diff options
authorKarl Berry <>2013-08-21 22:11:46 +0000
committerKarl Berry <>2013-08-21 22:11:46 +0000
commit0242d8487d77244b7c27ab708bc73bedc35b7eaf (patch)
parente30b17ab0c40c8e58037477a101916be167fa216 (diff)
timing-diagrams (21aug13)
git-svn-id: svn:// c570f23f-e606-0410-a88d-b1316a301751
-rw-r--r--Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.pdfbin0 -> 95067 bytes
9 files changed, 690 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/Makefile b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..656b8e1ead9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+all: diagrams-examples.pdf $(NAME).zip
+version.txt: force
+ @echo "$(NAME) version $$(git rev-parse HEAD).\n\
+Commited on $$(git show -s HEAD --pretty=format:'%cd')." > $@
+diagrams-examples.pdf: diagrams-examples.tex timing-diagrams.sty
+ pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode diagrams-examples.tex
+FILES=diagrams-examples.pdf diagrams-examples.tex timing-diagrams.sty README Makefile
+$(NAME).zip: version.txt $(FILES)
+ cd .. && zip $@ $(NAME)/version.txt $(FILES:%=$(NAME)/%) && mv $(NAME).zip $(NAME)/
+.PHONY: all force
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/README b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8cb021df598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Draw and annotate various kinds of timing diagrams in Tikz.
+There's no real documentation, read the source and the examples
+(diagrams-examples.tex), and use at your own risks ;-).
+The latest version is to be found here:
+You may want to have a look at tikz-timing too if you want to draw
+some hardware-oriented timing diagrams:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.pdf b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1746e47897f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.tex b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7b1240a1d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/diagrams-examples.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+\section{Basic diagram}
+ % Define timelines with their names, and ordinate as #2:
+ \tline{A}{2};
+ \tline{B}{0};
+ % Actually draw the timelines (#2 is the horizontal length):
+ \ttimeline{A}{5};
+ \ttimeline{B}{5};
+ % Provide captions for timelines:
+ \tcaption{A}{A's caption};
+ \tcaption{B}{B's caption};
+ % Draw the actual content:
+ % tick = vertical line accros the timeline
+ \ttick{A};
+ % advance time
+ \tskip{A}{2};
+ % This one will be drawn 2 time units after the previous, because of
+ % the \tskip:
+ \ttick{A};
+ % One more with the same principle:
+ \tskip{A}{1};
+ \ttick{A};
+ % Same as above, but on timeline B:
+ \ttick{B};
+ \tskip{B}{1};
+ % \tbox creates a box with non-null width, and text inside:
+ \tbox{B}{3}{Box on B};
+\section{Timeline, ticks and tasks}
+ \draw (-1,1.5) node[rotate=90] (systemc) {\textsf{\large SystemC}};
+ \draw[dashed] (-1,0) -- (9,0);
+ \draw (-1,-2) node[rotate=90] (jtlm) {\textsf{\large jTLM}};
+ % SystemC
+ \tline{A}{2.1};
+ \tcaption{A}{A};
+ \tline{B}{1};
+ \tcaption{B}{B};
+ \ttimeline{A}{5};
+ \ttimeline{B}{5};
+ % jTLM
+ \tline{P}{-1.5};
+ \tcaption{P}{P};
+ \tline{Q}{-2.6};
+ \tcaption{Q}{Q};
+ \ttimeline{P}{5};
+ \ttimeline{Q}{5};
+ \ttick{A};
+ \ttextU{A}{f()};
+ \tskiptext{A}{2}{\texttt{wait(20)}};
+ \ttick{A};
+ \tskip{A}{1};
+ \ttick{A};
+ \ttick{B}
+ \tskip{B}{1};
+ \ttick{B};
+ \tskip{B}{1};
+ \ttick{B};
+ \tskip{B}{2};
+ \ttick{B};
+ \ttick{P}
+ \ttextU{P}{g()};
+ \tskiptext{P}{2}{awaitTime}
+ \ttick{P};
+ \tbox{P}{1.5}{h()};
+ % just so that the final picture looks pretty
