local hb = require("harf-base") local direct = node.direct local tonode = direct.tonode local todirect = direct.todirect local traverse = direct.traverse local traverseid = direct.traverse_id local insertbefore = direct.insert_before local insertafter = direct.insert_after local protectglyph = direct.protect_glyph local newnode = direct.new local copynode = direct.copy local removenode = direct.remove local copynodelist = direct.copy_list local isglyph = direct.is_glyph local getattrs = direct.getattributelist local setattrs = direct.setattributelist local getchar = direct.getchar local setchar = direct.setchar local getdir = direct.getdir local setdir = direct.setdir local getdata = direct.getdata local setdata = direct.setdata local getfont = direct.getfont local setfont = direct.setfont local getfield = direct.getfield local setfield = direct.setfield local getid = direct.getid local getkern = direct.getkern local setkern = direct.setkern local getnext = direct.getnext local setnext = direct.setnext local getoffsets = direct.getoffsets local setoffsets = direct.setoffsets local getproperty = direct.getproperty local setproperty = direct.setproperty local getprev = direct.getprev local setprev = direct.setprev local getsubtype = direct.getsubtype local setsubtype = direct.setsubtype local getwidth = direct.getwidth local setwidth = direct.setwidth local getpre = function (n) return getfield(n, "pre") end local setpre = function (n, v) setfield(n, "pre", v) end local getpost = function (n) return getfield(n, "post") end local setpost = function (n, v) setfield(n, "post", v) end local getrep = function (n) return getfield(n, "replace") end local setrep = function (n, v) setfield(n, "replace", v) end local discid = node.id("disc") local glueid = node.id("glue") local glyphid = node.id("glyph") local dirid = node.id("dir") local kernid = node.id("kern") local localparid = node.id("local_par") local spaceskip = 13 local directmode = 2 local fontkern = 0 local italiccorrection = 3 local explicitdisc = 1 local regulardisc = 3 local getscript = hb.unicode.script local sc_common = hb.Script.new("Zyyy") local sc_inherited = hb.Script.new("Zinh") local sc_unknown = hb.Script.new("Zzzz") local sc_latn = hb.Script.new("Latn") local dir_ltr = hb.Direction.new("ltr") local dir_rtl = hb.Direction.new("rtl") local lang_invalid = hb.Language.new() local fl_unsafe = hb.Buffer.GLYPH_FLAG_UNSAFE_TO_BREAK local p_startactual = "startactualtext" local p_endactual = "endactualtext" local p_color = "color" local p_string = "string" local format = string.format -- Simple table copying function. local function copytable(old) local new = {} for k, v in next, old do if type(v) == "table" then v = copytable(v) end new[k] = v end return new end -- Set and get properties from our private `harf` subtable. local function setprop(n, prop, value) local props = getproperty(n) if not props then props = {} setproperty(n, props) end props.harf = props.harf or {} props.harf[prop] = value end -- New kern node of amount `v`, inheriting the properties/attributes of `n`. local function newkern(v, n) local kern = newnode(kernid) local props = getproperty(n) local attrs = getattrs(n) if props then setproperty(kern, copytable(props)) end if attrs then setattrs(kern, copynodelist(attrs)) end setkern(kern, v) return kern end local function insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl) if rtl then head = insertbefore(head, current, kern) else head, current = insertafter(head, current, kern) end return head, current end -- Convert list of integers to UTF-16 hex string used in PDF. local function to_utf16_hex(uni) if uni < 0x10000 then return format("%04X", uni) else uni = uni - 0x10000 local hi = 0xD800 + (uni // 0x400) local lo = 0xDC00 + (uni % 0x400) return format("%04X%04X", hi, lo) end end local paired_open = { [0x0028] = 0x0029, [0x003c] = 0x003e, [0x005b] = 0x005d, [0x007b] = 0x007d, [0x00ab] = 0x00bb, [0x2018] = 0x2019, [0x201c] = 0x201d, [0x2039] = 0x203a, [0x3008] = 0x3009, [0x300a] = 0x300b, [0x300c] = 0x300d, [0x300e] = 0x300f, [0x3010] = 0x3011, [0x3014] = 0x3015, [0x3016] = 0x3017, [0x3018] = 0x3019, [0x301a] = 0x301b, } local paired_close = { [0x0029] = 0x0028, [0x003e] = 0x003c, [0x005d] = 0x005b, [0x007d] = 0x007b, [0x00bb] = 0x00ab, [0x2019] = 0x2018, [0x201d] = 0x201c, [0x203a] = 0x2039, [0x3009] = 0x3008, [0x300b] = 0x300a, [0x300d] = 0x300c, [0x300f] = 0x300e, [0x3011] = 0x3010, [0x3015] = 0x3014, [0x3017] = 0x3016, [0x3019] = 0x3018, [0x301b] = 0x301a, } local process local trep = hb.texrep