path: root/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2010-05-12 16:54:37 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2010-05-12 16:54:37 +0000
commit661c41a09e39a182865e0b51e34cc995a0dc96e8 (patch)
tree2f79bb1406e22fdcb2587be8ffda6c0c609d7932 /Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/
parentb645030efc22e13c2498a1522083634ab91b2de1 (diff)
move tlperl.straw to tlperl
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/')
1 files changed, 725 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/
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index 00000000000..72b941f6211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlperl/lib/Term/
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+# Term::ANSIColor -- Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences.
+# Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
+# Russ Allbery <> and Zenin
+# PUSH/POP support submitted 2007 by voice solutions
+# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# Ah, September, when the sysadmins turn colors and fall off the trees....
+# -- Dave Van Domelen
+# Modules and declarations
+package Term::ANSIColor;
+require 5.001;
+$VERSION = '3.00';
+use strict;
+use Exporter ();
+ @COLORLIST = qw(
+ );
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(color colored);
+ @EXPORT_OK = qw(uncolor colorstrip colorvalid);
+ %EXPORT_TAGS = (constants => \@COLORLIST,
+ pushpop => [ @COLORLIST,
+ Exporter::export_ok_tags ('pushpop');
+# Internal data structures
+%ATTRIBUTES = ('clear' => 0,
+ 'reset' => 0,
+ 'bold' => 1,
+ 'dark' => 2,
+ 'faint' => 2,
+ 'underline' => 4,
+ 'underscore' => 4,
+ 'blink' => 5,
+ 'reverse' => 7,
+ 'concealed' => 8,
+ 'black' => 30, 'on_black' => 40,
+ 'red' => 31, 'on_red' => 41,
+ 'green' => 32, 'on_green' => 42,
+ 'yellow' => 33, 'on_yellow' => 43,
+ 'blue' => 34, 'on_blue' => 44,
+ 'magenta' => 35, 'on_magenta' => 45,
+ 'cyan' => 36, 'on_cyan' => 46,
+ 'white' => 37, 'on_white' => 47,
+ 'bright_black' => 90, 'on_bright_black' => 100,
+ 'bright_red' => 91, 'on_bright_red' => 101,
+ 'bright_green' => 92, 'on_bright_green' => 102,
+ 'bright_yellow' => 93, 'on_bright_yellow' => 103,
+ 'bright_blue' => 94, 'on_bright_blue' => 104,
+ 'bright_magenta' => 95, 'on_bright_magenta' => 105,
+ 'bright_cyan' => 96, 'on_bright_cyan' => 106,
+ 'bright_white' => 97, 'on_bright_white' => 107,
+ );
+# Reverse lookup. Alphabetically first name for a sequence is preferred.
+for (reverse sort keys %ATTRIBUTES) {
+# Implementation (constant form)
+# Time to have fun! We now want to define the constant subs, which are named
+# the same as the attributes above but in all caps. Each constant sub needs
+# to act differently depending on whether $AUTORESET is set. Without
+# autoreset:
+# BLUE "text\n" ==> "\e[34mtext\n"
+# If $AUTORESET is set, we should instead get:
+# BLUE "text\n" ==> "\e[34mtext\n\e[0m"
+# The sub also needs to handle the case where it has no arguments correctly.
+# Maintaining all of this as separate subs would be a major nightmare, as well
+# as duplicate the %ATTRIBUTES hash, so instead we define an AUTOLOAD sub to
+# define the constant subs on demand. To do that, we check the name of the
+# called sub against the list of attributes, and if it's an all-caps version
+# of one of them, we define the sub on the fly and then run it.
+# If the environment variable ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED is set, just return the
+# arguments without adding any escape sequences. This is to make it easier to
+# write scripts that also work on systems without any ANSI support, like
+# Windows consoles.
