path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/')
1 files changed, 695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..8730570f6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/Imager/
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+package Imager::Expr;
+use Imager::Regops;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = "1.004";
+my %expr_types;
+my $error;
+sub error {
+ shift if UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], 'Imager::Expr');
+ if (@_) {
+ $error = "@_";
+ }
+ else {
+ return $error;
+ }
+# what else?
+my %default_constants =
+ (
+ # too many digits, better than too few
+ pi=>3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494
+ );
+sub new {
+ my ($class, $opts) = @_;
+ # possibly this is a very bad idea
+ my ($type) = grep exists $expr_types{$_}, keys %$opts;
+ die "Imager::Expr: No known expression type"
+ if !defined $type;
+ my $self = bless {}, $expr_types{$type};
+ $self->{variables} = [ @{$opts->{variables}} ];
+ $self->{constants} = { %default_constants, %{$opts->{constants} || {}} };
+ $self->{ops} = $self->compile($opts->{$type}, $opts)
+ or return;
+ $self->optimize()
+ or return;
+ $self->{code} = $self->assemble()
+ or return;
+ $self;
+sub register_type {
+ my ($pack, $name) = @_;
+ $expr_types{$name} = $pack;
+sub type_registered {
+ my ($class, $name) = @_;
+ $expr_types{$name};
+sub _variables {
+ return @{$_[0]->{variables}};
+sub code {
+ return $_[0]->{code};
+sub nregs {
+ return $_[0]->{nregs};
+sub cregs {
+ return $_[0]->{cregs};
+my $numre = '[+-]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?';
+sub numre {
+ $numre;
+# optimize the code
+sub optimize {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my @ops = @{$self->{ops}};
+ # this function cannot current handle code with jumps
+ return 1 if grep $_->[0] =~ /^jump/, @ops;
+ # optimization - common sub-expression elimination
+ # it's possible to fold this into the code generation - but it will wait
+ my $max_opr = $Imager::Regops::MaxOperands;
+ my $attr = \%Imager::Regops::Attr;
+ my $foundops = 1;
+ while ($foundops) {
+ $foundops = 0;
+ my %seen;
+ my $index;
+ my @out;
+ while (@ops) {
+ my $op = shift @ops;
+ my $desc = join(",", @{$op}[0..$max_opr]);
+ if ($seen{$desc}) {
+ push(@out, @ops);
+ my $old = $op->[-1];
+ my $new = $seen{$desc};
+ for $op (@out) {
+ for my $reg (@{$op}[1..$max_opr]) {
+ $reg = $new if $reg eq $old;
+ }
+ }
+ $foundops=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $seen{$desc} = $op->[-1];
+ push(@out, $op);
+ }
+ @ops = @out;
+ }
+ # strength reduction
+ for my $op (@ops) {
+ # reduce division by a constant to multiplication by a constant
+ if ($op->[0] eq 'div' && $op->[2] =~ /^r(\d+)/
+ && defined($self->{"nregs"}[$1])) {
+ my $newreg = @{$self->{"nregs"}};
+ push(@{$self->{"nregs"}}, 1.0/$self->{"nregs"}[$1]);
+ $op->[0] = 'mult';
+ $op->[2] = 'r'.$newreg;
+ }
+ }
+ $self->{ops} = \@ops;
+ 1;
+sub assemble {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $attr = \%Imager::Regops::Attr;
+ my $max_opr = $Imager::Regops::MaxOperands;
+ my @ops = @{$self->{ops}};
+ for my $op (@ops) {
+ $op->[0] = $attr->{$op->[0]}{opcode};
+ for (@{$op}[1..$max_opr+1]) { s/^[rpj]// }
+ }
+ my $pack = $Imager::Regops::PackCode x (2+$Imager::Regops::MaxOperands);
+ return join("", ,map { pack($pack, @$_, ) } @ops);
+# converts stack code to register code
+sub stack_to_reg {
+ my ($self, @st_ops) = @_;
+ my @regstack;
+ my %nregs;
+ my @vars = $self->_variables();
+ my @nregs = (0) x scalar(@vars);
+ my @cregs;
+ my $attr = \%Imager::Regops::Attr;
+ my %vars;
+ my %names;
+ my $max_opr = $Imager::Regops::MaxOperands;
+ @vars{@vars} = map { "r$_" } 0..$#vars;
+ my @ops;
+ for (@st_ops) {
+ if (/^$numre$/) {
+ # combining constants makes the optimization below work
+ if (exists $nregs{$_}) {
+ push(@regstack, $nregs{$_});
+ }
+ else {
+ $nregs{$_} = "r".@nregs;
+ push(@regstack,"r".@nregs);
