# Version 1.3 changes # ===================================================================================================== # copyka.ps1 allows a comment character (#) # delka.ps1 allows a comment character (#) # ===================================================================================================== # Version 1.2 changes # ===================================================================================================== # removed moveka.ps1 # removed old version comments # added template for altclasspath # removed .ps1 from BAT helper file, that way one can easiear hit TAB for autocompletion in comamnd shell # OPEN line 92: copyka.ps1 --> lines starting with # are *not* ignored at least here # Workaround does not help: (get-content ./altclasspaths.txt) -notmatch '^#' WHY? # ===================================================================================================== # # This script makes a custom class folder for thorshammer with # needed folders, adjusted path settings and templates for tex, cfg etc. # # Set path for thorshammer (local texmf dir} for Windows/Linux # This has to be done only once $pathThorshammerWin="C:\Users\$env:UserName\texmf\tex\latex\thorshammer" # Windows $pathThorshammerWin="C:\Users\Public\Documents\My TeX Files\tex\latex\aeb\thorshammer" $pathThorshammerLin="/home/manjothor/texmf/tex/latex/thorshammer" # Linux # Store the system locale in a var. We need them later in the script for localization $locale = Get-UICulture $myLocale = "de" # Remove everything to the left of a comment character, then trim function Strip-and-Trim { param([string]$str) $pos=$str.IndexOf("#") If($pos -ne -1) { $str=$str.substring(0,$pos) } $str=$str.trim() return $str } Write-Host "There are" $args.Length "arguments"; $argList=@() $listOfEight=$args[0] if(Test-Path -Path ./$listOfEight) { get-content $args[0] | %{ Write-Host "Line: $_" $argList+=$_ } $class = Strip-and-Trim($argList[0]) $number = Strip-and-Trim($argList[1]) $subject = Strip-and-Trim($argList[2]) $theme = Strip-and-Trim($argList[3]) $instrName = Strip-and-Trim($argList[4]) $date = Strip-and-Trim($argList[5]) $time = Strip-and-Trim($argList[6]) $classPath= Strip-and-Trim($argList[7]) # Remove whitespace in $class and $instrName because we don't need whitespace # in this two vars. $class = $class.replace(' ','') $instrName = $instrName.replace(' ','') ############ # folders # ############ New-Item $class -ItemType directory cd $class New-Item $instrName -ItemType directory Set-Location "$instrName" New-Item backup -ItemType directory If ($locale -like "*$myLocale*") { New-Item vonSUS -ItemType directory New-Item anSUS -ItemType directory } else { New-Item fromStudents -ItemType directory New-Item toStudents -ItemType directory } } else { Write-Host "The file" $listOfEight "cannot be found in the current folder," ` "check the spelling, include the extension." exit } ############## # copyscript # ############## # Version 1.3 New-Item copyka.ps1 -ItemType file Set-Content ./copyka.ps1 '# Get-ExecutionPolicy # Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned # This script copies PDFs from the $startLocation to $instrDest, but only # if in a $instrName folder # # Strip-and-Trim function # Remove everything to the left of a comment character, then trim function Strip-and-Trim { param([string]$str) $pos=$str.IndexOf("#") If($pos -ne -1) { $str=$str.substring(0,$pos) } $str=$str.trim() return $str } # vars $instrName="#instrName" $startLocations=@("#classPath") Write-Host "" if(Test-Path -Path ./altclasspaths.txt) { get-content ./altclasspaths.txt | %{ $str= Strip-and-Trim($_) if($str) { Write-Host "Reading alternate path: $str" $startLocations+=$str } } } $instrDest="$PWD\#from" # # script starts here # $currentPath=Convert-Path . foreach ($startLocation in $startLocations) { Set-Location $startLocation $numCopied=0 Write-Host "`nCopying any PDFs files from within a `"$instrName`" subfolder of ` `"$startLocation`" to ` `"$instrDest`"" Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter "*.pdf" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName -match $instrName } -OutVariable fileName | Copy-Item -Destination $instrDest if ($fileName.Name -eq $null) {Write-Host "`nNo files to copy"} else { Write-Host "`nReport:" $numCopied=$fileName.Name.Count $fileName.Name } Write-Host @( Get-ChildItem $PWD ).Count "folders examined, $numCopied files copied" cd $currentPath }' # replace markers with content of vars: #instrName, #classPath (Get-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#instrName', $instrName ` -Replace '#classPath', $classPath } | Set-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 If ($locale -like "*$myLocale*") { (Get-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#from', 'vonSUS' } | Set-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 } else { (Get-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#from', 'fromStudents' } | Set-Content -Path .\copyka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 } ################# # delete script # ################# # Version 1.3 Set-Content ./delka.ps1 '# Get-ExecutionPolicy # Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned # This script removes (deletes) PDFs from the $startLocation, but only if in a $instrName folder # # Strip-and-Trim function # Remove everything to the left of a comment character, then trim function Strip-and-Trim { param([string]$str) $pos=$str.IndexOf("#") If($pos -ne -1) { $str=$str.substring(0,$pos) } $str=$str.trim() return $str }# vars # $instrName="#instrName" $startLocations=@("#classPath") Write-Host "" if(Test-Path -Path ./altclasspaths.txt) { get-content ./altclasspaths.txt | %{ $str= Strip-and-Trim($_) if($str) { Write-Host "Reading alternate path: $str" $startLocations+=$str } } } $instrDest="$PWD\#from" # # script starts here # $currentPath=Convert-Path . foreach ($startLocation in $startLocations) { Set-Location $startLocation $numDel=0 Write-Host "`nDeleting the following PDFs files from within a `"$instrName`" subfolder of ` `"$startLocation`"" Get-ChildItem -Path . -Filter "*.pdf" -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.DirectoryName -match $instrName } -OutVariable fileName | Remove-Item if ($fileName.Name -eq $null) {Write-Host "`nNo files to delete"} else { Write-Host "`nReport: deleting files," $numDel=$fileName.Name.Count $fileName.Name } Write-Host @( Get-ChildItem $PWD ).Count "folders examined, $numDel files deleted" cd $currentPath }' # replace markers with content of vars: #instrName, #classPath (Get-Content -Path .\delka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#instrName', $instrName ` -Replace '#classPath', $classPath } | Set-Content -Path .\delka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 If ($locale -like "*$myLocale*") { (Get-Content -Path .\delka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#from', 'vonSUS' } | Set-Content -Path .\delka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 } else { (Get-Content -Path .\delka.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#from', 'fromStudents' } | Set-Content -Path .\delka.ps1 -encoding UTF8 } ##Begin Version 1.2 ########################## # altclasspaths template # ########################## Set-Content ./altclasspaths.txt -encoding UTF8 '# C:\Users\IEUser\Desktop\TestClass1' ##End Version 1.2 ############################# # csv to cfg convert script # ############################# Set-Content ./csvTOcfg.ps1 '# Make a complete cfg for thorshammer package from a csv list # accepted list delimiters: , or ;. Spaces ar not allowed! Replace all german umlauts # with ue, oe, ae, ss to avoid problems with thorshammer package # # Example list: # First Name|Last Name|Folder # Anton;Müller;AM29914M #\classMember{Anton}{Mueller}{AM299/instructor-name} # Anton;Müller;*C:/.../AM299 #\classMember{Anton}{Mueller}*{C:/.../AM299/instructor-name} # If ( $args.Length -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "A CSV file of the class members is required," ` "see documentation" exit } else { $listName=$args[0] if(Test-Path -Path ./$listName.csv) { } else { Write-Host "Cannot find the file `"$listName.csv`" in the current folder," ` "check the spelling, do not include the extension." exit } }' ###################### # Script starts here # ######################' # Now append the script itself, this way we have to maintain only one script # Remark: we must escape $ and ` with `$ and `` Add-Content ./csvTOcfg.ps1 @" get-content "`$listName.csv" | foreach { "\classMember{" + `$_ `` + "/`#instrName}" `` -Replace ";", "}{" `` -Replace ",","}{" `` -Replace "{\*", "*{" } | Set-Content "convertedList.cfg" # Store convertedList.cfg in a variable `$convertedListCfg = get-content .