\documentclass{article} \usepackage[designv,pdftex]{web} \usepackage{eforms} \usepackage{popupmenu} \title{The \texorpdfstring{\textsf{popupmenu}}{popupmenu} Package Test File} \author{D. P. Story} \subject{Test file for the popupmenu Package} \keywords{LaTeX, popupmenu, Acrobat JavaScript, AcroTeX} \university{NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE\\ Department of Mathematics} \email{dpstory@acrotex.net} \version{1.0} %\nocopyright \norevisionLabel % % This package can be used by users of pdftex, dvipdfm, dvips (with distiller) % \urlPath{\aebhome}{http://www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory} \begin{popupmenu}{AeBMenu} \item{title=AeB, return=\aebhome/webeq.html} \item{title=-} \begin{submenu}{title=AeB Pro Family} \item{title=Home page,return=\aebhome/aeb_pro.html} \item{title=Graphicxsp,return=\aebhome/graphicxsp.html} \end{submenu} \item{title=eqExam,return=\aebhome/eqexam.html} \end{popupmenu} \begin{popupmenu}{AeBMenuLocal} \item{title=AeB, return=\aebhome/webeq.html} \item{title=-} \begin{submenu}{title=AeB Pro Family,enabled=false} \item{title=Home page,return=\aebhome/aeb_pro.html} \item{title=Graphicxsp,return=\aebhome/graphicxsp.html} \end{submenu} \item{title=eqExam,return=\aebhome/eqexam.html} \end{popupmenu} % % This menu was taken from the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference % as a test of the new popupmenu and submenu environments. % \begin{popupmenu}{myMenu} \item{title=Item 1, marked, enabled=false} \item{title=-} \begin{submenu}{title=Item 2} \item{title={Item 2, Submenu 1}} \begin{submenu}{title={Item 2, Submenu 2}} \item{title={Item 2, Submenu 2, Subsubmenu 1}} \end{submenu} \end{submenu} \item{title=Item 3} \item{title=Item 4} \end{popupmenu} \begin{insDLJS}[AeBMenu]{md}{Menu Data} \AeBMenu \myMenu \end{insDLJS} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \parindent0pt\parskip6pt \begin{document} \maketitle This file uses the \textsf{hyperref} package to create push buttons, the push button of \textsf{eforms} can also be used. Here is an example taken from the Acrobat JavaScript API Reference, it uses the \cs{PushButton} command of \textsf{hyperref}. The script is implemented as a mouse up event, rather than a rollover event as it appears \cs{PushButton} does not support rollover. There is a \texttt{onmouseover} key that is supposed to work, but it doesn't. \PushButton[name=mymenu, onclick={var cChoice = \popUpMenu(myMenu); if ( cChoice != null ) app.alert("You chose the \eqbs\eqbs""+cChoice+"\eqbs\eqbs" menu item"); }]{My Menu} Here is the same example, but using \cs{pushButton}, the button command from the eforms package. It is implemented as a rollover event. \pushButton[\CA{My Menu}\AA{\AAMouseEnter{\JS{% var cChoice = \popUpMenu(myMenu);\r if ( cChoice != null ) app.alert("You chose the \\""+cChoice+"\\" menu item"); }}}]{mymenu}{}{11bp} We can add a push button with a rollover effect \pushButton[\CA{Packages}\AA{\AAMouseEnter{\JS{% var cChoice = \popUpMenu(AeBMenu);\r if ( cChoice != null ) app.launchURL(cChoice); }}}]{menu}{}{11bp} This is a version that has a local version of the \texttt{AeBMenuLocal} array. If we place the array as field-level JavaScript, we don't need the \textsf{eforms} package. Again, this is an \texttt{onclick} event. \PushButton[name=mymenu,onclick={\AeBMenuLocal; var cChoice = \popUpMenu(AeBMenuLocal); if ( cChoice != null ) app.launchURL(cChoice);}]{AeB Local Menu} Fancier examples can be found at the \textcolor{blue}{AeB Blog} (\url{www.math.uakron.edu/~dpstory/aebblog.html}). \end{document}