+ if (defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED}) {
+ return join ('', @_);
+ }
+ if ($AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w:]*::([A-Z_]+))$/ and defined $ATTRIBUTES{lc $2}) {
+ $AUTOLOAD = $1;
+ my $attr = "\e[" . $ATTRIBUTES{lc $2} . 'm';
+ eval qq {
+ sub $AUTOLOAD {
+ if (\$AUTORESET && \@_) {
+ return '$attr' . join ('', \@_) . "\e[0m";
+ } elsif (\$AUTOLOCAL && \@_) {
+ return PUSHCOLOR ('$attr') . join ('', \@_) . POPCOLOR;
+ } else {
+ return '$attr' . join ('', \@_);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ goto &$AUTOLOAD;
+ } else {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak ("undefined subroutine &$AUTOLOAD called");
+ }
+# Append a new color to the top of the color stack and return the top of
+# the stack.
+ my ($text) = @_;
+ my ($color) = ($text =~ m/^((?:\e\[[\d;]+m)+)/);
+ if (@COLORSTACK) {
+ $color = $COLORSTACK[-1] . $color;
+ }
+ push (@COLORSTACK, $color);
+ return $text;
+# Pop the color stack and return the new top of the stack (or reset, if
+# the stack is empty).
+ if (@COLORSTACK) {
+ return $COLORSTACK[-1] . join ('', @_);
+ } else {
+ return RESET (@_);
+ }
+# Surround arguments with a push and a pop.
+ return PUSHCOLOR (join ('', @_)) . POPCOLOR ();
+# Implementation (attribute string form)
+# Return the escape code for a given set of color attributes.
+sub color {
+ return '' if defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED};
+ my @codes = map { split } @_;
+ my $attribute = '';
+ foreach (@codes) {
+ $_ = lc $_;
+ unless (defined $ATTRIBUTES{$_}) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak ("Invalid attribute name $_");
+ }
+ $attribute .= $ATTRIBUTES{$_} . ';';
+ }
+ chop $attribute;
+ return ($attribute ne '') ? "\e[${attribute}m" : undef;
+# Return a list of named color attributes for a given set of escape codes.
+# Escape sequences can be given with or without enclosing "\e[" and "m". The
+# empty escape sequence '' or "\e[m" gives an empty list of attrs.
+sub uncolor {
+ my (@nums, @result);
+ for (@_) {
+ my $escape = $_;
+ $escape =~ s/^\e\[//;
+ $escape =~ s/m$//;
+ unless ($escape =~ /^((?:\d+;)*\d*)$/) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak ("Bad escape sequence $escape");
+ }
+ push (@nums, split (/;/, $1));
+ }
+ for (@nums) {
+ $_ += 0; # Strip leading zeroes
+ my $name = $ATTRIBUTES_R{$_};
+ if (!defined $name) {
+ require Carp;
+ Carp::croak ("No name for escape sequence $_" );
+ }
+ push (@result, $name);
+ }
+ return @result;
+# Given a string and a set of attributes, returns the string surrounded by
+# escape codes to set those attributes and then clear them at the end of the
+# string. The attributes can be given either as an array ref as the first
+# argument or as a list as the second and subsequent arguments. If $EACHLINE
+# is set, insert a reset before each occurrence of the string $EACHLINE and
+# the starting attribute code after the string $EACHLINE, so that no attribute
+# crosses line delimiters (this is often desirable if the output is to be
+# piped to a pager or some other program).
+sub colored {
+ my ($string, @codes);
+ if (ref $_[0]) {
+ @codes = @{+shift};
+ $string = join ('', @_);
+ } else {
+ $string = shift;
+ @codes = @_;
+ }
+ return $string if defined $ENV{ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED};
+ if (defined $EACHLINE) {
+ my $attr = color (@codes);
+ return join '',
+ map { ($_ ne $EACHLINE) ? $attr . $_ . "\e[0m" : $_ }
+ grep { length ($_) > 0 }
+ split (/(\Q$EACHLINE\E)/, $string);
+ } else {
+ return color (@codes) . $string . "\e[0m";
+ }
+# Given a string, strip the ANSI color codes out of that string and return the
+# result. This removes only ANSI color codes, not movement codes and other
+# escape sequences.