local function itemize(head, direction) -- Collect character properties (font, direction, script) and resolve common -- and inherited scripts. Pre-requisite for itemization into smaller runs. local props, nodes, codes = {}, {}, {} local dirstack, pairstack = {}, {} local currdir = direction or "TLT" local currfontid = nil for n in direct.traverse(head) do local id = getid(n) local code = 0xFFFC -- OBJECT REPLACEMENT CHARACTER local script = sc_common local skip = false if id == glyphid then currfontid = getfont(n) if getsubtype(n) > 255 then skip = true else code = getchar(n) script = getscript(code) end elseif id == glueid and getsubtype(n) == spaceskip then code = 0x0020 -- SPACE elseif id == discid and (getsubtype(n) == explicitdisc -- \- or getsubtype(n) == regulardisc) -- \discretionary then code = 0x00AD -- SOFT HYPHEN elseif id == dirid then local dir = getdir(n) if dir:sub(1, 1) == "+" then -- Push the current direction to the stack. table.insert(dirstack, currdir) currdir = dir:sub(2) else assert(currdir == dir:sub(2)) -- Pop the last direction from the stack. currdir = table.remove(dirstack) end elseif id == localparid then currdir = getdir(n) end local fontdata = currfontid and font.getfont(currfontid) local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb local spec = hbdata and hbdata.spec local options = spec and spec.options local texlig = options and options.texlig if texlig then local replacement = trep[code] if replacement then code = replacement end end if not hbdata then skip = true end -- Resolve common and inherited scripts. Inherited takes the script of the -- previous character. Common almost the same, but we tray to make paired -- characters (e.g. parentheses) to take the same script. if #props > 0 and (script == sc_common or script == sc_inherited) then script = props[#props].script -- Paired punctuation characters if paired_open[code] then table.insert(pairstack, { code, script }) elseif paired_close[code] then while #pairstack > 0 do local c = table.remove(pairstack) if c[1] == paired_close[code] then script = c[2] break end end end end -- If script is not resolved yet, and the font has a "script" option, use -- it. if (script == sc_common or script == sc_inherited) and hbdata then local spec = hbdata.spec local features = spec.features local options = spec.options script = options.script and hb.Script.new(options.script) or script end codes[#codes + 1] = code nodes[#nodes + 1] = n props[#props + 1] = { font = currfontid, -- XXX handle RTT and LTL. dir = currdir == "TRT" and dir_rtl or dir_ltr, script = script, skip = skip, } end for i = #props - 1, 1, -1 do -- If script is not resolved yet, use that of the next character. if props[i].script == sc_common or props[i].script == sc_inherited then props[i].script = props[i + 1].script end end -- Split into a list of runs, each has the same font, direction and script. -- TODO: itemize by language as well. local runs = {} local currfontid, currdir, currscript, currskip = nil, nil, nil, nil for i, prop in next, props do local fontid = prop.font local dir = prop.dir local script = prop.script local skip = prop.skip -- Start a new run if there is a change in properties. if fontid ~= currfontid or dir ~= currdir or script ~= currscript or skip ~= currskip then runs[#runs + 1] = { start = i, len = 0, font = fontid, dir = dir, script = script, skip = skip, nodes = nodes, codes = codes, } end runs[#runs].len = runs[#runs].len + 1 currfontid = fontid currdir = dir currscript = script currskip = skip end return runs end -- Find how many characters are part of this glyph. -- -- The first return value is the number of characters, with 0 meaning it is -- inside a multi-glyph cluster -- -- The second return value is the number of glyph in this cluster. -- local function chars_in_glyph(i, glyphs, stop) local nchars, nglyphs = 0, 0 local cluster = glyphs[i].cluster -- Glyph is not the first in cluster if glyphs[i - 1] and glyphs[i - 1].cluster == cluster then return 0, 0 end -- Find the last glyph in this cluster. while glyphs[i + nglyphs] and glyphs[i + nglyphs].cluster == cluster do nglyphs = nglyphs + 1 end -- The number of characters is the diff between the next cluster in this one. if glyphs[i + nglyphs] then nchars = glyphs[i + nglyphs].cluster - cluster else -- This glyph cluster in the last in the run. nchars = stop - cluster - 1 end return nchars, nglyphs end -- Check if it is not safe to break before this glyph. local function unsafetobreak(glyph, nodes) return glyph and glyph.flags and glyph.flags & fl_unsafe -- Discretionary nodes can’t contain glue, so stop at first glue as well. -- This is incorrect, but I don’t have a better idea. and getid(nodes[glyph.cluster + 1]) ~= glueid end local shape -- Make s a sub run, used by discretionary nodes. local function makesub(run, start, stop, nodelist) local nodes = run.nodes local codes = run.codes local start = start local stop = stop local subnodes, subcodes = {}, {} for i = start, stop do if getid(nodes[i]) ~= discid then subnodes[#subnodes + 1] = copynode(nodes[i]) subcodes[#subcodes + 1] = codes[i] end end -- Prepend any existing nodes to the list. for n in traverse(nodelist) do subnodes[#subnodes + 1] = n subcodes[#subcodes + 1] = getchar(n) end local subrun = { start = 1, len = #subnodes, font = run.font, script = run.script, dir = run.dir, fordisc = true, nodes = subnodes, codes = subcodes, } return { glyphs = shape(subrun), run = subrun } end -- Main shaping function that calls HarfBuzz, and does some post-processing of -- the output. shape = function(run) local nodes = run.nodes local codes = run.codes local offset = run.start local len = run.len local fontid = run.font local dir = run.dir local script = run.script local lang = run.lang local fordisc = run.fordisc local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid) local hbdata = fontdata.hb local palette = hbdata.palette local spec = hbdata.spec local features = spec.features local options = spec.options local hbshared = hbdata.shared local hbfont = hbshared.font local hbface = hbshared.face local lang = lang or options.language or lang_invalid local shapers = options.shaper and { options.shaper } or {} local buf = hb.Buffer.new() buf:set_direction(dir) buf:set_script(script) buf:set_language(lang) buf:set_cluster_level(buf.CLUSTER_LEVEL_MONOTONE_CHARACTERS) buf:add_codepoints(codes, offset - 1, len) local hscale = hbdata.hscale local vscale = hbdata.vscale hbfont:set_scale(hscale, vscale) if hb.shape_full(hbfont, buf, features, shapers) then -- The engine wants the glyphs in logical order, but HarfBuzz outputs them -- in visual order, so we reverse RTL buffers. if dir:is_backward() then buf:reverse() end local glyphs = buf:get_glyphs() -- If the font has COLR/CPAL tables, decompose each glyph to its color -- layers and set the color from the palette. if palette then for i, glyph in next, glyphs do local gid = glyph.codepoint local layers = hbface:ot_color_glyph_get_layers(gid) if layers then -- Remove this glyph, we will use its layers. table.remove(glyphs, i) for j, layer in next, layers do -- All glyphs but the last use 0 advance so that the layers -- overlap. local xadavance, yadvance = nil, nil if dir:is_backward() then x_advance = j == 1 and glyph.x_advance or 0 y_advance = j == 1 and glyph.y_advance or 0 else x_advance = j == #layers and glyph.x_advance or 0 y_advance = j == #layers and glyph.y_advance or 0 end table.insert(glyphs, i + j - 1, { codepoint = layer.glyph, cluster = glyph.cluster, x_advance = x_advance, y_advance = y_advance, x_offset = glyph.x_offset, y_offset = glyph.y_offset, flags = glyph.flags, -- color_index has a special value, 0x10000, that mean use text -- color, we don’t check for it here explicitly since we will -- get nil anyway. color = palette[layer.color_index], }) end end end end for i, glyph in next, glyphs do local nodeindex = glyph.cluster + 1 local nchars, nglyphs = chars_in_glyph(i, glyphs, offset + len) glyph.nchars, glyph.nglyphs = nchars, nglyphs -- Calculate the Unicode code points of this glyph. If nchars is zero -- then this is a glyph inside a complex cluster and will be handled with -- the start of its cluster. if nchars > 0 then local hex = "" local str = "" for j = 0, nchars - 1 do local id = getid(nodes[nodeindex + j]) if id == glyphid or id == glueid then local code = codes[nodeindex + j] hex = hex..to_utf16_hex(code) str = str..utf8.char(code) end end glyph.tounicode = hex glyph.string = str end -- Find if we have a discretionary inside a ligature, if nchars less than -- two then either this is not a ligature or there is no discretionary -- involved. if nchars > 2 and not fordisc then local discindex = nil for j = nodeindex, nodeindex + nchars - 1 do if codes[j] == 0x00AD then discindex = j break end end if discindex then -- Discretionary found. local disc = nodes[discindex] local startindex, stopindex = nil, nil local startglyph, stopglyph = nil, nil -- Find the previous glyph that is safe to break at. startglyph = i while unsafetobreak(glyphs[startglyph], nodes) do startglyph = startglyph - 1 end -- Get the