path: root/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/jit/dump.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/jit/dump.lua')
1 files changed, 706 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/jit/dump.lua b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/jit/dump.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f858492bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Build/source/libs/luajit/LuaJIT-src/src/jit/dump.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+-- LuaJIT compiler dump module.
+-- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
+-- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h
+-- This module can be used to debug the JIT compiler itself. It dumps the
+-- code representations and structures used in various compiler stages.
+-- Example usage:
+-- luajit -jdump -e "local x=0; for i=1,1e6 do x=x+i end; print(x)"
+-- luajit -jdump=im -e "for i=1,1000 do for j=1,1000 do end end" | less -R
+-- luajit -jdump=is myapp.lua | less -R
+-- luajit -jdump=-b myapp.lua
+-- luajit -jdump=+aH,myapp.html myapp.lua
+-- luajit -jdump=ixT,myapp.dump myapp.lua
+-- The first argument specifies the dump mode. The second argument gives
+-- the output file name. Default output is to stdout, unless the environment
+-- variable LUAJIT_DUMPFILE is set. The file is overwritten every time the
+-- module is started.
+-- Different features can be turned on or off with the dump mode. If the
+-- mode starts with a '+', the following features are added to the default
+-- set of features; a '-' removes them. Otherwise the features are replaced.
+-- The following dump features are available (* marks the default):
+-- * t Print a line for each started, ended or aborted trace (see also -jv).
+-- * b Dump the traced bytecode.
+-- * i Dump the IR (intermediate representation).
+-- r Augment the IR with register/stack slots.
+-- s Dump the snapshot map.
+-- * m Dump the generated machine code.
+-- x Print each taken trace exit.
+-- X Print each taken trace exit and the contents of all registers.
+-- a Print the IR of aborted traces, too.
+-- The output format can be set with the following characters:
+-- T Plain text output.
+-- A ANSI-colored text output
+-- H Colorized HTML + CSS output.
+-- The default output format is plain text. It's set to ANSI-colored text
+-- if the COLORTERM variable is set. Note: this is independent of any output
+-- redirection, which is actually considered a feature.
+-- You probably want to use less -R to enjoy viewing ANSI-colored text from
+-- a pipe or a file. Add this to your ~/.bashrc: export LESS="-R"
+-- Cache some library functions and objects.
+local jit = require("jit")
+assert(jit.version_num == 20100, "LuaJIT core/library version mismatch")
+local jutil = require("jit.util")
+local vmdef = require("jit.vmdef")
+local funcinfo, funcbc = jutil.funcinfo, jutil.funcbc
+local traceinfo, traceir, tracek = jutil.traceinfo, jutil.traceir, jutil.tracek
+local tracemc, tracesnap = jutil.tracemc, jutil.tracesnap
+local traceexitstub, ircalladdr = jutil.traceexitstub, jutil.ircalladdr
+local bit = require("bit")
+local band, shl, shr, tohex =, bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.tohex
+local sub, gsub, format = string.sub, string.gsub, string.format
+local byte, char, rep = string.byte, string.char, string.rep
+local type, tostring = type, tostring
+local stdout, stderr = io.stdout, io.stderr
+-- Load other modules on-demand.
+local bcline, disass
+-- Active flag, output file handle and dump mode.
+local active, out, dumpmode
+local symtabmt = { __index = false }
+local symtab = {}
+local nexitsym = 0
+-- Fill nested symbol table with per-trace exit stub addresses.
+local function fillsymtab_tr(tr, nexit)
+ local t = {}
+ symtabmt.__index = t
+ if jit.arch == "mips" or jit.arch == "mipsel" then
+ t[traceexitstub(tr, 0)] = "exit"
+ return
+ end
+ for i=0,nexit-1 do
+ local addr = traceexitstub(tr, i)
+ if addr < 0 then addr = addr + 2^32 end
+ t[addr] = tostring(i)
+ end
+ local addr = traceexitstub(tr, nexit)
+ if addr then t[addr] = "stack_check" end
+-- Fill symbol table with trace exit stub addresses.