+sub colorstrip {
+ my (@string) = @_;
+ for my $string (@string) {
+ $string =~ s/\e\[[\d;]*m//g;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @string : join ('', @string);
+# Given a list of color attributes (arguments for color, for instance), return
+# true if they're all valid or false if any of them are invalid.
+sub colorvalid {
+ my @codes = map { split } @_;
+ for (@codes) {
+ unless (defined $ATTRIBUTES{lc $_}) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+# Module return value and documentation
+# Ensure we evaluate to true.
+=head1 NAME
+Term::ANSIColor - Color screen output using ANSI escape sequences
+=for stopwords
+cyan colorize namespace runtime TMTOWTDI cmd.exe 4nt.exe NT
+ESC Delvare SSH OpenSSH aixterm ECMA-048 Fraktur overlining Zenin
+grey ATTR
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Term::ANSIColor;
+ print color 'bold blue';
+ print "This text is bold blue.\n";
+ print color 'reset';
+ print "This text is normal.\n";
+ print colored ("Yellow on magenta.", 'yellow on_magenta'), "\n";
+ print "This text is normal.\n";
+ print colored ['yellow on_magenta'], 'Yellow on magenta.', "\n";
+ print colored ['red on_bright_yellow'] 'Red on bright yellow.', "\n";
+ print colored ['bright_red on_black], 'Bright red on black.', "\n";
+ print "\n";
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(uncolor);
+ print uncolor ('01;31'), "\n";
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorstrip);
+ print colorstrip '\e[1mThis is bold\e[0m', "\n";
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(colorvalid);
+ my $valid = colorvalid ('blue bold', 'on_magenta');
+ print "Color string is ", $valid ? "valid\n" : "invalid\n";
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
+ print BOLD, BLUE, "This text is in bold blue.\n", RESET;
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
+ {
+ local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1;
+ print BOLD BLUE "This text is in bold blue.\n";
+ print "This text is normal.\n";
+ }
+ use Term::ANSIColor qw(:pushpop);
+ print PUSHCOLOR RED ON_GREEN "This text is red on green.\n";
+ print PUSHCOLOR BRIGHT_BLUE "This text is bright blue on green.\n";
+ print RESET BRIGHT_BLUE "This text is just bright blue.\n";
+ print POPCOLOR "Back to red on green.\n";
+ print LOCALCOLOR GREEN ON_BLUE "This text is green on blue.\n";
+ print "This text is red on green.\n";
+ {
+ local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTOLOCAL = 1;
+ print ON_BLUE "This text is red on blue.\n";
+ print "This text is red on green.\n";
+ }
+ print POPCOLOR "Back to whatever we started as.\n";
+This module has two interfaces, one through color() and colored() and the
+other through constants. It also offers the utility functions uncolor(),
+colorstrip(), and colorvalid(), which have to be explicitly imported to be
+used (see L</SYNOPSIS>).
+=head2 Supported Colors
+Terminal emulators that support color divide into two types: ones that
+support only eight colors, and ones that support sixteen. This module
+provides both the ANSI escape codes for the "normal" colors, supported by
+both types, as well as the additional colors supported by sixteen-color
+emulators. These colors are referred to as ANSI colors 0 through 7
+(normal) and 8 through 15.
+Unfortunately, interpretation of colors 0 through 7 often depends on
+whether the emulator supports eight colors or sixteen colors. Emulators
+that only support eight colors (such as the Linux console) will display
+colors 0 through 7 with normal brightness and ignore colors 8 through 15,
+treating them the same as white. Emulators that support 16 colors, such
+as gnome-terminal, normally display colors 0 through 7 as dim or darker
+versions and colors 8 through 15 as normal brightness. On such emulators,
+the "normal" white (color 7) usually is shown as pale grey, requiring
+bright white (15) to be used to get a real white color. Bright black
+usually is a dark grey color, although some terminals display it as pure
+black. Some sixteen-color terminal emulators also treat normal yellow
+(color 3) as orange or brown, and bright yellow (color 11) as yellow.
