path: root/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File
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authorNorbert Preining <>2008-03-29 14:28:19 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2008-03-29 14:28:19 +0000
commitd4eedbeb6301b3ed03a6b6f703020f7dc5dcdc63 (patch)
tree2e75e7be0a5c8389343b511710f59c3e87dd65d9 /Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File
parent90c3bb4dc0c455df131af548a15d4cf875a86708 (diff)
too many changes, see email, basically tl.-package-manager work
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File')
3 files changed, 1201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0c8cd21e057
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+package File::Spec;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
+$VERSION = '3.12';
+my %module = (MacOS => 'Mac',
+ MSWin32 => 'Win32',
+ os2 => 'OS2',
+ VMS => 'VMS',
+ epoc => 'Epoc',
+ NetWare => 'Win32', # Yes, File::Spec::Win32 works on NetWare.
+ symbian => 'Win32', # Yes, File::Spec::Win32 works on symbian.
+ dos => 'OS2', # Yes, File::Spec::OS2 works on DJGPP.
+ cygwin => 'Cygwin');
+my $module = $module{$^O} || 'Unix';
+require "File/Spec/$";
+@ISA = ("File::Spec::$module");
+=head1 NAME
+File::Spec - portably perform operations on file names
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use File::Spec;
+ $x=File::Spec->catfile('a', 'b', 'c');
+which returns 'a/b/c' under Unix. Or:
+ use File::Spec::Functions;
+ $x = catfile('a', 'b', 'c');
+This module is designed to support operations commonly performed on file
+specifications (usually called "file names", but not to be confused with the
+contents of a file, or Perl's file handles), such as concatenating several
+directory and file names into a single path, or determining whether a path
+is rooted. It is based on code directly taken from MakeMaker 5.17, code
+written by Andreas KE<ouml>nig, Andy Dougherty, Charles Bailey, Ilya
+Zakharevich, Paul Schinder, and others.
+Since these functions are different for most operating systems, each set of
+OS specific routines is available in a separate module, including:
+ File::Spec::Unix
+ File::Spec::Mac
+ File::Spec::OS2
+ File::Spec::Win32
+ File::Spec::VMS
+The module appropriate for the current OS is automatically loaded by
+File::Spec. Since some modules (like VMS) make use of facilities available
+only under that OS, it may not be possible to load all modules under all
+operating systems.
+Since File::Spec is object oriented, subroutines should not be called directly,
+as in:
+ File::Spec::catfile('a','b');
+but rather as class methods:
+ File::Spec->catfile('a','b');
+For simple uses, L<File::Spec::Functions> provides convenient functional
+forms of these methods.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 2
+=item canonpath
+No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
+ $cpath = File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) ;
+Note that this does *not* collapse F<x/../y> sections into F<y>. This
+is by design. If F</foo> on your system is a symlink to F</bar/baz>,
+then F</foo/../quux> is actually F</bar/quux>, not F</quux> as a naive
+F<../>-removal would give you. If you want to do this kind of
+processing, you probably want C<Cwd>'s C<realpath()> function to
+actually traverse the filesystem cleaning up paths like this.
+=item catdir
+Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending
+with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting
+string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses
+OS/2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the
+trailing slash :-)
+ $path = File::Spec->catdir( @directories );
+=item catfile
+Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
+complete path ending with a filename
+ $path = File::Spec->catfile( @directories, $filename );
+=item curdir
+Returns a string representation of the current directory.
+ $curdir = File::Spec->curdir();
+=item devnull
+Returns a string representation of the null device.
+ $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
+=item rootdir
+Returns a string representation of the root directory.
+ $rootdir = File::Spec->rootdir();
+=item tmpdir
+Returns a string representation of the first writable directory from a
+list of possible temporary directories. Returns the current directory
+if no writable temporary directories are found. The list of directories
+checked depends on the platform; e.g. File::Spec::Unix checks C<$ENV{TMPDIR}>
+(unless taint is on) and F</tmp>.
+ $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
+=item updir
+Returns a string representation of the parent directory.
+ $updir = File::Spec->updir();
+=item no_upwards
+Given a list of file names, strip out those that refer to a parent
+directory. (Does not strip symlinks, only '.', '..', and equivalents.)
+ @paths = File::Spec->no_upwards( @paths );
+=item case_tolerant
+Returns a true or false value indicating, respectively, that alphabetic
+case is not or is significant when comparing file specifications.
