\documentclass{article} \usepackage[designi]{web} \usepackage{eforms} %\previewOn\pmpvOn \parindent0pt \parskip6pt \begin{document} \begin{defineJS}{\btnAct} var resp=app.response({ cQuestion: "Enter a PIN number", cTitle: "Get Hash String" }); var f=this.getField("txt"); if (resp!=null) f.value=Collab.hashString(resp); \end{defineJS} Create a four digit (PIN) number and copy that number into the body of the definition of the \verb|\PIN| command, which is defined in the source file \texttt{quiz-pwd-to-correct-AR.tex}. This is to record and save the number. Push the button and enter the four digit number you just created into the response box. When you press the \textsf{OK} button, the hash string of the number you entered appears in the text field. Copy and paste this value into the \texttt{quiz-pwd-to-correct-AR.tex} as the value of the \texttt{\_PinCode} JavaScript variable. Now you're ready to compile the file \texttt{quiz-pwd-to-correct-AR.tex}. \pushButton[\CA{Push}\AAmouseup{\btnAct}]{btn}{}{11bp}\olBdry \textField[\textSize{8}]{txt}{2in}{11bp}\olBdry \pushButton[\CA{Reset}\AAmouseup{this.resetForm();}]{reset}{}{11bp} \end{document}