path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-mod-02.mkii
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-mod-02.mkii')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 421 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-mod-02.mkii b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-mod-02.mkii
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d095ff9ab6..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-mod-02.mkii
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
-%D \module
-%D [ file=s-mod-02,
-%D version=very-old,
-%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
-%D subtitle=Documentation Screen Environment,
-%D author=Hans Hagen,
-%D date=\currentdate,
-%D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
-%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
-%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
-%C details.
-%D This module looks like crap, is not documented, will
-%D change, and used to be called modu-*.tex.
-% Macro's
-% todo: internationalize + setups
-\def\complexmodule[#1]% redefined
- {\startglobal % i.v.m. \bgroup in \startdocumentation
- \getparameters[Module][#1]
- \stopglobal % i.v.m. \bgroup in \startdocumentation
- %%\section{\Modulesubtitle}
- \xdef\Temp{\Modulesubtitle}%%Modulesubtitle:\framed{BEGIN \Modulesubtitle END} :#1 !}
- \@EA\section\@EA{\Temp}
- \WriteLists}
-\def\stopmodule % redefined
- {\page
- \determineregistercharacteristics
- [index]
- [criterium=section]
- \doifmode{*register}
- {\pagereference
- [index]
- \placeregister
- [index]
- [balance=yes,
- indicator=no,
- criterium=section]}}
-\newwrite\BatchFile \openout\BatchFile=\jobname.bat
- {\doglobal\increment\ModuleNumber
-% \immediate\write\BatchFile{call modu-run \FileName\space \ModuleNumber}}
-% \immediate\write\BatchFile{texmfstart texutil --modu \FileName}}
- \immediate\write\BatchFile{texmfstart texexec --pdf --modu --batch \FileName }}
- {\writetolist[FileNames] {}{\FileName}
- \writetolist[GroupItems]{}{\GroupItem}}
- {\section{[to be extracted: #1]}
- {\em This module is not yet split off.}
- \WriteLists}
- {\section{[to be documented: #1]}
- {\em This module is not yet fully documented.}
- \WriteLists}
- {\ifProcessingPublic
- \readfile{#1.ted}{}{}%
- \WriteBatchFile
- \else
- \section{[not yet public: #1]}
- {\em This module is documented but not yet public.}
- \WriteLists
- \fi}
- {\readfile{#1.ted}{}{}%
- \WriteBatchFile}
- {\page
- \bgroup
- \def\FileName{#1}
- \setupreferencing[prefix=#1]
- \useexternaldocument[PaperVersion][#1][]
- \aftersplitstring#1\at-\to\GroupItem
- \ComposeLists
- \ifcase#2
- \TypeZeroModule{#1}
- \or
- \TypeOneModule{#1}
- \or
- \TypeTwoModule{#1}
- \or
- \TypeThreeModule{#1}
- \fi
- \page
- \setupreferencing[prefix=]
- \egroup}
- {\page
- \let\Modulefile=\empty
- \setupreferencing[prefix=#1]
- \def\FileGroup{#1}
- \writetolist[FileGroups]{}{\FileGroup}
- \chapter[content]{#2}
- \MakeListOfItems
- \MakeListOfNames
- \MakeListOfGroups
- \placecontent[criterium=chapter,level=section]}
-% Layout
- [9pt]
- [S6][S6]
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- leftmargin=50pt,
- leftmargindistance=12.5pt,
- rightmargin=0pt,
- rightedge=80pt,
- rightedgedistance=10pt,
- leftedge=0pt,
- width=430pt,
- topspace=10pt,
- header=0pt,
- footer=30pt,
- bottomdistance=10pt,
- bottom=15pt,
- height=410pt,
- style=\ss]
- [palet=colorpretty]
- [reference=3]
-\definecolor [AchtergrondKleur] [s=.6]
-\definecolor [ButtonKleur] [r=.2,g=.2,b=.6]
-\definecolor [TekstKleur] [r=.6,g=.2,b=.2]
-\definecolor [colorprettyone] [r=.6,g=.0,b=.0] % red
-\definecolor [colorprettytwo] [r=.0,g=.6,b=.0] % green
-\definecolor [colorprettythree] [r=.0,g=.0,b=.6] % blue
-\definecolor [colorprettyfour] [r=.6,g=.6,b=.0] % yellow
- [state=start,
- page=yes,
- contrastcolor=,
- menu=on,
- color=]
- [page]
- [background=color,
- backgroundcolor=AchtergrondKleur,
- offset=2.5pt] % this offset influences the menus!
