path: root/Master/texmf-dist/doc
diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2007-04-02 23:49:12 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2007-04-02 23:49:12 +0000
commit016c58740bb7f1ffc794ca97c492fdab010f913d (patch)
treef301a76011f877b0d9289c64243082238df513e8 /Master/texmf-dist/doc
parente0f182fd8b27038d7b911a1e9a6cdb180ebced8e (diff)
(latex) tugboat update (30mar07), no more tugboat special case
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
Diffstat (limited to 'Master/texmf-dist/doc')
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/tugboat/tubguide.pdfbin117297 -> 0 bytes
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 873 deletions
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--- a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/tugboat/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-(This file in the public domain.)
-The plain style files for TUGboat, the journal of the TeX Users Group.
-See for back issues, author information, and more.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/tugboat/tubguide.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/plain/tugboat/tubguide.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e00b9eea76..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 56a18c8602b..00000000000
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-%% @texfile{
-%% filename = "tubguide.tex",
-%% version = "1.03",
-%% date = "2006/05/24",
-%% time = "09:48:56 EDT",
-%% checksum = "12752 869 4993 34296",
-%% filetype = "TUGboat Authors' Guide",
-%% copyright = "Copyright 1989, 1992, 2006 TeX Users Group.
-%% Unlimited copying and redistribution of this file
-%% are permitted as long as this file is not
-%% modified. Modifications (and redistribution of
-%% modified versions) are also permitted, but only if
-%% the resulting file is renamed."
-%% author = "TeX Users Group",
-%% address = "TeX Users Group,
-%% P.O.Box 2311,
-%% Portland, OR 97208-2311,
-%% USA",
-%% telephone = "+1 503 223-9994",
-%% FAX = "+1 206 203-3960",
-%% email = "",
-%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
-%% keywords = "tex users group, tugboat, authors' guide",
-%% supported = "yes",
-%% abstract = "This file is an updated version of the file
-%% that produced the original Authors' Guide in
-%% TUGboat 10, no. 3, November 1989.",
-%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
-%% checksum as the first value, followed by the
-%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
-%% count) utility output of lines, words, and
-%% characters. This is produced by Robert
-%% Solovay's checksum utility.",
-%% }
-%% *********************************************************
-%% TeXing this file requires the following files:
-%% TUGBOAT.STY (version 1.09+)
-%% TUGBOAT.CMN (version 1.08+) (loaded by TUGBOAT.STY)
-\input tugboat.sty
-\def\halfline{\vskip 0.5\baselineskip \ignoreendline}
-% ****************************************************************
-\def\rtitlex{\def\tubfont{\tenpoint\rm}\TUB{} Authors' Guide, May 2006}
-\title *\TUB\/ Authors' Guide*
-\author * Ron Whitney *
-\address * \TUG\\
- \POBox 9506\\
- Providence, RI 02940-9506 *
-%\netaddress * *
-\author * Barbara Beeton *
-\address * American Mathematical Society\\
- 201 Charles Street\\
- Providence, RI 02904-2294 *
-\netaddress * *
-\vfootnote{}{Revised March 1992, May 2006; the original appeared in
-\tubissue 10(3), November 1989.}
-With this article we hope to fill a lacuna (some might say ``void'')
-whose existence we have been attributing to the usual factors: tight
-schedules, alternative priorities and warty \TeX\ code. We now feel
-the macros in use for \TUB\/ have stabilized to the extent that
-documentation and suggestions for authors will remain fairly constant,
-and we hope this article can serve as a reasonable guide to
-preparation of manuscripts for \TUB. Authors who have used the \TUB\/
-macros before will note several changes (including more modern names
-for the style files). Suggestions and comments are quite welcome at
-the addresses listed below.
-\TUB\/ was originally typeset with a package based only on \plain.
-Later, as demand for style files follows wherever
-\LaTeX-devotees wander, a \TUB\/ variant of the \LaTeX\ {\tt article}
-style was also created. The two macro sets yield
-much the same output, differing in certain ways for input. Below we
-make comment on various aspects of the \TUB\/ package, first for the
-\plain-based macros, then for \LaTeX. The macro sets share
-the file |tugboat.cmn|,\footnote{$^1$}{This file used to be named
-{\tt}, but that notation was in conflict with conventions
-of \acro{MS-DOS} and other operating systems; no conflicts are known to
-exist for the new name.} and users of either style should read the
-section entitled ``Common Abbreviations and Utilities''. We conclude
-with some general suggestions to help make the lives of those on the
-receiving end of (any kind of) electronic copy a little easier.
