%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% %% JEOPARDY DESIGNS %% %% %% %% The AcroTeX Software Development Team (Copyright 2007) %% %% %% %% The SPAIN Color Scheme %% %% %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \definecolor{jj_banner_bg}{named}{Green} \definecolor{jj_banner_txt}{named}{white} \definecolor{jj_bg}{named}{GreenYellow} \DeclareColors { fillCells: lightgray, fillBanner: jj_banner_bg, textBanner: jj_banner_txt, textBoard: jj_banner_txt, fillInstructions: jj_bg, fillGameBoard: jj_bg, fillQuestions: jj_bg, linkColor: Green, dollarColor: Green, } \APDollar { Font: Helv, Size: 20, TextColor: 0 0 0, % color of text for the gameboard cells BorderColor: 0 0 0, % color of border for the gameboard cells FillColor: .465 0.818 .049, % the fill color for the gameboard cells } \APHidden { Font: Helv, Champion: You are FuncTerrific!, Size: 20, TextColor: 0 0 1, BorderColor: 0 0 0, FillColor: 0 1 0, } \APRight { Font: Helv, Size: 20, TextColor: .996 .133 .133, } \APWrong { Font: Helv, Size: 20, TextColor: 0 0 0, } \APScore { Font: Arial, Size: 20, CellWidth: 2.25in, Score: "Score: ", FillColor: .827 .827 .827, }