+Following the normal convention of sixteen-color emulators, this module
+provides a pair of attributes for each color. For every normal color (0
+through 7), the corresponding bright color (8 through 15) is obtained by
+prepending the string C<bright_> to the normal color name. For example,
+C<red> is color 1 and C<bright_red> is color 9. The same applies for
+background colors: C<on_red> is the normal color and C<on_bright_red> is
+the bright color. Capitalize these strings for the constant interface.
+There is unfortunately no way to know whether the current emulator
+supports sixteen colors or not, which makes the choice of colors
+difficult. The most conservative choice is to use only the regular
+colors, which are at least displayed on all emulators. However, they will
+appear dark in sixteen-color terminal emulators, including most common
+emulators in UNIX X environments. If you know the display is one of those
+emulators, you may wish to use the bright variants instead. Even better,
+offer the user a way to configure the colors for a given application to
+fit their terminal emulator.
+Support for colors 8 through 15 (the C<bright_> variants) was added in
+Term::ANSIColor 3.0.
+=head2 Function Interface
+The function interface uses attribute strings to describe the colors and
+text attributes to assign to text. The recognized non-color attributes
+are clear, reset, bold, dark, faint, underline, underscore, blink,
+reverse, and concealed. Clear and reset (reset to default attributes),
+dark and faint (dim and saturated), and underline and underscore are
+equivalent, so use whichever is the most intuitive to you.
+Note that not all attributes are supported by all terminal types, and some
+terminals may not support any of these sequences. Dark and faint, blink,
+and concealed in particular are frequently not implemented.
+The recognized normal foreground color attributes (colors 0 to 7) are:
+ black red green yellow blue magenta cyan white
+The corresponding bright foreground color attributes (colors 8 to 15) are:
+ bright_black bright_red bright_green bright_yellow
+ bright_blue bright_magenta bright_cyan bright_white
+The recognized normal background color attributes (colors 0 to 7) are:
+ on_black on_red on_green on yellow
+ on_blue on_magenta on_cyan on_white
+The recognized bright background color attributes (colors 8 to 15) are:
+ on_bright_black on_bright_red on_bright_green on_bright_yellow
+ on_bright_blue on_bright_magenta on_bright_cyan on_bright_white
+For any of the above listed attributes, case is not significant.
+Attributes, once set, last until they are unset (by printing the attribute
+C<clear> or C<reset>). Be careful to do this, or otherwise your attribute
+will last after your script is done running, and people get very annoyed
+at having their prompt and typing changed to weird colors.
+=over 4
+=item color(ATTR[, ATTR ...])
+color() takes any number of strings as arguments and considers them to be
+space-separated lists of attributes. It then forms and returns the escape
+sequence to set those attributes. It doesn't print it out, just returns
+it, so you'll have to print it yourself if you want to. This is so that
+you can save it as a string, pass it to something else, send it to a file
+handle, or do anything else with it that you might care to. color()
+throws an exception if given an invalid attribute.
+=item colored(STRING, ATTRIBUTES)
+=item colored(ATTR-REF, STRING[, STRING...])
+As an aid in resetting colors, colored() takes a scalar as the first
+argument and any number of attribute strings as the second argument and
+returns the scalar wrapped in escape codes so that the attributes will be
+set as requested before the string and reset to normal after the string.
+Alternately, you can pass a reference to an array as the first argument,
+and then the contents of that array will be taken as attributes and color
+codes and the remainder of the arguments as text to colorize.
+Normally, colored() just puts attribute codes at the beginning and end of
+the string, but if you set $Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE to some string, that
+string will be considered the line delimiter and the attribute will be set
+at the beginning of each line of the passed string and reset at the end of
+each line. This is often desirable if the output contains newlines and
+you're using background colors, since a background color that persists
+across a newline is often interpreted by the terminal as providing the
+default background color for the next line. Programs like pagers can also
+be confused by attributes that span lines. Normally you'll want to set
+$Term::ANSIColor::EACHLINE to C<"\n"> to use this feature.