\convertedList.cfg -Raw # function to replace umlauts # https://www.datenteiler.de/powershell-umlaute-ersetzen/ function Replace-Umlaute ([string]`$s) { `$UmlautObject = New-Object PSObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value `$s -PassThru # hash tables are by default case insensitive # we have to create a new hash table object for case sensitivity `$characterMap = New-Object system.collections.hashtable `$characterMap.ä = "ae" `$characterMap.ö = "oe" `$characterMap.ü = "ue" `$characterMap.ß = "ss" `$characterMap.Ä = "Ae" `$characterMap.Ü = "Ue" `$characterMap.Ö = "Oe" foreach (`$property in "Name") { foreach (`$key in `$characterMap.Keys) { `$UmlautObject.`$property = `$UmlautObject.`$property -creplace `$key,`$characterMap[`$key] } } `$UmlautObject } # replace umlauts in $convertedList.cfg and make a correctedListCfg `$correctedListCfg = Replace-Umlaute "`$convertedListCfg" `$correctedListCfg.Name # Finally append correctedListCfg to desired # cfg file, usually $class.cfg add-content "..\`#class" `$correctedListCfg.Name Remove-Item convertedList.cfg "@ # Set correct class name (Get-Content "csvTOcfg.ps1") | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#class', "00-$class.cfg" ` -Replace '#instrName', $instrName } | Set-Content "csvTOcfg.ps1" -encoding UTF8 ###################### # General helper BAT # ###################### New-Item "runps1.bat" -ItemType file Set-Content "runps1.bat" ` 'rem echo "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& ''./%1'' %2"' ##Begin Version 1.2 ################## # class folders # ################## New-Item classFolders.ps1 -ItemType file Set-Content ./classFolders.ps1 '# Create class folders If ( $args.Length -eq 0 ) { Write-Host "A CVS file of the class members is required," ` "see documentation" exit } else { $listName=$args[0] if(Test-Path -Path ./$listName.csv) { } else { Write-Host "Cannot find the file `"$listName.csv`" in the current folder," ` "check the spelling, do not include the extension." exit } } get-content "$listName.csv" | foreach { $_ +">#instrName" -Replace ";","," } | Set-Content "commaList.csv" $argList=@() get-content "commaList.csv" | %{ # Write-Host "$_" $split=$_.split(",") # Write-Host $split[2] $argList+=$split[2] } $currentPath=Convert-Path . cd "#classPath" Write-Host "Creating folder structure at `"#classPath`"," ` "with some exceptions" for ($i=0; $i -lt $argList.length; $i++) { $arg=$argList[$i] $splitTwo=$argList[$i].split(">") $firstName=$splitTwo[0] $secondName=$splitTwo[1] if ($firstName[0] -eq "*") { $arg=$arg.substring(1) $msg="Parsing the full path $arg" -Replace ">","/" Write-Host $msg Write-Host "Creating exceptional folders" $firstName=$firstName.substring(1) #Write-Host "$firstName" Write-Host " Creating folder: $firstName" New-Item $firstName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory $secondName=$firstName+"/$secondName" #Write-Host "$secondName" Write-Host " Creating folder: $secondName" New-Item $secondName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory } else { $msg="Parsing the relative path $arg" -Replace ">","/" Write-Host $msg Write-Host " Creating folder: $firstName" New-Item $firstName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory cd $firstName Write-Host " Creating subfolder of $firstName named: $secondName" New-Item $secondName -ErrorAction:Ignore -ItemType directory cd .. } } cd $currentPath Remove-Item commaList.csv' # # replace markers with content of vars: #instrName, #classPath (Get-Content -Path .\classFolders.ps1) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace "#instrName", $instrName ` -Replace "#classPath", $classPath } | Set-Content -Path .