corresponding character index. startindex = glyphs[startglyph].cluster + 1 -- Find the next glyph that is safe to break at. stopglyph = i + nglyphs while unsafetobreak(glyphs[stopglyph], nodes) do stopglyph = stopglyph + 1 end -- We also want the last char in the previous glyph, so no +1 below. stopindex = glyphs[stopglyph].cluster -- We break up to stop glyph but not including it, so the -1 below. stopglyph = stopglyph - 1 -- Mark these glyph for skipping since they will be replaced by the -- discretionary fields. for j = startglyph, stopglyph do glyphs[j].skip = true end local pre, post, rep = getpre(disc), getpost(disc), getrep(disc) glyph.disc = disc glyph.replace = makesub(run, startindex, stopindex, rep) glyph.pre = makesub(run, startindex, discindex - 1, pre) glyph.post = makesub(run, discindex + 1, stopindex, post) end end end return glyphs end return {} end local function color_to_rgba(color) local r = color.red / 255 local g = color.green / 255 local b = color.blue / 255 local a = color.alpha / 255 if a ~= 1 then -- XXX: alpha return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b) else return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b) end end -- Cache of color glyph PNG data for bookkeeping, only because I couldn’t -- figure how to make the engine load the image from the binary data directly. local pngcache = {} local function cachedpng(data) local hash = md5.sumhexa(data) local path = pngcache[hash] if not path then path = os.tmpname() local file = io.open(path, "wb") file:write(data) file:close() pngcache[hash] = path end return path end -- Convert glyphs to nodes and collect font characters. local function tonodes(head, current, run, glyphs, color) local nodes = run.nodes local dir = run.dir local fontid = run.font local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid) local characters = fontdata.characters local hbdata = fontdata.hb local hbshared = hbdata.shared local hbfont = hbshared.font local fontglyphs = hbshared.glyphs local rtl = dir:is_backward() local tracinglostchars = tex.tracinglostchars local tracingonline = tex.tracingonline local scale = hbdata.scale local letterspace = hbdata.letterspace local haspng = hbshared.haspng local fonttype = hbshared.fonttype for i, glyph in next, glyphs do local index = glyph.cluster + 1 local gid = glyph.codepoint local char = hb.CH_GID_PREFIX + gid local n = nodes[index] local id = getid(n) local nchars, nglyphs = glyph.nchars, glyph.nglyphs -- If this glyph is part of a complex cluster, then copy the node as -- more than one glyph will use it. if nglyphs < 1 or nglyphs > 1 then n = copynode(nodes[index]) end if color then setprop(n, p_color, color) end if glyph.disc then -- For discretionary the glyph itself is skipped and a discretionary node -- is output in place of it. local disc = glyph.disc local rep, pre, post = glyph.replace, glyph.pre, glyph.post setrep(disc, tonodes(nil, nil, rep.run, rep.glyphs, color)) setpre(disc, tonodes(nil, nil, pre.run, pre.glyphs, color)) setpost(disc, tonodes(nil, nil, post.run, post.glyphs, color)) head, current = insertafter(head, current, disc) elseif not glyph.skip then if glyph.color then setprop(n, p_color, color_to_rgba(glyph.color)) end if id == glyphid then local fontglyph = fontglyphs[gid] local pngblob = fontglyph.png if haspng and not pngblob then pngblob = hbfont:ot_color_glyph_get_png(gid) fontglyph.png = pngblob end local character = characters[char] if pngblob then -- Color bitmap font, extract the PNG data and insert it in the node -- list. local data = pngblob:get_data() local path = cachedpng(data) local image = img.node { filename = path, width = character.width, height = character.height, depth = character.depth, } head, current = insertafter(head, current, todirect(image)) if fonttype then -- Color bitmap font with glyph outlines. Insert negative kerning -- as we will insert the glyph node below (to help with text -- copying) and want the bitmap and the glyph to take the same -- advance width. local kern = newkern(-character.width, n) head, current = insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl) end end if pngblob and not fonttype then -- Color bitmap font with no glyph outlines, and has a bitmap for -- this glyph. No further work is needed. elseif haspng and not fonttype then -- Color bitmap font with no glyph outlines (like Noto -- Color Emoji) but has no bitmap for current glyph (most likely -- `.notdef` glyph). The engine does not know how to embed such -- fonts, so we don’t want them to reach the backend as it will