path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 2879 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aer.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aer.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 52cefdc2eca..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aer.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-\message{Document style option `aer.sty' (29 May 1993) for LaTeX 2.09.}
-\def\bysame{\leavevmode\hbox to\leftmargin{\leaders\hrule height 3pt depth -2.5pt\hfill\,\,}}
- {\uppercase{\refname}}{\uppercase{\refname}}}\list
- {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\labelwidth=12pt
- \labelsep=0pt
- \leftmargin\labelwidth
- \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
- \itemsep=0pt\parsep=0pt
- \usecounter{enumiv}%
- \let\p@enumiv\@empty
- \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
- \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
- \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
- \raggedright
- \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aertt.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aertt.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 15630925c36..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/aertt.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-\message{Document style option `aertt.sty' (29 May 1993) for LaTeX 2.09.}
- {\uppercase{\refname}}{\uppercase{\refname}}}\list
- {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\labelwidth=12pt
- \labelsep=0pt
- \leftmargin\labelwidth
- \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
- \itemsep=0pt\parsep=0pt
- \usecounter{enumiv}%
- \let\p@enumiv\@empty
- \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
- \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
- \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
- \raggedright
- \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/agecon.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/agecon.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index ebf525d51df..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/agecon.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% journal 'Agricultural Economics' (AgEcon)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the AgEcon Formatting Instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, caption, endfloat, geometry,
-%%% lmodern, natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
-%%% The class provides following options:
-%%% noendfloat - do not move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
-%%% date - show date
-%%% letterpaper - use US letter paper format instead of A4
-%%% The AgEcon journal requires that you use double quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeOuterQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "agecon.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{agecon}
-%%% This document class provides 3 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be use to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be use to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used to add affiliation information
-\ProvidesClass{agecon}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the journal 'Agricultural Economics']
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to show the authors' names
-% option to print the date
-% option use US letter format (instead of A4)
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% page format, margins
- \geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
- \geometry{letterpaper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% font of (subsub)section headers
-% spacing around (sub)section headers
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font: latin modern
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
- labelfont=rm,textfont=rm}
- \renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.}%
-% titlepage without author and date
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \LARGE{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowAuthor}{1}}{
- \begin{large}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \end{large}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \begin{small}
- \@affiliation\\
- \end{small}
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- }{}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowDate}{1}}{
- \@date\\
- \vspace*{5mm}
- }{}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{}{
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-\textit{JEL classification:} \@jelclass
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{}{
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-\textit{Key words:} \@keywords
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% move floats to the end of the paper
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index ec82528a2d1..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ajae.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% American Journal of Agricultural Economics (AJAE)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.7 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the AJAE Formatting Instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, bm, courier, endfloat, endnotes, geometry,
-%%% helvet, mathptmx, natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
-%%% The class provides following options:
-%%% noendnotes - don't use endnotes (use footnotes)
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
-%%% date - show date
-%%% preprint - print the 'preprint notice'
-%%% published - print a notice that the paper has been published
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "ajae.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{ajae}
-%%% This document class provides following new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be use to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be use to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \leadingfootnote can be used to add a leading unnumbered footnote
-%%% \affiliation can be used to add affiliation information
-%%% \veclatin should be used for latin symbols that denote vectors
-%%% \matlatin should be used for latin symbols that denote matrices
-%%% \vecgreek should be used for greek symbols that denote vectors
-%%% \matgreek should be used for greek symbols that denote matrices
-%%% \ajaeyear, \ajaeissue, \ajaenumber, and \ajaepages should be used
-%%% after the publication to specify the year, issue, number,
-%%% and pages, respectively.
-%%% If you use footnotes, add following lines before the reference section:
-%%% \clearpage
-%%% \listofendnotes
-\ProvidesClass{ajae}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics]
-% option to use footnotes in place of endnotes
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to show the authors' names
-% option to print the date
-% option to print the 'preprint notice'
-% option to print the 'published notice'
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{letterpaper, tmargin=1.0in, bmargin=1.1in, lmargin=1.25in,
- rmargin=1.25in, headheight=0in, headsep=0in, footskip=0.5in }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around (sub)section headers
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font families: times/helvetica/courier
-% font for section headers
-% font for subsection headers
-% fonts for math
-% latin symbols for vectors and matrices
-% greek symbols for vectors and matrices
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% section and subsections are not numbered
-% leading unnumbered footnote
- \def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\footnote[0]{#1}\endgroup}
-% titlepage without author and date
- \begin{center}
- \begin{LARGE}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \textbf{\@title}
- \end{spacing}
- \end{LARGE}
- \vspace*{10mm}
- \if@ShowAuthor
- \begin{large}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \end{large}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \begin{small}
- \@affiliation\\
- \end{small}
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \fi
- \if@ShowDate
- \@date\\
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \fi
- \if@ShowPreprintNote
- \begin{small}
- This is a preprint of an Article accepted for publication in
- \textit{American Journal of Agricultural Economics}.