+ \tbox{Q}{1.3}{i()};
+ \tskip{Q}{1};
+ \ttick{Q};
+ \tskip{Q}{.5};
+ \tbox{Q}{2}{j()};
+\section{Annotations over a diagram}
+ \tline{real}{0};
+ \tline{model}{2};
+ \ttimeline{real}{8.5};
+ \ttimeline{model}{8.5};
+ \tcaption{real}{Real system};
+ \tcaption{model}{SystemC model};
+ \tskip{real}{.5};
+ \tskip{model}{.5};
+ \path (currentrealU) coordinate (endzooma);
+ \tbox{real}{7}{\texttt{compute()}};
+ \path (currentrealU) ++(-.04, 0) coordinate (endzoomb);
+ \tstrongtick{real};
+ \ttextarrowU{real}{\texttt{commit()}};
+ \tstrongtick{model};
+ \path (currentmodelL) ++(-.04, 0) coordinate(startzooma);
+ \path (currentmodelL) ++( .04, 0) coordinate(startzoomb);
+ \ttextarrowU{model}{\texttt{compute()}};
+ \tskip{model}{.04};
+ \tskiptext{model}{6.92}{\texttt{wait()}};
+ \tskip{model}{.04};
+ \tstrongtick{model};
+ \ttextarrowU{model}{\texttt{commit()}};
+ \path (startzoomb -| endzoomb) coordinate (topright);
+ \path (barycentric cs:startzoomb=.5,endzooma=.5) coordinate (tmpa);
+ \path (barycentric cs:topright=.5,endzoomb=.5) coordinate (tmpb);
+ \draw[very thin,color=black!70!white] (startzooma) -- (endzooma);
+ \draw[very thin,color=black!70!white] (startzoomb) .. controls (tmpa) and (tmpb) .. (endzoomb);
+\section{Annotations with callouts, synchronizations between timelines}
+\tikzstyle{arrow}=[->,line width=.05cm,draw=red!90!blue!60!black]
+ \tline{A}{3};
+ \tcaption{A}{A};
+ \tline{B}{2};
+ \tcaption{B}{B};
+ \tline{C}{1};
+ \tcaption{C}{C};
+ \tline{T}{-1.5}
+ \tcaption{T}{OS thread};
+ \ttimeline{A}{10};
+ \ttimeline{B}{10};
+ \ttimeline{C}{10};
+ \ttimeline{T}{10};
+ \tbox{B}{1}{};
+ \tcatchup{C}{B};
+ %
+ \tbox{C}{1}{};
+ \tcalloutU[(-.8,2.5)]{C}{\texttt{during(42, routine);}}
+ %
+ %
+ \tcatchup{B}{C};
+ \tcatchup{T}{C};
+ \draw[arrow] (currentCL) -- node[left] {
+ \begin{tabular}{r}
+ \one{} create\\thread
+ \end{tabular}
+ } (currentTU);
+ \tbox{T}{4}{\texttt{routine}};
+ %
+ %
+ \tskiptextL{C}{4}{\two{} \texttt{wait(42)}\vspace{-2em}};
+ %
+ %
+ \tbox{B}{1.5}{};
+ \tcatchup{A}{B};
+ \tbox{A}{1}{};
+ \tcatchup{B}{A};
+ \tbox{B}{1}{};
+ %
+ %
+ \draw[arrow] (currentTU) -- node[right] {
+ \begin{tabular}{l}
+ \three{} join\\thread
+ \end{tabular}
+ } (currentCL);
+ \tbox{C}{1}{};
+ %
+ %
+ \tcatchup{A}{C};
+ \tbox{A}{1}{};
+ \tcatchup{B}{A};
+ \tbox{B}{1}{};
+ %
+\section{Arrows between timelines}
+ \tline{sc}{2};
+ \tcaption{sc}{SystemC};
+ \tline{ace}{0};
+ \draw (currentace) ++ (9,-.3) node {Simulated time};
+ \tcaption{ace}{P/T Solver};
+ \ttimeline{sc}{10};
+ \ttimeline{ace}{10};
+ \tremember{sc}{before};
+ \tlonglighttick{sc};
+ \tskip{sc}{1.5};
+ \tlonglighttick{sc};
+ \tskip{sc}{1.5};
+ \tlonglighttick{sc};
+ \tskip{sc}{2};
+ \trecall{sc}{before};
+ \tbox{sc}{6}{Functional (1)};
+ \ttextarrowU{sc}{\begin{tabular}{c}
+ SystemC reads\\temperature
+ \end{tabular}
+ };
+ \tarrowUL{sc}{ace}{};
+ \draw (tmpmid) node[fill=white,inner sep=1pt] {(2)};
+ \tremember{ace}{before};
+ \tlonglighttick{ace};
+ \tskip{ace}{1.5};
+ \tlonglighttick{ace};
+ \tskip{ace}{1.5};
+ \tlonglighttick{ace};
+ \tskip{ace}{2};
+ \trecall{ace}{before};
+ \tbox{ace}{6}{Non-functional (3)};
+ \tarrowLU{ace}{sc}{};
+ \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=west] {(4)};
+ \tbox{sc}{2}{...};
+ \tline{sc}{2};
+ \tcaption{sc}{SystemC};
+ \tline{ace}{0};
+ \tcaption{ace}{P/T Solver};
+ \draw (currentace) ++ (9,-.3) node {Simulated time};
+ \ttimeline{sc}{10};
+ \ttimeline{ace}{10};
+ \tbox{sc}{1}{(1)};
+ \ttextarrowU{sc}{end of instant $t_{i}$};
+ \tcatchup{ace}{sc};
+ \coordinate (sceoi) at (currentscL);