+ $is_case_tolerant = File::Spec->case_tolerant();
+=item file_name_is_absolute
+Takes as its argument a path, and returns true if it is an absolute path.
+ $is_absolute = File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $path );
+This does not consult the local filesystem on Unix, Win32, OS/2, or
+Mac OS (Classic). It does consult the working environment for VMS
+(see L<File::Spec::VMS/file_name_is_absolute>).
+=item path
+Takes no argument. Returns the environment variable C<PATH> (or the local
+platform's equivalent) as a list.
+ @PATH = File::Spec->path();
+=item join
+join is the same as catfile.
+=item splitpath
+Splits a path in to volume, directory, and filename portions. On systems
+with no concept of volume, returns '' for volume.
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $no_file );
+For systems with no syntax differentiating filenames from directories,
+assumes that the last file is a path unless C<$no_file> is true or a
+trailing separator or F</.> or F</..> is present. On Unix, this means that C<$no_file>
+true makes this return ( '', $path, '' ).
+The directory portion may or may not be returned with a trailing '/'.
+The results can be passed to L</catpath()> to get back a path equivalent to
+(usually identical to) the original path.
+=item splitdir
+The opposite of L</catdir()>.
+ @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
+C<$directories> must be only the directory portion of the path on systems
+that have the concept of a volume or that have path syntax that differentiates
+files from directories.
+Unlike just splitting the directories on the separator, empty
+directory names (C<''>) can be returned, because these are significant
+on some OSes.
+=item catpath()
+Takes volume, directory and file portions and returns an entire path. Under
+Unix, C<$volume> is ignored, and directory and file are concatenated. A '/' is
+inserted if need be. On other OSes, C<$volume> is significant.
+ $full_path = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $directory, $file );
+=item abs2rel
+Takes a destination path and an optional base path returns a relative path
+from the base path to the destination path:
+ $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path ) ;
+ $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path, $base ) ;
+If C<$base> is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If C<$base> is
+relative, then it is converted to absolute form using
+L</rel2abs()>. This means that it is taken to be relative to
+On systems with the concept of volume, if C<$path> and C<$base> appear to be
+on two different volumes, we will not attempt to resolve the two
+paths, and we will instead simply return C<$path>. Note that previous
+versions of this module ignored the volume of C<$base>, which resulted in
+garbage results part of the time.
+On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores the
+C<$base> filename as well. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
+If C<$path> is relative, it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>.
+This means that it is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
+No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
+interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
+macros are expanded.
+Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
+=item rel2abs()
+Converts a relative path to an absolute path.
+ $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path ) ;
+ $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path, $base ) ;
+If C<$base> is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If C<$base> is relative,
+then it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>. This means that it
+is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
+On systems with the concept of volume, if C<$path> and C<$base> appear to be
+on two different volumes, we will not attempt to resolve the two
+paths, and we will instead simply return C<$path>. Note that previous
+versions of this module ignored the volume of C<$base>, which resulted in
+garbage results part of the time.
+On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores the
+C<$base> filename as well. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
+If C<$path> is absolute, it is cleaned up and returned using L</canonpath()>.
+No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
+interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
+macros are expanded.
+Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
+For further information, please see L<File::Spec::Unix>,
+L<File::Spec::Mac>, L<File::Spec::OS2>, L<File::Spec::Win32>, or
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<File::Spec::Unix>, L<File::Spec::Mac>, L<File::Spec::OS2>,
+L<File::Spec::Win32>, L<File::Spec::VMS>, L<File::Spec::Functions>,
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Currently maintained by Ken Williams C<< <> >>.
+The vast majority of the code was written by
+Kenneth Albanowski C<< <> >>,
+Andy Dougherty C<< <> >>,
+Andreas KE<ouml>nig C<< <A.Koenig@franz.ww.TU-Berlin.DE> >>,
+Tim Bunce C<< <> >>.
+VMS support by Charles Bailey C<< <> >>.
+OS/2 support by Ilya Zakharevich C<< <> >>.
+Mac support by Paul Schinder C<< <> >>, and
+Thomas Wegner C<< <> >>.
+abs2rel() and rel2abs() written by Shigio Yamaguchi C<< <> >>,
+modified by Barrie Slaymaker C<< <> >>.
