path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl0/lib/
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+# $Id: 12812 2009-06-05 22:34:47Z timbo $
+# vim: ts=8:sw=4:noet
+# Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Tim Bunce Ireland
+# See COPYRIGHT section in pod text below for usage and distribution rights.
+require 5.006_00;
+$DBI::VERSION = "1.609"; # ==> ALSO update the version in the pod text below!
+=head1 NAME
+DBI - Database independent interface for Perl
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use DBI;
+ @driver_names = DBI->available_drivers;
+ %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers;
+ @data_sources = DBI->data_sources($driver_name, \%attr);
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $auth, \%attr);
+ $rv = $dbh->do($statement);
+ $rv = $dbh->do($statement, \%attr);
+ $rv = $dbh->do($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement, \%attr);
+ @row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array($statement);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($statement);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($statement);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($statement);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, $bind_type);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, \%attr);
+ $rv = $sth->execute;
+ $rv = $sth->execute(@bind_values);
+ $rv = $sth->execute_array(\%attr, ...);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_col($col_num, \$col_variable);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_columns(@list_of_refs_to_vars_to_bind);
+ @row_ary = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ $ary_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ $ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
+ $ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( $slice, $max_rows );
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref( $key_field );
+ $rv = $sth->rows;
+ $rc = $dbh->begin_work;
+ $rc = $dbh->commit;
+ $rc = $dbh->rollback;
+ $quoted_string = $dbh->quote($string);
+ $rc = $h->err;
+ $str = $h->errstr;
+ $rv = $h->state;
+ $rc = $dbh->disconnect;
+I<The synopsis above only lists the major methods and parameters.>
+If you have questions about DBI, or DBD driver modules, you can get
+help from the I<> mailing list. You don't have to subscribe
+to the list in order to post, though I'd recommend it. You can get help on
+subscribing and using the list by emailing I<>.
+I don't recommend the DBI cpanforum (at
+because relatively few people read it compared with
+To help you make the best use of the dbi-users mailing list,
+and any other lists or forums you may use, I I<strongly>
+recommend that you read "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way"
+by Eric Raymond: L<>.
+If you think you've found a bug then please also read
+"How to Report Bugs Effectively" by Simon Tatham:
+The DBI home page at L<> and the DBI FAQ
+at L<> are always worth a visit.
+They include links to other resources.
+Before asking any questions, reread this document, consult the
+archives and read the DBI FAQ. The archives are listed
+at the end of this document and on the DBI home page.
+This document often uses terms like I<references>, I<objects>,
+I<methods>. If you're not familiar with those terms then it would
+be a good idea to read at least the following perl manuals first:
+L<perlreftut>, L<perldsc>, L<perllol>, and L<perlboot>.
+Please note that Tim Bunce does not maintain the mailing lists or the
+web page (generous volunteers do that). So please don't send mail
+directly to him; he just doesn't have the time to answer questions
+personally. The I<dbi-users> mailing list has lots of experienced
+people who should be able to help you if you need it. If you do email
+Tim he's very likely to just forward it to the mailing list.
+=head2 NOTES
+This is the DBI specification that corresponds to the DBI version 1.609
+($Revision: 12812 $).
+The DBI is evolving at a steady pace, so it's good to check that
+you have the latest copy.
+The significant user-visible changes in each release are documented
+in the L<DBI::Changes> module so you can read them by executing
+C<perldoc DBI::Changes>.
+Some DBI changes require changes in the drivers, but the drivers
+can take some time to catch up. Newer versions of the DBI have
+added features that may not yet be supported by the drivers you
+use. Talk to the authors of your drivers if you need a new feature
+that's not yet supported.
+Features added after DBI 1.21 (February 2002) are marked in the
+text with the version number of the DBI release they first appeared in.
+Extensions to the DBI API often use the C<DBIx::*> namespace.
+See L</Naming Conventions and Name Space>. DBI extension modules
+can be found at L<>.
+And all modules related to the DBI can be found at
+# The POD text continues at the end of the file.
+package DBI;
+use Carp();
+use DynaLoader ();
+use Exporter ();
+@ISA = qw(Exporter DynaLoader);
+# Make some utility functions available if asked for
+@EXPORT = (); # we export nothing by default
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(%DBI %DBI_methods hash); # also populated by export_ok_tags:
+ sql_types => [ qw(
+ ) ],
+ sql_cursor_types => [ qw(
+ ) ], # for ODBC cursor types
+ utils => [ qw(
+ neat neat_list $neat_maxlen dump_results looks_like_number
+ data_string_diff data_string_desc data_diff
+ ) ],
+ profile => [ qw(
+ dbi_profile dbi_profile_merge dbi_profile_merge_nodes dbi_time
+ ) ], # notionally "in" DBI::Profile and normally imported from there
+$DBI::dbi_debug = 0;
+$DBI::neat_maxlen = 1000;
+$DBI::stderr = 2_000_000_000; # a very round number below 2**31
+# If you get an error here like "Can't find loadable object ..."
+# then you haven't installed the DBI correctly. Read the README
+# then install it again.
+if ( $ENV{DBI_PUREPERL} ) {
+ eval { bootstrap DBI } if $ENV{DBI_PUREPERL} == 1;
+ require DBI::PurePerl if $@ or $ENV{DBI_PUREPERL} >= 2;
+ $DBI::PurePerl ||= 0; # just to silence "only used once" warnings
+else {
+ bootstrap DBI;
+$EXPORT_TAGS{preparse_flags} = [ grep { /^DBIpp_\w\w_/ } keys %{__PACKAGE__."::"} ];
+Exporter::export_ok_tags(keys %EXPORT_TAGS);
+# Alias some handle methods to also be DBI class methods
+for (qw(trace_msg set_err parse_trace_flag parse_trace_flags)) {
+ no strict;
+ *$_ = \&{"DBD::_::common::$_"};
+use strict;
+DBI->trace(split /=/, $ENV{DBI_TRACE}, 2) if $ENV{DBI_TRACE};
+$DBI::connect_via ||= "connect";
+# check if user wants a persistent database connection ( Apache + mod_perl )
+if ($INC{'Apache/'} && $ENV{MOD_PERL}) {
+ $DBI::connect_via = "Apache::DBI::connect";
+ DBI->trace_msg("DBI connect via $DBI::connect_via in $INC{'Apache/'}\n");
+# check for weaken support, used by ChildHandles
+my $HAS_WEAKEN = eval {
+ require Scalar::Util;
+ # this will croak() if this Scalar::Util doesn't have a working weaken().
+ Scalar::Util::weaken( \my $test ); # same test as in t/72childhandles.t
+ 1;
+%DBI::installed_drh = (); # maps driver names to installed driver handles
+sub installed_drivers { %DBI::installed_drh }
+%DBI::installed_methods = (); # XXX undocumented, may change
+sub installed_methods { %DBI::installed_methods }
+# Setup special DBI dynamic variables. See DBI::var::FETCH for details.
+# These are dynamically associated with the last handle used.
+tie $DBI::err, 'DBI::var', '*err'; # special case: referenced via IHA list
+tie $DBI::state, 'DBI::var', '"state'; # special case: referenced via IHA list
+tie $DBI::lasth, 'DBI::var', '!lasth'; # special case: return boolean
+tie $DBI::errstr, 'DBI::var', '&errstr'; # call &errstr in last used pkg
+tie $DBI::rows, 'DBI::var', '&rows'; # call &rows in last used pkg
+sub DBI::var::TIESCALAR{ my $var = $_[1]; bless \$var, 'DBI::var'; }
+sub DBI::var::STORE { Carp::croak("Can't modify \$DBI::${$_[0]} special variable") }
+{ # used to catch DBI->{Attrib} mistake
+ sub DBI::DBI_tie::TIEHASH { bless {} }
+ sub DBI::DBI_tie::STORE { Carp::carp("DBI->{$_[1]} is invalid syntax (you probably want \$h->{$_[1]})");}
+ *DBI::DBI_tie::FETCH = \&DBI::DBI_tie::STORE;
+tie %DBI::DBI => 'DBI::DBI_tie';
+# --- Driver Specific Prefix Registry ---
+my $dbd_prefix_registry = {
+ ad_ => { class => 'DBD::AnyData', },
+ ado_ => { class => 'DBD::ADO', },
+ amzn_ => { class => 'DBD::Amazon', },
+ best_ => { class => 'DBD::BestWins', },
+ csv_ => { class => 'DBD::CSV', },
+ db2_ => { class => 'DBD::DB2', },
+ dbi_ => { class => 'DBI', },
+ dbm_ => { class => 'DBD::DBM', },
+ df_ => { class => 'DBD::DF', },
+ f_ => { class => 'DBD::File', },
+ file_ => { class => 'DBD::TextFile', },
+ go_ => { class => 'DBD::Gofer', },
+ ib_ => { class => 'DBD::InterBase', },
+ ing_ => { class => 'DBD::Ingres', },
+ ix_ => { class => 'DBD::Informix', },
+ jdbc_ => { class => 'DBD::JDBC', },
+ monetdb_ => { class => 'DBD::monetdb', },
+ msql_ => { class => 'DBD::mSQL', },
+ mvsftp_ => { class => 'DBD::MVS_FTPSQL', },
+ mysql_ => { class => 'DBD::mysql', },
+ mx_ => { class => 'DBD::Multiplex', },
+ nullp_ => { class => 'DBD::NullP', },
+ odbc_ => { class => 'DBD::ODBC', },
+ ora_ => { class => 'DBD::Oracle', },
+ pg_ => { class => 'DBD::Pg', },
+ pgpp_ => { class => 'DBD::PgPP', },
+ plb_ => { class => 'DBD::Plibdata', },
+ proxy_ => { class => 'DBD::Proxy', },
+ rdb_ => { class => 'DBD::RDB', },
+ sapdb_ => { class => 'DBD::SAP_DB', },
+ solid_ => { class => 'DBD::Solid', },
+ sponge_ => { class => 'DBD::Sponge', },
+ sql_ => { class => 'SQL::Statement', },
+ sqlite_ => { class => 'DBD::SQLite', },
+ syb_ => { class => 'DBD::Sybase', },
+ tdat_ => { class => 'DBD::Teradata', },
+ tmpl_ => { class => 'DBD::Template', },
+ tmplss_ => { class => 'DBD::TemplateSS', },
+ tuber_ => { class => 'DBD::Tuber', },
+ uni_ => { class => 'DBD::Unify', },
+ vt_ => { class => 'DBD::Vt', },
+ wmi_ => { class => 'DBD::WMI', },
+ x_ => { }, # for private use
+ xbase_ => { class => 'DBD::XBase', },
+ xl_ => { class => 'DBD::Excel', },
+ yaswi_ => { class => 'DBD::Yaswi', },
+sub dump_dbd_registry {
+ require Data::Dumper;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent=1;
+ print Data::Dumper->Dump([$dbd_prefix_registry], [qw($dbd_prefix_registry)]);
+# --- Dynamically create the DBI Standard Interface
+my $keeperr = { O=>0x0004 };
+%DBI::DBI_methods = ( # Define the DBI interface methods per class:
+ common => { # Interface methods common to all DBI handle classes
+ 'DESTROY' => { O=>0x004|0x10000 },
+ 'CLEAR' => $keeperr,
+ 'EXISTS' => $keeperr,
+ 'FETCH' => { O=>0x0404 },
+ 'FETCH_many' => { O=>0x0404 },
+ 'FIRSTKEY' => $keeperr,
+ 'NEXTKEY' => $keeperr,
+ 'STORE' => { O=>0x0418 | 0x4 },
+ _not_impl => undef,
+ can => { O=>0x0100 }, # special case, see dispatch
+ debug => { U =>[1,2,'[$debug_level]'], O=>0x0004 }, # old name for trace
+ dump_handle => { U =>[1,3,'[$message [, $level]]'], O=>0x0004 },
+ err => $keeperr,
+ errstr => $keeperr,
+ state => $keeperr,
+ func => { O=>0x0006 },
+ parse_trace_flag => { U =>[2,2,'$name'], O=>0x0404, T=>8 },
+ parse_trace_flags => { U =>[2,2,'$flags'], O=>0x0404, T=>8 },
+ private_data => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0004 },
+ set_err => { U =>[3,6,'$err, $errmsg [, $state, $method, $rv]'], O=>0x0010 },
+ trace => { U =>[1,3,'[$trace_level, [$filename]]'], O=>0x0004 },
+ trace_msg => { U =>[2,3,'$message_text [, $min_level ]' ], O=>0x0004, T=>8 },
+ swap_inner_handle => { U =>[2,3,'$h [, $allow_reparent ]'] },
+ private_attribute_info => { },
+ visit_child_handles => { U => [2,3,'$coderef [, $info ]'], O=>0x0404, T=>4 },
+ },
+ dr => { # Database Driver Interface
+ 'connect' => { U =>[1,5,'[$db [,$user [,$passwd [,\%attr]]]]'], H=>3, O=>0x8000 },
+ 'connect_cached'=>{U=>[1,5,'[$db [,$user [,$passwd [,\%attr]]]]'], H=>3, O=>0x8000 },
+ 'disconnect_all'=>{ U =>[1,1], O=>0x0800 },
+ data_sources => { U =>[1,2,'[\%attr]' ], O=>0x0800 },
+ default_user => { U =>[3,4,'$user, $pass [, \%attr]' ] },
+ dbixs_revision => $keeperr,
+ },
+ db => { # Database Session Class Interface
+ data_sources => { U =>[1,2,'[\%attr]' ], O=>0x0200 },
+ take_imp_data => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x10000 },
+ clone => { U =>[1,2,'[\%attr]'] },
+ connected => { U =>[1,0], O => 0x0004 },
+ begin_work => { U =>[1,2,'[ \%attr ]'], O=>0x0400 },
+ commit => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0480|0x0800 },
+ rollback => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0480|0x0800 },
+ 'do' => { U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x3200 },
+ last_insert_id => { U =>[5,6,'$catalog, $schema, $table_name, $field_name [, \%attr ]'], O=>0x2800 },
+ preparse => { }, # XXX
+ prepare => { U =>[2,3,'$statement [, \%attr]'], O=>0xA200 },
+ prepare_cached => { U =>[2,4,'$statement [, \%attr [, $if_active ] ]'], O=>0xA200 },
+ selectrow_array => { U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ selectrow_arrayref=>{U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ selectrow_hashref=>{ U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ selectall_arrayref=>{U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ selectall_hashref=>{ U =>[3,0,'$statement, $keyfield [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ selectcol_arrayref=>{U =>[2,0,'$statement [, \%attr [, @bind_params ] ]'], O=>0x2000 },
+ ping => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0404 },
+ disconnect => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0400|0x0800|0x10000 },
+ quote => { U =>[2,3, '$string [, $data_type ]' ], O=>0x0430 },
+ quote_identifier=> { U =>[2,6, '$name [, ...] [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x0430 },
+ rows => $keeperr,
+ tables => { U =>[1,6,'$catalog, $schema, $table, $type [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200 },
+ table_info => { U =>[1,6,'$catalog, $schema, $table, $type [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200|0x8800 },
+ column_info => { U =>[5,6,'$catalog, $schema, $table, $column [, \%attr ]'],O=>0x2200|0x8800 },
+ primary_key_info=> { U =>[4,5,'$catalog, $schema, $table [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200|0x8800 },
+ primary_key => { U =>[4,5,'$catalog, $schema, $table [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200 },
+ foreign_key_info=> { U =>[7,8,'$pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table, $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200|0x8800 },
+ statistics_info => { U =>[6,7,'$catalog, $schema, $table, $unique_only, $quick, [, \%attr ]' ], O=>0x2200|0x8800 },
+ type_info_all => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x2200|0x0800 },
+ type_info => { U =>[1,2,'$data_type'], O=>0x2200 },
+ get_info => { U =>[2,2,'$info_type'], O=>0x2200|0x0800 },
+ },
+ st => { # Statement Class Interface
+ bind_col => { U =>[3,4,'$column, \\$var [, \%attr]'] },
+ bind_columns => { U =>[2,0,'\\$var1 [, \\$var2, ...]'] },
+ bind_param => { U =>[3,4,'$parameter, $var [, \%attr]'] },
+ bind_param_inout=> { U =>[4,5,'$parameter, \\$var, $maxlen, [, \%attr]'] },
+ execute => { U =>[1,0,'[@args]'], O=>0x1040 },
+ bind_param_array => { U =>[3,4,'$parameter, $var [, \%attr]'] },
+ bind_param_inout_array => { U =>[4,5,'$parameter, \\@var, $maxlen, [, \%attr]'] },
+ execute_array => { U =>[2,0,'\\%attribs [, @args]'], O=>0x1040|0x4000 },
+ execute_for_fetch => { U =>[2,3,'$fetch_sub [, $tuple_status]'], O=>0x1040|0x4000 },
+ fetch => undef, # alias for fetchrow_arrayref
+ fetchrow_arrayref => undef,
+ fetchrow_hashref => undef,
+ fetchrow_array => undef,
+ fetchrow => undef, # old alias for fetchrow_array
+ fetchall_arrayref => { U =>[1,3, '[ $slice [, $max_rows]]'] },
+ fetchall_hashref => { U =>[2,2,'$key_field'] },
+ blob_read => { U =>[4,5,'$field, $offset, $len [, \\$buf [, $bufoffset]]'] },
+ blob_copy_to_file => { U =>[3,3,'$field, $filename_or_handleref'] },
+ dump_results => { U =>[1,5,'$maxfieldlen, $linesep, $fieldsep, $filehandle'] },
+ more_results => { U =>[1,1] },
+ finish => { U =>[1,1] },
+ cancel => { U =>[1,1], O=>0x0800 },
+ rows => $keeperr,
+ _get_fbav => undef,
+ _set_fbav => { T=>6 },
+ },
+while ( my ($class, $meths) = each %DBI::DBI_methods ) {
+ my $ima_trace = 0+($ENV{DBI_IMA_TRACE}||0);
+ while ( my ($method, $info) = each %$meths ) {
+ my $fullmeth = "DBI::${class}::$method";
+ if ($DBI::dbi_debug >= 15) { # quick hack to list DBI methods
+ # and optionally filter by IMA flags
+ my $O = $info->{O}||0;
+ printf "0x%04x %-20s\n", $O, $fullmeth
+ unless $ima_trace && !($O & $ima_trace);
+ }
+ DBI->_install_method($fullmeth, '', $info);
+ }
+ package DBI::common;
+ @DBI::dr::ISA = ('DBI::common');
+ @DBI::db::ISA = ('DBI::common');
+ @DBI::st::ISA = ('DBI::common');
+# End of init code
+END {
+ return unless defined &DBI::trace_msg; # return unless bootstrap'd ok
+ local ($!,$?);
+ DBI->trace_msg(sprintf(" -- DBI::END (\$\@: %s, \$!: %s)\n", $@||'', $!||''), 2);
+ # Let drivers know why we are calling disconnect_all:
+ $DBI::PERL_ENDING = $DBI::PERL_ENDING = 1; # avoid typo warning
+ DBI->disconnect_all() if %DBI::installed_drh;
+sub CLONE {
+ my $olddbis = $DBI::_dbistate;
+ _clone_dbis() unless $DBI::PurePerl; # clone the DBIS structure
+ DBI->trace_msg(sprintf "CLONE DBI for new thread %s\n",
+ $DBI::PurePerl ? "" : sprintf("(dbis %x -> %x)",$olddbis, $DBI::_dbistate));
+ while ( my ($driver, $drh) = each %DBI::installed_drh) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ next if defined &{"DBD::${driver}::CLONE"};
+ warn("$driver has no driver CLONE() function so is unsafe threaded\n");
+ }
+ %DBI::installed_drh = (); # clear loaded drivers so they have a chance to reinitialize
+sub parse_dsn {
+ my ($class, $dsn) = @_;
+ $dsn =~ s/^(dbi):(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?://i or return;
+ my ($scheme, $driver, $attr, $attr_hash) = (lc($1), $2, $3);
+ $driver ||= $ENV{DBI_DRIVER} || '';
+ $attr_hash = { split /\s*=>?\s*|\s*,\s*/, $attr, -1 } if $attr;
+ return ($scheme, $driver, $attr, $attr_hash, $dsn);
+sub visit_handles {
+ my ($class, $code, $outer_info) = @_;
+ $outer_info = {} if not defined $outer_info;
+ my %drh = DBI->installed_drivers;
+ for my $h (values %drh) {
+ my $child_info = $code->($h, $outer_info)
+ or next;
+ $h->visit_child_handles($code, $child_info);
+ }
+ return $outer_info;
+# --- The DBI->connect Front Door methods
+sub connect_cached {
+ # For library code using connect_cached() with mod_perl
+ # we redirect those calls to Apache::DBI::connect() as well
+ my ($class, $dsn, $user, $pass, $attr) = @_;
+ my $dbi_connect_method = ($DBI::connect_via eq "Apache::DBI::connect")
+ ? 'Apache::DBI::connect' : 'connect_cached';
+ $attr = {
+ $attr ? %$attr : (), # clone, don't modify callers data
+ dbi_connect_method => $dbi_connect_method,
+ };
+ return $class->connect($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr);
+sub connect {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my ($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr, $old_driver) = my @orig_args = @_;
+ my $driver;
+ if ($attr and !ref($attr)) { # switch $old_driver<->$attr if called in old style
+ Carp::carp("DBI->connect using 'old-style' syntax is deprecated and will be an error in future versions");
+ ($old_driver, $attr) = ($attr, $old_driver);
+ }
+ my $connect_meth = $attr->{dbi_connect_method};
+ $connect_meth ||= $DBI::connect_via; # fallback to default
+ $dsn ||= $ENV{DBI_DSN} || $ENV{DBI_DBNAME} || '' unless $old_driver;
+ if ($DBI::dbi_debug) {
+ local $^W = 0;
+ pop @_ if $connect_meth ne 'connect';
+ my @args = @_; $args[2] = '****'; # hide password
+ DBI->trace_msg(" -> $class->$connect_meth(".join(", ",@args).")\n");
+ }
+ Carp::croak('Usage: $class->connect([$dsn [,$user [,$passwd [,\%attr]]]])')
+ if (ref $old_driver or ($attr and not ref $attr) or ref $pass);
+ # extract dbi:driver prefix from $dsn into $1
+ $dsn =~ s/^dbi:(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?://i
+ or '' =~ /()/; # ensure $1 etc are empty if match fails
+ my $driver_attrib_spec = $2 || '';
+ # Set $driver. Old style driver, if specified, overrides new dsn style.
+ $driver = $old_driver || $1 || $ENV{DBI_DRIVER}
+ or Carp::croak("Can't connect to data source '$dsn' "
+ ."because I can't work out what driver to use "
+ ."(it doesn't seem to contain a 'dbi:driver:' prefix "
+ ."and the DBI_DRIVER env var is not set)");
+ my $proxy;
+ if ($ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY} && $driver ne 'Proxy' && $driver ne 'Sponge' && $driver ne 'Switch') {
+ my $dbi_autoproxy = $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY};
+ $proxy = 'Proxy';
+ if ($dbi_autoproxy =~ s/^dbi:(\w*?)(?:\((.*?)\))?://i) {
+ $proxy = $1;
+ $driver_attrib_spec = join ",",
+ ($driver_attrib_spec) ? $driver_attrib_spec : (),
+ ($2 ) ? $2 : ();
+ }
+ $dsn = "$dbi_autoproxy;dsn=dbi:$driver:$dsn";
+ $driver = $proxy;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" DBI_AUTOPROXY: dbi:$driver($driver_attrib_spec):$dsn\n");
+ }
+ # avoid recursion if proxy calls DBI->connect itself
+ my %attributes; # take a copy we can delete from
+ if ($old_driver) {
+ %attributes = %$attr if $attr;
+ }
+ else { # new-style connect so new default semantics
+ %attributes = (
+ PrintError => 1,
+ AutoCommit => 1,
+ ref $attr ? %$attr : (),
+ # attributes in DSN take precedence over \%attr connect parameter
+ $driver_attrib_spec ? (split /\s*=>?\s*|\s*,\s*/, $driver_attrib_spec, -1) : (),
+ );
+ }
+ $attr = \%attributes; # now set $attr to refer to our local copy
+ my $drh = $DBI::installed_drh{$driver} || $class->install_driver($driver)
+ or die "panic: $class->install_driver($driver) failed";
+ # attributes in DSN take precedence over \%attr connect parameter
+ $user = $attr->{Username} if defined $attr->{Username};
+ $pass = $attr->{Password} if defined $attr->{Password};
+ delete $attr->{Password}; # always delete Password as closure stores it securely
+ if ( !(defined $user && defined $pass) ) {
+ ($user, $pass) = $drh->default_user($user, $pass, $attr);
+ }
+ $attr->{Username} = $user; # force the Username to be the actual one used
+ my $connect_closure = sub {
+ my ($old_dbh, $override_attr) = @_;
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #warn "connect_closure: ".Data::Dumper::Dumper([$attr,\%attributes, $override_attr]);
+ my $dbh;
+ unless ($dbh = $drh->$connect_meth($dsn, $user, $pass, $attr)) {
+ $user = '' if !defined $user;
+ $dsn = '' if !defined $dsn;
+ # $drh->errstr isn't safe here because $dbh->DESTROY may not have
+ # been called yet and so the dbh errstr would not have been copied
+ # up to the drh errstr. Certainly true for connect_cached!
+ my $errstr = $DBI::errstr;
+ # Getting '(no error string)' here is a symptom of a ref loop
+ $errstr = '(no error string)' if !defined $errstr;
+ my $msg = "$class connect('$dsn','$user',...) failed: $errstr";
+ DBI->trace_msg(" $msg\n");
+ # XXX HandleWarn
+ unless ($attr->{HandleError} && $attr->{HandleError}->($msg, $drh, $dbh)) {
+ Carp::croak($msg) if $attr->{RaiseError};
+ Carp::carp ($msg) if $attr->{PrintError};
+ }
+ $! = 0; # for the daft people who do DBI->connect(...) || die "$!";
+ return $dbh; # normally undef, but HandleError could change it
+ }
+ # merge any attribute overrides but don't change $attr itself (for closure)
+ my $apply = { ($override_attr) ? (%$attr, %$override_attr ) : %$attr };
+ # handle basic RootClass subclassing:
+ my $rebless_class = $apply->{RootClass} || ($class ne 'DBI' ? $class : '');
+ if ($rebless_class) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if ($apply->{RootClass}) { # explicit attribute (ie not static methd call class)
+ delete $apply->{RootClass};
+ DBI::_load_class($rebless_class, 0);
+ }
+ unless (@{"$rebless_class\::db::ISA"} && @{"$rebless_class\::st::ISA"}) {
+ Carp::carp("DBI subclasses '$rebless_class\::db' and ::st are not setup, RootClass ignored");
+ $rebless_class = undef;
+ $class = 'DBI';
+ }
+ else {
+ $dbh->{RootClass} = $rebless_class; # $dbh->STORE called via plain DBI::db
+ DBI::_set_isa([$rebless_class], 'DBI'); # sets up both '::db' and '::st'
+ DBI::_rebless($dbh, $rebless_class); # appends '::db'
+ }
+ }
+ if (%$apply) {
+ if ($apply->{DbTypeSubclass}) {
+ my $DbTypeSubclass = delete $apply->{DbTypeSubclass};
+ DBI::_rebless_dbtype_subclass($dbh, $rebless_class||$class, $DbTypeSubclass);
+ }
+ my $a;
+ foreach $a (qw(Profile RaiseError PrintError AutoCommit)) { # do these first
+ next unless exists $apply->{$a};
+ $dbh->{$a} = delete $apply->{$a};
+ }
+ while ( my ($a, $v) = each %$apply) {
+ eval { $dbh->{$a} = $v } or $@ && warn $@;
+ }
+ }
+ # confirm to driver (ie if subclassed) that we've connected sucessfully
+ # and finished the attribute setup. pass in the original arguments
+ $dbh->connected(@orig_args); #if ref $dbh ne 'DBI::db' or $proxy;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" <- connect= $dbh\n") if $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ return $dbh;
+ };
+ my $dbh = &$connect_closure(undef, undef);
+ $dbh->{dbi_connect_closure} = $connect_closure if $dbh;
+ return $dbh;
+sub disconnect_all {
+ keys %DBI::installed_drh; # reset iterator
+ while ( my ($name, $drh) = each %DBI::installed_drh ) {
+ $drh->disconnect_all() if ref $drh;
+ }
+sub disconnect { # a regular beginners bug
+ Carp::croak("DBI->disconnect is not a DBI method (read the DBI manual)");
+sub install_driver { # croaks on failure
+ my $class = shift;
+ my($driver, $attr) = @_;
+ my $drh;
+ $driver ||= $ENV{DBI_DRIVER} || '';
+ # allow driver to be specified as a 'dbi:driver:' string
+ $driver = $1 if $driver =~ s/^DBI:(.*?)://i;
+ Carp::croak("usage: $class->install_driver(\$driver [, \%attr])")
+ unless ($driver and @_<=3);
+ # already installed
+ return $drh if $drh = $DBI::installed_drh{$driver};
+ $class->trace_msg(" -> $class->install_driver($driver"
+ .") for $^O perl=$] pid=$$ ruid=$< euid=$>\n")
+ if $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ # --- load the code
+ my $driver_class = "DBD::$driver";
+ eval qq{package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBI::_firesafe; # just in case
+ require $driver_class; # load the driver
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ my $err = $@;
+ my $advice = "";
+ if ($err =~ /Can't find loadable object/) {
+ $advice = "Perhaps DBD::$driver was statically linked into a new perl binary."
+ ."\nIn which case you need to use that new perl binary."
+ ."\nOr perhaps only the .pm file was installed but not the shared object file."
+ }
+ elsif ($err =~ /Can't locate.*?DBD\/$driver\.pm in \@INC/) {
+ my @drv = $class->available_drivers(1);
+ $advice = "Perhaps the DBD::$driver perl module hasn't been fully installed,\n"
+ ."or perhaps the capitalisation of '$driver' isn't right.\n"
+ ."Available drivers: ".join(", ", @drv).".";
+ }
+ elsif ($err =~ /Can't load .*? for module DBD::/) {
+ $advice = "Perhaps a required shared library or dll isn't installed where expected";
+ }
+ elsif ($err =~ /Can't locate .*? in \@INC/) {
+ $advice = "Perhaps a module that DBD::$driver requires hasn't been fully installed";
+ }
+ Carp::croak("install_driver($driver) failed: $err$advice\n");
+ }
+ if ($DBI::dbi_debug) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ (my $driver_file = $driver_class) =~ s/::/\//g;
+ my $dbd_ver = ${"$driver_class\::VERSION"} || "undef";
+ $class->trace_msg(" install_driver: $driver_class version $dbd_ver"
+ ." loaded from $INC{qq($}\n");
+ }
+ # --- do some behind-the-scenes checks and setups on the driver
+ $class->setup_driver($driver_class);
+ # --- run the driver function
+ $drh = eval { $driver_class->driver($attr || {}) };
+ unless ($drh && ref $drh && !$@) {
+ my $advice = "";
+ $@ ||= "$driver_class->driver didn't return a handle";
+ # catch people on case in-sensitive systems using the wrong case
+ $advice = "\nPerhaps the capitalisation of DBD '$driver' isn't right."
+ if $@ =~ /locate object method/;
+ Carp::croak("$driver_class initialisation failed: $@$advice");
+ }
+ $DBI::installed_drh{$driver} = $drh;
+ $class->trace_msg(" <- install_driver= $drh\n") if $DBI::dbi_debug;
+ $drh;
+*driver = \&install_driver; # currently an alias, may change
+sub setup_driver {
+ my ($class, $driver_class) = @_;
+ my $type;
+ foreach $type (qw(dr db st)){
+ my $class = $driver_class."::$type";
+ no strict 'refs';
+ push @{"${class}::ISA"}, "DBD::_::$type"
+ unless UNIVERSAL::isa($class, "DBD::_::$type");
+ my $mem_class = "DBD::_mem::$type";
+ push @{"${class}_mem::ISA"}, $mem_class
+ unless UNIVERSAL::isa("${class}_mem", $mem_class)
+ or $DBI::PurePerl;
+ }
+sub _rebless {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ my ($outer, $inner) = DBI::_handles($dbh);
+ my $class = shift(@_).'::db';
+ bless $inner => $class;
+ bless $outer => $class; # outer last for return
+sub _set_isa {
+ my ($classes, $topclass) = @_;
+ my $trace = DBI->trace_msg(" _set_isa([@$classes])\n");
+ foreach my $suffix ('::db','::st') {
+ my $previous = $topclass || 'DBI'; # trees are rooted here
+ foreach my $class (@$classes) {
+ my $base_class = $previous.$suffix;
+ my $sub_class = $class.$suffix;
+ my $sub_class_isa = "${sub_class}::ISA";
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if (@$sub_class_isa) {
+ DBI->trace_msg(" $sub_class_isa skipped (already set to @$sub_class_isa)\n")
+ if $trace;
+ }
+ else {
+ @$sub_class_isa = ($base_class) unless @$sub_class_isa;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" $sub_class_isa = $base_class\n")
+ if $trace;
+ }
+ $previous = $class;
+ }
+ }
+sub _rebless_dbtype_subclass {
+ my ($dbh, $rootclass, $DbTypeSubclass) = @_;
+ # determine the db type names for class hierarchy
+ my @hierarchy = DBI::_dbtype_names($dbh, $DbTypeSubclass);
+ # add the rootclass prefix to each ('DBI::' or 'MyDBI::' etc)
+ $_ = $rootclass.'::'.$_ foreach (@hierarchy);
+ # load the modules from the 'top down'
+ DBI::_load_class($_, 1) foreach (reverse @hierarchy);
+ # setup class hierarchy if needed, does both '::db' and '::st'
+ DBI::_set_isa(\@hierarchy, $rootclass);
+ # finally bless the handle into the subclass
+ DBI::_rebless($dbh, $hierarchy[0]);
+sub _dbtype_names { # list dbtypes for hierarchy, ie Informix=>ADO=>ODBC
+ my ($dbh, $DbTypeSubclass) = @_;
+ if ($DbTypeSubclass && $DbTypeSubclass ne '1' && ref $DbTypeSubclass ne 'CODE') {
+ # treat $DbTypeSubclass as a comma separated list of names
+ my @dbtypes = split /\s*,\s*/, $DbTypeSubclass;
+ $dbh->trace_msg(" DbTypeSubclass($DbTypeSubclass)=@dbtypes (explicit)\n");
+ return @dbtypes;
+ }
+ # XXX will call $dbh->get_info(17) (=SQL_DBMS_NAME) in future?
