path: root/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-inf-03.mkiv
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-inf-03.mkiv')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 372 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-inf-03.mkiv b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-inf-03.mkiv
deleted file mode 100644
index a253bed773c..00000000000
--- a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/context/base/s-inf-03.mkiv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-% \nopdfcompression
-% \starttext
-% There is a loop somewhere ... todo.
-% \stoptext
-\enablemode[tablet] % whatever that means
-\doifelsemode {tablet} {
- \setuppapersize
- [S6,landscape]
- [S6,landscape]
- \definefont
- [TitlePageFont]
- [MonoBold at 15pt]
- \setupbodyfont
- [tt,8pt]
-} {
- \definefont
- [TitlePageFont]
- [MonoBold at 18pt]
- \setupbodyfont
- [tt]
- [header=0cm,
- footer=1cm,
- backspace=.5cm,
- topspace=.5cm,
- width=middle,
- height=middle]
- [title]
- [style=\ttc,
- interaction=reference]
- [xtitle]
- [title]
- [xtitle]
- [color=darkgreen]
- [\llap{\goto{\hbox to 5cm{\hss previous}}[previouspage]}%
- \quad\pagenumber\quad
- \rlap{\goto{\hbox to 5cm{next\hss}}[nextpage]}]
- [state=start,
- style=,
- color=,
- title={ConTeXt MkIV},
- subtitle={Lua modules and functions},
- author={Hans Hagen - automatically generated},
- contrastcolor=]
- [option=bookmark]
- [title,xtitle]
- [force=yes]
-\definecolor[darkgray] [s=.15]
-local basiclua = libraries.basiclua
-local basictex = libraries.basictex
-local extratex = libraries.extratex
-local extralua = libraries.extralua
-local obsolete = libraries.obsolete
-local find = string.find
-local color, gotolocation = context.color, context["goto"]
-for k, v in table.sortedpairs(_G) do
- if obsolete[k] or find(k,"_") or k == "arg" or k == "utf" then
- --
- elseif basiclua[k] then
- gotolocation(function() color( { "darkred" }, k) end, { k } )
- elseif extralua[k] then
- gotolocation(function() color( { "darkgreen" }, k) end, { k } )
- elseif basictex[k] then
- gotolocation(function() color( { "darkblue" }, k) end, { k } )
- elseif extratex[k] then
- gotolocation(function() color( { "darkyellow" }, k) end, { k } )
- elseif type(v) == "table" then
- gotolocation(function() color( { "white" }, k) end, { k } )
- end
- context(" ")
- [page]
- [background=color,
- backgroundcolor=darkgray,
- backgroundoffset=2mm]
- \vfill
- \pagereference[global]
- \startnarrower[10mm]
- \setupalign[nothyhenated,middle,broad]
- \TitlePageFont \setupinterlinespace
- \getbuffer % luabuffer
- \par
- \stopnarrower
- \vfill
- \vfill
- \hskip10mm\scale[width=\dimexpr\paperwidth-20mm\relax]{\ttbf\white\ConTeXt\ MkIV}
- \par
- % \hskip10mm\scale[width=\dimexpr\paperwidth-20mm\relax]{\white \strut Lua infrastructure \emdash\ \currentdate}
- \vfill
- [page]
- [background=]
-local builtin = libraries.builtin
-local globals = libraries.globals
-local basiclua = libraries.basiclua
-local basictex = libraries.basictex
-local extratex = libraries.extratex
-local extralua = libraries.extralua
-local obsolete = libraries.obsolete
-local sortedkeys = table.sortedkeys
-local mark = storage.mark
-local marked = storage.marked
-local gsub = string.gsub
-local sub = string.sub
-local byte = string.byte
-local upper = string.upper
-local skipglobal = table.tohash {
- "_G", "_M", "_ENV", "",
- "context", "modules", "global", "arg", "utf", 1,
- "_ptbs_", "_pcol_", "_plib_", "_clib_", "_tlib_",
- "kpse", "commands",
-local skipkeys = table.tohash {
- "_pcol_", "_plib_", "_clib_", "_tlib_", "_bpnf_", "_ptbs_",
- "_cldf_", "_cldn_", "_cldo_",
- "_clmb_", "_clme_", "_clmm_", "_clmn_", "_clma_", "_clmh_",
- "_G", "_M", "_ENV", "",
- -- "global", "shortcuts",
- "_VERSION", "_COPYRIGHT", "_DESCRIPTION", "_NAME", "_PACKAGE", "__unload",
-local sameglobal = {
- ["global"] = "_G",
- -- ["commands"] = "cs", -- already gone
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--- this should be done internally
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-for k,v in next, modules do
- mark(v)
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-local variant = 1 -- all parents
-local variant = 2 -- parent name too
-local variant = 3 -- no parents
-local done = { }
-local function childtables(key,tab,handler,depth)
- depth = depth or 1
- local keys = sortedkeys(tab) -- no sorted_pairs