+=item uncolor(ESCAPE)
+uncolor() performs the opposite translation as color(), turning escape
+sequences into a list of strings corresponding to the attributes being set
+by those sequences.
+=item colorstrip(STRING[, STRING ...])
+colorstrip() removes all color escape sequences from the provided strings,
+returning the modified strings separately in array context or joined
+together in scalar context. Its arguments are not modified.
+=item colorvalid(ATTR[, ATTR ...])
+colorvalid() takes attribute strings the same as color() and returns true
+if all attributes are known and false otherwise.
+=head2 Constant Interface
+Alternately, if you import C<:constants>, you can use the following
+constants directly:
+These are the same as color('attribute') and can be used if you prefer
+ print BOLD BLUE ON_WHITE "Text", RESET, "\n";
+ print colored ("Text", 'bold blue on_white'), "\n";
+(Note that the newline is kept separate to avoid confusing the terminal as
+described above since a background color is being used.)
+When using the constants, if you don't want to have to remember to add the
+C<, RESET> at the end of each print line, you can set
+$Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET to a true value. Then, the display mode will
+automatically be reset if there is no comma after the constant. In other
+words, with that variable set:
+ print BOLD BLUE "Text\n";
+will reset the display mode afterward, whereas:
+ print BOLD, BLUE, "Text\n";
+will not. If you are using background colors, you will probably want to
+print the newline with a separate print statement to avoid confusing the
+The subroutine interface has the advantage over the constants interface in
+that only two subroutines are exported into your namespace, versus
+thirty-eight in the constants interface. On the flip side, the constants
+interface has the advantage of better compile time error checking, since
+misspelled names of colors or attributes in calls to color() and colored()
+won't be caught until runtime whereas misspelled names of constants will
+be caught at compile time. So, pollute your namespace with almost two
+dozen subroutines that you may not even use that often, or risk a silly
+bug by mistyping an attribute. Your choice, TMTOWTDI after all.
+=head2 The Color Stack
+As of Term::ANSIColor 2.0, you can import C<:pushpop> and maintain a stack
+of colors using PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR. PUSHCOLOR takes the
+attribute string that starts its argument and pushes it onto a stack of
+attributes. POPCOLOR removes the top of the stack and restores the
+previous attributes set by the argument of a prior PUSHCOLOR. LOCALCOLOR
+surrounds its argument in a PUSHCOLOR and POPCOLOR so that the color
+resets afterward.
+When using PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR, it's particularly
+important to not put commas between the constants.
+ print PUSHCOLOR BLUE "Text\n";
+will correctly push BLUE onto the top of the stack.
+ print PUSHCOLOR, BLUE, "Text\n"; # wrong!
+will not, and a subsequent pop won't restore the correct attributes.
+PUSHCOLOR pushes the attributes set by its argument, which is normally a
+string of color constants. It can't ask the terminal what the current
+attributes are.
+=over 4
+=item Bad escape sequence %s
+(F) You passed an invalid ANSI escape sequence to uncolor().
+=item Bareword "%s" not allowed while "strict subs" in use
+(F) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as:
+ $Foobar = FOOBAR . "This line should be blue\n";
+ @Foobar = FOOBAR, "This line should be blue\n";
+This will only show up under use strict (another good reason to run under
+use strict).
+=item Invalid attribute name %s
+(F) You passed an invalid attribute name to either color() or colored().
+=item Name "%s" used only once: possible typo
+(W) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as:
+ print FOOBAR "This text is color FOOBAR\n";
+It's probably better to always use commas after constant names in order to
+force the next error.
+=item No comma allowed after filehandle
+(F) You probably mistyped a constant color name such as:
+ print FOOBAR, "This text is color FOOBAR\n";
+Generating this fatal compile error is one of the main advantages of using
+the constants interface, since you'll immediately know if you mistype a
+color name.
+=item No name for escape sequence %s
+(F) The ANSI escape sequence passed to uncolor() contains escapes which
+aren't recognized and can't be translated to names.