- \copyright{} \the\year ,
- American Agricultural Economics Association
- \end{small}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \fi
- \if@ShowPublishedNote
- \begin{small}
- This is an electronic version of an Article published in\\
- \textit{American Journal of Agricultural Economics}%
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@ajaeissue }{%
- \ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No issue of the AJAE publication specified.
- Please use the command \protect\ajaeissue}%
- }{, \@ajaeissue{}}%
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@ajaenumber }{%
- \ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No number of the AJAE publication specified.
- Please use the command \protect\ajaenumber}%
- }{(\@ajaenumber{})}%
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@ajaepages }{%
- \ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No pages of the AJAE publication specified.
- Please use the command \protect\ajaepages}%
- }{, p.~\@ajaepages{}}.\\
- \copyright{}%
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@ajaeyear }{%
- \ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No year of the AJAE publication specified.
- Please use the command \protect\ajaeyear}%
- }{\@ajaeyear{}}
- American Agricultural Economics Association.\\
- The final version is available on
- \url{}
- \end{small}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \fi
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\begin{minipage}{0.9 \textwidth}
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-Key words: \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No JEL classification specified.
- Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-JEL classification: \@jelclass
-% command "\@aftermylist": do not indent the following paragraph
- \def\if@endpe\@doendpe\fi{\@endpetrue
- \def\par{\if@endpe\@@par\else\@restorepar\everypar{}\par\@endpefalse\fi}%
- \everypar{{\setbox\z@\lastbox}\everypar{}\@endpefalse}%
- }%
-% This code was originally posted by Donald Arseneau on comp.text.tex
-% I thank Ulrike Fischer for pointing this out to me.
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% use endnotes in place of footnotes
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 2ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
-% move floats to the end of the paper
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/apecon.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/apecon.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 240bc1ccc4a..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/apecon.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% journal 'Applied Economics'
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the formatting instructions of 'Applied Economics' in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, endfloat, geometry, ifthen
-%%% lmodern, natbib, setspace, textcomp, url
-%%% The class provides following option:
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% By default, the corresponding BibTeX style "apecon.bst" is used.
-%%% This document class provides 4 new commands:
-%%% \affiliation specify affiliation(s) and full address(es) of the authors
-%%% \rtitle specify running title (max. 75 letters and spaces)
-%%% \cauthor specify corresponding author including contact details
-\ProvidesClass{apecon}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the journal 'Applied Economics']
-% package for convenient if-then-else statements
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% additional symbols
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=4cm,
- rmargin=2cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% one half spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font family: latin modern
-% section headers
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% titlepage without author and date
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \LARGE{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@author }{
- \ClassWarning{apecon}{No author(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\author}
- }{
- \begin{large}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \end{large}
- \vspace*{3mm}
- }
- \begin{spacing}{1.1}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
- \ClassWarning{apecon}{No affiliation(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\affiliation}
- }{
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@address }{
- }{
- \textit{\@address}\\
- }
- \end{spacing}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \end{center}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@rtitle }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{apecon}{No running title is specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\rtitle\space (max. 75 letters)}
- }{
- \textbf{Running title:}\\
- \@rtitle\\
- }
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \noindent
- \textbf{Abstract}\\
- \smallskip\\ \noindent
- \end{spacing}
- \begin{spacing}{1.1}
- \noindent
- \textbf{Corresponding author:}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@cauthor }{
- ???
