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-\author{Erste Autorin, Zweiter B. Autor, und Dritte C. Autorin}
-Erste A. Autorin ist am Institut für Agrar- und Forstökonomie
-der Universität für Bodenkultur tätig (
-Zweiter B. Autor arbeitet bei der Aarhus University,
-Department of Biology, DK-8000, Aarhus, Dänemark.
-Er ist nun bei der Danish Research Centre of Organic Food and Farming,
-DK-8830 Tjele, Dänemark tätig (
-Dritte C. Autorin ist an der University of Copenhagen,
-Department of Zoology, Denmark (}
-These instructions give you guidelines for preparing camera-ready short papers
-for the ÖGA 2006 conference proceedings.
-The short papers can be written in German or in English.
-The length of the short paper is maximally two pages.
-There will be no key words.
-Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later.
-Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. Define all symbols
-used in the paper.
-Do not cite references in the abstract.
-The abstract should not exceed ca.\ 200 words, which corresponds
-to the double length of this example.
-The footnote symbol following this abstract should not be deleted.
-\section{Introduction to using the template}
-This document is a template for Microsoft Word versions 6.0 or later.
-If you are reading a paper version of this document,
-please download the electronic file, template.doc,
-from the website \url{} so you can use it
-to prepare your manuscript.
-When you open the template, select ‘Page Layout’ from the ‘View’ menu
-in the menu bar (View | Page Layout),
-which allows you to see the footnotes.
-Then type over the sections or cut and paste from another document
-and then use markup styles.
-The pull-down style menu is at the left of the Formatting Toolbar
-at the top of your Word window.
-For example, the style at this point in the document is ‘Normal text’.
-Highlight a section that you want to designate with a certain style,
-and then select the appropriate name on the style menu.
-The style will adjust your fonts and line spacing.
-Styles used are: title, author, abstract, normal text, heading 1
-(as in ‘introduction above) and footnote.
-Subheadings (as ‘Figures and tables’ in next column are italicized normal text.
-Do not change the font sizes or line spacing to squeeze more text
-into a limited number of pages.
-Use italics for emphasis; do not underline.
-Please note that there is a tab at the beginning of each paragraph,
-except for the first paragraph in a section.
-\section{Procedure for paper submission}
-Papers must be submitted by 31st August 2006 per email to
-Papers received after this deadline cannot be included in the proceedings.
-Paper exceeding 2 pages can also not be included in the proceedings.
-The submitted paper must be in camera-ready format and in a word file.
-It will be placed into the conference proceedings as received
-and without substantial editing or reviewing.
-Therefore, we recommend that you get one or two colleagues
-to proofread the paper.
-\section{Structure of the short paper}
-The short paper should be structured as any other scientific publication.
-You should start with an introduction which includes background information
-(why is the topic of your research relevant?
-What have other authors found out about the topic?)
-and the specific question you tried to answer in your study
-(what is your aim and/or hypothesis?).
-The second section should explain the methods you used,
-so that the readers have clear information on how (and where)
-the data was collected and what methods were used to analyse the data.
-The third section should present the results of your research,
-i.e.\ describe your major findings.
-Please try to be as succinct as possible,
-presenting only the most relevant data in condensed form.
-In the fourth section you should explain how you interpret your results
-(do not leave the reader thinking "So what?").
-Continually refer to your results (but do not repeat them).
-Do not extend your conclusions beyond those
-which are directly supported by your results.
-Speculation has its place, but should not form the bulk of the discussion.
-Be sure to address the objectives of the study
-(which you stated in the introduction).
-Discuss the significance of your results in light of other published work.
-End the discussion with a short summary or conclusion
-regarding the significance of the work.
-\section{Helpful hints on formatting}
-\subsection{Figures and tables}
-As there will be no final formatting of your paper,
-you need to place figures and tables in the paper accordingly,
-usually at the top or bottom of column.
-Large figures and tables may span both columns,
-but it is easier to include a one-column figure or table.
-Place figure captions below the figures; place table titles above the tables.
-\caption{Soil properties for the two studied soils
-(Style used is Normal text, but font size 7).}
-Soil property & Soil A & Soil B\\
-Temperature (C) & 15 & 12\\
-pH & 7.4 & 6.2\\
-Organic C (mg/kg) & 1.2 & 2.4\\
-\textsuperscript{a} Water content is given on a soil dry weight basis.
-Please verify that the figures and tables you mention in the text
-actually exist. Please do not include captions as part of the figures.
-Do not put captions in text boxes linked to the figures.
-Do not put borders around the outside of your figures.
-Use the abbreviation ``Fig.'' except at the beginning of a sentence,
-where ``Figure'' should be used.
-Do not abbreviate ``Table.''
-Tables are numbered with Roman numerals.
-Insert tables by use of the Table lay-out, not just as tabulated text and data.
-Figure axis labels are often a source of confusion.
-Use words rather than symbols.
-As an example, write the quantity ``Transport cost in \euro'', not just ``\euro''.
-Put units in parentheses.
-Do not label axes only with units.
-Figure labels should be legible, approximately 8 point type.
-Color printing of figures is not available.
-Figures are used for all units and quantities (e.g., 8 mm, 3 years, 6 kg)
-with a space between the figure and the measurement description.
-In descriptive text, numbers from one to nine are spelled out
-and figures are used for 10 and over (e.g., six pigs, 27 sows)
-except where the number begins a sentence,
-thus: ``Three years ago ....''.
-If you use percentages, please do not include a space between the number
-and the percentage sign (e.g. 20\% of farmers).
-\subsection{Abbreviations and Acronyms}
-Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text.
-Do not use abbreviations in the title unless they are unavoidable.
-\subsection{Data and units}
-Indicate which measure is being used when data are presented;
-e.g., 53.8 $\pm$ 1.5 g/L (mean $\pm$ SE).
-For tests of significance, use the form, e.g., ``P<0.001''.
-Use of SI units is strongly encouraged.
-Use the center dot to separate compound units (A$\cdot$m2).
-If you wish, you may write in the first person singular
-or plural and use the active voice
-(``We observed that...'' instead of ``It was observed that ...'' or
-``The authors observed that...'').
-Remember to check spelling.
-If your native language is not English or German
-(depending on the language you write in),
-please get a native speaker to proofread your paper.
-\section{Guidelines for references}
-\subsection{In text}
-In the body of the text,
-references should be cited according to the following rules.\\
-- Where a paper is by three or more authors,
- the name of the first author should be followed by et al.\
- [\citet{hansen04} demonstrated\ldots] or
- [as previously demonstrated \citep{hansen04}].\\
-- Please place a comma between the author's name and the year
- \citep{schulze94,hansen95}.
- - The earliest work is reported first.\\
-- Letters following the year are used to differentiate between
- two or more papers with the same authors and the same year
- (Smith, 1964a, 1964b).\\
-- A semi-colon separates reference to different authors
- \citep{schulze94,hansen04}.
-\caption{Air temperature during the summer in Denmark
-(Style as normal text, but in italic and font size 7).}
-\subsection{Reference list}
-A complete list of the references cited in the text must be arranged
-alphabetically at the end of your paper under the heading References.
-For papers published in journals: Authors' names, year of publication,
-title of paper, name of journal (in full and italics), volume number (issue),
-and the first and last page numbers should be given, in that order.
-For books: Authors' names, year of publication, title of book (in italics),
-volume or edition number, place of publication and name of publisher
-should be given in that order.
-For chapters in a book: Authors' names, year of publication, title of chapter.
-In: editors. Title of Book (in italics), first and last page,
-place of publication and name of publisher.
-For a thesis: The author's name, year of publication, title of the thesis,
-degree and University should be given, in that order.
-There is a 4 pt space between references (4pt before each paragraph).
-I would like to thank the Joint Organic Congress for providing
-this template and most of the detailed instructions included in it.