path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP')
2 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c84c62fda6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+# $Id:,v 2.0 2004/05/16 20:55:17 dankogai Exp $
+package Encode::JP::H2Z;
+use strict;
+our $RCSID = q$Id:,v 2.0 2004/05/16 20:55:17 dankogai Exp $;
+our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.0 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+use Encode::CJKConstants qw(:all);
+use vars qw(%_D2Z $_PAT_D2Z
+ %_Z2D $_PAT_Z2D
+ %_H2Z $_PAT_H2Z
+ %_Z2H $_PAT_Z2H);
+%_H2Z = (
+ "\x8e\xa1" => "\xa1\xa3", #。
+ "\x8e\xa2" => "\xa1\xd6", #「
+ "\x8e\xa3" => "\xa1\xd7", #」
+ "\x8e\xa4" => "\xa1\xa2", #、
+ "\x8e\xa5" => "\xa1\xa6", #・
+ "\x8e\xa6" => "\xa5\xf2", #ヲ
+ "\x8e\xa7" => "\xa5\xa1", #ァ
+ "\x8e\xa8" => "\xa5\xa3", #ィ
+ "\x8e\xa9" => "\xa5\xa5", #ゥ
+ "\x8e\xaa" => "\xa5\xa7", #ェ
+ "\x8e\xab" => "\xa5\xa9", #ォ
+ "\x8e\xac" => "\xa5\xe3", #ャ
+ "\x8e\xad" => "\xa5\xe5", #ュ
+ "\x8e\xae" => "\xa5\xe7", #ョ
+ "\x8e\xaf" => "\xa5\xc3", #ッ
+ "\x8e\xb0" => "\xa1\xbc", #ー
+ "\x8e\xb1" => "\xa5\xa2", #ア
+ "\x8e\xb2" => "\xa5\xa4", #イ
+ "\x8e\xb3" => "\xa5\xa6", #ウ
+ "\x8e\xb4" => "\xa5\xa8", #エ
+ "\x8e\xb5" => "\xa5\xaa", #オ
+ "\x8e\xb6" => "\xa5\xab", #カ
+ "\x8e\xb7" => "\xa5\xad", #キ
+ "\x8e\xb8" => "\xa5\xaf", #ク
+ "\x8e\xb9" => "\xa5\xb1", #ケ
+ "\x8e\xba" => "\xa5\xb3", #コ
+ "\x8e\xbb" => "\xa5\xb5", #サ
+ "\x8e\xbc" => "\xa5\xb7", #シ
+ "\x8e\xbd" => "\xa5\xb9", #ス
+ "\x8e\xbe" => "\xa5\xbb", #セ
+ "\x8e\xbf" => "\xa5\xbd", #ソ
+ "\x8e\xc0" => "\xa5\xbf", #タ
+ "\x8e\xc1" => "\xa5\xc1", #チ
+ "\x8e\xc2" => "\xa5\xc4", #ツ
+ "\x8e\xc3" => "\xa5\xc6", #テ
+ "\x8e\xc4" => "\xa5\xc8", #ト
+ "\x8e\xc5" => "\xa5\xca", #ナ
+ "\x8e\xc6" => "\xa5\xcb", #ニ
+ "\x8e\xc7" => "\xa5\xcc", #ヌ
+ "\x8e\xc8" => "\xa5\xcd", #ネ
+ "\x8e\xc9" => "\xa5\xce", #ノ
+ "\x8e\xca" => "\xa5\xcf", #ハ
+ "\x8e\xcb" => "\xa5\xd2", #ヒ
+ "\x8e\xcc" => "\xa5\xd5", #フ
+ "\x8e\xcd" => "\xa5\xd8", #ヘ
+ "\x8e\xce" => "\xa5\xdb", #ホ
+ "\x8e\xcf" => "\xa5\xde", #マ
+ "\x8e\xd0" => "\xa5\xdf", #ミ
+ "\x8e\xd1" => "\xa5\xe0", #ム
+ "\x8e\xd2" => "\xa5\xe1", #メ
+ "\x8e\xd3" => "\xa5\xe2", #モ
+ "\x8e\xd4" => "\xa5\xe4", #ヤ
+ "\x8e\xd5" => "\xa5\xe6", #ユ
+ "\x8e\xd6" => "\xa5\xe8", #ヨ
+ "\x8e\xd7" => "\xa5\xe9", #ラ
+ "\x8e\xd8" => "\xa5\xea", #リ
+ "\x8e\xd9" => "\xa5\xeb", #ル
+ "\x8e\xda" => "\xa5\xec", #レ
+ "\x8e\xdb" => "\xa5\xed", #ロ
+ "\x8e\xdc" => "\xa5\xef", #ワ
+ "\x8e\xdd" => "\xa5\xf3", #ン
+ "\x8e\xde" => "\xa1\xab", #゛
+ "\x8e\xdf" => "\xa1\xac", #゜
+%_D2Z = (
+ "\x8e\xb6\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xac", #ガ
+ "\x8e\xb7\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xae", #ギ
+ "\x8e\xb8\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xb0", #グ
+ "\x8e\xb9\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xb2", #ゲ
+ "\x8e\xba\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xb4", #ゴ
+ "\x8e\xbb\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xb6", #ザ
+ "\x8e\xbc\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xb8", #ジ
