path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
index 4d98af5fb19..c0e5f1a7cff 100644
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tikz-trackschematic/tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex
@@ -18,14 +18,6 @@
/tikz/trackschematic/.is family,%
- %% color foreground
- foreground/.store in=\foreground,%
- foreground=black,% DEFAULT
- /tikz/foreground/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/foreground,%
- %% color background
- background/.store in=\background,%
- background=white,% DEFAULT
- /tikz/background/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/background,%
%% face
face/.value required,% forward OR backward
face/.store in=\face,%
@@ -67,11 +59,11 @@
% commands
\newcommand\maintrack{}% just for safety
-\def\maintrack{\path[draw=\foreground,MainTrack]}% \maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
+\def\maintrack{\path[draw=foreground,MainTrack]}% \maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\newcommand\secondarytrack{}% just for safety
-\def\secondarytrack{\path[draw=\foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% \secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
+\def\secondarytrack{\path[draw=foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% \secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\newcommand\sidetrack{}% just for safety
-\def\sidetrack{\path[draw=\foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% alias for \secondarytrack
+\def\sidetrack{\path[draw=foreground,SecondaryTrack]}% alias for \secondarytrack
%% symbol definition
@@ -109,7 +101,7 @@
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \tikzset{every node/.style={fill=\background,text=\foreground}};%
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={fill=background,text=foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-tl-l) at (0,0);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{% default coord
}{% initialize if NOT default
@@ -163,12 +155,12 @@
}% end \ifdefstring{\face}
%% symbol
\ifdefstring{\friction}{none}{% none friction
- \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt]%
+ \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt]%
($\facefactor*(-0.1,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker
}{% friction
- \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt]%
+ \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt]%
($\facefactor*(-\friction,0) + \facefactor*(-0.05,0) + (0,0.2)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.1,0)$) -- ++(0,-0.4) -- ++ ($\facefactor*(-0.1,0)$);% bufferstop marker
- \fill[\foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
+ \fill[foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
}},% END pics/bufferstop/.style args={#1}
@@ -200,8 +192,8 @@
%% settings
\def\coordcommand{#1} % beware of leading and tailing spaces!
- \fill[\foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
- % \path[fill=\foreground] (0.04,0.02) -- (0.04,-0.02) -- (0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.04,-0.02) -- (-0.04,0.02) -- (-0.02,0.04) -- (0.02,0.04) -- cycle;% label
+ \fill[foreground] (0,0) circle (0.06);% track closure indicator
+ % \path[fill=foreground] (0.04,0.02) -- (0.04,-0.02) -- (0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.02,-0.04) -- (-0.04,-0.02) -- (-0.04,0.02) -- (-0.02,0.04) -- (0.02,0.04) -- cycle;% label
}},% END pics/track_closure/.style args={#1}
% symbology entry
@@ -272,13 +264,13 @@
\def\patterntype{north east lines}%
- \path[draw=\foreground,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw=foreground,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
\ifdefstring{\operationmode}{remote}{% operation=remote
- \path[fill=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
- \path[draw=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/operation}{“manual“, “remote“ OR “none“ as key required}}%
@@ -287,7 +279,7 @@
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-y-l) at ($\branchfactor*(0,-8pt)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-y-l) at ($(ts-y-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);%
@@ -297,29 +289,29 @@
%% fouling point indicator
- \path[draw=\foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.7,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
+ \path[draw=foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.7,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
%% points
\ifdefstring{\points}{left}{% points left
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,0.2)$);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,0.2)$);%
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);%
\ifdefstring{\points}{right}{% points right
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*( 0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*( 0.265,0 )$);%
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,-0.2)$);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ($\facefactor*(-0.035,0)+(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)+(0,-0.2)$);%
\ifdefstring{\points}{moving}{% moving points
- \fill[\foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
- \fill[\foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($\facefactor*(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
}{% error message
@@ -413,12 +405,12 @@
\def\patterntype{north east lines}%
- \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
- \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw,pattern=\patterntype, pattern color=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
}{% operated automaticly
\ifdefstring{\operationmode}{remote}{% operation=remote
- \path[fill=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
- \path[fill=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($( 0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[fill=foreground] (0,0) -- ++($(-0.4,0)$) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/operation}{“manual“, “remote“ OR “none“ as key required}}%
@@ -427,30 +419,30 @@
%% fouling point indicator
- \path[draw=\foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
- \path[draw=\foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
