path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks/pstnews1-10.tex
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-\title{\texttt{PSTricks -- version 1.10}\\new macros and bugfixes for \texttt{pstricks}}
-\author{Herbert Voß\thanks{%
-This new version 1.10 has some minor but important changes; it is not compatible
-to older versions when using the vertical shift option for the \verb+pspicture+
-\section{New and modified option for {pspicture}}\label{sec:option}
-Table~\ref{tab:pspicture} shows the two new options for the \verb+pspicture+ environment.
-\caption{Optionen der \texttt{pspicture}-Umgebung}\label{tab:pspicture}
-\textrm{\emph{name}} & \emph{meaning} & \emph{default}\\\hline
-\verb+shift+ & vertical shift & $0$ \\
-\verb+showgrid+ & show grid & \verb+false+\\
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-This option is the known one from older \texttt{PSTricks} version, but now with the
-usual syntax for options. The shift is relative to the height of the defined \verb+pspicture+
-environment, its lower left corner is by deafult on the base line. For older versions
-the shift depends with its value to the baseline, a negative value raised up the \verb+pspicture+
-box. Now the \verb+shift+ option works similiar to the known \CMD{raisebox} makro, except that
-\verb+shift+ is relative to the box height. A positive \verb+shift+ value raises up the box
-and vice versa for a negative value.
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){-0.5}
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){0}
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){0.5}
-\caption{Meaning of the \texttt{shift} option}\label{fig:baseline}
-%\begin{lstlisting}[caption={Vertikale Verschiebung der Baseline}]
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){-0.5}
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){0}
- \psframe[linecolor=blue](-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5)\rput(0,0){0.5}
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-This new version of \texttt{PSTricks} defines internally a special grid style
- subgriddiv=0,gridcolor=lightgray,griddots=10,gridlabels=8pt}
-which can be overwritten by the user. This style is only used for the \verb+showgrid+
-option of the \verb+pspicture+ environment. The macro \verb+\psgrid+ doesn't use this predefined
-style and works in the usual way. However, the user can use it like all
-other self defined styles: \verb+\psgrid[style=gridstyle]+.
- subgriddiv=2,subgridcolor=lightgray}
- \psgrid
-Depending to the internal structure of the \verb+pspicture+ environment it is not possible
-to set the \verb+shift+ option global by \CMD{psset}, it must always be locally defined
-with optional part of the parameter, as seen in the above examples.
-There were several mailings in the past to the \verb+origin+ option, which worked the other
-way round than expected. Now the coordinates work realtive to the current origin.
- \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-1,-1)(2,1.25)
- \psset{linewidth=1.5pt}
- \parabola[linestyle=dashed](-1,1)(0,0)
- \parabola[origin={0.5,-0.5}](-1,1)(0,0)
- \qdisk(0.5,-0.5){2pt}
-\subsection{Empty parameter}
-To prevent some problems with empty arrow definitions in macros like \verb+\psline[...]{}(..)(...)+,
-which makes no sense, but should be possible, there is now a check before setting the values.
-With some modification to \CMD{psarc\@iv} it is now possible to get the loops in any direction
-and above or below the node.
- \circlenode{A}{A}
- \nccircle{->}{A}{1.5em} \nbput{foo}
- \nccircle{<-}{A}{-1.5em}\naput{bar}}
- \circlenode{A}{A}
- \nccircle{<-}{A}{1.5em} \nbput{foo}
- \nccircle{->}{A}{-1.5em}\naput{bar}}
-\subsection{\CMD{psscalebox} and \CMD{psscaleboxto}}
-To prevent clashes with the \verb+graphicx+ package, which also defines a \CMD{scalebox} macro
-with different syntax,
-\verb+PSTricks+ now defines \CMD{psscalebox} and \CMD{psscaleboxto}. For some compatibility reasons the old
-names are still supported. With the new names it doesn'r matter if \verb+pstricks+ is loaded before or after