-\head * The \plain-based macros: {\tt tugboat.sty} *
-The macros are contained in two files, |tugboat.sty| and |tugboat.cmn|.$^1$
-\subhead * General description of tags *
-We attempt wherever possible to tag the various elements of \TUB\/
-articles in a ``generic'' way, modified in some respects by
-convenience. Authors and editors, of course, need tools to shape
-their articles to the form they desire, but we also wish to encourage
-a tagging style which is appropriate for electronic interchange. It
-seems unfair to expect much thought from authors concerning the
-markup of their information if we only provide a bag of widgets and
-do-hickies to hack and pound an article together. The tags whose use
-we encourage are the higher-level tags that mark the logical
-document structure. Below these are formatting macros that we
-recognize may be essential for certain applications. Both sorts of
-tags are described in the following article.
-Generally, to ``mark up'' the data <foo>, a tag |\xxx| will precede
-<foo> and |\endxxx| will follow (thus: |\xxx <foo>\endxxx|). We use
-the |{...}| form to delimit arguments of lower-level formatting
-macros. Optional commands follow tags and are enclosed in
-|[\lastoption][...]|, \`a la \LaTeX. Several options may be enclosed
-within one set of square brackets, or each
-option may be enclosed in its own set of brackets. These ``options''
-are actually just \TeX{} commands, and it is always possible to
-insert raw \TeX{} code as an option. Such practice violates truly
-generic markup, but it is {\it helpful\/} and at least confines
-The Raw and Dirty to a smaller area.
-Perhaps a little more detail is of use to some readers here.
-Upon encountering a tag, the general operational scheme of the
-macros is as follows:
-[\displaystyle{\everypar{\hangindent2\parindent}\advance\baselineskip by 1pt}]
-<read tag>
-<set defaults>
-<read options>
-<branch to appropriate action,|hfil|break|ignoreendline
-using `|rm|lquote|lquote'argument|/`|rm|rquote|rquote' as necessary>
-The scheme shows that code inserted as an option is localized and that
-it may be used to override certain defaults and to guide branching.
-Things are not always simple, however. Sometimes parameters are set
-after a branch is taken (e.g.\ the macros might only call |\raggedright|
-after determining whether the mode is ``|\inline|'' or
-``|\display|''), and, despite localization, parameter setting might
-affect the current paragraph if a branch has yet to be taken.
-This is {\it not\/} to say the macros don't work, but rather that
-those authors who venture beyond the documented regions of the
-macros should do so with their eyes open.
-For convenience, we also allow the |*| as a delimiter for the
-higher-level tags; thus we could use either
-||\title \TUB\/ Authors' Guide \endtitle||
-||\title * \TUB\/ Authors' Guide *||
-to indicate the title of this paper. To typeset a \ast{} within text
-delimited by |*|, the \plain\ control sequence |\ast| has been extended
-to give
-\ast{} in text and the usual $\ast$ in math.
-This markup scheme may suffer at the hands of \TeX's parsing mechanism
-when tagged data is nested. In these cases, one may group (|{...}|)
-embedded data so that \TeX{} knows to proceed to the next |\end...|
-or |*|.
-In the cases where we show extra spaces and carriage returns around
-arguments in this article, those (discretionary) spaces are
-accommodated in the macros. Thus, for example, when the argument to
-|\title| above is typeset, |\ignorespaces| and |\unskip| surround it
-and the extra spaces have no untoward effect. Spaces are also
-gobbled between options.
-\subhead * Outer form *
-At the outermost level, a source file will have the form (using the
-|*...*| delimiters):
-\input tugboat.sty
-<perhaps additional macros for article>
-\title * <title> *
-\author * <author> *
-\address * <address> *
-\netaddress * <network address> *
-<body of article>
-Data preceding |\article| is saved and typeset when |\article|
-is encountered. Each author should have his/her own
-\author ...
-\address ...
-\netaddress ...