+ push(@nregs, $_);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (exists $vars{$_}) {
+ push(@regstack, $vars{$_});
+ }
+ elsif (exists $attr->{$_} && length $attr->{$_}{types}) {
+ if (@regstack < $attr->{$_}{parms}) {
+ error("Imager::transform2: stack underflow on $_");
+ return;
+ }
+ my @parms = splice(@regstack, -$attr->{$_}{parms});
+ my $types = join("", map {substr($_,0,1)} @parms);
+ if ($types ne $attr->{$_}{types}) {
+ if (exists $attr->{$_.'p'} && $types eq $attr->{$_.'p'}{types}) {
+ $_ .= 'p';
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Imager::transform2: Call to $_ with incorrect types");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my $result;
+ if ($attr->{$_}{result} eq 'r') {
+ $result = "r".@nregs;
+ push(@nregs, undef);
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = "p".@cregs;
+ push(@cregs, -1);
+ }
+ push(@regstack, $result);
+ push(@parms, "0") while @parms < $max_opr;
+ push(@ops, [ $_, @parms, $result ]);
+ #print "$result <- $_ @parms\n";
+ }
+ elsif (/^!(\w+)$/) {
+ if (!@regstack) {
+ error("Imager::transform2: stack underflow with $_");
+ return;
+ }
+ $names{$1} = pop(@regstack);
+ }
+ elsif (/^\@(\w+)$/) {
+ if (exists $names{$1}) {
+ push(@regstack, $names{$1});
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Imager::Expr: unknown storage \@$1");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ error("Imager::Expr: unknown operator $_");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@regstack != 1) {
+ error("stack must have only one item at end");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($regstack[0] !~ /^p/) {
+ error("you must have a color value at the top of the stack at end");
+ return;
+ }
+ push(@ops, [ "ret", $regstack[0], (-1) x $max_opr ]);
+ $self->{"nregs"} = \@nregs;
+ $self->{"cregs"} = \@cregs;
+ return \@ops;
+sub dumpops {
+ my $result = '';
+ for my $op (@{$_[0]->{ops}}) {
+ $result .= "@{$op}\n";
+ }
+ $result;
+# unassembles the compiled code
+sub dumpcode {
+ my ($self) = @_;
+ my $code = $self->{"code"};
+ my $attr = \%Imager::Regops::Attr;
+ my @code = unpack("${Imager::Regops::PackCode}*", $code);
+ my %names = map { $attr->{$_}{opcode}, $_ } keys %Imager::Regops::Attr;
+ my @vars = $self->_variables();
+ my $result = '';
+ my $index = 0;
+ while (my @op = splice(@code, 0, 2+$Imager::Regops::MaxOperands)) {
+ my $opcode = shift @op;
+ my $name = $names{$opcode};
+ if ($name) {
+ $result .= "j$index: $name($opcode)";
+ my @types = split //, $attr->{$name}{types};
+ for my $parm (@types) {
+ my $reg = shift @op;
+ $result .= " $parm$reg";
+ if ($parm eq 'r') {
+ if ($reg < @vars) {
+ $result.= "($vars[$reg])";
+ }
+ elsif (defined $self->{"nregs"}[$reg]) {
+ $result .= "($self->{\"nregs\"}[$reg])";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $result .= " -> $attr->{$name}{result}$op[-1]"
+ if $attr->{$name}{result};
+ $result .= "\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $result .= "unknown($opcode) @op\n";
+ }
+ ++$index;
+ }
+ $result;
+package Imager::Expr::Postfix;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Imager::Expr);
+my %op_names = ( '+'=>'add', '-'=>'subtract', '*'=>'mult', '/' => 'div',
+ '%'=>'mod', '**'=>'pow' );
+sub compile {
+ my ($self, $expr, $opts) = @_;
+ $expr =~ s/#.*//; # remove comments
+ my @st_ops = split ' ', $expr;
+ for (@st_ops) {
+ $_ = $op_names{$_} if exists $op_names{$_};
+ $_ = $self->{constants}{$_} if exists $self->{constants}{$_};
+ }
+ return $self->stack_to_reg(@st_ops);
+package Imager::Expr::Infix;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(Imager::Expr);
+use Imager::Regops qw(%Attr $MaxOperands);
+eval "use Parse::RecDescent;";
+__PACKAGE__->register_type('expr') if !$@;
+# I really prefer bottom-up parsers
+my $grammar = <<'GRAMMAR';
+code : assigns 'return' expr
+{ $return = [ @item[1,3] ] }
+assigns : assign(s?) { $return = [ @{$item[1]} ] }
+assign : identifier '=' expr ';'
+{ $return = [ @item[1,3] ] }
+expr : relation
+relation : addition (relstuff)(s?)