+=over 4
+If this environment variable is set, all of the functions defined by this
+module (color(), colored(), and all of the constants not previously used
+in the program) will not output any escape sequences and instead will just
+return the empty string or pass through the original text as appropriate.
+This is intended to support easy use of scripts using this module on
+platforms that don't support ANSI escape sequences.
+For it to have its proper effect, this environment variable must be set
+before any color constants are used in the program.
+It would be nice if one could leave off the commas around the constants
+entirely and just say:
+ print BOLD BLUE ON_WHITE "Text\n" RESET;
+but the syntax of Perl doesn't allow this. You need a comma after the
+string. (Of course, you may consider it a bug that commas between all the
+constants aren't required, in which case you may feel free to insert
+commas unless you're using $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET or
+For easier debugging, you may prefer to always use the commas when not
+setting $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET or PUSHCOLOR/POPCOLOR so that you'll
+get a fatal compile error rather than a warning.
+=head1 NOTES
+The codes generated by this module are standard terminal control codes,
+complying with ECMA-048 and ISO 6429 (generally referred to as "ANSI
+color" for the color codes). The non-color control codes (bold, dark,
+italic, underline, and reverse) are part of the earlier ANSI X3.64
+standard for control sequences for video terminals and peripherals.
+Note that not all displays are ISO 6429-compliant, or even X3.64-compliant
+(or are even attempting to be so). This module will not work as expected
+on displays that do not honor these escape sequences, such as cmd.exe,
+4nt.exe, and under either Windows NT or Windows 2000. They
+may just be ignored, or they may display as an ESC character followed by
+some apparent garbage.
+Jean Delvare provided the following table of different common terminal
+emulators and their support for the various attributes and others have
+helped me flesh it out:
+ clear bold faint under blink reverse conceal
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ xterm yes yes no yes yes yes yes
+ linux yes yes yes bold yes yes no
+ rxvt yes yes no yes bold/black yes no
+ dtterm yes yes yes yes reverse yes yes
+ teraterm yes reverse no yes rev/red yes no
+ aixterm kinda normal no yes no yes yes
+ PuTTY yes color no yes no yes no
+ Windows yes no no no no yes no
+ Cygwin SSH yes yes no color color color yes
+ Mac Terminal yes yes no yes yes yes yes
+Windows is Windows telnet, Cygwin SSH is the OpenSSH implementation under
+Cygwin on Windows NT, and Mac Terminal is the Terminal application in Mac
+OS X. Where the entry is other than yes or no, that emulator displays the
+given attribute as something else instead. Note that on an aixterm, clear
+doesn't reset colors; you have to explicitly set the colors back to what
+you want. More entries in this table are welcome.
+Note that codes 3 (italic), 6 (rapid blink), and 9 (strike-through) are
+specified in ANSI X3.64 and ECMA-048 but are not commonly supported by
+most displays and emulators and therefore aren't supported by this module
+at the present time. ECMA-048 also specifies a large number of other
+attributes, including a sequence of attributes for font changes, Fraktur
+characters, double-underlining, framing, circling, and overlining. As
+none of these attributes are widely supported or useful, they also aren't
+currently supported by this module.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ECMA-048 is available on-line (at least at the time of this writing) at
+ISO 6429 is available from ISO for a charge; the author of this module
+does not own a copy of it. Since the source material for ISO 6429 was
+ECMA-048 and the latter is available for free, there seems little reason
+to obtain the ISO standard.
+The current version of this module is always available from its web site
+at L<>. It is also part of
+the Perl core distribution as of 5.6.0.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+Original idea (using constants) by Zenin, reimplemented using subs by Russ
+Allbery <>, and then combined with the original idea by
+Russ with input from Zenin. Russ Allbery now maintains this module.
+Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010
+Russ Allbery <> and Zenin. This program is free software;
+you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl
+PUSHCOLOR, POPCOLOR, and LOCALCOLOR were contributed by
+voice solutions.