+ my $driver = $dbh->{Driver}->{Name};
+ if ( $driver eq 'Proxy' ) {
+ # XXX Looking into the internals of DBD::Proxy is questionable!
+ ($driver) = $dbh->{proxy_client}->{application} =~ /^DBI:(.+?):/i
+ or die "Can't determine driver name from proxy";
+ }
+ my @dbtypes = (ucfirst($driver));
+ if ($driver eq 'ODBC' || $driver eq 'ADO') {
+ # XXX will move these out and make extensible later:
+ my $_dbtype_name_regexp = 'Oracle'; # eg 'Oracle|Foo|Bar'
+ my %_dbtype_name_map = (
+ 'Microsoft SQL Server' => 'MSSQL',
+ 'SQL Server' => 'Sybase',
+ 'Adaptive Server Anywhere' => 'ASAny',
+ 'ADABAS D' => 'AdabasD',
+ );
+ my $name;
+ $name = $dbh->func(17, 'GetInfo') # SQL_DBMS_NAME
+ if $driver eq 'ODBC';
+ $name = $dbh->{ado_conn}->Properties->Item('DBMS Name')->Value
+ if $driver eq 'ADO';
+ die "Can't determine driver name! ($DBI::errstr)\n"
+ unless $name;
+ my $dbtype;
+ if ($_dbtype_name_map{$name}) {
+ $dbtype = $_dbtype_name_map{$name};
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($name =~ /($_dbtype_name_regexp)/) {
+ $dbtype = lc($1);
+ }
+ else { # generic mangling for other names:
+ $dbtype = lc($name);
+ }
+ $dbtype =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g;
+ $dbtype =~ s/\W+/_/g;
+ }
+ # add ODBC 'behind' ADO
+ push @dbtypes, 'ODBC' if $driver eq 'ADO';
+ # add discovered dbtype in front of ADO/ODBC
+ unshift @dbtypes, $dbtype;
+ }
+ @dbtypes = &$DbTypeSubclass($dbh, \@dbtypes)
+ if (ref $DbTypeSubclass eq 'CODE');
+ $dbh->trace_msg(" DbTypeSubclass($DbTypeSubclass)=@dbtypes\n");
+ return @dbtypes;
+sub _load_class {
+ my ($load_class, $missing_ok) = @_;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" _load_class($load_class, $missing_ok)\n", 2);
+ no strict 'refs';
+ return 1 if @{"$load_class\::ISA"}; # already loaded/exists
+ (my $module = $load_class) =~ s!::!/!g;
+ DBI->trace_msg(" _load_class require $module\n", 2);
+ eval { require "$"; };
+ return 1 unless $@;
+ return 0 if $missing_ok && $@ =~ /^Can't locate \Q$\E/;
+ die $@;
+sub init_rootclass { # deprecated
+ return 1;
+*internal = \&DBD::Switch::dr::driver;
+sub available_drivers {
+ my($quiet) = @_;
+ my(@drivers, $d, $f);
+ local(*DBI::DIR, $@);
+ my(%seen_dir, %seen_dbd);
+ my $haveFileSpec = eval { require File::Spec };
+ foreach $d (@INC){
+ chomp($d); # Perl 5 beta 3 bug in #!./perl -Ilib from Test::Harness
+ my $dbd_dir =
+ ($haveFileSpec ? File::Spec->catdir($d, 'DBD') : "$d/DBD");
+ next unless -d $dbd_dir;
+ next if $seen_dir{$d};
+ $seen_dir{$d} = 1;
+ # XXX we have a problem here with case insensitive file systems
+ # XXX since we can't tell what case must be used when loading.
+ opendir(DBI::DIR, $dbd_dir) || Carp::carp "opendir $dbd_dir: $!\n";
+ foreach $f (readdir(DBI::DIR)){
+ next unless $f =~ s/\.pm$//;
+ next if $f eq 'NullP';
+ if ($seen_dbd{$f}){
+ Carp::carp "DBD::$f in $d is hidden by DBD::$f in $seen_dbd{$f}\n"
+ unless $quiet;
+ } else {
+ push(@drivers, $f);
+ }
+ $seen_dbd{$f} = $d;
+ }
+ closedir(DBI::DIR);
+ }
+ # "return sort @drivers" will not DWIM in scalar context.
+ return wantarray ? sort @drivers : @drivers;
+sub installed_versions {
+ my ($class, $quiet) = @_;
+ my %error;
+ my %version = ( DBI => $DBI::VERSION );
+ $version{"DBI::PurePerl"} = $DBI::PurePerl::VERSION
+ if $DBI::PurePerl;
+ for my $driver ($class->available_drivers($quiet)) {
+ next if $DBI::PurePerl && grep { -d "$_/auto/DBD/$driver" } @INC;
+ my $drh = eval {
+ local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
+ $class->install_driver($driver);
+ };
+ ($error{"DBD::$driver"}=$@),next if $@;
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $vers = ${"DBD::$driver" . '::VERSION'};
+ $version{"DBD::$driver"} = $vers || '?';
+ }
+ if (wantarray) {
+ return map { m/^DBD::(\w+)/ ? ($1) : () } sort keys %version;
+ }
+ if (!defined wantarray) { # void context
+ require Config; # add more detail
+ $version{OS} = "$^O\t($Config::Config{osvers})";
+ $version{Perl} = "$]\t($Config::Config{archname})";
+ $version{$_} = (($error{$_} =~ s/ \(\@INC.*//s),$error{$_})
+ for keys %error;
+ printf " %-16s: %s\n",$_,$version{$_}
+ for reverse sort keys %version;
+ }
+ return \%version;
+sub data_sources {
+ my ($class, $driver, @other) = @_;
+ my $drh = $class->install_driver($driver);
+ my @ds = $drh->data_sources(@other);
+ return @ds;
+sub neat_list {
+ my ($listref, $maxlen, $sep) = @_;
+ $maxlen = 0 unless defined $maxlen; # 0 == use internal default
+ $sep = ", " unless defined $sep;
+ join($sep, map { neat($_,$maxlen) } @$listref);
+sub dump_results { # also aliased as a method in DBD::_::st
+ my ($sth, $maxlen, $lsep, $fsep, $fh) = @_;
+ return 0 unless $sth;
+ $maxlen ||= 35;
+ $lsep ||= "\n";
+ $fh ||= \*STDOUT;
+ my $rows = 0;
+ my $ref;
+ while($ref = $sth->fetch) {
+ print $fh $lsep if $rows++ and $lsep;
+ my $str = neat_list($ref,$maxlen,$fsep);
+ print $fh $str; # done on two lines to avoid 5.003 errors
+ }
+ print $fh "\n$rows rows".($DBI::err ? " ($DBI::err: $DBI::errstr)" : "")."\n";
+ $rows;
+sub data_diff {
+ my ($a, $b, $logical) = @_;
+ my $diff = data_string_diff($a, $b);
+ return "" if $logical and !$diff;
+ my $a_desc = data_string_desc($a);
+ my $b_desc = data_string_desc($b);
+ return "" if !$diff and $a_desc eq $b_desc;
+ $diff ||= "Strings contain the same sequence of characters"
+ if length($a);
+ $diff .= "\n" if $diff;
+ return "a: $a_desc\nb: $b_desc\n$diff";
+sub data_string_diff {
+ # Compares 'logical' characters, not bytes, so a latin1 string and an
+ # an equivalent unicode string will compare as equal even though their
+ # byte encodings are different.
+ my ($a, $b) = @_;
+ unless (defined $a and defined $b) { # one undef
+ return ""
+ if !defined $a and !defined $b;
+ return "String a is undef, string b has ".length($b)." characters"
+ if !defined $a;
+ return "String b is undef, string a has ".length($a)." characters"
+ if !defined $b;
+ }
+ require utf8;
+ # hack to cater for perl 5.6
+ *utf8::is_utf8 = sub { (DBI::neat(shift)=~/^"/) } unless defined &utf8::is_utf8;
+ my @a_chars = (utf8::is_utf8($a)) ? unpack("U*", $a) : unpack("C*", $a);
+ my @b_chars = (utf8::is_utf8($b)) ? unpack("U*", $b) : unpack("C*", $b);
+ my $i = 0;
+ while (@a_chars && @b_chars) {
+ ++$i, shift(@a_chars), shift(@b_chars), next
+ if $a_chars[0] == $b_chars[0];# compare ordinal values
+ my @desc = map {
+ $_ > 255 ? # if wide character...
+ sprintf("\\x{%04X}", $_) : # \x{...}
+ chr($_) =~ /[[:cntrl:]]/ ? # else if control character ...
+ sprintf("\\x%02X", $_) : # \x..
+ chr($_) # else as themselves
+ } ($a_chars[0], $b_chars[0]);
+ # highlight probable double-encoding?
+ foreach my $c ( @desc ) {
+ next unless $c =~ m/\\x\{08(..)}/;
+ $c .= "='" .chr(hex($1)) ."'"
+ }
+ return sprintf "Strings differ at index $i: a[$i]=$desc[0], b[$i]=$desc[1]";
+ }
+ return "String a truncated after $i characters" if @b_chars;
+ return "String b truncated after $i characters" if @a_chars;
+ return "";
+sub data_string_desc { # describe a data string
+ my ($a) = @_;
+ require bytes;
+ require utf8;
+ # hacks to cater for perl 5.6
+ *utf8::is_utf8 = sub { (DBI::neat(shift)=~/^"/) } unless defined &utf8::is_utf8;
+ *utf8::valid = sub { 1 } unless defined &utf8::valid;
+ # Give sufficient info to help diagnose at least these kinds of situations:
+ # - valid UTF8 byte sequence but UTF8 flag not set
+ # (might be ascii so also need to check for hibit to make it worthwhile)
+ # - UTF8 flag set but invalid UTF8 byte sequence
+ # could do better here, but this'll do for now
+ my $utf8 = sprintf "UTF8 %s%s",
+ utf8::is_utf8($a) ? "on" : "off",
+ utf8::valid($a||'') ? "" : " but INVALID encoding";
+ return "$utf8, undef" unless defined $a;
+ my $is_ascii = $a =~ m/^[\000-\177]*$/;
+ return sprintf "%s, %s, %d characters %d bytes",
+ $utf8, $is_ascii ? "ASCII" : "non-ASCII",
+ length($a), bytes::length($a);
+sub connect_test_perf {
+ my($class, $dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass, $attr) = @_;
+ Carp::croak("connect_test_perf needs hash ref as fourth arg") unless ref $attr;
+ # these are non standard attributes just for this special method
+ my $loops ||= $attr->{dbi_loops} || 5;
+ my $par ||= $attr->{dbi_par} || 1; # parallelism
+ my $verb ||= $attr->{dbi_verb} || 1;
+ my $meth ||= $attr->{dbi_meth} || 'connect';
+ print "$dsn: testing $loops sets of $par connections:\n";
+ require ""; # don't let toke.c create empty FileHandle package
+ local $| = 1;
+ my $drh = $class->install_driver($dsn) or Carp::croak("Can't install $dsn driver\n");
+ # test the connection and warm up caches etc
+ $drh->connect($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass) or Carp::croak("connect failed: $DBI::errstr");
+ my $t1 = dbi_time();
+ my $loop;
+ for $loop (1..$loops) {
+ my @cons;
+ print "Connecting... " if $verb;
+ for (1..$par) {
+ print "$_ ";
+ push @cons, ($drh->connect($dsn,$dbuser,$dbpass)
+ or Carp::croak("connect failed: $DBI::errstr\n"));
+ }
+ print "\nDisconnecting...\n" if $verb;
+ for (@cons) {
+ $_->disconnect or warn "disconnect failed: $DBI::errstr"
+ }
+ }
+ my $t2 = dbi_time();
+ my $td = $t2 - $t1;
+ printf "$meth %d and disconnect them, %d times: %.4fs / %d = %.4fs\n",
+ $par, $loops, $td, $loops*$par, $td/($loops*$par);
+ return $td;
+# Help people doing DBI->errstr, might even document it one day
+# XXX probably best moved to cheaper XS code if this gets documented
+sub err { $DBI::err }
+sub errstr { $DBI::errstr }
+# --- Private Internal Function for Creating New DBI Handles
+# XXX move to PurePerl?
+*DBI::dr::TIEHASH = \&DBI::st::TIEHASH;
+*DBI::db::TIEHASH = \&DBI::st::TIEHASH;
+# These three special constructors are called by the drivers
+# The way they are called is likely to change.
+our $shared_profile;
+sub _new_drh { # called by DBD::<drivername>::driver()
+ my ($class, $initial_attr, $imp_data) = @_;
+ # Provide default storage for State,Err and Errstr.
+ # Note that these are shared by all child handles by default! XXX
+ # State must be undef to get automatic faking in DBI::var::FETCH
+ my ($h_state_store, $h_err_store, $h_errstr_store) = (undef, 0, '');
+ my $attr = {
+ # these attributes get copied down to child handles by default
+ 'State' => \$h_state_store, # Holder for DBI::state
+ 'Err' => \$h_err_store, # Holder for DBI::err
+ 'Errstr' => \$h_errstr_store, # Holder for DBI::errstr
+ 'TraceLevel' => 0,
+ FetchHashKeyName=> 'NAME',
+ %$initial_attr,
+ };
+ my ($h, $i) = _new_handle('DBI::dr', '', $attr, $imp_data, $class);
+ # XXX DBI_PROFILE unless DBI::PurePerl because for some reason
+ # it kills the t/zz_*_pp.t tests (they silently exit early)
+ if ($ENV{DBI_PROFILE} && !$DBI::PurePerl) {
+ # The profile object created here when the first driver is loaded
+ # is shared by all drivers so we end up with just one set of profile
+ # data and thus the 'total time in DBI' is really the true total.
+ if (!$shared_profile) { # first time
+ $h->{Profile} = $ENV{DBI_PROFILE};
+ $shared_profile = $h->{Profile};
+ }
+ else {
+ $h->{Profile} = $shared_profile;
+ }
+ }
+ return $h unless wantarray;
+ ($h, $i);
+sub _new_dbh { # called by DBD::<drivername>::dr::connect()
+ my ($drh, $attr, $imp_data) = @_;
+ my $imp_class = $drh->{ImplementorClass}
+ or Carp::croak("DBI _new_dbh: $drh has no ImplementorClass");
+ substr($imp_class,-4,4) = '::db';
+ my $app_class = ref $drh;
+ substr($app_class,-4,4) = '::db';
+ $attr->{Err} ||= \my $err;
+ $attr->{Errstr} ||= \my $errstr;
+ $attr->{State} ||= \my $state;
+ _new_handle($app_class, $drh, $attr, $imp_data, $imp_class);
+sub _new_sth { # called by DBD::<drivername>::db::prepare)
+ my ($dbh, $attr, $imp_data) = @_;
+ my $imp_class = $dbh->{ImplementorClass}
+ or Carp::croak("DBI _new_sth: $dbh has no ImplementorClass");
+ substr($imp_class,-4,4) = '::st';
+ my $app_class = ref $dbh;
+ substr($app_class,-4,4) = '::st';
+ _new_handle($app_class, $dbh, $attr, $imp_data, $imp_class);
+# end of DBI package
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# === The internal DBI Switch pseudo 'driver' class ===
+{ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBD::Switch::dr;
+ DBI->setup_driver('DBD::Switch'); # sets up @ISA
+ $DBD::Switch::dr::imp_data_size = 0;
+ $DBD::Switch::dr::imp_data_size = 0; # avoid typo warning
+ my $drh;
+ sub driver {
+ return $drh if $drh; # a package global
+ my $inner;
+ ($drh, $inner) = DBI::_new_drh('DBD::Switch::dr', {
+ 'Name' => 'Switch',
+ 'Version' => $DBI::VERSION,
+ 'Attribution' => "DBI $DBI::VERSION by Tim Bunce",
+ });
+ Carp::croak("DBD::Switch init failed!") unless ($drh && $inner);
+ return $drh;
+ }
+ sub CLONE {
+ undef $drh;
+ }
+ sub FETCH {
+ my($drh, $key) = @_;
+ return DBI->trace if $key eq 'DebugDispatch';
+ return undef if $key eq 'DebugLog'; # not worth fetching, sorry
+ return $drh->DBD::_::dr::FETCH($key);
+ undef;
+ }
+ sub STORE {
+ my($drh, $key, $value) = @_;
+ if ($key eq 'DebugDispatch') {
+ DBI->trace($value);
+ } elsif ($key eq 'DebugLog') {
+ DBI->trace(-1, $value);
+ } else {
+ $drh->DBD::_::dr::STORE($key, $value);
+ }
+ }
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------
+# We only define default methods for harmless functions.
+# We don't, for example, define a DBD::_::st::prepare()
+{ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBD::_::common; # ====== Common base class methods ======
+ use strict;
+ # methods common to all handle types:
+ sub _not_impl {
+ my ($h, $method) = @_;
+ $h->trace_msg("Driver does not implement the $method method.\n");
+ return; # empty list / undef
+ }
+ # generic TIEHASH default methods:
+ sub FIRSTKEY { }
+ sub NEXTKEY { }
+ sub EXISTS { defined($_[0]->FETCH($_[1])) } # XXX undef?
+ sub CLEAR { Carp::carp "Can't CLEAR $_[0] (DBI)" }
+ sub FETCH_many { # XXX should move to C one day
+ my $h = shift;
+ # scalar is needed to workaround drivers that return an empty list
+ # for some attributes
+ return map { scalar $h->FETCH($_) } @_;
+ }
+ *dump_handle = \&DBI::dump_handle;
+ sub install_method {
+ # special class method called directly by apps and/or drivers
+ # to install new methods into the DBI dispatcher
+ # DBD::Foo::db->install_method("foo_mumble", { usage => [...], options => '...' });
+ my ($class, $method, $attr) = @_;
+ Carp::croak("Class '$class' must begin with DBD:: and end with ::db or ::st")
+ unless $class =~ /^DBD::(\w+)::(dr|db|st)$/;
+ my ($driver, $subtype) = ($1, $2);
+ Carp::croak("invalid method name '$method'")
+ unless $method =~ m/^([a-z]+_)\w+$/;
+ my $prefix = $1;
+ my $reg_info = $dbd_prefix_registry->{$prefix};
+ Carp::carp("method name prefix '$prefix' is not associated with a registered driver") unless $reg_info;
+ my $full_method = "DBI::${subtype}::$method";
+ $DBI::installed_methods{$full_method} = $attr;
+ my (undef, $filename, $line) = caller;
+ # XXX reformat $attr as needed for _install_method
+ my %attr = %{$attr||{}}; # copy so we can edit
+ DBI->_install_method("DBI::${subtype}::$method", "$filename at line $line", \%attr);
+ }
+ sub parse_trace_flags {
+ my ($h, $spec) = @_;
+ my $level = 0;
+ my $flags = 0;
+ my @unknown;
+ for my $word (split /\s*[|&,]\s*/, $spec) {
+ if (DBI::looks_like_number($word) && $word <= 0xF && $word >= 0) {
+ $level = $word;
+ } elsif ($word eq 'ALL') {
+ $flags = 0x7FFFFFFF; # XXX last bit causes negative headaches
+ last;
+ } elsif (my $flag = $h->parse_trace_flag($word)) {
+ $flags |= $flag;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @unknown, $word;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@unknown && (ref $h ? $h->FETCH('Warn') : 1)) {
+ Carp::carp("$h->parse_trace_flags($spec) ignored unknown trace flags: ".
+ join(" ", map { DBI::neat($_) } @unknown));
+ }
+ $flags |= $level;
+ return $flags;
+ }
+ sub parse_trace_flag {
+ my ($h, $name) = @_;
+ # 0xddDDDDrL (driver, DBI, reserved, Level)
+ return 0x00000100 if $name eq 'SQL';
+ return;
+ }
+ sub private_attribute_info {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ sub visit_child_handles {
+ my ($h, $code, $info) = @_;
+ $info = {} if not defined $info;
+ for my $ch (@{ $h->{ChildHandles} || []}) {
+ next unless $ch;
+ my $child_info = $code->($ch, $info)
+ or next;
+ $ch->visit_child_handles($code, $child_info);
+ }
+ return $info;
+ }
+{ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBD::_::dr; # ====== DRIVER ======
+ @DBD::_::dr::ISA = qw(DBD::_::common);
+ use strict;
+ sub default_user {
+ my ($drh, $user, $pass, $attr) = @_;
+ $user = $ENV{DBI_USER} unless defined $user;
+ $pass = $ENV{DBI_PASS} unless defined $pass;
+ return ($user, $pass);
+ }
+ sub connect { # normally overridden, but a handy default
+ my ($drh, $dsn, $user, $auth) = @_;
+ my ($this) = DBI::_new_dbh($drh, {
+ 'Name' => $dsn,
+ });
+ # XXX debatable as there's no "server side" here
+ # (and now many uses would trigger warnings on DESTROY)
+ # $this->STORE(Active => 1);
+ # so drivers should set it in their own connect
+ $this;
+ }
+ sub connect_cached {
+ my $drh = shift;
+ my ($dsn, $user, $auth, $attr) = @_;
+ my $cache = $drh->{CachedKids} ||= {};
+ my $key = do { local $^W;
+ join "!\001", $dsn, $user, $auth, DBI::_concat_hash_sorted($attr, "=\001", ",\001", 0, 0)
+ };
+ my $dbh = $cache->{$key};
+ $drh->trace_msg(sprintf(" connect_cached: key '$key', cached dbh $dbh\n", DBI::neat($key), DBI::neat($dbh)))
+ if $DBI::dbi_debug >= 4;
+ my $cb = $attr->{Callbacks}; # take care not to autovivify
+ if ($dbh && $dbh->FETCH('Active') && eval { $dbh->ping }) {
+ # If the caller has provided a callback then call it
+ if ($cb and $cb = $cb->{"connect_cached.reused"}) {
+ local $_ = "connect_cached.reused";
+ $cb->($dbh, $dsn, $user, $auth, $attr);
+ }
+ return $dbh;
+ }
+ # If the caller has provided a callback then call it
+ if ($cb and $cb = $cb->{""}) {
+ local $_ = "";
+ $cb->($dbh, $dsn, $user, $auth, $attr);
+ }
+ $dbh = $drh->connect(@_);
+ $cache->{$key} = $dbh; # replace prev entry, even if connect failed
+ return $dbh;
+ }
+{ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBD::_::db; # ====== DATABASE ======
+ @DBD::_::db::ISA = qw(DBD::_::common);
+ use strict;
+ sub clone {
+ my ($old_dbh, $attr) = @_;
+ my $closure = $old_dbh->{dbi_connect_closure} or return;
+ unless ($attr) {
+ # copy attributes visible in the attribute cache
+ keys %$old_dbh; # reset iterator
+ while ( my ($k, $v) = each %$old_dbh ) {
+ # ignore non-code refs, i.e., caches, handles, Err etc
+ next if ref $v && ref $v ne 'CODE'; # HandleError etc
+ $attr->{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ # explicitly set attributes which are unlikely to be in the
+ # attribute cache, i.e., boolean's and some others
+ $attr->{$_} = $old_dbh->FETCH($_) for (qw(
+ AutoCommit ChopBlanks InactiveDestroy
+ LongTruncOk PrintError PrintWarn Profile RaiseError
+ ShowErrorStatement TaintIn TaintOut
+ ));
+ }
+ # use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper([$old_dbh, $attr]);
+ my $new_dbh = &$closure($old_dbh, $attr);
+ unless ($new_dbh) {
+ # need to copy err/errstr from driver back into $old_dbh
+ my $drh = $old_dbh->{Driver};
+ return $old_dbh->set_err($drh->err, $drh->errstr, $drh->state);
+ }
+ return $new_dbh;
+ }
+ sub quote_identifier {
+ my ($dbh, @id) = @_;
+ my $attr = (@id > 3 && ref($id[-1])) ? pop @id : undef;
+ my $info = $dbh->{dbi_quote_identifier_cache} ||= [
+ $dbh->get_info(29) || '"', # SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
+ $dbh->get_info(41) || '.', # SQL_CATALOG_NAME_SEPARATOR
+ $dbh->get_info(114) || 1, # SQL_CATALOG_LOCATION
+ ];
+ my $quote = $info->[0];
+ foreach (@id) { # quote the elements
+ next unless defined;
+ s/$quote/$quote$quote/g; # escape embedded quotes
+ $_ = qq{$quote$_$quote};
+ }
+ # strip out catalog if present for special handling
+ my $catalog = (@id >= 3) ? shift @id : undef;
+ # join the dots, ignoring any null/undef elements (ie schema)
+ my $quoted_id = join '.', grep { defined } @id;
+ if ($catalog) { # add catalog correctly
+ $quoted_id = ($info->[2] == 2) # SQL_CL_END
+ ? $quoted_id . $info->[1] . $catalog
+ : $catalog . $info->[1] . $quoted_id;
+ }
+ return $quoted_id;
+ }
+ sub quote {
+ my ($dbh, $str, $data_type) = @_;
+ return "NULL" unless defined $str;
+ unless ($data_type) {
+ $str =~ s/'/''/g; # ISO SQL2
+ return "'$str'";
+ }
+ my $dbi_literal_quote_cache = $dbh->{'dbi_literal_quote_cache'} ||= [ {} , {} ];
+ my ($prefixes, $suffixes) = @$dbi_literal_quote_cache;
+ my $lp = $prefixes->{$data_type};
+ my $ls = $suffixes->{$data_type};
+ if ( ! defined $lp || ! defined $ls ) {
+ my $ti = $dbh->type_info($data_type);
+ $lp = $prefixes->{$data_type} = $ti ? $ti->{LITERAL_PREFIX} || "" : "'";
+ $ls = $suffixes->{$data_type} = $ti ? $ti->{LITERAL_SUFFIX} || "" : "'";
+ }
+ return $str unless $lp || $ls; # no quoting required
+ # XXX don't know what the standard says about escaping
+ # in the 'general case' (where $lp != "'").
+ # So we just do this and hope:
+ $str =~ s/$lp/$lp$lp/g
+ if $lp && $lp eq $ls && ($lp eq "'" || $lp eq '"');
+ return "$lp$str$ls";
+ }
+ sub rows { -1 } # here so $DBI::rows 'works' after using $dbh
+ sub do {
+ my($dbh, $statement, $attr, @params) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $attr) or return undef;
+ $sth->execute(@params) or return undef;
+ my $rows = $sth->rows;
+ ($rows == 0) ? "0E0" : $rows;
+ }
+ sub _do_selectrow {
+ my ($method, $dbh, $stmt, $attr, @bind) = @_;
+ my $sth = ((ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr))
+ or return;
+ $sth->execute(@bind)
+ or return;
+ my $row = $sth->$method()
+ and $sth->finish;
+ return $row;
+ }
+ sub selectrow_hashref { return _do_selectrow('fetchrow_hashref', @_); }
+ # XXX selectrow_array/ref also have C implementations in Driver.xst
+ sub selectrow_arrayref { return _do_selectrow('fetchrow_arrayref', @_); }
+ sub selectrow_array {
+ my $row = _do_selectrow('fetchrow_arrayref', @_) or return;
+ return $row->[0] unless wantarray;
+ return @$row;
+ }
+ # XXX selectall_arrayref also has C implementation in Driver.xst
+ # which fallsback to this if a slice is given
+ sub selectall_arrayref {
+ my ($dbh, $stmt, $attr, @bind) = @_;
+ my $sth = (ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr)
+ or return;
+ $sth->execute(@bind) || return;
+ my $slice = $attr->{Slice}; # typically undef, else hash or array ref
+ if (!$slice and $slice=$attr->{Columns}) {
+ if (ref $slice eq 'ARRAY') { # map col idx to perl array idx
+ $slice = [ @{$attr->{Columns}} ]; # take a copy
+ for (@$slice) { $_-- }
+ }
+ }
+ my $rows = $sth->fetchall_arrayref($slice, my $MaxRows = $attr->{MaxRows});
+ $sth->finish if defined $MaxRows;
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ sub selectall_hashref {
+ my ($dbh, $stmt, $key_field, $attr, @bind) = @_;
+ my $sth = (ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr);
+ return unless $sth;
+ $sth->execute(@bind) || return;
+ return $sth->fetchall_hashref($key_field);
+ }
+ sub selectcol_arrayref {
+ my ($dbh, $stmt, $attr, @bind) = @_;
+ my $sth = (ref $stmt) ? $stmt : $dbh->prepare($stmt, $attr);
+ return unless $sth;
+ $sth->execute(@bind) || return;
+ my @columns = ($attr->{Columns}) ? @{$attr->{Columns}} : (1);
+ my @values = (undef) x @columns;
+ my $idx = 0;
+ for (@columns) {
+ $sth->bind_col($_, \$values[$idx++]) || return;
+ }
+ my @col;
+ if (my $max = $attr->{MaxRows}) {
+ push @col, @values while @col<$max && $sth->fetch;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @col, @values while $sth->fetch;
+ }
+ return \@col;
+ }
+ sub prepare_cached {
+ my ($dbh, $statement, $attr, $if_active) = @_;
+ # Needs support at dbh level to clear cache before complaining about
+ # active children. The XS template code does this. Drivers not using
+ # the template must handle clearing the cache themselves.
+ my $cache = $dbh->{CachedKids} ||= {};
+ my $key = do { local $^W;
+ join "!\001", $statement, DBI::_concat_hash_sorted($attr, "=\001", ",\001", 0, 0)
+ };
+ my $sth = $cache->{$key};
+ if ($sth) {
+ return $sth unless $sth->FETCH('Active');
+ Carp::carp("prepare_cached($statement) statement handle $sth still Active")
+ unless ($if_active ||= 0);
+ $sth->finish if $if_active <= 1;
+ return $sth if $if_active <= 2;
+ }
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $attr);
+ $cache->{$key} = $sth if $sth;
+ return $sth;
+ }
+ sub ping {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ $dbh->_not_impl('ping');
+ # "0 but true" is a special kind of true 0 that is used here so
+ # applications can check if the ping was a real ping or not
+ ($dbh->FETCH('Active')) ? "0 but true" : 0;
+ }
+ sub begin_work {
+ my $dbh = shift;
+ return $dbh->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Already in a transaction")
+ unless $dbh->FETCH('AutoCommit');
+ $dbh->STORE('AutoCommit', 0); # will croak if driver doesn't support it
+ $dbh->STORE('BegunWork', 1); # trigger post commit/rollback action
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub primary_key {
+ my ($dbh, @args) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info(@args) or return;
+ my ($row, @col);
+ push @col, $row->[3] while ($row = $sth->fetch);
+ Carp::croak("primary_key method not called in list context")
+ unless wantarray; # leave us some elbow room
+ return @col;
+ }
+ sub tables {
+ my ($dbh, @args) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->table_info(@args[0,1,2,3,4]) or return;
+ my $tables = $sth->fetchall_arrayref or return;
+ my @tables;
+ if ($dbh->get_info(29)) { # SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR
+ @tables = map { $dbh->quote_identifier( @{$_}[0,1,2] ) } @$tables;
+ }
+ else { # temporary old style hack (yeach)
+ @tables = map {
+ my $name = $_->[2];
+ if ($_->[1]) {
+ my $schema = $_->[1];
+ # a sad hack (mostly for Informix I recall)
+ my $quote = ($schema eq uc($schema)) ? '' : '"';
+ $name = "$quote$schema$quote.$name"
+ }
+ $name;
+ } @$tables;
+ }
+ return @tables;
+ }
+ sub type_info { # this should be sufficient for all drivers
+ my ($dbh, $data_type) = @_;
+ my $idx_hash;
+ my $tia = $dbh->{dbi_type_info_row_cache};
+ if ($tia) {
+ $idx_hash = $dbh->{dbi_type_info_idx_cache};
+ }
+ else {
+ my $temp = $dbh->type_info_all;
+ return unless $temp && @$temp;
+ # we cache here because type_info_all may be expensive to call
+ # (and we take a copy so the following shift can't corrupt
+ # the data that may be returned by future calls to type_info_all)
+ $tia = $dbh->{dbi_type_info_row_cache} = [ @$temp ];
+ $idx_hash = $dbh->{dbi_type_info_idx_cache} = shift @$tia;
+ }
+ my $dt_idx = $idx_hash->{DATA_TYPE} || $idx_hash->{data_type};
+ Carp::croak("type_info_all returned non-standard DATA_TYPE index value ($dt_idx != 1)")
+ if $dt_idx && $dt_idx != 1;
+ # --- simple DATA_TYPE match filter
+ my @ti;
+ my @data_type_list = (ref $data_type) ? @$data_type : ($data_type);
+ foreach $data_type (@data_type_list) {
+ if (defined($data_type) && $data_type != DBI::SQL_ALL_TYPES()) {
+ push @ti, grep { $_->[$dt_idx] == $data_type } @$tia;
+ }
+ else { # SQL_ALL_TYPES
+ push @ti, @$tia;
+ }
+ last if @ti; # found at least one match
+ }
+ # --- format results into list of hash refs
+ my $idx_fields = keys %$idx_hash;
+ my @idx_names = map { uc($_) } keys %$idx_hash;
+ my @idx_values = values %$idx_hash;
+ Carp::croak "type_info_all result has $idx_fields keys but ".(@{$ti[0]})." fields"
+ if @ti && @{$ti[0]} != $idx_fields;
+ my @out = map {
+ my %h; @h{@idx_names} = @{$_}[ @idx_values ]; \%h;
+ } @ti;
+ return $out[0] unless wantarray;
+ return @out;
+ }
+ sub data_sources {
+ my ($dbh, @other) = @_;
+ my $drh = $dbh->{Driver}; # XXX proxy issues?