cause -- a fatal error. We use `nullfont` instead. That is a hack, but I -- think it is good enough for now. -- We insert the glyph node and move on, no further work is needed. setfont(n, 0) head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) else local oldcharacter = characters[getchar(n)] -- If the glyph index of current font character is the same as shaped -- glyph, keep the node char unchanged. Helps with primitives that -- take characters as input but actually work on glyphs, like -- `\rpcode`. if not oldcharacter or character.index ~= oldcharacter.index then setchar(n, char) end local xoffset = (rtl and -glyph.x_offset or glyph.x_offset) * scale local yoffset = glyph.y_offset * scale setoffsets(n, xoffset, yoffset) protectglyph(n) head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) local x_advance = glyph.x_advance + letterspace local width = fontglyph.width if width ~= x_advance then -- The engine always uses the glyph width from the font, so we need -- to insert a kern node if the x advance is different. local kern = newkern((x_advance - width) * scale, n) head, current = insertkern(head, current, kern, rtl) end -- The engine will use this string when printing a glyph node e.g. in -- overfull messages, otherwise it will be trying to print our -- invalid pseudo Unicode code points. -- If the string is empty it means this glyph is part of a larger -- cluster and we don’t to print anything for it as the first glyph -- in the cluster will have the string of the whole cluster. setprop(n, p_string, glyph.string or "") -- Handle PDF text extraction: -- * Find how many characters in this cluster and how many glyphs, -- * If there is more than 0 characters -- * One glyph: one to one or one to many mapping, can be -- represented by font’s /ToUnicode -- * More than one: many to one or many to many mapping, can be -- represented by /ActualText spans. -- * If there are zero characters, then this glyph is part of complex -- cluster that will be covered by an /ActualText span. local tounicode = glyph.tounicode if tounicode then if nglyphs == 1 and not fontglyph.tounicode then fontglyph.tounicode = tounicode elseif tounicode ~= fontglyph.tounicode then setprop(n, p_startactual, tounicode) glyphs[i + nglyphs - 1].endactual = true end end if glyph.endactual then setprop(n, p_endactual, true) end end elseif id == glueid and getsubtype(n) == spaceskip then -- If the glyph advance is different from the font space, then a -- substitution or positioning was applied to the space glyph changing -- it from the default, so reset the glue using the new advance. -- We are intentionally not comparing with the existing glue width as -- spacing after the period is larger by default in TeX. local width = (glyph.x_advance + letterspace) * scale if fontdata.parameters.space ~= width then setwidth(n, width) setfield(n, "stretch", width / 2) setfield(n, "shrink", width / 3) end head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) elseif id == kernid and getsubtype(n) == italiccorrection then -- If this is an italic correction node and the previous node is a -- glyph, update its kern value with the glyph’s italic correction. -- I’d have expected the engine to do this, but apparently it doesn’t. -- May be it is checking for the italic correction before we have had -- loaded the glyph? local prevchar, prevfontid = isglyph(current) if prevchar > 0 then local prevfontdata = font.getfont(prevfontid) local prevcharacters = prevfontdata and prevfontdata.characters local italic = prevcharacters and prevcharacters[prevchar].italic if italic then setkern(n, italic) end end head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) elseif id == discid then assert(nglyphs == 1) -- The simple case of a discretionary that is not part of a complex -- cluster. We only need to make sure kerning before the hyphenation -- point is dropped when a line break is inserted here. -- -- TODO: nothing as simple as it sounds, we need to handle this like -- the other discretionary handling, otherwise the discretionary -- contents do not interact with the surrounding (e.g. no ligatures or -- kerning) as it should. if current and getid(current) == kernid and getsubtype(current) == fontkern then setprev(current, nil) setnext(current, nil) setfield(n, "replace", current) head, current = removenode(head, current) end local pre, post, rep = getpre(n), getpost(n), getrep(n) setfield(n, "pre", process(pre, direction)) setfield(n, "post", process(post, direction)) setfield(n, "replace", process(rep, direction)) head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) else