%Filename: swashQ.etx %Created by: tex zgm-finst %Created using: \enctoetx{swashQ}{swashQ} %This file contains the information of swashQ.enc in a form %more easily read by TeX. It is used by the fontinst package. %THIS FILE CAN BE DELETED. \relax \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} \usepackage{fontdoc}[2005/05/13] \begin{document} This document describes the swashQ encoding. It was automatically generated by the \texttt{fontinst} package. \encoding \needsfontinstversion{1.933} % REMOVE THE FOLLOWING LINE IF THIS FILE IS MODIFIED OR RENAMED. \declarepsencoding{swashQ}{swashQEncoding}{\download{swashQ.enc}} \nextslot{21} \setslot{endash} \endsetslot \setslot{emdash} \endsetslot \nextslot{81} \setslot{Q.swsh} \endsetslot \nextslot{141} \setslot{Eng} \endsetslot \nextslot{173} \setslot{eng} \endsetslot \endencoding \end{document}