- \ClassWarningNoLine{apecon}{No corresponding author
- (including contact details) is specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\cauthor}
- }{
- \\\@cauthor\\
- }
- \clearpage
- \end{spacing}
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[noheads,nomarkers,tablesfirst,nolists]{endfloat}
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/cje.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/cje.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 356c9de5d91..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/cje.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-\message{Document style option `cje.sty' (29 May 1993) for LaTeX 2.09.}
-\def\bysame{\leavevmode\hbox to\leftmargin{\leaders\hrule height 3pt depth -2.5pt\hfill\,\,}}
- {\uppercase{\refname}}{\uppercase{\refname}}}\list
- {\@biblabel{\arabic{enumiv}}}{\labelwidth=12pt
- \labelsep=0pt
- \leftmargin\labelwidth
- \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
- \itemsep=0pt\parsep=0pt
- \usecounter{enumiv}%
- \let\p@enumiv\@empty
- \def\theenumiv{\arabic{enumiv}}}%
- \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus.33em minus.07em}%
- \sloppy\clubpenalty4000\widowpenalty4000
- \raggedright
- \sfcode`\.=1000\relax}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ecca.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ecca.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b9bfa9a677..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/ecca.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal "Economica" (ecca)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (01 Feb 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the Formatting Instructions of the "Economica" in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, courier, endfloat, endnotes, geometry,
-%%% helvet, ifthen, mathptmx, natbib, setspace, url
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "ecca.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{ecca}
-%%% This document class provides 3 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be used to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be used to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used spefify the affiliation(s) of the author(s)
-%%% The Economica requires that you use single quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeInnerQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% If you use footnotes, add following line before the reference section:
-%%% \listofendnotes
-%%% Websites of the "Economica":
-\ProvidesClass{ecca}[2009/02/01 LaTeX class for the Journal 'Economica']
-% option to place floats at the end
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
- noonelinecaption]{scrartcl}
-% pointlessnumbers = do not add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% noonelinecaption = do not treat one-line captions differently
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font families: times/helvetica/courier
-% amsmath
-% leqno = equations are numbered at the left of the page
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-%% formatting section headers
-% numbered by Roman numerals
-% font
-\setkomafont{section}{\normalfont \scshape}
-% center section headers (copied from scrartcl.cls and modified thereafter)
- {-2.0ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
- {0.5ex \@plus.2ex}%
- {\setlength{\parfillskip}{\z@ \@plus 1fil}%
- \raggedsection\normalfont\sectfont\nobreak\size@section\nobreak \centering }}
-% do not number section "Introduction"
-% \let\sectionOrig\section
-% \renewcommand{\section}[1]{
-% \ifthenelse{ \equal{ #1 }{ Introduction } }
-% {\sectionOrig*{#1}}
-% {\sectionOrig{#1}}
-% }
-%% formatting subsection headers
-% numbered alphabetically
-% font
-\setkomafont{subsection}{\normalfont \itshape}
-% citations and bibliography
-%% use endnotes in place of footnotes
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 0ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
-% use normalsize numbers (copied from endnote.sty and modified thereafter)
-\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
- \leavevmode\llap{\theenmark. }}
-%% modify section headers in the appendix
-% (copied from scrartcl.cls and modified thereafter)
- \setcounter{section}{0}%
- \setcounter{subsection}{0}%
- \renewcommand*\thesection{Appendix~\@Alph\c@section}%
- \let\othersectionlevelsformat\othersectionlevelsformatAppendix
- \@ifundefined{appendixmore}{}{\appendixmore}}
- \ifthenelse{ \equal{ #1 }{ section } }
- {\csname the#1\endcsname : \enskip}
- {\csname the#1\endcsname\autodot\enskip}
-% captions of figures and tables
-\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\centering \scshape}
-\setkomafont{caption}{\centering \scshape}
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[heads,nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}
- \renewcommand{\figureplace}{%
- \begin{center}
- [\figurename~\thepostfig\ here]
- \end{center}
- }
- \renewcommand{\tableplace}{%
- \begin{center}
- [\tablename~\theposttbl\ here]
- \end{center}
- }
-% titlepage with title, author, affiliation and date
-\renewcommand{\and}{{\normalfont and}}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{Large}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \@title
- \end{spacing}
- \end{Large}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- By \textsc{\@author}\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \@date\\
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\begin{minipage}{0.94 \textwidth}
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\medskip \noindent
-Key words: \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No JEL classification specified.
- Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
-\medskip \noindent
-JEL classification: \@jelclass
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/erae.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/erae.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index f615442e3d9..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/erae.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% European Review of Agricultural Economics (ERAE)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.3 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the ERAE Formatting Instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, courier, endfloat, geometry,
-%%% helvet, ifthen, mathptmx, natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
-%%% The class provides following options:
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
-%%% date - show date
-%%% The ERAE requires that you use single quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeInnerQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "erae.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{erae}
-%%% This document class provides 5 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be use to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be use to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used to add affiliation information
-%%% \citetPage{page}{key} for citations like Author (Year: page)
-%%% \citepPage{page}{key} for citations like (Author, year: page)
-\ProvidesClass{erae}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the European Review of Agricultural Economics]
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to show the authors' names
-% option to print the date
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% one half spacing
-% spacing around (sub)section headers
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font families: times/helvetica/courier
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% titlepage without author and date
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \LARGE{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowAuthor}{1}}{
- \begin{large}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \end{large}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \begin{small}
- \@affiliation\\
- \end{small}
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- }{}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowDate}{1}}{
- \@date\\
- \vspace*{5mm}
- }{}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\begin{minipage}{0.9 \textwidth}
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{erae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-Key words: \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{erae}{No JEL classification specified.
- Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-JEL classification: \@jelclass
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% move floats to the end of the paper
-% cite page numbers after colon
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}: #1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}: #1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/itaxpf.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/itaxpf.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index d75194e5422..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/itaxpf.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal "International Tax and Public Finance" (itaxpf)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the Formatting Instructions of the journal
-%%% "International Tax and Public Finance" in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, endfloat, endnotes, geometry,
-%%% ifthen, lmodern, natbib, setspace, url
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "itaxpf.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{itaxpf}
-%%% This class provides 2 options:
-%%% titlepage = include a title page (with command "\maketitle")
-%%% noendfloat = do not move "floats" (tables and figures) to the end
-%%% This document class provides 4 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be used to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be used to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used spefify the affiliation(s) of the author(s)
-%%% (only shown if option "titlepage" is used)
-%%% \address can be used spefify the address of the corresponding author
-%%% (only shown if option "titlepage" is used)
-%%% If you use footnotes, add following line before the reference section:
-%%% \listofendnotes
-%%% Website of the journal "International Tax and Public Finance":
-\ProvidesClass{itaxpf}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the Journal
- 'International Tax and Public Finance']
-% option to place floats not at the end
-% option to include a title page
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
- noonelinecaption]{scrartcl}
-% pointlessnumbers = do not add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% noonelinecaption = do not treat one-line captions differently
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{letterpaper, tmargin=1.0in, bmargin=1.0in, lmargin=1.0in,
- rmargin=1.0in, headheight=0in, headsep=0in, footskip=0.5in }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font: latin modern
-% amsmath
-% leqno = equations are numbered at the left of the page
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-%% formatting section headers
-\setkomafont{section}{\normalfont \large \bfseries}
-\setkomafont{subsection}{\normalfont \itshape}
-% citations and bibliography
-\AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\refname}{\clearpage References}}
-%% use endnotes in place of footnotes
-\renewcommand{\notesname}{\clearpage Notes}
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 0ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
-% use normalsize numbers (copied from endnote.sty and modified thereafter)
-\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
- \leavevmode\llap{\theenmark. }}
-% captions of figures and tables
-% \setcapindent*{0pt}
-\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\centering \bfseries}
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{~ }
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[heads,nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}
- \renewcommand{\figureplace}{%
- \begin{center}
- [\figurename~\thepostfig\ here]
- \end{center}
- }
- \renewcommand{\tableplace}{%
- \begin{center}
- [\tablename~\theposttbl\ here]
- \end{center}
- }
-% titlepage with title, author, affiliation and date
-\renewcommand{\and}{$\cdot$ }
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theIncludeTitlePage}{1}}{
- \thispagestyle{empty}
- \vspace*{25mm}
- }{}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{Large}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \textbf{\@title}
- \end{spacing}
- \end{Large}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theIncludeTitlePage}{1}}{
- \vspace*{7mm}
- \@author\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@address }{}{
- \vspace*{10mm}
- \begin{spacing}{1}
- \@address\\
- \end{spacing}
- }
- \vspace*{3mm}
- }{}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\medskip \noindent
-\textbf{Key words~} \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No JEL classification specified.
- Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
-\medskip \noindent
-\textbf{JEL classification~} \@jelclass
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/jrurstud.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/jrurstud.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index bcdd55efb59..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/jrurstud.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal of Rural Studies (JRurStud)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the JRurStud formatting instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, endfloat, endnotes, geometry
-%%% ifthen, lmodern, natbib, setspace, stringstrings, textcomp, url
-%%% The class provides the following options:
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% noendnotes - don't use endnotes (use footnotes)
-%%% titlepage - create "first" title page with title, authors' names,
-%%% affiliations, and address of corresponding author
-%%% nosecondtitle - do not create "second" title page with (repeated) title
-%%% This class selects the BibTeX style "elsart-harv.bst".
-%%% (see
-%%% This class provides 4 new commands:
-%%% \affiliation specify affiliation(s) of the authors
-%%% \cauthormark mark the corresponding author (by an asterisk)
-%%% \cauthoraddress specify address of the corresponding author
-%%% \keywords specify some keywords (separated by semicolons)
-%%% The Journal of Rural Studies requires that you use single quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeInnerQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% The manuscript submitted to JRurStud shouldn't include any figures.