+ \tskip{sc}{6};
+ \ttick{sc};
+ \ttextarrowU{sc}{next instant $t_{i+1}$};
+ \tarrowCoord{(sceoi)}{(currentaceU)}{};
+ \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=east] {(2)};
+ \tbox{ace}{6}{non-functional simu (3)};
+ % \tcalloutL{ace}{No IT};
+ \ttick{sc};
+ \tarrowLU{ace}{sc}{};
+ \draw (tmpmid) node[anchor=west] {(4)};
+ % \tcalloutU{sc}{Continue};
+ \tbox{sc}{1}{...};
+\section{Events as vertical arrows, mix between timing diagrams and others}
+ \tline{S}{6};
+ \tline{M}{5};
+ \tline{E}{2};
+ \tline{T}{0}
+ \tline{F}{-2};
+ \tline{Eb}{-5};
+ \tline{Tb}{-7}
+ \coordinate (n1) at (-2.5,-.5);
+ \coordinate (n2) at (-2.5,4);
+ \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt},decorate] (n1) to (n2);
+ \coordinate (o1) at (-2.5,-7.5);
+ \coordinate (o2) at (-2.5,-1.5);
+ \draw [decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt},decorate] (o1) to (o2);
+ \draw (barycentric cs:n1=.5,n2=.5) ++(-10pt,0) node[anchor=south,rotate=90] {\large\textsf{(a) Naive Temperature Model}};
+ \draw (barycentric cs:o1=.5,o2=.5) ++(-10pt,0) node[anchor=south,rotate=90] {\large\textsf{(b) Proposed Approach}};
+ \tcaption{S}{Real System};
+ \ttimeline{S}{8};
+ \tskip{S}{.3};
+ \tstartbrace{S};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.5};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.3};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{1.2};
+ \tendbrace{S}{\texttt{f(); wait(40);}};
+ \tstartbrace{S};
+ \tskip{S}{.2};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.8};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.7};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.5};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.5};
+ \tevent{S}; \tskip{S}{.8};
+ \tevent{S};
+ \tendbrace{S}{\texttt{g(); wait(35);}};
+ \tcaption{M}{
+ \begin{tabular}{r}
+ Loosely-Timed\\Model
+ \end{tabular}
+ };
+ \ttimeline{M}{8};
+ \tskip{M}{.3};
+ \foreach \x in {10,0,-10} {
+ \teventA{M}{\x};
+ }
+ \tskip{M}{4};
+ \foreach \x in {25,15,5,-5,-15,-25} {
+ \teventA{M}{\x};
+ }
+ \tskip{M}{2.5};
+ \tcaption{E}{Energy};
+ \ttimeline{E}{8};
+ \draw[red!50!black,thick] (currentE) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
+ node[right] {+3} ++(0,.6) -- ++(4,0) --
+ node[right] {+6} ++(0,1.2) -- node[near end,below]{total=9} ++(3.5,0)
+ ;
+ \tcaption{T}{Temperature};
+ \ttimeline{T}{8};
+ \draw[blue!50!black,thick] (currentT) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
+ coordinate[at end](peak1) ++(0,.6) .. controls +(1,-.2) .. ++(4,-.3) --
+ coordinate[at end](peak2) ++(0,1) .. controls +(1,-.5) .. ++(3.5,-.8)
+ ;
+ \draw (peak1) node[draw,circle,thick](peak1){};
+ \draw (peak2) node[draw,circle,thick](peak2){};
+ \draw (barycentric cs:peak1=.5,peak2=.5) ++(0,.1) node[inner sep=0](peaks){
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ Unrealistic\\peaks
+ \end{tabular}
+ };
+ \draw [arrow] (peaks) -- (peak1);
+ \draw [arrow] (peaks) -- (peak2);
+ \tcaption{F}{Frequency};
+ \ttimeline{F}{8};
+ \tskip{F}{.3};
+ \tbox{F}{4}{$\frac{3}{40}$ trans/sec};
+ \tbox{F}{3.5}{$\frac{6}{35}$ trans/sec};
+ \tcaption{Eb}{Energy};
+ \ttimeline{Eb}{8};
+ \draw[red!50!black,thick] (currentEb) ++(0,.3) -- ++(.3,0) --
+ ++(4,.6)
+ -- node[at end,right]{total=9} ++(3.5,1.2)
+ ;
+ \tcaption{Tb}{Temperature};
+ \ttimeline{Tb}{8};
+ \draw[blue!50!black,thick] (currentTb) ++(0,.3) -- coordinate[at end](start)++(.3,0);
+ \path (start)
+ ++(4,.6) coordinate (x1)
+ ++(3.5,.3) coordinate(x2);
+ \draw[blue!50!black,thick,bend left=5] (start) to (x1);
+ \draw[blue!50!black,thick,bend left=5] (x1) to (x2);
