path: root/info/latex-for-undergraduates/alounsburymacros.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'info/latex-for-undergraduates/alounsburymacros.sty')
1 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/latex-for-undergraduates/alounsburymacros.sty b/info/latex-for-undergraduates/alounsburymacros.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39788e6ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-for-undergraduates/alounsburymacros.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,633 @@
+% alounsburymacros.sty 1.0 2022/02/05
+% Andrew Lounsbury
+% This file was not generated from source code.
+% This software is contributed to the public domain.
+% Marking this file as a package
+\ProvidesPackage{alounsburymacros}[2022/02/05 1.0 miscellaneous commands]
+% This allows commands that use things from these packages to work even if we
+% haven't put them in \usepackage{} in the preamble.
+\RequirePackage{forloop, mathrsfs, mathtools, nicefrac, xcolor}
+% Otherwise, we could list packages we often use to avoid having to include them
+% in the preamble of our tex files.
+% In other words, the use of \usepackage{} for packages other than alounsburymacros %
+% at the beginning of LaTeX_for_Undergraduates.tex is merely there for the sake of %
+% example. %
+\RequirePackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm, cancel, calligra, enumitem, fancyvrb, graphicx, pagecolor, pifont, suppose, totcount, upgreek, verbatim, verse}
+% GENERAL COMMANDS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% From enumitem package
+% Fixing indentation in enumerate and itemize environments
+ listparindent=\parindent,
+ parsep=0pt,
+% For <...> arguments in LaTeX_for_Undergraduates.tex
+% Troubleshooting
+% LaTeX Workshop autocompletes \par to \paragraph{}, which gets annoying.
+% Horizontal separator with option to add label
+ \noindent\textbf{#1} \\%
+ \makebox{%
+ \rule[1.5ex]{0.75\paperwidth}{0.8pt}%
+ }%
+% \renewcommand overrides a command that has already been defined.
+% In the proof environment, \qedsymbol defaults to a white square.
+% I prefer a black square, so I change it here.
+% but these allow me to easily change it to other things
+% Environments -----------------------------------------------------------------
+% Creating \begin{...} \end{...} environments with a few defaults provided by
+% \newtheorem
+% * removes numbering
+% The first {} contains the name of the environment.
+% The second {} contains what will be displayed.
+\newtheorem{claim}{Claim} % numbered
+\newtheorem*{claim*}{Claim} % not numbered
+\theoremstyle{definition} % removes italics from the following
+\theoremstyle{remark} % italicized title, upright text
+% Don't use these \newtheorem environments.
+% Use the \newenvironment's below.
+\newtheorem*{pfcases}{Proof by Cases}
+\newtheorem*{pfcontradiction}{Proof by Contradiction}
+\newtheorem*{pfcombinatorial}{Proof (Combinatorial)}
+\newtheorem*{pfcontrapositive}{Proof by Contrapositive}
+\newtheorem*{pfdirect}{Proof (Direct)}
+\newtheorem*{pfinduction}{Proof by Induction}
+% Proof environments with the technique specified
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\pfcases}
+ {\popQED\endpfcases}
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\pfcontradiction}
+ {\popQED\endpfcontradiction}
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\pfcombinatorial}
+ {\popQED\endpfcombinatorial}
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\pfcontrapositive}
+ {\popQED\endpfcontrapositive}
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\proof}
+ {\popQED\endpfdirect}
+ {\pushQED{\qed}\pfinduction}
+ {\popQED\endpfinduction}
+% Color-coded environments
+\definecolor{darkpastelgreen}{rgb}{0.01, 0.75, 0.24}
+\definecolor{ballblue}{rgb}{0.13, 0.67, 0.8}
+\theoremstyle{plain} % adds italics to the following
+\theoremstyle{definition} % removes italics from the following
+% For inductive proofs and recursive definitions
+\newcommand{\bc}{\textbf{\underline{Base case}: }}
+\newcommand{\ind}{\textbf{\underline{Induction step}: }}
+\newcommand{\basis}{\textbf{\underline{Basis}: }}
+\newcommand{\rec}{\textbf{\underline{Recursive step}: }}
+% Ways to avoid \text{} in display-math
+\newcommand{\as}{\text{ as}\ }
+\newcommand{\bec}{\text{ because}\ }
+\newcommand{\but}{\text{ but}\ }
+\newcommand{\const}{\text{ const}\ }
+\newcommand{\countable}{\text{ countable}\ }
+\newcommand{\each}{\text{ each}\ }
+\newcommand{\et}{\text{ and}\ }
+\newcommand{\for}{\text{ for}\ }
+\newcommand{\some}{\text{ some}\ }
+\newcommand{\fs}{\text{ for some}\ }
+\newcommand{\on}{\text{ on}\ }
+\newcommand{\ona}{\text{ on a}\ }
+\newcommand{\ow}{\text{o/w}\ } % otherwise
+\newcommand{\st}{\text{s.t.}\ } % such that
+\newcommand{\mst}{\text{ s.t.}\ } % math such that
+\newcommand{\ou}{\text{ or}\ }
+\renewcommand{\over}{\text{ over}\ }
+\newcommand{\so}{\text{ so}\ }
+\newcommand{\tms}{\text{ times}\ } % for \underbrace{...}_{n times}
+\newcommand{\undef}{\text{undef.}\ }
+\newcommand{\with}{\text{ with}\ }
+\newcommand{\where}{\text{ where}\ }
+\newcommand{\wrt}{\text{ with respect to}\ }
+% Things to stack on =, <, \le, etc.