-%%% If your paper contains any figures and you haven't removed/disabled
-%%% them in the LaTeX source, you can remove the pages showing these figures
-%%% from the PDF file. If you want to remove, say, pages 18 and 19 with
-%%% "pdftk" (PDF toolkit), you could execute
-%%% pdftk original.pdf cat 1-17 20-end output manuscript.pdf
-%%% While this needs some extra effort, it has the advantage (compared to
-%%% removing the figures in the LaTeX source) that references to figures
-%%% with \ref{} still work.
-%%% Website of the "Journal of Rural Studies":
-\ProvidesClass{jrurstud}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the Journal of Rural Studies]
-% package for convenient if-then-else statements
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to NOT use endnotes (but footnotes)
-% option to create a "first" title page
-% option not to create a "second" title page
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% additional symbols
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.8cm,
- rmargin=2.8cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font family: latin modern
-% section headers
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% titlepage without author and date
- \if@maketitlepage
- \thispagestyle{empty}
- \vspace*{12mm}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \LARGE{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@author }{
- \ClassWarning{apecon}{No author(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\author}
- }{
- \begin{large}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \end{large}
- \vspace*{3mm}
- }
- \begin{spacing}{1.1}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
- \ClassWarning{apecon}{No affiliation(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\affiliation}
- }{
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \vspace*{2cm}
- \textbf{\cauthormark{}~Corresponding author}.\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@cauthoraddress }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{jrurstud}{No address of the corresponding authors
- is specified. Please specify with command \protect\cauthoraddress}
- }{
- \@cauthoraddress\\
- }
- \end{spacing}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \end{center}
- \clearpage
- \fi
- \if@makesecondtitle
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \LARGE{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \end{center}
- \fi
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
- \hrule
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \noindent
- \textbf{Abstract}\\
- \indent
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{erae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
- }{
- \vspace*{5mm}\\ \noindent
- \textit{Keywords:} \@keywords%
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \end{spacing}
- \hrule
- \clearpage
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[noheads,tablesfirst]{endfloat}
- \AtBeginDelayedFloats{%
- \pagestyle{empty}
- }
- \RequirePackage{stringstrings}
- \renewcommand{\@makecaption}[2]{%
- \testmatchingchar{#1}{1}{T}
- \ifmatchingchar
- \hfill \thetable\\
- \vspace*{3cm}
- \fi
- }
- \renewcommand*{\l@figure}[2]{%
- \setlength\@tempdima{2.3em}%
- \noindent\hspace*{1.5em}#1\hfil\newline
- }
- \let\l@table\l@figure
-%% use endnotes in place of footnotes
- \RequirePackage{endnotes}
- \let\footnote=\endnote
- \newcommand{\listofendnotes}{
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 0ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
- }
- % use normalsize numbers (copied from endnote.sty and modified thereafter)
- \def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
- \leavevmode\llap{\theenmark. }}
- \AtEndDocument{%
- \IfFileExists{\jobname.ent}{%
- \clearpage
- \pagestyle{empty}
- \listofendnotes
- }{}
- }
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/njf.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/njf.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index eced17ed6f9..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/njf.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for the NJF seminar 425
-%%% "Economic System Research in Agriculture and Rural Development"
-%%% (29 September - 1 October 2009, Tartu, Estonia)
-%%% and hopefully also for other NJF seminars
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.0 (18 August 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the NJF Formatting Instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, courier, geometry,
-%%% helvet, ifthen, mathptmx, natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
-%%% This document class provides 2 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be use to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used to add affiliation information
-\ProvidesClass{njf}[2009/08/18 LaTeX class for the NJF]
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% one half spacing
-% spacing between paragraphs
-% spacing around (sub)section headers
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font families: times/helvetica/courier
-% fonts of headings
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-% titlepage
- \begin{center}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}
- \Large{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \textbf{\@author}\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{njf}{No affiliation(s) specified.