+splitpath(), splitdir(), catpath() and catdir() by Barrie Slaymaker.
+Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4a25fe632f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
+package File::Spec::Unix;
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+$VERSION = '1.5';
+=head1 NAME
+File::Spec::Unix - File::Spec for Unix, base for other File::Spec modules
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ require File::Spec::Unix; # Done automatically by File::Spec
+Methods for manipulating file specifications. Other File::Spec
+modules, such as File::Spec::Mac, inherit from File::Spec::Unix and
+override specific methods.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 2
+=item canonpath()
+No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
+path. On UNIX eliminates successive slashes and successive "/.".
+ $cpath = File::Spec->canonpath( $path ) ;
+Note that this does *not* collapse F<x/../y> sections into F<y>. This
+is by design. If F</foo> on your system is a symlink to F</bar/baz>,
+then F</foo/../quux> is actually F</bar/quux>, not F</quux> as a naive
+F<../>-removal would give you. If you want to do this kind of
+processing, you probably want C<Cwd>'s C<realpath()> function to
+actually traverse the filesystem cleaning up paths like this.
+sub canonpath {
+ my ($self,$path) = @_;
+ # Handle POSIX-style node names beginning with double slash (qnx, nto)
+ # Handle network path names beginning with double slash (cygwin)
+ # (POSIX says: "a pathname that begins with two successive slashes
+ # may be interpreted in an implementation-defined manner, although
+ # more than two leading slashes shall be treated as a single slash.")
+ my $node = '';
+ if ( $^O =~ m/^(?:qnx|nto|cygwin)$/ && $path =~ s:^(//[^/]+)(/|\z):/:s ) {
+ $node = $1;
+ }
+ # This used to be
+ # $path =~ s|/+|/|g unless($^O eq 'cygwin');
+ # but that made tests 29, 30, 35, 46, and 213 (as of #13272) to fail
+ # (Mainly because trailing "" directories didn't get stripped).
+ # Why would cygwin avoid collapsing multiple slashes into one? --jhi
+ $path =~ s|/+|/|g; # xx////xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s@(/\.)+(/|\Z(?!\n))@/@g; # xx/././xx -> xx/xx
+ $path =~ s|^(\./)+||s unless $path eq "./"; # ./xx -> xx
+ $path =~ s|^/(\.\./)+|/|; # /../../xx -> xx
+ $path =~ s|^/\.\.$|/|; # /.. -> /
+ $path =~ s|/\Z(?!\n)|| unless $path eq "/"; # xx/ -> xx
+ return "$node$path";
+=item catdir()
+Concatenate two or more directory names to form a complete path ending
+with a directory. But remove the trailing slash from the resulting
+string, because it doesn't look good, isn't necessary and confuses
+OS2. Of course, if this is the root directory, don't cut off the
+trailing slash :-)
+sub catdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->canonpath(join('/', @_, '')); # '' because need a trailing '/'
+=item catfile
+Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
+complete path ending with a filename
+sub catfile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = $self->canonpath(pop @_);
+ return $file unless @_;
+ my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
+ $dir .= "/" unless substr($dir,-1) eq "/";
+ return $dir.$file;
+=item curdir
+Returns a string representation of the current directory. "." on UNIX.
+sub curdir () { '.' }
+=item devnull
+Returns a string representation of the null device. "/dev/null" on UNIX.
+sub devnull () { '/dev/null' }
+=item rootdir
+Returns a string representation of the root directory. "/" on UNIX.
+sub rootdir () { '/' }
+=item tmpdir
+Returns a string representation of the first writable directory from
+the following list or the current directory if none from the list are
+ /tmp
+Since perl 5.8.0, if running under taint mode, and if $ENV{TMPDIR}
+is tainted, it is not used.
+my $tmpdir;
+sub _tmpdir {
+ return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @dirlist = @_;
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ if (${"\cTAINT"}) { # Check for taint mode on perl >= 5.8.0
+ require Scalar::Util;
+ @dirlist = grep { ! Scalar::Util::tainted($_) } @dirlist;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@dirlist) {
+ next unless defined && -d && -w _;
+ $tmpdir = $_;
+ last;
+ }
+ $tmpdir = $self->curdir unless defined $tmpdir;
+ $tmpdir = defined $tmpdir && $self->canonpath($tmpdir);
+ return $tmpdir;
+sub tmpdir {
+ return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
+ $tmpdir = $_[0]->_tmpdir( $ENV{TMPDIR}, "/tmp" );
+=item updir
+Returns a string representation of the parent directory. ".." on UNIX.