+local function fillsymtab(tr, nexit)
+ local t = symtab
+ if nexitsym == 0 then
+ local ircall = vmdef.ircall
+ for i=0,#ircall do
+ local addr = ircalladdr(i)
+ if addr ~= 0 then
+ if addr < 0 then addr = addr + 2^32 end
+ t[addr] = ircall[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if nexitsym == 1000000 then -- Per-trace exit stubs.
+ fillsymtab_tr(tr, nexit)
+ elseif nexit > nexitsym then -- Shared exit stubs.
+ for i=nexitsym,nexit-1 do
+ local addr = traceexitstub(i)
+ if addr == nil then -- Fall back to per-trace exit stubs.
+ fillsymtab_tr(tr, nexit)
+ setmetatable(symtab, symtabmt)
+ nexit = 1000000
+ break
+ end
+ if addr < 0 then addr = addr + 2^32 end
+ t[addr] = tostring(i)
+ end
+ nexitsym = nexit
+ end
+ return t
+local function dumpwrite(s)
+ out:write(s)
+-- Disassemble machine code.
+local function dump_mcode(tr)
+ local info = traceinfo(tr)
+ if not info then return end
+ local mcode, addr, loop = tracemc(tr)
+ if not mcode then return end
+ if not disass then disass = require("jit.dis_"..jit.arch) end
+ if addr < 0 then addr = addr + 2^32 end
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " mcode ", #mcode, "\n")
+ local ctx = disass.create(mcode, addr, dumpwrite)
+ ctx.hexdump = 0
+ ctx.symtab = fillsymtab(tr, info.nexit)
+ if loop ~= 0 then
+ symtab[addr+loop] = "LOOP"
+ ctx:disass(0, loop)
+ out:write("->LOOP:\n")
+ ctx:disass(loop, #mcode-loop)
+ symtab[addr+loop] = nil
+ else
+ ctx:disass(0, #mcode)
+ end
+local irtype_text = {
+ [0] = "nil",
+ "fal",
+ "tru",
+ "lud",
+ "str",
+ "p32",
+ "thr",
+ "pro",
+ "fun",
+ "p64",
+ "cdt",
+ "tab",
+ "udt",
+ "flt",
+ "num",
+ "i8 ",
+ "u8 ",
+ "i16",
+ "u16",
+ "int",
+ "u32",
+ "i64",
+ "u64",
+ "sfp",
+local colortype_ansi = {
+ [0] = "%s",
+ "%s",
+ "%s",
+ "\027[36m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[32m%s\027[m",
+ "%s",
+ "\027[1m%s\027[m",
+ "%s",
+ "\027[1m%s\027[m",
+ "%s",
+ "\027[33m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[31m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[36m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[34m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[34m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+ "\027[35m%s\027[m",
+local function colorize_text(s, t)
+ return s
+local function colorize_ansi(s, t)
+ return format(colortype_ansi[t], s)
+local irtype_ansi = setmetatable({},
+ { __index = function(tab, t)
+ local s = colorize_ansi(irtype_text[t], t); tab[t] = s; return s; end })
+local html_escape = { ["<"] = "&lt;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["&"] = "&amp;", }
+local function colorize_html(s, t)
+ s = gsub(s, "[<>&]", html_escape)
+ return format('<span class="irt_%s">%s</span>', irtype_text[t], s)
+local irtype_html = setmetatable({},
+ { __index = function(tab, t)
+ local s = colorize_html(irtype_text[t], t); tab[t] = s; return s; end })
+local header_html = [[
+<style type="text/css">
+background { background: #ffffff; color: #000000; }
+pre.ljdump {
+font-size: 10pt;
+background: #f0f4ff;
+color: #000000;
+border: 1px solid #bfcfff;
+padding: 0.5em;
+margin-left: 2em;
+margin-right: 2em;
+span.irt_str { color: #00a000; }
+span.irt_thr, span.irt_fun { color: #404040; font-weight: bold; }
+span.irt_tab { color: #c00000; }
+span.irt_udt, span.irt_lud { color: #00c0c0; }
+span.irt_num { color: #4040c0; }
+span.irt_int, span.irt_i8, span.irt_u8, span.irt_i16, span.irt_u16 { color: #b040b0; }
+local colorize, irtype
+-- Lookup tables to convert some literals into names.