-block, and the macros will do their best to combine the information
-properly in the appropriate places. Explicit linebreaks can be
-achieved within any of these items via |\\|. Title and authors are,
-of course, set at the beginning of an article; the address
-information is listed separately in a ``signature'' near the end of
-an article, and is present for the convenience of those who might
-photocopy excerpts from an issue of \TUB. |\makesignature| does the
-typesetting work. Generally authors are listed separately in the
-signature. In cases where authors and addresses are to be combined,
-one may use |\signature{...}| and |\signaturemark| with some or all
-\theauthor {<author number>}
-\theaddress {<author number>}
-\thenetaddress {<author number>}
-to get the desired result. For example, for an article with%
-\footnote{$^2$}{\xEdNote The \TUB{} address shown in examples
-was current when this article first appeared, but is now obsolete;
-it has been left intact to avoid other problems. The correct address
-is now {\tt}.}
-\author * Ray Goucher *
-\address * \TUG *
-\netaddress **
-\author * Karen Butler *
-\address * \TUG *
-\netaddress **
-we could say
-\signature {
- \signaturemark
- \theauthor1 and \theauthor2\\
- \theaddress1\\
- \thenetaddress1}
-to obtain the signature
-\input ray.vbm
-\input sig.vbm
-Use of at least |\thenetaddress| is recommended for this just so that
-the network address gets formatted properly. The optional command
-|[\lastoption][\network{...}]| will introduce the network address
-with a network name, so
- * *
- \input code.vbm
- \figure[\mid\nofloat] \leftline{\kern\parindent\thenetaddress1} \endfigure
-\leavevmode|\endarticle| marks the end of input and is defined as
-|\vfil\end| for most uses. We redefine it as |\endinput| to
-assemble streams of articles in \TUB.
-\subhead * Section Heads *
-Heads of sections, subsections, etc.\ are introduced with |\head|,
-|\subhead|, etc., respectively. The underlying macros all use
-|\head|, so |\endhead| is the long-form ending for all these tags.
-For example, the first two heads of this article could have been
-keyed as
-\head The \plain-based macros:
- {\tt tugboat.sty} \endhead
-\subhead General description of
- tags \endhead
-In \TUB\/ style, the paragraph following a first-level head is not
-indented. This is achieved by a look-ahead mechanism which gobbles
-|\par|s and calls |\noindent|. Actually all of the |\...head| tags
-gobble pars and spaces after their occurrence. This allows one to
-enter a blank line in the source file between head and text, such
-practice being a visual aid to your friendly \TUB\/ editors (if not to
-you). Be careful of that |\noindent| after a first-level head:
-you will be in horizontal mode after the |\head *...*|, so spaces
-which {\it appear\/} innocuous, may not be so.
-\subhead * Lists *
-Lists are everywhere, of course, and a simple list hierarchy can
-transform a one-dimensional typesetting problem into something
-nasty. All of which is to say, we are certainly not done with
-this area of tagging, but here are the available macros.
-Not surprisingly, |\list| marks the beginning of a list. A list
-can be itemized, wherein each item is tagged with |\item|, or
-unitemized wherein items are delimited by |^^M| (the end of your
-input line). The itemized
-style is the default and |[\lastoption][\unitemized]| will get
-the other. Tags for the items default to the |\bullet|
-($=\bullet$), but can be changed by feeding an argument to
-|\tag{...}|. The |[\lastoption][\tag{...}]| option
-used with |\list| assigns the tag for each item of the entire
-list, while |[\lastoption][\tag{...}]| used with |\item| changes
-only the tag for that item. The obvious dynamical tags are available
-with options
-\lettered `|rm(lowercase)'
-\Lettered `|rm(uppercase)'
-Lists can be set in several columns by setting |\cols=...|. The
-columns are aligned on their top baselines and the user must
-break the columns with |\colsep|. Thus,
-and seven
-years ago
-our fathers
-brought forth
-on this
-\input code.vbm
-|\everylist| is a token register which is scanned at the beginning
-of each list
-after the default parameters are set and before
-options are read. If you want all your lists numbered, for example,
-you might insert ||\everylist{\numbered}|| at the top of your file
-rather than giving an option to each list.
-Implementation of sublists is under construction.