+ return $drh->data_sources(@other);
+ }
+{ package # hide from PAUSE
+ DBD::_::st; # ====== STATEMENT ======
+ @DBD::_::st::ISA = qw(DBD::_::common);
+ use strict;
+ sub bind_param { Carp::croak("Can't bind_param, not implement by driver") }
+# ********************************************************
+# Array binding support for drivers which don't support
+# array binding, but have sufficient interfaces to fake it.
+# NOTE: mixing scalars and arrayrefs requires using bind_param_array
+# for *all* params...unless we modify bind_param for the default
+# case...
+# 2002-Apr-10 D. Arnold
+ sub bind_param_array {
+ my $sth = shift;
+ my ($p_id, $value_array, $attr) = @_;
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Value for parameter $p_id must be a scalar or an arrayref, not a ".ref($value_array))
+ if defined $value_array and ref $value_array and ref $value_array ne 'ARRAY';
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Can't use named placeholder '$p_id' for non-driver supported bind_param_array")
+ unless DBI::looks_like_number($p_id); # because we rely on execute(@ary) here
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Placeholder '$p_id' is out of range")
+ if $p_id <= 0; # can't easily/reliably test for too big
+ # get/create arrayref to hold params
+ my $hash_of_arrays = $sth->{ParamArrays} ||= { };
+ # If the bind has attribs then we rely on the driver conforming to
+ # the DBI spec in that a single bind_param() call with those attribs
+ # makes them 'sticky' and apply to all later execute(@values) calls.
+ # Since we only call bind_param() if we're given attribs then
+ # applications using drivers that don't support bind_param can still
+ # use bind_param_array() so long as they don't pass any attribs.
+ $$hash_of_arrays{$p_id} = $value_array;
+ return $sth->bind_param($p_id, undef, $attr)
+ if $attr;
+ 1;
+ }
+ sub bind_param_inout_array {
+ my $sth = shift;
+ # XXX not supported so we just call bind_param_array instead
+ # and then return an error
+ my ($p_num, $value_array, $attr) = @_;
+ $sth->bind_param_array($p_num, $value_array, $attr);
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "bind_param_inout_array not supported");
+ }
+ sub bind_columns {
+ my $sth = shift;
+ my $fields = $sth->FETCH('NUM_OF_FIELDS') || 0;
+ if ($fields <= 0 && !$sth->{Active}) {
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Statement has no result columns to bind"
+ ." (perhaps you need to successfully call execute first)");
+ }
+ # Backwards compatibility for old-style call with attribute hash
+ # ref as first arg. Skip arg if undef or a hash ref.
+ my $attr;
+ $attr = shift if !defined $_[0] or ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH';
+ my $idx = 0;
+ $sth->bind_col(++$idx, shift, $attr) or return
+ while (@_ and $idx < $fields);
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "bind_columns called with ".($idx+@_)." values but $fields are needed")
+ if @_ or $idx != $fields;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub execute_array {
+ my $sth = shift;
+ my ($attr, @array_of_arrays) = @_;
+ my $NUM_OF_PARAMS = $sth->FETCH('NUM_OF_PARAMS'); # may be undef at this point
+ # get tuple status array or hash attribute
+ my $tuple_sts = $attr->{ArrayTupleStatus};
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "ArrayTupleStatus attribute must be an arrayref")
+ if $tuple_sts and ref $tuple_sts ne 'ARRAY';
+ # bind all supplied arrays
+ if (@array_of_arrays) {
+ $sth->{ParamArrays} = { }; # clear out old params
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr,
+ @array_of_arrays." bind values supplied but $NUM_OF_PARAMS expected")
+ if defined ($NUM_OF_PARAMS) && @array_of_arrays != $NUM_OF_PARAMS;
+ $sth->bind_param_array($_, $array_of_arrays[$_-1]) or return
+ foreach (1..@array_of_arrays);
+ }
+ my $fetch_tuple_sub;
+ if ($fetch_tuple_sub = $attr->{ArrayTupleFetch}) { # fetch on demand
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr,
+ "Can't use both ArrayTupleFetch and explicit bind values")
+ if @array_of_arrays; # previous bind_param_array calls will simply be ignored
+ if (UNIVERSAL::isa($fetch_tuple_sub,'DBI::st')) {
+ my $fetch_sth = $fetch_tuple_sub;
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr,
+ "ArrayTupleFetch sth is not Active, need to execute() it first")
+ unless $fetch_sth->{Active};
+ # check column count match to give more friendly message
+ my $NUM_OF_FIELDS = $fetch_sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS};
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr,
+ "$NUM_OF_FIELDS columns from ArrayTupleFetch sth but $NUM_OF_PARAMS expected")
+ if defined($NUM_OF_FIELDS) && defined($NUM_OF_PARAMS)
+ $fetch_tuple_sub = sub { $fetch_sth->fetchrow_arrayref };
+ }
+ elsif (!UNIVERSAL::isa($fetch_tuple_sub,'CODE')) {
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "ArrayTupleFetch '$fetch_tuple_sub' is not a code ref or statement handle");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ my $NUM_OF_PARAMS_given = keys %{ $sth->{ParamArrays} || {} };
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr,
+ "$NUM_OF_PARAMS_given bind values supplied but $NUM_OF_PARAMS expected")
+ if defined($NUM_OF_PARAMS) && $NUM_OF_PARAMS != $NUM_OF_PARAMS_given;
+ # get the length of a bound array
+ my $maxlen;
+ my %hash_of_arrays = %{$sth->{ParamArrays}};
+ foreach (keys(%hash_of_arrays)) {
+ my $ary = $hash_of_arrays{$_};
+ next unless ref $ary eq 'ARRAY';
+ $maxlen = @$ary if !$maxlen || @$ary > $maxlen;
+ }
+ # if there are no arrays then execute scalars once
+ $maxlen = 1 unless defined $maxlen;
+ my @bind_ids = 1..keys(%hash_of_arrays);
+ my $tuple_idx = 0;
+ $fetch_tuple_sub = sub {
+ return if $tuple_idx >= $maxlen;
+ my @tuple = map {
+ my $a = $hash_of_arrays{$_};
+ ref($a) ? $a->[$tuple_idx] : $a
+ } @bind_ids;
+ ++$tuple_idx;
+ return \@tuple;
+ };
+ }
+ # pass thru the callers scalar or list context
+ return $sth->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, $tuple_sts);
+ }
+ sub execute_for_fetch {
+ my ($sth, $fetch_tuple_sub, $tuple_status) = @_;
+ # start with empty status array
+ ($tuple_status) ? @$tuple_status = () : $tuple_status = [];
+ my $rc_total = 0;
+ my $err_count;
+ while ( my $tuple = &$fetch_tuple_sub() ) {
+ if ( my $rc = $sth->execute(@$tuple) ) {
+ push @$tuple_status, $rc;
+ $rc_total = ($rc >= 0 && $rc_total >= 0) ? $rc_total + $rc : -1;
+ }
+ else {
+ $err_count++;
+ push @$tuple_status, [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state ];
+ # XXX drivers implementing execute_for_fetch could opt to "last;" here
+ # if they know the error code means no further executes will work.
+ }
+ }
+ my $tuples = @$tuple_status;
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "executing $tuples generated $err_count errors")
+ if $err_count;
+ $tuples ||= "0E0";
+ return $tuples unless wantarray;
+ return ($tuples, $rc_total);
+ }
+ sub fetchall_arrayref { # ALSO IN Driver.xst
+ my ($sth, $slice, $max_rows) = @_;
+ # when batch fetching with $max_rows were very likely to try to
+ # fetch the 'next batch' after the previous batch returned
+ # <=$max_rows. So don't treat that as an error.
+ return undef if $max_rows and not $sth->FETCH('Active');
+ my $mode = ref($slice) || 'ARRAY';
+ my @rows;
+ my $row;
+ if ($mode eq 'ARRAY') {
+ # we copy the array here because fetch (currently) always
+ # returns the same array ref. XXX
+ if ($slice && @$slice) {
+ $max_rows = -1 unless defined $max_rows;
+ push @rows, [ @{$row}[ @$slice] ]
+ while($max_rows-- and $row = $sth->fetch);
+ }
+ elsif (defined $max_rows) {
+ push @rows, [ @$row ]
+ while($max_rows-- and $row = $sth->fetch);
+ }
+ else {
+ push @rows, [ @$row ] while($row = $sth->fetch);
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($mode eq 'HASH') {
+ $max_rows = -1 unless defined $max_rows;
+ if (keys %$slice) {
+ my @o_keys = keys %$slice;
+ my @i_keys = map { lc } keys %$slice;
+ # XXX this could be made faster by pre-binding a local hash
+ # using bind_columns and then copying it per row
+ while ($max_rows-- and $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc')) {
+ my %hash;
+ @hash{@o_keys} = @{$row}{@i_keys};
+ push @rows, \%hash;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # XXX assumes new ref each fetchhash
+ push @rows, $row
+ while ($max_rows-- and $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref());
+ }
+ }
+ else { Carp::croak("fetchall_arrayref($mode) invalid") }
+ return \@rows;
+ }
+ sub fetchall_hashref {
+ my ($sth, $key_field) = @_;
+ my $hash_key_name = $sth->{FetchHashKeyName} || 'NAME';
+ my $names_hash = $sth->FETCH("${hash_key_name}_hash");
+ my @key_fields = (ref $key_field) ? @$key_field : ($key_field);
+ my @key_indexes;
+ my $num_of_fields = $sth->FETCH('NUM_OF_FIELDS');
+ foreach (@key_fields) {
+ my $index = $names_hash->{$_}; # perl index not column
+ $index = $_ - 1 if !defined $index && DBI::looks_like_number($_) && $_>=1 && $_ <= $num_of_fields;
+ return $sth->set_err($DBI::stderr, "Field '$_' does not exist (not one of @{[keys %$names_hash]})")
+ unless defined $index;
+ push @key_indexes, $index;
+ }
+ my $rows = {};
+ my $NAME = $sth->FETCH($hash_key_name);
+ my @row = (undef) x $num_of_fields;
+ $sth->bind_columns(\(@row));
+ while ($sth->fetch) {
+ my $ref = $rows;
+ $ref = $ref->{$row[$_]} ||= {} for @key_indexes;
+ @{$ref}{@$NAME} = @row;
+ }
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ *dump_results = \&DBI::dump_results;
+ sub blob_copy_to_file { # returns length or undef on error
+ my($self, $field, $filename_or_handleref, $blocksize) = @_;
+ my $fh = $filename_or_handleref;
+ my($len, $buf) = (0, "");
+ $blocksize ||= 512; # not too ambitious
+ local(*FH);
+ unless(ref $fh) {
+ open(FH, ">$fh") || return undef;
+ $fh = \*FH;
+ }
+ while(defined($self->blob_read($field, $len, $blocksize, \$buf))) {
+ print $fh $buf;
+ $len += length $buf;
+ }
+ close(FH);
+ $len;
+ }
+ sub more_results {
+ shift->{syb_more_results}; # handy grandfathering
+ }
+unless ($DBI::PurePerl) { # See install_driver
+ { @DBD::_mem::dr::ISA = qw(DBD::_mem::common); }
+ { @DBD::_mem::db::ISA = qw(DBD::_mem::common); }
+ { @DBD::_mem::st::ISA = qw(DBD::_mem::common); }
+ # DBD::_mem::common::DESTROY is implemented in DBI.xs
+The DBI is a database access module for the Perl programming language. It defines
+a set of methods, variables, and conventions that provide a consistent
+database interface, independent of the actual database being used.
+It is important to remember that the DBI is just an interface.
+The DBI is a layer
+of "glue" between an application and one or more database I<driver>
+modules. It is the driver modules which do most of the real work. The DBI
+provides a standard interface and framework for the drivers to operate
+=head2 Architecture of a DBI Application
+ |<- Scope of DBI ->|
+ .-. .--------------. .-------------.
+ .-------. | |---| XYZ Driver |---| XYZ Engine |
+ | Perl | | | `--------------' `-------------'
+ | script| |A| |D| .--------------. .-------------.
+ | using |--|P|--|B|---|Oracle Driver |---|Oracle Engine|
+ | DBI | |I| |I| `--------------' `-------------'
+ | API | | |...
+ |methods| | |... Other drivers
+ `-------' | |...
+ `-'
+The API, or Application Programming Interface, defines the
+call interface and variables for Perl scripts to use. The API
+is implemented by the Perl DBI extension.
+The DBI "dispatches" the method calls to the appropriate driver for
+actual execution. The DBI is also responsible for the dynamic loading
+of drivers, error checking and handling, providing default
+implementations for methods, and many other non-database specific duties.
+Each driver
+contains implementations of the DBI methods using the
+private interface functions of the corresponding database engine. Only authors
+of sophisticated/multi-database applications or generic library
+functions need be concerned with drivers.
+=head2 Notation and Conventions
+The following conventions are used in this document:
+ $dbh Database handle object
+ $sth Statement handle object
+ $drh Driver handle object (rarely seen or used in applications)
+ $h Any of the handle types above ($dbh, $sth, or $drh)
+ $rc General Return Code (boolean: true=ok, false=error)
+ $rv General Return Value (typically an integer)
+ @ary List of values returned from the database, typically a row of data
+ $rows Number of rows processed (if available, else -1)
+ $fh A filehandle
+ undef NULL values are represented by undefined values in Perl
+ \%attr Reference to a hash of attribute values passed to methods
+Note that Perl will automatically destroy database and statement handle objects
+if all references to them are deleted.
+=head2 Outline Usage
+To use DBI,
+first you need to load the DBI module:
+ use DBI;
+ use strict;
+(The C<use strict;> isn't required but is strongly recommended.)
+Then you need to L</connect> to your data source and get a I<handle> for that
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $password,
+ { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 });
+Since connecting can be expensive, you generally just connect at the
+start of your program and disconnect at the end.
+Explicitly defining the required C<AutoCommit> behaviour is strongly
+recommended and may become mandatory in a later version. This
+determines whether changes are automatically committed to the
+database when executed, or need to be explicitly committed later.
+The DBI allows an application to "prepare" statements for later
+execution. A prepared statement is identified by a statement handle
+held in a Perl variable.
+We'll call the Perl variable C<$sth> in our examples.
+The typical method call sequence for a C<SELECT> statement is:
+ prepare,
+ execute, fetch, fetch, ...
+ execute, fetch, fetch, ...
+ execute, fetch, fetch, ...
+for example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT foo, bar FROM table WHERE baz=?");
+ $sth->execute( $baz );
+ while ( @row = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
+ print "@row\n";
+ }
+The typical method call sequence for a I<non>-C<SELECT> statement is:
+ prepare,
+ execute,
+ execute,
+ execute.
+for example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO table(foo,bar,baz) VALUES (?,?,?)");
+ while(<CSV>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($foo,$bar,$baz) = split /,/;
+ $sth->execute( $foo, $bar, $baz );
+ }
+The C<do()> method can be used for non repeated I<non>-C<SELECT> statement
+(or with drivers that don't support placeholders):
+ $rows_affected = $dbh->do("UPDATE your_table SET foo = foo + 1");
+To commit your changes to the database (when L</AutoCommit> is off):
+ $dbh->commit; # or call $dbh->rollback; to undo changes
+Finally, when you have finished working with the data source, you should
+L</disconnect> from it:
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+=head2 General Interface Rules & Caveats
+The DBI does not have a concept of a "current session". Every session
+has a handle object (i.e., a C<$dbh>) returned from the C<connect> method.
+That handle object is used to invoke database related methods.
+Most data is returned to the Perl script as strings. (Null values are
+returned as C<undef>.) This allows arbitrary precision numeric data to be
+handled without loss of accuracy. Beware that Perl may not preserve
+the same accuracy when the string is used as a number.
+Dates and times are returned as character strings in the current
+default format of the corresponding database engine. Time zone effects
+are database/driver dependent.
+Perl supports binary data in Perl strings, and the DBI will pass binary
+data to and from the driver without change. It is up to the driver
+implementors to decide how they wish to handle such binary data.
+Perl supports two kinds of strings: unicode (utf8 internally) and non-unicode
+(defaults to iso-8859-1 if forced to assume an encoding). Drivers should
+accept both kinds of strings and, if required, convert them to the character
+set of the database being used. Similarly, when fetching from the database
+character data that isn't iso-8859-1 the driver should convert it into utf8.
+Multiple SQL statements may not be combined in a single statement
+handle (C<$sth>), although some databases and drivers do support this
+(notably Sybase and SQL Server).
+Non-sequential record reads are not supported in this version of the DBI.
+In other words, records can only be fetched in the order that the
+database returned them, and once fetched they are forgotten.
+Positioned updates and deletes are not directly supported by the DBI.
+See the description of the C<CursorName> attribute for an alternative.
+Individual driver implementors are free to provide any private
+functions and/or handle attributes that they feel are useful.
+Private driver functions can be invoked using the DBI C<func()> method.
+Private driver attributes are accessed just like standard attributes.
+Many methods have an optional C<\%attr> parameter which can be used to
+pass information to the driver implementing the method. Except where
+specifically documented, the C<\%attr> parameter can only be used to pass
+driver specific hints. In general, you can ignore C<\%attr> parameters
+or pass it as C<undef>.
+=head2 Naming Conventions and Name Space
+The DBI package and all packages below it (C<DBI::*>) are reserved for
+use by the DBI. Extensions and related modules use the C<DBIx::>
+namespace (see L<>).
+Package names beginning with C<DBD::> are reserved for use
+by DBI database drivers. All environment variables used by the DBI
+or by individual DBDs begin with "C<DBI_>" or "C<DBD_>".
+The letter case used for attribute names is significant and plays an
+important part in the portability of DBI scripts. The case of the
+attribute name is used to signify who defined the meaning of that name
+and its values.
+ Case of name Has a meaning defined by
+ ------------ ------------------------
+ UPPER_CASE Standards, e.g., X/Open, ISO SQL92 etc (portable)
+ MixedCase DBI API (portable), underscores are not used.
+ lower_case Driver or database engine specific (non-portable)
+It is of the utmost importance that Driver developers only use
+lowercase attribute names when defining private attributes. Private
+attribute names must be prefixed with the driver name or suitable
+abbreviation (e.g., "C<ora_>" for Oracle, "C<ing_>" for Ingres, etc).
+=head2 SQL - A Query Language
+Most DBI drivers require applications to use a dialect of SQL
+(Structured Query Language) to interact with the database engine.
+The L</"Standards Reference Information"> section provides links
+to useful information about SQL.
+The DBI itself does not mandate or require any particular language to
+be used; it is language independent. In ODBC terms, the DBI is in
+"pass-thru" mode, although individual drivers might not be. The only requirement
+is that queries and other statements must be expressed as a single
+string of characters passed as the first argument to the L</prepare> or
+L</do> methods.
+For an interesting diversion on the I<real> history of RDBMS and SQL,
+from the people who made it happen, see:
+Follow the "Full Contents" then "Intergalactic dataspeak" links for the
+SQL history.
+=head2 Placeholders and Bind Values
+Some drivers support placeholders and bind values.
+I<Placeholders>, also called parameter markers, are used to indicate
+values in a database statement that will be supplied later,
+before the prepared statement is executed. For example, an application
+might use the following to insert a row of data into the SALES table:
+ INSERT INTO sales (product_code, qty, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
+or the following, to select the description for a product:
+ SELECT description FROM products WHERE product_code = ?
+The C<?> characters are the placeholders. The association of actual
+values with placeholders is known as I<binding>, and the values are
+referred to as I<bind values>.
+Note that the C<?> is not enclosed in quotation marks, even when the
+placeholder represents a string.
+Some drivers also allow placeholders like C<:>I<name> and C<:>I<N> (e.g.,
+C<:1>, C<:2>, and so on) in addition to C<?>, but their use is not portable.
+If the C<:>I<N> form of placeholder is supported by the driver you're using,
+then you should be able to use either L</bind_param> or L</execute> to bind
+values. Check your driver documentation.
+With most drivers, placeholders can't be used for any element of a
+statement that would prevent the database server from validating the
+statement and creating a query execution plan for it. For example:
+ "SELECT name, age FROM ?" # wrong (will probably fail)
+ "SELECT name, ? FROM people" # wrong (but may not 'fail')
+Also, placeholders can only represent single scalar values.
+For example, the following
+statement won't work as expected for more than one value:
+ "SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE name IN (?)" # wrong
+ "SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE name IN (?,?)" # two names
+When using placeholders with the SQL C<LIKE> qualifier, you must
+remember that the placeholder substitutes for the whole string.
+So you should use "C<... LIKE ? ...>" and include any wildcard
+characters in the value that you bind to the placeholder.
+B<NULL Values>
+Undefined values, or C<undef>, are used to indicate NULL values.
+You can insert and update columns with a NULL value as you would a
+non-NULL value. These examples insert and update the column
+C<age> with a NULL value:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
+ INSERT INTO people (fullname, age) VALUES (?, ?)
+ });
+ $sth->execute("Joe Bloggs", undef);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
+ UPDATE people SET age = ? WHERE fullname = ?
+ });
+ $sth->execute(undef, "Joe Bloggs");
+However, care must be taken when trying to use NULL values in a
+C<WHERE> clause. Consider:
+ SELECT fullname FROM people WHERE age = ?
+Binding an C<undef> (NULL) to the placeholder will I<not> select rows
+which have a NULL C<age>! At least for database engines that
+conform to the SQL standard. Refer to the SQL manual for your database
+engine or any SQL book for the reasons for this. To explicitly select
+NULLs you have to say "C<WHERE age IS NULL>".
+A common issue is to have a code fragment handle a value that could be
+either C<defined> or C<undef> (non-NULL or NULL) at runtime.
+A simple technique is to prepare the appropriate statement as needed,
+and substitute the placeholder for non-NULL cases:
+ $sql_clause = defined $age? "age = ?" : "age IS NULL";
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
+ SELECT fullname FROM people WHERE $sql_clause
+ });
+ $sth->execute(defined $age ? $age : ());
+The following technique illustrates qualifying a C<WHERE> clause with
+several columns, whose associated values (C<defined> or C<undef>) are
+in a hash %h:
+ for my $col ("age", "phone", "email") {
+ if (defined $h{$col}) {
+ push @sql_qual, "$col = ?";
+ push @sql_bind, $h{$col};
+ }
+ else {
+ push @sql_qual, "$col IS NULL";
+ }
+ }
+ $sql_clause = join(" AND ", @sql_qual);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
+ SELECT fullname FROM people WHERE $sql_clause
+ });
+ $sth->execute(@sql_bind);
+The techniques above call prepare for the SQL statement with each call to
+execute. Because calls to prepare() can be expensive, performance
+can suffer when an application iterates many times over statements
+like the above.
+A better solution is a single C<WHERE> clause that supports both
+NULL and non-NULL comparisons. Its SQL statement would need to be
+prepared only once for all cases, thus improving performance.
+Several examples of C<WHERE> clauses that support this are presented
+below. But each example lacks portability, robustness, or simplicity.
+Whether an example is supported on your database engine depends on
+what SQL extensions it provides, and where it supports the C<?>
+placeholder in a statement.
+ 0) age = ?
+ 1) NVL(age, xx) = NVL(?, xx)
+ 2) ISNULL(age, xx) = ISNULL(?, xx)
+ 3) DECODE(age, ?, 1, 0) = 1
+ 4) age = ? OR (age IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)
+ 5) age = ? OR (age IS NULL AND SP_ISNULL(?) = 1)
+ 6) age = ? OR (age IS NULL AND ? = 1)
+Statements formed with the above C<WHERE> clauses require execute
+statements as follows. The arguments are required, whether their
+values are C<defined> or C<undef>.
+ 0,1,2,3) $sth->execute($age);
+ 4,5) $sth->execute($age, $age);
+ 6) $sth->execute($age, defined($age) ? 0 : 1);
+Example 0 should not work (as mentioned earlier), but may work on
+a few database engines anyway (e.g. Sybase). Example 0 is part
+of examples 4, 5, and 6, so if example 0 works, these other
+examples may work, even if the engine does not properly support
+the right hand side of the C<OR> expression.
+Examples 1 and 2 are not robust: they require that you provide a
+valid column value xx (e.g. '~') which is not present in any row.
+That means you must have some notion of what data won't be stored
+in the column, and expect clients to adhere to that.
+Example 5 requires that you provide a stored procedure (SP_ISNULL
+in this example) that acts as a function: it checks whether a value
+is null, and returns 1 if it is, or 0 if not.
+Example 6, the least simple, is probably the most portable, i.e., it
+should work with with most, if not all, database engines.
+Here is a table that indicates which examples above are known to
+work on various database engines:
+ -----Examples------
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
+ - - - - - - -
+ Oracle 9 N Y N Y Y ? Y
+ Informix IDS 9 N N N Y N Y Y
+ MS SQL N N Y N Y ? Y
+ Sybase Y N N N N N Y
+ AnyData,DBM,CSV Y N N N Y Y* Y
+ SQLite 3.3 N N N N Y N N
+* Works only because Example 0 works.
+DBI provides a sample perl script that will test the examples above
+on your database engine and tell you which ones work. It is located
+in the F<ex/> subdirectory of the DBI source distribution, or here:
+Please use the script to help us fill-in and maintain this table.
+Without using placeholders, the insert statement shown previously would have to
+contain the literal values to be inserted and would have to be
+re-prepared and re-executed for each row. With placeholders, the insert
+statement only needs to be prepared once. The bind values for each row
+can be given to the C<execute> method each time it's called. By avoiding
+the need to re-prepare the statement for each row, the application
+typically runs many times faster. Here's an example:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{
+ INSERT INTO sales (product_code, qty, price) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
+ }) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ while (<>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($product_code, $qty, $price) = split /,/;
+ $sth->execute($product_code, $qty, $price) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+See L</execute> and L</bind_param> for more details.
+The C<q{...}> style quoting used in this example avoids clashing with
+quotes that may be used in the SQL statement. Use the double-quote like
+C<qq{...}> operator if you want to interpolate variables into the string.
+See L<perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators"> for more details.
+See also the L</bind_columns> method, which is used to associate Perl
+variables with the output columns of a C<SELECT> statement.
+In this section, we cover the DBI class methods, utility functions,
+and the dynamic attributes associated with generic DBI handles.
+=head2 DBI Constants
+Constants representing the values of the SQL standard types can be
+imported individually by name, or all together by importing the
+special C<:sql_types> tag.
+The names and values of all the defined SQL standard types can be
+produced like this:
+ foreach (@{ $DBI::EXPORT_TAGS{sql_types} }) {
+ printf "%s=%d\n", $_, &{"DBI::$_"};
+ }
+These constants are defined by SQL/CLI, ODBC or both.
+C<SQL_BIGINT> is (currently) omitted, because SQL/CLI and ODBC provide
+conflicting codes.
+See the L</type_info>, L</type_info_all>, and L</bind_param> methods
+for possible uses.
+Note that just because the DBI defines a named constant for a given
+data type doesn't mean that drivers will support that data type.
+=head2 DBI Class Methods
+The following methods are provided by the DBI class:
+=head3 C<parse_dsn>
+ ($scheme, $driver, $attr_string, $attr_hash, $driver_dsn) = DBI->parse_dsn($dsn)
+ or die "Can't parse DBI DSN '$dsn'";
+Breaks apart a DBI Data Source Name (DSN) and returns the individual
+parts. If $dsn doesn't contain a valid DSN then parse_dsn() returns
+an empty list.
+$scheme is the first part of the DSN and is currently always 'dbi'.
+$driver is the driver name, possibly defaulted to $ENV{DBI_DRIVER},
+and may be undefined. $attr_string is the contents of the optional attribute
+string, which may be undefined. If $attr_string is not empty then $attr_hash
+is a reference to a hash containing the parsed attribute names and values.
+$driver_dsn is the last part of the DBI DSN string. For example:
+ ($scheme, $driver, $attr_string, $attr_hash, $driver_dsn)
+ = DBI->parse_dsn("DBI:MyDriver(RaiseError=>1):db=test;port=42");
+ $scheme = 'dbi';
+ $driver = 'MyDriver';
+ $attr_string = 'RaiseError=>1';
+ $attr_hash = { 'RaiseError' => '1' };
+ $driver_dsn = 'db=test;port=42';
+The parse_dsn() method was added in DBI 1.43.
+=head3 C<connect>
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password)
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $username, $password, \%attr)
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+Establishes a database connection, or session, to the requested C<$data_source>.
+Returns a database handle object if the connection succeeds. Use
+C<$dbh-E<gt>disconnect> to terminate the connection.
+If the connect fails (see below), it returns C<undef> and sets both C<$DBI::err>
+and C<$DBI::errstr>. (It does I<not> explicitly set C<$!>.) You should generally
+test the return status of C<connect> and C<print $DBI::errstr> if it has failed.
+Multiple simultaneous connections to multiple databases through multiple
+drivers can be made via the DBI. Simply make one C<connect> call for each
+database and keep a copy of each returned database handle.
+The C<$data_source> value must begin with "C<dbi:>I<driver_name>C<:>".
+The I<driver_name> specifies the driver that will be used to make the
+connection. (Letter case is significant.)
+As a convenience, if the C<$data_source> parameter is undefined or empty,
+the DBI will substitute the value of the environment variable C<DBI_DSN>.
+If just the I<driver_name> part is empty (i.e., the C<$data_source>
+prefix is "C<dbi::>"), the environment variable C<DBI_DRIVER> is
+used. If neither variable is set, then C<connect> dies.
+Examples of C<$data_source> values are:
+ dbi:DriverName:database_name
+ dbi:DriverName:database_name@hostname:port
+ dbi:DriverName:database=database_name;host=hostname;port=port
+There is I<no standard> for the text following the driver name. Each
+driver is free to use whatever syntax it wants. The only requirement the
+DBI makes is that all the information is supplied in a single string.
+You must consult the documentation for the drivers you are using for a
+description of the syntax they require.
+It is recommended that drivers support the ODBC style, shown in the
+last example above. It is also recommended that that they support the
+three common names 'C<host>', 'C<port>', and 'C<database>' (plus 'C<db>'
+as an alias for C<database>). This simplifies automatic construction
+of basic DSNs: C<"dbi:$driver:database=$db;host=$host;port=$port">.
+Drivers should aim to 'do something reasonable' when given a DSN
+in this form, but if any part is meaningless for that driver (such
+as 'port' for Informix) it should generate an error if that part
+is not empty.
+If the environment variable C<DBI_AUTOPROXY> is defined (and the
+driver in C<$data_source> is not "C<Proxy>") then the connect request
+will automatically be changed to:
+ $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY};dsn=$data_source
+C<DBI_AUTOPROXY> is typically set as "C<dbi:Proxy:hostname=...;port=...>".
+If $ENV{DBI_AUTOPROXY} doesn't begin with 'C<dbi:>' then "dbi:Proxy:"
+will be prepended to it first. See the DBD::Proxy documentation
+for more details.
+If C<$username> or C<$password> are undefined (rather than just empty),
+then the DBI will substitute the values of the C<DBI_USER> and C<DBI_PASS>
+environment variables, respectively. The DBI will warn if the
+environment variables are not defined. However, the everyday use
+of these environment variables is not recommended for security
+reasons. The mechanism is primarily intended to simplify testing.
+See below for alternative way to specify the username and password.
+C<DBI-E<gt>connect> automatically installs the driver if it has not been
+installed yet. Driver installation either returns a valid driver
+handle, or it I<dies> with an error message that includes the string
+"C<install_driver>" and the underlying problem. So C<DBI-E<gt>connect>
+will die
+on a driver installation failure and will only return C<undef> on a
+connect failure, in which case C<$DBI::errstr> will hold the error message.
+Use C<eval { ... }> if you need to catch the "C<install_driver>" error.
+The C<$data_source> argument (with the "C<dbi:...:>" prefix removed) and the
+C<$username> and C<$password> arguments are then passed to the driver for
+processing. The DBI does not define any interpretation for the
+contents of these fields. The driver is free to interpret the
+C<$data_source>, C<$username>, and C<$password> fields in any way, and supply
+whatever defaults are appropriate for the engine being accessed.
+(Oracle, for example, uses the ORACLE_SID and TWO_TASK environment
+variables if no C<$data_source> is specified.)
+The C<AutoCommit> and C<PrintError> attributes for each connection
+default to "on". (See L</AutoCommit> and L</PrintError> for more information.)
+However, it is strongly recommended that you explicitly define C<AutoCommit>
+rather than rely on the default. The C<PrintWarn> attribute defaults to
+on if $^W is true, i.e., perl is running with warnings enabled.
+The C<\%attr> parameter can be used to alter the default settings of
+C<PrintError>, C<RaiseError>, C<AutoCommit>, and other attributes. For example:
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $user, $pass, {
+ PrintError => 0,
+ AutoCommit => 0
+ });
+The username and password can also be specified using the attributes
+C<Username> and C<Password>, in which case they take precedence
+over the C<$username> and C<$password> parameters.
+You can also define connection attribute values within the C<$data_source>
+parameter. For example:
+ dbi:DriverName(PrintWarn=>1,PrintError=>0,Taint=>1):...
+Individual attributes values specified in this way take precedence over
+any conflicting values specified via the C<\%attr> parameter to C<connect>.
+The C<dbi_connect_method> attribute can be used to specify which driver
+method should be called to establish the connection. The only useful
+values are 'connect', 'connect_cached', or some specialized case like
+'Apache::DBI::connect' (which is automatically the default when running
+within Apache).