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k = keys[i]
--- if k ~= "_G" and k ~= "_M" and type(k) == "string" then
- if not skipkeys[k] and type(k) == "string" then
- local v = tab[k]
- local t = type(v)
- local s = k
- if variant ~= 3 then
- s = key and (key .. "." .. s) or s
- end
- if t == "table" then
- if marked(v) then
- t = "data"
- handler(s,t,depth)
- else
-if done[v] then
- --"inf-03","key %a in %a already done",k,v)
- done[v] = true
- handler(s,t,depth)
- if variant == 3 then
- childtables(false,v,handler,depth+1)
- elseif variant == 2 then
- childtables(k,v,handler,depth+1)
- else
- childtables(s,v,handler,depth+1)
- end
- end
- else
- handler(s,t,depth)
- end
- end
- end
-local NC, NR = context.NC, context.NR
-local overstrike, rlap, bf = context.overstrike, context.rlap,
-local color, gotolocation = context.color, context["goto"]
-local function cleanup(s)
- return "\\char" ..byte(s) .. " "
-local function handler(k,t,depth)
- k = gsub(k,"([~#$%%^&{}\\|])",cleanup)
- NC() rlap("\\quad\\tx\\kern" .. (depth or 0).. "em" .. upper(sub(t,1,1)) .. " ".. k) NC() NC() NR()
-local function show(title,subtitle,alias,builtin,t,lib,libcolor,glo,glocolor,mark,obsolete)
- -- todo: table as argument
--- print(title,subtitle,alias,builtin,t,lib,libcolor,glo,glocolor,mark,obsolete)
- local keys = sortedkeys(t) -- no sorted_pairs
- if #keys > 0 then
- local fulltitle = title
- if subtitle and subtitle ~= "" then
- fulltitle = fulltitle .. " (" .. subtitle .. ")"
- end
- if alias and alias ~= "" then
- fulltitle = fulltitle .. " (alias: " .. alias .. ")"
- end
- if builtin then
- context.startxtitle { reference = title, title = fulltitle, backreference = "global" }
- else
- context.starttitle { reference = title, title = fulltitle, backreference = "global" }
- end
- context.startcolumns { n = 2 }
- context.starttabulate { "|||" }
- local t_obsolete = t.obsolete
- if type(t_obsolete) ~= "table" then
- t_obsolete = nil
- end
- for i=1,#keys do
- local k = keys[i]
- local v = t[k]
- if k and k ~= "obsolete" and not skipkeys[k] and (not obsolete or not obsolete[k]) then
- local inlib = lib and lib[k]
- local inglo = glo and glo[k]
- local t = type(v)
- local kstr, tstr = k, t
- local obs = t_obsolete and t_obsolete[k]
- if obs then
- tstr = function() overstrike(t) end
- kstr = function() overstrike(k) end
- end
- local marked = marked(v)
- if marked then
- tstr = "data table"
- end
- if t == "table" then
- local m = getmetatable(v)
- if m and m.__call then
- tstr = "function"
- end
- end
- if not mark then
- --
- elseif inlib and tostring(inlib) ~= tostring(v) then
- tstr = "overloaded ".. tstr
- elseif inglo and tostring(inglo) ~= tostring(v) then
- tstr = "overloaded ".. tstr
- end
- NC() bf()
- if inlib then
- if not mark and t == "table" then
- gotolocation(function() color( { libcolor }, kstr) end, { k } )
- else
- color( { libcolor }, kstr)
- end
- elseif inglo then
- if not mark and t == "table" then
- gotolocation(function() color( { glocolor }, kstr) end, { k } )
- else
- color( { glocolor }, kstr)
- end
- else
- if not mark and t == "table" then
- gotolocation(k, { kstr } )
- else
- context(kstr)
- end
- end
- NC()
- if inlib then
- color( { libcolor }, tstr)
- elseif inglo then
- color( { glocolor }, tstr)
- else
- context(tstr)
- end
- NC() NR()
- if mark and t == "table" and title ~= "libraries" and title ~= "package" and not marked then
- childtables(false,v,handler) -- (k,v,handler)
- end
- end
- end
- context.stoptabulate()
- context.stopcolumns()
- if builtin then
- context.stopxtitle()
- else
- context.stoptitle()
- end
- end
--- inspect(table.sortedkeys(context))
-for k, v in table.sortedpairs(_G) do
- if not skipglobal[k] and not obsolete[k] and type(v) == "table" and not marked(v) then
- -- local mt = getmetatable(v)
- -- print("!!!!!!!!!!",k,v,mt,mt and mt.__index)
- if basiclua[k] then show(k,"basic lua",sameglobal[k],basiclua[k],v,builtin[k],"darkred", false,false,true)
- elseif extralua[k] then show(k,"extra lua",sameglobal[k],extralua[k],v,builtin[k],"darkred", false,false,true)
- elseif basictex[k] then show(k,"basic tex",sameglobal[k],basictex[k],v,builtin[k],"darkred", false,false,true)
- elseif extratex[k] then show(k,"extra tex",sameglobal[k],extratex[k],v,builtin[k],"darkred", false,false,true)
- else
- show(k,"context", sameglobal[k],false, v,builtin[k],"darkyellow",false,false,true)
- end
- end