empty string instead of undef. This behaviour is consistent with the
+SAX 2.0 specification.
+=item * $nsup->declare_prefixes(%prefixes2uris)
+Declares a mapping of several prefixes to URIs, at the current level.
+=item * $nsup->get_prefix($uri)
+Returns a prefix given an URI. Note that as several prefixes may be
+mapped to the same URI, it returns an arbitrary one. It'll return
+undef on failure.
+=item * $nsup->get_prefixes($uri)
+Returns an array of prefixes given an URI. It'll return all the
+prefixes if the uri is undef.
+=item * $nsup->get_declared_prefixes
+Returns an array of all the prefixes that have been declared within
+this context, ie those that were declared on the last element, not
+those that were declared above and are simply in scope.
+=item * $nsup->get_uri($prefix)
+Returns a URI for a given prefix. Returns undef on failure.
+=item * $nsup->process_name($qname, $is_attr)
+Given a qualified name and a boolean indicating whether this is an
+attribute or another type of name (those are differently affected by
+default namespaces), it returns a namespace URI, local name, qualified
+name tuple. I know that that is a rather abnormal list to return, but
+it is so for compatibility with the Java spec. See below for more
+Perlish alternatives.
+If the prefix is not declared, or if the name is not valid, it'll
+either die or return undef depending on the current setting of
+=item * $nsup->undeclare_prefix($prefix);
+Removes a namespace prefix from the current context. This function may
+be used in SAX's end_prefix_mapping when there is fear that a namespace
+declaration might be available outside their scope (which shouldn't
+normally happen, but you never know ;). This may be needed in order to
+properly support Namespace 1.1.
+=item * $nsup->process_element_name($qname)
+Given a qualified name, it returns a namespace URI, prefix, and local
+name tuple. This method applies to element names.
+If the prefix is not declared, or if the name is not valid, it'll
+either die or return undef depending on the current setting of
+=item * $nsup->process_attribute_name($qname)
+Given a qualified name, it returns a namespace URI, prefix, and local
+name tuple. This method applies to attribute names.
+If the prefix is not declared, or if the name is not valid, it'll
+either die or return undef depending on the current setting of
+=item * $nsup->reset
+Resets the object so that it can be reused on another document.
+All methods of the interface have an alias that is the name used in
+the original Java specification. You can use either name
+interchangeably. Here is the mapping:
+ Java name Perl name
+ ---------------------------------------------------
+ pushContext push_context
+ popContext pop_context
+ declarePrefix declare_prefix
+ declarePrefixes declare_prefixes
+ getPrefix get_prefix
+ getPrefixes get_prefixes
+ getDeclaredPrefixes get_declared_prefixes
+ getURI get_uri
+ processName process_name
+ processElementName process_element_name
+ processAttributeName process_attribute_name
+ parseJClarkNotation parse_jclark_notation
+ undeclarePrefix undeclare_prefix
+Two global variables are made available to you. They used to be constants but
+simple scalars are easier to use in a number of contexts. They are not
+exported but can easily be accessed from any package, or copied into it.
+=over 4
+=item * C<$NS_XMLNS>
+The namespace for xmlns prefixes,
+=item * C<$NS_XML>
+The namespace for xml prefixes,
+=head1 TODO
+ - add more tests
+ - optimise here and there
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Robin Berjon,, with lots of it having been done
+by Duncan Cameron, and a number of suggestions from the perl-xml
+Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Robin Berjon. All rights reserved. This program is
+free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms
+as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO