path: root/Build/source/utils/xindy-old/user-commands/makeindex4
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Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/utils/xindy-old/user-commands/makeindex4')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/utils/xindy-old/user-commands/makeindex4 b/Build/source/utils/xindy-old/user-commands/makeindex4
deleted file mode 100755
index 1a24e9a6e5c..00000000000
--- a/Build/source/utils/xindy-old/user-commands/makeindex4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# $Id: makeindex4,v 1.9 2005/05/02 20:19:34 jschrod Exp $
-# This is a perl-script that wraps xindy into a makeindex-like
-# interface.
-# NOTE: Usage of this script is depreciated. Use texindy instead.
-# Yes, this is Perl 4 code -- it is as old. I don't plan to change
-# that, as there's a better replacement available anyhow. Let's tell
-# this with each usage... ;-)
-print STDERR <<'_EOF_'
-NOTE: Usage of makindex4 is depreciated. This script is not supported
-any more. Please consider switching to the supported command texindy.
- ;
-($progname = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
-$Date = `date`;
-require "";
-# $debug = 1;
-$numArgs = $#ARGV; # save number of Commandline-Arguments
-# parse for makeindex command-line options
-&Getopts( "dcgilo:p:qrs:t:" );
-$debug = $opt_d;
-# some debug-output
-print STDERR "\@ARGV: @ARGV\n" if $debug;
-print STDERR "\$#ARGV: $#ARGV\n" if $debug;
-sub welcome {
- print STDERR "\nusage:\t$progname [makeindex options] tex-index-file\n";
- print STDERR <<EOMSG;
-This file is a wrapper that makes `xindy' somehow behave as
-`makeindex' does. Currenly it does not parse all command-line
-arguments and some of the flags are differently implemented in the
-xindy system. So don't expect it to be a plug-in replacement for the
- exit(1);
-$numArgs = $#ARGV; # number of Commandline-Arguments
-if ( $numArgs eq 0 ) # only one argument
- { $Index = $ARGV[0]; } # the index
-else { &welcome; }
-print "Index = $Index\n" if $debug;
-$IndexBase = $Index;
-$IndexBase =~ s#\.[^\.]*$##;
-print "IndexBase = $IndexBase\n" if $debug;
-$TmpStyle = $IndexBase . ".xdy";
-open(STY, ">$TmpStyle");
-print STY <<EOSTY;
-;; This file is generated automatically by `makeindex4'.
-;; Date: $Date
-;; It is a temporary style-file that is necessary to run `xindy' properly.
-if ($opt_c) { print STY <<EOSTY;
-;; These lines implement the blank compression defined by
-;; the -c switch of makeindex.
-(merge-rule " +" " " :eregexp)
-(merge-rule "^[ \t]+" "" :again :eregexp)
-(merge-rule "[ \t]+$" "" :again :eregexp)
-if ($opt_g) { print STDERR "The option -g not supported!\n"; }
-if ($opt_i) { $UseStdin = 1; }
-if ($opt_l) { print STY <<EOSTY;
-(sort-rule \" \" \"\")
-if ($opt_q) { print STDERR "The option -q not supported!\n"; }
-if ($opt_r) { print STDERR "The option -r not supported!\n"; }
-if ($opt_o) { $OutputFile = $opt_o; }
-if ($opt_p) { print STDERR "The option -p not supported!\n"; }
-if ($opt_s) { print STDERR "The option -s not supported!\n"; }
-if ($opt_t) { $LogFile = $opt_t; }
-if ( $Index eq $IndexBase ) { $Index = $IndexBase . ".idx"; }
-print "Index = $Index\n" if $debug;
-unless ($OutputFile) { $OutputFile = $IndexBase . ".ind"; }
-print "Outputfile = $OutputFile\n" if $debug;
-unless ($LogFile) { $LogFile = $IndexBase . ".ilg"; }
-print "Logfile = $LogFile\n" if $debug;
-$RawIndex = $IndexBase . ".raw";
-$RawIndexStat = $IndexBase . ".sta";
-$CmdLine = "tex2xindy $RawIndexStat < $Index > $RawIndex";
-print "\nRunning tex2xindy...\n";
-print "+ $CmdLine\n";
-open(STA, "sort $RawIndexStat | uniq |");
-$Attr = "(define-attributes ((";
-while( <STA> ) {
- chop;
- ($attr, $type) = split(/\t/);
- if ($type eq "locref") {
- unless ($attr eq "") {
- $LocAttrs .= "\"$attr\" ";
- $LocMarkup .= "(markup-locref :open \"\\$attr" .
- "{\" :close \"}\" :attr \"$attr\")\n";
- }
- } else {
- if (! $attr eq "see" ) {
- $XrefAttrNames .= "\"$attr\" ";
- $XrefAttrs .= "(define-crossref-class \"$attr\")\n";
- $XrefMarkup .= "(markup-crossref-list :open \"\\$attr" .
- "{\" :close \"}{}\")\n";
- }
- }
-print STY <<EOSTY;
-;; The following attributes were detected.
-(define-attributes (($LocAttrs\"default\")))
-;; This is the markup as generated by makeindex.
-;; The following cross-referernces were detected.
-(define-crossref-class "see")
-;; This is the markup as generated by makeindex.
-(markup-crossref-list :open "\see{" :close "}{}" :class "see")
-;; Here are the location-classes
-(define-location-class "arabic-page-numbers" ("arabic-numbers"))
-(define-location-class "roman-page-numbers" ("roman-numbers-lowercase"))
-(define-location-class "Roman-page-numbers" ("roman-numbers-uppercase"))
-(define-location-class "alpha-page-numbers" ("alpha"))
-(define-location-class "Alpha-page-numbers" ("ALPHA"))
-(define-location-class-order ("roman-page-numbers"
- "arabic-page-numbers"
- "alpha-page-numbers"
- "Roman-page-numbers"
- "Alpha-page-numbers"
- "see" $XrefAttrNames))
-;; Now load the rest of the makeindex-module...
-(require "tex/makeidx4.xdy")
-;; End
-$CmdLine = "xindy.v2 -o $OutputFile -l $LogFile $TmpStyle $RawIndex";
-print "\nRunning xindy...\n";
-print "+ $CmdLine\n";
-# ============================================================
-# $Log: makeindex4,v $
-# Revision 1.9 2005/05/02 20:19:34 jschrod
-# Old xindy command is called xindy.v2.
-# Revision 1.8 2004/10/05 21:13:21 jschrod
-# Notes that its usage is depreciated. Doesn't reference the Quick
-# Guide any more.
-# Assumes /usr/bin/perl to exist.
-# Revision 1.7 1999/04/27 08:56:59 kehr
-# Another checkin.
-# Revision 1.6 1997/04/03 13:49:05 kehr
-# Removed a UNIX platform dependency from the code.
-# Revision 1.5 1997/02/13 14:42:47 kehr
-# Minor changes.
-# Revision 1.4 1997/02/13 13:57:54 kehr
-# makeindex4 now uses the module `makeidx4.xdy'.
-# Revision 1.3 1997/01/21 16:44:33 kehr
-# Bugfix: State <print> was not changed back to <key> if {LEVEL} was found.
-# Revision 1.2 1997/01/17 16:30:35 kehr
-# Rewrote makeindex4 and heavily modified tex2xindy.