+sub updir () { '..' }
+=item no_upwards
+Given a list of file names, strip out those that refer to a parent
+directory. (Does not strip symlinks, only '.', '..', and equivalents.)
+sub no_upwards {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return grep(!/^\.{1,2}\Z(?!\n)/s, @_);
+=item case_tolerant
+Returns a true or false value indicating, respectively, that alphabetic
+is not or is significant when comparing file specifications.
+sub case_tolerant () { 0 }
+=item file_name_is_absolute
+Takes as argument a path and returns true if it is an absolute path.
+This does not consult the local filesystem on Unix, Win32, OS/2 or Mac
+OS (Classic). It does consult the working environment for VMS (see
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my ($self,$file) = @_;
+ return scalar($file =~ m:^/:s);
+=item path
+Takes no argument, returns the environment variable PATH as an array.
+sub path {
+ return () unless exists $ENV{PATH};
+ my @path = split(':', $ENV{PATH});
+ foreach (@path) { $_ = '.' if $_ eq '' }
+ return @path;
+=item join
+join is the same as catfile.
+sub join {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->catfile(@_);
+=item splitpath
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $no_file );
+Splits a path into volume, directory, and filename portions. On systems
+with no concept of volume, returns '' for volume.
+For systems with no syntax differentiating filenames from directories,
+assumes that the last file is a path unless $no_file is true or a
+trailing separator or /. or /.. is present. On Unix this means that $no_file
+true makes this return ( '', $path, '' ).
+The directory portion may or may not be returned with a trailing '/'.
+The results can be passed to L</catpath()> to get back a path equivalent to
+(usually identical to) the original path.
+sub splitpath {
+ my ($self,$path, $nofile) = @_;
+ my ($volume,$directory,$file) = ('','','');
+ if ( $nofile ) {
+ $directory = $path;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path =~ m|^ ( (?: .* / (?: \.\.?\Z(?!\n) )? )? ) ([^/]*) |xs;
+ $directory = $1;
+ $file = $2;
+ }
+ return ($volume,$directory,$file);
+=item splitdir
+The opposite of L</catdir()>.
+ @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
+$directories must be only the directory portion of the path on systems
+that have the concept of a volume or that have path syntax that differentiates
+files from directories.
+Unlike just splitting the directories on the separator, empty
+directory names (C<''>) can be returned, because these are significant
+on some OSs.
+On Unix,
+ File::Spec->splitdir( "/a/b//c/" );
+ ( '', 'a', 'b', '', 'c', '' )
+sub splitdir {
+ return split m|/|, $_[1], -1; # Preserve trailing fields
+=item catpath()
+Takes volume, directory and file portions and returns an entire path. Under
+Unix, $volume is ignored, and directory and file are concatenated. A '/' is
+inserted if needed (though if the directory portion doesn't start with
+'/' it is not added). On other OSs, $volume is significant.
+sub catpath {
+ my ($self,$volume,$directory,$file) = @_;
+ if ( $directory ne '' &&
+ $file ne '' &&
+ substr( $directory, -1 ) ne '/' &&
+ substr( $file, 0, 1 ) ne '/'
+ ) {
+ $directory .= "/$file" ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $directory .= $file ;
+ }
+ return $directory ;
+=item abs2rel
+Takes a destination path and an optional base path returns a relative path
+from the base path to the destination path:
+ $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path ) ;
+ $rel_path = File::Spec->abs2rel( $path, $base ) ;
+If $base is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If $base is
+relative, then it is converted to absolute form using
+L</rel2abs()>. This means that it is taken to be relative to
+On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores the
+$base filename. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
+If $path is relative, it is converted to absolute form using L</rel2abs()>.
+This means that it is taken to be relative to L<cwd()|Cwd>.
+No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
+interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
+macros are expanded.
+Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
+sub abs2rel {
+ my($self,$path,$base) = @_;
+ # Clean up $path
+ if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
+ $path = $self->rel2abs( $path ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path = $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
+ }
+ # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
+ if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
+ $base = $self->_cwd();
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
+ $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;
+ }
+ # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
+ my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path);
+ my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base);
+ while (@pathchunks && @basechunks && $pathchunks[0] eq $basechunks[0]) {
+ shift @pathchunks ;
+ shift @basechunks ;
+ }
+ $path = CORE::join( '/', @pathchunks );
+ $base = CORE::join( '/', @basechunks );
+ # $base now contains the directories the resulting relative path
+ # must ascend out of before it can descend to $path_directory. So,
+ # replace all names with $parentDir
+ $base =~ s|[^/]+|..|g ;
+ # Glue the two together, using a separator if necessary, and preventing an
+ # empty result.
+ if ( $path ne '' && $base ne '' ) {
+ $path = "$base/$path" ;
+ } else {
+ $path = "$base$path" ;
+ }
+ return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
+=item rel2abs()
+Converts a relative path to an absolute path.
+ $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path ) ;
+ $abs_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $path, $base ) ;
+If $base is not present or '', then L<cwd()|Cwd> is used. If $base is
+relative, then it is converted to absolute form using
+L</rel2abs()>. This means that it is taken to be relative to
+On systems that have a grammar that indicates filenames, this ignores
+the $base filename. Otherwise all path components are assumed to be
+If $path is absolute, it is cleaned up and returned using L</canonpath()>.
+No checks against the filesystem are made. On VMS, there is
+interaction with the working environment, as logicals and
+macros are expanded.
+Based on code written by Shigio Yamaguchi.
+sub rel2abs {
+ my ($self,$path,$base ) = @_;
+ # Clean up $path
+ if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
+ # Figure out the effective $base and clean it up.
+ if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
+ $base = $self->_cwd();
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
+ $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;
+ }
+ # Glom them together
+ $path = $self->catdir( $base, $path ) ;
+ }
+ return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
+Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+# Internal routine to File::Spec, no point in making this public since
+# it is the standard Cwd interface. Most of the platform-specific
+# File::Spec subclasses use this.
+sub _cwd {
+ require Cwd;
+ Cwd::cwd();
+# Internal method to reduce xx\..\yy -> yy
+sub _collapse {
+ my($fs, $path) = @_;
+ my $updir = $fs->updir;
+ my $curdir = $fs->curdir;
+ my($vol, $dirs, $file) = $fs->splitpath($path);
+ my @dirs = $fs->splitdir($dirs);
+ my @collapsed;
+ foreach my $dir (@dirs) {
+ if( $dir eq $updir and # if we have an updir
+ @collapsed and # and something to collapse
+ length $collapsed[-1] and # and its not the rootdir
+ $collapsed[-1] ne $updir and # nor another updir
+ $collapsed[-1] ne $curdir # nor the curdir
+ )
+ { # then
+ pop @collapsed; # collapse
+ }
+ else { # else
+ push @collapsed, $dir; # just hang onto it
+ }
+ }
+ return $fs->catpath($vol,
+ $fs->catdir(@collapsed),
+ $file
+ );
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a324306a74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/installer/perllib/File/Spec/
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+package File::Spec::Win32;
+use strict;
+use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION);
+require File::Spec::Unix;
+$VERSION = '1.6';
+@ISA = qw(File::Spec::Unix);
+=head1 NAME
+File::Spec::Win32 - methods for Win32 file specs
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ require File::Spec::Win32; # Done internally by File::Spec if needed
+See File::Spec::Unix for a documentation of the methods provided
+there. This package overrides the implementation of these methods, not
+the semantics.
+=over 4
+=item devnull
+Returns a string representation of the null device.
+sub devnull {
+ return "nul";
+sub rootdir () { '\\' }
+=item tmpdir
+Returns a string representation of the first existing directory
+from the following list:
+ SYS:/temp
+ C:\system\temp
+ C:/temp
+ /tmp
+ /
+The SYS:/temp is preferred in Novell NetWare and the C:\system\temp
+for Symbian (the File::Spec::Win32 is used also for those platforms).
+Since Perl 5.8.0, if running under taint mode, and if the environment
+variables are tainted, they are not used.