- Please use the command \protect\affiliation}
- }{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \begin{small}
- \@affiliation\\
- \end{small}
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \end{center}
-% abstract & keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{njf}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\smallskip\\ \noindent
-\textbf{Keywords:} \@keywords
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/oegatb.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/oegatb.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 8280b6b59e7..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/oegatb.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for short papers for publication in the "Tagungsband"
-%%% of the "Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Agraroekonomie" (OeGA)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.0 (19 August 2008)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the OeGA Formatting Instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, fancyhdr, geometry, helvet, ifthen,
-%%% natbib, setspace, titlesec, url
-%%% The class provides following options:
-%%% german - German language (default)
-%%% english - English language
-%%% nopagenumbers - suppress page numbers
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "oega.bst" is used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{oega}
-%%% This document class provides following new commands:
-%%% \affiliation should be used to add affiliation information
-\ProvidesClass{oegatb}[2008/08/19 LaTeX class for the OeGA Tagungsband]
-% option for English language
-% option for no page numbers
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% load ifthen package
-% Verdana font
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.3cm, bmargin=2.5cm, lmargin=2.6cm,
- rmargin=2.0cm, headheight=0in, headsep=0in, footskip=1.25cm}
-% language
- \RequirePackage[english]{babel}
- \RequirePackage[ngerman]{babel}
-% space between columns
-% spacing
-% formatting of main text
- \footnotesize%
- \begin{spacing}{1.18}%
- \end{spacing}%
-% spacing around (sub)section headers
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% section headers: centering and set font
- {\normalfont\filcenter}
- {\arabic{section}. }
- {0pt}
- {\normalfont\small\scshape}
-% subsection headers: font
-% footnote: font
-% no rule between text and footnotes
-% URLS: font
-% math
-% citations and bibliography
-% set footer
-% \fancyfoot[L]{\fontsize{6pt}{8pt}\selectfont{\"O}GA Tagungsband \the\year}
- \fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize\thepage}
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% section and subsections are not numbered
-% titlepage without author and date
- \begin{@twocolumnfalse}
- \begin{center}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \begin{huge}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \@title
- \end{spacing}
- \end{huge}
- \vspace*{6mm}
- \@author\\
- \vspace*{4.5mm}
- \end{center}
- \end{@twocolumnfalse}
- ]
-% abstract with affiliation
-\textit{Abstract} --
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
-\ClassWarning{oegatb}{no affiliation specified.
- Please use command \protect\affiliation}%
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% commands that should be used at the beginning / end of the document
-% for compatibility with other classes
-\newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\newcommand{\@keywords}{#1}} % ignored
-\newcommand{\jelclass}[1]{\newcommand{\@jelclass}{#1}} % ignored
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/pocoec.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/pocoec.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 55246ef2310..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/pocoec.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal 'Post-Communist Economies' (PoCoEc)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.3 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the PoCoEc formatting instructions in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, csquotes, endfloat, endnotes, geometry
-%%% ifthen, lmodern, natbib, setspace, stringstrings, textcomp, url
-%%% The class provides the following options:
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% nofulltitlepage - suppress "full" title page with author names,
-%%% affiliations, and address of corresponding author
-%%% noshorttitlepage - suppress "short" title page without information
-%%% about authors
-%%% showauthor - show author name(s) on "short" title page
-%%% (useful in combination with option "nofulltitlepage")
-%%% This class selects the BibTeX style "tandfx.bst".
-%%% (Taylor and Francis Reference Style X)
-%%% This class provides 5 new commands:
-%%% \affiliation specify affiliation(s) of the authors
-%%% \cauthormark mark the corresponding author (by an asterisk)
-%%% \cauthoraddress specify address of the corresponding author
-%%% \keywords specify some keywords (separated by semicolons)
-%%% Websites of the journal ``Post-Communist Economies":
-\ProvidesClass{pocoec}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the journal 'Post-Communist Economies']
-% package for convenient if-then-else statements
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to suppress the full title page with author names
-% option to suppress the short title page without author names
-% option to show author name(s)
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
-% pointednumbers = add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% additional symbols
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.8cm,
- rmargin=2.8cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font families: times/helvetica/courier
-% section headers
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-% citations and bibliography
-% captions of figures and tables
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\ }
-% titlepage(s)
- \if@makefulltitlepage
- \setcounter{page}{0}
- \thispagestyle{empty}
- \vspace*{12mm}
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}\noindent
- \large{\textbf{\@title}}%
- \end{spacing}
- \vspace*{6mm}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@author }{
- \ClassWarning{pocoec}{No author(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\author}
- }{
- }
- \noindent
- \@author\\
- \if@cauthormarkused
- \else
- \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No author has been indicated as
- corresponding author.
- Please specify with command \protect\cauthormark}
- \fi
- \vspace*{6mm}
- \begin{spacing}{1.1}
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{
- \ClassWarning{pocoec}{No affiliation(s) specified.
- Please specify with command \protect\affiliation}
- }{
- \noindent
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \vfill
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@email }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No email address of the corresponding author
- is specified. Please specify with command \protect\email}
- }{
- \noindent
- \rule{0.3\textwidth}{0.1mm}\\
- \vspace*{2mm}\noindent
- \cauthormark%
- \findwords[q]{\@author}{~and~}%
- \ifthenelse{ \equal{\theresult}{0} }{}{%
- Corresponding author.