-\subhead * Verbatim Modes *
-There are several variations on this theme. In each case, text is
-printed in a typewriter font and (almost) all input characters
-produce the glyph in the font position of their character-code (i.e.\
-you get what you type, no escaping it). In addition to the long form
-||\verbatim...\endverbatim|| the \verbinline|\endverbatim\ character
-can be used to enter and leave verbatim mode, acting as a toggle much
-as the |$| does with math. \verbinline|...|\endverbatim\space
-produces inline verbatim text, while \verbinline||...||\endverbatim
-displays its output. |\verbatim| itself defaults to display form,
-but |\verbatim[\inline]| and its contraction |\verbinline| (both
-terminated by |\endverbatim|) produce the inline form. |^^M| yields
-a space inline, and a new paragraph in display. Generally, for
-snippets of text we use the \verbinline|...|\endverbatim form, and
-for longer items the
-form (although \verbinline||...||\endverbatim is a good way to
-display a single line of code).
-In addition to formatting text between |\verbatim| and
-|\endverbatim|, |\verbatim| may read and write data from and to
-files. We find this variant useful in ({\it almost\/}) guaranteeing
-consonance between macros in use and their published listings.
-will incorporate the contents of file |foo.inp| in the listing before
-the text between |\verbatim| and |\endverbatim|. The shortened form
-||\verbfile{foo.inp}\endverbatim|| accomplishes the above in the case
-that the text is empty. While the code around the data, |foo.inp|,
-above looks excessively long, do remember the implementation
-uses the basic |\verbatim| macro, so options can also be read after
-the filename. For example,
-would number the lines of the listing.
-We often rearrange code supplied to us so
-that it fits in the narrow measure of \TUB's two-column format, and
-we sometimes make corrections to macro sets (you thought you were
-perfect!). Since errors can (and do\Dash we aren't perfect either)
-creep in with these modifications, we use the above technique to
-maintain consistency between the listing published in \TUB\/ and the
-underlying macros used for examples.
-To write out information, use
-An added bonus here is that characters which get internalized as
-moribund ``letters'' or ``others'' in the process of listing them,
-can return revitalized for perhaps their real use when written out to
-another file and read in again. The example above involving Ray
-and Karen was coded as
-... to get the desired result. For
-example, for an article with
-\author * Ray Goucher *
-we could say
-\signature {
- \signaturemark
- \theauthor1 and \theauthor2\\
- \theaddress1\\
- \thenetaddress1}
-to obtain the signature
-\input ray.vbm
-\input sig.vbm
-This is perhaps not the most edifying example, but you get the gist.
-(We localize the process of storing and retrieving these
-authors and addresses so as not to clobber our own.)
-We would encourage our authors to use these mechanisms for connecting
-verbatim text to external files for the sake of maintaining
-consistency between active code and its documentation.
-\leavevmode|\verbatim| scans to |\endverbatim| (a 12-token sequence
-since the |\| is of type `other' after |\verbatim| gets going). Only
-this sequence of characters will interrupt the scan. On the other
-hand, \verbinline|\endverbatim and \verbinline||\endverbatim scan to
-the next \verbinline|\endverbatim and \verbinline||\endverbatim,
-respectively. Needless to say, one should use forms of |\verbatim|
-to set text which contains \verbinline|\endverbatim (and
-\verbinline|\endverbatim or \verbinline||\endverbatim to set text
-containing |\endverbatim| if you are writing an article like this
-one). Both the \verbinline|\endverbatim and |\verbatim| tags scan
-ahead for the usual |[\lastoption][| to check for options. In those
-rare cases when the |[\lastoption][| is really supposed to be the
-first character of the verbatim text, use the option
-|[\lastoption][\lastoption]| to stop option parsing. For example, to
-show ||[\lastoption][\lastoption]|| we keyed
-There are situations where one wants to typeset most things verbatim,
-but ``escape'' to format something exceptional. For example, the
-insertions of metacode given in the listings above require some
-access to the italic font. By giving the option
-|[\lastoption][\makeescape\!]| to |\verbatim|, the |!| is made an
-escape character in that block. Thus,
-really calls the italic font in the middle of the listing (one might
-also want to use |\makebgroup| and |\makeegroup| in the options to define
-characters to localize this call; see p.~7). Situations
-will dictate preferences for what character may be used as an escape
-(we use the \verbinline|\endverbatim, |!|, and |/| in this article).