+my $tmpdir;
+sub tmpdir {
+ return $tmpdir if defined $tmpdir;
+ $tmpdir = $_[0]->_tmpdir( @ENV{qw(TMPDIR TEMP TMP)},
+ 'SYS:/temp',
+ 'C:\system\temp',
+ 'C:/temp',
+ '/tmp',
+ '/' );
+sub case_tolerant {
+ return 1;
+sub file_name_is_absolute {
+ my ($self,$file) = @_;
+ return scalar($file =~ m{^([a-z]:)?[\\/]}is);
+=item catfile
+Concatenate one or more directory names and a filename to form a
+complete path ending with a filename
+sub catfile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = $self->canonpath(pop @_);
+ return $file unless @_;
+ my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
+ $dir .= "\\" unless substr($dir,-1) eq "\\";
+ return $dir.$file;
+sub catdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ foreach (@args) {
+ tr[/][\\];
+ # append a backslash to each argument unless it has one there
+ $_ .= "\\" unless m{\\$};
+ }
+ return $self->canonpath(join('', @args));
+sub path {
+ my @path = split(';', $ENV{PATH});
+ s/"//g for @path;
+ @path = grep length, @path;
+ unshift(@path, ".");
+ return @path;
+=item canonpath
+No physical check on the filesystem, but a logical cleanup of a
+path. On UNIX eliminated successive slashes and successive "/.".
+On Win32 makes
+ dir1\dir2\dir3\..\..\dir4 -> \dir\dir4 and even
+ dir1\dir2\dir3\...\dir4 -> \dir\dir4
+sub canonpath {
+ my ($self,$path) = @_;
+ $path =~ s/^([a-z]:)/\u$1/s;
+ $path =~ s|/|\\|g;
+ $path =~ s|([^\\])\\+|$1\\|g; # xx\\\\xx -> xx\xx
+ $path =~ s|(\\\.)+\\|\\|g; # xx\.\.\xx -> xx\xx
+ $path =~ s|^(\.\\)+||s unless $path eq ".\\"; # .\xx -> xx
+ $path =~ s|\\\Z(?!\n)||
+ unless $path =~ m{^([A-Z]:)?\\\Z(?!\n)}s; # xx\ -> xx
+ # xx1/xx2/xx3/../../xx -> xx1/xx
+ $path =~ s|\\\.\.\.\\|\\\.\.\\\.\.\\|g; # \...\ is 2 levels up
+ $path =~ s|^\.\.\.\\|\.\.\\\.\.\\|g; # ...\ is 2 levels up
+ return $path if $path =~ m|^\.\.|; # skip relative paths
+ return $path unless $path =~ /\.\./; # too few .'s to cleanup
+ return $path if $path =~ /\.\.\.\./; # too many .'s to cleanup
+ $path =~ s{^\\\.\.$}{\\}; # \.. -> \
+ 1 while $path =~ s{^\\\.\.}{}; # \..\xx -> \xx
+ return $self->_collapse($path);
+=item splitpath
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
+ ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path, $no_file );
+Splits a path into volume, directory, and filename portions. Assumes that
+the last file is a path unless the path ends in '\\', '\\.', '\\..'
+or $no_file is true. On Win32 this means that $no_file true makes this return
+( $volume, $path, '' ).
+Separators accepted are \ and /.
+Volumes can be drive letters or UNC sharenames (\\server\share).
+The results can be passed to L</catpath> to get back a path equivalent to
+(usually identical to) the original path.
+sub splitpath {
+ my ($self,$path, $nofile) = @_;
+ my ($volume,$directory,$file) = ('','','');
+ if ( $nofile ) {
+ $path =~
+ m{^( (?:[a-zA-Z]:|(?:\\\\|//)[^\\/]+[\\/][^\\/]+)? )
+ (.*)
+ }xs;
+ $volume = $1;
+ $directory = $2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $path =~
+ m{^ ( (?: [a-zA-Z]: |
+ (?:\\\\|//)[^\\/]+[\\/][^\\/]+
+ )?
+ )
+ ( (?:.*[\\/](?:\.\.?\Z(?!\n))?)? )
+ (.*)
+ }xs;
+ $volume = $1;
+ $directory = $2;
+ $file = $3;
+ }
+ return ($volume,$directory,$file);
+=item splitdir
+The opposite of L<catdir()|File::Spec/catdir()>.
+ @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $directories );
+$directories must be only the directory portion of the path on systems
+that have the concept of a volume or that have path syntax that differentiates
+files from directories.
+Unlike just splitting the directories on the separator, leading empty and
+trailing directory entries can be returned, because these are significant
+on some OSs. So,
+ File::Spec->splitdir( "/a/b/c" );
+ ( '', 'a', 'b', '', 'c', '' )
+sub splitdir {
+ my ($self,$directories) = @_ ;
+ #
+ # split() likes to forget about trailing null fields, so here we
+ # check to be sure that there will not be any before handling the
+ # simple case.