+ $return = $item[1];
+ for my $op(@{$item[2]}) { $return = [ $op->[0], $return, $op->[1] ] }
+ 1;
+relstuff : relop addition { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
+relop : '<=' { $return = 'le' }
+ | '<' { $return = 'lt' }
+ | '==' { $return = 'eq' }
+ | '>=' { $return = 'ge' }
+ | '>' { $return = 'gt' }
+ | '!=' { $return = 'ne' }
+addition : multiply (addstuff)(s?)
+ $return = $item[1];
+# for my $op(@{$item[2]}) { $return .= " @{$op}[1,0]"; }
+ for my $op(@{$item[2]}) { $return = [ $op->[0], $return, $op->[1] ] }
+ 1;
+addstuff : addop multiply { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
+addop : '+' { $return = 'add' }
+ | '-' { $return = 'subtract' }
+multiply : power mulstuff(s?)
+{ $return = $item[1];
+# for my $op(@{$item[2]}) { $return .= " @{$op}[1,0]"; }
+ for my $op(@{$item[2]}) { $return = [ $op->[0], $return, $op->[1] ] }
+ 1;
+mulstuff : mulop power { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
+mulop : '*' { $return = 'mult' }
+ | '/' { $return = 'div' }
+ | '%' { $return = 'mod' }
+power : powstuff(s?) atom
+ $return = $item[2];
+ for my $op(reverse @{$item[1]}) { $return = [ @{$op}[1,0], $return ] }
+ 1;
+ | atom
+powstuff : atom powop { $return = [ @item[1,2] ] }
+powop : '**' { $return = 'pow' }
+atom: '(' expr ')' { $return = $item[2] }
+ | '-' atom { $return = [ uminus=>$item[2] ] }
+ | number
+ | funccall
+ | identifier
+number : /[+-]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/
+exprlist : expr ',' exprlist { $return = [ $item[1], @{$item[3]} ] }
+ | expr { $return = [ $item[1] ] }
+funccall : identifier '(' exprlist ')'
+{ $return = [ $item[1], @{$item[3]} ] }
+identifier : /[^\W\d]\w*/ { $return = $item[1] }
+my $parser;
+sub init_parser {
+ if (!$parser) {
+ $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
+ }
+sub compile {
+ my ($self, $expr, $opts) = @_;
+ if (!$parser) {
+ $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
+ }
+ my $optree = $parser->code($expr);
+ if (!$optree) {
+ $self->error("Error in $expr\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ @{$self->{inputs}}{$self->_variables} = ();
+ $self->{varregs} = {};
+ @{$self->{varregs}}{$self->_variables} = map { "r$_" } 0..$self->_variables-1;
+ $self->{"nregs"} = [ (undef) x $self->_variables ];
+ $self->{"cregs"} = [];
+ $self->{"lits"} = {};
+ eval {
+ # generate code for the assignments
+ for my $assign (@{$optree->[0]}) {
+ my ($varname, $tree) = @$assign;
+ if (exists $self->{inputs}{$varname}) {
+ $self->error("$varname is an input - you can't assign to it");
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->{varregs}{$varname} = $self->gencode($tree);
+ }
+ # generate the final result
+ my $result = $self->gencode($optree->[1]);
+ if ($result !~ /^p\d+$/) {
+ $self->error("You must return a colour value");
+ return;
+ }
+ push(@{$self->{genops}}, [ 'ret', $result, (0) x $MaxOperands ])
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ $self->error($@);
+ return;
+ }
+ return $self->{genops};
+sub gencode {
+ my ($self, $tree) = @_;
+ if (ref $tree) {
+ my ($op, @parms) = @$tree;
+ if (!exists $Attr{$op}) {
+ die "Unknown operator or function $op";
+ }
+ for my $subtree (@parms) {
+ $subtree = $self->gencode($subtree);
+ }
+ my $types = join("", map {substr($_,0,1)} @parms);
+ if (length($types) < length($Attr{$op}{types})) {
+ die "Too few parameters in call to $op";
+ }
+ if ($types ne $Attr{$op}{types}) {
+ # some alternate operators have the same name followed by p
+ my $opp = $op."p";
+ if (exists $Attr{$opp} &&
+ $types eq $Attr{$opp}{types}) {
+ $op = $opp;
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Call to $_ with incorrect types";
+ }
+ }
+ my $result;
+ if ($Attr{$op}{result} eq 'r') {
+ $result = "r".@{$self->{nregs}};
+ push(@{$self->{nregs}}, undef);
+ }
+ else {
+ $result = "p".@{$self->{cregs}};
+ push(@{$self->{cregs}}, undef);
+ }
+ push(@parms, "0") while @parms < $MaxOperands;
+ push(@{$self->{genops}}, [ $op, @parms, $result]);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ elsif (exists $self->{varregs}{$tree}) {