+ ;
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/version.txt b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/version.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ccfb35da506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/timing-diagrams/version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+timing-diagrams version 49848df99a682363391ca8effe072280d9f2dd84.
+Commited on Wed Aug 21 14:29:45 2013 +0200.
diff --git a/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/timing-diagrams/timing-diagrams.sty b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/timing-diagrams/timing-diagrams.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..680b735e257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/timing-diagrams/timing-diagrams.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+%% timing-diagrams.sty
+%% Copyright 2013 Matthieu Moy <>
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Matthieu Moy.
+% This work consists of the files timing-diagrams.sty and the example file
+% diagrams-examples.tex.
+\ProvidesPackage{timing-diagrams}[2013/08/21 Draw timing diagrams in TikZ]
+% Work around a bug in some versions of PGF
+% Style (override to customize ...)
+ drop shadow={shadow xshift=1.5pt,shadow yshift=-1.5pt}
+ top color=green!7,
+ bottom color=green!80!black!25,
+ fill=green!80!black!25,
+ shading=axis,
+ shading angle=30,
+ draw=black,
+ drop shadow={shadow xshift=1.5pt,shadow yshift=-1.5pt}
+top color=yellow!7,bottom color=yellow!40!orange!80!black!25,shading=axis,
+% Cause display bug :-(
+% shading angle=45,
+ellipse callout, draw, drop shadow={shadow xshift=1pt,shadow yshift=-1pt}]
+\tikzstyle{tarrow}=[->,line width=.05cm,draw=red!90!blue!60!black]
+ \path #2 coordinate (current#1);
+ \path #2 ++(0,\boxheight) coordinate (current#1U);
+ \path #2 ++(0,-\boxheight) coordinate (current#1L);
+ % correct absissa, wrong ordinate
+ \coordinate (next#1) at (#2, 0);
+ \tsetcurrent{#1}{(start#1 -| next#1)};
+ \coordinate (remember#2_#1) at (current#1);
+ \tsetcurrent{#1}{(remember#2_#1)};
+ \coordinate (start#1) at (0,#2);
+ \tsetcurrent{#1}{(start#1)};
+ \path (current#1) ++(#2, 0) coordinate (tend#1);
+ \draw[->,thick] (current#1)++(-.1,0) -- (tend#1);
+ \draw (start#1) ++(-.1,0) node[anchor=east] {#2};
+ \path (current#1) +(#2,0) coordinate (next#1);
+ #3
+ \tsetcurrent{#1}{(next#1)};
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,\boxheight) coordinate (topleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,-\boxheight) coordinate (bottomright#1);
+ \draw[tbox] (topleft#1) rectangle (bottomright#1);
+ \draw (barycentric cs:current#1=.5,next#1=.5) node[anchor=center] {#3};
+ }
+ \tskip{#1}{.05};
+ \tbox{#1}{#2-.1}{#3};
+ \tskip{#1}{.05};
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,.2) coordinate (topleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,.2) coordinate (topright#1);
+ \draw (topleft#1) edge[<->] node[auto] {#3} (topright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (bottomleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (bottomright#1);
+ \draw (bottomleft#1) edge[<->] node[midway,below] {#3} (bottomright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (bottomleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (bottomright#1);
+ \draw (bottomleft#1) edge[<->] node[#3] {#4} (bottomright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (topleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,-.2) coordinate (topright#1);