+ #
+ if ( $directories !~ m|[\\/]\Z(?!\n)| ) {
+ return split( m|[\\/]|, $directories );
+ }
+ else {
+ #
+ # since there was a trailing separator, add a file name to the end,
+ # then do the split, then replace it with ''.
+ #
+ my( @directories )= split( m|[\\/]|, "${directories}dummy" ) ;
+ $directories[ $#directories ]= '' ;
+ return @directories ;
+ }
+=item catpath
+Takes volume, directory and file portions and returns an entire path. Under
+Unix, $volume is ignored, and this is just like catfile(). On other OSs,
+the $volume become significant.
+sub catpath {
+ my ($self,$volume,$directory,$file) = @_;
+ # If it's UNC, make sure the glue separator is there, reusing
+ # whatever separator is first in the $volume
+ my $v;
+ $volume .= $v
+ if ( (($v) = $volume =~ m@^([\\/])[\\/][^\\/]+[\\/][^\\/]+\Z(?!\n)@s) &&
+ $directory =~ m@^[^\\/]@s
+ ) ;
+ $volume .= $directory ;
+ # If the volume is not just A:, make sure the glue separator is
+ # there, reusing whatever separator is first in the $volume if possible.
+ if ( $volume !~ m@^[a-zA-Z]:\Z(?!\n)@s &&
+ $volume =~ m@[^\\/]\Z(?!\n)@ &&
+ $file =~ m@[^\\/]@
+ ) {
+ $volume =~ m@([\\/])@ ;
+ my $sep = $1 ? $1 : '\\' ;
+ $volume .= $sep ;
+ }
+ $volume .= $file ;
+ return $volume ;
+sub abs2rel {
+ my($self,$path,$base) = @_;
+ $base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base and length $base;
+ for ($path, $base) { $_ = $self->canonpath($_) }
+ my ($path_volume) = $self->splitpath($path, 1);
+ my ($base_volume) = $self->splitpath($base, 1);
+ # Can't relativize across volumes
+ return $path unless $path_volume eq $base_volume;
+ for ($path, $base) { $_ = $self->rel2abs($_) }
+ my $path_directories = ($self->splitpath($path, 1))[1];
+ my $base_directories = ($self->splitpath($base, 1))[1];
+ # Now, remove all leading components that are the same
+ my @pathchunks = $self->splitdir( $path_directories );
+ my @basechunks = $self->splitdir( $base_directories );
+ while ( @pathchunks &&
+ @basechunks &&
+ lc( $pathchunks[0] ) eq lc( $basechunks[0] )
+ ) {
+ shift @pathchunks ;
+ shift @basechunks ;
+ }
+ my $result_dirs = $self->catdir( ($self->updir) x @basechunks, @pathchunks );
+ return $self->canonpath( $self->catpath('', $result_dirs, '') );
+sub rel2abs {
+ my ($self,$path,$base ) = @_;
+ if ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $path ) ) {
+ if ( !defined( $base ) || $base eq '' ) {
+ require Cwd ;
+ $base = Cwd::getdcwd( ($self->splitpath( $path ))[0] ) if defined &Cwd::getdcwd ;
+ $base = $self->_cwd() unless defined $base ;
+ }
+ elsif ( ! $self->file_name_is_absolute( $base ) ) {
+ $base = $self->rel2abs( $base ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ $base = $self->canonpath( $base ) ;
+ }
+ my ( $path_directories, $path_file ) =
+ ($self->splitpath( $path, 1 ))[1,2] ;
+ my ( $base_volume, $base_directories ) =
+ $self->splitpath( $base, 1 ) ;
+ $path = $self->catpath(
+ $base_volume,
+ $self->catdir( $base_directories, $path_directories ),
+ $path_file
+ ) ;
+ }
+ return $self->canonpath( $path ) ;
+=head2 Note For File::Spec::Win32 Maintainers
+Novell NetWare inherits its File::Spec behaviour from File::Spec::Win32.
+Copyright (c) 2004 by the Perl 5 Porters. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+See L<File::Spec> and L<File::Spec::Unix>. This package overrides the
+implementation of these methods, not the semantics.