#!/bin/bash # (c) 2016-2018 Norbert Preining # License: GPLv3+ # # USAGE: # call this script with the two envvars below set to proper values # eg: # TLCHECKOUT=/path/to/tl/svn/checkout TLNETDEST=/path/to/created/repo update.sh # at the moment the generated repository in TLCHECKOUT is *not* signed # due to the --no-sign option. You would need the TL distribtuion key # to sign. But you can sign with a different key and tell the users to # use tlmgr key add etc, see manual. TLCHECKOUT=${TLCHECKOUT:-/home/norbert/Development/TeX/texlive.git} TLNETDEST=${TLNETDEST:-/home/norbert/Domains/server/texlive.info/contrib/2017} TLCATALOGUE=${TLCATALOGUE:-/home/norbert/Development/TeX/texcatalogue-svn} # we don't do TeX Catalogue updates #unset TEX_CATALOGUE do_sign=true if [ "$1" = "-no-sign" ] ; then do_sign=false shift fi do_tlpdb=false do_container=false do_collection=false if [ "$1" = "container" ] ; then do_container=true elif [ "$1" = "tlpdb" ] ; then do_tlpdb=true elif [ "$1" = "collection" ] ; then do_collection=true else do_tlpdb=true do_container=true do_collection=true fi if $do_collection ; then col=tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-contrib.tlpsrc echo "category Collection" > $col echo "shortdesc tlcontrib packages" >> $col echo "longdesc collections of all packages in contrib.texlive.info" >> $col for i in `ls tlpkg/tlpsrc/*.tlpsrc | sort` ; do bn=`basename $i .tlpsrc` if [ "$bn" = "00texlive.autopatterns" -o "$bn" = "00texlive.config" -o "$bn" = 00texlive.installation \ -o "$bn" = collection-contrib ] ; then continue fi echo "depend $bn" >> $col done git add $col if ! git diff --cached --exit-code >/dev/null ; then # something is staged echo "collection contrib is updated, diff is as following:" git diff --cached echo "" echo -n "Do you want to commit these changes (y/N): " read REPLY <&2 case $REPLY in y*|Y*) git commit -m "collection-contrib updated" ;; *) echo "Ok, leave it for now!" ;; esac fi fi if $do_tlpdb ; then # update tlpdb $TLCHECKOUT/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-tlpdb \ -with-w32-pattern-warning -from-git \ --catalogue=$TLCATALOGUE \ --master=`pwd` fi if $do_sign ; then gpgcmd="-gpgcmd `pwd`/tl-sign-file" else gpgcmd=-no-sign fi if $do_container ; then $TLCHECKOUT/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-containers \ -master `pwd` \ -location $TLNETDEST \ $gpgcmd \ -all # sometimes we need -recreate grep ^name tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb | grep -v 00texlive | grep -v '\.' | awk '{print$2}' | sort > $TLNETDEST/packages.txt fi # sometimes -recreate might be necessary to fully rebuild!