+local litname = {
+ ["SLOAD "] = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, mode)
+ local s = ""
+ if band(mode, 1) ~= 0 then s = s.."P" end
+ if band(mode, 2) ~= 0 then s = s.."F" end
+ if band(mode, 4) ~= 0 then s = s.."T" end
+ if band(mode, 8) ~= 0 then s = s.."C" end
+ if band(mode, 16) ~= 0 then s = s.."R" end
+ if band(mode, 32) ~= 0 then s = s.."I" end
+ t[mode] = s
+ return s
+ end}),
+ ["XLOAD "] = { [0] = "", "R", "V", "RV", "U", "RU", "VU", "RVU", },
+ ["CONV "] = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, mode)
+ local s = irtype[band(mode, 31)]
+ s = irtype[band(shr(mode, 5), 31)].."."..s
+ if band(mode, 0x800) ~= 0 then s = s.." sext" end
+ local c = shr(mode, 14)
+ if c == 2 then s = s.." index" elseif c == 3 then s = s.." check" end
+ t[mode] = s
+ return s
+ end}),
+ ["FLOAD "] = vmdef.irfield,
+ ["FREF "] = vmdef.irfield,
+ ["FPMATH"] = vmdef.irfpm,
+ ["BUFHDR"] = { [0] = "RESET", "APPEND" },
+ ["TOSTR "] = { [0] = "INT", "NUM", "CHAR" },
+local function ctlsub(c)
+ if c == "\n" then return "\\n"
+ elseif c == "\r" then return "\\r"
+ elseif c == "\t" then return "\\t"
+ else return format("\\%03d", byte(c))
+ end
+local function fmtfunc(func, pc)
+ local fi = funcinfo(func, pc)
+ if fi.loc then
+ return fi.loc
+ elseif fi.ffid then
+ return vmdef.ffnames[fi.ffid]
+ elseif fi.addr then
+ return format("C:%x", fi.addr)
+ else
+ return "(?)"
+ end
+local function formatk(tr, idx)
+ local k, t, slot = tracek(tr, idx)
+ local tn = type(k)
+ local s
+ if tn == "number" then
+ if k == 2^52+2^51 then
+ s = "bias"
+ else
+ s = format("%+.14g", k)
+ end
+ elseif tn == "string" then
+ s = format(#k > 20 and '"%.20s"~' or '"%s"', gsub(k, "%c", ctlsub))
+ elseif tn == "function" then
+ s = fmtfunc(k)
+ elseif tn == "table" then
+ s = format("{%p}", k)
+ elseif tn == "userdata" then
+ if t == 12 then
+ s = format("userdata:%p", k)
+ else
+ s = format("[%p]", k)
+ if s == "[0x00000000]" then s = "NULL" end
+ end
+ elseif t == 21 then -- int64_t
+ s = sub(tostring(k), 1, -3)
+ if sub(s, 1, 1) ~= "-" then s = "+"..s end
+ else
+ s = tostring(k) -- For primitives.