-There is also a means of changing the setup of every occurrence of
-verbatim mode. The contents of token register |\everyverbatim|
-is scanned after the defaults of verbatim mode
-have been set. In this article, for example, we have made
-|[\makeother\<]<| active and defined it in such a way that
-|[\makeother\<]<...>| typesets as metacode. Since |\verbatim|
-ordinarily changes |[\makeother\<]<| to type `other' on startup, we key
-||\everyverbatim{\enablemetacode}|| at the beginning of the file
-to have the proper adjustment made whenever verbatim is started.
-When ``escaping'' within a verbatim block, one should be aware that
-spaces and carriages returns are {\it active\/} and hence not gobbled
-as usual. Using the |!| as the active character, one might key
-!vskip .5!baselineskip
-to get an extra half line of space in the middle of the listing. The
-space and carriage return on this line, however, cause problems. The
-space expands to |\ifvmode\indent\fi\space| and \TeX\ will not like
-the |\indent| after |\vskip|. The |^^M| expands to
-|\leavevmode\endgraf|, and therefore puts an extra line into the
-listing. The solutions, in this case, are to drop the space and to
-use |!ignoreendline| (which just gobbles the |^^M|), but one should
-be aware, generally, that some thought may be required in these situations.
-The option |[\lastoption][\numbered]| causes the lines of a
-verbatim listing to be numbered, while |[\lastoption][\ruled]|
-places rules around the whole thing:
-<more code>
-<yet more code>
-The option |[\lastoption][\continuenumbers]| picks up the numbering
-where it last left off.
-<and more>
-The code underlying |\verbatim| in display style implements each line
-as a paragraph and places math-display-size whitespace above and
-below the verbatim section. Page and column breaks {\it are\/}
-permitted within these listings. To prohibit breaks at specific
-points or globally, one must insert penalties or redefine |^^M| to
-insert |\nobreak| in the vertical list at the end of each
-``paragraph'' (i.e.\ line). We should also note that the bottom of
-such a verbatim listing is implemented so that ensuing
-text may or may not start a new paragraph depending on whether an
-intervening blank line (or |\par|) is or is not present.
-\subhead * Figures and Page Layout *
-Figures are keyed as
-<vertical mode material>
-These are generally implemented as single-column floating
-top-insertions, but the options |[\lastoption][\mid]| and
-|[\lastoption][\bot]| can change specific items to be mid- or
-bottom-insertions, respectively. Here we recommend that the
-long-form terminator be used ({\it not\/} the |*...*| form). One can
-think of the information ``passed'' as being ``long'' in the sense of
-possibly containing paragraphs, this being a mnemonic device only.
-The primary reason for the recommendation is that one is (in some
-sense, maybe) more likely to encounter a rogue |*| in longer text
-than in shorter text and hence more likely to encounter a surprising
-result due to a macro stopping short at the wrong |*|.
-Perhaps here is a natural place to mention also that these macros
-sometimes read their arguments and then act, and sometimes act on the
-fly, not actually storing an argument as a string of tokens at all.
-|\title|, for example, is in the former category, while |\figure| is
-in the latter. Reasons may vary for the choice in
-methods. Storing a string of tokens as an argument does not allow
-re-interpretation of the category codes of the underlying
-character string. Thus, storing
-the ``argument'' of |\figure| all at once might misinterpret some
-characters which should appear as verbatim text. For this reason we
-set figures as we go and just close off the box with |\endfigure|. On
-the other hand, using information in multiple situations (e.g.\
-titles and running heads) requires storing the information as a token
-string, not as a typeset list.
-When text delimited by |*...*| is read as an argument, the |*|s are
-dropped by the parsing process. When the text is handled on the fly,
-the first |*| is gobbled and the second is made active to perform
-whatever action is necessary at the close of the macro. When
-possible, we prefer to operate on the fly since nested tags are
-handled properly in that case and no memory is consumed to store
-arguments. Examination of |tugboat.sty| will show which case applies
-in a given situation, but this general knowledge may help when trying
-to debug those situations in which an unexpected |*| has disrupted
-A primitive |\caption{...}| option is available to |\ulap|
-(i.e.\ lap upward) its argument into the figure space, but
-formatting of the caption is left to the user. For example,
-the code:
- [\caption{\centerline{Odd Fig.~1}}]
-\vbox to 5pc{}
-produces the figure at the top of this column or the next.