+ \draw (topleft#1) edge[<->] node[auto] {#3} (topright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,\boxheight) coordinate (topleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,\boxheight) coordinate (topright#1);
+ \draw (topleft#1) edge[bend left,->] node[above] {#3} (topright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{
+ \path (current#1) +(0,-\boxheight) coordinate (topleft#1);
+ \path (next#1) +(0,-\boxheight) coordinate (topright#1);
+ \draw (topleft#1) edge[bend right,->] node[below] {#3} (topright#1);
+ }
+ \tadvance{#1}{#2}{}
+ \draw[thick,->] (current#1) -- ++(0,.5);
+ \draw[thick,->] (current#1) -- ++(#2+90:.5);
+ \draw[tbox,thick] (current#1) ++(0,\boxheight) rectangle ++(.01,-2*\boxheight);
+ \draw[tboxshadow,fill=black] (current#1) +(-.04,\boxheight) rectangle +(.04,-\boxheight);
+ \draw (current#1) ++(0,\boxheight) rectangle ++(.01,-2*\boxheight);
+ \draw (current#1) ++(0,1.2*\boxheight) rectangle ++(.01,-2.4*\boxheight);
+ \coordinate (next#1) at (current#2|-current#1);
+ \tsetcurrent{#1}{(next#1)};
+ \draw (current#1) ++(0,\boxheight) node[anchor=south] {#2};
+ \draw (current#1) ++(0,-\boxheight) node[anchor=north] {#2};
+ \draw (current#1) node {#2};
+ \draw (current#2) ++#1
+ node[anchor=south,callout absolute pointer={(current#2)++(0,\boxheight)}, tcallout] {#3};
+\newcommand{\ttextarrowU}[3][++(0, .5)]{
+ \path (current#2) ++(0,\boxheight) ++(0,.015) coordinate (tmpcurrentU);
+ \draw[black] (current#2) ++(0,\boxheight) #1
+ node[anchor=south,inner sep=.1](tmptext) {#3};
+ \draw[->] (tmptext) -- (tmpcurrentU);
+ \coordinate (startbrace#1) at (current#1);
+ \coordinate (endbrace#1) at (current#1);
+ \draw[decoration={brace,amplitude=1.5mm},decorate] (endbrace#1) -- node[below]{#2} (startbrace#1);
+ \draw (current#2) ++#1
+ node[anchor=north,callout absolute pointer={(current#2)++(0,-\boxheight)}, tcallout] {#3};
+ \tarrowCoord{(current#1U)}{(current#2L)}{#3}
+ \tarrowCoord{(current#1L)}{(current#2U)}{#3}
+ \coordinate (tmp1) at #1;
+ \coordinate (tmp2) at #2;
+ \coordinate (tmpmid1) at (barycentric cs:tmp1=.2,tmp2=.8);
+ \coordinate (tmpmid2) at (barycentric cs:tmp1=.8,tmp2=.2);
+ \coordinate (tmpmid) at (barycentric cs:tmp1=.5,tmp2=.5);
+ \draw[tarrow] (tmp1) .. controls (tmp1 |- tmpmid1) and (tmpmid2 -| tmp2) .. (tmp2);
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{
+ \draw (tmpmid) node[shape=circle,fill=white,draw=black] {#3};
+ }
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
index 20c614885b7..650a7e142d7 100755
--- a/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ my @TLP_working = qw(
tikz-qtree tikz-timing
tikzinclude tikzmark tikzorbital
tikzpagenodes tikzpfeile tikzposter tikzscale tikzsymbols
- timetable tipa tipa-de
+ timetable timing-diagrams tipa tipa-de
titlecaps titlefoot titlepages titlepic titleref titlesec titling
tkz-base tkz-berge tkz-doc tkz-euclide tkz-fct tkz-graph
tkz-kiviat tkz-linknodes tkz-orm tkz-tab
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
index 36779447513..3b4e6d8c79e 100644
--- a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pictures.tlpsrc
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ depend tikzpfeile
depend tikzposter
depend tikzscale
depend tikzsymbols
+depend timing-diagrams
depend tqft
depend tkz-base
depend tkz-berge
diff --git a/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/timing-diagrams.tlpsrc b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/timing-diagrams.tlpsrc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e69de29bb2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/timing-diagrams.tlpsrc