path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/skak/refman.tex
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- {\sffamily\large\bfseries}{}{0em}{}
- {\sffamily\normalsize\bfseries}{}{0em}{}
-\titlespacing*{\section}{0pt}{1.5ex plus 0.5ex minus .2ex}{1ex plus
- .2ex}
-% \titlespacing*{\subsection}{0pt}{2.5ex plus 0.75ex minus .2ex}{1ex
-% plus .2ex}
-\chead{\textbf{\texttt{skak} version 1.2 \textsf{Reference Manual}}}
-\newcommand{\Option}[2]{\textsf{\textbf{#1}}\ #2\smallskip}
-\section{Updating the board}
-%\myheading{Updating the board}
-% These commands are used to update the position on the
-% board. \Cmd{mainline} is the heart of the \texttt{skak} package.
-{Initialises the board to the opening position.}
-\command{mainline}{SAN moves}
-{Updates the board with the \Arg{SAN moves} and
-typesets \Arg{SAN moves} according to the current \Cmd{mainlinestyle}.}
-\command{hidemoves}{SAN moves}
-{Updates the board with the \Arg{SAN moves} but does
- \emph{not} typeset the moves --- this is useful for commenting a
- game where you want to focus on a certain position after
- some moves have already been made.}
-\def\tmpCmd#1{\Arg{\textless row#1\textgreater/}}
-\command{fenboard}{FEN position}
-{Initialises the board to the position described with \Arg{FEN
- position}. The format of a FEN position is:\newline
- \Arg{\textless board rows\textgreater} \Arg{w\textbar
- b} \Arg{\textless castling options\textgreater} \Arg{\textless en
- passant square\textgreater}\newline \Arg{\textless 50 moves
- counter\textgreater} \Arg{\textless move number\textgreater}\newline
-The FEN for the opening position is\newline
-\Arg{w KQkq - 0 1}\newline
-Note: the 50 moves counter is not used by the \texttt{skak} game
-engine, but it is updated to stay in sync with external programs.}
-% \simpleCommand{boardasfen}
-% {Returns the current position in the FEN notation.}
-\section{Describing moves}
-% Apart from showing the moves that update the board it is also
-% possible to describe moves in the running text.
-\command{variation}{SAN moves}
-{This will typeset \Arg{SAN moves} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle}. This command undoes the last move so you have to start one ply back.}
-\command{variationcurrentt}{SAN moves}
-{Like \Cmd{variation}, but does not undo the last move.}
-\command{continuevariation}{SAN moves}
-{Continues the variation but undoes the last move first.}
-\command{continuevariationcurrent}{SAN moves}
-{Continues the variation without undoing the last move first.}
-\command{wmove}{SAN move}
-{Typesets \Arg{SAN move} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle}.
-Example: \texttt{\textbackslash wmove\{Nf3\}} gives \wmove{Nf3}.}
-\command{bmove}{SAN move}
-{Typesets \Arg{SAN move} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle} but
- with \ldots (or something similar according to the style) in front
- of the move --- can be used to describe a single black move. Example:
- \texttt{\textbackslash bmove\{Nxd4\}} gives \bmove{Nxd4}}
-\command{movecomment}{Chess moves}
-{Typesets the \Arg{Chess moves} using the current \Cmd{variationstyle},
-but doesn't check for move numbers like \Cmd{variation} does.}
-\section{Showing the board}
-{Shows the current position from whites perspective.}
-{Shows the current position from blacks perspective.}
-\section{Style selection}
-{Chooses the \Arg{styleA} for typesetting of moves.}
-{Chooses the \Arg{styleB} for typesetting of moves. This is the
- default style.}
-{Chooses the \Arg{styleC} for typesetting of moves.}
-\section{Size of the board}
-{The default size of the board typeset by the \Cmd{showboard}
- commands.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands will be typeset in a #1 font.}}
-\section{Notation and mover}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands show rank and file names. This is the
- default.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands show only the board.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands indicate --- with a small box --- which
- player has to move. Note: this only works when the ps option is used.}
-{The dual of \Cmd{showmoverOn}.}
-\section{Selective showing of pieces}
-{Makes the \Cmd{showboard} commands show all pieces.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands will only show the white pieces.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands will only show the black pieces.}
-{The \Cmd{showboard} commands will only show the pawns.}
-\command{showonly}{piece names}
-{The argument \Arg{piece names} is a comma separated list of names of
- pieces to be shown using the \Cmd{showboard} commands. White pieces
- are named \Arg{K,Q,R,B,N,P} and black's \Arg{k,q,r,b,n,p}. Note: called with no arguments all pieces are showed!}
-\command{showallbut}{piece names}
-{The argument \Arg{piece names} is a comma separated list of names of
- pieces which will \emph{not} be shown when using the \Cmd{showboard}
- commands. Note: called with an empty list no pieces are shown!}
-\section{Move arrows}
-{Draws an arrow on the last typeset
- board from the square \Arg{from} to the square \Arg{to}.}
-\Cmd{highlight}\Arg{[ms]}\Arg{\{square list\}}\newline
-The comma separated \Arg{square list} will by default be highlighted using a
- thick frame on the last
- typeset board. The optional marker symbol
-\Arg{ms} can be one of X, x, O and o in
- which case a cross or a circle is used to highlight the square.
-{Draws a bent arrow from the square \Arg{from} to the square \Arg{to}.}
-{Defines a new \Arg{language} for the input of SAN
- moves. \Arg{piecenames} are the uppercase letters used for the
- pieces in the order King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight,
- Pawn. Example:
-\mbox{\texttt{\textbackslash newskaklanguage\{danish\}\{KDTLSB\}}}
-defines \Arg{danish} as a new input language.}
-Chooses \Arg{language} as new input language --- defaults to \Arg{english}.
-{Activates the typesetting style for the mainline --- this command can
- be redefined if special requirements for the typesetting exists.}
-{Similar to \Cmd{mainlinestyle} just for the typesetting of variations.}
-\section{Game storage}
-\command{savegame}{file name}
-{Writes the FEN string for the current position on the board to the
- file \texttt{\textless file name\textgreater.fen}}
-\command{loadgame}{file name} {Load the position stored in the file
- \texttt{\textless file name\textgreater.fen}}
-{Stores the current game position using \Arg{name} as reference.}
-{Restores the game previously saved using \Cmd{storegame}.}
-\section{Package options}
-\Option{ps}{Includes the \texttt{ps-tricks} package in order to make
- ornaments on the board. Required to make the following commands
- work: \Cmd{showmoverOn}, \Cmd{printarrow}, \Cmd{highlight},
- \Cmd{printknightmove}.}
-\Option{psoff}{Does \emph{not} include the \texttt{ps-tricks} package.}
-\Option{mover}{Issues the \Cmd{showmoveOn} command.}
-\Option{moveroff}{Issues the \Cmd{showmoveOn} command.}
-\Option{notation}{Issues the \Cmd{notationOn} command.}
-\Option{english}{Makes english the preferred input language --- the
- only defined language at the moment.}
-\Option{styleA}{Chooses \Cmd{styleA} style for the typesetting of
- moves.}
-\Option{styleB}{Chooses \Cmd{styleB} style for the typesetting of
- moves.}
-\Option{styleC}{Chooses \Cmd{styleC} style for the typesetting of
- moves.}
-\newcommand{\sizeoption}[1]{\Option{#1}{The board is shown using the
- #1 size font.}}
-The default options are \textsf{\textbf{notation, normal, psoff,
- english, moveroff, styleB}}.