- }%
- Email: \url{\@email}\\
- }
- \end{spacing}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \clearpage
- \fi
- \if@makeshorttitlepage
- \begin{spacing}{1.5}\noindent
- \large{\textbf{\@title}}
- \if@showauthor
- \renewcommand{\cauthormark}{}
- \findwords[q]{\@author}{~and~}%
- \ifthenelse{ \equal{\theresult}{0} }{%
- \renewcommand{\affilmark}[1]{}}{}%
- \vspace*{3mm}\\
- \@author
- \vspace*{1mm}\\
- \textit{\small \@affiliation}
- \fi
- \end{spacing}
- \vspace*{4mm}
- \fi
-% abstract, keywords
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \noindent
- \textbf{Abstract}\\
- \noindent
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
- \ClassWarningNoLine{pocoec}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
- }{
- \vspace*{5mm}\\ \noindent
- \textbf{Keywords:} \@keywords%
- }
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \clearpage
-% use babel package and set language to british english
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/regstud.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/regstud.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index c50e06592ff..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/regstud.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal "Regional Studies" (regstud)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the Formatting Instructions of the "Regional Studies" in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, endfloat, endnotes, fontnec, geometry,
-%%% ifthen, natbib, setspace, soul, titlesec, url, verbatim
-%%% The corresponding BibTeX style file "regstud.bst" should be used
-%%% for the bibliography: \bibliographystyle{regstud}
-%%% The document class provides following options:
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% hidefloats - hide all floats (figures and tables)
-%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
-%%% date - show date
-%%% This document class provides 3 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be used to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be used to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used spefify the affiliation(s) of the author(s)
-%%% If you use footnotes, add following line before the reference section:
-%%% \listofendnotes
-%%% "Regional Studies" requires that you use single quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeInnerQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% To prepare a manuscript without floats, you can use
-%%% either option "hidefloats" to hide all floats
-%%% or extract the pages that do not include the floats
-%%% with "pdftk", e.g. "pdftk all.pdf cat 1-14 output main.pdf"
-%%% The former has the drawback that references to the hidden floats
-%%% with \ref{} are no longer possible.
-%%% The figures and tables can be extracted as images, e.g. with kpdf.
-%%% Website of the "Regional Studies":
-\ProvidesClass{regstud}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the Journal 'Regional Studies']
-% option to NOT place floats at the end
-% option to hide floats
-\DeclareOption{hidefloats}{\@HideFloatstrue \@UseEndfloatfalse}
-% option to show the authors' names
-% option to print the date
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
- noonelinecaption]{scrartcl}
-% pointlessnumbers = do not add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% noonelinecaption = do not treat one-line captions differently
-% for internal use
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font: latin modern
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-%% formatting section headers
-% package for letterspacing
-% format of section headers
- {\normalfont\filcenter}
- {}
- {0pt}
- {\secformat}
-% spacing around section headers
-% format of subsection headers
- {\normalsize\itshape}
- {}
- {0pt}
- {}
-% spacing around subsection headers
-%% warning if subsubsection headers are present
-\ClassWarningNoLine{regstud}{subsubsections are ignored}%
-% citations and bibliography
-%% use endnotes in place of footnotes
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 0ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
-% use normalsize numbers (copied from endnote.sty and modified thereafter)
-\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
- \leavevmode\llap{\theenmark. }}
-% captions of figures and tables
-\setkomafont{captionlabel}{\centering \itshape}
-\setkomafont{caption}{\centering \itshape}
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{.\, }
- \renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.}%
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[noheads,nolists,tablesfirst,nomarkers]{endfloat}
- \AtBeginDelayedFloats{\pagestyle{empty}}
-% hide floats
- \RequirePackage{verbatim}
- \let\figure=\comment
- \let\endfigure=\endcomment
- \let\table=\comment
- \let\endtable=\endcomment
-% titlepage with title, author, affiliation and date
-\renewcommand{\and}{{\normalfont and}}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{Large}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \textbf{\@title}
- \end{spacing}
- \end{Large}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \if@ShowAuthor
- \MakeUppercase{\so{\@author}}\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \fi
- \if@ShowDate
- \@date\\
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \fi
- \vspace*{2mm}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\medskip \noindent
-Key words: \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{ajae}{No JEL classification specified.
- Please use the command \protect\jelclass}
-\medskip \noindent
-JEL classification: \@jelclass
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/worlddev.cls b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/worlddev.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c9aeb8c970..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/economic/worlddev.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-%%% LaTeX class for manuscripts submitted to the
-%%% Journal "World Development" (worlddev)
-%%% author: Arne Henningsen
-%%% version: 1.1 (18 November 2009)
-%%% license: LaTeX Project Public License
-%%% Note: This is an unofficial style file that may not fully comply
-%%% with the Formatting Instructions of the "World Development" in every detail.