+Where possible, each session (C<$dbh>) is independent from the transactions
+in other sessions. This is useful when you need to hold cursors open
+across transactions--for example, if you use one session for your long lifespan
+cursors (typically read-only) and another for your short update
+For compatibility with old DBI scripts, the driver can be specified by
+passing its name as the fourth argument to C<connect> (instead of C<\%attr>):
+ $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $user, $pass, $driver);
+In this "old-style" form of C<connect>, the C<$data_source> should not start
+with "C<dbi:driver_name:>". (If it does, the embedded driver_name
+will be ignored). Also note that in this older form of C<connect>,
+the C<$dbh-E<gt>{AutoCommit}> attribute is I<undefined>, the
+C<$dbh-E<gt>{PrintError}> attribute is off, and the old C<DBI_DBNAME>
+environment variable is
+checked if C<DBI_DSN> is not defined. Beware that this "old-style"
+C<connect> will soon be withdrawn in a future version of DBI.
+=head3 C<connect_cached>
+ $dbh = DBI->connect_cached($data_source, $username, $password)
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+ $dbh = DBI->connect_cached($data_source, $username, $password, \%attr)
+ or die $DBI::errstr;
+C<connect_cached> is like L</connect>, except that the database handle
+returned is also
+stored in a hash associated with the given parameters. If another call
+is made to C<connect_cached> with the same parameter values, then the
+corresponding cached C<$dbh> will be returned if it is still valid.
+The cached database handle is replaced with a new connection if it
+has been disconnected or if the C<ping> method fails.
+That the behaviour of this method differs in several respects from the
+behaviour of persistent connections implemented by Apache::DBI.
+However, if Apache::DBI is loaded then C<connect_cached> will use it.
+Caching connections can be useful in some applications, but it can
+also cause problems, such as too many connections, and so should
+be used with care. In particular, avoid changing the attributes of
+a database handle created via connect_cached() because it will affect
+other code that may be using the same handle.
+Where multiple separate parts of a program are using connect_cached()
+to connect to the same database with the same (initial) attributes
+it is a good idea to add a private attribute to the connect_cached()
+call to effectively limit the scope of the caching. For example:
+ DBI->connect_cached(..., { private_foo_cachekey => "Bar", ... });
+Handles returned from that connect_cached() call will only be returned
+by other connect_cached() call elsewhere in the code if those other
+calls also pass in the same attribute values, including the private one.
+(I've used C<private_foo_cachekey> here as an example, you can use
+any attribute name with a C<private_> prefix.)
+Taking that one step further, you can limit a particular connect_cached()
+call to return handles unique to that one place in the code by setting the
+private attribute to a unique value for that place:
+ DBI->connect_cached(..., { private_foo_cachekey => __FILE__.__LINE__, ... });
+By using a private attribute you still get connection caching for
+the individual calls to connect_cached() but, by making separate
+database connections for separate parts of the code, the database
+handles are isolated from any attribute changes made to other handles.
+The cache can be accessed (and cleared) via the L</CachedKids> attribute:
+ my $CachedKids_hashref = $dbh->{Driver}->{CachedKids};
+ %$CachedKids_hashref = () if $CachedKids_hashref;
+=head3 C<available_drivers>
+ @ary = DBI->available_drivers;
+ @ary = DBI->available_drivers($quiet);
+Returns a list of all available drivers by searching for C<DBD::*> modules
+through the directories in C<@INC>. By default, a warning is given if
+some drivers are hidden by others of the same name in earlier
+directories. Passing a true value for C<$quiet> will inhibit the warning.
+=head3 C<installed_drivers>
+ %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
+Returns a list of driver name and driver handle pairs for all drivers
+'installed' (loaded) into the current process. The driver name does not
+include the 'DBD::' prefix.
+To get a list of all drivers available in your perl installation you can use
+Added in DBI 1.49.
+=head3 C<installed_versions>
+ DBI->installed_versions;
+ @ary = DBI->installed_versions;
+ %hash = DBI->installed_versions;
+Calls available_drivers() and attempts to load each of them in turn
+using install_driver(). For each load that succeeds the driver
+name and version number are added to a hash. When running under
+L<DBI::PurePerl> drivers which appear not be pure-perl are ignored.
+When called in array context the list of successfully loaded drivers
+is returned (without the 'DBD::' prefix).
+When called in scalar context a reference to the hash is returned
+and the hash will also contain other entries for the C<DBI> version,
+C<OS> name, etc.
+When called in a void context the installed_versions() method will
+print out a formatted list of the hash contents, one per line.
+Due to the potentially high memory cost and unknown risks of loading
+in an unknown number of drivers that just happen to be installed
+on the system, this method is not recommended for general use.
+Use available_drivers() instead.
+The installed_versions() method is primarily intended as a quick
+way to see from the command line what's installed. For example:
+ perl -MDBI -e 'DBI->installed_versions'
+The installed_versions() method was added in DBI 1.38.
+=head3 C<data_sources>
+ @ary = DBI->data_sources($driver);
+ @ary = DBI->data_sources($driver, \%attr);
+Returns a list of data sources (databases) available via the named
+driver. If C<$driver> is empty or C<undef>, then the value of the
+C<DBI_DRIVER> environment variable is used.
+The driver will be loaded if it hasn't been already. Note that if the
+driver loading fails then data_sources() I<dies> with an error message
+that includes the string "C<install_driver>" and the underlying problem.
+Data sources are returned in a form suitable for passing to the
+L</connect> method (that is, they will include the "C<dbi:$driver:>" prefix).
+Note that many drivers have no way of knowing what data sources might
+be available for it. These drivers return an empty or incomplete list
+or may require driver-specific attributes.
+There is also a data_sources() method defined for database handles.
+=head3 C<trace>
+ DBI->trace($trace_setting)
+ DBI->trace($trace_setting, $trace_filename)
+ DBI->trace($trace_setting, $trace_filehandle)
+ $trace_setting = DBI->trace;
+The C<DBI-E<gt>trace> method sets the I<global default> trace
+settings and returns the I<previous> trace settings. It can also
+be used to change where the trace output is sent.
+There's a similar method, C<$h-E<gt>trace>, which sets the trace
+settings for the specific handle it's called on.
+See the L</TRACING> section for full details about the DBI's powerful
+tracing facilities.
+=head3 C<visit_handles>
+ DBI->visit_handles( $coderef );
+ DBI->visit_handles( $coderef, $info );
+Where $coderef is a reference to a subroutine and $info is an arbitrary value
+which, if undefined, defaults to a reference to an empty hash. Returns $info.
+For each installed driver handle, if any, $coderef is invoked as:
+ $coderef->($driver_handle, $info);
+If the execution of $coderef returns a true value then L</visit_child_handles>
+is called on that child handle and passed the returned value as $info.
+For example:
+ my $info = $dbh->{Driver}->visit_child_handles(sub {
+ my ($h, $info) = @_;
+ ++$info->{ $h->{Type} }; # count types of handles (dr/db/st)
+ return $info; # visit kids
+ });
+See also L</visit_child_handles>.
+=head2 DBI Utility Functions
+In addition to the DBI methods listed in the previous section,
+the DBI package also provides several utility functions.
+These can be imported into your code by listing them in
+the C<use> statement. For example:
+ use DBI qw(neat data_diff);
+Alternatively, all these utility functions (except hash) can be
+imported using the C<:utils> import tag. For example:
+ use DBI qw(:utils);
+=head3 C<data_string_desc>
+ $description = data_string_desc($string);
+Returns an informal description of the string. For example:
+ UTF8 off, ASCII, 42 characters 42 bytes
+ UTF8 off, non-ASCII, 42 characters 42 bytes
+ UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 4 characters 6 bytes
+ UTF8 on but INVALID encoding, non-ASCII, 4 characters 6 bytes
+ UTF8 off, undef
+The initial C<UTF8> on/off refers to Perl's internal SvUTF8 flag.
+If $string has the SvUTF8 flag set but the sequence of bytes it
+contains are not a valid UTF-8 encoding then data_string_desc()
+will report C<UTF8 on but INVALID encoding>.
+The C<ASCII> vs C<non-ASCII> portion shows C<ASCII> if I<all> the
+characters in the string are ASCII (have code points <= 127).
+The data_string_desc() function was added in DBI 1.46.
+=head3 C<data_string_diff>
+ $diff = data_string_diff($a, $b);
+Returns an informal description of the first character difference
+between the strings. If both $a and $b contain the same sequence
+of characters then data_string_diff() returns an empty string.
+For example:
+ Params a & b Result
+ ------------ ------
+ 'aaa', 'aaa' ''
+ 'aaa', 'abc' 'Strings differ at index 2: a[2]=a, b[2]=b'
+ 'aaa', undef 'String b is undef, string a has 3 characters'
+ 'aaa', 'aa' 'String b truncated after 2 characters'
+Unicode characters are reported in C<\x{XXXX}> format. Unicode
+code points in the range U+0800 to U+08FF are unassigned and most
+likely to occur due to double-encoding. Characters in this range
+are reported as C<\x{08XX}='C'> where C<C> is the corresponding
+latin-1 character.
+The data_string_diff() function only considers logical I<characters>
+and not the underlying encoding. See L</data_diff> for an alternative.
+The data_string_diff() function was added in DBI 1.46.
+=head3 C<data_diff>
+ $diff = data_diff($a, $b);
+ $diff = data_diff($a, $b, $logical);
+Returns an informal description of the difference between two strings.
+It calls L</data_string_desc> and L</data_string_diff>
+and returns the combined results as a multi-line string.
+For example, C<data_diff("abc", "ab\x{263a}")> will return:
+ a: UTF8 off, ASCII, 3 characters 3 bytes
+ b: UTF8 on, non-ASCII, 3 characters 5 bytes
+ Strings differ at index 2: a[2]=c, b[2]=\x{263A}
+If $a and $b are identical in both the characters they contain I<and>
+their physical encoding then data_diff() returns an empty string.
+If $logical is true then physical encoding differences are ignored
+(but are still reported if there is a difference in the characters).
+The data_diff() function was added in DBI 1.46.
+=head3 C<neat>
+ $str = neat($value);
+ $str = neat($value, $maxlen);
+Return a string containing a neat (and tidy) representation of the
+supplied value.
+Strings will be quoted, although internal quotes will I<not> be escaped.
+Values known to be numeric will be unquoted. Undefined (NULL) values
+will be shown as C<undef> (without quotes).
+If the string is flagged internally as utf8 then double quotes will
+be used, otherwise single quotes are used and unprintable characters
+will be replaced by dot (.).
+For result strings longer than C<$maxlen> the result string will be
+truncated to C<$maxlen-4> and "C<...'>" will be appended. If C<$maxlen> is 0
+or C<undef>, it defaults to C<$DBI::neat_maxlen> which, in turn, defaults to 400.
+This function is designed to format values for human consumption.
+It is used internally by the DBI for L</trace> output. It should
+typically I<not> be used for formatting values for database use.
+(See also L</quote>.)
+=head3 C<neat_list>
+ $str = neat_list(\@listref, $maxlen, $field_sep);
+Calls C<neat> on each element of the list and returns a string
+containing the results joined with C<$field_sep>. C<$field_sep> defaults
+to C<", ">.
+=head3 C<looks_like_number>
+ @bool = looks_like_number(@array);
+Returns true for each element that looks like a number.
+Returns false for each element that does not look like a number.
+Returns C<undef> for each element that is undefined or empty.
+=head3 C<hash>
+ $hash_value = DBI::hash($buffer, $type);
+Return a 32-bit integer 'hash' value corresponding to the contents of $buffer.
+The $type parameter selects which kind of hash algorithm should be used.
+For the technically curious, type 0 (which is the default if $type
+isn't specified) is based on the Perl 5.1 hash except that the value
+is forced to be negative (for obscure historical reasons).
+Type 1 is the better "Fowler / Noll / Vo" (FNV) hash. See
+L<> for more information.
+Both types are implemented in C and are very fast.
+This function doesn't have much to do with databases, except that
+it can be handy to store hash values in a database.
+=head2 DBI Dynamic Attributes
+Dynamic attributes are always associated with the I<last handle used>
+(that handle is represented by C<$h> in the descriptions below).
+Where an attribute is equivalent to a method call, then refer to
+the method call for all related documentation.
+Warning: these attributes are provided as a convenience but they
+do have limitations. Specifically, they have a short lifespan:
+because they are associated with
+the last handle used, they should only be used I<immediately> after
+calling the method that "sets" them.
+If in any doubt, use the corresponding method call.
+=head3 C<$DBI::err>
+Equivalent to C<$h-E<gt>err>.
+=head3 C<$DBI::errstr>
+Equivalent to C<$h-E<gt>errstr>.
+=head3 C<$DBI::state>
+Equivalent to C<$h-E<gt>state>.
+=head3 C<$DBI::rows>
+Equivalent to C<$h-E<gt>rows>. Please refer to the documentation
+for the L</rows> method.
+=head3 C<$DBI::lasth>
+Returns the DBI object handle used for the most recent DBI method call.
+If the last DBI method call was a DESTROY then $DBI::lasth will return
+the handle of the parent of the destroyed handle, if there is one.
+The following methods can be used by all types of DBI handles.
+=head3 C<err>
+ $rv = $h->err;
+Returns the I<native> database engine error code from the last driver
+method called. The code is typically an integer but you should not
+assume that.
+The DBI resets $h->err to undef before almost all DBI method calls, so the
+value only has a short lifespan. Also, for most drivers, the statement
+handles share the same error variable as the parent database handle,
+so calling a method on one handle may reset the error on the
+related handles.
+(Methods which don't reset err before being called include err() and errstr(),
+obviously, state(), rows(), func(), trace(), trace_msg(), ping(), and the
+tied hash attribute FETCH() and STORE() methods.)
+If you need to test for specific error conditions I<and> have your program be
+portable to different database engines, then you'll need to determine what the
+corresponding error codes are for all those engines and test for all of them.
+The DBI uses the value of $DBI::stderr as the C<err> value for internal errors.
+Drivers should also do likewise. The default value for $DBI::stderr is 2000000000.
+A driver may return C<0> from err() to indicate a warning condition
+after a method call. Similarly, a driver may return an empty string
+to indicate a 'success with information' condition. In both these
+cases the value is false but not undef. The errstr() and state()
+methods may be used to retrieve extra information in these cases.
+See L</set_err> for more information.
+=head3 C<errstr>
+ $str = $h->errstr;
+Returns the native database engine error message from the last DBI
+method called. This has the same lifespan issues as the L</err> method
+described above.
+The returned string may contain multiple messages separated by
+newline characters.
+The errstr() method should not be used to test for errors, use err()
+for that, because drivers may return 'success with information' or
+warning messages via errstr() for methods that have not 'failed'.
+See L</set_err> for more information.
+=head3 C<state>
+ $str = $h->state;
+Returns a state code in the standard SQLSTATE five character format.
+Note that the specific success code C<00000> is translated to any empty string
+(false). If the driver does not support SQLSTATE (and most don't),
+then state() will return C<S1000> (General Error) for all errors.
+The driver is free to return any value via C<state>, e.g., warning
+codes, even if it has not declared an error by returning a true value
+via the L</err> method described above.
+The state() method should not be used to test for errors, use err()
+for that, because drivers may return a 'success with information' or
+warning state code via state() for methods that have not 'failed'.
+=head3 C<set_err>
+ $rv = $h->set_err($err, $errstr);
+ $rv = $h->set_err($err, $errstr, $state);
+ $rv = $h->set_err($err, $errstr, $state, $method);
+ $rv = $h->set_err($err, $errstr, $state, $method, $rv);
+Set the C<err>, C<errstr>, and C<state> values for the handle.
+This method is typically only used by DBI drivers and DBI subclasses.
+If the L</HandleSetErr> attribute holds a reference to a subroutine
+it is called first. The subroutine can alter the $err, $errstr, $state,
+and $method values. See L</HandleSetErr> for full details.
+If the subroutine returns a true value then the handle C<err>,
+C<errstr>, and C<state> values are not altered and set_err() returns
+an empty list (it normally returns $rv which defaults to undef, see below).
+Setting C<err> to a I<true> value indicates an error and will trigger
+the normal DBI error handling mechanisms, such as C<RaiseError> and
+C<HandleError>, if they are enabled, when execution returns from
+the DBI back to the application.
+Setting C<err> to C<""> indicates an 'information' state, and setting
+it to C<"0"> indicates a 'warning' state. Setting C<err> to C<undef>
+also sets C<errstr> to undef, and C<state> to C<"">, irrespective
+of the values of the $errstr and $state parameters.
+The $method parameter provides an alternate method name for the
+C<RaiseError>/C<PrintError>/C<PrintWarn> error string instead of
+the fairly unhelpful 'C<set_err>'.
+The C<set_err> method normally returns undef. The $rv parameter
+provides an alternate return value.
+Some special rules apply if the C<err> or C<errstr>
+values for the handle are I<already> set...
+If C<errstr> is true then: "C< [err was %s now %s]>" is appended if $err is
+true and C<err> is already true and the new err value differs from the original
+one. Similarly "C< [state was %s now %s]>" is appended if $state is true and C<state> is
+already true and the new state value differs from the original one. Finally
+"C<\n>" and the new $errstr are appended if $errstr differs from the existing
+errstr value. Obviously the C<%s>'s above are replaced by the corresponding values.
+The handle C<err> value is set to $err if: $err is true; or handle
+C<err> value is undef; or $err is defined and the length is greater
+than the handle C<err> length. The effect is that an 'information'
+state only overrides undef; a 'warning' overrides undef or 'information',
+and an 'error' state overrides anything.
+The handle C<state> value is set to $state if $state is true and
+the handle C<err> value was set (by the rules above).
+Support for warning and information states was added in DBI 1.41.
+=head3 C<trace>
+ $h->trace($trace_settings);
+ $h->trace($trace_settings, $trace_filename);
+ $trace_settings = $h->trace;
+The trace() method is used to alter the trace settings for a handle
+(and any future children of that handle). It can also be used to
+change where the trace output is sent.
+There's a similar method, C<DBI-E<gt>trace>, which sets the global
+default trace settings.
+See the L</TRACING> section for full details about the DBI's powerful
+tracing facilities.
+=head3 C<trace_msg>
+ $h->trace_msg($message_text);
+ $h->trace_msg($message_text, $min_level);
+Writes C<$message_text> to the trace file if the trace level is
+greater than or equal to $min_level (which defaults to 1).
+Can also be called as C<DBI-E<gt>trace_msg($msg)>.
+See L</TRACING> for more details.
+=head3 C<func>
+ $h->func(@func_arguments, $func_name) or die ...;
+The C<func> method can be used to call private non-standard and
+non-portable methods implemented by the driver. Note that the function
+name is given as the I<last> argument.
+It's also important to note that the func() method does not clear
+a previous error ($DBI::err etc.) and it does not trigger automatic
+error detection (RaiseError etc.) so you must check the return
+status and/or $h->err to detect errors.
+(This method is not directly related to calling stored procedures.
+Calling stored procedures is currently not defined by the DBI.
+Some drivers, such as DBD::Oracle, support it in non-portable ways.
+See driver documentation for more details.)
+See also install_method() in L<DBI::DBD> for how you can avoid needing to
+use func() and gain direct access to driver-private methods.
+=head3 C<can>
+ $is_implemented = $h->can($method_name);
+Returns true if $method_name is implemented by the driver or a
+default method is provided by the DBI.
+It returns false where a driver hasn't implemented a method and the
+default method is provided by the DBI is just an empty stub.
+=head3 C<parse_trace_flags>
+ $trace_settings_integer = $h->parse_trace_flags($trace_settings);
+Parses a string containing trace settings and returns the corresponding
+integer value used internally by the DBI and drivers.
+The $trace_settings argument is a string containing a trace level
+between 0 and 15 and/or trace flag names separated by vertical bar
+("C<|>") or comma ("C<,>") characters. For example: C<"SQL|3|foo">.
+It uses the parse_trace_flag() method, described below, to process
+the individual trace flag names.
+The parse_trace_flags() method was added in DBI 1.42.
+=head3 C<parse_trace_flag>
+ $bit_flag = $h->parse_trace_flag($trace_flag_name);
+Returns the bit flag corresponding to the trace flag name in
+$trace_flag_name. Drivers are expected to override this method and
+check if $trace_flag_name is a driver specific trace flags and, if
+not, then call the DBI's default parse_trace_flag().
+The parse_trace_flag() method was added in DBI 1.42.
+=head3 C<private_attribute_info>
+ $hash_ref = $h->private_attribute_info();
+Returns a reference to a hash whose keys are the names of driver-private
+attributes available for the kind of handle (driver, database, statement)
+that the method was called on.
+For example, the return value when called with a DBD::Sybase $dbh could look like this:
+ {
+ syb_dynamic_supported => undef,
+ syb_oc_version => undef,
+ syb_server_version => undef,
+ syb_server_version_string => undef,
+ }
+and when called with a DBD::Sybase $sth they could look like this:
+ {
+ syb_types => undef,
+ syb_proc_status => undef,
+ syb_result_type => undef,
+ }
+The values should be undef. Meanings may be assigned to particular values in future.
+=head3 C<swap_inner_handle>
+ $rc = $h1->swap_inner_handle( $h2 );
+ $rc = $h1->swap_inner_handle( $h2, $allow_reparent );
+Brain transplants for handles. You don't need to know about this
+unless you want to become a handle surgeon.
+A DBI handle is a reference to a tied hash. A tied hash has an
+I<inner> hash that actually holds the contents. The swap_inner_handle()
+method swaps the inner hashes between two handles. The $h1 and $h2
+handles still point to the same tied hashes, but what those hashes
+are tied to has been swapped. In effect $h1 I<becomes> $h2 and
+vice-versa. This is powerful stuff, expect problems. Use with care.
+As a small safety measure, the two handles, $h1 and $h2, have to
+share the same parent unless $allow_reparent is true.
+The swap_inner_handle() method was added in DBI 1.44.
+Here's a quick kind of 'diagram' as a worked example to help think about what's
+ Original state:
+ dbh1o -> dbh1i
+ sthAo -> sthAi(dbh1i)
+ dbh2o -> dbh2i
+ swap_inner_handle dbh1o with dbh2o:
+ dbh2o -> dbh1i
+ sthAo -> sthAi(dbh1i)
+ dbh1o -> dbh2i
+ create new sth from dbh1o:
+ dbh2o -> dbh1i
+ sthAo -> sthAi(dbh1i)
+ dbh1o -> dbh2i
+ sthBo -> sthBi(dbh2i)
+ swap_inner_handle sthAo with sthBo:
+ dbh2o -> dbh1i
+ sthBo -> sthAi(dbh1i)
+ dbh1o -> dbh2i
+ sthAo -> sthBi(dbh2i)
+=head3 C<visit_child_handles>
+ $h->visit_child_handles( $coderef );
+ $h->visit_child_handles( $coderef, $info );
+Where $coderef is a reference to a subroutine and $info is an arbitrary value
+which, if undefined, defaults to a reference to an empty hash. Returns $info.
+For each child handle of $h, if any, $coderef is invoked as:
+ $coderef->($child_handle, $info);
+If the execution of $coderef returns a true value then C<visit_child_handles>
+is called on that child handle and passed the returned value as $info.
+For example:
+ # count database connections with names (DSN) matching a pattern
+ my $connections = 0;
+ $dbh->{Driver}->visit_child_handles(sub {
+ my ($h, $info) = @_;
+ ++$connections if $h->{Name} =~ /foo/;
+ return 0; # don't visit kids
+ })
+See also L</visit_handles>.
+These attributes are common to all types of DBI handles.
+Some attributes are inherited by child handles. That is, the value
+of an inherited attribute in a newly created statement handle is the
+same as the value in the parent database handle. Changes to attributes
+in the new statement handle do not affect the parent database handle
+and changes to the database handle do not affect existing statement
+handles, only future ones.
+Attempting to set or get the value of an unknown attribute generates a warning,
+except for private driver specific attributes (which all have names
+starting with a lowercase letter).
+ $h->{AttributeName} = ...; # set/write
+ ... = $h->{AttributeName}; # get/read
+=head3 C<Warn> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<Warn> attribute enables useful warnings for certain bad
+practices. It is enabled by default and should only be disabled in
+rare circumstances. Since warnings are generated using the Perl
+C<warn> function, they can be intercepted using the Perl C<$SIG{__WARN__}>
+The C<Warn> attribute is not related to the C<PrintWarn> attribute.
+=head3 C<Active> (boolean, read-only)
+The C<Active> attribute is true if the handle object is "active". This is rarely used in
+applications. The exact meaning of active is somewhat vague at the
+moment. For a database handle it typically means that the handle is
+connected to a database (C<$dbh-E<gt>disconnect> sets C<Active> off). For
+a statement handle it typically means that the handle is a C<SELECT>
+that may have more data to fetch. (Fetching all the data or calling C<$sth-E<gt>finish>
+sets C<Active> off.)
+=head3 C<Executed> (boolean)
+The C<Executed> attribute is true if the handle object has been "executed".
+Currently only the $dbh do() method and the $sth execute(), execute_array(),
+and execute_for_fetch() methods set the C<Executed> attribute.
+When it's set on a handle it is also set on the parent handle at the
+same time. So calling execute() on a $sth also sets the C<Executed>
+attribute on the parent $dbh.
+The C<Executed> attribute for a database handle is cleared by the commit() and
+rollback() methods (even if they fail). The C<Executed> attribute of a
+statement handle is not cleared by the DBI under any circumstances and so acts
+as a permanent record of whether the statement handle was ever used.
+The C<Executed> attribute was added in DBI 1.41.
+=head3 C<Kids> (integer, read-only)
+For a driver handle, C<Kids> is the number of currently existing database
+handles that were created from that driver handle. For a database
+handle, C<Kids> is the number of currently existing statement handles that
+were created from that database handle.
+For a statement handle, the value is zero.
+=head3 C<ActiveKids> (integer, read-only)
+Like C<Kids>, but only counting those that are C<Active> (as above).
+=head3 C<CachedKids> (hash ref)
+For a database handle, C<CachedKids> returns a reference to the cache (hash) of
+statement handles created by the L</prepare_cached> method. For a
+driver handle, returns a reference to the cache (hash) of
+database handles created by the L</connect_cached> method.
+=head3 C<Type> (scalar, read-only)
+The C<Type> attribute identifies the type of a DBI handle. Returns
+"dr" for driver handles, "db" for database handles and "st" for
+statement handles.
+=head3 C<ChildHandles> (array ref)
+The ChildHandles attribute contains a reference to an array of all the
+handles created by this handle which are still accessible. The
+contents of the array are weak-refs and will become undef when the
+handle goes out of scope.
+C<ChildHandles> returns undef if your perl version does not support weak
+references (check the L<Scalar::Util|Scalar::Util> module). The referenced
+array returned should be treated as read-only.
+For example, to enumerate all driver handles, database handles and
+statement handles:
+ sub show_child_handles {
+ my ($h, $level) = @_;
+ printf "%sh %s %s\n", $h->{Type}, "\t" x $level, $h;
+ show_child_handles($_, $level + 1)
+ for (grep { defined } @{$h->{ChildHandles}});
+ }
+ my %drivers = DBI->installed_drivers();
+ show_child_handles($_, 0) for (values %drivers);
+=head3 C<CompatMode> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<CompatMode> attribute is used by emulation layers (such as
+Oraperl) to enable compatible behaviour in the underlying driver
+(e.g., DBD::Oracle) for this handle. Not normally set by application code.
+It also has the effect of disabling the 'quick FETCH' of attribute
+values from the handles attribute cache. So all attribute values
+are handled by the drivers own FETCH method. This makes them slightly
+slower but is useful for special-purpose drivers like DBD::Multiplex.
+=head3 C<InactiveDestroy> (boolean)
+The default value, false, means a handle will be fully destroyed
+as normal when the last reference to it is removed, just as you'd expect.
+If set true then the handle will be treated by the DESTROY as if it was no
+longer Active, and so the I<database engine> related effects of DESTROYing a
+handle will be skipped.
+Think of the name as meaning 'treat the handle as not-Active in the DESTROY
+For a database handle, this attribute does not disable an I<explicit>
+call to the disconnect method, only the implicit call from DESTROY
+that happens if the handle is still marked as C<Active>.
+This attribute is specifically designed for use in Unix applications
+that "fork" child processes. Either the parent or the child process,
+but not both, should set C<InactiveDestroy> true on all their shared handles.
+(Note that some databases, including Oracle, don't support passing a
+database connection across a fork.)
+To help tracing applications using fork the process id is shown in
+the trace log whenever a DBI or handle trace() method is called.
+The process id also shown for I<every> method call if the DBI trace
+level (not handle trace level) is set high enough to show the trace
+from the DBI's method dispatcher, e.g. >= 9.
+=head3 C<PrintWarn> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<PrintWarn> attribute controls the printing of warnings recorded
+by the driver. When set to a true value the DBI will check method
+calls to see if a warning condition has been set. If so, the DBI
+will effectively do a C<warn("$class $method warning: $DBI::errstr")>
+where C<$class> is the driver class and C<$method> is the name of
+the method which failed. E.g.,
+ DBD::Oracle::db execute warning: ... warning text here ...
+By default, C<DBI-E<gt>connect> sets C<PrintWarn> "on" if $^W is true,
+i.e., perl is running with warnings enabled.
+If desired, the warnings can be caught and processed using a C<$SIG{__WARN__}>
+handler or modules like CGI::Carp and CGI::ErrorWrap.
+See also L</set_err> for how warnings are recorded and L</HandleSetErr>
+for how to influence it.
+Fetching the full details of warnings can require an extra round-trip
+to the database server for some drivers. In which case the driver
+may opt to only fetch the full details of warnings if the C<PrintWarn>
+attribute is true. If C<PrintWarn> is false then these drivers should
+still indicate the fact that there were warnings by setting the
+warning string to, for example: "3 warnings".
+=head3 C<PrintError> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<PrintError> attribute can be used to force errors to generate warnings (using
+C<warn>) in addition to returning error codes in the normal way. When set
+"on", any method which results in an error occurring will cause the DBI to
+effectively do a C<warn("$class $method failed: $DBI::errstr")> where C<$class>
+is the driver class and C<$method> is the name of the method which failed. E.g.,
+ DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ... error text here ...
+By default, C<DBI-E<gt>connect> sets C<PrintError> "on".
+If desired, the warnings can be caught and processed using a C<$SIG{__WARN__}>
+handler or modules like CGI::Carp and CGI::ErrorWrap.
+=head3 C<RaiseError> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<RaiseError> attribute can be used to force errors to raise exceptions rather
+than simply return error codes in the normal way. It is "off" by default.
+When set "on", any method which results in an error will cause
+the DBI to effectively do a C<die("$class $method failed: $DBI::errstr")>,
+where C<$class> is the driver class and C<$method> is the name of the method
+that failed. E.g.,
+ DBD::Oracle::db prepare failed: ... error text here ...
+If you turn C<RaiseError> on then you'd normally turn C<PrintError> off.
+If C<PrintError> is also on, then the C<PrintError> is done first (naturally).
+Typically C<RaiseError> is used in conjunction with C<eval { ... }>
+to catch the exception that's been thrown and followed by an
+C<if ($@) { ... }> block to handle the caught exception.
+For example:
+ eval {
+ ...
+ $sth->execute();
+ ...
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ # $sth->err and $DBI::err will be true if error was from DBI
+ warn $@; # print the error
+ ... # do whatever you need to deal with the error
+ }
+In that eval block the $DBI::lasth variable can be useful for
+diagnosis and reporting if you can't be sure which handle triggered
+the error. For example, $DBI::lasth->{Type} and $DBI::lasth->{Statement}.
+See also L</Transactions>.
+If you want to temporarily turn C<RaiseError> off (inside a library function
+that is likely to fail, for example), the recommended way is like this:
+ {
+ local $h->{RaiseError}; # localize and turn off for this block
+ ...
+ }
+The original value will automatically and reliably be restored by Perl,
+regardless of how the block is exited.
+The same logic applies to other attributes, including C<PrintError>.
+=head3 C<HandleError> (code ref, inherited)
+The C<HandleError> attribute can be used to provide your own alternative behaviour
+in case of errors. If set to a reference to a subroutine then that
+subroutine is called when an error is detected (at the same point that
+C<RaiseError> and C<PrintError> are handled).
+The subroutine is called with three parameters: the error message
+string that C<RaiseError> and C<PrintError> would use,
+the DBI handle being used, and the first value being returned by
+the method that failed (typically undef).
+If the subroutine returns a false value then the C<RaiseError>
+and/or C<PrintError> attributes are checked and acted upon as normal.
+For example, to C<die> with a full stack trace for any error:
+ use Carp;
+ $h->{HandleError} = sub { confess(shift) };
+Or to turn errors into exceptions:
+ use Exception; # or your own favourite exception module
+ $h->{HandleError} = sub { Exception->new('DBI')->raise($_[0]) };
+It is possible to 'stack' multiple HandleError handlers by using
+ sub your_subroutine {
+ my $previous_handler = $h->{HandleError};
+ $h->{HandleError} = sub {
+ return 1 if $previous_handler and &$previous_handler(@_);
+ ... your code here ...
+ };
+ }
+Using a C<my> inside a subroutine to store the previous C<HandleError>
+value is important. See L<perlsub> and L<perlref> for more information
+about I<closures>.
+It is possible for C<HandleError> to alter the error message that
+will be used by C<RaiseError> and C<PrintError> if it returns false.
+It can do that by altering the value of $_[0]. This example appends
+a stack trace to all errors and, unlike the previous example using
+Carp::confess, this will work C<PrintError> as well as C<RaiseError>:
+ $h->{HandleError} = sub { $_[0]=Carp::longmess($_[0]); 0; };
+It is also possible for C<HandleError> to hide an error, to a limited
+degree, by using L</set_err> to reset $DBI::err and $DBI::errstr,
+and altering the return value of the failed method. For example:
+ $h->{HandleError} = sub {
+ return 0 unless $_[0] =~ /^\S+ fetchrow_arrayref failed:/;
+ return 0 unless $_[1]->err == 1234; # the error to 'hide'
+ $h->set_err(undef,undef); # turn off the error
+ $_[2] = [ ... ]; # supply alternative return value
+ return 1;
+ };
+This only works for methods which return a single value and is hard
+to make reliable (avoiding infinite loops, for example) and so isn't
+recommended for general use! If you find a I<good> use for it then
+please let me know.
+=head3 C<HandleSetErr> (code ref, inherited)
+The C<HandleSetErr> attribute can be used to intercept
+the setting of handle C<err>, C<errstr>, and C<state> values.
+If set to a reference to a subroutine then that subroutine is called
+whenever set_err() is called, typically by the driver or a subclass.
+The subroutine is called with five arguments, the first five that
+were passed to set_err(): the handle, the C<err>, C<errstr>, and
+C<state> values being set, and the method name. These can be altered
+by changing the values in the @_ array. The return value affects
+set_err() behaviour, see L</set_err> for details.
+It is possible to 'stack' multiple HandleSetErr handlers by using
+closures. See L</HandleError> for an example.
+The C<HandleSetErr> and C<HandleError> subroutines differ in subtle
+but significant ways. HandleError is only invoked at the point where
+the DBI is about to return to the application with C<err> set true.
+It's not invoked by the failure of a method that's been called by
+another DBI method. HandleSetErr, on the other hand, is called
+whenever set_err() is called with a defined C<err> value, even if false.
+So it's not just for errors, despite the name, but also warn and info states.
+The set_err() method, and thus HandleSetErr, may be called multiple
+times within a method and is usually invoked from deep within driver code.
+In theory a driver can use the return value from HandleSetErr via
+set_err() to decide whether to continue or not. If set_err() returns
+an empty list, indicating that the HandleSetErr code has 'handled'
+the 'error', the driver could then continue instead of failing (if
+that's a reasonable thing to do). This isn't excepted to be
+common and any such cases should be clearly marked in the driver
+documentation and discussed on the dbi-dev mailing list.
+The C<HandleSetErr> attribute was added in DBI 1.41.
+=head3 C<ErrCount> (unsigned integer)
+The C<ErrCount> attribute is incremented whenever the set_err()
+method records an error. It isn't incremented by warnings or
+information states. It is not reset by the DBI at any time.
+The C<ErrCount> attribute was added in DBI 1.41. Older drivers may
+not have been updated to use set_err() to record errors and so this
+attribute may not be incremented when using them.
+=head3 C<ShowErrorStatement> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<ShowErrorStatement> attribute can be used to cause the relevant
+Statement text to be appended to the error messages generated by
+the C<RaiseError>, C<PrintError>, and C<PrintWarn> attributes.
+Only applies to errors on statement handles
+plus the prepare(), do(), and the various C<select*()> database handle methods.
+(The exact format of the appended text is subject to change.)
+If C<$h-E<gt>{ParamValues}> returns a hash reference of parameter
+(placeholder) values then those are formatted and appended to the
+end of the Statement text in the error message.
+=head3 C<TraceLevel> (integer, inherited)
+The C<TraceLevel> attribute can be used as an alternative to the
+L</trace> method to set the DBI trace level and trace flags for a
+specific handle. See L</TRACING> for more details.
+The C<TraceLevel> attribute is especially useful combined with
+C<local> to alter the trace settings for just a single block of code.
+=head3 C<FetchHashKeyName> (string, inherited)
+The C<FetchHashKeyName> attribute is used to specify whether the fetchrow_hashref()
+method should perform case conversion on the field names used for
+the hash keys. For historical reasons it defaults to 'C<NAME>' but
+it is recommended to set it to 'C<NAME_lc>' (convert to lower case)
+or 'C<NAME_uc>' (convert to upper case) according to your preference.
+It can only be set for driver and database handles. For statement
+handles the value is frozen when prepare() is called.
+=head3 C<ChopBlanks> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<ChopBlanks> attribute can be used to control the trimming of trailing space
+characters from fixed width character (CHAR) fields. No other field
+types are affected, even where field values have trailing spaces.
+The default is false (although it is possible that the default may change).
+Applications that need specific behaviour should set the attribute as
+Drivers are not required to support this attribute, but any driver which
+does not support it must arrange to return C<undef> as the attribute value.
+=head3 C<LongReadLen> (unsigned integer, inherited)
+The C<LongReadLen> attribute may be used to control the maximum
+length of 'long' type fields (LONG, BLOB, CLOB, MEMO, etc.) which the driver will
+read from the database automatically when it fetches each row of data.
+The C<LongReadLen> attribute only relates to fetching and reading
+long values; it is not involved in inserting or updating them.
+A value of 0 means not to automatically fetch any long data.
+Drivers may return undef or an empty string for long fields when
+C<LongReadLen> is 0.
+The default is typically 0 (zero) or 80 bytes but may vary between drivers.
+Applications fetching long fields should set this value to slightly
+larger than the longest long field value to be fetched.
+Some databases return some long types encoded as pairs of hex digits.
+For these types, C<LongReadLen> relates to the underlying data
+length and not the doubled-up length of the encoded string.
+Changing the value of C<LongReadLen> for a statement handle after it
+has been C<prepare>'d will typically have no effect, so it's common to
+set C<LongReadLen> on the C<$dbh> before calling C<prepare>.
+For most drivers the value used here has a direct effect on the
+memory used by the statement handle while it's active, so don't be
+too generous. If you can't be sure what value to use you could
+execute an extra select statement to determine the longest value.
+For example:
+ $dbh->{LongReadLen} = $dbh->selectrow_array(qq{
+ SELECT MAX(OCTET_LENGTH(long_column_name))
+ FROM table WHERE ...
+ });
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(qq{
+ SELECT long_column_name, ... FROM table WHERE ...
+ });
+You may need to take extra care if the table can be modified between
+the first select and the second being executed. You may also need to
+use a different function if OCTET_LENGTH() does not work for long
+types in your database. For example, for Sybase use DATALENGTH() and
+for Oracle use LENGTHB().
+See also L</LongTruncOk> for information on truncation of long types.
+=head3 C<LongTruncOk> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<LongTruncOk> attribute may be used to control the effect of
+fetching a long field value which has been truncated (typically
+because it's longer than the value of the C<LongReadLen> attribute).
+By default, C<LongTruncOk> is false and so fetching a long value that
+needs to be truncated will cause the fetch to fail.
+(Applications should always be sure to
+check for errors after a fetch loop in case an error, such as a divide
+by zero or long field truncation, caused the fetch to terminate
+If a fetch fails due to a long field truncation when C<LongTruncOk> is
+false, many drivers will allow you to continue fetching further rows.
+See also L</LongReadLen>.
+=head3 C<TaintIn> (boolean, inherited)
+If the C<TaintIn> attribute is set to a true value I<and> Perl is running in
+taint mode (e.g., started with the C<-T> option), then all the arguments
+to most DBI method calls are checked for being tainted. I<This may change.>
+The attribute defaults to off, even if Perl is in taint mode.
+See L<perlsec> for more about taint mode. If Perl is not
+running in taint mode, this attribute has no effect.
+When fetching data that you trust you can turn off the TaintIn attribute,
+for that statement handle, for the duration of the fetch loop.
+The C<TaintIn> attribute was added in DBI 1.31.
+=head3 C<TaintOut> (boolean, inherited)
+If the C<TaintOut> attribute is set to a true value I<and> Perl is running in
+taint mode (e.g., started with the C<-T> option), then most data fetched
+from the database is considered tainted. I<This may change.>
+The attribute defaults to off, even if Perl is in taint mode.
+See L<perlsec> for more about taint mode. If Perl is not
+running in taint mode, this attribute has no effect.
+When fetching data that you trust you can turn off the TaintOut attribute,
+for that statement handle, for the duration of the fetch loop.
+Currently only fetched data is tainted. It is possible that the results
+of other DBI method calls, and the value of fetched attributes, may
+also be tainted in future versions. That change may well break your
+applications unless you take great care now. If you use DBI Taint mode,
+please report your experience and any suggestions for changes.
+The C<TaintOut> attribute was added in DBI 1.31.
+=head3 C<Taint> (boolean, inherited)
+The C<Taint> attribute is a shortcut for L</TaintIn> and L</TaintOut> (it is also present
+for backwards compatibility).
+Setting this attribute sets both L</TaintIn> and L</TaintOut>, and retrieving
+it returns a true value if and only if L</TaintIn> and L</TaintOut> are
+both set to true values.
+=head3 C<Profile> (inherited)
+The C<Profile> attribute enables the collection and reporting of method call timing statistics.
+See the L<DBI::Profile> module documentation for I<much> more detail.
+The C<Profile> attribute was added in DBI 1.24.
+=head3 C<ReadOnly> (boolean, inherited)
+An application can set the C<ReadOnly> attribute of a handle to a true value to
+indicate that it will not be attempting to make any changes using that handle
+or any children of it.
+Note that the exact definition of 'read only' is rather fuzzy.
+For more details see the documentation for the driver you're using.
+If the driver can make the handle truly read-only then it should
+(unless doing so would have unpleasant side effect, like changing the
+consistency level from per-statement to per-session).
+Otherwise the attribute is simply advisory.
+A driver can set the C<ReadOnly> attribute itself to indicate that the data it
+is connected to cannot be changed for some reason.
+Library modules and proxy drivers can use the attribute to influence their behavior.
+For example, the DBD::Gofer driver considers the C<ReadOnly> attribute when
+making a decision about whether to retry an operation that failed.
+The attribute should be set to 1 or 0 (or undef). Other values are reserved.
+=head3 C<private_your_module_name_*>
+The DBI provides a way to store extra information in a DBI handle as
+"private" attributes. The DBI will allow you to store and retrieve any
+attribute which has a name starting with "C<private_>".
+It is I<strongly> recommended that you use just I<one> private
+attribute (e.g., use a hash ref) I<and> give it a long and unambiguous
+name that includes the module or application name that the attribute
+relates to (e.g., "C<private_YourFullModuleName_thingy>").
+Because of the way the Perl tie mechanism works you cannot reliably
+use the C<||=> operator directly to initialise the attribute, like this:
+ my $foo = $dbh->{private_yourmodname_foo} ||= { ... }; # WRONG
+you should use a two step approach like this:
+ my $foo = $dbh->{private_yourmodname_foo};
+ $foo ||= $dbh->{private_yourmodname_foo} = { ... };
+This attribute is primarily of interest to people sub-classing DBI,
+or for applications to piggy-back extra information onto DBI handles.
+This section covers the methods and attributes associated with
+database handles.
+=head2 Database Handle Methods
+The following methods are specified for DBI database handles:
+=head3 C<clone>
+ $new_dbh = $dbh->clone();
+ $new_dbh = $dbh->clone(\%attr);
+The C<clone> method duplicates the $dbh connection by connecting
+with the same parameters ($dsn, $user, $password) as originally used.
+The attributes for the cloned connect are the same as those used
+for the original connect, with some other attribute merged over
+them depending on the \%attr parameter.
+If \%attr is given then the attributes it contains are merged into
+the original attributes and override any with the same names.
+Effectively the same as doing:
+ %attribues_used = ( %original_attributes, %attr );
+If \%attr is not given then it defaults to a hash containing all
+the attributes in the attribute cache of $dbh excluding any non-code
+references, plus the main boolean attributes (RaiseError, PrintError,
+AutoCommit, etc.). This behaviour is subject to change.
+The clone method can be used even if the database handle is disconnected.
+The C<clone> method was added in DBI 1.33. It is very new and likely
+to change.
+=head3 C<data_sources>
+ @ary = $dbh->data_sources();
+ @ary = $dbh->data_sources(\%attr);
+Returns a list of data sources (databases) available via the $dbh
+driver's data_sources() method, plus any extra data sources that
+the driver can discover via the connected $dbh. Typically the extra
+data sources are other databases managed by the same server process
+that the $dbh is connected to.
+Data sources are returned in a form suitable for passing to the
+L</connect> method (that is, they will include the "C<dbi:$driver:>" prefix).
+The data_sources() method, for a $dbh, was added in DBI 1.38.
+=head3 C<do>
+ $rows = $dbh->do($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ $rows = $dbh->do($statement, \%attr) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ $rows = $dbh->do($statement, \%attr, @bind_values) or die ...
+Prepare and execute a single statement. Returns the number of rows
+affected or C<undef> on error. A return value of C<-1> means the
+number of rows is not known, not applicable, or not available.
+This method is typically most useful for I<non>-C<SELECT> statements that
+either cannot be prepared in advance (due to a limitation of the
+driver) or do not need to be executed repeatedly. It should not
+be used for C<SELECT> statements because it does not return a statement
+handle (so you can't fetch any data).
+The default C<do> method is logically similar to:
+ sub do {
+ my($dbh, $statement, $attr, @bind_values) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $attr) or return undef;
+ $sth->execute(@bind_values) or return undef;
+ my $rows = $sth->rows;
+ ($rows == 0) ? "0E0" : $rows; # always return true if no error
+ }
+For example:
+ my $rows_deleted = $dbh->do(q{
+ WHERE status = ?
+ }, undef, 'DONE') or die $dbh->errstr;
+Using placeholders and C<@bind_values> with the C<do> method can be
+useful because it avoids the need to correctly quote any variables
+in the C<$statement>. But if you'll be executing the statement many
+times then it's more efficient to C<prepare> it once and call
+C<execute> many times instead.
+The C<q{...}> style quoting used in this example avoids clashing with
+quotes that may be used in the SQL statement. Use the double-quote-like
+C<qq{...}> operator if you want to interpolate variables into the string.
+See L<perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators"> for more details.
+=head3 C<last_insert_id>
+ $rv = $dbh->last_insert_id($catalog, $schema, $table, $field);
+ $rv = $dbh->last_insert_id($catalog, $schema, $table, $field, \%attr);
+Returns a value 'identifying' the row just inserted, if possible.
+Typically this would be a value assigned by the database server
+to a column with an I<auto_increment> or I<serial> type.
+Returns undef if the driver does not support the method or can't
+determine the value.
+The $catalog, $schema, $table, and $field parameters may be required
+for some drivers (see below). If you don't know the parameter values
+and your driver does not need them, then use C<undef> for each.
+There are several caveats to be aware of with this method if you want
+to use it for portable applications:
+B<*> For some drivers the value may only available immediately after
+the insert statement has executed (e.g., mysql, Informix).
+B<*> For some drivers the $catalog, $schema, $table, and $field parameters
+are required, for others they are ignored (e.g., mysql).
+B<*> Drivers may return an indeterminate value if no insert has
+been performed yet.
+B<*> For some drivers the value may only be available if placeholders
+have I<not> been used (e.g., Sybase, MS SQL). In this case the value
+returned would be from the last non-placeholder insert statement.
+B<*> Some drivers may need driver-specific hints about how to get
+the value. For example, being told the name of the database 'sequence'
+object that holds the value. Any such hints are passed as driver-specific
+attributes in the \%attr parameter.
+B<*> If the underlying database offers nothing better, then some
+drivers may attempt to implement this method by executing
+"C<select max($field) from $table>". Drivers using any approach
+like this should issue a warning if C<AutoCommit> is true because
+it is generally unsafe - another process may have modified the table
+between your insert and the select. For situations where you know
+it is safe, such as when you have locked the table, you can silence
+the warning by passing C<Warn> => 0 in \%attr.
+B<*> If no insert has been performed yet, or the last insert failed,
+then the value is implementation defined.
+Given all the caveats above, it's clear that this method must be
+used with care.
+The C<last_insert_id> method was added in DBI 1.38.
+=head3 C<selectrow_array>
+ @row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array($statement);
+ @row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array($statement, \%attr);
+ @row_ary = $dbh->selectrow_array($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute> and
+L</fetchrow_array> into a single call. If called in a list context, it
+returns the first row of data from the statement. The C<$statement>
+parameter can be a previously prepared statement handle, in which case
+the C<prepare> is skipped.
+If any method fails, and L</RaiseError> is not set, C<selectrow_array>
+will return an empty list.
+If called in a scalar context for a statement handle that has more
+than one column, it is undefined whether the driver will return
+the value of the first column or the last. So don't do that.
+Also, in a scalar context, an C<undef> is returned if there are no
+more rows or if an error occurred. That C<undef> can't be distinguished
+from an C<undef> returned because the first field value was NULL.
+For these reasons you should exercise some caution if you use
+C<selectrow_array> in a scalar context, or just don't do that.
+=head3 C<selectrow_arrayref>
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($statement);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($statement, \%attr);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectrow_arrayref($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute> and
+L</fetchrow_arrayref> into a single call. It returns the first row of
+data from the statement. The C<$statement> parameter can be a previously
+prepared statement handle, in which case the C<prepare> is skipped.
+If any method fails, and L</RaiseError> is not set, C<selectrow_array>
+will return undef.
+=head3 C<selectrow_hashref>
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($statement);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($statement, \%attr);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute> and
+L</fetchrow_hashref> into a single call. It returns the first row of
+data from the statement. The C<$statement> parameter can be a previously
+prepared statement handle, in which case the C<prepare> is skipped.
+If any method fails, and L</RaiseError> is not set, C<selectrow_hashref>
+will return undef.
+=head3 C<selectall_arrayref>
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement, \%attr);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectall_arrayref($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute> and
+L</fetchall_arrayref> into a single call. It returns a reference to an
+array containing a reference to an array (or hash, see below) for each row of
+data fetched.
+The C<$statement> parameter can be a previously prepared statement handle,
+in which case the C<prepare> is skipped. This is recommended if the
+statement is going to be executed many times.
+If L</RaiseError> is not set and any method except C<fetchall_arrayref>
+fails then C<selectall_arrayref> will return C<undef>; if
+C<fetchall_arrayref> fails then it will return with whatever data
+has been fetched thus far. You should check C<$sth-E<gt>err>
+afterwards (or use the C<RaiseError> attribute) to discover if the data is
+complete or was truncated due to an error.
+The L</fetchall_arrayref> method called by C<selectall_arrayref>
+supports a $max_rows parameter. You can specify a value for $max_rows
+by including a 'C<MaxRows>' attribute in \%attr. In which case finish()
+is called for you after fetchall_arrayref() returns.
+The L</fetchall_arrayref> method called by C<selectall_arrayref>
+also supports a $slice parameter. You can specify a value for $slice by
+including a 'C<Slice>' or 'C<Columns>' attribute in \%attr. The only
+difference between the two is that if C<Slice> is not defined and
+C<Columns> is an array ref, then the array is assumed to contain column
+index values (which count from 1), rather than perl array index values.
+In which case the array is copied and each value decremented before
+passing to C</fetchall_arrayref>.
+You may often want to fetch an array of rows where each row is stored as a
+hash. That can be done simple using:
+ my $emps = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+ "SELECT ename FROM emp ORDER BY ename",
+ { Slice => {} }
+ );
+ foreach my $emp ( @$emps ) {
+ print "Employee: $emp->{ename}\n";
+ }
+Or, to fetch into an array instead of an array ref:
+ @result = @{ $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => {} }) };
+See L</fetchall_arrayref> method for more details.
+=head3 C<selectall_hashref>
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field, \%attr);
+ $hash_ref = $dbh->selectall_hashref($statement, $key_field, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute> and
+L</fetchall_hashref> into a single call. It returns a reference to a
+hash containing one entry, at most, for each row, as returned by fetchall_hashref().
+The C<$statement> parameter can be a previously prepared statement handle,
+in which case the C<prepare> is skipped. This is recommended if the
+statement is going to be executed many times.
+The C<$key_field> parameter defines which column, or columns, are used as keys
+in the returned hash. It can either be the name of a single field, or a
+reference to an array containing multiple field names. Using multiple names
+yields a tree of nested hashes.
+If a row has the same key as an earlier row then it replaces the earlier row.
+If any method except C<fetchrow_hashref> fails, and L</RaiseError> is not set,
+C<selectall_hashref> will return C<undef>. If C<fetchrow_hashref> fails and
+L</RaiseError> is not set, then it will return with whatever data it
+has fetched thus far. $DBI::err should be checked to catch that.
+See fetchall_hashref() for more details.
+=head3 C<selectcol_arrayref>
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement, \%attr);
+ $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref($statement, \%attr, @bind_values);
+This utility method combines L</prepare>, L</execute>, and fetching one
+column from all the rows, into a single call. It returns a reference to
+an array containing the values of the first column from each row.
+The C<$statement> parameter can be a previously prepared statement handle,
+in which case the C<prepare> is skipped. This is recommended if the
+statement is going to be executed many times.
+If any method except C<fetch> fails, and L</RaiseError> is not set,
+C<selectcol_arrayref> will return C<undef>. If C<fetch> fails and
+L</RaiseError> is not set, then it will return with whatever data it
+has fetched thus far. $DBI::err should be checked to catch that.
+The C<selectcol_arrayref> method defaults to pushing a single column
+value (the first) from each row into the result array. However, it can
+also push another column, or even multiple columns per row, into the
+result array. This behaviour can be specified via a 'C<Columns>'
+attribute which must be a ref to an array containing the column number
+or numbers to use. For example:
+ # get array of id and name pairs:
+ my $ary_ref = $dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select id, name from table", { Columns=>[1,2] });
+ my %hash = @$ary_ref; # build hash from key-value pairs so $hash{$id} => name
+You can specify a maximum number of rows to fetch by including a
+'C<MaxRows>' attribute in \%attr.
+=head3 C<prepare>
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, \%attr) or die $dbh->errstr;
+Prepares a statement for later execution by the database
+engine and returns a reference to a statement handle object.
+The returned statement handle can be used to get attributes of the
+statement and invoke the L</execute> method. See L</Statement Handle Methods>.
+Drivers for engines without the concept of preparing a
+statement will typically just store the statement in the returned
+handle and process it when C<$sth-E<gt>execute> is called. Such drivers are
+unlikely to give much useful information about the
+statement, such as C<$sth-E<gt>{NUM_OF_FIELDS}>, until after C<$sth-E<gt>execute>
+has been called. Portable applications should take this into account.
+In general, DBI drivers do not parse the contents of the statement
+(other than simply counting any L</Placeholders>). The statement is
+passed directly to the database engine, sometimes known as pass-thru
+mode. This has advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, you can
+access all the functionality of the engine being used. On the downside,
+you're limited if you're using a simple engine, and you need to take extra care if
+writing applications intended to be portable between engines.
+Portable applications should not assume that a new statement can be
+prepared and/or executed while still fetching results from a previous
+Some command-line SQL tools use statement terminators, like a semicolon,
+to indicate the end of a statement. Such terminators should not normally
+be used with the DBI.
+=head3 C<prepare_cached>
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($statement)
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($statement, \%attr)
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($statement, \%attr, $if_active)
+Like L</prepare> except that the statement handle returned will be
+stored in a hash associated with the C<$dbh>. If another call is made to
+C<prepare_cached> with the same C<$statement> and C<%attr> parameter values,
+then the corresponding cached C<$sth> will be returned without contacting the
+database server.
+The C<$if_active> parameter lets you adjust the behaviour if an
+already cached statement handle is still Active. There are several
+=over 4
+=item B<0>: A warning will be generated, and finish() will be called on
+the statement handle before it is returned. This is the default
+behaviour if $if_active is not passed.
+=item B<1>: finish() will be called on the statement handle, but the
+warning is suppressed.
+=item B<2>: Disables any checking.
+=item B<3>: The existing active statement handle will be removed from the
+cache and a new statement handle prepared and cached in its place.
+This is the safest option because it doesn't affect the state of the
+old handle, it just removes it from the cache. [Added in DBI 1.40]
+Here are some examples of C<prepare_cached>:
+ sub insert_hash {
+ my ($table, $field_values) = @_;
+ # sort to keep field order, and thus sql, stable for prepare_cached
+ my @fields = sort keys %$field_values;
+ my @values = @{$field_values}{@fields};
+ my $sql = sprintf "insert into %s (%s) values (%s)",
+ $table, join(",", @fields), join(",", ("?")x@fields);
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql);
+ return $sth->execute(@values);
+ }
+ sub search_hash {
+ my ($table, $field_values) = @_;
+ # sort to keep field order, and thus sql, stable for prepare_cached
+ my @fields = sort keys %$field_values;
+ my @values = @{$field_values}{@fields};
+ my $qualifier = "";
+ $qualifier = "where ".join(" and ", map { "$_=?" } @fields) if @fields;
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("SELECT * FROM $table $qualifier");
+ return $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sth, {}, @values);
+ }
+I<Caveat emptor:> This caching can be useful in some applications,
+but it can also cause problems and should be used with care. Here
+is a contrived case where caching would cause a significant problem:
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar=?');
+ $sth->execute(...);
+ while (my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref) {
+ # later, in some other code called within the loop...
+ my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare_cached('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar=?');
+ $sth2->execute(...);
+ while (my $data2 = $sth2->fetchrow_arrayref) {
+ do_stuff(...);
+ }
+ }
+In this example, since both handles are preparing the exact same statement,
+C<$sth2> will not be its own statement handle, but a duplicate of C<$sth>
+returned from the cache. The results will certainly not be what you expect.
+Typically the the inner fetch loop will work normally, fetching all
+the records and terminating when there are no more, but now $sth
+is the same as $sth2 the outer fetch loop will also terminate.
+You'll know if you run into this problem because prepare_cached()
+will generate a warning by default (when $if_active is false).
+The cache used by prepare_cached() is keyed by both the statement
+and any attributes so you can also avoid this issue by doing something
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached("...", { dbi_dummy => __FILE__.__LINE__ });
+which will ensure that prepare_cached only returns statements cached
+by that line of code in that source file.
+If you'd like the cache to managed intelligently, you can tie the
+hashref returned by C<CachedKids> to an appropriate caching module,
+such as L<Tie::Cache::LRU>:
+ my $cache;
+ tie %$cache, 'Tie::Cache::LRU', 500;
+ $dbh->{CachedKids} = $cache;
+=head3 C<commit>
+ $rc = $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr;
+Commit (make permanent) the most recent series of database changes
+if the database supports transactions and AutoCommit is off.
+If C<AutoCommit> is on, then calling
+C<commit> will issue a "commit ineffective with AutoCommit" warning.
+See also L</Transactions> in the L</FURTHER INFORMATION> section below.
+=head3 C<rollback>
+ $rc = $dbh->rollback or die $dbh->errstr;
+Rollback (undo) the most recent series of uncommitted database
+changes if the database supports transactions and AutoCommit is off.
+If C<AutoCommit> is on, then calling
+C<rollback> will issue a "rollback ineffective with AutoCommit" warning.
+See also L</Transactions> in the L</FURTHER INFORMATION> section below.
+=head3 C<begin_work>
+ $rc = $dbh->begin_work or die $dbh->errstr;
+Enable transactions (by turning C<AutoCommit> off) until the next call
+to C<commit> or C<rollback>. After the next C<commit> or C<rollback>,
+C<AutoCommit> will automatically be turned on again.
+If C<AutoCommit> is already off when C<begin_work> is called then
+it does nothing except return an error. If the driver does not support
+transactions then when C<begin_work> attempts to set C<AutoCommit> off
+the driver will trigger a fatal error.
+See also L</Transactions> in the L</FURTHER INFORMATION> section below.
+=head3 C<disconnect>
+ $rc = $dbh->disconnect or warn $dbh->errstr;
+Disconnects the database from the database handle. C<disconnect> is typically only used
+before exiting the program. The handle is of little use after disconnecting.
+The transaction behaviour of the C<disconnect> method is, sadly,
+undefined. Some database systems (such as Oracle and Ingres) will
+automatically commit any outstanding changes, but others (such as
+Informix) will rollback any outstanding changes. Applications not
+using C<AutoCommit> should explicitly call C<commit> or C<rollback> before
+calling C<disconnect>.
+The database is automatically disconnected by the C<DESTROY> method if
+still connected when there are no longer any references to the handle.
+The C<DESTROY> method for each driver should implicitly call C<rollback> to
+undo any uncommitted changes. This is vital behaviour to ensure that
+incomplete transactions don't get committed simply because Perl calls
+C<DESTROY> on every object before exiting. Also, do not rely on the order
+of object destruction during "global destruction", as it is undefined.
+Generally, if you want your changes to be committed or rolled back when
+you disconnect, then you should explicitly call L</commit> or L</rollback>
+before disconnecting.
+If you disconnect from a database while you still have active
+statement handles (e.g., SELECT statement handles that may have
+more data to fetch), you will get a warning. The warning may indicate
+that a fetch loop terminated early, perhaps due to an uncaught error.
+To avoid the warning call the C<finish> method on the active handles.
+=head3 C<ping>
+ $rc = $dbh->ping;
+Attempts to determine, in a reasonably efficient way, if the database
+server is still running and the connection to it is still working.
+Individual drivers should implement this function in the most suitable
+manner for their database engine.
+The current I<default> implementation always returns true without
+actually doing anything. Actually, it returns "C<0 but true>" which is
+true but zero. That way you can tell if the return value is genuine or
+just the default. Drivers should override this method with one that
+does the right thing for their type of database.
+Few applications would have direct use for this method. See the specialized
+Apache::DBI module for one example usage.
+=head3 C<get_info>
+ $value = $dbh->get_info( $info_type );
+Returns information about the implementation, i.e. driver and data
+source capabilities, restrictions etc. It returns C<undef> for
+unknown or unimplemented information types. For example:
+ $database_version = $dbh->get_info( 18 ); # SQL_DBMS_VER
+ $max_select_tables = $dbh->get_info( 106 ); # SQL_MAXIMUM_TABLES_IN_SELECT
+See L</"Standards Reference Information"> for more detailed information
+about the information types and their meanings and possible return values.
+The DBI::Const::GetInfoType module exports a %GetInfoType hash that
+can be used to map info type names to numbers. For example:
+ $database_version = $dbh->get_info( $GetInfoType{SQL_DBMS_VER} );
+The names are a merging of the ANSI and ODBC standards (which differ
+in some cases). See L<DBI::Const::GetInfoType> for more details.
+Because some DBI methods make use of get_info(), drivers are strongly
+encouraged to support I<at least> the following very minimal set
+of information types to ensure the DBI itself works properly:
+ Type Name Example A Example B
+ ---- -------------------------- ------------ ----------------
+ 17 SQL_DBMS_NAME 'ACCESS' 'Oracle'
+ 18 SQL_DBMS_VER '03.50.0000' '08.01.0721 ...'
+=head3 C<table_info>
+ $sth = $dbh->table_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, $type );
+ $sth = $dbh->table_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, $type, \%attr );
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch
+information about tables and views that exist in the database.
+The arguments $catalog, $schema and $table may accept search patterns
+according to the database/driver, for example: $table = '%FOO%';
+Remember that the underscore character ('C<_>') is a search pattern
+that means match any character, so 'FOO_%' is the same as 'FOO%'
+and 'FOO_BAR%' will match names like 'FOO1BAR'.
+The value of $type is a comma-separated list of one or more types of
+tables to be returned in the result set. Each value may optionally be
+quoted, e.g.:
+ $type = "TABLE";
+ $type = "'TABLE','VIEW'";
+In addition the following special cases may also be supported by some drivers:
+=over 4
+=item *
+If the value of $catalog is '%' and $schema and $table name
+are empty strings, the result set contains a list of catalog names.
+For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->table_info('%', '', '');
+=item *
+If the value of $schema is '%' and $catalog and $table are empty
+strings, the result set contains a list of schema names.
+=item *
+If the value of $type is '%' and $catalog, $schema, and $table are all
+empty strings, the result set contains a list of table types.
+If your driver doesn't support one or more of the selection filter
+parameters then you may get back more than you asked for and can
+do the filtering yourself.
+This method can be expensive, and can return a large amount of data.
+(For example, small Oracle installation returns over 2000 rows.)
+So it's a good idea to use the filters to limit the data as much as possible.
+The statement handle returned has at least the following fields in the
+order show below. Other fields, after these, may also be present.
+B<TABLE_CAT>: Table catalog identifier. This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not
+applicable to the data source, which is usually the case. This field
+is empty if not applicable to the table.
+B<TABLE_SCHEM>: The name of the schema containing the TABLE_NAME value.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to data source, and
+empty if not applicable to the table.
+B<TABLE_NAME>: Name of the table (or view, synonym, etc).
+B<TABLE_TYPE>: One of the following: "TABLE", "VIEW", "SYSTEM TABLE",
+identifier that is specific to the data
+B<REMARKS>: A description of the table. May be NULL (C<undef>).
+Note that C<table_info> might not return records for all tables.
+Applications can use any valid table regardless of whether it's
+returned by C<table_info>.
+See also L</tables>, L</"Catalog Methods"> and
+L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<column_info>
+ $sth = $dbh->column_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, $column );
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch
+information about columns in specified tables.
+The arguments $schema, $table and $column may accept search patterns
+according to the database/driver, for example: $table = '%FOO%';
+Note: The support for the selection criteria is driver specific. If the
+driver doesn't support one or more of them then you may get back more
+than you asked for and can do the filtering yourself.
+If the arguments don't match any tables then you'll still get a statement
+handle, it'll just return no rows.
+The statement handle returned has at least the following fields in the
+order shown below. Other fields, after these, may also be present.
+B<TABLE_CAT>: The catalog identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the
+B<TABLE_SCHEM>: The schema identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+and empty if not applicable to the table.
+B<TABLE_NAME>: The table identifier.
+Note: A driver may provide column metadata not only for base tables, but
+also for derived objects like SYNONYMS etc.
+B<COLUMN_NAME>: The column identifier.
+B<DATA_TYPE>: The concise data type code.
+B<TYPE_NAME>: A data source dependent data type name.
+B<COLUMN_SIZE>: The column size.
+This is the maximum length in characters for character data types,
+the number of digits or bits for numeric data types or the length
+in the representation of temporal types.
+See the relevant specifications for detailed information.
+B<BUFFER_LENGTH>: The length in bytes of transferred data.
+B<DECIMAL_DIGITS>: The total number of significant digits to the right of
+the decimal point.
+B<NUM_PREC_RADIX>: The radix for numeric precision.