+ "\x8e\xbd\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xba", #ズ
+ "\x8e\xbe\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xbc", #ゼ
+ "\x8e\xbf\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xbe", #ゾ
+ "\x8e\xc0\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xc0", #ダ
+ "\x8e\xc1\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xc2", #ヂ
+ "\x8e\xc2\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xc5", #ヅ
+ "\x8e\xc3\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xc7", #デ
+ "\x8e\xc4\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xc9", #ド
+ "\x8e\xca\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xd0", #バ
+ "\x8e\xcb\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xd3", #ビ
+ "\x8e\xcc\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xd6", #ブ
+ "\x8e\xcd\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xd9", #ベ
+ "\x8e\xce\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xdc", #ボ
+ "\x8e\xca\x8e\xdf" => "\xa5\xd1", #パ
+ "\x8e\xcb\x8e\xdf" => "\xa5\xd4", #ピ
+ "\x8e\xcc\x8e\xdf" => "\xa5\xd7", #プ
+ "\x8e\xcd\x8e\xdf" => "\xa5\xda", #ペ
+ "\x8e\xce\x8e\xdf" => "\xa5\xdd", #ポ
+ "\x8e\xb3\x8e\xde" => "\xa5\xf4", #ヴ
+# init only once;
+#$_PAT_D2Z = join("|", keys %_D2Z);
+#$_PAT_H2Z = join("|", keys %_H2Z);
+%_Z2H = reverse %_H2Z;
+%_Z2D = reverse %_D2Z;
+#$_PAT_Z2H = join("|", keys %_Z2H);
+#$_PAT_Z2D = join("|", keys %_Z2D);
+sub h2z {
+ no warnings qw(uninitialized);
+ my $r_str = shift;
+ my ($keep_dakuten) = @_;
+ my $n = 0;
+ unless ($keep_dakuten){
+ $n = (
+ $$r_str =~ s(
+ (?:\x8e[\xde\xdf])?)
+ ){
+ my $str = $1;
+ $_D2Z{$str} || $_H2Z{$str} ||
+ # in case dakuten and handakuten are side-by-side!
+ $_H2Z{substr($str,0,2)} . $_H2Z{substr($str,2,2)};
+ }eogx
+ );
+ }else{
+ $n = (
+ $$r_str =~ s(
+ ){
+ $_H2Z{$1};
+ }eogx
+ );
+ }
+ $n;
+sub z2h {
+ my $r_str = shift;
+ my $n = (
+ $$r_str =~ s(
+ ($RE{EUC_C}|$RE{EUC_0212}|$RE{EUC_KANA})
+ ){
+ $_Z2D{$1} || $_Z2H{$1} || $1;
+ }eogx
+ );
+ $n;
+=head1 NAME
+Encode::JP::H2Z -- internally used by Encode::JP::2022_JP*
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..28503ec760c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Encode/JP/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package Encode::JP::JIS7;
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 2.0 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d."."%02d" x $#r, @r };
+use Encode qw(:fallbacks);
+for my $name ('7bit-jis', 'iso-2022-jp', 'iso-2022-jp-1'){
+ my $h2z = ($name eq '7bit-jis') ? 0 : 1;
+ my $jis0212 = ($name eq 'iso-2022-jp') ? 0 : 1;
+ $Encode::Encoding{$name} =
+ bless {
+ Name => $name,
+ h2z => $h2z,
+ jis0212 => $jis0212,
+ } => __PACKAGE__;
+use base qw(Encode::Encoding);
+# we override this to 1 so PerlIO works
+sub needs_lines { 1 }
+use Encode::CJKConstants qw(:all);
+# decode is identical for all 2022 variants
+sub decode($$;$)
+ my ($obj, $str, $chk) = @_;
+ my $residue = '';
+ if ($chk){