-%%% Please report any problems at
-%%% Further information is available at
-%%% This document class is based on the "scrartcl" class
-%%% from the KOMA script bundle.
-%%% Following additional packages are required:
-%%% amsmath, babel, endfloat, endnotes, geometry,
-%%% ifthen, lmodern, natbib, setspace, textcomp, titlesec, url
-%%% The class provides following options:
-%%% noendnotes - don't use endnotes (use footnotes)
-%%% noendfloat - don't move floats to the end of the paper
-%%% author - show name(s) of authors(s)
-%%% date - show date
-%%% This document class provides 3 new commands:
-%%% \keywords can be used to show keywors below the abstract
-%%% \jelclass can be used to show JEL classifications below the abstract
-%%% \affiliation can be used spefify the affiliation(s) of the author(s)
-%%% If you use footnotes, add following line before the reference section:
-%%% \listofendnotes
-%%% "World Development" requires that you use double quotes
-%%% you could do this with the ``csquotes'' package:
-%%% \usepackage{csquotes}
-%%% \MakeOuterQuote{<yourQuoteCharacter>}
-%%% Website of the journal "World Development":
-\ProvidesClass{worlddev}[2009/11/18 LaTeX class for the Journal 'World Development']
-% option NOT to place floats at the end
-% option to use footnotes in place of endnotes
-% option to show the authors' names
-% option to print the date
-% pass any options on to the scrartcl class and load this class with some options
- noonelinecaption]{scrartcl}
-% pointlessnumbers = do not add final dot after ordinary section numbers
-% tablecaptionabove = use \captionabove for tables
-% noonelinecaption = do not treat one-line captions differently
-% use babel package and set language to english
-% page format, margins
-\geometry{a4paper, tmargin=2.5cm, bmargin=2.8cm, lmargin=2.5cm,
- rmargin=2.5cm, headheight=0cm, headsep=0cm, footskip=1.2cm }
-% double spacing
-% spacing around formulas
-% spacing around captions and floats
-% font family: Latin Modern
-% amsmath
-% for compatibility with ajae.cls
-% font for URLs
-%% formatting section and subsection headers
-% format of section headers
- {\normalfont\filcenter}
- {\arabic{section}. }
- {0pt}
- {\secformat}
-% spacing around section headers
-% format of subsection headers
- {\normalsize\filcenter}
- {(\alph{subsection}) }
- {0pt}
- {\textit}
-% spacing around subsection headers
-%% warning if subsubsection headers are present
-\ClassWarning{worlddev}{subsubsections are ignored}%
-% citations and bibliography
-%% use endnotes in place of footnotes
- \RequirePackage{endnotes}
- \let\footnote=\endnote
- \newcommand{\listofendnotes}{
- \begingroup
- \parindent 0pt
- \parskip 0ex
- \def\enotesize{\normalsize}
- \theendnotes
- \endgroup
- }
- % use normalsize numbers (copied from endnote.sty and modified thereafter)
- \def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@ \parindent=0em
- \leavevmode\llap{\theenmark. }}
-% captions of figures and tables
-\setkomafont{caption}{\centering \itshape}
-\renewcommand{\captionformat}{. }
-% move floats to the end of the paper
- \RequirePackage[nolists,tablesfirst]{endfloat}
-% titlepage with title, author, affiliation and date
-\renewcommand{\and}{{\normalfont and}}
- \begin{center}
- \begin{Large}
- \begin{spacing}{1.25}
- \textbf{\@title}
- \end{spacing}
- \end{Large}
- \vspace*{5mm}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowAuthor}{1}}{
- \MakeUppercase{\@author}\\
- \ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@affiliation }{}{
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \textit{\@affiliation}\\
- }
- }{}
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \ifthenelse{\equal{\theShowDate}{1}}{
- \@date\\
- }{}
- \vspace*{3mm}
- \end{center}
-% abstract, keywords, JEL classification
-\begin{minipage}{0.94 \textwidth}
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@keywords }{
-\ClassWarningNoLine{worlddev}{No keywords specified.
- Please use the command \protect\keywords}
-\medskip \noindent
-\textit{Key words} --- \@keywords
-\ifthenelse{ \isundefined\@jelclass }{
-\medskip \noindent
-\textit{JEL classification} --- \@jelclass
-% avoid clubs and widows
-% \displaywidowpenalty=10000
-% increase stretchability of the spaces (avoid overful hboxes)
-% for compatibility with erae.cls
-\newcommand{\citetPage}[2]{\citeauthor{#2} (\citeyear{#2}, p.~#1)}
-\newcommand{\citepPage}[2]{\citetext{\citealp{#2}, p.~#1}}