path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/technion-thesis-template/Example/introduction.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/technion-thesis-template/Example/introduction.tex')
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diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/technion-thesis-template/Example/introduction.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/xelatex/technion-thesis-template/Example/introduction.tex
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+This is a template for writing a thesis according to the Technion specifications.
+Please, however, check with the graduate school website to see if any specifications have changed.
+This template was written by Boaz Shuval (January 2019).
+This template is provided as is. Please check with the Technion graduate school website to see if the guidelines have changed, as they often do. For
+the latest directions from the graduate school, see:
+(This is the website address circa January 2019).
+All files use UTF-8 encoding. Make sure your LaTeX system supports this encoding.
+\subsection{Preparing the Thesis}
+\item The main.tex file is the main file to be compiled. Place it (with the other thesis files) in the same directory as the \verb".cls" and \verb".sty"
+ files provided.
+ \item The main class is \verb"technionThesis.cls."
+ It has the the following options:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item hyperref --- Add hyperlinks
+ \item publist --- Add a list of publications in the front pages (update list in thesissetup.sty)
+ \item addack --- Add an acknowledgments page (only for final version!)
+ \item advisement --- Use "advisement" instead of "supervision" in front pages (a pet peeve of mine)
+ \item spacepar --- Add a blank line between paragraphs
+ \item firstparindent --- Indent the first paragraph of a chapter/section
+ \item libertine --- Use a different selection of fonts, based on libertine, for the English part of the thesis. (See note 4)
+ \end{itemize}
+\item In the file \verb"technionThesisSetup.sty" you must input your details in the various commands. It is pretty self explanatory.
+\item The class loads a number of packages that the class author (Boaz Shuval) uses regularly. It also sets up theorem-style environments.
+ If you know what you're doing, feel free to change things as you see fit. Otherwise, leave this alone.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Environments are defined using amsthm. The following environments are available:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Theorem-style: theorem, lemma, corollary, proposition, conjecture
+ (Heading in bold, text in italics)
+ These all share consecutive numbering, in the format (chapter.number)
+ \item Definition-style: definition, example, assumption, condition
+ (Heading in bold, text upright)
+ These are numbered (chapter.number) with their own numbering. Assumption and condition have alphanumeric numbering (A,B,C, etc.)
+ \item Remark-style: remark, question, discussion
+ (Heading in italics, text upright)
+ These are numbered (chapter.number) with their own numbering. Discussion is unnumbered.
+ \item Proof environments: proof, IEEEproof. Both have a black square at the proof end.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item Packages loaded (partial listing):
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item mathtools (which loads amsmath)
+ \item amsthm, amssymb
+ \item IEEEtrantools (loads IEEEeqnarray, and also sets the bibliography style)
+ \item graphicx
+ \item tikz (including various useful tikz libraries)
+ \item cleveref (for referring to sections, etc, using \verb"\Cref", automagically adding the header)
+ \item stackrel
+ \item accents (for adding symbols above symbols)
+ \item xspace (for adding a smart space after a macro command)
+ \item tabto (add a tabstop for lining things up)
+ \item algorithm2e (ruled, vlined)
+ \item url
+ \item polyglossia (for Hebrew support)
+ \item longtable (for a table that runs over more than one page; useful for the abstract)
+ \item booktabs, multirow (for nicer tables)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\item Place all of your own commands in the file \verb"Example/technionThesisMacros.sty". That is, various \verb"\newcommand" and \verb"\DeclareMathOperator" are defined here. I've defined a few
+ useful ones for you to get started.
+\item There are now \verb".tex" files for you to edit:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb"abstract.tex" for your abstract in English (200-500 words)
+ \item \verb"habstract.tex" for your abstract in Hebrew (500-2000 words)
+ \item \verb"acknowledgments.tex" for your acknowledgments in English
+ \item \verb"hacknowledgments.tex" for your acknowledgments in Hebrew
+ \item \verb"introduction.tex" for your introduction chapter
+ \item \verb"chapfirst.tex" for your first chapter
+ \item \verb"chapsecond.tex" for your second chapter (add additional chapters as you see fit)
+ \item \verb"discussion.tex" for your discussion/conclusions chapter
+ \item \verb"appendix.tex" for your appendix (appendices must appear in their own chapters, and not as part of the main text).
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \subsection{Compilation}
+Compile using xelatex. If you are using latexmk, you may include in the compilation directory a file called \verb".latexmkrc"
+with the following line:
+\verb"$pdflatex = 'xelatex --shell-escape %O %S';"
+This tells latexmk to use xelatex for compilation, so you need not worry
+about this.
+You may also compile this on overleaf (again, use xelatex).
+The Hebrew portion of the thesis is based on the polyglossia package. It uses the David CLM font for Hebrew. Thus, you must install the culmus fonts
+for this to work on your installation.
+\subsection{ Be a pal}
+Please share this template with your friends and colleagues.
+If you enjoyed using it, consider sending me a note to let me know.
+If you find a bug, or have asuggestion for improvement, I'd love to know about it.
+\section{Files in this Template}
+ \item \verb"technionThesis.cls" --- The class file
+ \item \verb"technionThesisSetup.sty" --- Setup data fields
+ \item \verb""
+ \item Inside the Example directory:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb"abbrev.tex"
+ \item \verb"abstract.tex"
+ \item \verb"acknowledgments.tex"
+ \item \verb"appendix.tex"
+ \item \verb"chapfirst.tex"
+ \item \verb"chapsecond.tex"
+ \item \verb"discussion.tex"
+ \item \verb"habstract.tex" --- Hebrew abstract
+ \item \verb"hacknowledgments.tex" --- Hebrew acknowledgments
+ \item \verb"introduction.tex"
+ \item \verb"main.tex" --- Main thesis file
+ \item \verb"mybib.bib"
+ \item \verb"technionThesisMacros.sty" --- Define your macros here
+This template is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0.
+ \item This template was tested on a mac running macOS 10.13, with TEXLIVE2017. It was also tested on overleaf in January 2019, which also runs TEXLIVE2017.
+ \item There is a bug when using TEXLIVE2018, which manifests itself in the figure/table numbering. If you encounter this bug, use the memoir package from
+ TEXLIVE2017, instead.
+ \item The template uses the Memoir package internally. The chapter heading design is a modified version of a design by Vincent Zoonekynd
+ (it is modified from the BlueBox style in \url{}).
+ \item If using the libertine option, make sure to use the latest version of newtxmath, available from \url{}
+ (download the file \verb"newtxmath.sty" to the home directory)
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \section{ Version History}
+31 January 2019: Version 1.0
+\section{A Section}
+The remainder of this file is a boilerplate example
+Equations are also fine:
+ f(x) = x+2,
+as are numbered equations:
+\begin{equation}\label{eq:numbered int}
+ g(y) = y.
+Of course, one may refer to a numbered equation such as~\eqref{eq:numbered int}.
+\section{Second section}
+In this section we have a figure.
+ \begin{center}
+ \node[draw, minimum width = 5cm] {A rectangle};
+\caption[Short caption]{A very long caption for this figure. It is deliberately very long to illustrate the usefulness of the short caption for the table of figures. }