head, current = insertafter(head, current, n) end end end return head, current end local function validate_color(s) local r = tonumber(s:sub(1, 2), 16) local g = tonumber(s:sub(3, 4), 16) local b = tonumber(s:sub(5, 6), 16) if not (r and g and b) then return end if #s == 8 then local a = tonumber(s:sub(7, 8), 16) if not a then return end end return s end local function hex_to_rgba(s) if not validate_color(s) then return end local r = tonumber(s:sub(1, 2), 16) / 255 local g = tonumber(s:sub(3, 4), 16) / 255 local b = tonumber(s:sub(5, 6), 16) / 255 if #s == 8 then local a = tonumber(s:sub(7, 8), 16) / 255 -- XXX: alpha return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b) else return format('%s %s %s rg', r, g, b) end end local function shape_run(head, current, run) if not run.skip then -- Font loaded with our loader and an HarfBuzz face is present, do our -- shaping. local fontid = run.font local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid) local options = fontdata.hb.spec.options local color = options and options.color and hex_to_rgba(options.color) local glyphs = shape(run) head, current = tonodes(head, current, run, glyphs, color) else -- Not shaping, insert the original node list of of this run. local nodes = run.nodes local offset = run.start local len = run.len for i = offset, offset + len - 1 do head, current = insertafter(head, current, nodes[i]) end end return head, current end process = function(head, direction) local newhead, current = nil, nil local runs = itemize(head, direction) for _, run in next, runs do newhead, current = shape_run(newhead, current, run) end return newhead or head end local function process_nodes(head, groupcode, size, packtype, direction) local head = todirect(head) -- Check if any fonts are loaded by us and then process the whole node list, -- we will take care of skipping fonts we did not load later, otherwise -- return unmodified head. for n in traverseid(glyphid, head) do local fontid = getfont(n) local fontdata = font.getfont(fontid) local hbdata = fontdata and fontdata.hb if hbdata then head = process(head, direction) break end end -- Nothing to do; no glyphs or no HarfBuzz fonts. return tonode(head) end local function pdfdirect(data) local n = newnode("whatsit", "pdf_literal") setfield(n, "mode", directmode) setdata(n, data) return n end local function post_process(head, currentcolor) for n in traverse(head) do local props = getproperty(n) local harfprops = props and props.harf local startactual, endactual, color if harfprops then startactual = harfprops[p_startactual] endactual = harfprops[p_endactual] color = harfprops[p_color] end if currentcolor and currentcolor ~= color then -- Pop current color. head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfdirect("0 g")) end if currentcolor ~= color then -- Push new color. head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfdirect(color)) currentcolor = color end if startactual then local actualtext = "/Span<>>BDC" head = insertbefore(head, n, pdfdirect(actualtext)) end if endactual then head = insertafter(head, n, pdfdirect("EMC")) end local replace = getfield(n, "replace") if replace then setfield(n, "replace", post_process(replace, currentcolor)) end local subhead = getfield(n, "head") if subhead then setfield(n, "head", post_process(subhead, currentcolor)) end end return head end local function post_process_nodes(head, groupcode) return tonode(post_process(todirect(head))) end local function run_cleanup() -- Remove temporary PNG files that we created, if any. for _, path in next, pngcache do os.remove(path) end end local function set_tounicode() for fontid, fontdata in font.each() do local hbdata = fontdata.hb if hbdata and fontid == pdf.getfontname(fontid) then local characters = fontdata.characters local newcharacters = {} local glyphs = hbdata.shared.glyphs for gid = 0, #glyphs do local glyph = glyphs[gid] local tounicode = glyph.tounicode if tounicode then local character = characters[gid + hb.CH_GID_PREFIX] newcharacters[gid + hb.CH_GID_PREFIX] = character character.tounicode = tounicode character.used = true end end font.addcharacters(fontid, { characters = newcharacters }) end end end local function get_glyph_string(n) local n = todirect(n) local props = getproperty(n) props = props and props.harf return props and props[p_string] or nil end return { process = process_nodes, post_process = post_process_nodes, cleanup = run_cleanup, set_tounicode = set_tounicode, get_glyph_string = get_glyph_string, }