+ $str =~ s/([^\x00-\x7f].*)$//so and $residue = $1;
+ }
+ $residue .= jis_euc(\$str);
+ $_[1] = $residue if $chk;
+ return Encode::decode('euc-jp', $str, FB_PERLQQ);
+# encode is different
+sub encode($$;$)
+ require Encode::JP::H2Z;
+ my ($obj, $utf8, $chk) = @_;
+ # empty the input string in the stack so perlio is ok
+ $_[1] = '' if $chk;
+ my ($h2z, $jis0212) = @$obj{qw(h2z jis0212)};
+ my $octet = Encode::encode('euc-jp', $utf8, FB_PERLQQ) ;
+ $h2z and &Encode::JP::H2Z::h2z(\$octet);
+ euc_jis(\$octet, $jis0212);
+ return $octet;
+# cat_decode
+my $re_scan_jis_g = qr{
+ \G ( ($RE{JIS_0212}) | $RE{JIS_0208} |
+ ($RE{ISO_ASC}) | ($RE{JIS_KANA}) | )
+ ([^\e]*)
+sub cat_decode { # ($obj, $dst, $src, $pos, $trm, $chk)
+ my ($obj, undef, undef, $pos, $trm) = @_; # currently ignores $chk
+ my ($rdst, $rsrc, $rpos) = \@_[1,2,3];
+ local ${^ENCODING};
+ use bytes;
+ my $opos = pos($$rsrc);
+ pos($$rsrc) = $pos;
+ while ($$rsrc =~ /$re_scan_jis_g/gc) {
+ my ($esc, $esc_0212, $esc_asc, $esc_kana, $chunk) =
+ ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
+ unless ($chunk) { $esc or last; next; }
+ if ($esc && !$esc_asc) {
+ $chunk =~ tr/\x21-\x7e/\xa1-\xfe/;
+ if ($esc_kana) {
+ $chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xdf])/\x8e$1/og;
+ } elsif ($esc_0212) {
+ $chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe])/\x8f$1/og;
+ }
+ $chunk = Encode::decode('euc-jp', $chunk, 0);
+ }
+ elsif ((my $npos = index($chunk, $trm)) >= 0) {
+ $$rdst .= substr($chunk, 0, $npos + length($trm));
+ $$rpos += length($esc) + $npos + length($trm);
+ pos($$rsrc) = $opos;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $$rdst .= $chunk;
+ $$rpos = pos($$rsrc);
+ }
+ $$rpos = pos($$rsrc);
+ pos($$rsrc) = $opos;
+ return '';
+# JIS<->EUC
+my $re_scan_jis = qr{
+ (?:($RE{JIS_0212})|$RE{JIS_0208}|($RE{ISO_ASC})|($RE{JIS_KANA}))([^\e]*)
+sub jis_euc {
+ local ${^ENCODING};
+ my $r_str = shift;
+ $$r_str =~ s($re_scan_jis)
+ {
+ my ($esc_0212, $esc_asc, $esc_kana, $chunk) =
+ ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ if (!$esc_asc) {
+ $chunk =~ tr/\x21-\x7e/\xa1-\xfe/;
+ if ($esc_kana) {
+ $chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xdf])/\x8e$1/og;
+ }
+ elsif ($esc_0212) {
+ $chunk =~ s/([\xa1-\xfe][\xa1-\xfe])/\x8f$1/og;
+ }
+ }
+ $chunk;
+ }geox;
+ my ($residue) = ($$r_str =~ s/(\e.*)$//so);
+ return $residue;
+sub euc_jis{
+ no warnings qw(uninitialized);
+ my $r_str = shift;
+ my $jis0212 = shift;
+ $$r_str =~ s{
+ ((?:$RE{EUC_C})+|(?:$RE{EUC_KANA})+|(?:$RE{EUC_0212})+)
+ }{
+ my $chunk = $1;
+ my $esc =
+ ( $chunk =~ tr/\x8E//d ) ? $ESC{KANA} :
+ ( $chunk =~ tr/\x8F//d ) ? $ESC{JIS_0212} :
+ $ESC{JIS_0208};
+ if ($esc eq $ESC{JIS_0212} && !$jis0212){
+ # fallback to '?'
+ $chunk =~ tr/\xA1-\xFE/\x3F/;
+ }else{
+ $chunk =~ tr/\xA1-\xFE/\x21-\x7E/;
+ }
+ $esc . $chunk . $ESC{ASC};
+ }geox;
+ $$r_str =~
+ s/\Q$ESC{ASC}\E
+ (\Q$ESC{KANA}\E|\Q$ESC{JIS_0212}\E|\Q$ESC{JIS_0208}\E)/$1/gox;
+ $$r_str;
+=head1 NAME
+Encode::JP::JIS7 -- internally used by Encode::JP