+ return $self->{varregs}{$tree};
+ }
+ elsif ($tree =~ /^$numre$/ || exists $self->{constants}{$tree}) {
+ $tree = $self->{constants}{$tree} if exists $self->{constants}{$tree};
+ if (exists $self->{lits}{$tree}) {
+ return $self->{lits}{$tree};
+ }
+ my $reg = "r".@{$self->{nregs}};
+ push(@{$self->{nregs}}, $tree);
+ $self->{lits}{$tree} = $reg;
+ return $reg;
+ }
+=head1 NAME
+Imager::Expr - implements expression parsing and compilation for the
+expression evaluation engine used by Imager::transform2()
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+my $code = Imager::Expr->new({rpnexpr=>$someexpr})
+ or die "Cannot compile $someexpr: ",Imager::Expr::error();
+This module is used internally by the Imager::transform2() function.
+You shouldn't have much need to use it directly, but you may want to
+extend it.
+To create a new Imager::Expr object, call:
+ my %options;
+ my $expr = Imager::Expr->new(\%options)
+ or die Imager::Expr::error();
+You will need to set an expression value and you may set any of the
+=item *
+A hashref defining extra constants for expression parsing. The names
+of the constants must be valid identifiers (/[^\W\d]\w*/) and the
+values must be valid numeric constants (that Perl recognizes in
+Imager::Expr may define it's own constants (currently just pi.)
+=item *
+A reference to an array of variable names. These are allocated
+numeric registers starting from register zero.
+By default you can define a 'rpnexpr' key (which emulates RPN) or
+'expr' (an infix expression). It's also possible to write other
+expression parsers that will use other keys. Only one expression key
+should be defined.
+=head2 Instance methods
+The Imager::Expr::error() method is used to retrieve the error if the
+expression object cannot be created.
+=head2 Methods
+Imager::Expr provides only a few simple methods meant for external use:
+=item Imager::Expr->type_registered($keyword)
+Returns true if the given expression type is available. The parameter
+is the key supplied to the new() method.
+ if (Imager::Expr->type_registered('expr')) {
+ # use infix expressions
+ }
+=item $expr->code()
+Returns the compiled code.
+=item $expr->nregs()
+Returns a reference to the array of numeric registers.
+=item $expr->cregs()
+Returns a reference to the array of colour registers.
+=item $expr->dumpops()
+Returns a string with the generated VM "machine code".
+=item $expr->dumpcode()
+Returns a string with the unassembled VM "machine code".
+=head2 Creating a new parser
+I'll write this one day.
+Methods used by parsers:
+=item compile
+This is the main method you'll need to implement in a parser. See the
+existing parsers for a guide.
+It's supplied the following parameters:
+=item *
+$expr - the expression to be parsed
+=item *
+$options - the options hash supplied to transform2.
+Return an array ref of array refs containing opcodes and operands.
+=item @vars = $self->_variables()
+A list (not a reference) of the input variables. This should be used
+to allocate as many registers as there are variable as input
+=item $self->error($message)
+Set the return value of Imager::Expr::error()
+=item @ops = $self->stack_to_reg(@stack_ops)
+Converts marginally parsed RPN to register code.
+=item assemble
+Called to convert op codes into byte code.
+=item numre
+Returns a regular expression that matches floating point numbers.
+=item optimize
+Optimizes the assembly code, including attempting common subexpression
+elimination and strength reducing division by a constant into
+multiplication by a constant.
+=item register_type
+Called by a new expression parser implementation to register itself,
+call as:
+ YourClassName->register_type('type code');
+where type code is the parameter that will accept the expression.
+=head2 Future compatibility
+Try to avoid doing your own optimization beyond literal folding - if
+we add some sort of jump, the existing optimizer will need to be
+rewritten, and any optimization you perform may well be broken too
+(well, your code generation will probably be broken anyway <sigh>).