+ \path[draw=foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
+ \path[draw=foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
%% points
\ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{left}{% points left
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.2,0.2);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.2,0.2);%
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.265,0);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,0.1) -- ++(0.265,0);%
\ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{right}{% points right
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.265,0);
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] ( 0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.265,0);
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.2,-0.2);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(0.2,-0.2);%
\ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}{moving}{% moving points
- \fill[\foreground] ($(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
- \fill[\foreground] ($(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($(0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($(0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($(0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($(0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
}{% error message
@@ -461,23 +453,23 @@
}% end of \ifdefstring{\forwardpoints}
\ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{left}{% points left
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.2,-0.2);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.2,-0.2);%
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,-0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0);%
\ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{right}{% points right
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0);
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (-0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.265,0);
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.2,0.2);%
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=1.5pt] (0.035,0.1) -- ++(-0.2,0.2);%
\ifdefstring{\backwardpoints}{moving}{% moving points
- \fill[\foreground] ($(-0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($(-0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
- \fill[\foreground] ($(-0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
- \fill[\foreground] ($(-0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($(-0.075,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($(-0.225,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 0.1 )$) circle (0.05);% points indicator left
+ \fill[foreground] ($(-0.015,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.15)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
+ \fill[foreground] ($(-0.115,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-0.25)$) circle (0.05);% points indicator right
}{% error message
@@ -489,14 +481,14 @@
%% slips
\ifdefstring{\slip}{double}{% slip
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0, 0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*( 0.3,0) + (0, 0.4)$);% slip
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*( 0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0, 0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*( 0.3,0) + (0, 0.4)$);% slip
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*( 0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0,0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(0.3,0) + (0,0.4)$);% slip
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(-0.4,0) + (0,0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(0.3,0) + (0,0.4)$);% slip
- \path[draw=\foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip
+ \path[draw=foreground,line width=0.75pt] ($\branchfactor*(0.4,0) + (0,-0.1)$) -- ($\branchfactor*(-0.3,0) + (0,-0.4)$);% slip
@@ -508,7 +500,7 @@
%% label
- \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};%
\ifdefstring{\labelcontentleft}{}{}{% label NOT empty
\coordinate (ts-sy-l1) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0, 10pt)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
@@ -563,12 +555,12 @@
%% crossing marker
- \path[draw=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++( 0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
- \path[draw=\foreground] (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++( 0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
+ \path[draw=foreground] (0,0) -- ++(-0.4,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.4)$) -- cycle;% turnout marker
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-x-l) at ($(2pt,0) + \branchfactor*(0,-9pt)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-x-l) at ($(ts-x-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);%
@@ -578,8 +570,8 @@
%% fouling point indicator
- \path[draw=\foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
- \path[draw=\foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
+ \path[draw=foreground] ( 0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0, 0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
+ \path[draw=foreground] (-0.7,0) -- ++($\branchfactor*(0,-0.7)$);% fouling point indicator
}},% end of pics/crossing/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
@@ -639,12 +631,12 @@
}% end \ifdefstring{\branch}
%% symbol
- \path[draw=\foreground, line width=1pt] (0,0.1) -- ++(0,-0.2);% derailer marker
- \path[draw=\foreground,->,>=latex,line width=1pt,dashed] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0) + \branchfactor*(0,0.4)$);% derailer arrow
+ \path[draw=foreground, line width=1pt] (0,0.1) -- ++(0,-0.2);% derailer marker
+ \path[draw=foreground,->,>=latex,line width=1pt,dashed] (0,0) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.4,0) + \branchfactor*(0,0.4)$);% derailer arrow
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
- \tikzset{every node/.style={text=\foreground}};%
+ \tikzset{every node/.style={text=foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-dr-l) at ($\branchfactor*(0,-0.3)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\path let \p1=\labelcoord in coordinate (ts-dr-l) at ($(ts-dr-l)+(\x1,\y1)$);%