\classFolders.ps1 ############################ # Sample csv file # ############################ New-Item sample-list.csv -ItemType file Set-Content ./sample-list.csv ` 'Mühle;Wäter;MW634B Anton,Müller,AM256M Laura,Vögt,LM356B' ########################################### # copy container.pdf, terminate-batch.pdf # ########################################### If (Test-Path $pathThorshammerWin) { Copy-Item "$pathThorshammerWin\container.pdf" -Destination "$PWD" Copy-Item "$pathThorshammerWin\terminate-batch.pdf" -Destination "$PWD" } If (Test-Path $pathThorshammerLin){ Copy-Item "$pathThorshammerLin/container.pdf" -Destination "$PWD" Copy-Item "$pathThorshammerLin/terminate-batch.pdf" -Destination "$PWD" } ################ # tex template # ################ cd .. New-Item "tex-template.tex" -ItemType file If ($locale -like "*$myLocale*") { # German ###################################### Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %% \documentclass[fontsize=11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[% german, pro, usesf, navibar, forcolorpaper %forpaper ]{web} \usepackage[top=20mm,left=20mm,right=20mm,bottom=25mm]{geometry} \usepackage[usesumrytbls,allowrandomize]{exerquiz} \usepackage{ran_toks} \usepackage[% % usebatch % copy to class folder batchdistr % only copy to instructors folder % testmode % testing quizzes ]{thorshammer} \hypersetup{pdfencoding=auto} % include or remove hyperref options %\usepackage{thorshammerConf} % place your own sty file here \usepackage[autostyle=true]{csquotes} % change quotes globally \DeclareQuiz{q#number} \setInitMag{fitwidth} \hypersetup{pdfpagelayout=OneColumn} \reversemarginpar % It is important to freeze the seed to that (1) you can reproduce the exact % same quiz at a later time; (2) allow content written to the AUX file to % come up to date. This is important when using summary tables. \useThisSeed{1344524586} % Class Path \InputClassData{00-#class} \autoCopyOn % \autoCopyOff % Cover pages %\DeclareCoverPage{0} % Header settings \thQzName{#theme} % Thema \thQzHeaderL{#class} % Klasse \thQzHeaderCQ{#subject: \thqzname} \thQzHeaderCS{Lösungen: \thqzname} % Title \title{#class} \subject{#subject} \author{#instrName} \keywords{#time} \university{Freiherr-vom-Stein-Berufskolleg} % change to your institution \version{#number} \copyrightyears{#date} % input web.cfg (again) to declare or define commands \inputWebCfg \begin{makeClassFiles} \sadMultQuizzes \end{makeClassFiles} \begin{document} \makeinlinetitle % Instructions % Declare Quiz bodys \declareQuizBody{qzbody1} %\declareQuizBody{qzbody2} %\declareQuizBody{qzbody3} %\declareQuizBody{qzbody4} \begin{qzbody1} \bRTVToks{\currQuiz} % Change margin settings for summary tables, and set it back after % \thQuizHeader execution \newgeometry{top=20mm,left=30mm,right=20mm,bottom=25mm} \thQuizHeader \newgeometry{top=20mm,left=20mm,right=20mm,bottom=25mm} \begin{quiz*}{\currQuiz} % Bearbeiten Sie folgende Aufgaben. \begin{questions} \begin{rtVW} \section{myTitle} \item\PTs{2} my question text \end{rtVW} %% Change nothing here %% \eRTVToks\displayListRandomly{\thisQuiz} \end{questions} \writeProListAux \end{quiz*}\quad\thQuizTrailer \end{qzbody1} % Randomize questions Now we input the qzbody back in two times, though it can % be more than that. The quiz name modified in each instance. Each instance of % the quiz has a randomized order % \InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody2} \end{document}' ########################################### } else { # English ################################# Set-Content "tex-template.tex" '%% Customize template ! %% \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amstext} \usepackage{web} \usepackage[usesumrytbls,allowrandomize]{exerquiz} \usepackage{ran_toks} \usepackage[usebatch]{thorshammer} \DeclareQuiz{q#number} % It is important to freeze the seed to that (1) you can reproduce the exact % same quiz at a later time; (2) allow content written to the AUX file to % come up to date. This is important when using summary tables. \useThisSeed{1344524586} \setInitMag{fitwidth} \hypersetup{pdfencoding=auto} \reversemarginpar \showCreditMarkup \useBeginQuizButton[\CA{Begin}] \useEndQuizButton[\CA{End}] \PTsHook{($\eqPTs^{\text{pts}}$)} \useMCCircles %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % For headers, title and other fine grained settings % % refer to the thorshammer doku! % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Class Path \InputClassData{00-#class} \autoCopyOn % \autoCopyOff % Cover pages %\DeclareCoverPage{0} % Header settings \thQzName{#theme} % topic \thQzHeaderL{#class} % class \thQzHeaderCQ{#subject: \thqzname} \thQzHeaderCS{Solutions: \thqzname} % Title \title{#class} \subject{#subject} \author{#instrName} \keywords{#time} \university{AcroTeX.edu} % change to your institution \version{#number} \copyrightyears{#date} % input web.cfg (again) to declare or define commands \inputWebCfg \begin{makeClassFiles} \sadMultQuizzes \end{makeClassFiles} \begin{document} \declareQuizBody{qzbody1} \begin{qzbody1} \bRTVToks{\currQuiz} \thQuizHeader % Instructions \begin{quiz*}{\currQuiz} Solve each of these problems, passing is 100\%. \begin{questions} \begin{rtVW} \item\PTs{3} Answer the question... \end{rtVW} %% Change nothing here %% \eRTVToks \displayListRandomly{\thisQuiz} \end{questions} \writeProListAux \end{quiz*}\quad\thQuizTrailer \end{qzbody1} % Randomize questions Now we input the qzbody back in two times, though it can % be more than that. The quiz name modified in each instance. Each instance of % the quiz has a randomized order % \InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody1} %\InputQuizBody{qzbody2} \end{document}' } ################################### # Generate TEX file from template # ################################### New-Item "genquiz.ps1" -ItemType file Set-Content "genquiz.ps1" ` '# Remove everything to the left of a comment character, then trim function Strip-and-Trim { param([string]$str) $pos=$str.IndexOf("#") If($pos -ne -1) { $str=$str.substring(0,$pos) } $str=$str.trim() return $str } $argList=@() get-content ../#varsList | %{ Write-Host "Line: $_" $argList+=$_ } $class = Strip-and-Trim($argList[0]) $number = Strip-and-Trim($argList[1]) $subject = Strip-and-Trim($argList[2]) $theme = Strip-and-Trim($argList[3]) $instrName = Strip-and-Trim($argList[4]) $date = Strip-and-Trim($argList[5]) $time = Strip-and-Trim($argList[6]) $classPath= Strip-and-Trim($argList[7]) $templateName="$number-$class-$subject.tex" Copy-Item ./tex-template.tex ./$templateName # replace markers with vars (Get-Content $templateName) | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace ''#instrName'', $instrName ` -Replace ''#class'', $class ` -Replace ''#time'', $time ` -Replace ''#number'', $number ` -Replace ''#theme'', $theme ` -Replace ''#subject'', $subject ` -Replace ''#date'', $date } | Set-Content $templateName -encoding UTF8` # Remove whitespace and umlauts from file name Get-ChildItem *.tex | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace '' '',''-'' ` -replace ''ä'',''ae'' ` -replace ''ö'',''oe'' ` -replace ''ü'',''ue'' ` -replace ''ß'',''ss'' }' (Get-Content "genQuiz.ps1") | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#varsList', $listOfEight } | Set-Content "genQuiz.ps1" # Remove whitespace from tex template file Get-ChildItem *.tex | Rename-Item -NewName { $_.Name -replace ' ','-' } ###################### # General helper BAT # ###################### New-Item "runps1.bat" -ItemType file Set-Content "runps1.bat" ` 'rem echo "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& ''./%1'' %2"' ##Begin Version 1.2 #################### # web.cfg template # #################### New-Item "web.cfg" -ItemType file Set-Content "web.cfg" ` '% % AeB Web Configuration file % \ExecuteOptions{dvips} \bWebCustomize % Insert redefinitions between these two marks \eWebCustomize' ################ # cfg template # ################ New-Item "00-$class.cfg" -ItemType file Set-Content "00-$class.cfg" '%reset the paths for \instrPath and \classPath for your system % Use relative (*!) paths here for instructor according to dir, where tex file is located \classPath{/#class} \instrPath*{#instrName/backup} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Syntax: % \classMember{firstname}{lastname}{rel-path} % \classMember{firstname}{lastname}*{full-path} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' # replace markers with content of vars $pattern = "\\" $classPath = $classPath -replace $pattern, "/" (Get-Content "00-$class.cfg") | ForEach-Object { $_ -Replace '#instrName', $instrName ` -Replace '#class', $classPath ` -Replace ':', '' } | Set-Content "00-$class.cfg" -encoding UTF8 cd ..