+\newcommand{\lh}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny L'H}}} % L'Hôpital's Rule
+\newcommand{\pf}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny PF}}} % Pascal's Formula
+\newcommand{\ti}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny TI}}} % Triangle Inequality
+\newcommand{\one}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny \ensuremath{(1)}}}}
+\newcommand{\two}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny \ensuremath{(2)}}}}
+\newcommand{\three}{\stackrel{\text{\tiny \ensuremath{(3)}}}}
+% Black-board bold
+\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}} % complex numbers
+\newcommand{\F}{\mathbf{F}} % bold F
+\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb{N}} % natural numbers
+\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb{Q}} % etc.
+% Miscellaneous
+\newcommand{\f}{\frac} % \f{numerator}{denominator}
+\newcommand*{\lcm}[1]{\mathrm{lcm}\left\{#1\right\}} % least common multiple
+\newcommand{\mbf}{\mathbf} % math bold face
+% My notations
+\newcommand*{\msum}[3]{\sum\limits_{#1=#2}^{#3}} % my sum
+\newcommand*{\mprod}[3]{\prod\limits_{#1=#2}^{#3}} % my prod
+\newcommand*{\mcap}[3]{\cap_{#1=#2}^{#3}} % etc.
+% Default infinity for the upper bounds
+% Package-specific
+\newcommand{\nf}{\nicefrac} % nicefrac
+\newcommand{\cmark}{\ding{51}\ } % pifont
+\newcommand{\xmark}{\ding{55}\ }
+\newcommand*{\cb}[2]{\colorbox{#1}{#2}} % xcolor
+% math mode
+ \pagecolor{black}
+ \color{white}
+\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{alounsburymacros}{Unknown '\CurrentOption'}}
+% Polish notation for responsive block delimiters
+\newcommand*{\abs}[1]{\left\lvert#1\right\rvert} % absolute value
+\newcommand*{\ceil}[1]{\left\lceil#1\right\rceil} % ceiling
+\newcommand*{\floor}[1]{\left\lfloor#1\right\rfloor} % floor
+\newcommand*{\mang}[1]{\left<#1\right>} % my angle bracket
+\newcommand*{\mbrack}[1]{\left[#1\right]} % my bracket
+\newcommand*{\mpar}[1]{\left(#1\right)} % my parentheses
+\newcommand*{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert#1\right\rVert} % norm
+% \Mid is a very useful extensible \mid from the mathtools documentation
+% (originally \given)
+% just to make sure it exists
+% can be useful to refer to this outside \set
+ \nonscript\:#1\vert%
+ \allowbreak%
+ \nonscript\:%
+ \mathopen{}%
+ \renewcommand\Mid{\SetSymbol[\delimsize]}%
+ #1%
+% ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Polynomial rings
+% Polynomial rings over projective space
+\DeclareMathOperator{\lm}{LM} % leading monomial
+\DeclareMathOperator{\lt}{LT} % leading term
+\DeclareMathOperator{\lc}{LC} % leading coefficient
+\DeclareMathOperator{\md}{multideg} % degree for multivariate polynomial
+% CALCULUS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand{\A}{\mathcal{A}} % an algebra of functions
+\newcommand{\va}{\scalebox{1.5}{$a$}} % variation of \A
+\newcommand{\bdd}{bounded\ }
+\newcommand{\fsc}{finite subcover\ }
+\newcommand{\nbd}{neighborhood\ }
+\newcommand{\duh}{Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. }
+% Linear algebra
+\newcommand*{\mvec}[1]{\bs{\mathrm{#1}}} % my vector
+% Greek letters
+\newcommand{\Dx}{\Delta x}
+% Limits
+\newcommand*{\mlim}[1]{\lim\limits_{#1}} % my limit