+The value is 10 or 2 for numeric data types and NULL (C<undef>) if not
+B<NULLABLE>: Indicates if a column can accept NULLs.
+The following values are defined:
+B<REMARKS>: A description of the column.
+B<COLUMN_DEF>: The default value of the column, in a format that can be used
+directly in an SQL statement.
+Note that this may be an expression and not simply the text used for the
+default value in the original CREATE TABLE statement. For example, given:
+ col1 char(30) default current_user -- a 'function'
+ col2 char(30) default 'string' -- a string literal
+where "current_user" is the name of a function, the corresponding C<COLUMN_DEF>
+values would be:
+ Database col1 col2
+ -------- ---- ----
+ Oracle: current_user 'string'
+ Postgres: "current_user"() 'string'::text
+ MS SQL: (user_name()) ('string')
+B<SQL_DATA_TYPE>: The SQL data type.
+B<SQL_DATETIME_SUB>: The subtype code for datetime and interval data types.
+B<CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH>: The maximum length in bytes of a character or binary
+data type column.
+B<ORDINAL_POSITION>: The column sequence number (starting with 1).
+B<IS_NULLABLE>: Indicates if the column can accept NULLs.
+Possible values are: 'NO', 'YES' and ''.
+SQL/CLI defines the following additional columns:
+Drivers capable of supplying any of those values should do so in
+the corresponding column and supply undef values for the others.
+Drivers wishing to provide extra database/driver specific information
+should do so in extra columns beyond all those listed above, and
+use lowercase field names with the driver-specific prefix (i.e.,
+'ora_...'). Applications accessing such fields should do so by name
+and not by column number.
+The result set is ordered by TABLE_CAT, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME
+Note: There is some overlap with statement handle attributes (in perl) and
+SQLDescribeCol (in ODBC). However, SQLColumns provides more metadata.
+See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<primary_key_info>
+ $sth = $dbh->primary_key_info( $catalog, $schema, $table );
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch information
+about columns that make up the primary key for a table.
+The arguments don't accept search patterns (unlike table_info()).
+The statement handle will return one row per column, ordered by
+If there is no primary key then the statement handle will fetch no rows.
+Note: The support for the selection criteria, such as $catalog, is
+driver specific. If the driver doesn't support catalogs and/or
+schemas, it may ignore these criteria.
+The statement handle returned has at least the following fields in the
+order shown below. Other fields, after these, may also be present.
+B<TABLE_CAT>: The catalog identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the
+B<TABLE_SCHEM>: The schema identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+and empty if not applicable to the table.
+B<TABLE_NAME>: The table identifier.
+B<COLUMN_NAME>: The column identifier.
+B<KEY_SEQ>: The column sequence number (starting with 1).
+Note: This field is named B<ORDINAL_POSITION> in SQL/CLI.
+B<PK_NAME>: The primary key constraint identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source.
+See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<primary_key>
+ @key_column_names = $dbh->primary_key( $catalog, $schema, $table );
+Simple interface to the primary_key_info() method. Returns a list of
+the column names that comprise the primary key of the specified table.
+The list is in primary key column sequence order.
+If there is no primary key then an empty list is returned.
+=head3 C<foreign_key_info>
+ $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table
+ , $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table );
+ $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( $pk_catalog, $pk_schema, $pk_table
+ , $fk_catalog, $fk_schema, $fk_table
+ , \%attr );
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch information
+about foreign keys in and/or referencing the specified table(s).
+The arguments don't accept search patterns (unlike table_info()).
+C<$pk_catalog>, C<$pk_schema>, C<$pk_table>
+identify the primary (unique) key table (B<PKT>).
+C<$fk_catalog>, C<$fk_schema>, C<$fk_table>
+identify the foreign key table (B<FKT>).
+If both B<PKT> and B<FKT> are given, the function returns the foreign key, if
+any, in table B<FKT> that refers to the primary (unique) key of table B<PKT>.
+(Note: In SQL/CLI, the result is implementation-defined.)
+If only B<PKT> is given, then the result set contains the primary key
+of that table and all foreign keys that refer to it.
+If only B<FKT> is given, then the result set contains all foreign keys
+in that table and the primary keys to which they refer.
+(Note: In SQL/CLI, the result includes unique keys too.)
+For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, $user, 'master');
+ $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, undef, undef , undef, $user, 'detail');
+ $sth = $dbh->foreign_key_info( undef, $user, 'master', undef, $user, 'detail');
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Note: The support for the selection criteria, such as C<$catalog>, is
+driver specific. If the driver doesn't support catalogs and/or
+schemas, it may ignore these criteria.
+The statement handle returned has the following fields in the order shown below.
+Because ODBC never includes unique keys, they define different columns in the
+result set than SQL/CLI. SQL/CLI column names are shown in parentheses.
+The primary (unique) key table catalog identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the
+The primary (unique) key table schema identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+and empty if not applicable to the table.
+The primary (unique) key table identifier.
+The primary (unique) key column identifier.
+The foreign key table catalog identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the
+The foreign key table schema identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+and empty if not applicable to the table.
+The foreign key table identifier.
+The foreign key column identifier.
+The column sequence number (starting with 1).
+The referential action for the UPDATE rule.
+The following codes are defined:
+The referential action for the DELETE rule.
+The codes are the same as for UPDATE_RULE.
+The foreign key name.
+The primary (unique) key name.
+The deferrability of the foreign key constraint.
+The following codes are defined:
+This column is necessary if a driver includes all candidate (i.e. primary and
+alternate) keys in the result set (as specified by SQL/CLI).
+The value of this column is UNIQUE if the foreign key references an alternate
+key and PRIMARY if the foreign key references a primary key, or it
+may be undefined if the driver doesn't have access to the information.
+See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<statistics_info>
+B<Warning:> This method is experimental and may change.
+ $sth = $dbh->statistics_info( $catalog, $schema, $table, $unique_only, $quick );
+ # then $sth->fetchall_arrayref or $sth->fetchall_hashref etc
+Returns an active statement handle that can be used to fetch statistical
+information about a table and its indexes.
+The arguments don't accept search patterns (unlike L</table_info>).
+If the boolean argument $unique_only is true, only UNIQUE indexes will be
+returned in the result set, otherwise all indexes will be returned.
+If the boolean argument $quick is set, the actual statistical information
+columns (CARDINALITY and PAGES) will only be returned if they are readily
+available from the server, and might not be current. Some databases may
+return stale statistics or no statistics at all with this flag set.
+The statement handle will return at most one row per column name per index,
+plus at most one row for the entire table itself, ordered by NON_UNIQUE, TYPE,
+Note: The support for the selection criteria, such as $catalog, is
+driver specific. If the driver doesn't support catalogs and/or
+schemas, it may ignore these criteria.
+The statement handle returned has at least the following fields in the
+order shown below. Other fields, after these, may also be present.
+B<TABLE_CAT>: The catalog identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+which is often the case. This field is empty if not applicable to the
+B<TABLE_SCHEM>: The schema identifier.
+This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source,
+and empty if not applicable to the table.
+B<TABLE_NAME>: The table identifier.
+B<NON_UNIQUE>: Unique index indicator.
+Returns 0 for unique indexes, 1 for non-unique indexes
+B<INDEX_QUALIFIER>: Index qualifier identifier.
+The identifier that is used to qualify the index name when doing a
+C<DROP INDEX>; NULL (C<undef>) is returned if an index qualifier is not
+supported by the data source.
+If a non-NULL (defined) value is returned in this column, it must be used
+to qualify the index name on a C<DROP INDEX> statement; otherwise,
+the TABLE_SCHEM should be used to qualify the index name.
+B<INDEX_NAME>: The index identifier.
+B<TYPE>: The type of information being returned. Can be any of the
+following values: 'table', 'btree', 'clustered', 'content', 'hashed',
+or 'other'.
+In the case that this field is 'table', all fields
+CARDINALITY, and PAGES will be NULL (C<undef>).
+B<ORDINAL_POSITION>: Column sequence number (starting with 1).
+B<COLUMN_NAME>: The column identifier.
+B<ASC_OR_DESC>: Column sort sequence.
+C<A> for Ascending, C<D> for Descending, or NULL (C<undef>) if
+not supported for this index.
+B<CARDINALITY>: Cardinality of the table or index.
+For indexes, this is the number of unique values in the index.
+For tables, this is the number of rows in the table.
+If not supported, the value will be NULL (C<undef>).
+B<PAGES>: Number of storage pages used by this table or index.
+If not supported, the value will be NULL (C<undef>).
+B<FILTER_CONDITION>: The index filter condition as a string.
+If the index is not a filtered index, or it cannot be determined
+whether the index is a filtered index, this value is NULL (C<undef>).
+If the index is a filtered index, but the filter condition
+cannot be determined, this value is the empty string C<''>.
+Otherwise it will be the literal filter condition as a string,
+such as C<SALARY <= 4500>.
+See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<tables>
+ @names = $dbh->tables( $catalog, $schema, $table, $type );
+ @names = $dbh->tables; # deprecated
+Simple interface to table_info(). Returns a list of matching
+table names, possibly including a catalog/schema prefix.
+See L</table_info> for a description of the parameters.
+If C<$dbh-E<gt>get_info(29)> returns true (29 is SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR)
+then the table names are constructed and quoted by L</quote_identifier>
+to ensure they are usable even if they contain whitespace or reserved
+words etc. This means that the table names returned will include
+quote characters.
+=head3 C<type_info_all>
+ $type_info_all = $dbh->type_info_all;
+Returns a reference to an array which holds information about each data
+type variant supported by the database and driver. The array and its
+contents should be treated as read-only.
+The first item is a reference to an 'index' hash of C<Name =>E<gt> C<Index> pairs.
+The items following that are references to arrays, one per supported data
+type variant. The leading index hash defines the names and order of the
+fields within the arrays that follow it.
+For example:
+ $type_info_all = [
+ { TYPE_NAME => 0,
+ DATA_TYPE => 1,
+ COLUMN_SIZE => 2, # was PRECISION originally
+ NULLABLE => 6,
+ FIXED_PREC_SCALE => 10, # was MONEY originally
+ AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE => 11, # was AUTO_INCREMENT originally
+ SQL_DATA_TYPE => 15,
+ },
+ undef, "'","'", undef,0, 1,1,0,0,0,undef,1,255, undef
+ ],
+ undef, "", "", undef,0, 0,1,0,0,0,undef,0, 0, 10
+ ],
+ ];
+More than one row may have the same value in the C<DATA_TYPE>
+field if there are different ways to spell the type name and/or there
+are variants of the type with different attributes (e.g., with and
+without C<AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE> set, with and without C<UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE>, etc).
+The rows are ordered by C<DATA_TYPE> first and then by how closely each
+type maps to the corresponding ODBC SQL data type, closest first.
+The meaning of the fields is described in the documentation for
+the L</type_info> method.
+An 'index' hash is provided so you don't need to rely on index
+values defined above. However, using DBD::ODBC with some old ODBC
+drivers may return older names, shown as comments in the example above.
+Another issue with the index hash is that the lettercase of the
+keys is not defined. It is usually uppercase, as show here, but
+drivers may return names with any lettercase.
+Drivers are also free to return extra driver-specific columns of
+information - though it's recommended that they start at column
+index 50 to leave room for expansion of the DBI/ODBC specification.
+The type_info_all() method is not normally used directly.
+The L</type_info> method provides a more usable and useful interface
+to the data.
+=head3 C<type_info>
+ @type_info = $dbh->type_info($data_type);
+Returns a list of hash references holding information about one or more
+variants of $data_type. The list is ordered by C<DATA_TYPE> first and
+then by how closely each type maps to the corresponding ODBC SQL data
+type, closest first. If called in a scalar context then only the first
+(best) element is returned.
+If $data_type is undefined or C<SQL_ALL_TYPES>, then the list will
+contain hashes for all data type variants supported by the database and driver.
+If $data_type is an array reference then C<type_info> returns the
+information for the I<first> type in the array that has any matches.
+The keys of the hash follow the same letter case conventions as the
+rest of the DBI (see L</Naming Conventions and Name Space>). The
+following uppercase items should always exist, though may be undef:
+=over 4
+=item TYPE_NAME (string)
+Data type name for use in CREATE TABLE statements etc.
+=item DATA_TYPE (integer)
+SQL data type number.
+=item COLUMN_SIZE (integer)
+For numeric types, this is either the total number of digits (if the
+NUM_PREC_RADIX value is 10) or the total number of bits allowed in the
+column (if NUM_PREC_RADIX is 2).
+For string types, this is the maximum size of the string in characters.
+For date and interval types, this is the maximum number of characters
+needed to display the value.
+=item LITERAL_PREFIX (string)
+Characters used to prefix a literal. A typical prefix is "C<'>" for characters,
+or possibly "C<0x>" for binary values passed as hexadecimal. NULL (C<undef>) is
+returned for data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item LITERAL_SUFFIX (string)
+Characters used to suffix a literal. Typically "C<'>" for characters.
+NULL (C<undef>) is returned for data types where this is not applicable.
+=item CREATE_PARAMS (string)
+Parameter names for data type definition. For example, C<CREATE_PARAMS> for a
+C<DECIMAL> would be "C<precision,scale>" if the DECIMAL type should be
+declared as C<DECIMAL(>I<precision,scale>C<)> where I<precision> and I<scale>
+are integer values. For a C<VARCHAR> it would be "C<max length>".
+NULL (C<undef>) is returned for data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item NULLABLE (integer)
+Indicates whether the data type accepts a NULL value:
+C<0> or an empty string = no, C<1> = yes, C<2> = unknown.
+=item CASE_SENSITIVE (boolean)
+Indicates whether the data type is case sensitive in collations and
+=item SEARCHABLE (integer)
+Indicates how the data type can be used in a WHERE clause, as
+ 0 - Cannot be used in a WHERE clause
+ 1 - Only with a LIKE predicate
+ 2 - All comparison operators except LIKE
+ 3 - Can be used in a WHERE clause with any comparison operator
+=item UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE (boolean)
+Indicates whether the data type is unsigned. NULL (C<undef>) is returned
+for data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item FIXED_PREC_SCALE (boolean)
+Indicates whether the data type always has the same precision and scale
+(such as a money type). NULL (C<undef>) is returned for data types
+for which
+this is not applicable.
+=item AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE (boolean)
+Indicates whether a column of this data type is automatically set to a
+unique value whenever a new row is inserted. NULL (C<undef>) is returned
+for data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item LOCAL_TYPE_NAME (string)
+Localized version of the C<TYPE_NAME> for use in dialog with users.
+NULL (C<undef>) is returned if a localized name is not available (in which
+case C<TYPE_NAME> should be used).
+=item MINIMUM_SCALE (integer)
+The minimum scale of the data type. If a data type has a fixed scale,
+then C<MAXIMUM_SCALE> holds the same value. NULL (C<undef>) is returned for
+data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item MAXIMUM_SCALE (integer)
+The maximum scale of the data type. If a data type has a fixed scale,
+then C<MINIMUM_SCALE> holds the same value. NULL (C<undef>) is returned for
+data types for which this is not applicable.
+=item SQL_DATA_TYPE (integer)
+This column is the same as the C<DATA_TYPE> column, except for interval
+and datetime data types. For interval and datetime data types, the
+C<SQL_DATA_TYPE> field will return C<SQL_INTERVAL> or C<SQL_DATETIME>, and the
+C<SQL_DATETIME_SUB> field below will return the subcode for the specific
+interval or datetime data type. If this field is NULL, then the driver
+does not support or report on interval or datetime subtypes.
+=item SQL_DATETIME_SUB (integer)
+For interval or datetime data types, where the C<SQL_DATA_TYPE>
+field above is C<SQL_INTERVAL> or C<SQL_DATETIME>, this field will
+hold the I<subcode> for the specific interval or datetime data type.
+Otherwise it will be NULL (C<undef>).
+Although not mentioned explicitly in the standards, it seems there
+is a simple relationship between these values:
+=item NUM_PREC_RADIX (integer)
+The radix value of the data type. For approximate numeric types,
+contains the value 2 and C<COLUMN_SIZE> holds the number of bits. For
+exact numeric types, C<NUM_PREC_RADIX> contains the value 10 and C<COLUMN_SIZE> holds
+the number of decimal digits. NULL (C<undef>) is returned either for data types
+for which this is not applicable or if the driver cannot report this information.
+=item INTERVAL_PRECISION (integer)
+The interval leading precision for interval types. NULL is returned
+either for data types for which this is not applicable or if the driver
+cannot report this information.
+For example, to find the type name for the fields in a select statement
+you can do:
+ @names = map { scalar $dbh->type_info($_)->{TYPE_NAME} } @{ $sth->{TYPE} }
+Since DBI and ODBC drivers vary in how they map their types into the
+ISO standard types you may need to search for more than one type.
+Here's an example looking for a usable type to store a date:
+ $my_date_type = $dbh->type_info( [ SQL_DATE, SQL_TIMESTAMP ] );
+Similarly, to more reliably find a type to store small integers, you could
+use a list starting with C<SQL_SMALLINT>, C<SQL_INTEGER>, C<SQL_DECIMAL>, etc.
+See also L</"Standards Reference Information">.
+=head3 C<quote>
+ $sql = $dbh->quote($value);
+ $sql = $dbh->quote($value, $data_type);
+Quote a string literal for use as a literal value in an SQL statement,
+by escaping any special characters (such as quotation marks)
+contained within the string and adding the required type of outer
+quotation marks.
+ $sql = sprintf "SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE baz = %s",
+ $dbh->quote("Don't");
+For most database types, at least those that conform to SQL standards, quote
+would return C<'Don''t'> (including the outer quotation marks). For others it
+may return something like C<'Don\'t'>
+An undefined C<$value> value will be returned as the string C<NULL> (without
+single quotation marks) to match how NULLs are represented in SQL.
+If C<$data_type> is supplied, it is used to try to determine the required
+quoting behaviour by using the information returned by L</type_info>.
+As a special case, the standard numeric types are optimized to return
+C<$value> without calling C<type_info>.
+Quote will probably I<not> be able to deal with all possible input
+(such as binary data or data containing newlines), and is not related in
+any way with escaping or quoting shell meta-characters.
+It is valid for the quote() method to return an SQL expression that
+evaluates to the desired string. For example:
+ $quoted = $dbh->quote("one\ntwo\0three")
+may return something like:
+ CONCAT('one', CHAR(12), 'two', CHAR(0), 'three')
+The quote() method should I<not> be used with L</"Placeholders and
+Bind Values">.
+=head3 C<quote_identifier>
+ $sql = $dbh->quote_identifier( $name );
+ $sql = $dbh->quote_identifier( $catalog, $schema, $table, \%attr );
+Quote an identifier (table name etc.) for use in an SQL statement,
+by escaping any special characters (such as double quotation marks)
+it contains and adding the required type of outer quotation marks.
+Undefined names are ignored and the remainder are quoted and then
+joined together, typically with a dot (C<.>) character. For example:
+ $id = $dbh->quote_identifier( undef, 'Her schema', 'My table' );
+would, for most database types, return C<"Her schema"."My table">
+(including all the double quotation marks).
+If three names are supplied then the first is assumed to be a
+catalog name and special rules may be applied based on what L</get_info>
+For example, for Oracle:
+ $id = $dbh->quote_identifier( 'link', 'schema', 'table' );
+would return C<"schema"."table"@"link">.
+=head3 C<take_imp_data>
+ $imp_data = $dbh->take_imp_data;
+Leaves the $dbh in an almost dead, zombie-like, state and returns
+a binary string of raw implementation data from the driver which
+describes the current database connection. Effectively it detaches
+the underlying database API connection data from the DBI handle.
+After calling take_imp_data(), all other methods except C<DESTROY>
+will generate a warning and return undef.
+Why would you want to do this? You don't, forget I even mentioned it.
+Unless, that is, you're implementing something advanced like a
+multi-threaded connection pool. See L<DBI::Pool>.
+The returned $imp_data can be passed as a C<dbi_imp_data> attribute
+to a later connect() call, even in a separate thread in the same
+process, where the driver can use it to 'adopt' the existing
+connection that the implementation data was taken from.
+Some things to keep in mind...
+B<*> the $imp_data holds the only reference to the underlying
+database API connection data. That connection is still 'live' and
+won't be cleaned up properly unless the $imp_data is used to create
+a new $dbh which is then allowed to disconnect() normally.
+B<*> using the same $imp_data to create more than one other new
+$dbh at a time may well lead to unpleasant problems. Don't do that.
+Any child statement handles are effectively destroyed when take_imp_data() is
+The C<take_imp_data> method was added in DBI 1.36 but wasn't useful till 1.49.
+=head2 Database Handle Attributes
+This section describes attributes specific to database handles.
+Changes to these database handle attributes do not affect any other
+existing or future database handles.
+Attempting to set or get the value of an unknown attribute generates a warning,
+except for private driver-specific attributes (which all have names
+starting with a lowercase letter).
+ $h->{AutoCommit} = ...; # set/write
+ ... = $h->{AutoCommit}; # get/read
+=head3 C<AutoCommit> (boolean)
+If true, then database changes cannot be rolled-back (undone). If false,
+then database changes automatically occur within a "transaction", which
+must either be committed or rolled back using the C<commit> or C<rollback>
+Drivers should always default to C<AutoCommit> mode (an unfortunate
+choice largely forced on the DBI by ODBC and JDBC conventions.)
+Attempting to set C<AutoCommit> to an unsupported value is a fatal error.
+This is an important feature of the DBI. Applications that need
+full transaction behaviour can set C<$dbh-E<gt>{AutoCommit} = 0> (or
+set C<AutoCommit> to 0 via L</connect>)
+without having to check that the value was assigned successfully.
+For the purposes of this description, we can divide databases into three
+ Databases which don't support transactions at all.
+ Databases in which a transaction is always active.
+ Databases in which a transaction must be explicitly started (C<'BEGIN WORK'>).
+B<* Databases which don't support transactions at all>
+For these databases, attempting to turn C<AutoCommit> off is a fatal error.
+C<commit> and C<rollback> both issue warnings about being ineffective while
+C<AutoCommit> is in effect.
+B<* Databases in which a transaction is always active>
+These are typically mainstream commercial relational databases with
+"ANSI standard" transaction behaviour.
+If C<AutoCommit> is off, then changes to the database won't have any
+lasting effect unless L</commit> is called (but see also
+L</disconnect>). If L</rollback> is called then any changes since the
+last commit are undone.
+If C<AutoCommit> is on, then the effect is the same as if the DBI
+called C<commit> automatically after every successful database
+operation. So calling C<commit> or C<rollback> explicitly while
+C<AutoCommit> is on would be ineffective because the changes would
+have already been committed.
+Changing C<AutoCommit> from off to on will trigger a L</commit>.
+For databases which don't support a specific auto-commit mode, the
+driver has to commit each statement automatically using an explicit
+C<COMMIT> after it completes successfully (and roll it back using an
+explicit C<ROLLBACK> if it fails). The error information reported to the
+application will correspond to the statement which was executed, unless
+it succeeded and the commit or rollback failed.
+B<* Databases in which a transaction must be explicitly started>
+For these databases, the intention is to have them act like databases in
+which a transaction is always active (as described above).
+To do this, the driver will automatically begin an explicit transaction
+when C<AutoCommit> is turned off, or after a L</commit> or
+L</rollback> (or when the application issues the next database
+operation after one of those events).
+In this way, the application does not have to treat these databases
+as a special case.
+See L</commit>, L</disconnect> and L</Transactions> for other important
+notes about transactions.
+=head3 C<Driver> (handle)
+Holds the handle of the parent driver. The only recommended use for this
+is to find the name of the driver using:
+ $dbh->{Driver}->{Name}
+=head3 C<Name> (string)
+Holds the "name" of the database. Usually (and recommended to be) the
+same as the "C<dbi:DriverName:...>" string used to connect to the database,
+but with the leading "C<dbi:DriverName:>" removed.
+=head3 C<Statement> (string, read-only)
+Returns the statement string passed to the most recent L</prepare> method
+called in this database handle, even if that method failed. This is especially
+useful where C<RaiseError> is enabled and the exception handler checks $@
+and sees that a 'prepare' method call failed.
+=head3 C<RowCacheSize> (integer)
+A hint to the driver indicating the size of the local row cache that the
+application would like the driver to use for future C<SELECT> statements.
+If a row cache is not implemented, then setting C<RowCacheSize> is ignored
+and getting the value returns C<undef>.
+Some C<RowCacheSize> values have special meaning, as follows:
+ 0 - Automatically determine a reasonable cache size for each C<SELECT>
+ 1 - Disable the local row cache
+ >1 - Cache this many rows
+ <0 - Cache as many rows that will fit into this much memory for each C<SELECT>.
+Note that large cache sizes may require a very large amount of memory
+(I<cached rows * maximum size of row>). Also, a large cache will cause
+a longer delay not only for the first fetch, but also whenever the
+cache needs refilling.
+See also the L</RowsInCache> statement handle attribute.
+=head3 C<Username> (string)
+Returns the username used to connect to the database.
+This section lists the methods and attributes associated with DBI
+statement handles.
+=head2 Statement Handle Methods
+The DBI defines the following methods for use on DBI statement handles:
+=head3 C<bind_param>
+ $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value)
+ $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, \%attr)
+ $sth->bind_param($p_num, $bind_value, $bind_type)
+The C<bind_param> method takes a copy of $bind_value and associates it
+(binds it) with a placeholder, identified by $p_num, embedded in
+the prepared statement. Placeholders are indicated with question
+mark character (C<?>). For example:
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # save having to check each method call
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE name LIKE ?");
+ $sth->bind_param(1, "John%"); # placeholders are numbered from 1
+ $sth->execute;
+ DBI::dump_results($sth);
+See L</"Placeholders and Bind Values"> for more information.
+B<Data Types for Placeholders>
+The C<\%attr> parameter can be used to hint at the data type the
+placeholder should have. This is rarely needed. Typically, the driver is only
+interested in knowing if the placeholder should be bound as a number or a string.
+ $sth->bind_param(1, $value, { TYPE => SQL_INTEGER });
+As a short-cut for the common case, the data type can be passed
+directly, in place of the C<\%attr> hash reference. This example is
+equivalent to the one above:
+ $sth->bind_param(1, $value, SQL_INTEGER);
+The C<TYPE> value indicates the standard (non-driver-specific) type for
+this parameter. To specify the driver-specific type, the driver may
+support a driver-specific attribute, such as C<{ ora_type =E<gt> 97 }>.
+The SQL_INTEGER and other related constants can be imported using
+ use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+See L</"DBI Constants"> for more information.
+The data type is 'sticky' in that bind values passed to execute() are bound
+with the data type specified by earlier bind_param() calls, if any.
+Portable applications should not rely on being able to change the data type
+after the first C<bind_param> call.
+Perl only has string and number scalar data types. All database types
+that aren't numbers are bound as strings and must be in a format the
+database will understand except where the bind_param() TYPE attribute
+specifies a type that implies a particular format. For example, given:
+ $sth->bind_param(1, $value, SQL_DATETIME);
+the driver should expect $value to be in the ODBC standard SQL_DATETIME
+format, which is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'. Similarly for SQL_DATE, SQL_TIME etc.
+As an alternative to specifying the data type in the C<bind_param> call,
+you can let the driver pass the value as the default type (C<VARCHAR>).
+You can then use an SQL function to convert the type within the statement.
+For example:
+ INSERT INTO price(code, price) VALUES (?, CONVERT(MONEY,?))
+The C<CONVERT> function used here is just an example. The actual function
+and syntax will vary between different databases and is non-portable.
+See also L</"Placeholders and Bind Values"> for more information.
+=head3 C<bind_param_inout>
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len) or die $sth->errstr;
+ $rv = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len, \%attr) or ...
+ $rv = $sth->bind_param_inout($p_num, \$bind_value, $max_len, $bind_type) or ...
+This method acts like L</bind_param>, but also enables values to be
+updated by the statement. The statement is typically
+a call to a stored procedure. The C<$bind_value> must be passed as a
+reference to the actual value to be used.
+Note that unlike L</bind_param>, the C<$bind_value> variable is not
+copied when C<bind_param_inout> is called. Instead, the value in the
+variable is read at the time L</execute> is called.
+The additional C<$max_len> parameter specifies the minimum amount of
+memory to allocate to C<$bind_value> for the new value. If the value
+returned from the database is too
+big to fit, then the execution should fail. If unsure what value to use,
+pick a generous length, i.e., a length larger than the longest value that would ever be
+returned. The only cost of using a larger value than needed is wasted memory.
+Undefined values or C<undef> are used to indicate null values.
+See also L</"Placeholders and Bind Values"> for more information.
+=head3 C<bind_param_array>
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param_array($p_num, $array_ref_or_value)
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param_array($p_num, $array_ref_or_value, \%attr)
+ $rc = $sth->bind_param_array($p_num, $array_ref_or_value, $bind_type)
+The C<bind_param_array> method is used to bind an array of values
+to a placeholder embedded in the prepared statement which is to be executed
+with L</execute_array>. For example:
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # save having to check each method call
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO staff (first_name, last_name, dept) VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
+ $sth->bind_param_array(1, [ 'John', 'Mary', 'Tim' ]);
+ $sth->bind_param_array(2, [ 'Booth', 'Todd', 'Robinson' ]);
+ $sth->bind_param_array(3, "SALES"); # scalar will be reused for each row
+ $sth->execute_array( { ArrayTupleStatus => \my @tuple_status } );
+The C<%attr> ($bind_type) argument is the same as defined for L</bind_param>.
+Refer to L</bind_param> for general details on using placeholders.
+(Note that bind_param_array() can I<not> be used to expand a
+placeholder into a list of values for a statement like "SELECT foo
+WHERE bar IN (?)". A placeholder can only ever represent one value
+per execution.)
+Scalar values, including C<undef>, may also be bound by
+C<bind_param_array>. In which case the same value will be used for each
+L</execute> call. Driver-specific implementations may behave
+differently, e.g., when binding to a stored procedure call, some
+databases may permit mixing scalars and arrays as arguments.
+The default implementation provided by DBI (for drivers that have
+not implemented array binding) is to iteratively call L</execute> for
+each parameter tuple provided in the bound arrays. Drivers may
+provide more optimized implementations using whatever bulk operation
+support the database API provides. The default driver behaviour should
+match the default DBI behaviour, but always consult your driver
+documentation as there may be driver specific issues to consider.
+Note that the default implementation currently only supports non-data
+returning statements (INSERT, UPDATE, but not SELECT). Also,
+C<bind_param_array> and L</bind_param> cannot be mixed in the same
+statement execution, and C<bind_param_array> must be used with
+L</execute_array>; using C<bind_param_array> will have no effect
+for L</execute>.
+The C<bind_param_array> method was added in DBI 1.22.
+=head3 C<execute>
+ $rv = $sth->execute or die $sth->errstr;
+ $rv = $sth->execute(@bind_values) or die $sth->errstr;
+Perform whatever processing is necessary to execute the prepared
+statement. An C<undef> is returned if an error occurs. A successful
+C<execute> always returns true regardless of the number of rows affected,
+even if it's zero (see below). It is always important to check the
+return status of C<execute> (and most other DBI methods) for errors
+if you're not using L</RaiseError>.
+For a I<non>-C<SELECT> statement, C<execute> returns the number of rows
+affected, if known. If no rows were affected, then C<execute> returns
+"C<0E0>", which Perl will treat as 0 but will regard as true. Note that it
+is I<not> an error for no rows to be affected by a statement. If the
+number of rows affected is not known, then C<execute> returns -1.
+For C<SELECT> statements, execute simply "starts" the query within the
+database engine. Use one of the fetch methods to retrieve the data after
+calling C<execute>. The C<execute> method does I<not> return the number of
+rows that will be returned by the query (because most databases can't
+tell in advance), it simply returns a true value.
+You can tell if the statement was a C<SELECT> statement by checking if
+C<$sth-E<gt>{NUM_OF_FIELDS}> is greater than zero after calling C<execute>.
+If any arguments are given, then C<execute> will effectively call
+L</bind_param> for each value before executing the statement. Values
+bound in this way are usually treated as C<SQL_VARCHAR> types unless
+the driver can determine the correct type (which is rare), or unless
+C<bind_param> (or C<bind_param_inout>) has already been used to
+specify the type.
+Note that passing C<execute> an empty array is the same as passing no arguments
+at all, which will execute the statement with previously bound values.
+That's probably not what you want.
+If execute() is called on a statement handle that's still active
+($sth->{Active} is true) then it should effectively call finish()
+to tidy up the previous execution results before starting this new
+=head3 C<execute_array>
+ $tuples = $sth->execute_array(\%attr) or die $sth->errstr;
+ $tuples = $sth->execute_array(\%attr, @bind_values) or die $sth->errstr;
+ ($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_array(\%attr) or die $sth->errstr;
+ ($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_array(\%attr, @bind_values) or die $sth->errstr;
+Execute the prepared statement once for each parameter tuple
+(group of values) provided either in the @bind_values, or by prior
+calls to L</bind_param_array>, or via a reference passed in \%attr.
+When called in scalar context the execute_array() method returns the
+number of tuples executed, or C<undef> if an error occurred. Like
+execute(), a successful execute_array() always returns true regardless
+of the number of tuples executed, even if it's zero. If there were any
+errors the ArrayTupleStatus array can be used to discover which tuples
+failed and with what errors.
+When called in list context the execute_array() method returns two scalars;
+$tuples is the same as calling execute_array() in scalar context and $rows is
+the sum of the number of rows affected for each tuple, if available or
+-1 if the driver cannot determine this.
+If you are doing an update operation the returned rows affected may not be what
+you expect if, for instance, one or more of the tuples affected the same row
+multiple times. Some drivers may not yet support list context, in which case
+$rows will be undef, or may not be able to provide the number of rows affected
+when performing this batch operation, in which case $rows will be -1.
