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+<title>NTG: MAPS 9 (1992)</title>
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+<h1>NTG's MAPS 9 (1992)</h1>
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+Alle <a href="../maps.html">MAPS</a>-artikelen zijn verkrijgbaar in
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+<dt class="BOOK" id="maps9"><strong>Gerard van Nes (editor)</strong></dt>
+<em>MAPS 92.2</em>, Dutch/English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992 (NTG), pp. 1-162<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> NTG, MAPS, Minutes &amp; Appendices<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> NTG's magazine<br>
+<a href="pdf/maps9.pdf">maps9 in PDF</a> (2054 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-1"><strong>Gerard van Nes, Jos Winnink</strong></dt>
+<em>Verslag</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 1-4<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> verslag, ledenvergadering<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Opening;
+ Verslag bijeenkomst 21 november 1991;
+ Ingekomen stukken en Mededelingen;
+ NTG jaarvergadering;
+ Verslag/discussie werkgroepen;
+ Rondvraag;
+ NTG presentaties: `TeX and Scientific Publishing';
+ Sluiting.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_1.pdf">9-1 in PDF</a> (61 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-2"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX kalender &amp; Glossary &amp; Discount boeken en software voor NTG leden</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 5<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> kalender, glossary, boeken, software<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_2.pdf">9-2 in PDF</a> (23 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-3"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>Werkgroepen NTG</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 6<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> werkgroepen<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Verslag werkgroepen.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_3.pdf">9-3 in PDF</a> (12 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-4"><strong>Gerard van Nes</strong></dt>
+<em>Van uw MAPS Editor</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 7-8<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> MAPS editor<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> !!<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_4.pdf">9-4 in PDF</a> (38 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-5"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Van de Voorzitter</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 9-11<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> voorzitter<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_5.pdf">9-5 in PDF</a> (47 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-6"><strong>Johannes Braams</strong></dt>
+<em>Concept begroting 1993</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 12<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> begroting<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_6.pdf">9-6 in PDF</a> (21 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-7"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>NTG's listserver TEX-NL</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 13-15<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> listserver, TEX-NL<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Overzicht gebruikers listserver.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_7.pdf">9-7 in PDF</a> (22 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-8"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>NTG's fileserver TEX-NL</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 16-22<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> fileserver<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Overzicht inhoud NTG fileserver.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_8.pdf">9-8 in PDF</a> (43 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-9"><strong>Huub Mulders</strong></dt>
+<em>WG 3: Evaluatie; Formules in WP5.1, DECwrite en LaTeX</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 23-30<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> formules, evaluatie, WP5.1 DECwrite, LaTeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> De pakketten WP5.1, DECwrite en LaTeX bieden de
+ mogelijkheid om formules te typesetten. Om de mogelijkheden
+ en kwaliteit te kunnen beoordelen is geprobeerd een
+ vijftal formules met behulp van de drie pakketten te
+ maken.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_9.pdf">9-9 in PDF</a> (173 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-10"><strong>Erik-Jan Vens</strong></dt>
+<em>WG 4: Fonts; Hoe maak ik van een font twee fonts?</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 31-32<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> werkgroepen, fonts, virtuele fonts<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Andrea de Leeuw van Weenen wilde een deel van haar
+ zelfgemaakte font aan kunnen spreken met de gewone letters
+ op het toetsenbord, en niet met lastig in te typen en
+ (evt.) lastig te onthouden macros. De aangewezen manier
+ leek het maken van een virtueel font. Dus heb ik eens op
+ een rijtje gezet wat je daarvoor nodig hebt.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_10.pdf">9-10 in PDF</a> (21 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-11"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>7th European TeX Conference: EuroTeX'92</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 33-36<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> EuroTeX, conference, Prague<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Highlights of this EuroTeX'92 at Prague were:<br>
+ - Graphics via TeX and METAFONT.<br>
+ - MetaPost = METAFONT with PostScript output.<br>
+ - PostScript fonts coupled to TeX.<br>
+ - What every advisory service should know.<br>
+ - AsTeX as model for a scientific workbench.<br>
+ - Several (free) tutorials: Advanced TeX, Virtual fonts,
+ XY-PiC.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_11.pdf">9-11 in PDF</a> (53 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-12"><strong>Johannes Braams</strong></dt>
+<em>Verslag van de TUG conferentie in Portland, Oregon</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 37-42<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TUG conferentie, Portland<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Verslag van de TUG conferentie in Portland, Oregon.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_12.pdf">9-12 in PDF</a> (68 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-13"><strong>Anita Hoover</strong></dt>