- [text,footer]
- [text,leftmargin]
- [background=color,
- backgroundcolor=white]
- [way=bysection,
- state=start]
- [frame=off,
- offset=0pt,
- height=fit]
- [big]
- [typing]
- [option=color]
- [definition]
- [option=color]
- [file]
- [option=color]
- [alternative=singlesided,
- way=bysection,
- state=none]
- [location=left]
- [alternative=inmargin]
- [chapter]
- [style=\ssc,
- page=right]
- [section]
- [style=\ssb,
- page=right]
- [chapter]
- [style=bold,
- after=\blank]
- [width=2em]
- [balance=yes,
- indicator=no]
- [state=start]
- {\startstandardmakeup
- \definefont[GrootFont] [SansBold at 72pt]
- \definefont[MiddelFont][Sans at 32pt]
- \definefont[KleinFont] [Sans at 24pt]
- \startcolor[AchtergrondKleur]
- \vskip12pt
- \midaligned{\GrootFont\setstrut\strut Con\TeX t}
- \vskip24pt
- \midaligned{\MiddelFont\setstrut\strut #1}
- \vskip24pt
- \midaligned{\KleinFont\setstrut\strut Hans Hagen}
- \vfilll
- \midaligned{\KleinFont\setstrut\strut PRAGMA ADE}
- \vskip24pt
- \midaligned{\KleinFont\setstrut\strut --- \currentdate}
- \vskip12pt
- \stopcolor
- \stopstandardmakeup}
- {\startmode[atpragma]
- \page
- \bgroup
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- \def\PragmaBreedte{\textwidth}
- \def\PragmaKopwit {\topspace}
- \def\PragmaRugwit {\backspace}
- \def\PragmaMarge {0pt}
- \PragmaLijnentrue
- \PlaatsPragmaLogo[ADE]
- \vfill
- todo: colofon
- \startnarrower[3*middle]
- This is the official documentation of \CONTEXT\ version
- \referraldate, a \TEX\ macropackage developed by J.~Hagen
- \& A.F.~Otten, who both hold the copyrights.
- \stopnarrower
- \vfill
- \page
- \egroup
- \stopmode}
- {}
-\definelist[FileNames] \def\FileName {}
-\definelist[FileGroups] \def\FileGroup {}
-\definelist[GroupItems] \def\GroupItem {}
- [FileNames,FileGroups,FileGroups]
- [expansion=yes,
- pagenumber=no,
- style=\ss\bf]
- [FileNames]
- [command=\FileNameEntry,
- after=\endgraf,
- alternative=none] % horizontal
- [FileGroups]
- [command=\FileGroupEntry,
- after=\hss,
- alternative=horizontal]
- {\strut\hbox{#2}\endgraf}
- {\strut\hbox{#2}\endgraf}
- {\setbox\ListOfItems=\vbox
- {\ss\bf
- \placelist[GroupItems][color=ButtonKleur,contrastcolor=white,criterium=chapter]}}
- {\setbox\ListOfNames=\vbox
- {\hsize\rightedgewidth
- \ss\bf\setupinterlinespace
- \startsimplecolumns[distance=10pt]
- \placelist[FileNames][color=ButtonKleur,contrastcolor=white,criterium=chapter]
- \stopsimplecolumns}}
- {\setbox\ListOfGroups=\hbox to \textwidth
- {\ss\bf
- \setupinteraction[color=ButtonKleur]%
- \placelist[FileGroups][color=ButtonKleur,contrastcolor=white,criterium=all]\unskip\unskip}}
-% [rand]
-% []
-% [{\interactiebalk[variant=g]}]
- [right,bottom]
- [state=start,
- frame=off,
- color=AchtergrondKleur,
- contrastcolor=white,
- style=\ss\bf,
- height=15pt,
- offset=0pt,
- inbetween=\vskip5pt,
- background=color,
- backgroundcolor=ButtonKleur]
- \boxofsize \vbox \textheight \footerdistance \footerheight 5pt
- \bgroup
- \copy\ListOfNames
- \vfill
- \but [\FileGroup:content] local contents \\
- \but [\FileName:index] local register \\
- \but [PaperVersion::begin] paper version \\
- \but [content] main contents \\
- \but [index] main register \\
- \but [PreviousJump] previous jump \\
- \but [CloseDocument] close document \\
- \unskip
- \egroup
- \unhcopy\ListOfGroups
- {\startbackmatter
- \setupsubpagenumber[reset]
- \title[-:index]{Register}
- \placeregister[index]
- \stopbackmatter}
- {\startfrontmatter
- \title[-:content]{Contents}
- \setupinteractionbar[state=stop]
- \placecontent[criterium=text,level=chapter]
- \stopfrontmatter}
- [pagenumber=no,
- level=chapter,
- interaction=all,
- style=,
- before=,
- after=]
- [margin]
- [\tt\Modulefile]
- []
- [text]
- [chapter][chapter]
- [symbol=1]
- [verytolerant]
-\protect \endinput