+Bind values for the tuples to be executed may be supplied row-wise
+by an C<ArrayTupleFetch> attribute, or else column-wise in the
+C<@bind_values> argument, or else column-wise by prior calls to
+Where column-wise binding is used (via the C<@bind_values> argument
+or calls to bind_param_array()) the maximum number of elements in
+any one of the bound value arrays determines the number of tuples
+executed. Placeholders with fewer values in their parameter arrays
+are treated as if padded with undef (NULL) values.
+If a scalar value is bound, instead of an array reference, it is
+treated as a I<variable> length array with all elements having the
+same value. It's does not influence the number of tuples executed,
+so if all bound arrays have zero elements then zero tuples will
+be executed. If I<all> bound values are scalars then one tuple
+will be executed, making execute_array() act just like execute().
+The C<ArrayTupleFetch> attribute can be used to specify a reference
+to a subroutine that will be called to provide the bind values for
+each tuple execution. The subroutine should return an reference to
+an array which contains the appropriate number of bind values, or
+return an undef if there is no more data to execute.
+As a convenience, the C<ArrayTupleFetch> attribute can also be
+used to specify a statement handle. In which case the fetchrow_arrayref()
+method will be called on the given statement handle in order to
+provide the bind values for each tuple execution.
+The values specified via bind_param_array() or the @bind_values
+parameter may be either scalars, or arrayrefs. If any C<@bind_values>
+are given, then C<execute_array> will effectively call L</bind_param_array>
+for each value before executing the statement. Values bound in
+this way are usually treated as C<SQL_VARCHAR> types unless the
+driver can determine the correct type (which is rare), or unless
+C<bind_param>, C<bind_param_inout>, C<bind_param_array>, or
+C<bind_param_inout_array> has already been used to specify the type.
+See L</bind_param_array> for details.
+The C<ArrayTupleStatus> attribute can be used to specify a
+reference to an array which will receive the execute status of each
+executed parameter tuple. Note the C<ArrayTupleStatus> attribute was
+mandatory until DBI 1.38.
+For tuples which are successfully executed, the element at the same
+ordinal position in the status array is the resulting rowcount.
+If the execution of a tuple causes an error, then the corresponding
+status array element will be set to a reference to an array containing
+the error code and error string set by the failed execution.
+If B<any> tuple execution returns an error, C<execute_array> will
+return C<undef>. In that case, the application should inspect the
+status array to determine which parameter tuples failed.
+Some databases may not continue executing tuples beyond the first
+failure. In this case the status array will either hold fewer
+elements, or the elements beyond the failure will be undef.
+If all parameter tuples are successfully executed, C<execute_array>
+returns the number tuples executed. If no tuples were executed,
+then execute_array() returns "C<0E0>", just like execute() does,
+which Perl will treat as 0 but will regard as true.
+For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO staff (first_name, last_name) VALUES (?, ?)");
+ my $tuples = $sth->execute_array(
+ { ArrayTupleStatus => \my @tuple_status },
+ \@first_names,
+ \@last_names,
+ );
+ if ($tuples) {
+ print "Successfully inserted $tuples records\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ for my $tuple (0..@last_names-1) {
+ my $status = $tuple_status[$tuple];
+ $status = [0, "Skipped"] unless defined $status;
+ next unless ref $status;
+ printf "Failed to insert (%s, %s): %s\n",
+ $first_names[$tuple], $last_names[$tuple], $status->[1];
+ }
+ }
+Support for data returning statements such as SELECT is driver-specific
+and subject to change. At present, the default implementation
+provided by DBI only supports non-data returning statements.
+Transaction semantics when using array binding are driver and
+database specific. If C<AutoCommit> is on, the default DBI
+implementation will cause each parameter tuple to be individually
+committed (or rolled back in the event of an error). If C<AutoCommit>
+is off, the application is responsible for explicitly committing
+the entire set of bound parameter tuples. Note that different
+drivers and databases may have different behaviours when some
+parameter tuples cause failures. In some cases, the driver or
+database may automatically rollback the effect of all prior parameter
+tuples that succeeded in the transaction; other drivers or databases
+may retain the effect of prior successfully executed parameter
+tuples. Be sure to check your driver and database for its specific
+Note that, in general, performance will usually be better with
+C<AutoCommit> turned off, and using explicit C<commit> after each
+C<execute_array> call.
+The C<execute_array> method was added in DBI 1.22, and ArrayTupleFetch
+was added in 1.36.
+=head3 C<execute_for_fetch>
+ $tuples = $sth->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub);
+ $tuples = $sth->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, \@tuple_status);
+ ($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub);
+ ($tuples, $rows) = $sth->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, \@tuple_status);
+The execute_for_fetch() method is used to perform bulk operations
+and is most often used via the execute_array() method, not directly.
+The fetch subroutine, referenced by $fetch_tuple_sub, is expected
+to return a reference to an array (known as a 'tuple') or undef.
+The execute_for_fetch() method calls $fetch_tuple_sub, without any
+parameters, until it returns a false value. Each tuple returned is
+used to provide bind values for an $sth->execute(@$tuple) call.
+In scalar context execute_for_fetch() returns C<undef> if there were any
+errors and the number of tuples executed otherwise. Like execute() and
+execute_array() a zero is returned as "0E0" so execute_for_fetch() is
+only false on error. If there were any errors the @tuple_status array
+can be used to discover which tuples failed and with what errors.
+When called in list context execute_for_fetch() returns two scalars;
+$tuples is the same as calling execute_for_fetch() in scalar context and $rows is
+the sum of the number of rows affected for each tuple, if available or -1
+if the driver cannot determine this.
+If you are doing an update operation the returned rows affected may not be what
+you expect if, for instance, one or more of the tuples affected the same row
+multiple times. Some drivers may not yet support list context, in which case
+$rows will be undef, or may not be able to provide the number of rows affected
+when performing this batch operation, in which case $rows will be -1.
+If \@tuple_status is passed then the execute_for_fetch method uses
+it to return status information. The tuple_status array holds one
+element per tuple. If the corresponding execute() did not fail then
+the element holds the return value from execute(), which is typically
+a row count. If the execute() did fail then the element holds a
+reference to an array containing ($sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state).
+If the driver detects an error that it knows means no further tuples can be
+executed then it may return, with an error status, even though $fetch_tuple_sub
+may still have more tuples to be executed.
+Although each tuple returned by $fetch_tuple_sub is effectively used
+to call $sth->execute(@$tuple_array_ref) the exact timing may vary.
+Drivers are free to accumulate sets of tuples to pass to the
+database server in bulk group operations for more efficient execution.
+However, the $fetch_tuple_sub is specifically allowed to return
+the same array reference each time (which is what fetchrow_arrayref()
+usually does).
+For example:
+ my $sel = $dbh1->prepare("select foo, bar from table1");
+ $sel->execute;
+ my $ins = $dbh2->prepare("insert into table2 (foo, bar) values (?,?)");
+ my $fetch_tuple_sub = sub { $sel->fetchrow_arrayref };
+ my @tuple_status;
+ $rc = $ins->execute_for_fetch($fetch_tuple_sub, \@tuple_status);
+ my @errors = grep { ref $_ } @tuple_status;
+Similarly, if you already have an array containing the data rows
+to be processed you'd use a subroutine to shift off and return
+each array ref in turn:
+ $ins->execute_for_fetch( sub { shift @array_of_arrays }, \@tuple_status);
+The C<execute_for_fetch> method was added in DBI 1.38.
+=head3 C<fetchrow_arrayref>
+ $ary_ref = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref;
+ $ary_ref = $sth->fetch; # alias
+Fetches the next row of data and returns a reference to an array
+holding the field values. Null fields are returned as C<undef>
+values in the array.
+This is the fastest way to fetch data, particularly if used with
+If there are no more rows or if an error occurs, then C<fetchrow_arrayref>
+returns an C<undef>. You should check C<$sth-E<gt>err> afterwards (or use the
+C<RaiseError> attribute) to discover if the C<undef> returned was due to an
+Note that the same array reference is returned for each fetch, so don't
+store the reference and then use it after a later fetch. Also, the
+elements of the array are also reused for each row, so take care if you
+want to take a reference to an element. See also L</bind_columns>.
+=head3 C<fetchrow_array>
+ @ary = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+An alternative to C<fetchrow_arrayref>. Fetches the next row of data
+and returns it as a list containing the field values. Null fields
+are returned as C<undef> values in the list.
+If there are no more rows or if an error occurs, then C<fetchrow_array>
+returns an empty list. You should check C<$sth-E<gt>err> afterwards (or use
+the C<RaiseError> attribute) to discover if the empty list returned was
+due to an error.
+If called in a scalar context for a statement handle that has more
+than one column, it is undefined whether the driver will return
+the value of the first column or the last. So don't do that.
+Also, in a scalar context, an C<undef> is returned if there are no
+more rows or if an error occurred. That C<undef> can't be distinguished
+from an C<undef> returned because the first field value was NULL.
+For these reasons you should exercise some caution if you use
+C<fetchrow_array> in a scalar context.
+=head3 C<fetchrow_hashref>
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref($name);
+An alternative to C<fetchrow_arrayref>. Fetches the next row of data
+and returns it as a reference to a hash containing field name and field
+value pairs. Null fields are returned as C<undef> values in the hash.
+If there are no more rows or if an error occurs, then C<fetchrow_hashref>
+returns an C<undef>. You should check C<$sth-E<gt>err> afterwards (or use the
+C<RaiseError> attribute) to discover if the C<undef> returned was due to an
+The optional C<$name> parameter specifies the name of the statement handle
+attribute. For historical reasons it defaults to "C<NAME>", however using either
+"C<NAME_lc>" or "C<NAME_uc>" is recomended for portability.
+The keys of the hash are the same names returned by C<$sth-E<gt>{$name}>. If
+more than one field has the same name, there will only be one entry in
+the returned hash for those fields.
+Because of the extra work C<fetchrow_hashref> and Perl have to perform, it
+is not as efficient as C<fetchrow_arrayref> or C<fetchrow_array>.
+By default a reference to a new hash is returned for each row.
+It is likely that a future version of the DBI will support an
+attribute which will enable the same hash to be reused for each
+row. This will give a significant performance boost, but it won't
+be enabled by default because of the risk of breaking old code.
+=head3 C<fetchall_arrayref>
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref;
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( $slice );
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref( $slice, $max_rows );
+The C<fetchall_arrayref> method can be used to fetch all the data to be
+returned from a prepared and executed statement handle. It returns a
+reference to an array that contains one reference per row.
+If there are no rows to return, C<fetchall_arrayref> returns a reference
+to an empty array. If an error occurs, C<fetchall_arrayref> returns the
+data fetched thus far, which may be none. You should check C<$sth-E<gt>err>
+afterwards (or use the C<RaiseError> attribute) to discover if the data is
+complete or was truncated due to an error.
+If $slice is an array reference, C<fetchall_arrayref> uses L</fetchrow_arrayref>
+to fetch each row as an array ref. If the $slice array is not empty
+then it is used as a slice to select individual columns by perl array
+index number (starting at 0, unlike column and parameter numbers which
+start at 1).
+With no parameters, or if $slice is undefined, C<fetchall_arrayref>
+acts as if passed an empty array ref.
+If $slice is a hash reference, C<fetchall_arrayref> uses L</fetchrow_hashref>
+to fetch each row as a hash reference. If the $slice hash is empty then
+fetchrow_hashref() is simply called in a tight loop and the keys in the hashes
+have whatever name lettercase is returned by default from fetchrow_hashref.
+(See L</FetchHashKeyName> attribute.) If the $slice hash is not
+empty, then it is used as a slice to select individual columns by
+name. The values of the hash should be set to 1. The key names
+of the returned hashes match the letter case of the names in the
+parameter hash, regardless of the L</FetchHashKeyName> attribute.
+For example, to fetch just the first column of every row:
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref([0]);
+To fetch the second to last and last column of every row:
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref([-2,-1]);
+To fetch all fields of every row as a hash ref:
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
+To fetch only the fields called "foo" and "bar" of every row as a hash ref
+(with keys named "foo" and "BAR"):
+ $tbl_ary_ref = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({ foo=>1, BAR=>1 });
+The first two examples return a reference to an array of array refs.
+The third and forth return a reference to an array of hash refs.
+If $max_rows is defined and greater than or equal to zero then it
+is used to limit the number of rows fetched before returning.
+fetchall_arrayref() can then be called again to fetch more rows.
+This is especially useful when you need the better performance of
+fetchall_arrayref() but don't have enough memory to fetch and return
+all the rows in one go.
+Here's an example (assumes RaiseError is enabled):
+ my $rows = []; # cache for batches of rows
+ while( my $row = ( shift(@$rows) || # get row from cache, or reload cache:
+ shift(@{$rows=$sth->fetchall_arrayref(undef,10_000)||[]}) )
+ ) {
+ ...
+ }
+That I<might> be the fastest way to fetch and process lots of rows using the DBI,
+but it depends on the relative cost of method calls vs memory allocation.
+A standard C<while> loop with column binding is often faster because
+the cost of allocating memory for the batch of rows is greater than
+the saving by reducing method calls. It's possible that the DBI may
+provide a way to reuse the memory of a previous batch in future, which
+would then shift the balance back towards fetchall_arrayref().
+=head3 C<fetchall_hashref>
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref($key_field);
+The C<fetchall_hashref> method can be used to fetch all the data to be
+returned from a prepared and executed statement handle. It returns a reference
+to a hash containing a key for each distinct value of the $key_field column
+that was fetched. For each key the corresponding value is a reference to a hash
+containing all the selected columns and their values, as returned by fetchrow_hashref().
+If there are no rows to return, C<fetchall_hashref> returns a reference
+to an empty hash. If an error occurs, C<fetchall_hashref> returns the
+data fetched thus far, which may be none. You should check
+C<$sth-E<gt>err> afterwards (or use the C<RaiseError> attribute) to
+discover if the data is complete or was truncated due to an error.
+The $key_field parameter provides the name of the field that holds the
+value to be used for the key for the returned hash. For example:
+ $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT FOO, BAR, ID, NAME, BAZ FROM TABLE");
+ $sth->execute;
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref('id');
+ print "Name for id 42 is $hash_ref->{42}->{name}\n";
+The $key_field parameter can also be specified as an integer column
+number (counting from 1). If $key_field doesn't match any column in
+the statement, as a name first then as a number, then an error is
+For queries returning more than one 'key' column, you can specify
+multiple column names by passing $key_field as a reference to an
+array containing one or more key column names (or index numbers).
+For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT foo, bar, baz FROM table");
+ $sth->execute;
+ $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref( [ qw(foo bar) ] );
+ print "For foo 42 and bar 38, baz is $hash_ref->{42}->{38}->{baz}\n";
+The fetchall_hashref() method is normally used only where the key
+fields values for each row are unique. If multiple rows are returned
+with the same values for the key fields then later rows overwrite
+earlier ones.
+=head3 C<finish>
+ $rc = $sth->finish;
+Indicate that no more data will be fetched from this statement handle
+before it is either executed again or destroyed. The C<finish> method
+is rarely needed, and frequently overused, but can sometimes be
+helpful in a few very specific situations to allow the server to free
+up resources (such as sort buffers).
+When all the data has been fetched from a C<SELECT> statement, the
+driver should automatically call C<finish> for you. So you should
+I<not> normally need to call it explicitly I<except> when you know
+that you've not fetched all the data from a statement handle.
+The most common example is when you only want to fetch one row,
+but in that case the C<selectrow_*> methods are usually better anyway.
+Adding calls to C<finish> after each fetch loop is a common mistake,
+don't do it, it can mask genuine problems like uncaught fetch errors.
+Consider a query like:
+ SELECT foo FROM table WHERE bar=? ORDER BY foo
+where you want to select just the first (smallest) "foo" value from a
+very large table. When executed, the database server will have to use
+temporary buffer space to store the sorted rows. If, after executing
+the handle and selecting one row, the handle won't be re-executed for
+some time and won't be destroyed, the C<finish> method can be used to tell
+the server that the buffer space can be freed.
+Calling C<finish> resets the L</Active> attribute for the statement. It
+may also make some statement handle attributes (such as C<NAME> and C<TYPE>)
+unavailable if they have not already been accessed (and thus cached).
+The C<finish> method does not affect the transaction status of the
+database connection. It has nothing to do with transactions. It's mostly an
+internal "housekeeping" method that is rarely needed.
+See also L</disconnect> and the L</Active> attribute.
+The C<finish> method should have been called C<discard_pending_rows>.
+=head3 C<rows>
+ $rv = $sth->rows;
+Returns the number of rows affected by the last row affecting command,
+or -1 if the number of rows is not known or not available.
+Generally, you can only rely on a row count after a I<non>-C<SELECT>
+C<execute> (for some specific operations like C<UPDATE> and C<DELETE>), or
+after fetching all the rows of a C<SELECT> statement.
+For C<SELECT> statements, it is generally not possible to know how many
+rows will be returned except by fetching them all. Some drivers will
+return the number of rows the application has fetched so far, but
+others may return -1 until all rows have been fetched. So use of the
+C<rows> method or C<$DBI::rows> with C<SELECT> statements is not
+One alternative method to get a row count for a C<SELECT> is to execute a
+"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ..." SQL statement with the same "..." as your
+query and then fetch the row count from that.
+=head3 C<bind_col>
+ $rc = $sth->bind_col($column_number, \$var_to_bind);
+ $rc = $sth->bind_col($column_number, \$var_to_bind, \%attr );
+ $rc = $sth->bind_col($column_number, \$var_to_bind, $bind_type );
+Binds a Perl variable and/or some attributes to an output column
+(field) of a C<SELECT> statement. Column numbers count up from 1.
+You do not need to bind output columns in order to fetch data.
+For maximum portability between drivers, bind_col() should be called
+after execute() and not before.
+See also C<bind_columns> for an example.
+The binding is performed at a low level using Perl aliasing.
+Whenever a row is fetched from the database $var_to_bind appears
+to be automatically updated simply because it now refers to the same
+memory location as the corresponding column value. This makes using
+bound variables very efficient.
+Binding a tied variable doesn't work, currently.
+The L</bind_param> method
+performs a similar, but opposite, function for input variables.
+B<Data Types for Column Binding>
+The C<\%attr> parameter can be used to hint at the data type
+formatting the column should have. For example, you can use:
+ $sth->bind_col(1, undef, { TYPE => SQL_DATETIME });
+to specify that you'd like the column (which presumably is some
+kind of datetime type) to be returned in the standard format for
+SQL_DATETIME, which is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS', rather than the
+native formatting the database would normally use.
+There's no $var_to_bind in that example to emphasize the point
+that bind_col() works on the underlying column and not just
+a particular bound variable.
+As a short-cut for the common case, the data type can be passed
+directly, in place of the C<\%attr> hash reference. This example is
+equivalent to the one above:
+ $sth->bind_col(1, undef, SQL_DATETIME);
+The C<TYPE> value indicates the standard (non-driver-specific) type for
+this parameter. To specify the driver-specific type, the driver may
+support a driver-specific attribute, such as C<{ ora_type =E<gt> 97 }>.
+The SQL_DATETIME and other related constants can be imported using
+ use DBI qw(:sql_types);
+See L</"DBI Constants"> for more information.
+Few drivers support specifying a data type via a C<bind_col> call (most will
+simply ignore the data type). Fewer still allow the data type to be altered
+once set.
+The TYPE attribute for bind_col() was first specified in DBI 1.41.
+=head3 C<bind_columns>
+ $rc = $sth->bind_columns(@list_of_refs_to_vars_to_bind);
+Calls L</bind_col> for each column of the C<SELECT> statement.
+The list of references should have the same number of elements as the number of
+columns in the C<SELECT> statement. If it doesn't then C<bind_columns> will
+bind the elements given, up to the number of columns, and then return an error.
+For maximum portability between drivers, bind_columns() should be called
+after execute() and not before.
+For example:
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1; # do this, or check every call for errors
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ SELECT region, sales FROM sales_by_region });
+ $sth->execute;
+ my ($region, $sales);
+ # Bind Perl variables to columns:
+ $rv = $sth->bind_columns(\$region, \$sales);
+ # you can also use Perl's \(...) syntax (see perlref docs):
+ # $sth->bind_columns(\($region, $sales));
+ # Column binding is the most efficient way to fetch data
+ while ($sth->fetch) {
+ print "$region: $sales\n";
+ }
+For compatibility with old scripts, the first parameter will be
+ignored if it is C<undef> or a hash reference.
+Here's a more fancy example that binds columns to the values I<inside>
+a hash (thanks to H.Merijn Brand):
+ $sth->execute;
+ my %row;
+ $sth->bind_columns( \( @row{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));
+ while ($sth->fetch) {
+ print "$row{region}: $row{sales}\n";
+ }
+=head3 C<dump_results>
+ $rows = $sth->dump_results($maxlen, $lsep, $fsep, $fh);
+Fetches all the rows from C<$sth>, calls C<DBI::neat_list> for each row, and
+prints the results to C<$fh> (defaults to C<STDOUT>) separated by C<$lsep>
+(default C<"\n">). C<$fsep> defaults to C<", "> and C<$maxlen> defaults to 35.
+This method is designed as a handy utility for prototyping and
+testing queries. Since it uses L</neat_list> to
+format and edit the string for reading by humans, it is not recommended
+for data transfer applications.
+=head2 Statement Handle Attributes
+This section describes attributes specific to statement handles. Most
+of these attributes are read-only.
+Changes to these statement handle attributes do not affect any other
+existing or future statement handles.
+Attempting to set or get the value of an unknown attribute generates a warning,
+except for private driver specific attributes (which all have names
+starting with a lowercase letter).
+ ... = $h->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}; # get/read
+Some drivers cannot provide valid values for some or all of these
+attributes until after C<$sth-E<gt>execute> has been successfully
+called. Typically the attribute will be C<undef> in these situations.
+Some attributes, like NAME, are not appropriate to some types of
+statement, like SELECT. Typically the attribute will be C<undef>
+in these situations.
+For drivers which support stored procedures and multiple result sets
+(see L</more_results>) these attributes relate to the I<current> result set.
+See also L</finish> to learn more about the effect it
+may have on some attributes.
+=head3 C<NUM_OF_FIELDS> (integer, read-only)
+Number of fields (columns) in the data the prepared statement may return.
+Statements that don't return rows of data, like C<DELETE> and C<CREATE>
+set C<NUM_OF_FIELDS> to 0 (though it may be undef in some drivers).
+=head3 C<NUM_OF_PARAMS> (integer, read-only)
+The number of parameters (placeholders) in the prepared statement.
+See SUBSTITUTION VARIABLES below for more details.
+=head3 C<NAME> (array-ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to an array of field names for each column. The
+names may contain spaces but should not be truncated or have any
+trailing space. Note that the names have the letter case (upper, lower
+or mixed) as returned by the driver being used. Portable applications
+should use L</NAME_lc> or L</NAME_uc>.
+ print "First column name: $sth->{NAME}->[0]\n";
+=head3 C<NAME_lc> (array-ref, read-only)
+Like L</NAME> but always returns lowercase names.
+=head3 C<NAME_uc> (array-ref, read-only)
+Like L</NAME> but always returns uppercase names.
+=head3 C<NAME_hash> (hash-ref, read-only)
+=head3 C<NAME_lc_hash> (hash-ref, read-only)
+=head3 C<NAME_uc_hash> (hash-ref, read-only)
+The C<NAME_hash>, C<NAME_lc_hash>, and C<NAME_uc_hash> attributes
+return column name information as a reference to a hash.
+The keys of the hash are the names of the columns. The letter case of
+the keys corresponds to the letter case returned by the C<NAME>,
+C<NAME_lc>, and C<NAME_uc> attributes respectively (as described above).
+The value of each hash entry is the perl index number of the
+corresponding column (counting from 0). For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select Id, Name from table");
+ $sth->execute;
+ @row = $sth->fetchrow_array;
+ print "Name $row[ $sth->{NAME_lc_hash}{name} ]\n";
+=head3 C<TYPE> (array-ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each
+column. The value indicates the data type of the corresponding column.
+The values correspond to the international standards (ANSI X3.135
+and ISO/IEC 9075) which, in general terms, means ODBC. Driver-specific
+types that don't exactly match standard types should generally return
+the same values as an ODBC driver supplied by the makers of the
+database. That might include private type numbers in ranges the vendor
+has officially registered with the ISO working group:
+Where there's no vendor-supplied ODBC driver to be compatible with,
+the DBI driver can use type numbers in the range that is now
+officially reserved for use by the DBI: -9999 to -9000.
+All possible values for C<TYPE> should have at least one entry in the
+output of the C<type_info_all> method (see L</type_info_all>).
+=head3 C<PRECISION> (array-ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each column.
+For numeric columns, the value is the maximum number of digits
+(without considering a sign character or decimal point). Note that
+the "display size" for floating point types (REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE)
+can be up to 7 characters greater than the precision (for the
+sign + decimal point + the letter E + a sign + 2 or 3 digits).
+For any character type column the value is the OCTET_LENGTH,
+in other words the number of bytes, not characters.
+(More recent standards refer to this as COLUMN_SIZE but we stick
+with PRECISION for backwards compatibility.)
+=head3 C<SCALE> (array-ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to an array of integer values for each column.
+NULL (C<undef>) values indicate columns where scale is not applicable.
+=head3 C<NULLABLE> (array-ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to an array indicating the possibility of each
+column returning a null. Possible values are C<0>
+(or an empty string) = no, C<1> = yes, C<2> = unknown.
+ print "First column may return NULL\n" if $sth->{NULLABLE}->[0];
+=head3 C<CursorName> (string, read-only)
+Returns the name of the cursor associated with the statement handle, if
+available. If not available or if the database driver does not support the
+C<"where current of ..."> SQL syntax, then it returns C<undef>.
+=head3 C<Database> (dbh, read-only)
+Returns the parent $dbh of the statement handle.
+=head3 C<Statement> (string, read-only)
+Returns the statement string passed to the L</prepare> method.
+=head3 C<ParamValues> (hash ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to a hash containing the values currently bound
+to placeholders. The keys of the hash are the 'names' of the
+placeholders, typically integers starting at 1. Returns undef if
+not supported by the driver.
+See L</ShowErrorStatement> for an example of how this is used.
+* Keys:
+If the driver supports C<ParamValues> but no values have been bound
+yet then the driver should return a hash with placeholders names
+in the keys but all the values undef, but some drivers may return
+a ref to an empty hash because they can't pre-determine the names.
+It is possible that the keys in the hash returned by C<ParamValues>
+are not exactly the same as those implied by the prepared statement.
+For example, DBD::Oracle translates 'C<?>' placeholders into 'C<:pN>'
+where N is a sequence number starting at 1.
+* Values:
+It is possible that the values in the hash returned by C<ParamValues>
+are not I<exactly> the same as those passed to bind_param() or execute().
+The driver may have slightly modified values in some way based on the
+TYPE the value was bound with. For example a floating point value
+bound as an SQL_INTEGER type may be returned as an integer.
+The values returned by C<ParamValues> can be passed to another
+bind_param() method with the same TYPE and will be seen by the
+database as the same value. See also L</ParamTypes> below.
+The C<ParamValues> attribute was added in DBI 1.28.
+=head3 C<ParamTypes> (hash ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to a hash containing the type information
+currently bound to placeholders.
+Returns undef if not supported by the driver.
+* Keys:
+See L</ParamValues> above.
+* Values:
+The hash values are hashrefs of type information in the same form as that
+passed to the various bind_param() methods (See L</bind_param> for the format
+and values).
+It is possible that the values in the hash returned by C<ParamTypes>
+are not exactly the same as those passed to bind_param() or execute().
+Param attributes specified using the abreviated form, like this:
+ $sth->bind_param(1, SQL_INTEGER);
+are returned in the expanded form, as if called like this:
+ $sth->bind_param(1, { TYPE => SQL_INTEGER });
+The driver may have modified the type information in some way based
+on the bound values, other hints provided by the prepare()'d
+SQL statement, or alternate type mappings required by the driver or target
+database system. The driver may also add private keys (with names beginning
+with the drivers reserved prefix, e.g., odbc_xxx).
+* Example:
+The keys and values in the returned hash can be passed to the various
+bind_param() methods to effectively reproduce a previous param binding.
+For example:
+ # assuming $sth1 is a previously prepared statement handle
+ my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( $sth1->{Statement} );
+ my $ParamValues = $sth1->{ParamValues} || {};
+ my $ParamTypes = $sth1->{ParamTypes} || {};
+ $sth2->bind_param($_, $PV->{$_} $PT->{$_})
+ for keys %{ %$PV, %$PT };
+ $sth2->execute();
+The C<ParamTypes> attribute was added in DBI 1.49. Implementation
+is the responsibility of individual drivers; the DBI layer default
+implementation simply returns undef.
+=head3 C<ParamArrays> (hash ref, read-only)
+Returns a reference to a hash containing the values currently bound to
+placeholders with L</execute_array> or L</bind_param_array>. The
+keys of the hash are the 'names' of the placeholders, typically
+integers starting at 1. Returns undef if not supported by the driver
+or no arrays of parameters are bound.
+Each key value is an array reference containing a list of the bound
+parameters for that column.
+For example:
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO staff (id, name) values (?,?)");
+ $sth->execute_array({},[1,2], ['fred','dave']);
+ if ($sth->{ParamArrays}) {
+ foreach $param (keys %{$sth->{ParamArrays}}) {
+ printf "Parameters for %s : %s\n", $param,
+ join(",", @{$sth->{ParamArrays}->{$param}});
+ }
+ }
+It is possible that the values in the hash returned by C<ParamArrays>
+are not I<exactly> the same as those passed to L</bind_param_array> or
+L</execute_array>. The driver may have slightly modified values in some
+way based on the TYPE the value was bound with. For example a floating
+point value bound as an SQL_INTEGER type may be returned as an
+It is also possible that the keys in the hash returned by
+C<ParamArrays> are not exactly the same as those implied by the
+prepared statement. For example, DBD::Oracle translates 'C<?>'
+placeholders into 'C<:pN>' where N is a sequence number starting at 1.
+=head3 C<RowsInCache> (integer, read-only)
+If the driver supports a local row cache for C<SELECT> statements, then
+this attribute holds the number of un-fetched rows in the cache. If the
+driver doesn't, then it returns C<undef>. Note that some drivers pre-fetch
+rows on execute, whereas others wait till the first fetch.
+See also the L</RowCacheSize> database handle attribute.
+=head2 Catalog Methods
+An application can retrieve metadata information from the DBMS by issuing
+appropriate queries on the views of the Information Schema. Unfortunately,
+C<INFORMATION_SCHEMA> views are seldom supported by the DBMS.
+Special methods (catalog methods) are available to return result sets
+for a small but important portion of that metadata:
+ column_info
+ foreign_key_info
+ primary_key_info
+ table_info
+ statistics_info
+All catalog methods accept arguments in order to restrict the result sets.
+Passing C<undef> to an optional argument does not constrain the search for
+that argument.
+However, an empty string ('') is treated as a regular search criteria
+and will only match an empty value.
+B<Note>: SQL/CLI and ODBC differ in the handling of empty strings. An
+empty string will not restrict the result set in SQL/CLI.
+Most arguments in the catalog methods accept only I<ordinary values>, e.g.
+the arguments of C<primary_key_info()>.
+Such arguments are treated as a literal string, i.e. the case is significant
+and quote characters are taken literally.
+Some arguments in the catalog methods accept I<search patterns> (strings
+containing '_' and/or '%'), e.g. the C<$table> argument of C<column_info()>.
+Passing '%' is equivalent to leaving the argument C<undef>.
+B<Caveat>: The underscore ('_') is valid and often used in SQL identifiers.
+Passing such a value to a search pattern argument may return more rows than
+To include pattern characters as literals, they must be preceded by an
+escape character which can be achieved with
+ $esc = $dbh->get_info( 14 ); # SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE
+ $search_pattern =~ s/([_%])/$esc$1/g;
+The ODBC and SQL/CLI specifications define a way to change the default
+behaviour described above: All arguments (except I<list value arguments>)
+are treated as I<identifier> if the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute is
+set to C<SQL_TRUE>.
+I<Quoted identifiers> are very similar to I<ordinary values>, i.e. their
+body (the string within the quotes) is interpreted literally.
+I<Unquoted identifiers> are compared in UPPERCASE.
+The DBI (currently) does not support the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute,
+i.e. it behaves like an ODBC driver where C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> is set to
+=head2 Transactions
+Transactions are a fundamental part of any robust database system. They
+protect against errors and database corruption by ensuring that sets of
+related changes to the database take place in atomic (indivisible,
+all-or-nothing) units.
+This section applies to databases that support transactions and where
+C<AutoCommit> is off. See L</AutoCommit> for details of using C<AutoCommit>
+with various types of databases.
+The recommended way to implement robust transactions in Perl
+applications is to use C<RaiseError> and S<C<eval { ... }>>
+(which is very fast, unlike S<C<eval "...">>). For example:
+ $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; # enable transactions, if possible
+ $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+ eval {
+ foo(...) # do lots of work here
+ bar(...) # including inserts
+ baz(...) # and updates
+ $dbh->commit; # commit the changes if we get this far
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ warn "Transaction aborted because $@";
+ # now rollback to undo the incomplete changes
+ # but do it in an eval{} as it may also fail
+ eval { $dbh->rollback };
+ # add other application on-error-clean-up code here
+ }
+If the C<RaiseError> attribute is not set, then DBI calls would need to be
+manually checked for errors, typically like this:
+ $h->method(@args) or die $h->errstr;
+With C<RaiseError> set, the DBI will automatically C<die> if any DBI method
+call on that handle (or a child handle) fails, so you don't have to
+test the return value of each method call. See L</RaiseError> for more
+A major advantage of the C<eval> approach is that the transaction will be
+properly rolled back if I<any> code (not just DBI calls) in the inner
+application dies for any reason. The major advantage of using the
+C<$h-E<gt>{RaiseError}> attribute is that all DBI calls will be checked
+automatically. Both techniques are strongly recommended.
