path: root/support/arara/source/src/main/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/CLI.kt
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1 files changed, 171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/support/arara/source/src/main/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/CLI.kt b/support/arara/source/src/main/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/CLI.kt
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/support/arara/source/src/main/kotlin/org/islandoftex/arara/CLI.kt
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+// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+package org.islandoftex.arara
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.argument
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.arguments.multiple
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.default
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.flag
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.option
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.path
+import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.restrictTo
+import kotlin.system.exitProcess
+import kotlin.time.ClockMark
+import kotlin.time.ExperimentalTime
+import kotlin.time.MonoClock
+import kotlin.time.milliseconds
+import org.islandoftex.arara.configuration.AraraSpec
+import org.islandoftex.arara.filehandling.FileSearchingUtils
+import org.islandoftex.arara.localization.Language
+import org.islandoftex.arara.localization.LanguageController
+import org.islandoftex.arara.localization.Messages
+import org.islandoftex.arara.model.AraraException
+import org.islandoftex.arara.model.Session
+import org.islandoftex.arara.utils.CommonUtils
+import org.islandoftex.arara.utils.DisplayUtils
+import org.islandoftex.arara.utils.LoggingUtils
+ * arara's command line interface
+ *
+ * @author Island of TeX
+ * @version 5.0
+ * @since 5.0
+ */
+class CLI : CliktCommand(name = "arara", printHelpOnEmptyArgs = true) {
+ private val log by option("-l", "--log",
+ help = "Generate a log output")
+ .flag(default = AraraSpec.Execution.logging.default)
+ private val verbose by option("-v", "--verbose",
+ help = "Print the command output")
+ .flag("-s", "--silent",
+ default = AraraSpec.Execution.verbose.default)
+ private val dryrun by option("-n", "--dry-run",
+ help = "Go through all the motions of running a command, but " +
+ "with no actual calls")
+ .flag(default = AraraSpec.Execution.dryrun.default)
+ private val onlyheader by option("-H", "--header",
+ help = "Extract directives only in the file header")
+ .flag(default = AraraSpec.Execution.onlyHeader.default)
+ private val timeout by option("-t", "--timeout",
+ help = "Set the execution timeout (in milliseconds)")
+ .int().restrictTo(min = 1)
+ private val language by option("-L", "--language",
+ help = "Set the application language")
+ .default(AraraSpec.Application.defaultLanguageCode.default)
+ private val maxLoops by option("-m", "--max-loops",
+ help = "Set the maximum number of loops (> 0)")
+ .int().restrictTo(min = 1)
+ .default(AraraSpec.Execution.maxLoops.default)
+ private val preamble by option("-p", "--preamble",
+ help = "Set the file preamble based on the configuration file")
+ private val workingDirectory by option("-d", "--working-directory",
+ help = "Set the working directory for all tools")
+ .path(exists = true, fileOkay = false, readable = true)
+ .default(AraraSpec.Execution.workingDirectory.default)
+ private val reference by argument("file",
+ help = "The file(s) to evaluate and process")
+ .multiple(required = true)
+ /**
+ * Update the default configuration with the values parsed from the
+ * command line.
+ */
+ @ExperimentalTime
+ private fun updateConfigurationFromCommandLine() {
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.language] = Language(language)
+ LanguageController.setLocale(Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.language]
+ .locale)
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.logging] = log
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.verbose] = verbose
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.dryrun] = dryrun
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.onlyHeader] = onlyheader
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.maxLoops] = maxLoops
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.workingDirectory] = workingDirectory
+ preamble?.let {
+ val preambles = Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.preambles]
+ if (preambles.containsKey(it)) {
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.preamblesActive] = true
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.preamblesContent] =
+ // will never throw (see check above)
+ preambles.getValue(it)
+ } else {
+ throw AraraException(
+ LanguageController.getMessage(
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ timeout?.let {
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.timeout] = true
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.timeoutValue] = it.milliseconds
+ }
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.UserInteraction.displayTime] = true
+ }
+ /**
+ * The actual main method of arara (when run in command-line mode)
+ */
+ @ExperimentalTime
+ override fun run() {
+ // the first component to be initialized is the
+ // logging controller; note init() actually disables
+ // the logging, so early exceptions won't generate
+ // a lot of noise in the terminal
+ LoggingUtils.init()
+ // arara features a stopwatch, so we can see how much time has passed
+ // since everything started; internally, this class makes use of
+ // nano time, so we might get an interesting precision here
+ // (although timing is not a serious business in here, it's
+ // just a cool addition)
+ val executionStart: ClockMark = MonoClock.markNow()
+ // arara stores the environment variables accessible at the start
+ // of the execution in the session object for the user
+ Session.updateEnvironmentVariables()
+ // logging has to be initialized only once and for all because
+ // context resets lead to missing output
+ LoggingUtils.enableLogging(log)
+ try {
+ // TODO: this will have to change for parallelization
+ reference.forEach {
+ // TODO: do we have to reset some more file-specific config?
+ // especially the working directory will have to be set and
+ // changed
+ Arara.config = Arara.baseconfig.withLayer(it)
+ // next, update the configuration
+ updateConfigurationFromCommandLine()
+ FileSearchingUtils.discoverFile(it)
+ // add an empty line between file executions
+ println()
+ }
+ // this is the last command from arara; once the execution time is
+ // available, print it; note that this notification is suppressed
+ // when the command line parsing returns false as result (it makes
+ // no sense to print the execution time for a help message, I guess)
+ DisplayUtils.printTime(executionStart.elapsedNow().inSeconds)
+ } catch (ex: AraraException) {
+ DisplayUtils.printException(ex)
+ Arara.config[AraraSpec.Execution.status] = 2
+ }
+ // gets the application exit status; the rule here is:
+ // 0 : everything went just fine (note that the dry-run mode always
+ // makes arara exit with 0, unless it is an error in the directive
+ // builder itself).
+ // 1 : one of the tasks failed, so the execution ended abruptly. This
+ // means the error relies on the command line call, not with arara.
+ // 2 : arara just handled an exception, meaning that something bad
+ // just happened and might require user intervention.
+ exitProcess(CommonUtils.exitStatus)
+ }