+\newcommand{\limi}{\ul{\Lim}\ } % alternative liminf
+\newcommand{\lims}{\ol\Lim\ } % alternative limsup
+\newcommand*{\mto}[2]{#1\to#2} % my to
+\newcommand{\pto}{\xrightarrow{\text{\tiny PW}}} % pointwise convergence
+\newcommand{\uto}{\xrightarrow{\text{unif}}} % uniform convergence
+% Derivatives
+\newcommand*{\delx}[1]{\f{\partial#1}{\parial x}}
+\newcommand*{\dely}[1]{\f{\partial#1}{\partial y}}
+\newcommand*{\delz}[1]{\f{\partial#1}{\partial z}}
+% Integrals
+\newcommand*{\mint}[2]{\int\limits_{#1}^{#2}} % my integral
+\newcommand*{\lint}[2]{\mint{\underline{#1}}{#2}} % lower Rieman integral
+\newcommand*{\uint}[2]{\mint{#1}{\ol{#2}}} % upper
+\newcommand*{\dint}[2]{\displaystyle\int_{#1}^{#2}} % display integral (no \limits)
+% Default upper bound of infinity
+\newcommand*{\dinti}[1]{\dint{#1}{\infty}} % display integral (no \limits)
+\newcommand{\pint}{\mint{0}{1}} % probability integral
+% GEOMETRY %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% LINEAR ALGEBRA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% row vectors
+% centered column vectors
+% row vectors
+% n-tuples
+% square numeric matrices
+% square numeric determinants
+% augmented matrices
+% \newcommand*{\augtwo}[2]{\left[#1\mid#2\right]}
+% column vectors with row separation
+% LOGIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% contradiction
+% forward implication
+ \mbox{
+ $\bs(%
+ \mspace{-10.5mu}%
+ \bs\implies%
+ \mspace{-12mu}%
+ \bs)$\ %
+ }
+% backward implication
+\newcommand{\bim}{\mbox{$\bs(\mspace{-12mu}\bs\impliedby\mspace{-10.5mu}\bs)$\ }}
+% forward inclusion
+\newcommand{\fsub}{$\bs(\mspace{-5mu}\bs\subseteq\mspace{-5mu}\bs)$\ }
+% backward inclusion
+\newcommand{\bsub}{$\bs(\mspace{-5mu}\bs\supseteq\mspace{-5mu}\bs)$\ }
+\newcommand{\sland}{\;\land\;} % space logical and
+\newcommand{\slor}{\,\lor\, } % space logical or
+\newcommand{\tf}{\therefore\,} % I sometimes prefer a little space after this.
+\newcommand{\bij}{\longleftrightarrow} % bijection
+\newcommand{\inj}{\rightarrowtail} % one-to-one
+\newcommand{\Ra}{\Rightarrow} % short implies
+\newcommand{\ra}{\rightarrow} % alternate implication
+\newcommand*{\mneg}[1][1]{ % my (alternative) negation
+ \mspace{-5mu}%
+ \setcounter{i}{0}%
+ \forloop{i}{0}{\value{i}<#1}%
+ {%
+ \sim%
+ }%
+ \mspace{-5mu}%
+\newcommand{\n}{\neg} % negation
+\newcommand{\s}{\sim\mspace{-5mu}} % alternative negation
+\newcommand{\vd}{\vdash} % proves
+\newcommand{\vdd}{\vDash} % satisfies
+\newcommand{\nec}{\scalebox{0.75}{$\square$}} % necessarily
+\newcommand{\poss}{\scalebox{1.25}{$\diamond$}} % possibly
+\newcommand{\is}{\text{ is\ }}
+\newcommand{\isnt}{\text{ is not\ }}
+\newcommand{\IFF}{\text{ iff\ }}
+% PDE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Ditto marks
+% ditto
+ \quad\scalebox{0.75}{\ensuremath{\prime\prime}}\quad%
+% sparse ditto
+% dense ditto
+% For loops
+\newcommand*{\mdit}[1][1]{% my ditto; invoked as \mdit[n] for n ditto marks
+ \forloop{i}{0}{\value{i} < #1}%
+ {%
+ \dit%
+ }%
+% my sparse ditto
+% my dense ditto
+% VERSE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\newcommand{\attrib}[1]{\nopagebreak{\raggedleft\footnotesize#1\par}\ }
+ \begin{center}%
+ \textbf{***}\vspace{-0.25cm}%
+ \end{center}%
+} \ No newline at end of file