+<em>The Key to Successful Support: Knowing Your TeX and LaTeX Users</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 43-49<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> user support<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The primary emphasis of this paper is to address the
+ issues related to supporting TeX and LaTeX. One
+ essential ingredient to successfully supporting any
+ package is that you must know your users. In the case of
+ TeX and LaTeX, this is especially true, because the
+ user base can be so diverse. This paper will focus on
+ support strategies that address different types of users
+ and what you can do as a TeX and LaTeX support person
+ to adopt these strategies in your organization.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_13.pdf">9-13 in PDF</a> (80 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-14"><strong>Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley</strong></dt>
+<em>The Pursuit of Quality</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 50-56<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> craft typography, automated typesetting, document
+ formatting models, paradigm, typographic rules, visual
+ contexts, logical contexts, global optimization<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This paper compares high-quality craft typography with
+ the state of the art in automated typesetting. The first
+ part discusses several typographical conventions which
+ cannot be implemented by means of any formatting model
+ currently in use. The second part explains why the
+ current paradigms of computerized typesetting will not
+ serve for high-quality formatting and suggests directions
+ for the further research necessary to improve the quality
+ of computer generated layout.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_14.pdf">9-14 in PDF</a> (80 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-15"><strong>Walter van der Laan, Johannes Braams</strong></dt>
+<em>Writing Reports with More than a Hundred People</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 57-62<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> automated report writing, LaTeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This paper describes a system that produces project
+ status reports using LaTeX. The reports contain both
+ textual and financial information. The textual part of the
+ status reports is written by over a hundred people who
+ don't need to know what LaTeX is. The financial
+ information is retrieved from a database.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_15.pdf">9-15 in PDF</a> (145 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-16"><strong>Ralph Youngen</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX-based Production at the AMS</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 63-68<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> AMS<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The American Mathematical Society (AMS) is a both major
+ publisher of mathematical research, and a professional
+ organization whose members are mathematicians engaging in
+ research at academic institutions and other research
+ centers in the U.S. and around the world. A primary
+ function of the Society is to provide channels of
+ communication whereby these mathematicians can communicate
+ the results of their research to each other, and to the
+ broader scientific community. Foremost among these
+ channels of communication is an extensive publications
+ program which is based on the TeX typesetting system.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_16.pdf">9-16 in PDF</a> (96 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-17"><strong>Nico Poppelier, Eric van Herwijnen, Chris Rowley</strong></dt>
+<em>Standard dtd's and Scientific Publishing</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 69-80<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> dtd, SGML, scientific publishing<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This paper has two parts. In the first part we argue that
+ scientific publishing needs one standard dtd for each
+ class of documents that is published, for example one for
+ all research papers and one for all books. In the second
+ part we apply this reasoning to mathematical formulas, and
+ we outline some design requirements for a document type
+ definition for mathematical formulas. In the appendices we
+ discuss and compare existing document type definitions for
+ mathematical formulas.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_17.pdf">9-17 in PDF</a> (143 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-18"><strong>Erik-Jan Vens</strong></dt>
+<em>Incorporating PostScript fonts in TeX</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 81-84<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> PostScript, fonts, pfb2mf, conversion<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> pfb2mf provides the TeX community with an interface to
+ the PostScript Type One fonts. There is an overwhelming
+ amount of these fonts for sale and there are a lot of
+ fonts in the Public Domain, so it extends the range of
+ typefaces the TeX user can choose from.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_18.pdf">9-18 in PDF</a> (58 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-19"><strong>David Salomon</strong></dt>
+<em>Creating Shaded Rectangles with PostScript</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 85-88<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> shaded rectangles, PostScript<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> One of the most common graphics used in documents is text
+ with a shaded background. This is hard to do with TeX
+ but easy with PostScript. Simple PostScript code is
+ presented here to create shaded rectangles, and a macro is
+ developed to combine such a rectangle with text.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_19.pdf">9-19 in PDF</a> (36 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-20"><strong>John Hobby</strong></dt>
+<em>Introduction to MetaPost</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 89-96<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> METAFONT, MetaPost, picture-drawing<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> MetaPost is a picture-drawing language very much like
+ METAFONT except with PostScript output. The language
+ provides access to all major features of Level 1
+ PostScript and it has facilities for integrating
+ graphics with typeset text. This paper gives a brief
+ overview of the MetaPost language and how it can be used.