+After calling C<commit> or C<rollback> many drivers will not let you
+fetch from a previously active C<SELECT> statement handle that's a child
+of the same database handle. A typical way round this is to connect the
+the database twice and use one connection for C<SELECT> statements.
+See L</AutoCommit> and L</disconnect> for other important information
+about transactions.
+=head2 Handling BLOB / LONG / Memo Fields
+Many databases support "blob" (binary large objects), "long", or similar
+datatypes for holding very long strings or large amounts of binary
+data in a single field. Some databases support variable length long
+values over 2,000,000,000 bytes in length.
+Since values of that size can't usually be held in memory, and because
+databases can't usually know in advance the length of the longest long
+that will be returned from a C<SELECT> statement (unlike other data
+types), some special handling is required.
+In this situation, the value of the C<$h-E<gt>{LongReadLen}>
+attribute is used to determine how much buffer space to allocate
+when fetching such fields. The C<$h-E<gt>{LongTruncOk}> attribute
+is used to determine how to behave if a fetched value can't fit
+into the buffer.
+See the description of L</LongReadLen> for more information.
+When trying to insert long or binary values, placeholders should be used
+since there are often limits on the maximum size of an C<INSERT>
+statement and the L</quote> method generally can't cope with binary
+data. See L</Placeholders and Bind Values>.
+=head2 Simple Examples
+Here's a complete example program to select and fetch some data:
+ my $data_source = "dbi::DriverName:db_name";
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect($data_source, $user, $password)
+ or die "Can't connect to $data_source: $DBI::errstr";
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{
+ SELECT name, phone
+ FROM mytelbook
+ }) or die "Can't prepare statement: $DBI::errstr";
+ my $rc = $sth->execute
+ or die "Can't execute statement: $DBI::errstr";
+ print "Query will return $sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} fields.\n\n";
+ print "Field names: @{ $sth->{NAME} }\n";
+ while (($name, $phone) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
+ print "$name: $phone\n";
+ }
+ # check for problems which may have terminated the fetch early
+ die $sth->errstr if $sth->err;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+Here's a complete example program to insert some data from a file.
+(This example uses C<RaiseError> to avoid needing to check each call).
+ my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:DriverName:db_name", $user, $password, {
+ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0
+ });
+ my $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{
+ INSERT INTO table (name, phone) VALUES (?, ?)
+ });
+ open FH, "<phone.csv" or die "Unable to open phone.csv: $!";
+ while (<FH>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($name, $phone) = split /,/;
+ $sth->execute($name, $phone);
+ }
+ close FH;
+ $dbh->commit;
+ $dbh->disconnect;
+Here's how to convert fetched NULLs (undefined values) into empty strings:
+ while($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref) {
+ # this is a fast and simple way to deal with nulls:
+ foreach (@$row) { $_ = '' unless defined }
+ print "@$row\n";
+ }
+The C<q{...}> style quoting used in these examples avoids clashing with
+quotes that may be used in the SQL statement. Use the double-quote like
+C<qq{...}> operator if you want to interpolate variables into the string.
+See L<perlop/"Quote and Quote-like Operators"> for more details.
+=head2 Threads and Thread Safety
+Perl 5.7 and later support a new threading model called iThreads.
+(The old "5.005 style" threads are not supported by the DBI.)
+In the iThreads model each thread has it's own copy of the perl
+interpreter. When a new thread is created the original perl
+interpreter is 'cloned' to create a new copy for the new thread.
+If the DBI and drivers are loaded and handles created before the
+thread is created then it will get a cloned copy of the DBI, the
+drivers and the handles.
+However, the internal pointer data within the handles will refer
+to the DBI and drivers in the original interpreter. Using those
+handles in the new interpreter thread is not safe, so the DBI detects
+this and croaks on any method call using handles that don't belong
+to the current thread (except for DESTROY).
+Because of this (possibly temporary) restriction, newly created
+threads must make their own connections to the database. Handles
+can't be shared across threads.
+But BEWARE, some underlying database APIs (the code the DBD driver
+uses to talk to the database, often supplied by the database vendor)
+are not thread safe. If it's not thread safe, then allowing more
+than one thread to enter the code at the same time may cause
+subtle/serious problems. In some cases allowing more than
+one thread to enter the code, even if I<not> at the same time,
+can cause problems. You have been warned.
+Using DBI with perl threads is not yet recommended for production
+environments. For more information see
+Note: There is a bug in perl 5.8.2 when configured with threads
+and debugging enabled (bug #24463) which causes a DBI test to fail.
+=head2 Signal Handling and Canceling Operations
+[The following only applies to systems with unix-like signal handling.
+I'd welcome additions for other systems, especially Windows.]
+The first thing to say is that signal handling in Perl versions less
+than 5.8 is I<not> safe. There is always a small risk of Perl
+crashing and/or core dumping when, or after, handling a signal
+because the signal could arrive and be handled while internal data
+structures are being changed. If the signal handling code
+used those same internal data structures it could cause all manner
+of subtle and not-so-subtle problems. The risk was reduced with
+5.4.4 but was still present in all perls up through 5.8.0.
+Beginning in perl 5.8.0 perl implements 'safe' signal handling if
+your system has the POSIX sigaction() routine. Now when a signal
+is delivered perl just makes a note of it but does I<not> run the
+%SIG handler. The handling is 'deferred' until a 'safe' moment.
+Although this change made signal handling safe, it also lead to
+a problem with signals being deferred for longer than you'd like.
+If a signal arrived while executing a system call, such as waiting
+for data on a network connection, the signal is noted and then the
+system call that was executing returns with an EINTR error code
+to indicate that it was interrupted. All fine so far.
+The problem comes when the code that made the system call sees the
+EINTR code and decides it's going to call it again. Perl doesn't
+do that, but database code sometimes does. If that happens then the
+signal handler doesn't get called until later. Maybe much later.
+Fortunately there are ways around this which we'll discuss below.
+Unfortunately they make signals unsafe again.
+The two most common uses of signals in relation to the DBI are for
+canceling operations when the user types Ctrl-C (interrupt), and for
+implementing a timeout using C<alarm()> and C<$SIG{ALRM}>.
+=over 4
+=item Cancel
+The DBI provides a C<cancel> method for statement handles. The
+C<cancel> method should abort the current operation and is designed
+to be called from a signal handler. For example:
+ $SIG{INT} = sub { $sth->cancel };
+However, few drivers implement this (the DBI provides a default
+method that just returns C<undef>) and, even if implemented, there
+is still a possibility that the statement handle, and even the
+parent database handle, will not be usable afterwards.
+If C<cancel> returns true, then it has successfully
+invoked the database engine's own cancel function. If it returns false,
+then C<cancel> failed. If it returns C<undef>, then the database
+driver does not have cancel implemented - very few do.
+=item Timeout
+The traditional way to implement a timeout is to set C<$SIG{ALRM}>
+to refer to some code that will be executed when an ALRM signal
+arrives and then to call alarm($seconds) to schedule an ALRM signal
+to be delivered $seconds in the future. For example:
+ eval {
+ local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "TIMEOUT\n" };
+ alarm($seconds);
+ ... code to execute with timeout here ...
+ alarm(0); # cancel alarm (if code ran fast)
+ };
+ alarm(0); # cancel alarm (if eval failed)
+ if ( $@ eq "TIMEOUT\n" ) { ... }
+Unfortunately, as described above, this won't always work as expected,
+depending on your perl version and the underlying database code.
+With Oracle for instance (DBD::Oracle), if the system which hosts
+the database is down the DBI->connect() call will hang for several
+minutes before returning an error.
+The solution on these systems is to use the C<POSIX::sigaction()>
+routine to gain low level access to how the signal handler is installed.
+The code would look something like this (for the DBD-Oracle connect()):
+ use POSIX ':signal_h';
+ my $mask = POSIX::SigSet->new( SIGALRM ); # signals to mask in the handler
+ my $action = POSIX::SigAction->new(
+ sub { die "connect timeout" }, # the handler code ref
+ $mask,
+ # not using (perl 5.8.2 and later) 'safe' switch or sa_flags
+ );
+ my $oldaction = POSIX::SigAction->new();
+ sigaction( 'ALRM', $action, $oldaction );
+ my $dbh;
+ eval {
+ alarm(5); # seconds before time out
+ $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Oracle:$dsn" ... );
+ alarm(0); # cancel alarm (if connect worked fast)
+ };
+ alarm(0); # cancel alarm (if eval failed)
+ sigaction( 'ALRM', $oldaction ); # restore original signal handler
+ if ( $@ ) ....
+Similar techniques can be used for canceling statement execution.
+Unfortunately, this solution is somewhat messy, and it does I<not> work with
+perl versions less than perl 5.8 where C<POSIX::sigaction()> appears to be broken.
+For a cleaner implementation that works across perl versions, see Lincoln Baxter's
+Sys::SigAction module at L<>.
+The documentation for Sys::SigAction includes an longer discussion
+of this problem, and a DBD::Oracle test script.
+Be sure to read all the signal handling sections of the L<perlipc> manual.
+And finally, two more points to keep firmly in mind. Firstly,
+remember that what we've done here is essentially revert to old
+style I<unsafe> handling of these signals. So do as little as
+possible in the handler. Ideally just die(). Secondly, the handles
+in use at the time the signal is handled may not be safe to use
+=head2 Subclassing the DBI
+DBI can be subclassed and extended just like any other object
+oriented module. Before we talk about how to do that, it's important
+to be clear about the various DBI classes and how they work together.
+By default C<$dbh = DBI-E<gt>connect(...)> returns a $dbh blessed
+into the C<DBI::db> class. And the C<$dbh-E<gt>prepare> method
+returns an $sth blessed into the C<DBI::st> class (actually it
+simply changes the last four characters of the calling handle class
+to be C<::st>).
+The leading 'C<DBI>' is known as the 'root class' and the extra
+'C<::db>' or 'C<::st>' are the 'handle type suffixes'. If you want
+to subclass the DBI you'll need to put your overriding methods into
+the appropriate classes. For example, if you want to use a root class
+of C<MySubDBI> and override the do(), prepare() and execute() methods,
+then your do() and prepare() methods should be in the C<MySubDBI::db>
+class and the execute() method should be in the C<MySubDBI::st> class.
+To setup the inheritance hierarchy the @ISA variable in C<MySubDBI::db>
+should include C<DBI::db> and the @ISA variable in C<MySubDBI::st>
+should include C<DBI::st>. The C<MySubDBI> root class itself isn't
+currently used for anything visible and so, apart from setting @ISA
+to include C<DBI>, it can be left empty.
+So, having put your overriding methods into the right classes, and
+setup the inheritance hierarchy, how do you get the DBI to use them?
+You have two choices, either a static method call using the name
+of your subclass:
+ $dbh = MySubDBI->connect(...);
+or specifying a C<RootClass> attribute:
+ $dbh = DBI->connect(..., { RootClass => 'MySubDBI' });
+If both forms are used then the attribute takes precedence.
+The only differences between the two are that using an explicit
+RootClass attribute will a) make the DBI automatically attempt to load
+a module by that name if the class doesn't exist, and b) won't call
+your MySubDBI::connect() method, if you have one.
+When subclassing is being used then, after a successful new
+connect, the DBI->connect method automatically calls:
+ $dbh->connected($dsn, $user, $pass, \%attr);
+The default method does nothing. The call is made just to simplify
+any post-connection setup that your subclass may want to perform.
+The parameters are the same as passed to DBI->connect.
+If your subclass supplies a connected method, it should be part of the
+MySubDBI::db package.
+One more thing to note: you must let the DBI do the handle creation. If you
+want to override the connect() method in your *::dr class then it must still
+call SUPER::connect to get a $dbh to work with. Similarly, an overridden
+prepare() method in *::db must still call SUPER::prepare to get a $sth.
+If you try to create your own handles using bless() then you'll find the DBI
+will reject them with an "is not a DBI handle (has no magic)" error.
+Here's a brief example of a DBI subclass. A more thorough example
+can be found in F<t/subclass.t> in the DBI distribution.
+ package MySubDBI;
+ use strict;
+ use DBI;
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA = qw(DBI);
+ package MySubDBI::db;
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA = qw(DBI::db);
+ sub prepare {
+ my ($dbh, @args) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->SUPER::prepare(@args)
+ or return;
+ $sth->{private_mysubdbi_info} = { foo => 'bar' };
+ return $sth;
+ }
+ package MySubDBI::st;
+ use vars qw(@ISA);
+ @ISA = qw(DBI::st);
+ sub fetch {
+ my ($sth, @args) = @_;
+ my $row = $sth->SUPER::fetch(@args)
+ or return;
+ do_something_magical_with_row_data($row)
+ or return $sth->set_err(1234, "The magic failed", undef, "fetch");
+ return $row;
+ }
+When calling a SUPER::method that returns a handle, be careful to
+check the return value before trying to do other things with it in
+your overridden method. This is especially important if you want to
+set a hash attribute on the handle, as Perl's autovivification will
+bite you by (in)conveniently creating an unblessed hashref, which your
+method will then return with usually baffling results later on like
+the error "dbih_getcom handle HASH(0xa4451a8) is not a DBI handle (has
+no magic". It's best to check right after the call and return undef
+immediately on error, just like DBI would and just like the example
+If your method needs to record an error it should call the set_err()
+method with the error code and error string, as shown in the example
+above. The error code and error string will be recorded in the
+handle and available via C<$h-E<gt>err> and C<$DBI::errstr> etc.
+The set_err() method always returns an undef or empty list as
+appropriate. Since your method should nearly always return an undef
+or empty list as soon as an error is detected it's handy to simply
+return what set_err() returns, as shown in the example above.
+If the handle has C<RaiseError>, C<PrintError>, or C<HandleError>
+etc. set then the set_err() method will honour them. This means
+that if C<RaiseError> is set then set_err() won't return in the
+normal way but will 'throw an exception' that can be caught with
+an C<eval> block.
+You can stash private data into DBI handles
+via C<$h-E<gt>{private_..._*}>. See the entry under L</ATTRIBUTES
+COMMON TO ALL HANDLES> for info and important caveats.
+=head1 TRACING
+The DBI has a powerful tracing mechanism built in. It enables you
+to see what's going on 'behind the scenes', both within the DBI and
+the drivers you're using.
+=head2 Trace Settings
+Which details are written to the trace output is controlled by a
+combination of a I<trace level>, an integer from 0 to 15, and a set
+of I<trace flags> that are either on or off. Together these are known
+as the I<trace settings> and are stored together in a single integer.
+For normal use you only need to set the trace level, and generally
+only to a value between 1 and 4.
+Each handle has it's own trace settings, and so does the DBI.
+When you call a method the DBI merges the handles settings into its
+own for the duration of the call: the trace flags of the handle are
+OR'd into the trace flags of the DBI, and if the handle has a higher
+trace level then the DBI trace level is raised to match it.
+The previous DBI trace settings are restored when the called method
+=head2 Trace Levels
+Trace I<levels> are as follows:
+ 0 - Trace disabled.
+ 1 - Trace top-level DBI method calls returning with results or errors.
+ 2 - As above, adding tracing of top-level method entry with parameters.
+ 3 - As above, adding some high-level information from the driver
+ and some internal information from the DBI.
+ 4 - As above, adding more detailed information from the driver.
+ This is the first level to trace all the rows being fetched.
+ 5 to 15 - As above but with more and more internal information.
+Trace level 1 is best for a simple overview of what's happening.
+Trace levels 2 thru 4 a good choice for general purpose tracing.
+Levels 5 and above are best reserved for investigating a specific
+problem, when you need to see "inside" the driver and DBI.
+The trace output is detailed and typically very useful. Much of the
+trace output is formatted using the L</neat> function, so strings
+in the trace output may be edited and truncated by that function.
+=head2 Trace Flags
+Trace I<flags> are used to enable tracing of specific activities
+within the DBI and drivers. The DBI defines some trace flags and
+drivers can define others. DBI trace flag names begin with a capital
+letter and driver specific names begin with a lowercase letter, as
+Currently the DBI only defines two trace flags:
+ ALL - turn on all DBI and driver flags (not recommended)
+ SQL - trace SQL statements executed
+ (not yet implemented in DBI but implemented in some DBDs)
+The L</parse_trace_flags> and L</parse_trace_flag> methods are used
+to convert trace flag names into the corresponding integer bit flags.
+=head2 Enabling Trace
+The C<$h-E<gt>trace> method sets the trace settings for a handle
+and C<DBI-E<gt>trace> does the same for the DBI.
+In addition to the L</trace> method, you can enable the same trace
+information, and direct the output to a file, by setting the
+C<DBI_TRACE> environment variable before starting Perl.
+See L</DBI_TRACE> for more information.
+Finally, you can set, or get, the trace settings for a handle using
+the C<TraceLevel> attribute.
+All of those methods use parse_trace_flags() and so allow you set
+both the trace level and multiple trace flags by using a string
+containing the trace level and/or flag names separated by vertical
+bar ("C<|>") or comma ("C<,>") characters. For example:
+ local $h->{TraceLevel} = "3|SQL|foo";
+=head2 Trace Output
+Initially trace output is written to C<STDERR>. Both the
+C<$h-E<gt>trace> and C<DBI-E<gt>trace> methods take an optional
+$trace_file parameter, which may be either the name of a file to be
+opened by DBI in append mode, or a reference to an existing writable
+(possibly layered) filehandle. If $trace_file is a filename,
+and can be opened in append mode, or $trace_file is a writable
+filehandle, then I<all> trace output (currently including that from
+other handles) is redirected to that file. A warning is generated
+if $trace_file can't be opened or is not writable.
+Further calls to trace() without $trace_file do not alter where
+the trace output is sent. If $trace_file is undefined, then
+trace output is sent to C<STDERR> and, if the prior trace was opened with
+$trace_file as a filename, the previous trace file is closed; if $trace_file was
+a filehandle, the filehandle is B<not> closed.
+B<NOTE>: If $trace_file is specified as a filehandle, the filehandle
+should not be closed until all DBI operations are completed, or the
+application has reset the trace file via another call to
+C<trace()> that changes the trace file.
+=head2 Tracing to Layered Filehandles
+=over 4
+=item *
+Tied filehandles are not currently supported, as
+tie operations are not available to the PerlIO
+methods used by the DBI.
+=item *
+PerlIO layer support requires Perl version 5.8 or higher.
+As of version 5.8, Perl provides the ability to layer various
+"disciplines" on an open filehandle via the L<PerlIO> module.
+A simple example of using PerlIO layers is to use a scalar as the output:
+ my $scalar = '';
+ open( my $fh, "+>:scalar", \$scalar );
+ $dbh->trace( 2, $fh );
+Now all trace output is simply appended to $scalar.
+A more complex application of tracing to a layered filehandle is the
+use of a custom layer (I<Refer to >L<Perlio::via> I<for details
+on creating custom PerlIO layers.>). Consider an application with the
+following logger module:
+ package MyFancyLogger;
+ sub new
+ {
+ my $self = {};
+ my $fh;
+ open $fh, '>', 'fancylog.log';
+ $self->{_fh} = $fh;
+ $self->{_buf} = '';
+ return bless $self, shift;
+ }
+ sub log
+ {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless exists $self->{_fh};
+ my $fh = $self->{_fh};
+ $self->{_buf} .= shift;
+ #
+ # DBI feeds us pieces at a time, so accumulate a complete line
+ # before outputing
+ #
+ print $fh "At ", scalar localtime(), ':', $self->{_buf}, "\n" and
+ $self->{_buf} = ''
+ if $self->{_buf}=~tr/\n//;
+ }
+ sub close {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless exists $self->{_fh};
+ my $fh = $self->{_fh};
+ print $fh "At ", scalar localtime(), ':', $self->{_buf}, "\n" and
+ $self->{_buf} = ''
+ if $self->{_buf};
+ close $fh;
+ delete $self->{_fh};
+ }
+ 1;
+To redirect DBI traces to this logger requires creating
+a package for the layer:
+ package PerlIO::via::MyFancyLogLayer;
+ sub PUSHED
+ {
+ my ($class,$mode,$fh) = @_;
+ my $logger;
+ return bless \$logger,$class;
+ }
+ sub OPEN {
+ my ($self, $path, $mode, $fh) = @_;
+ #
+ # $path is actually our logger object
+ #
+ $$self = $path;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ sub WRITE
+ {
+ my ($self, $buf, $fh) = @_;
+ $$self->log($buf);
+ return length($buf);
+ }
+ sub CLOSE {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $$self->close();
+ return 0;
+ }
+ 1;
+The application can then cause DBI traces to be routed to the
+logger using
+ use PerlIO::via::MyFancyLogLayer;
+ open my $fh, '>:via(MyFancyLogLayer)', MyFancyLogger->new();
+ $dbh->trace('SQL', $fh);
+Now all trace output will be processed by MyFancyLogger's
+log() method.
+=head2 Trace Content
+Many of the values embedded in trace output are formatted using the neat()
+utility function. This means they may be quoted, sanitized, and possibly
+truncated if longer than C<$DBI::neat_maxlen>. See L</neat> for more details.
+=head2 Tracing Tips
+You can add tracing to your own application code using the L</trace_msg> method.
+It can sometimes be handy to compare trace files from two different runs of the
+same script. However using a tool like C<diff> on the original log output
+doesn't work well because the trace file is full of object addresses that may
+differ on each run.
+The DBI includes a handy utility called dbilogstrip that can be used to
+'normalize' the log content. It can be used as a filter like this:
+ DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args1... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace1.log
+ DBI_TRACE=2 perl ...args2... 2>&1 | dbilogstrip > dbitrace2.log
+ diff -u dbitrace1.log dbitrace2.log
+See L<dbilogstrip> for more information.
+The DBI module recognizes a number of environment variables, but most of
+them should not be used most of the time.
+It is better to be explicit about what you are doing to avoid the need
+for environment variables, especially in a web serving system where web
+servers are stingy about which environment variables are available.
+=head2 DBI_DSN
+The DBI_DSN environment variable is used by DBI->connect if you do not
+specify a data source when you issue the connect.
+It should have a format such as "dbi:Driver:databasename".
+=head2 DBI_DRIVER
+The DBI_DRIVER environment variable is used to fill in the database
+driver name in DBI->connect if the data source string starts "dbi::"
+(thereby omitting the driver).
+If DBI_DSN omits the driver name, DBI_DRIVER can fill the gap.
+The DBI_AUTOPROXY environment variable takes a string value that starts
+"dbi:Proxy:" and is typically followed by "hostname=...;port=...".
+It is used to alter the behaviour of DBI->connect.
+For full details, see DBI::Proxy documentation.
+=head2 DBI_USER
+The DBI_USER environment variable takes a string value that is used as
+the user name if the DBI->connect call is given undef (as distinct from
+an empty string) as the username argument.
+Be wary of the security implications of using this.
+=head2 DBI_PASS
+The DBI_PASS environment variable takes a string value that is used as
+the password if the DBI->connect call is given undef (as distinct from
+an empty string) as the password argument.
+Be extra wary of the security implications of using this.
+=head2 DBI_DBNAME (obsolete)
+The DBI_DBNAME environment variable takes a string value that is used only when the
+obsolescent style of DBI->connect (with driver name as fourth parameter) is used, and
+when no value is provided for the first (database name) argument.
+=head2 DBI_TRACE
+The DBI_TRACE environment variable specifies the global default
+trace settings for the DBI at startup. Can also be used to direct
+trace output to a file. When the DBI is loaded it does:
+ DBI->trace(split /=/, $ENV{DBI_TRACE}, 2) if $ENV{DBI_TRACE};
+So if C<DBI_TRACE> contains an "C<=>" character then what follows
+it is used as the name of the file to append the trace to.
+output appended to that file. If the name begins with a number
+followed by an equal sign (C<=>), then the number and the equal sign are
+stripped off from the name, and the number is used to set the trace
+level. For example:
+ DBI_TRACE=1=dbitrace.log perl
+On Unix-like systems using a Bourne-like shell, you can do this easily
+on the command line:
+ DBI_TRACE=2 perl
+See L</TRACING> for more information.
+=head2 PERL_DBI_DEBUG (obsolete)
+An old variable that should no longer be used; equivalent to DBI_TRACE.
+The DBI_PROFILE environment variable can be used to enable profiling
+of DBI method calls. See L<DBI::Profile> for more information.
+The DBI_PUREPERL environment variable can be used to enable the
+use of DBI::PurePerl. See L<DBI::PurePerl> for more information.
+=head2 Fatal Errors
+=over 4
+=item Can't call method "prepare" without a package or object reference
+The C<$dbh> handle you're using to call C<prepare> is probably undefined because
+the preceding C<connect> failed. You should always check the return status of
+DBI methods, or use the L</RaiseError> attribute.
+=item Can't call method "execute" without a package or object reference
+The C<$sth> handle you're using to call C<execute> is probably undefined because
+the preceding C<prepare> failed. You should always check the return status of
+DBI methods, or use the L</RaiseError> attribute.
+=item DBI/DBD internal version mismatch
+The DBD driver module was built with a different version of DBI than
+the one currently being used. You should rebuild the DBD module under
+the current version of DBI.
+(Some rare platforms require "static linking". On those platforms, there
+may be an old DBI or DBD driver version actually embedded in the Perl
+executable being used.)
+=item DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute
+The DBD driver implementation is incomplete. Consult the author.
+=item Can't [sg]et %s->{%s}: unrecognised attribute
+You attempted to set or get an unknown attribute of a handle. Make
+sure you have spelled the attribute name correctly; case is significant
+(e.g., "Autocommit" is not the same as "AutoCommit").
+=head1 Pure-Perl DBI
+A pure-perl emulation of the DBI is included in the distribution
+for people using pure-perl drivers who, for whatever reason, can't
+install the compiled DBI. See L<DBI::PurePerl>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=head2 Driver and Database Documentation
+Refer to the documentation for the DBD driver that you are using.
+Refer to the SQL Language Reference Manual for the database engine that you are using.
+=head2 ODBC and SQL/CLI Standards Reference Information
+More detailed information about the semantics of certain DBI methods
+that are based on ODBC and SQL/CLI standards is available on-line
+via, for ODBC, and for the SQL/CLI
+ DBI method ODBC function SQL/CLI Working Draft
+ ---------- ------------- ---------------------
+ column_info SQLColumns Page 124
+ foreign_key_info SQLForeignKeys Page 163
+ get_info SQLGetInfo Page 214
+ primary_key_info SQLPrimaryKeys Page 254
+ table_info SQLTables Page 294
+ type_info SQLGetTypeInfo Page 239
+ statistics_info SQLStatistics
+For example, for ODBC information on SQLColumns you'd visit:
+If that URL ceases to work then use the MSDN search facility at:
+and search for C<SQLColumns returns> using the exact phrase option.
+The link you want will probably just be called C<SQLColumns> and will
+be part of the Data Access SDK.
+And for SQL/CLI standard information on SQLColumns you'd read page 124 of
+the (very large) SQL/CLI Working Draft available from:
+=head2 Standards Reference Information
+A hyperlinked, browsable version of the BNF syntax for SQL92 (plus
+Oracle 7 SQL and PL/SQL) is available here:
+A BNF syntax for SQL3 is available here:
+The following links provide further useful information about SQL.
+Some of these are rather dated now but may still be useful.
+=head2 Books and Articles
+Programming the Perl DBI, by Alligator Descartes and Tim Bunce.
+Programming Perl 3rd Ed. by Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen & Jon Orwant.
+Learning Perl by Randal Schwartz.
+Details of many other books related to perl can be found at L<>
+=head2 Perl Modules
+Index of DBI related modules available from CPAN:
+For a good comparison of RDBMS-OO mappers and some OO-RDBMS mappers
+(including Class::DBI, Alzabo, and DBIx::RecordSet in the former
+category and Tangram and SPOPS in the latter) see the Perl
+Object-Oriented Persistence project pages at:
+A similar page for Java toolkits can be found at:
+=head2 Mailing List
+The I<dbi-users> mailing list is the primary means of communication among
+users of the DBI and its related modules. For details send email to:
+There are typically between 700 and 900 messages per month. You have
+to subscribe in order to be able to post. However you can opt for a
+'post-only' subscription.
+Mailing list archives (of variable quality) are held at:
+=head2 Assorted Related WWW Links
+The DBI "Home Page":
+Other DBI related links:
+Other database related links:
+Security, especially the "SQL Injection" attack:
+Commercial and Data Warehouse Links
+Recommended Perl Programming Links
+=head2 FAQ
+See L<>
+=head1 AUTHORS
+DBI by Tim Bunce, L<>
+This pod text by Tim Bunce, J. Douglas Dunlop, Jonathan Leffler and others.
+Perl by Larry Wall and the C<perl5-porters>.
+The DBI module is Copyright (c) 1994-2009 Tim Bunce. Ireland.
+All rights reserved.
+You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public
+License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl 5.10.0 README file.
+The DBI is free Open Source software. IT COMES WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.
+=head2 Support
+My consulting company, Data Plan Services, offers annual and
+multi-annual support contracts for the DBI. These provide sustained
+support for DBI development, and sustained value for you in return.
+Contact me for details.
+=head2 Sponsor Enhancements
+The DBI Roadmap is available at L<>
+If your company would benefit from a specific new DBI feature,
+please consider sponsoring its development. Work is performed
+rapidly, and usually on a fixed-price payment-on-delivery basis.
+Contact me for details.
+Using such targeted financing allows you to contribute to DBI
+development, and rapidly get something specific and valuable in return.
+I would like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of the many
+people I have worked with on the DBI project, especially in the early
+years (1992-1994). In no particular order: Kevin Stock, Buzz Moschetti,
+Kurt Andersen, Ted Lemon, William Hails, Garth Kennedy, Michael Peppler,
+Neil S. Briscoe, Jeff Urlwin, David J. Hughes, Jeff Stander,
+Forrest D Whitcher, Larry Wall, Jeff Fried, Roy Johnson, Paul Hudson,
+Georg Rehfeld, Steve Sizemore, Ron Pool, Jon Meek, Tom Christiansen,
+Steve Baumgarten, Randal Schwartz, and a whole lot more.
+Then, of course, there are the poor souls who have struggled through
+untold and undocumented obstacles to actually implement DBI drivers.
+Among their ranks are Jochen Wiedmann, Alligator Descartes, Jonathan
+Leffler, Jeff Urlwin, Michael Peppler, Henrik Tougaard, Edwin Pratomo,
+Davide Migliavacca, Jan Pazdziora, Peter Haworth, Edmund Mergl, Steve
+Williams, Thomas Lowery, and Phlip Plumlee. Without them, the DBI would
+not be the practical reality it is today. I'm also especially grateful
+to Alligator Descartes for starting work on the first edition of the
+"Programming the Perl DBI" book and letting me jump on board.
+The DBI and DBD::Oracle were originally developed while I was Technical
+Director (CTO) of Ingeneering in the UK (L<>) (formerly known as the
+Paul Ingram Group). So I'd especially like to thank Paul for his generosity
+and vision in supporting this work for many years.
+A couple of specific DBI features have been sponsored by enlightened companies:
+The development of the swap_inner_handle() method was sponsored by (L<>)
+The development of DBD::Gofer and related modules was sponsored by (L<>), where I currently work.
+As you can see above, many people have contributed to the DBI and
+drivers in many ways over many years.
+If you'd like to help then see L<>
+and L<>
+If you'd like the DBI to do something new or different then a good way
+to make that happen is to do it yourself and send me a patch to the
+source code that shows the changes. (But read "Speak before you patch"
+=head2 Browsing the source code repository
+Use (basic)
+or (more useful)
+=head2 How to create a patch using Subversion
+The DBI source code is maintained using Subversion (a replacement
+for CVS, see L<>). To access the source
+you'll need to install a Subversion client. Then, to get the source
+code, do:
+ svn checkout
+If it prompts for a username and password use your account
+if you have one, else just 'guest' and 'guest'. The source code will
+be in a new subdirectory called C<trunk>.
+To keep informed about changes to the source you can send an empty email
+to after which you'll get an email
+with the change log message and diff of each change checked-in to the source.
+After making your changes you can generate a patch file, but before
+you do, make sure your source is still up to date using:
+ svn update
+If you get any conflicts reported you'll need to fix them first.
+Then generate the patch file from within the C<trunk> directory using:
+ svn diff > foo.patch
+Read the patch file, as a sanity check, and then email it to
+=head2 How to create a patch without Subversion
+Unpack a fresh copy of the distribution:
+ tar xfz DBI-1.40.tar.gz
+Rename the newly created top level directory:
+ mv DBI-1.40 DBI-1.40.your_foo
+Edit the contents of DBI-1.40.your_foo/* till it does what you want.
+Test your changes and then remove all temporary files:
+ make test && make distclean
+Go back to the directory you originally unpacked the distribution:
+ cd ..
+Unpack I<another> copy of the original distribution you started with:
+ tar xfz DBI-1.40.tar.gz
+Then create a patch file by performing a recursive C<diff> on the two
+top level directories:
+ diff -r -u DBI-1.40 DBI-1.40.your_foo > DBI-1.40.your_foo.patch
+=head2 Speak before you patch
+For anything non-trivial or possibly controversial it's a good idea
+to discuss (on the changes you propose before
+actually spending time working on them. Otherwise you run the risk
+of them being rejected because they don't fit into some larger plans
+you may not be aware of.
+A German translation of this manual (possibly slightly out of date) is
+available, thanks to O'Reilly, at:
+Some other translations:
+ - Spanish
+ - Japanese
+=head1 TRAINING
+References to DBI related training resources. No recommendation implied.
+(If you offer professional DBI related training services,
+please send me your details so I can add them here.)
+=over 4
+=item Apache::DBI by
+To be used with the Apache daemon together with an embedded Perl
+interpreter like C<mod_perl>. Establishes a database connection which
+remains open for the lifetime of the HTTP daemon. This way the CGI
+connect and disconnect for every database access becomes superfluous.
+=item SQL Parser
+See also the L<SQL::Statement> module, SQL parser and engine.
+# LocalWords: DBI