-\input code.vbm
-Figures spanning columns at the top and bottom of a page are currently
-supported only on the first page of an article, but we expect they
-will soon be allowed on any page (a general rewrite of the output
-routine is in progress). |\twocolfigure| (terminated by |\endfigure|)
-starts up such a figure and currently {\it must\/} occur before any
-material has been typeset on the first page (i.e.\ {\it before\/}
-Macros |\onecol|, |\twocol|, and |\threecol| provide one-, two-, and
-three-column layouts, but these cannot currently be intermixed on a
-page. We hope to provide automatic column-balancing and convenient
-switching between one- and two-column format within a year.
-|\newpage| in each format is defined to fill and eject enough columns
-to get to the next page. |\newcol| is just |\par\vfill\eject|.
-\subhead * Command List Summary *
-Tags are listed in the order discussed. Options are
-listed under tags.
- \network
- \numbered
- \romannumeraled
- \lettered
- \Lettered
- \ruled
- \tag{...}
- \tag{...}
- \numbered
- \ruled
- \inputfromfile{...}
- \outputtofile{...}
- \mid
- \bot
- \caption{...}
-and, of course, \verbinline|\endverbatim and \verbinline||\endverbatim.
-\head * The \LaTeX\ macros: {\tt ltugboat.sty}%
-\footnote{$^3$}{This discussion of {\tt ltugboat.sty} is now of
-historical interest only; it has been superseded by a \LaTeXe{}
-documentclass, {\tt ltugboat.cls}, available from \CTAN.} *
-|ltugboat.sty| is the primary macro file, and is based on the \LaTeX{}
-|article.sty|. |tugboat.cmn|, a collection of items common to both
-\LaTeX\ and \plain\ input, is also required. Articles will have
-the form:\footnote{$^4$}{{\tt ltugboat} used to be a substyle; it now
-stands on its own, by automatically inputting {\tt article.sty}.}
-<perhaps additional macros for article>
-\title {<title>}
-<body of article>
-This is the usual form for \LaTeX\ documents, of course, except
-that now each author will have his/her own
-block. As with the \plain{} style, the author and address
-macros will store their information for later display.
-See the discussion of |\address|, |\netaddress| and |\makesignature|
-on the second page of this article to understand more. Linebreaks
-within |\title|, |\author|, and |\...address| are specified with |\\|.
-We refer the user to the \LaTeX\ manual for description of section
-heads, verbatim mode, insertions, and movement between one- and
-two-column format. The style of printed output has, of course, been
-somewhat modified to fit \TUB\/ style. |ltugboat.sty| might be of some
-use to others wishing to modify the |article| option in this
-\head * Common Abbreviations and Utilities *
-Definitions of a number of commonly used abbreviations such as |\MF|
-and |\BibTeX| are contained in |tugboat.cmn|. Please use these whenever
-possible rather than creating your own. We will add to the list as
-A nicety for the sake of appearance is the command |\acro|, which
-sets an acronym in caps one size smaller than the surrounding text.
-Compare CTAN (full size), \CTAN{} (|\acro{CTAN}|) and {\smc ctan}
-(small caps). Acronyms in |tugboat.cmn| use |\acro| consistently.
-Several other constructions that we have found useful for both
-\plain- and \LaTeX-style input have been incorporated in
-|tugboat.cmn|. Various |\*lap|\,s (|\ulap|, |\dlap|, |\xlap|,
-|\ylap|, |\zlap|) and |\*smash|\,es provide means of setting type
-which ``laps'' into neighboring regions. |\dash| and |\Dash| are en-
-and em-dashes that break properly. |\slash| is a breakable slash.
-The macro
-\makestrut [<ascender dimen>;
- <descender dimen>]
-allows {\it ad hoc\/} construction of
-|\makeatletter| |\catcode|s the |@| for internal control-sequences.
-There are also more general functions
-that change the category of a given character into the type mentioned
-at the end of the macro name. For example, |\makeactive\!| changes the
-category of the |!| to 13. We have given many other examples of these in
-this article. Readers may look at the end of |tugboat.cmn| after the
-|\endinput| statement to see further documentation on the contents of the file.
-\subhead * Issue Makeup *
-Constructing an entire issue of \TUB\/ requires use of a few features
-that authors may notice when articles are returned for proofing.
-|\xrefto| allows for symbolic cross-referencing, but is enabled only
-late in the production process. The distribution version of
-|tugboat.cmn| defines |\xrefto| so that ``???'' is typeset whenever it
-is called. Not to worry.