+ A few of the more interesting features are described in
+ detail.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_20.pdf">9-20 in PDF</a> (110 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-21"><strong>Theo Jurriens</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX for Everyone!?</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 97-99<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> METAFONT, PostScript, organization, education<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In this article author tries to defend a more general use
+ of TeX outside the world of mathematics, astronomy,
+ physics etc. The ! or ? in the title of this paper is the
+ question. Several examples are shown why TeX is much
+ powerful than a dull word-processing package.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_21.pdf">9-21 in PDF</a> (48 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-22"><strong>Theo Jurriens</strong></dt>
+<em>TeX als Database</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 100-101<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> database, administratie<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In dit artikel wordt beschreven hoe TeX is gebruikt als
+ een primitieve database voor de administratie van de 47ste
+ Nederlandse Astronomen Conferentie.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_22.pdf">9-22 in PDF</a> (15 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-23"><strong>Theo Jurriens</strong></dt>
+<em>Ladies and LaTeX -- III Vragen allerlei!</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 102-104<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> floats, twee-koloms, brief, inhoudsopgave<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In het dagelijks gebruik van LaTeX komen we zo af en
+ toe toch nog wel eens problemen voor. In dit artikel
+ vragen uit de praktijk en de mogelijke oplossingen.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_23.pdf">9-23 in PDF</a> (24 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-24"><strong>Victor Eijkhout</strong></dt>
+<em>Just give me a Lollipop (it makes my heart go giddy-up)</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 105-110<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> Lollipop, meta-format, style design<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> The Lollipop format is a meta-format: it does not define
+ user macros, but it contains the tools with which a style
+ designer can easily implement such user macros. This
+ article will show some of the capabilities of Lollipop and
+ will give the reader a small peek behind the scenes of the
+ implementation.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_24.pdf">9-24 in PDF</a> (66 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-25"><strong>David Salomon</strong></dt>
+<em>Index Preparation for TeX Related Documents</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 111-114<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> index preparation, MakeIndex<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> A beta release of the MakeIndex program has recently
+ become available for the Macintosh computer, and I
+ immediately started using it to prepare the indexes of two
+ new books. MakeIndex is easy to use with LaTeX but,
+ since I like to work with plain TeX, I have developed all
+ the necessary macros from scratch. They are presented here
+ for the benefit of anyone who wants a professionally
+ looking index.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_25.pdf">9-25 in PDF</a> (50 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-26"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Table Diversions</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 115-129<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> tables, bordered table, education, macro writing, plain TeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Characteristics of existing table macro collections are
+ given. A kaleidoscope of tables -- as next best to a taxonomy
+ -- is presented. Newly introduced is the class of bordered
+ tables. Variations in print-ruled, nonruled, framed,
+ nonframed, dotted, centered, flushed-can be obtained via
+ the invoke of parameter setting macros; no modification of
+ user mark up. Simultaneous row and column spans, partial
+ rules, and dotted lines are dealt with. The listing of the
+ macro <tt>\btable</tt>, with auxiliaries, is included.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_26.pdf">9-26 in PDF</a> (133 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-27"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Syntactic Sugar</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 130-136<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> array addressing, education, (nested) loop, macro writing,
+ (keyword and optional) parameters, linear search, sorting,
+ switch, plain TeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> A plea is made for being honest with TeX and not
+ imposing alien structures upon it, otherwise than via
+ compatible extensions, or via (non-TeX) user interfaces
+ to suit the publisher, the author, or the typist. This
+ will facilitate the process to get (complex) publications
+ out effectively, and typographically of high-quality.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_27.pdf">9-27 in PDF</a> (101 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-28"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Heap Sort in TeX</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 137-138<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> heap sort, education, macro writing, plain TeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Sorting in plain TeX is implemented via heap sort.