+ end
+ s = colorize(format("%-4s", s), t)
+ if slot then
+ s = format("%s @%d", s, slot)
+ end
+ return s
+local function printsnap(tr, snap)
+ local n = 2
+ for s=0,snap[1]-1 do
+ local sn = snap[n]
+ if shr(sn, 24) == s then
+ n = n + 1
+ local ref = band(sn, 0xffff) - 0x8000 -- REF_BIAS
+ if ref < 0 then
+ out:write(formatk(tr, ref))
+ elseif band(sn, 0x80000) ~= 0 then -- SNAP_SOFTFPNUM
+ out:write(colorize(format("%04d/%04d", ref, ref+1), 14))
+ else
+ local m, ot, op1, op2 = traceir(tr, ref)
+ out:write(colorize(format("%04d", ref), band(ot, 31)))
+ end
+ out:write(band(sn, 0x10000) == 0 and " " or "|") -- SNAP_FRAME
+ else
+ out:write("---- ")
+ end
+ end
+ out:write("]\n")
+-- Dump snapshots (not interleaved with IR).
+local function dump_snap(tr)
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " snapshots\n")
+ for i=0,1000000000 do
+ local snap = tracesnap(tr, i)
+ if not snap then break end
+ out:write(format("#%-3d %04d [ ", i, snap[0]))
+ printsnap(tr, snap)
+ end
+-- Return a register name or stack slot for a rid/sp location.
+local function ridsp_name(ridsp, ins)
+ if not disass then disass = require("jit.dis_"..jit.arch) end
+ local rid, slot = band(ridsp, 0xff), shr(ridsp, 8)
+ if rid == 253 or rid == 254 then
+ return (slot == 0 or slot == 255) and " {sink" or format(" {%04d", ins-slot)
+ end
+ if ridsp > 255 then return format("[%x]", slot*4) end
+ if rid < 128 then return disass.regname(rid) end
+ return ""
+-- Dump CALL* function ref and return optional ctype.
+local function dumpcallfunc(tr, ins)
+ local ctype
+ if ins > 0 then
+ local m, ot, op1, op2 = traceir(tr, ins)
+ if band(ot, 31) == 0 then -- nil type means CARG(func, ctype).
+ ins = op1
+ ctype = formatk(tr, op2)
+ end
+ end
+ if ins < 0 then
+ out:write(format("[0x%x](", tonumber((tracek(tr, ins)))))
+ else
+ out:write(format("%04d (", ins))
+ end
+ return ctype
+-- Recursively gather CALL* args and dump them.
+local function dumpcallargs(tr, ins)
+ if ins < 0 then
+ out:write(formatk(tr, ins))
+ else
+ local m, ot, op1, op2 = traceir(tr, ins)
+ local oidx = 6*shr(ot, 8)
+ local op = sub(vmdef.irnames, oidx+1, oidx+6)
+ if op == "CARG " then
+ dumpcallargs(tr, op1)
+ if op2 < 0 then
+ out:write(" ", formatk(tr, op2))
+ else
+ out:write(" ", format("%04d", op2))
+ end
+ else
+ out:write(format("%04d", ins))
+ end
+ end
+-- Dump IR and interleaved snapshots.