-We also put notes into the file since there are many things to
-remember, and these appear as |\TBremark{...}|. Authors can look for
-such things, if they are interested.
-\head * General Coding Suggestions *
-Probably 90\% of the code we receive is easily handled, and for this
-we are most appreciative. We do have suggestions of a general nature
-that authors should keep in mind as they create articles for
-transmission here or anywhere else.
-Those who create code find it much easier to read and understand their
-own code than do others who read the ``finished'' product. In fact,
-some people seem to forget that the electronic file will be viewed (in
-fact, studied) in addition to the printed copy. Documentation and
-uniform habits of presentation always help. Blank lines are easier to
-digest by eye than |\par|s. Tables and display math can often be
-keyed in such a way that rows and columns are clear in the source file
-on a display screen as well as in print. Explanations or warnings of
-tricky code can be {\it very} helpful. Authors should place font and
-macro definitions in one location at the beginning of an article
-whenever possible.
-Authors should anticipate that articles will undergo some
-transformation, and that positioning of some elements may change
-simply because articles are {\it run together\/} in \TUB. Decisions
-on linebreaks, pagebreaks, figure and table placement are generally
-made after the text is deemed correct. We avoid inserting ``hard''
-line- and page-breaks whenever possible, and will not do so, in any
-case, until the last minute. We also use floating insertions for
-figure and table placement when we first receive an article. It is
-easier for us to work with a clean file containing some bad breaks,
-overfull boxes or other unsightliness, than it is to handle a document
-containing {\it ad hoc\/} code dedicated to a beauteous (albeit
-narrowly specific) result.
-When authors proof their articles in formats other than that of \TUB\/
-(for example), they should expect that \TUB's changes in pagewidth and
-pagedepth may drastically alter text layout. Paragraphs are rebroken
-automatically when |\hsize| and |\vsize| change, but |\centerline|
-does not break, and we often see tables and math displays which are
-rigidly laid out. When possible, authors might use paragraphing
-techniques instead of calls to, say, |\centerline| (Beeton will be
-writing up her lectures on paragraphing techniques for a future issue
-of \TUB\/), and they should try to code tables in such a way that
-widths of columns can be changed easily. Generally, authors should
-attempt to anticipate the work that might be necessary if requests for
-other reasonable formats of their texts are made. In the case of
-\TUB, we make a strong effort to stuff macro listings and tables into
-the two-column format. Since these types of items are not generally
-susceptible to automatic line-breaking, we give thanks to stuffings
-made by authors ahead of time. In this context, we recommend the use
-of |\verbfile{...}| (see the section {\bf Verbatim Modes}) to maintain
-consistency between documentation and reality.
-Specifically in the domain of \TeX\ macros, we find that many authors
-throw in unnecessary |%| characters to end code lines. Except in
-cases where the |^^M| means something other than end-of-line,
-linebreaks can reliably be placed after control-words and numerical
-assignments. We have seen \TeX's buffer size exceeded when |%|
-was placed after {\it every\/} line.
-A wider perspective in the matter of naming macros can prevent
-problems that occur when definitions are overwritten as articles are
-run together. The names of control sequences used in \plain, \LaTeX,
-and \AmSTeX\ are documented and authors should avoid using them for
-other purposes. It is also wise to avoid commonly used names such as
-|\temp|, |\result|, |\1|, and |\mac| in presenting code that might be
-cribbed by other users. The frequently used technique of temporarily
-|\catcode|ing a character to be a letter (e.g.\ the |@|) provides a
-good method of hiding control sequences so that they will not be
-clobbered later. Readers are in need of small macros to do little
-tricks, and they often try suggestions brought forth in \TUB. A
-little extra effort in making these macros consistent with the macros
-in wide distribution and in making them robust will be much
-\TBremark{Anything about formatting macros?}
-\head * Electronic Documentation and Submission Procedure *
-In addition to |tugboat.sty|, |ltugboat.sty|, and |tugboat.cmn|,
-a copy of this article, |tubguide.tex|, will be available at
-most \TeX{} archives, in particular \CTAN.
-Please address all electronic correspondence to the \TUB{} maildrop:
-Mail to personal addresses is liable to go unseen if
-vacation or illness intervenes. We also request that you supply
-an abstract of any expository article. This will be used as the
-basis for translation of abstracts to languages other than that
-in which the article is published.