+ The heap sort algorithm is explained and the encoding given.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_28.pdf">9-28 in PDF</a> (40 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-29"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>FIFO and LIFO sing the BLUes</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 139-144<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> FIFO, LIFO, BLUe, education, macro writing, plain TeX<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> FIFO, First-In-First-Out, and LIFO, Last-In-First-Out,
+ are well-known techniques for handling sequences. In
+ TeX macro writing they are abundant but are not easily
+ recognized as such. TeX templates for FIFO and LIFO are
+ given and their use illustrated. The relation with Knuth's
+ <tt>\dolist</tt>, answer ex11.5, and <tt>\ctest</tt>, p.376,
+ is given.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_29.pdf">9-29 in PDF</a> (89 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-30"><strong>Kees van der Laan</strong></dt>
+<em>Typesetting Crosswords via TeX, revisited</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 145-146<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> crosswords<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> An alternative macro, to van der Laan (1992b),
+ is provided for typesetting crosswords via TeX.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_30.pdf">9-30 in PDF</a> (43 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-31"><strong>Jan Krugers</strong></dt>
+<em>Scientific Word; TeX &agrave; la WYSIWYG</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 147-154<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> Scientific Word, WYSIWYG, MS-Windows, OS2WIN<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> A software package for Windows and OS2WIN for inputting
+ mathematical formulas WYSIWYG according to all TeX
+ rules. Internal storage format is a mixture of TeX,
+ LaTeX and macros of own design. Mathematical formulas
+ are immediately shown the way they will be printed. Line
+ width for text is limited to the width of the windowfor
+ ease of use. The built in previewer from TurboTeX shows
+ the whole document layout. There are also dvi drivers
+ included for PostScript, LaserJet, DeskJet and
+ matrixprinters. Pictures can be called just as easy as
+ formulas can be inputted. A description of the philosophy
+ of this package and how to work with it.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_31.pdf">9-31 in PDF</a> (244 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-32"><strong>Gerard van Nes (editor)</strong></dt>
+<em>Bugs (sigh) in Knuths `Computers &amp; Typesetting'</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 155-157<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> bugs, Knuth, Computers &amp; Typesetting<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> In may/june this year a discussion started on the TEX-NL
+ listserver (by Kees van der Laan and Nico Poppelier) about
+ the releases of Knuths book series: it was not sure that
+ Addison-Wesley was selling only the latest book editions.
+ We have forwarded that discussion directly to Addison-Wesley
+ in Amsterdam. The answer is included in next section.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_32.pdf">9-32 in PDF</a> (38 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-33"><strong>Michael Downes</strong></dt>
+<em>LaTeX3; Call for Volunteers</em>, English, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 158<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> LaTeX3, volunteers<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> This is a call for volunteers to help in the development
+ of LaTeX3. There are many tasks needing to be done in
+ support of the LaTeX3 project which can be worked on
+ concurrently with the development of the LaTeX3 kernel.
+ Furthermore, some tasks require special expertise not
+ found among the core programming team. Initial research,
+ analysis, and work on these tasks by volunteers can
+ greatly speed up the process of integrating a number of
+ desirable features into LaTeX3. Many of these features
+ can be extensively developed and tested under LaTeX 2.09
+ even before the LaTeX3 kernel is available.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_33.pdf">9-33 in PDF</a> (17 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-34"><strong>Jir&iacute; Zlatuska</strong></dt>
+<em>EuroTeX'92 proceedings</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 159<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> EuroTeX, proceedings, Prague<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> EuroTeX '92 proceedings volume contains 330 pages of
+ papers presented at the last European TeX Conference
+ held in Prague, Czechoslovakia. There are full texts of
+ five invited talks included, presenting topics ranging
+ from the future of TeX to combinations involving METAFONT
+ and PostScript, and also user support. The volume is
+ available from the Czechoslovak TeX user's group for
+ only DM 30.--.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_34.pdf">9-34 in PDF</a> (16 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-35"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>TUG '93; Call for Papers</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 160<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TUG '93, call for papers, conference<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Call for papers for TUG'93 meeting.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_35.pdf">9-35 in PDF</a> (56 KB)
+<dt class="ARTICLE" id="9-36"><strong>anon.</strong></dt>
+<em>Table of Contents TUGboat</em>, Dutch, MAPS <strong>9</strong>, 1992, pp. 161-162<br>
+<strong>keywords:</strong> TUGboat, contents<br>
+<strong>abstract:</strong> Table of contents of TUGboat Volume 13.2 and 13.3.<br>
+<a href="pdf/9_36.pdf">9-36 in PDF</a> (24 KB)
+<a href="pdf/maps9.pdf">Download volledige MAPS 9</a> (2054 KB) |
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+Postbus 394<br>
+1740 AJ Schagen<br>
+The Netherlands<br>
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+Last modified: Fri Apr 3 15:31:30 MDT 1998
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+by: <a href="">Piet van Oostrum</a><p>