+local function dump_ir(tr, dumpsnap, dumpreg)
+ local info = traceinfo(tr)
+ if not info then return end
+ local nins = info.nins
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " IR\n")
+ local irnames = vmdef.irnames
+ local snapref = 65536
+ local snap, snapno
+ if dumpsnap then
+ snap = tracesnap(tr, 0)
+ snapref = snap[0]
+ snapno = 0
+ end
+ for ins=1,nins do
+ if ins >= snapref then
+ if dumpreg then
+ out:write(format(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", snapno))
+ else
+ out:write(format(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", snapno))
+ end
+ printsnap(tr, snap)
+ snapno = snapno + 1
+ snap = tracesnap(tr, snapno)
+ snapref = snap and snap[0] or 65536
+ end
+ local m, ot, op1, op2, ridsp = traceir(tr, ins)
+ local oidx, t = 6*shr(ot, 8), band(ot, 31)
+ local op = sub(irnames, oidx+1, oidx+6)
+ if op == "LOOP " then
+ if dumpreg then
+ out:write(format("%04d ------------ LOOP ------------\n", ins))
+ else
+ out:write(format("%04d ------ LOOP ------------\n", ins))
+ end
+ elseif op ~= "NOP " and op ~= "CARG " and
+ (dumpreg or op ~= "RENAME") then
+ local rid = band(ridsp, 255)
+ if dumpreg then
+ out:write(format("%04d %-6s", ins, ridsp_name(ridsp, ins)))
+ else
+ out:write(format("%04d ", ins))
+ end
+ out:write(format("%s%s %s %s ",
+ (rid == 254 or rid == 253) and "}" or
+ (band(ot, 128) == 0 and " " or ">"),
+ band(ot, 64) == 0 and " " or "+",
+ irtype[t], op))
+ local m1, m2 = band(m, 3), band(m, 3*4)
+ if sub(op, 1, 4) == "CALL" then
+ local ctype
+ if m2 == 1*4 then -- op2 == IRMlit
+ out:write(format("%-10s (", vmdef.ircall[op2]))
+ else
+ ctype = dumpcallfunc(tr, op2)
+ end
+ if op1 ~= -1 then dumpcallargs(tr, op1) end
+ out:write(")")
+ if ctype then out:write(" ctype ", ctype) end
+ elseif op == "CNEW " and op2 == -1 then
+ out:write(formatk(tr, op1))
+ elseif m1 ~= 3 then -- op1 != IRMnone
+ if op1 < 0 then
+ out:write(formatk(tr, op1))
+ else
+ out:write(format(m1 == 0 and "%04d" or "#%-3d", op1))
+ end
+ if m2 ~= 3*4 then -- op2 != IRMnone
+ if m2 == 1*4 then -- op2 == IRMlit
+ local litn = litname[op]
+ if litn and litn[op2] then
+ out:write(" ", litn[op2])
+ elseif op == "UREFO " or op == "UREFC " then
+ out:write(format(" #%-3d", shr(op2, 8)))
+ else
+ out:write(format(" #%-3d", op2))
+ end
+ elseif op2 < 0 then
+ out:write(" ", formatk(tr, op2))
+ else
+ out:write(format(" %04d", op2))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ out:write("\n")
+ end
+ end
+ if snap then
+ if dumpreg then
+ out:write(format(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", snapno))
+ else
+ out:write(format(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", snapno))
+ end
+ printsnap(tr, snap)
+ end
+local recprefix = ""
+local recdepth = 0
+-- Format trace error message.
+local function fmterr(err, info)
+ if type(err) == "number" then
+ if type(info) == "function" then info = fmtfunc(info) end
+ err = format(vmdef.traceerr[err], info)
+ end
+ return err
+-- Dump trace states.
+local function dump_trace(what, tr, func, pc, otr, oex)
+ if what == "stop" or (what == "abort" and dumpmode.a) then
+ if dumpmode.i then dump_ir(tr, dumpmode.s, dumpmode.r and what == "stop")
+ elseif dumpmode.s then dump_snap(tr) end
+ if dumpmode.m then dump_mcode(tr) end
+ end
+ if what == "start" then
+ if dumpmode.H then out:write('<pre class="ljdump">\n') end
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " ", what)
+ if otr then out:write(" ", otr, "/", oex) end
+ out:write(" ", fmtfunc(func, pc), "\n")
+ elseif what == "stop" or what == "abort" then
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " ", what)
+ if what == "abort" then
+ out:write(" ", fmtfunc(func, pc), " -- ", fmterr(otr, oex), "\n")
+ else
+ local info = traceinfo(tr)
+ local link, ltype =, info.linktype
+ if link == tr or link == 0 then
+ out:write(" -> ", ltype, "\n")
+ elseif ltype == "root" then
+ out:write(" -> ", link, "\n")
+ else
+ out:write(" -> ", link, " ", ltype, "\n")
+ end
+ end
+ if dumpmode.H then out:write("</pre>\n\n") else out:write("\n") end
+ else
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", what, "\n\n")
+ end
+ out:flush()
+-- Dump recorded bytecode.
+local function dump_record(tr, func, pc, depth, callee)
+ if depth ~= recdepth then
+ recdepth = depth
+ recprefix = rep(" .", depth)
+ end
+ local line
+ if pc >= 0 then
+ line = bcline(func, pc, recprefix)
+ if dumpmode.H then line = gsub(line, "[<>&]", html_escape) end
+ else
+ line = "0000 "..recprefix.." FUNCC \n"
+ callee = func
+ end
+ if pc <= 0 then
+ out:write(sub(line, 1, -2), " ; ", fmtfunc(func), "\n")
+ else
+ out:write(line)
+ end
+ if pc >= 0 and band(funcbc(func, pc), 0xff) < 16 then -- ORDER BC
+ out:write(bcline(func, pc+1, recprefix)) -- Write JMP for cond.
+ end
+-- Dump taken trace exits.
+local function dump_texit(tr, ex, ngpr, nfpr, ...)
+ out:write("---- TRACE ", tr, " exit ", ex, "\n")
+ if dumpmode.X then
+ local regs = {...}
+ if jit.arch == "x64" then
+ for i=1,ngpr do
+ out:write(format(" %016x", regs[i]))
+ if i % 4 == 0 then out:write("\n") end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,ngpr do
+ out:write(" ", tohex(regs[i]))
+ if i % 8 == 0 then out:write("\n") end
+ end
+ end
+ if jit.arch == "mips" or jit.arch == "mipsel" then
+ for i=1,nfpr,2 do
+ out:write(format(" %+17.14g", regs[ngpr+i]))
+ if i % 8 == 7 then out:write("\n") end
+ end
+ else
+ for i=1,nfpr do
+ out:write(format(" %+17.14g", regs[ngpr+i]))
+ if i % 4 == 0 then out:write("\n") end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- Detach dump handlers.
+local function dumpoff()
+ if active then
+ active = false
+ jit.attach(dump_texit)
+ jit.attach(dump_record)
+ jit.attach(dump_trace)
+ if out and out ~= stdout and out ~= stderr then out:close() end
+ out = nil
+ end
+-- Open the output file and attach dump handlers.
+local function dumpon(opt, outfile)
+ if active then dumpoff() end
+ local colormode = os.getenv("COLORTERM") and "A" or "T"
+ if opt then
+ opt = gsub(opt, "[TAH]", function(mode) colormode = mode; return ""; end)
+ end
+ local m = { t=true, b=true, i=true, m=true, }
+ if opt and opt ~= "" then
+ local o = sub(opt, 1, 1)
+ if o ~= "+" and o ~= "-" then m = {} end
+ for i=1,#opt do m[sub(opt, i, i)] = (o ~= "-") end
+ end
+ dumpmode = m
+ if m.t or m.b or m.i or m.s or m.m then
+ jit.attach(dump_trace, "trace")
+ end
+ if m.b then
+ jit.attach(dump_record, "record")
+ if not bcline then bcline = require("jit.bc").line end
+ end
+ if m.x or m.X then
+ jit.attach(dump_texit, "texit")
+ end
+ if not outfile then outfile = os.getenv("LUAJIT_DUMPFILE") end
+ if outfile then
+ out = outfile == "-" and stdout or assert(, "w"))
+ else
+ out = stdout
+ end
+ m[colormode] = true
+ if colormode == "A" then
+ colorize = colorize_ansi
+ irtype = irtype_ansi
+ elseif colormode == "H" then
+ colorize = colorize_html
+ irtype = irtype_html
+ out:write(header_html)
+ else
+ colorize = colorize_text
+ irtype = irtype_text
+ end
+ active = true
+-- Public module functions.
+return {
+ on = dumpon,
+ off = dumpoff,
+ start = dumpon -- For -j command line option.